A Girl Like Me: The Gwen Araujo Story (TV Movie 2006) Poster

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"We're Here to Pay Tribute to My Daughter Gwen"
bkoganbing20 June 2006
Gwen Araujo was born some twenty years ago as a biological male and raised with a brother and sister in a single parent household.

It was apparent as shown in the film that Eddie as he was known then was feeling that the anatomy given at birth was not matching what was felt inside. In the teen years, Eddie took the name of Gwen to show her real persona and that was what she presented to the world.

If the Gwen Araujo Story has a weakness it's that their are no really developed secondary characters in the film. It is dominated completely by Mercedes Ruehl as Gwen's mom and J.D. Pardo as Gwen.

But these are two very powerful performances indeed. Ruehl is a loving, caring mother whose own life experiences have left her ill equipped to comprehend what her child is dealing with. As for Gwen, she's an innocent adolescent, but a brave one. Not comprehending why she's the object of such hate and ridicule, but determined to present herself to the world as she sees herself. Pardo does a great job in capturing both parts of Gwen's character.

Had this been done for the big screen we might have gotten a more well rounded film, but as a made for TV film this is definitely one of the better ones. Hopefully a couple of Emmys might be in the future for both Ruehl and Pardo.

It is also to be hoped that this film will educate and enlighten the public about transgender teens and what they face in their daily lives.
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Courage to tackle on a Difficult Subject has Paid Off
maximkong25 November 2012
although it is the story of gwen. I think in all the numerous movies i have come across so far its the best film representation for the LBGT society as it does not sugarcoat nor distort too much facts relating to them (unlike the movie 'The Kids Are All Right'). i also think that this film is made genuinely and wholeheartedly for the sake of the victim, as there is a message given out by the actors themselves right at the end during the after credits. I liked certain moments and conversations in the show where it is not only touching but memorable...like how her family member describe her 'just like an angel where god does not make them men or women'...this is an entirely heartful and a meaningful watch
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So many mistakes, such terrible tragedy as a result
MagicStarfire30 June 2006
6 stars out of 10

This film, based on a true story, tries hard, and it IS well told, but it is definitely NOT the best vehicle to carry the message of tolerance and acceptance.

I have friends who are transsexuals, so I do know people who have dealt with this problem in their lives. None of them, however, ever tried to deceive others in regards to themselves. Also, all of them eventually had sex reassignment surgery - something that was never even mentioned in this film. Nor was hormone treatment even mentioned.

So while I definitely have strong sympathy for transsexual people, Eddie's deceitfulness is not going to "win friends and influence people", as the old cliché goes.

Of course it is horribly wrong to mistreat someone simply because they are somewhat different from the mainstream group, and it certainly is past time that kind of thinking ended.

Nonetheless, there are also the realities of life, and Eddie/Gwen absolutely and totally refused to accept that. With Eddie/Gwen, it was "my way or the highway." This led him to a great deal of unnecessary suffering. A transsexual person can suffer enough without adding to their own woes.

The mother does come to accept Eddie as Gwen, but makes the huge mistake of turning her back on a therapist who could have offered a great deal of help to both herself and Eddie/Gwen.

