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Rambo is back and better than ever!
Norse_Sage22 January 2008
I saw this at an advance screening in Oslo, and going in, I didn't expect it to be any more than a cheesy and somewhat gory tribute to eighties actioners by a star/director/producer/writer who was desperate to relive past glory. That latter may or may not be true, but my former assessment was plain wrong. This movie is authentic, shocking and unlike any other comparable movie.

Given its genre, the movie is a masterpiece. The story is simple but solid, and works on several levels. The action scenes are unparalleled, more intense than "Black Hawk Down", "Saving Private Ryan" and "Stalingrad" put together. The level of brutality and gore will shock and fascinate, and no doubt cause some level of controversy.

Stallone proves himself to be an excellent director, as well as in excellent shape for his age. I had little faith in him going in, and I stand corrected.

This is a Rambo who has come to terms with who and what he is, in a movie that holds up when compared with the original "First Blood". Well done, Sly. Well done indeed.
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Naked idealism meets unrelenting brutality
fredman555525 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Action: 10 / 10 on action! It takes a few moments to develop, but then the action kicks off, and when it does, it just builds and builds until the climax. There's plenty of blood and gore as Rambo, sporting his trademark 50 caliber, blazes away. In fact, it's one of the few movies to shows how grizzly such an attack would be.

Plot: 9/10. Overall, I felt that "Rambo" did an excellent job of portraying a world where the typical idealistic foreigners meet the harsh realism of a barbarian world. Many of us in the comfort of our homes feel like we want to "get in and do something" about the atrocities we hear of in the news so off we go with our ivory tower attitudes having little idea of the truth and reality behind man's inhumanity to man. Rambo (the ex-soldier) is portrayed as a perfectly wisened and jaded killing machine who tells the philanthropic party what they don't want to hear -- that they're in way over their heads fighting a fight they cannot win because their approach is so dramatically different as to be not even on the same plane.

Surprises: 4 / 10 here. There are no surprises. You could write this one yourself, but it really doesn't matter. It's still enjoyable!

Duration: 7 / 10. This is a surprisingly short movie as just shy of an hour and a half. I found myself wanting a little more by the time it finished. I think we tend to develop this internal chronometer of how long a decent movie should go, and this one only went about 3/4 of the way.

Character development: 5/10. We don't learn much from character interactions. Rambo, reluctant as he is early on, seems to acquiesce in what seems to be a moment's time. There are also the typical showdowns between protagonists, antagonists, and so on, but these are quickly and incompletely developed.

Synopsis: overall, I really enjoyed the movie. Yes, it has its shortcomings, but I believe its point is important enough for people to see, and the action certainly doesn't disappoint. I give it an 8/10! Enjoy!
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Last entry directed by Stallone with lots of frenetic action and plenty of blood and violence
ma-cortes22 October 2011
Thrilling and moving Rambo episode in which he returns to war and to rescue American prisoners . The famous trilogy has been completed by this recent ¨ John Rambo¨ , a definitive improvement and directed by Stallone himself , in which Rambo fights enemies in Thailand ; nevertheless , the best considered is the original . Violent movie with Rambo character who started in ¨First Blood¨, it launched Stallone career and going on his successful Rambo episodes . Sylvester Stallone as brawny hero Rambo is top-notch , he was a previous Green Beret , now retired and living a pacific existence in Thailand . He has retreated to a easy life in a rural Thai village next to the Burmese frontier , capturing snakes for local entertainers , and transporting visitors on his old 109 PT boat . Then John Rambo joins a group of mercenaries (Graham McTavish, Matthew Mardsen) to venture into war-torn Burma, and rescue a group of Christian aid workers (Julie Benz , Paul Schulze) who were abducted by the ruthless local infantry who carries out a brutal massacre . After that , Rambo frees the unfortunate prisoners , but cruel soldiers set off in pursuit and he leads his pursuers into all kinds of booby snares , as he puts dangerous traps in the jungle woods and mountains . Rambo appears threatening , lurking, harassing to his enemies and pursuers , escaping numberless risks and dangers .

From start to finish the comic-book action-packed and extreme violence are continued and it's fast movement ; that's why the picture is pretty amusing ; furthermore, containing lots of explosions and some of the best action scenes ever made , including an impressive machine-gun attack . Stallone is enormous as the two-fisted and rebel one army man and excellent Julie Benz as suffering missionary ; in addition , the veteran Ken Howard and paying tribute to recently deceased Richard Crenna in an enjoyable homage by means of some flashbacks . The outdoors are really spectacular , the landscapes have been filmed on location in Arizona, USA , Chiang Mai , Thailand and Mexico . Awesome and exceptional cinematography by cameraman Glen MacPherson . Splendid and rousing musical score by composer Brian Tyler. This nail-biting film was well played , produced and stunningly directed by the great Silvester Stallone .

