Frank & Lola (2016) Poster


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Everybody Loves Somebody
ferguson-68 December 2016
Greetings again from the darkness. Michael Shannon continues to be one of the most interesting actors working today. In this first feature from writer/director Matthew Ross, Mr. Shannon is the titular Frank, and his pained facial expressions elevate this neo-noir into a dark and intriguing exposition on male obsession and sexual jealousy.

The abrupt opening scene finds Frank and Lola (Imogen Poots) frolicking in bed after obviously just meeting for the first time that evening. We (and Lola) know we are in for something a bit different when Frank slams on the breaks and states, "Maybe we should wait until next time." Lola is taken aback, and we are soon watching this relationship develop … while simultaneously noting the subtle signs of troubled pasts for each of them.

Frank is a talented French chef and Lola is just starting her career as a fashion designer. His dark side flashes a bit more often, but before Lola ever comes clean, we realize there is unhappiness in her past. They seem to be two tortured souls in a jinxed relationship.

Filmmaker Ross keeps us (and Frank) on our toes as the script seems to continually offer yet another deeply held secret or mysterious character. Justin Long plays Lola's new employer, while the rarely-seen-these-days Rosanna Arquette plays Lola's name-dropping mother. However, it's Michael Nyquist (so great in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo) as the suave Frenchman with ties to Lola's past and present that really makes things interesting … and somehow even darker. His wife is played by the terrific French actress Emmanuelle Devos. Her screen time is limited, yet crucial.

The film was well received at Sundance, and it shares the creepiness of such films as Basic Instinct, Body Heat and Night Moves. Rarely do contemporary movies go as deep into the male psyche of obsession as this one, and the throw-back atmosphere is a perfect fit for the tone. Not many actors simmer like Michael Shannon, and the story offers him the perfect vehicle to remind us that everyone longs to be loved - even when we aren't sure we deserve it.
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A Strong Film, But Not For Everyone
TheAnimalMother26 January 2020
I'm a little surprised by the current 5.9 rating on here, so I really felt I needed to write a review.

The film is a little offbeat, definitely not your standard Hollywood fare. It's gritty, and fairly uncompromising. It takes place in Las Vegas and Paris, and the reason I mention that is because this sort of feels more like a French film than the American film that it actually is.

It is an American film that was selected for Sundance, and then was picked up by a Hollywood distributor.

For a person like myself who has literally seen thousands of films from all over the world, I understand and appreciate the rarity of realist films like this with very human characters and very real feelings.

I enjoyed the film entirely, and I definitely plan to watch it at least one more time in my life. It's a good film at the very least, and perhaps even better. I suspect that I may even rate this film a little higher upon a second viewing. It's one of those types of films that may be enjoyed even more with a less surprised viewer, because yes, the film like real life is a little unsettling at times. There was no doubt at the end of the film however that I definitely enjoyed it a lot.

I must mention that I thought both Shannon and Poots were nothing short of tremendous.

To end, let me just say that if you want something not so standard, or you're a huge film buff who's seen tons, definitely see this film!!

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A character-driven thriller
jdtdwp19 November 2016
Frank & Lola is essentially a story about the relationship between the two main characters, Frank and Lola. To give anymore details about the plot would be to spoil major events in the film, which are better left unexpected.

Having seen a fair share of thrillers, this movie does not have a lot of new plot points to show. However, the way characters play them out is what brings this movie above an average thriller. Michael Shannon and Imogen Poots understand their characters quite well and have great on-screen chemistry. Even the secondary characters all play their roles convincingly. When I saw Justin Long had a small part in this movie, I thought I would hate his character since he usually cannot play a dramatic role well. But he plays a sleazy business man and does a fine job.

To pinpoint the genre of this film is nearly impossible. It is definitely a thriller on some levels, but not wholly. There are good romance scenes but also heavy dramatic dialogue. There are traces of film-noir but not enough to consider it a modern noir. The film struggles a bit because it tries to fit so many elements in such a short time.

From a technical standpoint, the team did not try to do anything out of the ordinary. The direction was good. Cinematography was quite basic. The editing was standard except for one scene where there was a strange editing choice that didn't seem the fit with the flow of the movie. If you don't normally pay attention to the technical side of film, you probably won't notice anything inherently wrong.

Overall, if you like thrillers in general or character-driven stories with some depth to them, this is a good indie film to check out.
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I feel for Frank but don't understand him
Gordon-1117 March 2017
This film tells the story of a Las Vegas chef, who has a beautiful girlfriend. One day, he discovers that she is cheating on him. She explains the unfortunate truth, and he decides to sell revenge from the perpetrator.

