Aliens in the Attic (2009) Poster

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Hey, this isn't a bad movie for little kids!
bill-79012 August 2009
A couple of days ago I took my 11 and 6 year old grandsons to see this movie in Oceanside, California. Suffice it to say that I did NOT decide to go jump off the nearby Oceanside Pier when the film was over. Sure, it's no world-beater. On the other hand, I was somewhat surprised that the movie was better than I had expected.

Probably most of the criticisms one can read in the other reviews have merit. But over all "Aliens in the Attic" is far from the worst kids movie you have ever seen. Obvious, yes, but enjoyable for the little ones. I'll say this, I took these same grandkids to see "Daddy Day Camp" when it was out and I was completely disgusted and disappointed by that turkey. "Aliens in the Attic" is a couple of notches above that one. At least there are no exploding outhouses or questionable values modeled by adult characters.

No doubt taking little kids to the zoo or going for a walk in the woods would be better for little kids, but if you get stuck for something to do this summer you should not feel hesitant to take them to this film.
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kosmasp29 September 2009
You really have to find your inner child, when you watch this. And really, why would you watch this expecting anything else then a silly little comedy? It delivers on that premise and has either good actors to support some crazy humor (I forgot her name, but one of the "Golden Girls") or some crazy idea (a device that ... well you see, if you watch the movie)!

Maybe the voice of reason, should prevent me from a 6/10 rating and rather give it a 4 or 5. But I actually liked the movie and the charm it developed. The fun, that the cast and crew obviously had, while shooting the movie, translates onto the screen. Sometimes you really need something really silly, to enjoy ... this one definitely fits the bill! (and kids will love it ;o) )
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Enjoyable Children's Film
matus9213 August 2009
As my title implies, most children will find this film enjoyable. I went to see it with my younger brother and he loved it. Does "Aliens in the Attic" have content the parents would enjoy? Not really, and no it doesn't have the depth of humour that Pixar or the older Disney films have. It's just a fun kids comedy with plenty of slapstick to keep them amused throughout.

Overall, this movie was decently acted, with some very funny moments (and I'll admit I laughed a few times myself). The CGI aliens are pretty poorly done unfortunately and the characters are nothing new; however, if you see this film for what it is- mindless entertainment- you just might enjoy it. At the very least, the children will.
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a good film for the whole family
dtucker868 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I couldn't believe the mean comments by some of the other people posted here. Every once in a while its good to see a film that makes you feel like a kid again. I think thats called appealing to your inner child. Yes this movie doesn't have a believable story or great special effects, but come on folks. I saw this film today and the kids in the theater were laughing and having a ball. It appeals to them because in the movie that kids are the heroes SPOILER ALERT who stop the aliens, outsmart the adults and save the world. I thought it was so cute in the film how that little girl bonded with one of the aliens. It was sad when they said goodbye, a real tearjerker. I also enjoyed the slapstick in the film especially with the arrogant jock, it was nice seeing him humbled like that. Kevin Nealon, who used to be on Saturday Night Live, has a good part in this as a well meaning but dorky father. I also wanted to mention the noted character actress Doris Roberts who plays the grandmother, she was on my parent's favorite show Everybody Loves Raymond. There is a scene in this film where the aliens possess her and she turns into a superhero and kicks butt. It is the single funniest scene I have witnessed in a film this entire year. I thought I would fall out of my seat! I'll bet Ms. Roberts had a ball making this film. I'm glad I went to see this film and highly recommend it. It wont win any Golden Globes or Oscars and the American Film Institute will never consider it a classic but it will make you laugh and feel good after the credits roll, isn't that why we go to the movies?
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My little brother fell asleep!
deanbean3171 August 2009
Kids today...even a nine year old, have been weaned on Spidey and Iron Man so even they know crappy CGI when they see it. Take my word for it, you see it in this movie from beginning to end! I had to stomach this smoldering pile for the sake of a younger child and in the end we BOTH felt ripped off. Here's a hint; if you're going to make a movie where the main character is a special effect, please try to make him more believable than Speedy Alka-Seltzer from a forty year old television commercial. I could even forgive the bargain basement effects if the acting and storytelling weren't three notches below that¡ The two ten star reviews with almost the exact same wording in each are obviously plants from the studio (and I'm not a conspiracy nut). They both seem to be pushing this as a children's move that children will love that is made especially for your children. You'll recognize the reviews I mean since they each mention "children" ten times in each one. "Caveat emptor"
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Underrated and Funny Family Entertainment
claudio_carvalho24 December 2009
Stuart Pearson (Kevin Nealon) heads with his family to spend a summer vacation in Creek Landing, Michigan, with his brother Nathan Pearson (Andy Richter) and his sons and their mother Rose (Doris Roberts) in an old lake house they had rented. When the television has trouble with the image, Stuart's son Tom (Carter Jenkins) and the arrogant boyfriend of his sister Ricky Dillman (Robert Hoffman) go to the attic and then to the roof, where Tom meets his cousin Jake (Austin Butler) and they find the antenna dish totally destroyed. Sooner they discover four alien invaders that are preparing an invasion of the Earth that use a mind control weapon that only affects adults and they lock the quartet in the attic. Now they need to a find a way to force the adults to leave the house and discover the vulnerability of the invaders to plot a defense plan to save our planet.