This motion picture Rambo (2008) was preceded by the original ¨First blood¨ by Ted Kotcheff with Richard Crenna , David Caruso and Brian Dennehy , in which Rambo is falsely accused as vagrant and wrongfully imprisoned and he pulls off the break-out ; Rambo II by George Pan Cosmatos with Martin Kove , Steven Berkoff and Julia Nickson, in which he's forced to go Cambodia in search of American POWs , and followed by ¨Rambo III¨ with Kurtwood Smith and Spiros Focas and of course Richard Crenna , in which Rambo against the Russians who control a particular sector of Afghanistan and he goes behind Russian-dominated enemy lines to rescue his former colonel from jail . The film will appeal to action enthusiast and Stallone fans . It's a movie for adrenaline lovers and frantic thrillers buffs . Rating : Good, entertaining but violent , two thumbs up . Although the movie has some aspects a little tough to take , this exciting film still has its magnificent moments. This large-scale and lavishly produced pic attempts a peculiar atmosphere with spectacular results . Rating : Better than average , well worth seeing .
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An modern 80s action movie that pulls no punches.
DrStrangeFate28 January 2008
Rambo is an 80s-style action movie with modern sensibilities. Stallone is not a one-man army as in previous movies but rather a dogged old soldier that comes to terms with what he actually is while racking up a body count that would make Tarintino proud. In many ways, this movie parallels Rocky Balboa as a mature ending to a series of sometimes over-the-top but fun action movies. John Rambo in this movie is an aging but potent killing machine that for the first time since First Blood accomplishes his mission in a very believable manner. The action is visceral and downright gory at times surpassing the hard-core scenes of Omaha Beach in Saving Private Ryan. The film pulls no punches when showing exactly what a Barret .50 caliber sniper rifle can do to a human body. Stallone mutters only a very few lines of dialog in this movie... there's no speeches or patriotic flag waving going on here but there is a clear lesson on how well liberal idealism holds up under barbaric realities amid genocide and war.

A must see but not one for the kiddies.
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Rambo at rest
tightspotkilo30 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
In the Rambo universe this is the best Rambo movie of the lot. Admittedly we're talking about a limited and perversely esoteric universe, but, hey, that's a given going in.

Why does this film enjoy this lofty perch? It's hard to put your finger on it, but I say it's Sylvester Stallone's relative evolution and maturity as a film maker. Stallone built into the story and into the Rambo character itself some understatement and subtleties not before seen. Understatement and subtleties were never Rambo/Stallone's main calling card, preferring instead brooding and vengeful extreme blunt force trauma, and make no mistake, we get heaping portions of the latter here too, but Stallone layers a little texture into the plot and into John Rambo not much before seen. "Not much before seen" rather than "never before seen" because in truth the first Rambo film, First Blood, did contain texture to the story and to the character, but it was of a different sort (Rambo as mentally unstable, a victim of an unpopular war). Besides, since that first entry Stallone took the franchise and character off in a different direction.

The story begins with Rambo living somewhat contentedly in semi-retirement as a snake hunter and riverboat operator in Thailand. The inner-brooding Rambo, and maybe even traces of the inner-simmering Rambo are still there, but he seems to have to some degree come to terms with himself and the world. He is approached by a team of American Christian missionaries to take them upriver into Burma. The team's leader, Michael Burnett (played by Paul Schulze) earnestly tries to persuade Rambo to take them, but Rambo is having none of it. During this early scene some of Stallone's newly found understatement and subtlety shows itself. Michael, negotiating with Rambo to take them uppriver, tells about their humanitarian mission, while Rambo is tending to his caged snakes. While tersely telling Michael that Michael can't make a difference, Rambo unobtrusively feeds a little white mouse to a snake. Where the old Stallone would've highlighted this act, focused the camera on it, and then made an ostentatious display of the snake devouring the mouse, the mature Stallone does not. The focus is on the conversation and the mouse is in the background, and it happens quickly. We the viewer are left to ponder what we fleetingly saw, and only later realize the conceit of the metaphor.

Rebuffed, Michael gives up. Undeterred, the only woman in the group, the comely Sarah (played by Julie Benz), picks up where Michael left off. She pleads with Rambo in just about every way possible to take them to Burma. Rambo still says no. More than once he tells her to "go home." After pleading doesn't work, Sarah resorts to basically stalking Rambo. In a conversation on the dock in a monsoon-like rain Sarah is able pierce through Rambo's impenetrably hardened exterior, touching him inside. "Maybe you've lost your faith in people. But you must still be faithful to something. You must still care about something. Maybe we can't change what is. But trying to save a life isn't wasting your life, is it?", she asks him. There's something about Sarah that reaches Rambo unlike anyone else, this Rambo or any previous Rambo. And we know at this point that Rambo has in some manner bonded with Sarah, because he finally relents.

