Lake Placid 2 (TV Movie 2007) Poster

(2007 TV Movie)

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Feed it to the croc
MartianOctocretr510 June 2007
Junk. Pure and simple.

An unnecessary and useless sequel to the self-mocking and campy comedy/horror Lake Placid. Not one of the original cast signed on for this dog, a very good decision on their part. Well, the baby crocodiles you see in the closing of the other movie apparently have grown up, and now have decided to pick up where their parents left off, and eat lots of people.

John Schneider is the sheriff, and just grins a lot. Cloris Leachman reprises Betty White's nut job (as her sister), but without the funny lines. A big game hunter with grenade launchers fails to match Oliver Platt's role, and the Bridgette Fonda look-alike also does nothing. Sheriff John has summertime custody of a poor actor teen son, in order to introduce some annoying cardboard cutout screaming teens. Since Croc Jr. seems to have an appetite for annoying cardboard cutout screaming teens, you quickly realize what their function to the story is, and you find yourself rooting for the croc to eat them as soon as possible. There's one idiotic scene, apparently ripped off from the 3 Stooges, where a croc victim is talking while the creature behind him waits patiently for him to shut up, before devouring him.

Nothing interesting happens. Really a bad movie, that fails at both horror and comedy. All it does is waste your time.
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Not worth the time
akashenson28 April 2007
I'd seen Lake Placid at a friend's house one night, and thought it entertaining, so I was happy to see a sequel was going to be shown. Now though, I have to say I wish they hadn't bothered. Overall, the movie is just poorly done. The acting is terrible; even John Schneider, who I usually enjoy, disappointed me. I'd equate the acting in the film with a middle school performance. And something was off with the sound- it almost sounds like they pre-recorded all the lines, and just matched it up with the film.

The special effects, if possible, are even worse than the acting. Very fake looking, and extremely amateur; this looks like a high school project! There are several times when you can see parts of the crocodiles magically pass through things.

On the plus side, little as it is, some of the characters were mildly entertaining in the sense that the acting was so terrible. There's one actor in particular who screamed like a girl, and that made me laugh. I'll also add that if you saw and liked the first, you may want to watch this just to satisfy your curiosity. Beyond that though, it's not worth it.
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well, they tried, i guess
davidm-1429 April 2007
with a few nods to the original film, including Cloris Leachman playing the sister of Betty White's unforgettable foul-mouthed character from the original, this film tries to step up to the plate. apparently set a few years after the original, there are suddenly more deaths, and, guess what? a croc in the lake. actually, 3 this time around. John Schneider plays the sheriff and a cast of "looks-familiar-but-don't-know their-name" fills in the rest of the menu. the CGI is there, really noticeable and really bad, as it is in most of the sci-fi channel movies. at least there are some good-looking stereotyped kids thrown into the mix this time, camping at the lake at the worst possible time. David Kelly's original script had some intelligence, great character development and nicely-done humor that is really missing here. i give them credit for trying, but it's lacking...well....almost everything.
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I wanted to like it.
Babyfaceref29 April 2007
The first Lake Placid was the type of movie that you loved or hated. I loved it. The actors had chemistry. The script was clever. The key was to take it for what it was. A lot of people did and it developed a cult following.

I wanted to love II. But, it wasn't there. I think they tried. But chemistry and hitting the exact same note is hard. I think they put together a good cast. The writing was supposed to make you grin. It just didn't pull together tight enough. Nice Try. Lake Placid a tough film to duplicate on any level.

I think a lot of the fans of the first one went into it with the right frame of mind. If you didn't see the first one you may not understand the choices they went with as far as corny dialogue and silliness. Maybe they can bring back Ms. Fonda for 3!
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A travesty on so many levels
rbsjrx29 April 2007
I've come to expect very little out of the SciFi channel's made for TV movies, but this ranks tight alongside of "Babylon 5: Legend of the Rangers" as am egregious example of how SciFi's clueless network suits can prostitute a great work with an appallingly bad sequel.

I'm a great fan of the original "Lake Placid". David E. Kelly's writing in the original is among the sharpest of any film in memory. It had a delightfully witty script and excellent performances by talented actors. The characters were well textured without a stereotype among them.

By comparison, the script of this film is drek. Thre is almost no wit evident. It's trite and formulaic. The characters are all 2-dimensional stereotypes from central casting. The "special" effects were everything I've come to expect from SciFi channel movies - ham-fisted and amateurish.

