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Troubling, but sadly realistic (as horror movies go)
Heislegend17 June 2009
I find myself sort of wondering why IMDb has this listed as horror. Sure, there's the titular zombie-like chick in the film, but she's hardly the focal point. Honestly, this seems to me a lot like what George Romero would've done if he was making his first movies today. Not that this will likely ever heralded like the original Night Of The Living Dead, but a lot of the points are still there. I know a lot of people who bow at the feet of the master will cry foul at that last statement, but let's face it...Romero's early stuff is rather slow paced, low on gore, and dripping with social commentary. And so is Deadgirl.

Basically what you've got here is the story of two disaffected teenage boys who come across a (sort of) dead girl in an abandoned hospital. Being teenagers, one disregards much of his humanity in favor of darker intentions while the other objects but does nothing to back up his protests. Slowly the story gathers more complexity as one teen begins essentially raping this (sort of) dead girl and eventually invites some friends in on the action. As troubling as this sounds (and it is), you've seen worse things in your life which is a bit surprising considering that in their minds this is basically a moving corpse. So eventually it's up to one guy to be the voice of reason and make everything right.

There's a lot of commentary here. Everything from peer pressure, the effects of apathetic and absent parents, and the apathy and angst of teenagers gets touched on and done quite well. All said and done I'd certainly recommend this to anyone who's looking for a horror movie with a bit more substance and a bit less gore. Sure...we all like our horror movies nice and violent, but sometimes it's nice to see one that takes a slightly different path.
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Surprisingly morbid and unsettling horror film.
HumanoidOfFlesh30 June 2009
Two teenagers JT and Rickie skip school and decide to go to an abandoned mental asylum.They horse around for a while destroying property before exploring the basement.In the cellar our heroes find a girl chained to a table with a plastic bag over her head.They touch her and it is revealed that she is alive.JT decides that they should keep her and use her as a sex slave.The problem is that the woman can't be killed and she is the living dead.First of all I really enjoyed "Deadgirl".The film is quite controversial when it comes to its dark necrophiliac subject matter.There are some moments of gore and violence and seriously twisted climax.The moral ambivalence of the film is actually the most disturbing thing about it.The main performances of Shiloh Fernandez and Noah Segan are very strong and my highest respect goes to Jenny Spain,who spends nearly every scene she is in naked and tormented.Fans of extreme cinema will no doubt enjoy "Deadgirl".7 out of 10.
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Well, you sure picked a shite-poor time to man up.
lastliberal20 September 2009
You might think this is all smarmy and about necrophilia when two teens, Rickie (Shiloh Fernandez) and J.T. (Noah Segan), playing hooky find a dead girl (Jenny Spain) in the basement of a mental hospital. Well, she is dead, but she isn't. She's undead.

Soon, she becomes a sex tool for J.T and his high school friends.

The conflict between the two life-long friends simmers the entire movie until it boils over in the end as we reflect on just what it means to be human.

Lots and lots of blood and zombie action, not so much sex. But, if you are looking for a horror film, you will be disappointed, as it is more philosophical and can't be easily fit into a category.
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Deadgirl is DOA, and as much fun as a piece of glass in your eye
gelboy419 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I'm only spending more time on this wretched affair in the hopes of saving you time and money. If you're like me, you're interested, but want to read some reviews to glean more insight before purchasing or renting. If you're like me, you see *mostly* positive reviews. "F--ing brilliant" claims AICN, Etc, etc. I caught the trailer on "The House of the Devil" DVD (which is a SOLID film -- a throwback to the slow burn of Rosemary's Baby, and Halloween, with an engaging lead in Jocelin Donahue) so I was in the mood for another art-house-horror-surprise. Now when people say they want those 2 hours of their life back -- I understand. This is an objective review from a lifelong horror fan to counterbalance all the praise (which, after having seen the film, must be from a hired publicity firm with multiple accounts). So -- you get what the premise is from the trailer: Two boys find a girl locked in the basement of a dilapidated mental institution who cannot die. One wants to sexually abuse her -- the other, you assume, is the moral compass of the audience. It's an interesting premise, and the film looks artistic enough in shot choices so you know it's not an over glossed, pre-packaged, Hollywood, cooking cutter film. But you assume there will be more to it, right? A twist. A point. A morality fable.