How much more beneficial a film on this subject COULD have been if it had revolved around a character who was honest about himself---and tried to fit in, but was still discriminated against--now THAT kind of film could have possibly opened a few minds. As it is, many people who see this film aren't going to bother to look beyond Eddie's misrepresentation of himself to others.
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Gwen Araujo Story
brianna363022 August 2007
I am a Transwoman from Southwest Wisconsin and was glad to finally see the movie about Gwen. I changed my name legally from a male name to a female name in Sept. 2002. A short time later I learned about Gwen's murder. The 4 guys that did this should have been put to death! This is only my feeling but I'm sure that there are other Trans murders that have happened in the U.S. and none have gotten the coverage that Gwen's did but finally there is a movie about Trans People. In my home state there is a Hate Law but I don't think that there is strong enough sentences for Hate motivated crimes in this Country. There needs to be a Uniform Sentences & Laws that will help protect us whether you are Gay, Lesbian or Trans. After all we did not choose this life it was chosen for us! I wished that people were not so narrow-minded and just leave us alone but that will never happen. Thank You for Your Time, Ms. Brianna L. Rieck
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Not Without Flaws
nycritic29 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
One of the problems inherent in (some, not all) cable TV movies is that they look like they were cut and pasted in a hurry and bring no real transition from scene to scene. Lifetime channel is no HBO. Because of this, their undertaking of the tragic yet necessary story of Gwen Araujo has to remain as "an honest project" but no more -- one that has to be seen, if at all to raise some awareness within the population of what it is like to be a transgendered person living in a society that attacks being different from all angles. Kudos to J.D. Pardo for bringing an intense depth to his characterization of Gwen. His evolution from male to female is a little choppy, but this is a problem of bad editing, not his interpretation. While not looking like the real Gwen, he channels the anguish, the innocence, the femininity, and the sometimes self-destructive behavior that became the driving forces in the short life of this remarkable person. Mercedes Ruehl has moments of quiet power, most notably in the court scene as she challenges the prosecutor, but also when she decides to accept her son for the daughter she is in the scene when she tells Eddie/Gwen that her make up is running. If only Agnieszka Holland had had a stronger vision and grasp of the story -- she collaborated in the striking visual stories of the THREE COLORS TRILOGY -- this would have made for a compelling watch. As it is, A GIRL LIKE ME doesn't escape the media for which it was created. It looks and feels like an ABC movie of the week, and it deserves better. Even so, it's a must for people sensitive to these issues.
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A Girl Like Me-A Social Tragedy For Our Times ****
edwagreen1 July 2006
Outstanding film dealing with a teenager who was totally female in thought but was born in the body of a male and suffered each day in his tragically short life.

J.D. Pardo is excellent as the conflicted youngster. Former Oscar winner Mercedes Ruehl shines in the role of his mother who at first thinks that he will outgrow his obsession of being a girl only to find out that this shall be his way of life. She goes to bat for him all the way.

This excellent film deals with a major societal problem regarding transsexual behavior. We saw it in "TransAmerica," and "Boys Don't Cry." While the ending is tragic, the film is well acted and creates a disturbing picture of what transsexual people have to endure in our society.
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Powerful Film
coloradokid71921 June 2006
I thought this was one of the most thought-provoking and powerful films I've ever seen based on this subject. When I read about this story awhile back, I was galled by what happened to her. J.D. Pardo and Mercedes Ruehl certainly shine in their performances. This should have been made as a major motion picture, and not relegated to being a made-for-TV movie. That being said, however, I salute Lifetime for being brave enough to produce it! It reminds me of another brave film, called "Soldier's Girl" from 2003, also a made-for-TV movie, which was also extremely well-done. A standing ovation for everyone involved in both of these productions!
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A Girl LIke Me The Gwen Araujo Story My Opinions On it
beautifully_broken01820 June 2006
This story was on Lifetime last night. I'm a big supporter for GLBT community. I think they should be treated right I think they should be allowed to have their freedom I think they should be allowed to be them and not be ashamed, embarrassed,hated, killed, or beaten for be so. It was a good movie. J.D. Pardo was amazing as Gwen. She was beautiful in the movie and once I saw the real Gwen I still thought the same thing she was beautiful as both a girl and guy both on the inside and out. I have to say a few things got to me while watching it. I didn't like how her grandmother was like embarrassed of her and I didn't like how her mom went in and took all her make up and posters down. I also didn't like how her mom went and told Joey she was really a guy she should have let Gwen do that when she was ready to. I did however like how they finally realized this was who she was and accepted her. I didn't like how the attorney for her murders wanted her mom to blame society for her daughters murder instead of the guys. Society didn't kill her they did. I didn't like how the 2 guys only got 6 years. There are eventually going to be out on the street then what? How are other transponder,bisexuals,lesbians,gays going to be protected from them and people like them? What about Gwen and her family to me I don't think justice was served. They all should not be allowed out again. Another thing that got to me was that neither one was charged with committing a hate crime. They beat her for 5 hours strangled her, cut her, and buried her because the rumors of her being born a guy were true how can that not be considered a hate crime. I don't know this movie really touched me. I like shows like this that show how people really are. I look up to Gwen as a hero she was who she was. She was murdered for being her and not what other people wanted her to be and now she is dead she didn't deserve it. Hopefully people who see this movie will see what's going on and maybe one day it can be different. Rip Gwen.
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Important, true story...
MarieGabrielle14 March 2009
Today it seems films addressing these issues are still underexposed and maligned at times, the message is important and this film should be recommended in schools.