I might have given this film a rating of 2 or 3, but for potentially tainting the reputation of the original, I give it a 1 - but only because there's no option to give it a zero!
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Horrible movie.
Ithorianjedimaster228 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I never saw the original, but I watched about an hour's worth of Lake Placid 2 and I have to say, it SUCKED! The story is basically the same as every other giant water monster movie: numerous deaths that happen around the lake, town panics, the sheriff goes in with a bunch of guys to take out whatever is causing them. Let's not forgot the 5 idiotic teenagers that have a run-in with the movie's giant crocodile.

Let me get this off my back. Sci Fi Original movies are known for their suckiness, but in this case, it's more painful to hear the script, then was in "Minotaur". The sheriff is a complete idiot who is supposed to be the protagonist who seems to be so stupid that he acts casual even when he sees a giant crocodile eat a live man. The acting is so horrible and the script is just barely at the level of "Uwe Boll" quality. After the first death, you are introduced to a team of hunters who are hoping to get a little moolah for the creature that killed some fat guy in the beginning of the movie. The leader of this team has the WORST Scotish accent I have ever heard and hearing him and the Sheriff chat about guns and whether or not the lead female, Emma, likes him the most is so painful to hear that you just scream "SHUT UP!!!" at your TV. It is just surprising for me to see how unaffected a bunch of morons are when facing a giant reptile and how casual they act even when someone was just eaten.

Then, there are the most annoying actors and actresses in the whole movie, even worse than the sheriff's acting. The sheriff's son who is there to visit his dad and is pretty bummed out of the fact that there isn't any cable, high-speed Internet, or cell phone reception located in the middle of hick country. Then, somehow, he gets involved with some girl, who he fancies, a guy in a tight white t-shirt who, I guess, is her boyfriend or something, a Paris-Hilton copy, and the drooling slob who wants to get in the Paris-Hilton copy's pants.

These teenagers are not only bad acting, but they are DEAF! There are two examples of this: One is when Paris Hilton dies. While Slob, or Larry, is swimming around in the lake, somehow, a 20-foot-long croc is able to sneak past him and up to Paris' feet and she says "Larry, you pervert, get away from my feet." And gets eaten and you are happy that she is dead because that means that 10% of the bad script has been cut off from your ears (if they aren't bleeding already). The second example is when the sheriff's son, the girl he likes, and the girl's 'boyfriend' find a crocodile's nest and (of course) the retarded boyfriend starts crushing eggs, making a bad joke like "I know what kind of egg this is. Scrambled." Then, the mom croc comes back and gives that "Oh no you didn't" impression and comes up behind the boyfriend, snarling and breathing loudly and even when the girl says "There's a giant crocodile behind you!", he thinks it's a joke and still doesn't appear to hear the croc that is about 3 feet from him! He dies, thank God, and then, (even though when she said "There's a giant crocodile behind you!", the girl runs into the forest with the son and asks him "What was that thing?" and the son replies "I don't know, but I bet it is what laid those eggs!" That's when I turned off my TV and got onto my computer to warn you all about this horrible movie.