As an aside, I briefly wondered if this wasn't a set-up for some sort of love interest for Rambo, however counter-intuitive and implausible given their age differences, but at the same time it seemed possible, being uncertain about the state of Stallone's ego nowadays. Sarah informs Rambo that she and Michael are engaged, and that changed the dynamic, but didn't necessarily dispel the notion. Instead, it was Sarah's persistence and ability to reach Rambo on a purely human level --in no way sexual-- that dispelled it. At one point she says to Rambo, "You have family back home?" Rambo: "Father, maybe. I don't know." To which Sarah says, "Aren't you curious to see how things might've changed back home?" That simple exchange left Rambo at least contemplative, working on the soft inner Rambo, the Rambo of First Blood, who couldn't find his way home after all he'd been through.

The first action scene follows soon, when they are overtaken by well-armed Burmese river pirates. The pirates quickly focus on Sarah, with obvious malevolent lascivious intent. At crunch time, with no way out, Rambo kicks into action, dispatching the numerous pirates with extreme and bloody prejudice in seconds flat. At this point we know that Rambo hasn't lost any bit of a step since we last saw him. We also now see that Rambo has bonded with Sarah, and that he's got her back forever and ever.

Rambo ultimately drops the group off in Burma, where they'll go overland to their destination, and leave that way too, so they bid themselves adieu. But we know it's not really adieu.

What follows for the next 60+ minutes is pretty much your standard issue search and rescue operation, Rambo style. Modern special effects galore. A veritable blood-fest . The film, despite its sensitivities and appeal to the soft side of Rambo, is perfunctorily taken out of the chick-flick genre. A little different twist though: Rambo works with a team of hired mercenaries, led by former SAS commando Lewis (played by Graham McTavish). Also of note is former SAS sniper extraordinaire, "Schoolboy" (played by Matthew Marsden), a loyal and efficient operator who has Rambo's back. Rambo shows himself a capable team player and leader, in addition to being a one-man doomsday machine.

At the end, we see Rambo back in Arizona walking up the drive home to his father's ranch, presumably for the first time since he left oh so many years ago.

Is this the end of the franchise? Maybe. Probably. We'll just have to wait and see. I'm betting it is. Rambo at rest.
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About what you'd expect
daveygandthekeyboard30 January 2008
A 60 year old Stallone as an ex-soldier who can still kick ass is more believable than him as a 60 year old boxer--it's one of the things that worked about this...ahem..film. I felt the same way after watching the last Rocky movie as I did after watching this. It was good, but ultimately pointless; you know that the peace-corp types will be wrong, and violence will be the only solution, and it will result in a major bloodbath (seriously the most violent of the series). Rambo has no surprises. That said, Rambo is enormously entertaining, violent as hell, and you get what you came for. It will definitely satisfy fans of the series, though I had a weird feeling when I left the theater: did I really just pay to see Rambo? Wow...
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Rambo is back!!
Timbo_Watching14 March 2020
This movie was significantly more gorey than the previous ones and I like that a lot! After a long pause of Rambo films, John Rambo is back and better than ever. It had great action scenes and nice overall directing. This part is my favorite of the 3 before this one for sure, and I recommend it.
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Return of the action movie as we know it
mknez25 January 2008
First of all, let me start by saying John Rambo is a masterpiece. They don't make them like this anymore. It is a return of the classic action movie of the 80's and 90's but with a touch of modern directing. Some will say it is gory, some will says it has no plot. But let's be honest, nobody wants a dramatic twist or a deeper meaning when they go to see Rambo! And even if you want to, you can still find it in traces. John Rambo is a killing machine but he is also a guy with strong moral values so if you are really looking for a message it is there to be seen. Other than that it is a full blooded action movie that will strap you to your seat for whole 95 minutes!
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As a BURMESE, let me give comment on this movie
dragonlin529 January 2008
I was one of the big fan of RAMBO series all time. I have been always loving all series but this one shocked me up lots.

You all may have seen this as an ordinary film. For me, as a BURMESE, I know this is the true situation in BURMA and feel so sorry for people who suffering exactly as the same way as mentioned. Rapes, touches, Murders and breaking all of the human rights by the military governments are clearly film cast. I personally would like to Thanks to the director for letting the world know the current situation in BURMA. Stallone! you rock! Moreover I wish there will be a lot of RAMBOs in real world out there who will save many lives of innocent BURMESE people.
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A Cynical Excercise In Exploitation Cinema
Theo Robertson2 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
You can see a major problem the producers of the RAMBO franchise have . RAMBO 3 was made in 1988 and since then the world has changed beyond recognition . Communism has collapsed . All the countries in South America are democracies as is much of Asia . Saddam was overthrown in Iraq by the coalition as was the Taliban in Afghanistan whilst Ghaddfi was friendly to the West before he was overthrown and Lebanon has been at peace for many years . That doesn't leave too many bad people for John Rambo to exterminate and that's a problem . Perhaps the producers could have done a story set in Columbia where a bunch of narco terrorists have captured some CIA types while the subtext of " Just say no " is bludgeoned in to the audience ? For some reason the producers never thought of this and decided to set the movie in a real world context