"Aliens in the Attack" is an underrated and funny family entertainment. I laughed a lot with many moments of this enjoyable story, especially with Robert Hoffman that is hilarious when the kids decide to get even with him using the alien control. The CGI is also good, and Sparks is really a sweet character. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "Pequenos Invasores" ("Little Invaders")
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Enjoyable children movie
barrys8210 October 2009
Aliens in the Attic is a movie that entertains for maybe 30 minutes. After that time I think that it turns a little foolish, unreal and very childish. the movie tells the story of a very dysfunctional family that rent a house on the lake for their vacations, what they don't know is that the house is already habit by a group of aliens looking for a device to invade and conquer the Earth. The aliens can control the mind of adult people but not of teenagers and children, so it is the children of the family to protect their house, their family and the whole world. The story is very predictable, from the very beginning you can tell what is going to happen. The cast is good, the performances not that much. I love the role of Doris Roberts as the Grandma, she is very funny, Kevin Nealon is also very food as the dad. I think that it is already time for Ashley Tisdale to leave behind the roles of the spoiled high school teenager and the kids were good enough specially the little girl Ashley Boettcher. In conclusion, Aliens in the Attic is an entertaining and enjoyable movie specially for kids, then if you don't have kids or you're not one avoid it or wait for it until its on DVD.
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Good movie
kpayne272 August 2009
I am a mom with four children. My one-year-old didn't go with us, but my five-year-old, ten-year-old, and twelve-year-old went with me to see this movie. I must say it was refreshing to see a children's movie that was actually suitable for children to watch. We thought certain scenes were very cute and funny, there was no foul language, and my children enjoyed this film. It is sad that so many other movies get attention when this one is entertaining and clean. I would recommend it and think it is better than a lot of other summer films we have seen. On a scale of one to ten, I would probably give it a seven. That is an honest evaluation based on action, entertainment, humor, and story line. Overall, not a bad movie at all.
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Flat and uninspired
keiichi732 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The original title for Aliens in the Attic was "They Came From Upstairs" - a much better title, you must agree. Still, I can understand the change. Everything else about the movie is generic, bland, and unmemorable. The title was the last part of the movie to have any ounce of inspiration sucked from it.

What we have here is a children's movie that should have been fun and mischievous, but is instead overly safe and tedious. It doesn't even bother to give us any real characters. The kids who act as the heroes are dull, the adult actors may as well not even be there, and exist mainly to pop up every now and then to say, "What are those kids up to now?", and the aliens are even more boring than the adults. Shame about the aliens. They kind of look like Yoda's angrier and shorter half-cousins, but they hold absolutely no personality. I remember they had names, but darned if I can remember what they were. The aliens themselves are a ragtag group that are pretty much interchangeable. There's a girl one (voice by Kari Wahlgren), one who turns out to be nice and helps out the kids (Josh Peck), and two whom the movie didn't even bother to give personalities or real dialogue to, so naturally they are played by the best actors in the cast (Thomas Hayden-Church and J.K. Simmons).