I am usually VERY generous toward so-good-they're-bad movies, but in this case, if someone who has seen "House of the Dead" and "Bloodrayne" from start-to-finish actually turns off the TV after watching an hour of "Lake Placid 2", you know you have a problem. Though it is clear that very few people will buy this movie, I don't recommend renting it and if you see it re-running on Sci Fi, turn the channel QUICKLY! Unlike "House of the Dead", it isn't a bad movie that is funny to watch because of how much effort was put into it, it's just an all-out bad movie that Sci Fi can add to their quite long "Flops" list.
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Lake Horrible
jery-tillotson-16 March 2008
Sci-Fi channel movies are notorious for their constant cheeziness. This one should be perched at the very top of the heap. Since I loved the original, LAKE PLACID, I thought this might be at least an interesting experience. From the first scene to the last, this garbage proved that there are still Neanderthals out there in the movie making business. In the first shot, we see two men in a boat. One of them is quickly gobbled up by a giant croc. His companion merely stares at the water, blinks his eyes and says "Oh, my God!" in the next scene, he is in the sheriff's office and has told his story to the deputies. Their reactions? They all sit around whooping and giggling and nudging each other as if they've heard the funniest joke of the year. And then the sheriff drops in and asks this survivor what his problem is and the survivor merely shrugs and says "there's a problem" out there on the lake. Even after the sheriff is nearly swallowed alive by the creature, he's joking and laughing just seconds later. In fact, no one in the miserable cast ever act as if they're in any danger at all. After every death, they're all joking and laughing and skipping along as if nothing has happened. We're treated--if that's the word--to several scenes of the girls stripping off their bras. I guess we're supposed to be panting with passion at this. One of the craziest scenes is when the hot-headed jerk is mouthing off to his two companions how he would never ever believe there's a monster croc. One slips up right behind him, less than two feet away. His two companions merely stare and say, "Eh, you'd better come along." They act as if there's a squirrel or a possum just a few feet away from them. Of course, the hot-headed jerk is swallowed alive and his companions skip away. And then one of them says, "I can't believe I saw that." The special effects are the type you'd find in an elementary school room. this would be a perfect laugh-out-loud movie to watch along with that other much-praised masterpiece of lousiness: HANDS OF MANOS.
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An embarrassment to the word "Movie."
TheEmulator2328 April 2007
Everything about this so called "movie" screams 3rd rate. It is a pathetic attempt to cash in on a film that wasn't very good or successful to begin with! Why this got made, who knows. The script is laughable, the effects are worse than video-games, and the plot is really dumb. Don't waste your time, hell if you read this, you have spent too much time on this waste of celluloid. Every time you think movies can't get any worse, they do. I would be ashamed to have anything to do with this garbage. Here's the plot, let's kill these gators. The main characters are exactly the same as the 1st film too! Not the same actors mind you, but the exact same character. The little old lady who likes the croc's, the rich guy trying to kill them, even the beginning is almost exactly as the 1st film. I would recommend this to people that want to know what makes a bad movie, because this describes this "not even worthy of being called a film."
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Rank, foul, and all things desirable in a B movie sequel
gristd210 January 2008
Unfortunately I didn't get to watch this on SciFi originally but saw a copy recently since they're releasing it to DVD soon(

After hearing Schneider was taking the lead I thought this could have gone somewhere. His acting was tolerable, and the characters were mildly entertaining, but the low budget sequel was simply that.

It was so evident David Flores was trying to not only live up to the original, but to mimic it, painstakingly. From the plot, to the character quirks, even to the shocking one liners, we can see his aims at cult classic stardom. It falls horribly short, making for one amusing B movie wannabe.

You watch a B movie for the unreal script and crappy effects anyway, why not take it a step farther. Our affinity towards flicks like Snakes on a Plane or Attack of the Killer Tomatoes, and any other horror-comedy is our intense desire to see some clever crap.

Lake Placid 1 was clever crap, Lake Placid 2 was crap that tries to be clever. And it's awesome watching the no name production team try.

Who takes this kind of thing seriously anyway? My opinion is, it's worth the $4 movie rental. Kick back on a Wednesday night with a couple of beers, and I guarantee the banter between you and your buddies will be well worth your time. There's a couple of KILLER one liners that'll make their way into your hall of shame quote book, guaranteed.
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eckhouse2429 April 2007
Lake Placid 2 is the sequel to the not so good Lake Placid. This movie stinks beyond undescribable words but I will try.

The acting is terrible. It seems as though a page of script was written and shot at the same time. When the crocidile attacks, most of the characters seem so calm about it, even making jokes after one of their own has just been killed. I thought that maybe John Schneider might be the actor in the film but that honor goes to the dog in the film.

Of course, the acting is only one flaw in this film. Another flaw is the script itself. The dialogue is incredibly bad and there are many scenes that just seem to make no sense.

The most important part of the film is it's direction. David Flores who is not noted for anything major but I can't seen a great future for this guy. There are many continuity mistakes and the characters all seem stiff...The special effects are terrible. I am sure that in today's era that even a made for TV movie can have decent special effects. The Crocidile looks awful and the death scenes are just garbage. There is no fear in this film.