The mistake the film makes is obvious in the opening scene where we're shown graphic newsreel of atrocities committed by state forces in Myanmar aka Burma . Are these atrocities real ? Certainly ? Is the violence one sided ? well that's the problem . Being very much a closed state the conflict in Burma isn't something I have a great deal of knowledge of and just because it isn't reported doesn't mean it's not happening . Stop to consider the reportage in the Middle East - Israel builds Jewish settlements on the West Bank thereby breaking international law which is a leading headline on world news while the Syrian regime of Assad drops cluster bombs on a town killing a dozen civilians and it's a very brief news item . Length of item and number of features on the news doesn't equate the real tragedy of a situation . I actually had to consult the wikipedia to find out about the conflict in Burma , a country that is in fact finding tourism a growing industry . Nevertheless it seems wrong that a political situation like this is used for an excuse of exploitation cinema

And make no mistake RAMBO is exploitation at its most graphic and brutal . Not only is it the most violent of the movies in the franchise it's also one of the most brutally graphic films a major studio has released . It's not enough to see someone die from a bullet wound director Sylvester Stallone must show someone's head exploding in to a million pieces . When someone gets blown up they must literally get torn limb from limb . This extends to the characters . Is it enough to show Burmese soldiers murdering innocent civilians ? Of course not - they're shown as gang rapists and being the officer in charge being a rapist is not enough he must be shown as a paedophile . Even the mercenary anti-heroes are a combination of black and white with the older mouthy Brit only interested in self preservation and money juxtaposed by the younger idealistic brave Brit. To call them cyphers would be too much of a compliment

This hurts the film greatly because the action scenes work very well - if it was 87 minutes of totally blood thirsty mindless fun which is what the film is . However you always aware of the fact you're watching a movie set in a real country and you're also aware it's trying to preach a messege that the military regime of Burma is not very nice . I've no doubt that isn't very nice but it's the same for a few places on Earth . Do the Ksshmiris like being occupied by India ? Do the Tibetans like being occupied by China ? No they don't as I've seen in my travels across the world . But RAMBO should at best be viewed for what it really is - entertaining rubbish and not a fly on the wall documentary featuring areal life political on going conflict
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Just look at the tagline: "Heroes never die........they just reload."
rhapsody-zaman25 January 2008
Just watch it, words don't justify it! People didn't believe Sly still had it, but they were so wrong. After the the great performance at Rocky Balboa I expected another great performance for him. But this was even better than I imagined. You don't have to be an Stallone fan to enjoy this movie. If you like action movies, this one is for you. A word of caution though, this isn't for the light hearted, there are some serious violence in this movie. I am gonna say this is one of the best action movies I have seen in a long time. But you don't have to take my word for it, just watch it. It's better than the previous Rambo films. Expcept for about 15 minutes in the middle, the whole film is action packed. You can't possibly be bored. If you hate action movie or if you have something against violence, this isn't for you. But if you are not, than sit back and enjoy the legend that is Rambo for one last time.
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Impressive sequel...
RSO_Media29 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I loved 'First Blood', but somehow I never got around to seeing the sequels, despite having grown up in the 80's. Actually, it always seemed strange to me that they even made a sequel... I mean, the original film could be interpreted as being fairly anti-war. Just recently, I decided 'what the hell', and checked them out.

And although I was right; they do all seem to contradict the meaning of the original film, 'Rambo' (2008) is probably the best of the sequels. It's also maybe one of the most brutal action movies I've ever seen. If you're a fan of the series, it also has nods to the previous efforts, with a dream sequence featuring Richard Crenna's voice and dialogue from the third film.

The plot feels vaguely similar to 'Rambo II', but Sylvester Stallone, who also directed, keeps the film fast-paced while also giving the protagonist characters enough attention to at least distinguish their purpose and intent. The antagonists, however, are just your standard, interchangeable bad guys who do bad things, but it seems to work well enough here.

If you want relentless, fast-paced, and bloody action-cheese, but with that heart and sadness that Stallone imbues the 'Rambo' character with, It's highly recommended.
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Pornography of violence
ruhi-yaman24 February 2008
"War is in your blood" Rambo says early in the film, "don't fight it". Say, what? Is the scriptwriter taking the Mickey out of Sly? It is impossible for any person with a primary school education to miss the joke here. Yet, Stallone utters it without a hint of irony.