******spoilers******** But what you get instead are two VERY unlikable leads who rape, or who later encourage others to rape -- a zombie girl. FOR TWO HOURS. The film offers nothing more, and struggles to offer insight/understanding into why these kids behave in the manner they do in between shots of them complaining about the need for more lube. God, it's horrible. The painfully thin finale in no way satiates what you want to see happen to these deplorable people you've just unfortunately spent so much time with. All these postings about "art" relating to the film are nonsense. You can see art in a bug splatter. Darkly Existential? "It's a zombie girl getting raped for two hours." Who read this script and thought it was good? Who decided to make this thinking it was daring? Horror films, at their best, provide some fun scares, and a chilling moment or two, but bottom line: "It's a zombie girl getting raped for two hours." So if that sounds like a fun time for you, have at it. If It doesn't, RUN SCREAMING.
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A necrophiliac's wet dream
sian_b_badger12 January 2021
No real plot. Not really "realistic" considering it based upon the premise that every 17 year old boy is a complete psychopath. 1 unhinged boy is probably realistic...but every single one you come across in the film is willing to take advantage of vulnerable women? Not so realistic. This film just tries to be disturbing & only succeeds in being boring.
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Disturbing, compelling and flawed
kosmasp13 July 2009
This movie will grab you, if you let yourself into it. It's disturbing and might haunt you, if you are willing to take the "ride". Fun it's most definitely not. But in a weird way it's grossly compelling. An exercise in human behavior (of course not meant to be understood as a blueprint for everyone), this movie is definitely an unsettling watch and weird experience.

While the main actors here can be seen in smaller roles in bigger pictures (one of them plays a blink and you'll miss him role in Cadillac Records for example), they do convince and play their roles as straight as they can. It's not a perfect movie, but it's a small little picture, that might be a stepping stone for it's director, if he can take this experience from this movie and continue with bigger things. I think he the ability to do so ... This one definitely is not for those who can't bear watching "torture" (be it of physical or psychological nature).
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Bad acting, forced dialogue, juvenile story. Terrible overall.
GrungeFan199610 May 2022
Deadgirl is a film that seems like it was written by a 15-year-old juvenile delinquent, it's about teenagers who discover a zombie woman tied to a table in the basement of an abandoned mental hospital and they use her as their sex slave. With a story like that, you can't expect anything good, and this film is definitely not anything good. Aside from the terrible story, the acting is atrocious, all the actors here are overacting, the dialogue feels forced, and overall it feels like the writers didn't think the story out and were just going with whatever popped in their head at the time. Also, there is this stupid side-story which involves the main character constantly obsessing over a girl at his school who clearly doesn't like him (and I don't blame her), and he even stalks her, seriously stupid, creepy (in a bad way), and juvenile stuff. Deadgirl is one of the worst horror films I've ever seen, and I do not recommend it one bit!
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Just Because You Can Doesn't Mean You Should
Foutainoflife17 October 2020
Two teenage boys find a deadgirl and while one makes a toy of her, the other struggles with his conscience.

I don't do zombie flicks because they are tired, played out and too many different versions of them running around to make them anything but ridiculous these days. This film however, I like.

We have just one zombie that sorta exists without all the normal zombie expectations. She isn't the main focus of the film though. The boys who take advantage of her corpse, struggle with the moral aspects of their actions and fail to make the "right" decisions are.

It is a different sort of horror film that walks a fine line between horror and a dark drama with a bit of unnatural aspects sprinkled into it. Not a bad watch though. Just be prepared for it to be a bit disturbing in terms of how far these boys are willing to go.
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The worst, don't bother.
kellyannmccabe30 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This film literally felt like a jerk off movie for rapists. The only decent part was when they got the sh*t kicked out of them by the babe at the gas station. It's too bad the main dude didn't die horrifically somehow. It's horrifying that not one of the boys actually attempted to help the girl at all. This film has no redeeming qualities and if I could give it a minus I would. Ugh
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Very Strange and Disturbing Insight Into A Pair of Male Minds..
i_like_circles25 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Haha, ignore the title; if you have seen this movie I'm hoping you don't know or ever know someone who would do anything that is depicted in this movie. If you do, break all relations!

Firstly, I had no idea what I was going to see when I sat down to watch 'Deadgirl.' What I ended up viewing was not only disturbing but had elements of dark humour, utter disgust and some really odd morals.

We're introduced to two college boys, JT and Ricky, who decide to skip school and check out an abandoned mental hospital. Or so it seems. They discover a woman, naked and strapped to a table. Ricky, being the more 'intelligent' lad, decides it's a weird situation and leaves. JT meanwhile, decides to mess about with this girl. He discovers that she's what appears to be a zombie and suggests to Ricky to use her as their sex slave.

Already, we're weirded out by JT's scarily psychotic suggestion. We are also divided on what this 'Deadgirl' was going to do. She's seemingly vacant on everything that's going on (and what happens) but also how she might be waiting for something..