Sometimes I enjoy watching these ridiculous movies for a nice laugh but I couldn't even enjoy it as a bad movie. If you want to see a good terrible movie, than watch other Made for Sci Fi movies like Crocidile and Crocidile 2...They are much better yet still terrible.
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Excellent production for the SciFi channel
coliseumvideos3 May 2007
I thought this film was rather well done as far as a SCIFI channel production goes. You have to admit that when compared to the majority of SCIFI channel films, this one does stand out. I don't understand the previous comment of, Not Worth The Time. To each their own, I guess? Anyway I really enjoyed the film myself. Crazy Sadie was pretty comical in her role and there was more blood shown than usual in a SCIFI production. The trailer reads, 3 crocodiles when it turns out there are actually four? An oversight or intentional? All in all the story line is weak yet the special effects and bloody scenes make this one a pretty decent flick. Besides what do you expect for a made for television film? SCIFI channels best production so far this year I believe is, Pumpkinhead 4.
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Gives You the Good Stuff
purban3 February 2008
A sci-fi channel flick with Bo Duke; before you even rent/watch the movie, that should tell you not to take the film too seriously. All too often in these creature features, you get jipped on the violence, gore, nudity, and creature effects. Too often, the creature is seen for a total of 47 seconds in the entire movie. None of those things can be said about Lake Placid 2. It's a B-movie with some horrible editing and acting--but it's got all of the stuff that makes a bad movie good. While the CGI isn't always that spectacular (they even had a cheesy CGI plane-landing), the crocs are on-screen just as much as the actors are, and the body count is surprisingly high. It loosely follows the story of the original, with Cloris Leachman in for Betty White (and, actually, she raises herself above the other performances in the film). It doesn't strike the horror/comedy balance of the first film at all, but this is more of a B-movie creature flick than a true sequel. Compared to other low-budget films in the same genre, this one actually manages to rise above most of the others out there, and gives you the good stuff along with the laughs.
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Worst movie knock off ever!!
lordbowler9 June 2007
When I heard that the Sci-Fi Channel was doing a Lake Placid 2 with John Schneider, I was looking forward to it.

But after 20 minutes, I couldn't believe how bad it was.

The acting is the worst acting I have ever seen/heard. It sounds like this movie was shot in a foreign country and dubbed in English. Except that all of these actors are Americans who speak English and this was filmed for Television, which means they didn't have to dub the bad language.

I actually enjoy many of Sci-Fi's B movies. But this is one of the worst I've ever seen. The special effects are awful, which is surprising since I've seen Sci-Fi do better with other movies.

I'd recommend watching the original Lake Placid instead of wasting the two hours watching this sequel. You will certainly enjoy it more.
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Lame and flaccid describe this sequel perfectly...
TheLittleSongbird28 May 2012
I enjoyed the first film, it was atmospheric, very witty and had some great performances. This sequel is just bad, it tries hard to repeat the success of the original and fails utterly. The special effects here are incredibly amateurish and the crocodile is not very menacing this time around. The script is more cheesy than funny, flat rather than sharp and hackneyed rather than focused, while the story is unexcitedly-paced and unoriginal with the gory moments predictable rather than nail-biting. The characters are stereotypes and annoying ones at that, and the acting even from Cloris Leachman(whose performance is almost exactly the same as Betty White's in the first film except White was far more inspired) is poor, an uneasy mix of overdone or non-existent. In conclusion, a lame and flaccid sequel to an entertaining original. 1/10 Bethany Cox
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The Dukes of Placid
wes-connors5 August 2013
Peaceful "Lake Placid" in Maine suffers from a new series of missing persons. As the opening scene confirms, they are being eaten by giant crocodiles. Informed about the latest incident, wavy-haired blond sheriff John Schneider (as James Riley) jokes about the carnage. After seeing the remains of a victim, Mr. Schneider takes environmentally-conscious blonde girlfriend Sarah Lafleur (as Emma Warner) and EPA man Robert Blush (as Frank Mills) out to investigate. They find a severed head and decide to ask eccentric old Cloris Leachman (as Sadie Bickerman) about giant man-eating crocodiles...

Meanwhile, Schneider's handsome young son Chad Collins (as Scott), reluctantly staying with dad for a month due to a custody arrangement with his ex-wife, goes out looking to meet pretty blonde Alicia Ziegler (as Kerri). She's with a generally annoying group of college-aged friends; as such, they will presumably be crocodile bait. The men are weighty, but the women look good getting topless. Interestingly, the sexiest scene belongs to Ms. Lafleur, shot lovingly as she gets in an out of the water wearing a black bikini; it's early in the movie. Also around is hunter Sam McMurray (as Jack Struthers)...