The third time I watched this film I understood the clear severity of discrimination and hatred that is deflected onto various individuals in American "society". This film is based on a true story wherein J.D. Pardo portrays a trans-gendered high school student. Mercedes Ruehl is excellent as the single mother, struggling to understand her son, and what is plaguing him.

The screenplay is particularly well-done, in that we see the family unit, how much Ruehl and the grandparents love their children, and the build-up to ensuing tragedy.

The court scenes could be tiresome, but are not as the film flashes back to what actually occurred, and the murder trial. Of the three culprits, none were charged with hate crimes. Highly recommended. 9/10.
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Heartbreaking story, half-hearted effort
ManticoreL720 June 2006
I read about the tragic murder of Gwen Araujo in the news a few years ago when it occurred, and I never imagined a telefilm would be made about her life -- much less helmed by Lifetime.

Unfortunately, this film seems like it was done in a hurry and we never really get to connect with Gwen the way we'd like to. J.D. Pardo is effective in his performance, as is Mercedes Ruehl, but this story required a bit more care in the way it was handled.

One thing that did however move me was Gwen's mother loyalty to her daughter, and how willing she was to accept and understand her. Being gay and Latino is difficult enough (I confess from experience), but I can't imagine how much more complicated it must be for people like Gwen.

You can't expect much from a made-for-television movie, and I didn't expect a lot from this one so I can't really say I was disappointed.

I'd like to see a feature film based on Gwen's life someday. Maybe it would be able to capture her essence in the way she deserves.
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Good and appreciable effort
prokriteya7 September 2011
You know, when you watch a film like this, you can't help remembering Boys Don't Cry. Of course, it's a TV film, and the actor who played Gwen didn't do bad in his portrayal, he indeed seemed comfortable, we see an even better portrayal of the mother.

Perhaps we should not make a comparison due to it being an independent film. It didn't fully connect many a viewers emotionally, but it is indeed a good approach to raise visibility and acceptance, and uphold Gwen's legacy, which it set out to do. Wish someone made a feature film on Gwen's life, but if one day a film like that does get made, it would be for the smaller efforts like this...which does not follow the crappy old way of treating transgenderness as a comic element.

Kudos to the director for trying something new, and necessary!!
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Gwen's Story
azaccardo2225 June 2008
I saw Gwen's story on Lifetime, and I was moved beyond words. I am not a trans gendered teen myself, however I hurt the way they do, only from hearing the horror stories, and seeing the pain. Honestly I cried like a baby during and after this movie, just because I saw how painful it can be to live as a trans gendered teen. As a 3rd party I don't know the whole story, however I do know that I am a proud trans gendered supporter, and I will continue to feel like a friend of Gwen in some ways. I would have loved to meet her, and in watching this movie I felt like we would have been friends, good friends! Congratualations to the family of Gwen, you should be very proud!
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I love this movie the actors were wonderful
mariacadle198114 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I don't agree with violence towards any person I see animals and people as precious souls this boy in which is based on the real person. Wants to be a girl and this was when trans wasn't out there like it is now it wasn't heard of, this boy was a trans he wanted to be a girl he thought god had made a mistake and made him a boy instead of a girl. He wouldn't accept himself being a boy so he changed himself into a girl no matter what he was a person my daughter is trans she is becoming a boy her given name was angel her new name is max. Let me tell you I'd kill the people who would do to my daughter/son like they did this poor boy/girl it's so sad I think if people want to change their sex it's their body they are their own person I'm religious as the mother was in this movie. I totally get how she felt about her little boy wanting to be a girl, she felt like she was losing her son as I felt like i was losing my only daughter I only have one daughter and now I have 3 boys I am religious I'm baptist my grandfather is a minister and so is my father. I was very upset to learn this of my child but since she told me as an adult and we didn't have a good relationship and didn't talk much, I accepted her decision I thought if I don't except it I'd lose her and because I didn't want to lose my only daughter now my son I accepted it and our relationship is much stronger and she has taught me more about people who live on the other side of strait town. This boy/ girl didn't deserve to die because of his decision no one should the actor who played that boy/girl was the best actor for the job he played that part great I'm a huge fan so this movie gets 5 stars from me because this movie shows people how evil people can be rather it's killing people who are different or killing people period everyone has a heart and soul, some have no soul they have hearts it just depends on what they choose to hear what their heart tells them to do I'm sure it's not murdering people that's in their mentality I'm not a psychiatrist but I do think that all people should protect theirselves from evil at all costs. Watch out for one another it's sad it takes things like this to happen to have to do a movie about it to tell people that killings wrong and so is bullying stop the killings and the bullying.
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KandiiLipz27 June 2006
This movie is amazing. I enjoyed it very much. The story is very sad, and its even sadder that its a true story. J.D Pardo acted out the parts very well. He did an amazing job. I love the moral of the story and I think everyone should learn from it. The moral would be to accept people for who they are, don't judge people for that's on the outside, love and accepted them for what's underneath. This movie will definitely make you stop and think how cruel society can be. I'm glad they brought Gwen Araujo's story to life. I think it was time her story was heard. The people who acted in this movie did an amazing job. I can't see anyone else better for his movie then these people. I'm glad they made this movie as touch as it was. May Gwen rest in peace.