There's lots of cool scenes including an infamous one featuring an unlucky guy's nether regions. Very gruesome and guaranteed to make anyone cringe.

The movie also features a scene where the two guys (and another friend who enjoys corpses) try to kidnap another woman. Said woman gets the upper hand on all three making for a humorous scene showing that these guys don't actually have any kind of authority or strength over a normal woman.

The music is also very cool and goes with the pace of the film beautifully.

The acting is pretty good on most parts, mainly from Noah Segan who played the freaky JT with perfect 'evil-ness'.

Overall, this is a movie that's only classed as horror for the kind-of dead/zombie girl. The rest is a movie that makes you wonder; would two relatively normal teenagers ACTUALLY have sex with a zombie?

Who knows? Original, spooky, gruesome and disturbing. Must add to your collection.
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Just way too stupid
onemoment8530 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I never understand why people on here watch crappy movies and try to find something in it philosophical or whatever. Or even artistic. This movie was neither, was just straight stupid.

Cause when 2 "nerds" {I never knew nerds did things like skip school to drink in abandoned asylums} find a body in a basement the first thing they think is "LETS RAPE IT!" I guess? No I think it was "Lets shoot it" or something. Idk, I was already way too bored to care. In any event they figure out the girl can't die and think they must rape it.

Well, okay, I take that back. Only one of them thought they must rape her, the other just thought he should stay quiet about it. I should mention the "teenagers" {they all look 30} in this movie are the only adults. No cops...I think there was a teacher in one scene maybe? Whatever. At this point I was just wondering why a simple 911 call was so difficult for our "hero".

So the first guy continues to rape her. Like over and over, and over. And has his friends do it too. Then they take turns and such, and get some jocks to do it to. Other reviews say it wasn't too much but...I was under the impression 80% of the movie was them raping her or about to, or talking about it. And that's kinda it. It's just a lot of rape. Rape of a dirty ass zombie chick they found chained in a basement.

And when they arn't raping her, they're showing the main character brooding somewhere- but not about the zombie girl! No, he has a crush on someone. A crush is more important, don't you know? I don't think they said why he likes her, but i think he thinks she's pretty. Good enough character development i guess. Also, this crush is random and pointless.

Honestly if they just gave a plausible reason for the lack of cop- calling and common sense, I might be less annoyed. But, no. He wants to save the girl so sneaking around like a fool to untie her is his solution. If he just called the cops after he went home the first day the whole movie would of been 5 minuets. Which, wouldn't of been a bad thing.

That's just my take on it really. I spent a majority of the movie saying "God why doesn't he just ______ and call it a day." considering there was never any reason given NOT to just do the obvious. To get into this movie you have to believe:

1)that there are NO authoritative figures ANYWHERE 2)when presented with a dead{zombie} girl, the first instinct is sex 3)everyone has the IQ of peanut butter 4)"saving" somebody in the most complicated way is heroic 5)watching as someone is raped/beaten/shot/stabbed while doing nothing is heroic 6)that anyone can seriously get it up for this zombie, especially at the drop of a hat {and commonly in front of each other} 7)morality doesn't exist 8)that people just turn into monsters for NO reason, at all

Did i mention they don't even bother to explain anything? Why zombie is there, why her bite is only deadly to there's no cops anywhere...-cough cough- It just doesn't make any sense, at all. Shallow characters, bad writing, bad acting, and things being thrown in randomly, seemingly to just make it so they don't have to give a real explanation...

!!Spolier!! Ex. In the beginning the rapist shoots the girl a few times, to show she can't die. Where this gun came from, where it went after, why he had it in the first place is all irrelevant. They needed to show she couldn't die so they gave dude a random gun to do it. Ex 2. At some point some jocks beat up the main character and his friend screams at them about how they have their own sex slave chained in a basement. Cause screaming your illegal activities to people that hate you makes any sense at all. The jocks throw the boys in the truck of their car and go to the zombie. There was a million other ways to get those jocks in that basement, but the writers picked the most idiotic way to do it? Ex 3. Guy gets bitten, guy dies. Girl gets bitten, she becomes a zombie? Setting up for a predictable ending, are we?

Lazy. Boring. Stupid.

But hey, I guess i'm not open minded enough. If you want to watch this and see art or whatever the hell about the dark side of humans- have a ball. If you're, you know, normal and just wanna watch a movie that doesn't suck, keep moving.