Continuity from the first "Lake Placid" (1999) is represented by Ms. Leachman, who plays the sister of Delores Bickerman. Betty White, who played Delores in the earlier movie, appears in a photograph. More Bickermans will appear in "Lake Placid 3" (2010). This silly story may frighten very young children, but most everyone else will laugh. Leachman is scarier than the crocodiles. Superfluous is Mr. McMurray and his subplot with slavish Joe Holt (as Ahmad). Schneider, the former "Dukes of Hazzard" hunk, director David Flores and most of the characters play with knowing bemusement.

*** Lake Placid 2 (4/28/07) David Flores ~ John Schneider, Chad Collins, Cloris Leachman, Sarah Lafleur
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Grandma Cloris' recipe for crocodile stew!
Coventry26 February 2022
Ingredients: 3 (minimally...) fat and massively oversized crocodiles. Ask your local butcher for extra fake and juicy ones! 1 Maine lake-setting that was previously used already in a modest cult-favorite. 1 heroic Sheriff, preferably with romantic and parental issues. Half a dozen - give or take - happy campers willing to go skinny-dipping. 1 crazy old lady (how did you end up here, Mrs. Leachman?!?) who secretly feeds the crocs. 1 stereotypically dumb macho hunter (tip: extra rich and arrogant adds flavor). 1 African slave-warrior not afraid to battle ridiculously large animals with his bare hands (and win).

Preparational steps: every self-respecting horror chef knows that you achieve the tastiest and most refined results with animatronics, or even stop-motion effects, but in case the competences and budgetary means are limited there's always the option of CGI. If so, like the case here, consider the following rule: if you go over-the-top, you better do it properly! The bigger and faker, the better!

Start cooking: throw all the ingredients into the Maine lake-setting and its surrounding shores and let them simmer. Make sure the characters cannot leave the lake area, though. Never mind the entire nearby village easily could come and help, make it looks as if the characters are trapped and the lake is inescapable. Spice things up with disposable rednecks and laughably inept amputations.

Serving tip: with some friends and plenty of beer! Bon Appetit!
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No, they didn't really try
FilmFungi15 July 2023
A lot of the reviews I just skimmed though are pretty forgiving of the effort that they put into this movie. But, in all honesty, there seems to be little effort at all.

It is great for a few things, primarily what not to do if you're a writer, director, editor, actor, or CGI artist.

First, the direction. Every scene feels like the actors were just reciting lines without any direction on how they should be saying them. Some scenes, particularly the ones with Cloris Leachman, are obviously improvisation, but just the first take where there's awkward pauses while they're trying to think of their next adlib. Also, for another great example of what bad direction looks like, pay attention to the blocking in each scene. It's the level of direction that a photographer gives for a big group photo: "squeeze in a bit...a little more...ok, you're in the shot, now stay there."

I don't know whose fault this next thing is, but almost every line from any outdoor scene is ADR'd. Badly. And almost every scene is outdoors. Did they not have a mic suitable for outdoors? Maybe they didn't realize until post-production, but, even so, at least put some effort into re-recording the dialog. Don't just put the actors in a closet with a script and a microphone and not worry whether or not they end up syncing with the footage.

The can't even really call it that. Our leading man is John Schneider, who delivers every line like he's in an oatmeal commercial. Whether he's scolding his son, flirting with his ex, or looking at severed limbs in a morgue, he has the exact same upbeat, smirking, sports announcer vibe. In fact, no one ever seems the slightest bit bothered, even when they just watched someone get bitten in half. You can tell that the only actors that thought they were making a good movie were some of the younger ones in the son's B plot. They were terrible at acting, but at least they put the effort into facial expressions.

The lone bright spot in this movie, and the reason I gave it more than one star, is the CGI. I don't think I've ever laughed that much at something that was supposed to be scary. The crocodile, which looks like a leftover render from a PS1 game, actually phases through solid objects. It hovers above the ground. It dives into the water without the slightest wave or ripple. And that's just the crocodile! There's also CGI blood spurts that are identical to the ones from the old Mortal Kombat arcade game. And they don't even bother to put any fake blood on the ground! A guy gets his arm ripped off, and the grass below him stays perfectly clean. There's a CGI seaplane too. Why? The hunters could have shown up I'm a boat, why insert a seaplane from GTA3 that, just like the croc, doesn't affect the water?

I'm torn on whether to call this thing "so-bad-it's-good". It definitely is bad enough to be entertaining, but it almost looks deliberate. It's not like Birdemic where the filmmaker thought he was doing a good job, but was just hilariously incompetent. It's more like they knew from the get-go that the script+budget were going to lead to a bad movie, so no one even tried to rise above it or even have fun with it. I'm surprised none of these experienced performers saw what they were making and went full Nick Cage.