Thanks: Nicole
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The movie told the story of a human trying to live life to the fullest.
onlyalison24 February 2007
The movie was good in the material it was trying to get across. I agree with the first reviewer for the most part. I don't understand why no one was charged and convicted of a hate crime. My eight year old son was watching it with me and at the end of the movie he said, but they did hate her Mommy. As for her family, I find that many people do not realize how much being raised in a different culture plays a role in our life. Gwen's grandmother was not only Latina but a religious Latina. We would hope that religion would bring us tolerance but most wars begin because of religion and who believes they are more right. But I stray. Yes she was ashamed and intolerant but she loved her grandson. She believed he was born a boy and that he could be "fixed." But I don't believe she would meant to hurt him. It was just a lack of understanding on her part. My parents and grandparents are the same. They will stop talking to you over less, take pregnancy.
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An excellent TV movie about a terrible reality
jep83120 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I had no idea this movie even existed until it was announced in the local newspapers a few days in advance. I made a special point of viewing it, as I had attempted to follow in the news the complex court case that took place many years after the tragedy.

The movie was very well done. I think the music was a bit heavy-handed, ditto some of the "dream" sequences. But the writing was solid and the performances strong, especially the dual leads played by relative newcomer J.D. Pardo as Eddie/Gwen, and veteran accomplished actress Mercedes Ruehl as Sylvia. I also thought that Joey, Joey's ex-girlfriend, and Sylvia's other two children were well portrayed.

I hope this movie will enlighten some viewers as to how difficult life for a transgender person can be and how real the phenomenon is. I have a middle-aged friend who recently became a male-to-female TS person (hormones, surgery, etc.), and it is not something that anyone would do because of a phase, a whim or any other trivial motivation.
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Good Stuff
lorettamiles28 February 2022
Real touching movie...I really enjoyed watching it... I have share this movie... Love talking about it... I am truly glad that I ran across the movie again... I really been looking for it... But I just couldn't remember the name..
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Good Movie
PinkLemonade1448 April 2023
This was a very good movie. But, I am torn... It's not the fact that she was transgender but that she was not honest about it with the young men. She took away their choice to choose if they wanted to be involved with a transgender woman, and in return, they took away her choice to live. I honestly feel, there could have been done much more by the people who were there that had nothing to do with it. They could have helped her get out! They could have called the police! They could have saved her. That is what infuriates me! There is blame for everyone involved, including Gwen. Because she was not transparent, it put her in a dangerous situation.

For each man (that took part in her slaying) and had (or still has) no remorse, should be in prison for the rest of their life. Whichever defendant that maybe, you took a life and yours should also be taken. (I do not mean killed. I mean their freedom taken.) I hope whoever reads this, is not upset with my post. Everyone has the freedom to choose, but don't take away other's choice by not being transparent. To all ~ be safe and blessed.
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Thanks for the awareness, Ms. Agnieszka Holland
azureforever25 April 2010
I haven't even dared to watch this yet. My other trans friends have watched it and simply told me to avoid it, that as well of a job the actor who played Gwen did, it was still misrepresenting us.

I know for a fact that if you are not trans, watching a movie -- ANY movie -- will not help you understand what it is like. You can look at a bird, or you can ride in a plane, but you'll never understand what it's like to fly unless you have your own wings. The same is true with us - I was almost killed by family for being myself, and I have things easy. You can't understand what that feels like until it's happened to you.

I don't need to watch this movie to know that it will raise awareness, but please don't say in reviews that it's helped you understand what we go through if you yourself aren't transgendered. I still recommend it as a movie to raise awareness, though, because anything can help. A huge "Thank You" to director Agnieszka Holland for shedding a little light on the hate we fight daily.
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