Wanna know something more entertaining, and that makes more sense then this movie ever could? Ever unplug your cable box and watch the static? I compare this move to The Woman, since it has a similar theme of a girl being chained in a room while twisted people do whatever they want to her. That movie sucked too, but i'd recommend it over Deadgirl any day. At least that movie didn't make you feel like it's set in a parallel world where everyone is a retard and common sense is a myth.
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Very disturbing and highly recommended
Pigbelly3 January 2009
I saw this at the TIFF and was expecting it to be some kind of Saw film or something of its ilk. However, it is much better than a simple horror film and really defies categorization. Deadgirl is a look into how we humanize, empathize and sympathize. It is a very provocative film and I squirmed many times. It is, however, not a film made for shock value. This is an essay on what it is to be human and where we draw the line on what we consider human. It is an exploration into where we draw the line on compassion and the hows and whys of our brutality and inhumanity. There are many scenes that affected me so deeply that I had trouble sleeping and talked about them for many weeks afterward. This is a great disturbing film.
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Intense, symbolic, atmospheric, twisted independent horror film
masakiuma6 July 2010
While partying in / trashing an old abandoned asylum, two high schoolers (Rickie and JT - Shiloh and Noah) discover something sealed away in the basement: a naked woman strapped to a table who is alive but appears to be brain dead. Rickie wants to leave immediately and tell someone, but JT suggests they "keep" her, saying that they can "get some" whenever they want with her here. Eventually JT discovers that she cannot die, no matter what he does to her, though Rickie wants no part in this. Over the weeks, friendship, integrity, and sanity are tested as the two try to keep the secret and cover up betrayals.

This movie is quite, make that extremely twisted. It constantly asks the question of "would you do this if you could get away with it?" and without spoiling anything, the answer for all characters introduced to the deadgirl is "yes." It shows psychological complexities of what could happen after so many years of abuse and rejection in high school. The deadgirl herself could easily be taken as a symbol for something more, especially addiction. At one point, JT really reminded me of a drug addict in his addiction to being with the deadgirl: not leaving the room ever, giving up all other aspects of his life, including his relationships with real people, etc.

The cinematography is quite amazing for an independent film: light when it needs to be, grainy, gritty, and dank when it needs that. Also, for actors I have never really seen before, the cast definitely pulled off the intensity that was required by the storyline.

Overall it was quite awesome, even though the ideas presented were twisted to the point of being insane, though I'm pretty sure I would rather watch "Garbage Pail Kids" 10 times in a row before I would watch this ONCE with my parents.

Final Score - 7/10
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A Rape Movie w/ Very Little Zombie Thrown In
boutros2-508-49313919 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I think a zombie movie should have more than one zombie in it. That's the whole crux of zombie movies - so many of them, so few of us, whatever shall we do? Deadgirl has one zombie, a young woman tied to a gurney who occasionally does zombie-like things (like obliterating a ferocious dog with only her bare teeth), but mostly she just passively lies there and gets raped (alot), sodomized, beaten, etc.

But that's okay because we have this in-depth study of the teenage boy psyche to compensate for the total lack of zombie-ness. And here it is in a nutshell; whether he's a jock, a rebel, a nerd, a loser, or a stoner - the teenage boy is perfectly fine with sticking his penis in a zombie he's found tied up in a basement. It doesn't matter that she smells from festering bullet wounds, or that his friends have already dumped multiple loads in her and there's not a shower or garden hose to be found, or that... she's a zombie.

Additionally, teenage boys have no moral compass. Teenage boys have minimal problem solving skills. Teenage boys lack the ability to articulate any thoughts more complex than "F_ck you, homo!" or whatever. Essentially, teenage boys have only slightly more brain activity than the zombies they're raping.

Now, back to how much this movie sucks as a zombie movie. JT, the lead rapist, proves how deadgirl can't die by beating her, shooting her, etc. Near the end of the movie, however, he casually thrusts a machete into her skull. That should have killed her, but it doesn't.

There's a clip showing how one of deadgirl's bullet wounds is oozing pus. She would have to be alive to generate pus.

JT gets scratched by deadgirl, two jocks get bitten by deadgirl and none of them turn into zombies. A girl gets bitten and she does become a zombie. Why? So, the circle of deadgirl rape can continue, of course.

The only high point of this movie was when a would be victim of two of the rapists soundly beats the crap out of them in a gas station parking lot.

BOTTOM LINE: Basically, this movie is a misogynistic rape fantasy fest for emotionally stunted teenage boys and men.
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Where are the cops in all this?
fedor815 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
A very interesting premise whose potential unfortunately meant nothing to the imbeciles who wrote and directed this.