"Frank & Lola" shows interesting characters who are real and relevant to daily lives. Frank wants to protect his girlfriend from harm, and would do anything to achieve that. The girlfriend Lola, on the other hard, appears to be vulnerable and victimised. As the story goes on, more truth is unveiled, but viewers are left to wonder what exactly is the truth. I sympathise with Frank, but don't understand him.
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Frank & Lola (2016)
rockman18220 June 2017
I've heard of this film but never decided to check it out. Now that I sometimes go the library (who even does this?) to rent movies I saw it and picked it up. The first intriguing thing about this film were all the very positive reviews for the director, the cast, the style and the deliver of the plot. I don't see Imogen Poots in many things but there is definitely talent there. Don't get me started on Michael Shannon. He blows you away in Take Shelter, and did a fantastic job on Boardwalk Empire. The pairing seemed a little odd at first but you soon realize how greatly they are able to complement each other.

This film is about a jealous and possessive man and a damaged and lonely girl who fall for each other and their oft volatile relationship when its being tested. Frank (Shannon) starts suspecting Lola of an affair and it starts to consume him, while Lola (Poots) tries to cover what she's doing by not being straight up with Frank. Problems ensue, and we are in for a pretty riveting time. I'm not going to praise Shannon anymore but I do have to say he is great in a inquisitive and jealous lover role. Lies are exposed and you can't help but feel a connection with both leads despite their very overt flaws.

Director Matthew Ross is clearly influenced by a few directors works and it shows. I got a few Brian De Palma and Hitchcock feels although many others would probably claim different influences. The films is slightly erotic, moody, and makes you question what the truth is. Ross never really outwardly lays the plot in front of you and let it marinate. Each minute that goes by you can't help but second guess what you previously thought.

Its a really promising debut for someone that I've previously never heard of. The film is quite short but a satisfying portrayal of a relationship that is marred by jealousy, paranoia, and angst. It's not exactly what I expected but I did really enjoy this outlook. Relationships are not always easy peasy and sometimes its nice to get a take of a film that revolves around sex and the possibility of cheating, Seek this one out and watch it, its worth your time.

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Awesome movie!! must see for the acting and story by matthew ross
raoadi1014-959-25414410 December 2016
Frank & Lola- honestly i fell in love with this movie the moment i saw the poster. It looked like an intense love story and it was! i enjoyed watching this film. Debutant director Matthew Ross proves he has talent & he did a decent job considering his first movie. Wont be revelaing the plot as it will spoil the fun for those wanting to see it. Micheal Shannon is such a terrific actor. He played the possessive and intense lover superbly... I fell in love with actress Imogen Poots...such a beauty <3 ..even she has given a fantastic performance. Both have dynamic chemistry on screen. Its a 80 min crisp movie and i liked the way the movie ended..IMO it took the film to another level. Highly recommend to watch this film for the acting and story.
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..nice to see these little films with solid actors are still being made..
bjarias7 March 2017's not a box-office 'must-see' by any stretch.. but being a fan of both Imogen Poots, and Michael Nyqvist, it pretty much was an easy choice... she's one of those individuals that a decade will add little age to her appearance.. at 27, she has been acting for the past thirteen years, and she'll have a very long career should she so choose.. the story is nothing new, but all the leads, and the entire ensemble for that matter, are well cast, and their portrayals are true.. and there are a couple of scenes where you see just how good at their craft they all are.. it's not one that 'must-be'.. but it can be viewed again with some measure of pleasure
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Great until the end
DarknessVisible2029 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The ending to this movie left me so incredibly frustrated. If you don't want to know, don't read ahead. A tumultuous yet poignant love story, where this alluring yet exceptionally selfish woman drags this poor guy (played beautifully by Shannon) through the mud and across the world and back chasing her, only to break his heart repeatedly. And after all the heartbreak as well as professional struggles he goes through, he finally gets back on his feet. Then she reappears in his life and makes him think there's a chance for them, and he's willing to pour his heart into her again. And then... she blows him off again!! The end! UGH!!! Shame on the filmmaker for playing with people's emotions this way.
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wandering, pointless story
user54027 March 2017
i wanted to like this movie, but the story goes nowhere and the ending is awful

the characters and their motivations is very thin, meaning the story is not believable

there isn't much else to say because there's nothing to the movie other than the characters boring perversions
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A young girl falls for an older man, a stable man, and she tries to adapt to such a life after living with instability for years.
Amari-Sali12 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Trigger Warning(s): Conversations about Rape

Review (with Spoilers)

Noted Actor(s)

Lola (Imogen Poots) | Frank (Michael Shannon)


In essence, it is a love story. A young girl, a college student at the time, named Lola meets this chef named Frank. He cooks for her and while they say the quickest way to a man's heart is through his stomach, the same seems to apply to women too. But what about the head? The brain can easily express thoughts and feelings, but sometimes it is hard to explain its actions. So when Lola's past comes back to haunt her, so comes the question if Frank is willing to work with Lola or if her issues are too much for what he makes out to be a lonely but simple life.