The same lack of humour applies to the movie. Rambo IV is an over-the-top, idiotic actioner that would have been funny without intention if it weren't sickeningly violent. A redneck fantasy of the basest kind where villains are so villainous, it is not enough just to kill them – you have to dismember them with relish. Stallone stops at no blue-collar cliché to make his point. It is not enough for the chief villain to be feed-them-to-the-pigs, throw-babies-into-fire kind of sadist. He is also a pedophile homosexual.

What is happening to IMDb? Is it taken over by the Rifle Society? How can this loathsome excuse for gross exploitation rate that high? I like a good action movie as much as the next man, but this is not entertainment – this is pornography of violence that trivializes and ultimately denigrates the real tragedy of Myanmar. The only good thing about the movie is that Sly doesn't take his shirt off. For this I will give it one star...
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Live for nothing, or die for something...
paul_haakonsen3 February 2016
With a gap of 20 years between "Rambo III" from 1988 and "Rambo" from 2008, then expectations were quite high for me towards this movie. And having grown up as a teenager with the likes of the "Rambo" trilogy, then the 2008 "Rambo" movie was long awaited.

And now having seen "Rambo" a couple of times, I can with all sincerity claim that this 2008 movie was great. It is a good addition to the "Rambo" franchise, and it is right back in track and in tune with the old movies, although a hint of political correctness can be seen throughout the movie. But wanting to add a new layer to the "Rambo" movies, was an okay change of pace for director Sylvester Stallone (also starring in this 2008 movie).

In this 2008 movie the story takes place in war-torn Burma. Vietnam veteran John Rambo is living a reclusive life in Thailand, away from his past and the life of a soldier. But trouble always has a way to slither back, and manages to do so again when Rambo is tracked down and asked to help a group of mercenaries trek into Burma.

The story in "Rambo" was good, as it has been in the previous movies. But it is not the story which is the main attraction here, it is the abundance of action, of course. And "Rambo" offers more than enough action to satisfy us old fans of the franchise, as well as catering to a whole new audience.

The acting in "Rambo" is what you would and could expect from a movie of this type. You know exactly what you get here, and people do not disappoint. Sylvester Stallone does what he does best here in this 2008 movie, and he proved that he was more than up for the task of bringing new life to the "Rambo" franchise.

"Rambo" was missing Col. Samuel Trautman (played by Richard Crenna in the previous three movies). But given his death in 2003, it was of course not possible. I just think that the Trautman character was almost as much a part of the "Rambo" franchise as John Rambo himself. But of course, it is a matter of personal preference.

I thoroughly enjoyed this 2008 movie, and it is right at home next to the other "Rambo" movies in any movie collection.
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Violent, Action-packed Film of Extraction
jackctierney5 May 2022
"Where's the Boatman?!" I'll tell you where he is: In the forests of Burma kicking butt and being a raw savage as he always is! This film is excitingly adventurous and violent, but does it offer more of a challenge for tough-as-nails John Rambo? I don't know... But what I do know is that the extraction squad in this film was relentless and stealthy. Talk about a tough job. Saving a few missionaries within an army of Burmese soldiers who are witlessly dangerous and scary isn't an easy assignment. Nevertheless, the warriors and heroes in this film fought like heck to make it out alive and made this film an action-packed, 90 minute banger. Two thumbs up.
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HK Neo Reviews: Rambo
webmaster-301730 June 2009
Tagline: Stallone goes one step closer to retirement…

Review by Neo: With the conclusion of Rocky series and now the Rambo series, it is almost safe to say that Stallone can finally hangs up his boots with his head up high. After almost 10 years of making pure crap movies like D-Tox, Stallone have redeemed his career and possibly his face with the aforementioned conclusion to two of his greatest hits. Like Rocky, Stallone just doesn't know when to give up and if one found Rocky physically draining for the incredibly fit looking 65 years old lad, and then Rambo is bound to surprise you. Perhaps it is the excessive gore from start to finish that seem to stun the audience, but it is really full credit to director/writer/star/producer Stallone in recreating life within a franchise that have already been in a near death coma for more than 15 years. With a brisk running time of just 80 minutes, Rambo is a hugely entertaining film that never fails to stop and when the adrenalin is running, Neo can assure you that it won't stop till its over.

Having watched the original Rocky for the first time, there is no question that Stallone is born for these two roles. His stoic appearance, stone-faced and stiff English speaking are all attributes that makes him a boxer or someone in the army. Director Stallone is certainly an old school director, without devolving into the world of technological special effects, Stallone keeps his feet on the ground and the result is some real guts and gore. Just seeing people being blown up is vividly depicted and violently shot. While at times, the gore and disgustingly real death can be quite fake looking, the constant bloodthirsty killings, more than compensate any areas of noticeable flaw.