The idea of a dead/undead zombie-like woman (not girl) being found in a run-down abandoned old building could have been turned into an excellent horror film. Alas, this is the 21st century, the age of teens-in-horror-flicks, so the first thing the dumb writer decided to do, in order to make sure that DG doesn't turn into a good film (God forbid), was to give it that crap old US-teens slant. Jocks, nerds, cheerleaders - the whole shebang. It's the same old suburban-high-school clichés, executed with great pride (proud in making garbage - some people are like that), mixed in with some hammy acting by a largely amateur cast.

So what do the teens do with this amazing discovery? They rape her. Over and over. And then some more. 90% of the movie is the dolts organizing the rapes, raping, raping some more, squabbling who should be allowed to rape, etc. It's a bird-brained festival of the highest order.

Besides this, why is DG one of the most idiotic horror films ever made?

1) It assumes that almost every high school male is a potential psychopath, rapist and necrophile.

2) Every high-school kid takes exactly three minutes to take his pants off upon seeing an obviously WOUNDED ZOMBIE FEMALE lying prostrated on a hospital bed, in a smelly, old building. Duh.

3) The police, bless their hearts, never make an appearance here. A dozen people find out about what's going on, it seems at one point that everyone does except the cops.

4) People get killed, hence disappear, and yet the police still don't get anywhere near involved.

5) A jock savagely beats up two "nerds" in broad daylight, and on school premises, and yet no-one shows up to either stop them, arrest them, question them, or anything else. Not the faculty, not the police, no-one. As many retarded "teens" (more like 25 year-olds) that this flick has, on one had, it is totally deficient when it comes to the adult population. What is this, Bombay? 90% of everyone is younger than 18?

6) The jocks, upon hearing that the "nerds" have a secret, pack them up in the back of a car (blood gushing out of their wounds and all), gangster-style, in broad daylight. No-one notices, no-one cares. The police are on vacation in this movie. Or perhaps they do not even exist: a distinct possibility, come to think of it.

7) Deadgirl (the zombie woman) obviously knows her friends from her enemies (she decided not to hurt the one nerd who didn't molest her), and yet she misses out on ample opportunities to hurt J.T., the "master-mind nerd" who does her most harm. She even SAVES him from a rabid dog.

8) Deadgirl is being freed by our "hero" (who turns out to be just as psychopathic as all the other males in this movie), but instead of letting him finish the job of untying her, she snatches his wrist and won't let go, hence scares him, and he changes his mind. Duh.

9) When J.T. and the ski-cap moron hit a woman on the head with a heavy metal object, she doesn't fall down. Instead, she turns around, looks at them for about 15 seconds, and then falls down, like in a Loony Toons cartoon.

10) At the end, Deadgirl escapes. Two women are missing, three guys are dead/missing and one is severely infected (the jock), and yet after all this occurs our hero gets to have his own basement where he can now rape his high-school sweetheart in peace (who is now a zombie). In peace, yes. No police to bother him, ask questions, or follow him around. Police are like a light breeze: never seen, hardly ever felt. Sort of like the non-wind in the writer's empty head.

11) Yes, that also means the jock never told the police anything, either, in spite of dying from an unknown infection which would have had the international medical community standing up on their heads in no time.

But I forget: there is no police in this movie, and no hospitals. In fact no infrastructure at all, I believe, just one high school. And a bunch of ultra-retarded "teens", some bad actors, and a script written by a monkey's *ss.
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Caught Off Guard and not in a good way,
trugraphicsolutions30 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I bought this movie from my cable TV company, it didn't give too much info about the story line other than it was a zombie found in a building by two teenage boys.

I like horrors but I see them as fantasy so they doesn't disturb me. In fact horror and Sci fi are my preferred choice generally.

What was disturbing about this was the zombie wasn't the monster it was the boy/s - it examines teenage boys boundaries if offered the "gift" of sex without consent and the fact the victim is dead or a zombie is not important. Not only to they rape her but they beat, sodomise and sexually "poke" her in the infected bullet wound one of the boys gave her a week previous because " it's wet and warm" I am only thankful they didn't treat us to a viewing of that particular scene. I am by nature creative and as such have a vivid and abstract imagination.I an able to enjoy a book over the film in most cases because my imagination is better than what the movie producers often create. The down side to having a creative mind when exposed to unexpected emotional and psychological horror of what humans can be capable of under the right circumstances is it leaves me upset and emotionally disturbed for days or weeks later.