Why are the aliens here on Earth? From what little the movie tells us, it has something to do with an invasion campaign. The little creatures arrive at the vacation home of the Pearson family, who are having a sort of family reunion for the weekend. There's apparently a device the aliens want hidden under the basement of the house. The Pearson kids learn about their presence soon enough, but the adults remain completely oblivious throughout. The six kids who act as the heroes basically act as one giant unit, and have very little individual personalities. The leader of the kids (Carter Jenkins) is flunking school, much to the shame of his clueless parents (Kevin Nealon and Gillian Vigman), and his sister (Ashley Tisdale) is dating an older guy who's a jerk (Robert Hoffman). Speaking of the jerk boyfriend, he becomes the victim of the alien's mind control gun, which turns him into a zombie that can be controlled with a device. Fortunately, said device looks and works like a video game controller, so when the kids get their hands on it, they can control him easily enough. The kids' grandmother (Doris Roberts) also falls under alien control, leading to a scene where the boyfriend and the grandma have an elaborate kung-fu fight, with the kids controlling granny, and the aliens controlling the jerk. This scene should be fun, but it's really very boring.

So is the rest of the movie. Aliens in the Attic is cinematic junk food for kids that doesn't even have the decency to go down easy enough for accompanying adults. No one seems to be that involved, not even the kids themselves. They're going through the motions as much as the adult actors are, almost as if they're already planning to wipe this movie from their screen credits before they hit 17. It's bad enough seeing people like Andy Richter and Tim Meadows cashing paychecks in the worthless adult roles this movie gives them. I found myself wondering what was going through the minds of the filmmakers. Did director John Schultz think kids wouldn't care, as long as there were cute CG aliens added in later? Speaking of the CG, not even that impresses. Not only have they been given no personality by the credited writers, but they're boring to look at. They don't even get any real one-liners. I have to question if anyone even cared about this movie.

The premise for this movie calls out for a director like Joe Dante (Gremlins), someone who knows how to mix fun with creature terror. Instead, we've been given a toothless commercial product that will probably fade from theaters long before August ends, and sit forgotten in the back corners of video store shelves the world over. Kids deserve more and better.
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It's Nearly August, What Did You Expect, Schindler's List?
RichardSRussell-131 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
You can tell they really mean FAMILY film when 10 of the characters are named Pearson. They are Nana Rose, her 2 adult sons Stuart and Nathan, Nathan's wife Nina, their kids Bethany, Tom, and little Hannah, and Nathan's sons Jake and twins Art and Lee. The story is told mainly from the perspective of Tom (Carter Jenkins), a geeky mathlete who, as the story starts out, is regretting his decision to bomb this semester's high-school classes so he can concentrate on trying to be cool (unlike his dad), an uphill battle.

The Pearsons converge on a big old lake house in Creek Landing, Michigan, for a week's relaxation. Bethany (played by Ashley Tisdale, a Buffy lookalike) has a jerkwad, lying older boyfriend, Rick, who shows up for a little moonlightin'. Tom sees thru him, but Bethany is smitten.

Then the Zirconians land on the roof. There are 4 of them, they're literally little green men (about knee high), and 3 of them are mean. The 4th is the engineer, Sparks. Unlike the others, he has 4 arms (a possible hat-tip to his counterparts in Niven and Pournelle's A Mote in God's Eye), and he's gentle, constructive, and nice, but browbeaten. The alien commander starts off by giving Rick and Tom their options — "eternal enslavement or instantaneous death" — and when Rick gives them more of his customary smartass backtalk they zap him in the back of the neck with a zombifier that gives them remote control over his actions. They also shoot Jake with one, but it doesn't work on him. Turns out that it ONLY works on adults.