The plot will certainly be diced by all critics alike, but one must be realistic when watching a Rambo movie, why will anyone care about the plot. All we want is to see some real blood and thirst and luckily Stallone delivers exactly that. Then again, there is also the now famous bow and arrow shot that made Rambo who he is today. Stallone is also not afraid of showing the atrocious waste of lives in the way war criminals in South East Asia are being executed.

All in all, Rambo is simply a stomach churning flick that requires a strong stomach for someone to sit through the entire duration. As far as popcorn entertainment is concerned, Rambo easily qualifies as one. Stallone may well be beyond retirement age, but as the Rocky's most famous quote goes – "It aren't over till its over!" Perhaps, this is a step closer to retirement from one of the greatest action heroes in the 80s and 90s, and if that's the case, Stallone will be able to lift his head up high and above and bow out on his own terms. By the way, Neo strongly recommend you to eat a buffet, before watching this movie and as for the reason, you will know why after you sit through the entire duration in one piece… (Neo 2008)

I rate it 7.5/10

  • www.thehkneo.com
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Pure action!! Solid Movie.
chrisalsop121325 January 2008
Rambo is without question a sick action movie and Stallone has proved himself again as an intense actor and as a solid director. This installment combines elements from all three previous movies but this one had a much more realistic feel. Yes some dialog is questionable and there are a few, albeit brief, scenes that don't quite work, but make no mistake, this movie takes no prisoners. Stallone slips back into the role with ease and his supporting players do an admirable job. Critics will whine as they always do about the excessive violence, gore and lack of story. (Stick to giving awful movies like The Skeleton Key thumbs up guys). The ironic thing is that Rambo actually gives a vivid and some would say accurate portrayal of war. It has a similar feel to Black Hawk Down and borrows its chaotic action. Rambo pulls no punches...It's brutality, violence and gore are rooted in reality. Gone is the "fun" action of 2 and 3. It is replaced with realism which amounts to some of the best and most intense action sequences I've ever seen. My only real gripe with the film was scenes that were sped up in post. (No big deal)

Finally, the integrity of the series as a whole has been kept in tact. Everything from the music, to the action to the character to the final scene. An extremely well crafted movie. Rambo/action fans will not be disappointed...And neither will the critics who rave about The Princess Diaries
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0U13 February 2020
Rambo is not some incredible film, but the series has always been about action and it keeps it up here. The plot is pretty pointless, but honestly I wasn't looking for some big and complex story, just fun action. The violence goes above and beyond in this film, and honestly I had a fun time. Also, the end of the film will be a treat for any longtime Rambo fans. So don't see this expecting a masterpiece, but instead a fun action film.
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One of my most anticipated films of this year....Rambo is back....
Robert_duder30 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I'm going to open with a few comments. First...I am a HUGE Stallone fan. I've been dreaming of his comeback for years and I think his work on eighties and early nineties action flicks is completely unprecedented, he is the master. The Rambo series, the Rocky series which came to an incredible culmination and return last year (see my review) and now Rambo is back. I watched all three of the originals again (probably only my second time in total)---(See my reviews for all three) and I was ready for anything that they could throw my way. I admit my expectations were too high because this was like watching an idol return after years and years away. Rambo didn't disappoint me per se, it just wasn't mind blowing. It lacked the same story and heart that really all three of the other installments had. Instead Stallone took the helm by directing, writing and starring in this installment which I have to assume at over sixty years old will be his last one...and blew away everything in sight in HANDS DOWN...listen closely...THE MOST VIOLENT MOVIE I HAVE EVER SEEN. Nothing even touches the blood, guts, dismemberment, shocking kills including children being shot in the chest several times (can they even show that?), NOTHING. 300 looks like a Disney film compared to this. Unfortunately the violence and dismemberment is so obtuse and blatant that it borders on corny and you're almost laughing at everything flying about. Still it kind of makes for a cool time for the red blooded male and his friends who want to thumbs up ridiculous kills like that. Basically Rambo is John Rambo losing his freakin mind.

Sylvester Stallone returns after twenty years to play one of his most famous roles as John Rambo. Rambo has retreated to the small villages in Thailand and works as a snake handler among other odd jobs but right away you notice that Rambo has become completely disenchanted with the world even more than he ever was before. He makes this crystal clear when he mumbles "F--K the world" to someone. Stallone's Rambo is still brooding and quiet, perhaps more than ever before, it seems like he had three lines in the whole movie. His age shows because he definitely doesn't have as much versatility in his action scenes. He spends most of his time behind a turret gun which entails the most gruesome gun down scene in movie history. Still Stallone is Stallone and this is why we love him. Julie Benz is a missionary that Rambo takes to for some reason who convinces him to help their little group get up river into a war zone. For the most part Benz is kind of boring and doesn't really impress and I know she can do better because I was a fan back when she was on Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Angel. Long time TV Character actor Paul Schulze is Benz's husband and leader of the missionary group. He is terrific although he only has a small role he really does impress especially in his last scenes when he driven to do something he hates...kill. The only down side to his performance is the absolutely campy and awful wave goodbye he gives to Rambo as they lead him away...awful. Graham McTavish is the best of the three mercenaries (although I think their roles mostly ruined the Rambo story) but his performance as the tough as nails mercenary who always goes toe to toe with Rambo in a war of words is pretty good but Rambo never really get his vengeance on him considering all the nasty things he says. The other two mercenaries are barely distinguishable and don't offer anything significant to the cast.