Would I recommend it? Yeah, sorta. If you're a film student, you've got a lot of examples in here of what makes a movie terrible. There are a lot of laughs and WTF moments. If you're not entertained in the first 5 minutes though, just turn it off, because it's not going to get better.
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Kick this croc to the curb.
Hey_Sweden6 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Another rogue crocodile turns up in the title lake in Maine, and a handful of would-be heroes try to do something about it: the sheriff (John "Bo Duke" Schneider), an arrogant jerk big game hunter (Sam McMurray), and a Fish & Wildlife official (Sarah Lafleur). Naturally, crabby local Sadie Bickerman (Cloris Leachman) is just as much of a croc lover as her missing sister Delores, and does NOT play it straight with our heroes.

You get what you expect with this typical lame modern monster movie nonsense: lousy writing, stereotyped characters, inane acting (McMurray is especially annoying - seriously, is that supposed to be an Irish accent he's attempting?), and TERRIBLE CGI effects sink this clunker. This completely lives down to its expectations, and makes the original "Lake Placid" (which is not so hot) look a lot better in comparison.

It's embarrassing watching Schneider and Leachman (the latter basically filling in for Betty White from the first movie) waste their time with this sort of thing. Yeah, actors have to pay their bills just like the rest of us, but man, you wish they'd make better choices sometimes.

"Lake Placid 2" is exactly the sort of thing where you root for the monster to eat all these worthless humans by default.

But hey, at least they let the dog live.

Three out of 10.
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This is a tragic addition to the horror genre
kevin_robbins7 May 2022
Lake Placid 2 (2007) is a movie I recently watched on Tubi. The storyline involves a return to Lake Placid where the storyline for the first film has been covered up. When a member of the environmental protection agency disappears on Lake Placid the local sheriff starts poking around to uncover what's going on...the body count increases and more people are sent in to "help" the sheriff find the culprit.

This movie is directed by David Flores (Boa vs Python) and stars John Schneider (Smallville), Sarah Lafleur (Shall We Dance), Sam McMurray (Raising Arizona), Cloris Leachman (Young Frankenstein) and Justin Urich (How High).

This is a super bad and weird movie. It's like they tried to cast people who were exactly like the characters in the first film and remake a bad version of the first film. Cloris Leachman was no Betty White. The CGI in this is comically bad. The croc in the Resident Evil video game is better than the one in this movie. The comedic content overall was painful and I'm not sure this could have been worse written overall.

This is a tragic addition to the horror genre that I would score a 1/10 and recommend skipping.
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Cooper38814 February 2022
Bad acting, made even worse by horrendous visual FX. Watch it for background noise only.

At least the first in the series was slightly more watchable

*Added characters to make review longer* *smh*
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Pure dumb fun
phil-manzon28 September 2010
I was pumped out when i heard about this film. Im a huge fan of the original Lake Placid, it was the first horror film i ever saw in the theaters. When I was watching the Syfy channel I saw the film's promo, I was beyond excited when I heard that the sequel to one of my childhood favorites was being aired. From a technical stand point I didn't expect astounding special effects or a grade A story. When I finally watched it, I got exactly what i expected. B grade special effects, B grade writing and B grade acting. This film has laughable characters, effects and even genuinely funny moments. As a huge fan of Syfy channel original films and b horror films Id highly recommend.
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A decent movie with some funny parts
benajacks20 December 2007
The humor in this film is much more irony based... the original Lake Placid was intended to be much more genuinely scary, this one will actually provide some good laughs if you go into it looking for the irony not the scare factor.

The CGI in this movie is sub-par, but I think that this was somewhat intentional, it adds to the b-movie feel. The movie is not realistic, if it was it would be perceived as taking itself to seriously and would be stupid.