Which means it's up to the kids to save the world, armed with nothing more than rakes, skateboards, and a paintball gun. And they can't tell their parents what's going on, or else the parents will try to step in, get zombified, and the conquest will be on.

Sounds incredibly hokey, doesn't it? Well, it is, really, but as inconsequential pieces of fluff go, this one was lots of fun. I can't in good conscience say it's a movie that all SF&F fans owe it to themselves to see, but it's at the top of my up-to-you range (4-6).

The dialog is fairly witty but believable in context, the little girl is a sweetie, the cousins all pull together as a team, the twins (both inveterate video gamers) have a blast with Rick when the controller falls into their hands, and Doris Roberts makes one hell of an impression as Nana when she goes into kung-fu mode.

Kids will love it (not at all scary, Roadrunner-level pratfalls), and adults will like it. Hey, it's almost August. You'll have forgotten it by September, but what the heck, what did you want, Schindler's List?
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Please keep the Aliens in the Attic!
ArthurMausser26 August 2009
My kids gave this movie 5 stars because it entertained them. I gave this movie 0 stars because 5 stars is more than enough. The only entertainment was the remote control human. Everything else was weak acting by weak actors written by a weak writer and produced by a weak director.

Rent this one. I would not see it at the bargain cinema either. One surprise is that Ashley Tisdale has a banging body. Oops, did I say that? I guess I'm a dirty old daddy.

In conclusion, young kids will like it everyone else will not. I guess the sequel will be Aliens in the Basement.
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If Kids Wrote Reviews, This'd Be Rated Higher
grnth2 August 2009
I saw this movie with my 2 kids -- ages 3 and 9. Although I can't say I cared for it much, they LOVED it. I've never seen my daughter (the 3 year old) laugh so much or sit so still at a movie.

As a grumpy adult, I couldn't ignore the irrational plot line. My kids could care less, and they adored the clever funny dialogue and the silly slapstick comedy.

I'd strongly recommend that adults stay away. I'd also strongly recommend that anyone with kids go see it.

My rating of 8 is an average. I give it a 4, but both kids give it a 10. That averages out to an 8.
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Come on! What do you expect from a film called "Aliens in the Attic"?
sildarmillion1 July 2012
I only write this review because I see all the hate for it on IMDb. Really what were people expecting from it? It was *supposed* to mindless fun!

I watched this when it came out on theaters with my cousins. Two of us were older (in our late teens) and the other two were in their preteens, and we had a really good time. It was perfect bonding time because this film was about a bunch of cousins!

Sure it had all the kid-movie clichés (e.g. grown ups are too dumb to realize anything is wrong), but it was fun, it was genuinely funny, and for a movie called "Aliens in the Attic" it had a surprising amount of character development. All the kids grew as characters throughout the movie and even the aliens had some character growth! Nothing deep, yes, but I was surprised that it was even there!

Besides, when else will we get to see Raymond's mom kick some alien ***?
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The "Street Fighter" parody was the highlight of this corny kid's movie, which ain't saying much
KineticSeoul8 November 2009
I hated just about everyone in this movie, especially the character Carter Jenkins plays. I don't know how he can get a lead role in anything, unless they are trying to go in a direction where the audiences would hate him. Not only does he have a douche face to go with his douche personality, he is a dork which is fine if he is a dork but he is also a cocky dork in this movie. Ricky Dillman(Robert Hoffman) is the only character that made this movie even remotely watchable and he is the supposed bad guy, maybe because he looks like a product of Abercrombie. But he doesn't seem that bad in till the very end of the film where it is shown that he really is a sleaze, maybe it's because Carter Jenkins is more irritating, pretentious, ungrateful, immature and just plain whinny. On summer vacation the Pearson family go to a lake house to spend some family time where the kids especially Carter Jenkins character constantly complains about and I started to wish he was born in Africa with no clothes on his back because that is how annoying he was. Anyways some aliens crash land n top of there roof and plans to take over the world and these aliens are far from intimidating. So the kids try to stop the aliens themselves because they are the only ones that are cannot be controlled by the mind controlling device while adults can be controlled, so the kids try to keep it a secret from the adults. Which was a cheap idea not to get adults involved because it's a kids movie, and doesn't explain why only adults can be controlled. But than again it doesn't explain how at first the aliens have a difficult time speaking English and needs to use a translator but speak English with other aliens and even start to speak Spanish out of nowhere. The only entertaining part about this film is the parts where where they remote control the humans, in fact my favorite part of the movie was the fight scene between Ricky Dillman and Nana Rose Pearson(Doris Roberts) while they are being controlled. I found it pretty hysterical when Nana started pulling off "Street Fighter" moves. In conclusion young kids might like this movie, but people above the age of 10 won't enjoy it as much, except for a couple of scenes shown in the trailer. Oh and the CGI is really weak as well, if the whole movie was CGI it would have been okay though.