So outside of Stallone himself the cast is sub par at best and even though I never thought much of Crenna's role, he was a Rambo series staple and sadly missed. One thing has remained the same with Rambo...he's always been the lone wolf, acting alone against armies and this time he has three mercenaries with him who just get in the way. Its not Rambo if he has a team and that part of it was poorly decided on Stallone's part I think. Also there was no exact villain...it was like the entire group that were the villains but there was no one person on either side that Stallone clashed with like the other films had. I think these were vital mistakes outside of the tried and true Rambo experience twenty years ago. Still you won't steer wrong for straight on, uninhibited, action and nothing but. In this film you will see the goriest gun scenes where practically every gun blows limbs off someone or heads or just makes them explode into tiny flesh ridden pieces. You will also see hands down one of the coolest damn explosions in action movie history where Rambo ties a land mine to an old WW2 rocket of some kind (which obviously still works) and the whole kitten kaboodle explodes. So don't go into this expecting intelligence or story although there is some remnant of the original soldier vs himself still left but go into it looking for some unbelievable never before seen action and you won't mind it one bit. Welcome back Mr. Stallone, you still got guts. 7/10
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Stallone is still here!
misel98200120 January 2008
During his career, Sylvester Stallone gave the audience many great times to remember him.From Rocky and Rambo, to Demolition Man and Shade, Stallone was always a true super star. As an almost exclusive action films actor, he brought to the audience for over three decades, high quality action movies. However, aging is always a problem for such actors and Stallone could escape it....a little though! His physical condition is tremendous! Let's not forget that he is almost 62. It is a fact that his last films did not manage to reach the quality of his previous successes. Driven, D-Tox, Avenging Angelo and Shade, were really good films indeed but their shine was not as big as Rocky or Rambo. That is why Stallone returned with his major two success roles. Rocky Balboa was excellent and meaningfull. Now it is time for...John Rambo! This film is simply excellent. Although it is mostly an action movie it has also deeper meanings such as ethical values and political messages. Just like Rocky Balboa, John Rambo uses the formula of the first movie mixed with this of the forth!Monosylabic dialogues from Rambo meet the political messages of the activists, The violent reaction of Rambo towards the brutal soldiers is justified by his ethical code with a deeper meaning that oppresion and injustice generates strong reaction! Acting as a whole, is very good and convincing. Stallone is really born to be Rambo and the supporting cast is made by young actors who meet the quality standards of Milo Ventimiglia. The project budget is 50m so as you understand there are many real-like explosions and effects. What is new is the ultra violent death scenes. They really look true!The story is interesting although ,as you expect, not complicated. To summarize, John Rambo is one of the best action movies that 2008 will probably bring to us.Also it is a must to see because not only it is a really good movie but also because it is the last Rambo film. Stallone even if he is 62, looks no more than 45 and his condition is impressive. A must for all action film fans and not only by them, Rambo is a really good film and you should not miss it.
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20 Years Later and Stallone Still Has It
MoffatLP21 December 2011
20 years after Rambo III, Stallone picks up the guns and blasts his way through everyone in his path. This time he is blasting his way through the jungle to rescue some Christians who were captured by a local infantry camp. It's easily believable that this film has one of the highest body counts of all time, and the highest of the entire Rambo series. After 20 years, people thought that there was no way Stallone still had it in him to come back as Rambo for one last time, they were wrong. Yet again Sylvester Stallone comes back as one of the best action heroes of all time.

Surprisingly, the quality of Rambo was really good. Usually sequels are never very good, especially ones after 20 years of the original, but there was good effort put into the script and the action scenes are mind-blowing. Lots of people getting shot and at least 80 people are shot and killed within the course of just 5 minutes. So many bullets flying around it's hard to understand who's shooting who. Nevertheless, lots of limbs getting torn apart and lots of exploding heads.

The film almost entirely takes place in the jungle, a nice setting for an action flick. The scenes at nighttime weren't very hard to follow nor were they dragged on for a large amount of time. Cinematography was pretty good, well placed cameras that show the brains of an exploding head flying all over the lens. So many people get ripped apart graphically and the cameras are so close to the action you can't miss a thing.

Overall it was great as an action movie, but if it wasn't filmed the way it was it probably wouldn't be as good.