A Dynamic Duo

What I loved about this movie the most was Poots and Shannon's chemistry. It isn't heavily sexual, despite them dating, but it still has all the intimacy that is expected with two characters or people having sex. It's the way they look at each other, trying to figure out the other's thoughts, trying to see if what they are saying will be taken well, rejected, or admired. It is this back and forth of never really being able to leave the other person no matter what is said and done for they got a hold on you. One which, no matter how much time passes, and how long you have been absent from each other's company, it takes one glance and all those old feelings come back and you are back in their lives again. That chemistry between these two is such a driving force that it pushes Poots to seem like she can be more than just the cute blonde romantic interest and makes Shannon seem like he can be more than this guy you would imagine as the perfect movie villain.

Poots Specifically

Admittedly, when it comes to young actresses there is always this question of were they hired because they were pretty or hired because they are talented. As we all know, Hollywood is a superficial industry and a cute face and being likable on set can keep a woman working for a hell of a long time. However, for those like me who have become sort of numb to physical allure, it makes you very skeptical.

With Poots, however, she continues to prove that when you think of actresses who are hired because they can perform, the ones who will make you feel something, her name deserves to be on that list. For Lola, with Poots charm and look of innocence, it is difficult to not understand how even a sort of recluse like Frank didn't get snagged. Yet, then we meet her mom, hear about her past, and we are reminded that as much as she is Frank's girlfriend, she has a life of her own and has had a life before meeting him. One which is on the up and up thanks to her ability to socialize, but it hasn't been all daisies and macaroons.

Shannon Specifically

There is always this appearance of suffering when it comes to Shannon, and that looks is used well here. Frank, though not necessarily said to us, is alone and lonely. All he has is his work and while he gets invites from his co-workers to go out and hang, that isn't strongly his interest. Based off the life we see him have, his enjoyment doesn't necessarily come from people. It is cooking, so with Lola entering his life there is this change. One perhaps hard to deal with, or even recognize, for now, he has to adjust his life to accommodate this young girl who he loves but brings up all these insecurities.

On The Fence

They Don't Stay With You

Did I enjoy the performances of this movie? Yes. However, neither of their performances I feel stay with you. They don't hit you hard emotionally, these aren't the go-to characters for when you praise these actors or when you have a need to defend them. Is it part of the case you build to say these two are perhaps underrated? Yes. But that is only if you saw the film around the time you had the argument. Otherwise, you may one day be going through their IMDb filmography and question if you saw this movie and only realize you did once you read the synopsis or after rewatching the first few minutes.

Overall: Mixed (Home Viewing)

As just noted, the main issue is there isn't a grade A performance from this movie. It could be because the script isn't top gear, but considering how they made it work despite that, there lies the reason for this being mixed. What could have been a bad movie if others were in their roles became something adequate. Maybe not the most memorable, but a decent way to spend an hour and a half.
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benfunu-7102823 December 2019
Watching glaciers melt is not only more entertaining but are faster than this movie. The close ups were a little much and arranging my livingroom furniture further away from my TV didn't help. For some reason the director found it necessary to have everyone pause between lines. I never made it to the end, this movie is a wonderful sedative.
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Nasty Underpinnings
dianesedmak5 March 2020
Am I the only one who brought a clinical eye to this movie while watching these two characters devour each other and establish a "trauma bonding" addiction to each other. What that meant for me was that Frank was irrresistably attracted to this girl who was irresistably attracted to him while neither of them was even remotely aware of the true underlying nature of this attraction. They came together, as so many couples do, in order to perform their little dance with each other - she the sex addict helplessly drawn to acting out her wierd needs with men other than her partner; and he the rage-a-holic now to be provided by her with ample excuses to blow his top and eventually either kill her or at very least put her in the hospital. Was the director or screenwriter even aware of this angle or did they view this situation in some kind of sugar coated way.
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dark brooding noir
SnoopyStyle16 April 2018
Frank (Michael Shannon) is a mercurial chef in Las Vegas. He has a passionate romance with mysterious budding fashion designer Lola (Imogen Poots). She reveals that her mother's former boyfriend Alan Larsson (Michael Nyqvist) had raped her. Her new boss Keith Winkleman (Justin Long) gets Frank an audition for a famous chef in France. After the audition, Frank heads for Paris to confront Alan.