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Wait for it to show on TV.
aqos-18 August 2009
This movie as a big disappointment. There are too many things that it seems to condone that are wrong for children. The relationship between one of the older boys and his father is a reversed relationship. The father considers his teen son to be adults so the boy has no rules. Then you have the super smart boy that feels so embarrassed about his intelligence that he flunks all of his classes on purpose. The relationship between the oldest girl and her boyfriend set the worst example of all. Not only does it teach you that it's OK to date someone older than you and lie about it(something the guy could go to jail for), but it also showed that if you are manipulative enough, you can scam the4 parents and pull off things such as getting an invite to stay the night. I would not even encourage children to watch this on TV. I hate the fact this movie felt like it needed to have males take hits to their crotches to appeal to older audience members. It was not humorous. It also enforces that is you do nothing but play video games, you'll have useful life skills. Two thumbs way down.
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despite king size plot holes the movie works
ayoreinf27 April 2012
I've recently seen a series of poor productions for kids, so I know for a fact this one is better than many others. The characters are well written and the actors do their job well, both the young ones and the older ones. The story has huge plot holes, just one example is the language the aliens speak, they seem to have trouble with English but on the other hand they speak it among themselves. There're more such goofs but I can't specify without adding spoilers, so I'll just say, that despite this fact, since the characters themselves are real and convincing, the whole thing does work, it's quick enough for the viewers not to notice these inconsistencies and it is funny and exciting. All together - not a bad viewing
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Gayliens in the Attic is a great children's film!!!!!!!!!!!!
juanrangel422 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was excellent, I saw it with my younger brother who was dying to see it, and I have to say - it made me laugh several times. The acting of the children was average, Robert Hoffman and Ashley Tisdale made up for it with their good acting skills. The CGI wasn't all that good, but still an enjoyable movie.

It is a children's film, so I doubt any adults are gonna see it unless they have children who think it looks good. This movie won't win any big awards, but it is still a good children's movie. I advise all children to go see it.

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One family movie that it's so bad once you see it.
brownah1824 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The Pearson family go to their cabin every summer. Tom Pearson played by Carter Jenkins tries to get out of going by failing his classes and demanding that he needs to study more. Kevin Nealon who plays Stuart Pearson confronts Tom and tells him everyone has to go, its tradition. After just getting to the cabin with the whole Pearson family Bethany Pearson (Ashley Tisdale) boyfriend Ricky Dillman (Robert Hoffman) rolls into the driveway to see Bethany. The cable goes out and Tom and Ricky are told to go fix it, what they didn't expect is to find the satellite blown up and four aliens pop out from nowhere. The aliens get control of Ricky with their dart guns and try to stop Tom and Jake Pearson (as Austin Butler) from getting back inside. After being let back in by the two twins Art Pearson ( Henri Young) and Lee Pearson (Regan Young) they try and fend off the aliens from getting inside the house. Recently seeing Tisdale in High School Musical 3, she is taking on some different roles now. Playing the older sister in this movie which she does really good at. Also a girlfriend to Robert Hoffman's character Ricky who recently i saw in Step Up 2. Im curious to see how Tisdales career pans out too and maybe she will do something more with music in future movies that she does. This movie is fun to watch and has Doris Roberts playing the grandma which was funny. All in all this is a good family movie and one that would not hurt to check out. See my Reviews on, thanks ahb.
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For kids only
Eightiesseeker25 December 2009
It's hard to rate it from the view of an adult. And although Ashley Tisdale is hot in this movie I don't give point for hotness.