I would not of watched this movie had I known it was as dark and as sick as it was. I just wanted a bit of good old zombie horror and what I got was the possibilities of horrific human nature.
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Wholesome Family Entertainment part 14: Nekromantik
Tromafreak24 April 2012
It doesn't take a genius, or a saint to realize that rape is wrong. Whether the victim is among the living or otherwise, it just ain't cool. But are there any rules pertaining to the undead? Apparently not. Or if there are, certain individuals in this film aren't the least bit concerned. Written by the legendary Trent Haaga, Deadgirl is An utterly tasteless story about two high school chums who go off playing hookie, and drinking, ending up at an old, abandoned mental hospital. Said chums soon make a shocking discovery in one of the rooms. A dead chick tied to a table. It doesn't take long for these two genius' to figure out that she's not dead, after all. That's right! Undead. So, I guess that would make this a zombie flick, wouldn't it? An original Zombie flick. A very, very mean-spirited zombie flick. It doesn't take nearly as much effort as it should have for the bad kid to talk the wuss into not telling anyone about their new discovery... So that they can just stop by now & then (every day) for a quickie, at the expense of their undead new friend. That's not that weird, right? Wrong! Very weird, and very wrong! In other words, this movie is hilarious. I'm glad some people can see that the living dead sub-genre could use a little reinventing, from time to time. And don't get the idea that Deadgirl is just a film about rape. It's also an intriguing character-study. A coming-of-age movie. A much deeper story than one would first assume. With plenty of dark humor never too far behind. So, if you're bored with all the same old predictable Horror patterns that's been around for many a decade, you may find this particular one to be original, and quite refreshing. Deadgirl offers not one dull moment, and is no doubt a future cult classic. I'd recommend giving Deadgirl a chance as soon as possible. 6/10
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gftorain28 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I guess I have a different take on this since I work with abused women and girls for a living. The violent behavior toward the dead girl is very similar to what I see on an almost a weekly basis. Trust me- some of the women who come into my care ARE the living dead- an empty shell that has had everything human beaten out of it.

So the boys' reactions don't surprise me at all. The "good" guy is only by default-n he simply doesn't do anything except whine, and is rewarded with his very own dead girl in the end.

I guess this hit a little too close to home for me. In my 8 years of working with these horribly used women, I've seen almost everything up close and personal. This movie isn't thought-provoking- just another day in the office for me.
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Sick As All Hell!
mdnobles197 October 2009
Wow, what an messed up, sick as all hell, atmospheric, mystique and haunting indie horror gem that will have you thinking what if and what would you do in that situation. It doesn't explain a damn thing though like how did the body of the girl get there etc. I think the acting was pretty decent for an indie and the whole build up was quite captivating in a sick and twisted kind of way and the film will definitely stay in your mind for a while because of its shocking nature. It has a lot of things going for it like suspense, twisted humor, some chilling scenes and intriguing ideas but the strong lack of explanation to make any sense of the situation made me disappointed and was a pointless horror lesson in desperation and the dark flaws people can have if placed in that situation. Overall it brought something a little different to the teen horror genre and had me glued the whole way through but definitely needed a much better closure to it all big time! Wait for cable!
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Hey Kids, Who Wants To Watch A Movie About Raping Zombies?
Matt_Layden18 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Two high school friends ditch school to go drinking in this abandoned asylum. They get lost after an encounter with a dog and end up finding a body. The body is of a dead girl, naked and chained to a table. The twist is she is not dead, but the undead. What would the normal thing to do in this situation be? Well, one of the guys thinks it's to have sex with her and keep her as their sex slave. Things obviously get out of control.

Dead Girl was a little film that I heard about after reading a list of the Top Ten Most Disturbing Movies You'll Ever See. With that in mind, I went into Dead Girl expecting sick and twisted things. I got those, but not to the degree I was thinking of. Sure the scenario is sick and disturbing, but I find that if I went in not knowing anything about it, it would have had a more profound effect on me. Sexuality plays a big part in this film, the homosexual subtext between the two friends early on sets up some kind of weird relationship that isn't really explored till the end. These guys objectify women. They are virgins and want to loose their v-card, so seeing a naked girl chained up to a table unleashes these weird sexual urges in one of them. She tries to bite him and he beats her, breaks her neck as well.

Uh-Oh, she is not dead. They discover she can't die, the guy even shoots her to prove it. Yes, one character has a gun, and the scene is so poorly written that you can tell they needed a simply way of telling the audience this girl is dead. So we give a character a random gun that is used in this random scene and it is never seen again. The two friends immediately take opposing sides. One is in love with the idea and even invites others to join, while the other finds it sick and disturbing. The one in love with the idea becomes twisted and obsessed with his unorthodox relationship with this dead girl.

The analogy to boys growing up and exploring their sexuality is lost in this film, they resort to rape. I felt bad for the actress who had to lay there naked being used in such a horrific way. By the end of the film, it felt as if there was no real protagonist and everyone was evil. The comedy fell flat in some areas and seemed really random in others.