Go into this movie looking for laughs and you will get them. Go into this movie looking for scares and you will come up disappointed.
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Better Than the First
Michael_Elliott26 February 2008
Lake Placid 2 (2007)

** (out of 4)

A sheriff, a PETA loving vet and a bounty hunter are trying to stop several large crocs who keep eating the locals. The sheriff also has to worry about his teenage son and friends as well as a crazy old woman (Cloris Leachman) who might be feeding the beasts. As I said, this film is somewhat better than the original because it doesn't take itself too serious. None of the actors are very good but they are entertaining enough to keep the film going whenever the monster isn't on screen. What really kills the film are the horrible CGI gore effects and CGI crocs. The crocs are so fake looking that you can never take them too serious. The film might be worse than I'm giving it credit for but it seems the director was trying to make things a tad bit silly with some over the top goofiness. I'm sure fans of the original movie aren't going to enjoy the step down in terms of quality actors but if you've seen enough of these "nature attack" movies then you know there's much worse out there.
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What in the hell were these people thinking?
films2010110 January 2011
"Lake Placid 2", in my opinion, has to be one of the worst sci-fi films ever made on the face of the Earth. It is a waste of a person's time and money. As a matter of fact, I did get around to viewing the first "Lake Placid" movie that was made all the way back in the year of 1999. Personally, since it was, in fact a sci-fi horror/comedy flick, I thought it was okay. Definitely not perfect, but okay nonetheless. Now, why on Earth anyone would ever want to make a sequel to it is just beyond me. The biggest regret I've ever made in my life is watching it on the Sci-Fi Channel on TV because I wanted to check it out. Boy, was I ever stupid to waste 1 hour and 30 minutes of my life that I'll never get back.

Here are my "Top 5" reasons why this movie, "Lake Placid 2" was so bad and should not be worth viewing.

1) The actors. The acting is so atrocious, it's not even funny. Hell, why would you even put John Schneider in a movie like this? He didn't give a very good performance either as did all the other lame and pathetic actors in this movie.

2) The plot. The plot is so unoriginal, it's been done so many times in other movies already. This is it: "A local sheriff must stop four crocodiles from wreaking havoc on a small town."

3) The special effects. They try to make the crocodiles look like gigantic dinosaurs in this movie. Believe it, right into the beginning, one of the crocodiles is able to pull a man off a boat and right into the water. Then, when the man's friend tries to help pull him back up, the crocodile comes in and eats him completely, just leaving out his arm and leg. So, basically, he eats the guy in just one bite. Give me a freakin' break!

4) The action. Now, don't get me wrong. A lot of people do get eaten and killed by the crocodiles in this movie, but overall, there's very little action throughout and it can also get boring very quickly.

5) The filmmakers. These people have done such a poor job on this movie, that not only did they embarrass the actors, but they also embarrassed themselves. Especially the director and writers of this movie. The dialogue was very corny, and sometimes I found myself having to turn up the volume because I couldn't hear a word they were saying. Hell, even the director was making decisions of his own in this movie. It seems that every 5 or 10 minutes that pass in the movie, after someone has already got eaten by the crocodiles, then another person does, and then after that, another person gets eaten. So, it's like a pattern where all the people get killed first and then the crocodiles get killed second. Good lord!

So, these are my 5 reasons why "Lake Placid 2", in my opinion, is one of the worst sci-fi movies ever made. I seriously do not know what these people were thinking when they made this miserable pile of crap. And get this, you think it's bad enough that they already did one sequel to the first "Lake Placid", they freakin' made another one, "Lake Placid 3" in 2010! And that one has also been getting bad reviews just like this one. I'm not even going to attempt to watch that one, knowing how bad the people have been saying it is.

Do yourself a favor, and just watch the first "Lake Placid", and not any of the other poorly bad-made sequels.
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worst movie ever made
cmcraig26 February 2008
First off, giving this movie a 1 implies it has some credit of being a watchable movie. It is not. To give you an idea of how bad this movie is, I never sign up for these comment boards, but felt it was necessary to do so for this movie. This is the first time I have ever done this.

After 5 minutes, I watched this movie in fast forward at 30x speed, only slowing occasionally to laugh at the special effects not even worthy of a high school film project. They must have had a budget of like a hundred bucks. The cast is probably the directors drinking buddies, and I am pretty sure that you can purchase the very same alligator they used floating around in the lake at Walmart. It is a pool floaty toy.

This movie is far worse than any bad sci-fi channel movie I have ever seen. I'm not sure how more than one copy of this movie made it onto the shelves at Blockbusters. If I paid the $4 or whatever to rent this (i belong to their unlimited movie pass deal) I would have really felt cheated and probably would have demanded a free rental, or at least some friggin popcorn as compensation.

The only good thing about this movie would be to copy it, give it to your friends and tell them it is really good, and then laugh when they bitch about wasting 2 hours of their life that they won't ever get back.
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