As others already noted kids seem to love that movie. Even if adults might find it dull, lacking story, actors could perform better. Robert Hoffman did well though in my opinion. The CGI was okay but not overwhelming.

I would like to compare this with the 1986 movie Critters. There were Alien monsters too, possibly trying to take the world over. And some teenagers tried to defeat them. An adult back then might have found it boring and nothing special. But (we) kids sure did love it.
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not as bad as thought
dirtycoolie4 August 2009
i personally went to see this movie with my 8yr old and the movie is really a children's movie first off if you go to see the movie expecting great cgi don't bother but if you want a decent movie to watch with your child then its good enough its a better choice than g force for sure. I am not one of those people that are go watch a movie with low expectations but this one was not a total let down there are jokes and scenes that your kids will find funny because it appeals to their understanding and plus the movies make a lot of reference to video games so if u are not into those then you'll not get most oft the jokes but i must admit it is a bit corny
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Harmless but nothing special
SnoopyStyle24 October 2013
The extended Pearsons gather at their vacation home. They seem like an everyday bickering loving family. Then tiny little aliens come to enslave humanity and retrieve something from the basement.

The 'kids' (Carter Jenkins, Austin Butler, Ashley Tisdale) are an energetic bunch who are slightly older than their characters. There is nothing surprising about this, but it's just reminiscent of every other kiddie movie. The adults (Kevin Nealon, Gillian Vigman, Andy Richter, Doris Roberts) are great comedians but are all under used. This is definitely a paint-by-number children's movie. It's harmless, but it's nothing special either.
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Not everyone's movie, but a lot of fun if it's your kind
fandomfatale22 July 2010
I'm in my twenties, and I loved this film. If you look at the title and the cover and know for certain you won't like it, then you probably won't. But if you think you might, then I'd recommend giving it a try, because I was a little unsure but I thoroughly enjoyed it.

The plot is pretty simple: while vacationing in a large rental house over the Fourth of July holiday, the Pearson family is forced to stop an advance team of four aliens from bringing eternal enslavement and/or instantaneous death to the human race. The alien technology allows them to control the adults (leading to a lot of slapstick comedy, some of which will be funny to adults, but all of which the kids will enjoy), so it's up to our hero Tom (17 years old or thereabouts), his siblings and his cousins to stop them.

I thought the acting was quite decent. Carter Jenkins brings a lot of good energy to Tom, who is very likable and sympathetic. All of the kids do a great job, and the voice talents behind the aliens bring a lot of personality to those characters in only a few scenes. Thomas Haden Church as Tazer really stood out to me and J.K. Simmons is always fantastic.

The messages I came out of it with were 1) family is cool, 2) fishing can be just as fun as video games, and 3) being different is OK, and being smart is OK. Ashley Tisdale's Bethany doesn't start out as a particularly sympathetic character, especially when taken with her sleazy boyfriend, but she soon shows herself to be a good role model, demanding that her boyfriend respect her and her family.

I laughed plenty – even the jokes which were easy or cheap didn't make me groan or roll my eyes.

I would definitely let my kids watch this movie. Not only do I approve of the general morals espoused by the film, but they'll almost certainly enjoy it. And, except for believing Grandma had gotten into the Pinot Grigio, Miss Tisdale bouncing around in a skimpy bikini, and a scene of Bethany and her boyfriend putting lotion on each other including a reference to "second base", the film is totally clean. And even those things are hardly worth mentioning.