The subject matter is indeed interesting though and the filmmakers handled it in a mature way. It is not your average zombie film. You know that the climax of the film will involve her getting loose somehow. So there are no real surprises in the film. The twists and turns are really seen a mile away. Some people might find it hard to enjoy a film that is about necrophilia. I for one thought it started off well and then gradually had it's ups and downs. The inclusion of the other guys (Wheeler and two bullies) seemed to show the writers were a bit inept, the dialogue didn't help it either.

The subject matter is controversial and so is the film, to a degree. It's not the most horrifying film I've ever seen, nor does it really tip the ice berg. But then again, you are probably not like me. Constant images of a naked woman chained up, beaten to a pulp, bloody, raped and degraded might bother some people. The horror aspect is left until the end when it becomes more of a conventional horror film. It's the unsettling mood and themes this film has that make people uneasy with it. I can only recommend this to people who are actually interesting in this type of stuff. This is not for your every day movie goer.
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A little bit of this, a little bit of that....
innocuous21 September 2009
I can see how a film-maker could watch "Donnie Darko," "Brick," "Fido," and "Kids" and then make this movie. It pulls themes, characters, plot devices, and even musical cues from all of them. This doesn't make it a bad movie, but it does make it derivative. (In particular, the score bears an uncanny resemblance at points to Michael Andrews' score for DD.) On the other hand, it is not your typical low-budget horror film. I give it extra points for deftly working around the horror aspects of the film to give us a (probably scarier) glimpse into the personalities of the leading characters. In fact, the title character is more of a McGuffin in this film.

Some reviewers have zeroed in on the "gross factor" of the film, which I actually found to be pretty low. There are some moments that are capable of making the viewer squirm, but this is more a discomfort with the actions of the teen-aged boys than because of the blood, sex, or violence. (Don't get me wrong, this film HAS blood, sex, and violence, but it's really pretty peripheral to the story.)

Just before watching "deadgirl" (yes, that's how it's spelled in the end credits) I watched "End Of The Line." After the stupidity of EOTL, it was actually refreshing to watch an interesting and fairly well-made horror movie.

Recommended for those who like horror that's a bit out of the ordinary, but not because of excessive gore.
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Legal snuff film
xzane-8613 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
do not watch this movie its stupid, just stupid

I will sum up this movie for you in this review to save you from watching this filth with no real plot. Whatever you do don't watch this movie with your parents or your girlfriend.

* Spoiler alert* (but trust me you need it)

1.boys find zombie girl tied down on bed boy rapes zombie girl, the other boy thinks its morally wrong and leaves, does not call the police

3.rapist boy pimps the zombie girl out to a mate

4.some jocks find out about the zombie girl, end up also raping her

5. boys kidnap alive girl to turn her in to a zombie to rape

6. the non-rapist guy from the start tries to save the alive girl because he loves her

7. alive girl gets bitten by zombie girl, tells the non-rapist guy that she does not love him

8. the non-rapist guy from the start who thought it was morally wrong to rape a zombie keeps the new zombie girl (previously the alive girl) as a sex slave.

9.The end

All this movie does is make every guy look like a rapist. The movie is heavy in rape scenes and i would put it in the category of being a snuff film instead of a movie. the movie also had no real plot, it was just some guys raping a zombie.

.......and don't get me started on when one of the rapists poked his finger in the zombies bullet wound while thinking about using that wound as an "entry hole"
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Powerful, Brilliant and Relevant.
peedur30 September 2009
Like "River's Edge" 23 years ago, youth's normal curiosity about death and sex becomes unhinged and grows unspeakably perverse within a social climate which favors unconscious, desire-based consumption over fixed principles. These observations employ a darker and more relevant conviction here.

Whether intended or not, the ideas at work in "Deadgirl" are so complex that calling this a "horror film" is perhaps not really accurate given the limitations by which the genre is judged. The film employs standard horror grammar, but through economy and purpose, the directors avoid pitfalls and cleverly make the genre's limits work in their favor.

For example, the girl in question, an "object" in strictly horror terms, is carefully crafted to be something other than a person - she seems less an external creature than something within the characters themselves. A cipher onto which alternative meanings can be projected. Unlike typical "horror girls," she evolves into the most profoundly disturbing idea that contemporary horror has given us: a fever dream of narcissistic-sexual pathology, trauma-based-attachment-porn made flesh.

Also, the context of the story, an abandoned asylum is rendered abstractly enough that one may read it equally as a metaphor than as simply a place in the real world; an image of the rotting mind where deviance waits - normally it's just a spooky old building when used in horror.