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Rated "R" for Rambo
rnabessosu26 January 2008
OH the Haustacity. Yes...I will say it again, HAUSTASTIC!!!! Rambo at his best...I don't care, he may be old, but crap man. This movie is awesome.

Stallone definitely took a step towards the Mel Gibson approach in making it realistic. That is what a .50 caliber round does to a man. The genocide scenes are rough and graphic...definitely not for young audiences, but for everyone else. HAUSOME!!!

The story is solid. It doesn't take long at all to get to the action. This is a must see for any person looking for some great action.

Rated "R" for Ridiculous, rampaging, reoccurring Rambo
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lastostadas19 December 2009
John Rambo is a piece of controversial art in the manner 'Apocalytica' or 'Saving private Ryan' are with brutal and shocking footage and gory scenes. For here, Sylvester Stallone reopens the debate about how far must an artist go to impact and in the same way respect his audience. But where is the limit to it?

The old Rambo has died to give birth to anew hero, more sinister, merciless, coarser and bolder than ever. The John James Rambo looking for an opportunity in life among his fellow men is no more. And with him have disappeared the funny quotes, pioneering clichés and a straight play from Stallone which brought him fans from all over the world including myself.

But even if the new Rambo only takes life when he kills more than 5 Burmese soldiers in a row, this film runs away from the fancy-like situations of it's prequels and shows us what war really is and how it goes in many parts of the world at this very moment. It's admirable that one of the most charismatic and famous personalities of the Hollywood industry can come up with a film that reaps apart any big business convention of how films should be, to be at least bearable for all the happy consuming blockbuster families across the globe.

As orgasmic must be the blast of blood and gore for the fans of the genre the morality here is that war sucks, and that war heroes are ugly and grim men, nothing knew under the sun, but Rambo had to say it.

A simple film with brilliant effects, ad hoc dialogs, and well produced in overall. Yet, the fate of Rambo remains unclear (as always). Not for the faint of heart.

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Not the informative piece others may try to convince you it is
RSKTwentyOne26 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Am amazed by the "yee ha" themes which are constantly coming across in the reviews/comments on this film. To be frank it's gun (and knife, and mine, and bow and arrow, and flamethrower....) porn all the way. Now that's fine but attempting to dress it up as deep and meaningful is hugely disingenuous. In my opinion the whole Burma message and the massive over inflating of just how mean and nasty the villains really are combine solely to give some sort of justification for the incessant violence.

This is an action flick plain and simple with SFX taken to a new level of realism over a prolonged period. Look at the stats on IMDb as to which demographics are giving the biggest thumbs up - male under 18 and male 18-29 - says it all really. To me it's not hugely different from the Hostel type films which co-incidentally enjoy the same type of reviews from the very same demographics on this and other sites.

It's a tough watch but a good action movie if that's your bag. It is not a deep and meaningful film in any way shape or form despite what you may read on here. If you want a war and/or genocide based film with genuine meaning and poignancy go and watch The Killing Fields, Hotel Rwanda, Welcome To Sarajevo, Black Hawk Down or even Private Ryan. If you want good old fashion "kick-ass" guns, explosions and blood alongside Sly reprising the Rambo of 2&3 rather than First Blood then this is your film, just don't dress it up as a movie with a message. Stallone could have made a much more effective film about the plight of Burma had he wished to it's just that it wouldn't have fitted with the Rambo franchise. Sly is widely quoted as saying he was struggling with whether to make a documentary or a Rambo movie. Looks like the studio helped him overcome that struggle and judging by the comments on here it was financially at least the right thing to do.
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One of the best action films in recent years
master-yoda999 March 2008
Critics hate Rambo, it seems to me that in modern days. People judge whether if a film is worthwhile by several factors: 1.) complex story line 2.) CGI effect 3.) plots with twists.

Personally, I don't really appreciate any of the factors I listed above besides CGI effect. The truth is, I often find modern day films (films made in the last 5 years) contain complex story line and characters yet, without any sort of motivation or purpose. Movies such as the Bourne trilogy, 300, or any of those movie that preach the idea of "how to live a better life" movies, are essential empty in essence.

Rambo, just like Rocky Balboa both contains one dimensional characters and story line. Rambo is a ex-solider who is haunted by his past war experience and has somehow lost faith in everything in this world. Yet, in the end he was able to come to realise that he should use his ability as a war machine to bring about some change in this world. Even if it is just saving one couple's life.

The film also exposed what really is happening in Burma, while the world is focusing on the Middle East for the interest of oil. People forget that there are other places in the world that deserve if not more, equal amount of attention from the international community, and Rambo exposed this truth to everyone.

Therefore I think this is actually one of the most purposeful movie since Rocky Balboa last year.

A 7.7 at IMDb is an insult, this film deserves at least an 8.5!
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