It's not supposed to be smart, it's supposed to be fun. And it's targeted towards kids. I wouldn't recommend it to everyone I know, but I know a couple of people who would definitely enjoy it, so don't discount it so quickly based on other reviews if you think it might be your kind of movie.
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Aliens in the Attic (unoriginal title, i know. sorry)
stlmbrsn4 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
After seeing the previews, I wasn't expecting the movie to be anything other than cheesy. However, I was pleasantly surprised. I think that the young actors had great chemistry together on screen (even though Ashley Tisdale started to get on my nerves). The acting was average, but I remained awake through the entire movie :).

It definitely was not an Oscar-winning film, but it was enjoyable. For a matinée, it was a great way to spend the afternoon. It is directed more towards the younger crowd. In the film, they talked about modern day technology a lot (like the Wii, BlueTooth, and such). But I think adults, with open minds, will find the movie to be clean fun. The only questionable moment that I can recall is that Tom says, "Get off my planet, you, (nasty name) but he is cut off before he can finish. Younger kids probably wouldn't catch it because it is in the heat of a climactic scene. Other then that it was a clean, fun movie. Also, the "no gravity" parts and the part where Sparks makes the girl's hair stand up were pretty interesting to watch.

Overall, Aliens in the Attic was a clean, tween film. It was definitely not a summer blockbuster, but it was very enjoyable for a day out.
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Lock This Film Away in an Attic.
anaconda-4065819 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Aliens in the Attic (2009): Dir: John Schultz / Cast: Carter Jenkins, Austin Robert Butler, Ashley Tisdale, Doris Roberts, Kevin Nealon: Capturing a possible childhood nightmare is reduced to special effects that are about as fetching as dog snot. An alien invasion begins within the attic of the Pearson vacation home and a band of kids struggle to ward them off. Directed by John Schultz with a ridiculous screenplay filled with kiddie violence. Terrible acting performances by Carter Jenkins who constantly bares the same dull expression. He is the hero who must prove himself because he is always in trouble. He must have been in very big trouble to get stuck in a film this awful. Austin Robert Butler plays his equally terrible sidekick who takes stupid risks. Starring in this film should sum up a pretty big career risk. Ashley Tisdale appears in what amounts to promotional value only. She sits poolside while her creep boyfriend makes plans to bed her. Then she complains when Jenkins and Butler play nasty pranks on him. Doris Roberts plays the grandmother in perhaps her most embarrassing role as she ends up possessed and in a martial arts fight against Tisdale's possessed boyfriend. Kevin Nealon wastes his comic talent in this laughless garbage. Had the production sparkled then children might have enjoyed it. Unfortunately it is pointless guck that should be locked in an attic. Score: 2 / 10
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Aliens in the attic, losers in the house below
MartianOctocretr52 July 2010
The aliens weren't meant to be the protagonists, but they're the lesser of two evils in this interplanetary contest. A retitled version of this movie (perhaps if it were redistributed on the aliens' planet, Zirconia) would be "Losers in the House."

A computer geek with teen angst, who hacks school computers to change his grades (a rip off of War Games) is our main "hero" in a family of annoying people. His older sister whines a lot, his parents are clueless zeroes, his cousins are snotty brats, and his uncle is a half-wit slime. Here's an example of how dysfunctional these people are: Uncle nearly runs over his niece (Geek's younger sister, the only likable person in the family) while driving like a deranged lunatic. Clueless Dad sees it happen, and just makes a sarcastic remark; how cute: Ha. Ha. If somebody almost killed my daughter, I'd smash his face. Finally, drama queen Older Sis has a loudmouth, conniving jerk of a boyfriend. (Pray these two don't marry--can you picture their children? Ugh.) They all go to rented cottage for a fishing trip, where their close encounter is about to begin.

So this motley bunch is all that stands between us and whatever the aliens are up to. The movie improves slightly when the Zirconians finally show up; the plot is sort of a mixture of ET, Home Alone, and Men in Black. The aliens are more pleasant and interesting characters than their Earthling counterparts. The littlest alien and the youngest sister Hannah are nice enough, and the remote control bit is funny (but overused).

Fast forward through the first 20 minutes or so; the movie has a few good moments after the terrible start.
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