The characters enter such a bottomless pit in terms of real human behavior that whether intentional or not, a sense of allegory provides grounding for the audience. Grounding is desperately missing in the world these characters occupy, which is perhaps the point.

The film's male protagonists are are certainly of their time; they seem quite real to me. As with many kids today their sensitivities seem bleached away by what we all encounter: a relentless, post-narrative media blast from earliest childhood and an education without adequate social breadth. Their personal, familial inadequacies seem to be the seedbed for a hunger focused on effortless, narcissistic attachment. These are familiar kids. Placing them into this particular tale and intelligently imagining an outcome is what the directors have done. It is startling how effective it is.

While "Deadgirl"could easily have come across as a simply ghastly spectacle, the film transcends genre, as well as outflanking the need to simply entertain, shock or titillate. By its solid execution, its restraint and primarily through the indigestible, dark brilliance of its idea, the film rises to the level of art.
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Scarecrow-887 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Dark, dark film, tackling the taboo of necrophilia in a whole new way, using the zombie mythology as a warped means to make a statement on alienated youth and their yearning for something more. The film focuses on Rickie(Shiloh Fernandez), a teenager with absent parents(..his mother working two shifts, his father nowhere to be found, sometimes his only company is a pathetic drunk who is allowed to hang around the house because he's an old boyfriend of his mom's)and no friends, looked upon as a loser with no bright future. His only real pal is JT(Noah Segan), also a teenager without guidance, his only parental figure a sickly grandmother. They are cruising an old ramshackle asylum, trashing up the place even more than the way they found it, when Rickie and JT come across a naked female body covered in plastic and latched to a table. The right thing to do would be to leave the premises and contact the local authorities, but JT, as we soon discover, is a perverse, quite repulsive fellow who finally finds a means to release his sexual frustration and this power of control is all his. Rickie, rather impotent when it comes to playing the hero, allows JT to continue his depraved behavior, soon involving another teenager they smoke dope with, Wheeler(Eric Podnar), a hanger-on who joins in gladly on the sodomy of the helpless girl. Meanwhile, and this plot element is important, Rickie is enamored with JoAnn(Candice Accola), the school "it girl" who is girlfriend to the start football player, Johnny(Andrew DiPalma). He's head-over-heels and she finds him rather undesirable.

The film's central question is how long Rickie will allow his buddies' deviant activities to continue. He seems unable to "man up" in regards to taking control of the current situation, putting an end to these unpleasant shenanigans. The secret starts to spread, through an admission by an angered Wheeler, Johhny and his jock friend, Dwyer(Nolan Gerard Funk)force Rickie and him to reveal the dead girl. This sets off a chain of events that leads to the expected chaos that will ensue.

The movie parallels NEKromatik is many ways, particularly in the sexual assault of a dead body. JT doesn't necessarily take to the girl with love and adulation, but uses her for his own devises. He gets his gratification by hitting her and molesting her and it seems that she likes it. While the girl is a zombie, certain traits are different, her body doesn't quite deteriorate or rot like the normal undead we are accustomed to(..she starts to stink, and bullet holes ooze puss), she seems more "human", feral and primal(..more due to being trapped in some asylum room naked for however long the place had been shut down, and who knows what her symptoms were as a patient or what kind of experiments were conducted on her), but more alive than the typical Romero creature. Jenny Spain must be credited for spending most of the film naked and in uncompromising positions. Really disturbing subject matter, but the directors don't actually wallow in the details, though enough is established that we are able to recognize what is happening to the victim. The ending is appropriately off-putting but understandable considering Rickie's obvious obsession. Can be quite violent, but a lot is shot off-screen and handled through dialogue where we can still cringe even if we actually don't see an visceral act(..such as when a victim is getting deadgirl to blow him and she bites into his penis). Like the usual zombie, deadgirl's bite leads to death. Funniest scene would have to be when JT and Wheeler attempt to kidnap a girl so that they can have her bit, a new sex slave due to the facial beating Johnny gives the deadgirl when she harms him. If anything, the film's explores the response to being isolated as a derelict in society, a future prisoner in the making who finds his jollies in the pleasure and pain inflicted upon this girl who "no one knows about or even would care since's she just a deadgirl."
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I absolutely hated this movie
mikedegroot29 March 2018
I love horror movies. Seen the vast majority of the better ones. Especially zombie flicks. I could hardly watch this crap. I hated every single character in this movie.

All this is, is some teenagers raping a zombie over and over. Not entertaining, not provocative, not scary, not worth a single star really. Just disgusting.

Every scene was more annoying the previous. Avoid this movie at all costs.
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