The start is a bit muddled and disjointed. Frank and Lola need a good meet cute. Shannon is great at the brooding dark role. Despite the age difference, Poots projects a damaged soul who is attracted to Shannon's powerful darkness. I do question the confrontation with Alan. I can't believe that Alan would invite a perfect stranger into his love nest unless he's looking for a homoerotic one-night stand. I would increase the tension by having Frank kidnap him ending up at Alan's pad. The entire movie is a little disjointed but I do appreciate the noirish style. It could have been executed better.
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Bad Beginning
harrishcraig12 October 2020
Michael Shannon, one of my favorite actors, works a lot and takes chances with inexperienced directors so there are bound to be some misfires. Frank and Lola is definitely one of the misfires.

Director and writer Matthew Ross blew the beginning and tried to compensate for this early mishap in the editing room. The first twenty minutes, improperly composed, distract from essential character and relationship development necessary to the story's foundation. It is as though a slingshot is never quite pulled back and so the stone simply dribbles to the ground, missing its target.

The actors can not be faulted, the premise is intriguing and the potential for an unusual, impactful film exists here. It is just a disappointment that it never comes together despite the great actors involved.

I do not recommend this film. The theme of trust in relationships in a story involving jealousy and sexual intrigue should be much more compelling.
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Another Shannon Triumph
JohnDeSando10 December 2016
"Beware, my Lord, of jealousy, it is the green-eyed monster that doth mock the meat it feeds on." Iago in Othello

Frank (Michael Shannon), a top-rated chef in Vegas, falls for young fashion designer Lola (Imogen Poots) and that's the beginning and end. That is, his uneventful life just became upended by a girl he needs to trust but doesn't appear to merit it. Such is the conflict and drama of this small, tense, and satisfying drama with just a hint of thriller.

While Frank & Lola is a modern romance fraught with uncertainty because the principals orbit by themselves hoping to collide with love rather than let it ripen. The not-so-likely love between this older man and younger lost soul doesn't so much move on lust as it does on the couple's passion to do the right thing in the face of their defaults.

Lola's one-night stand and her admission to Frank start him into a spell of mistrust that propels the film thereafter. The film's center is in Shannon's believably smart man tossed in jealousy and mistrust that leads to violence and uncertain rapprochement with her.

Poots is marvelous as a lost soul looking in the wrong places--her eyes are the most soulful and vulnerable in cinema today. Shannon's minimalistic acting relays the perfect hard-boiled hero of few words. But be careful, he can see into your heart and with a word or two tell the whole sordid details of your innocence lost.

Frank & Lola is heavy on engaging dialogue and light on thriller action. Its strength is relaying how little we know about the ones closest to us.
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Watchable Without Too Much Judgement
zac-682749 March 2020
Two people that needed serious therapy. He needed anyone there when life showed up and she needed someone to enable destructive behavior and judgment. Sadly Therapy Was Never Mentioned an cinematography of the beautiful western plains & European skylines were eliminated.
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Broody Relationship
jeroduptown3 August 2021
He's a talented chef. She's a struggling designer. He's got anger issues. She's got a sketchy past. Trying to be a little sexier than it is, their issues collide head on and bravo you have the conflict. The resolution...just wait for it.
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takes a long time to get going
ksf-216 January 2021
Imogen Poots and Michael Shannon are Frank and Lola. Justin Long is Keith, who introduces Frank to big wheelers and dealers. when Lola takes a job working with Keith, Frank gets jealous.... and rightly so. apparently, Lola is sleeping with other guys...and keith seems to be going out on a limb for Frank, to get him a job. the story meanders all over the place. ... it took a LONG time to find out what the plot is really about. Lola may be into more things than she's telling Frank about. but what will he do now that he knows the truth? so many things are possible in Vegas. sex. drugs. violence. and when someone is ready to make him chef of his own restaurant, will he be ready for the challenge? and what will he give up to be his own boss? it's just okay. Written and directed by Matthew Ross.
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RosanaBotafogo13 June 2022
Romancezinho water with sugar, with troubled partners, DRs, betrayal and pardons, gastronomy, the suspense is in the background, almost non-existent, great cast for a simple film, nice to watch, but only that was missing something...
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Not much hope a really bad DikFlick
elisaforsgren3 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
First the beginning... yes, no, yes, no sexual situation... really? Really?! In the confusion of misinformation that manages to wrap the globe at record speeds, do you really want to promote such a confusing message?

Every single time Frank, played by Michael Shannon, opens his mouth it seems creepily misogynistic, controlling, run-very-fast from this type of guy because red flags are popping up everywhere subtly and right smack in your face.

Lola, Franks obsession or "love" interest, played by Imogen Poots, apparently likes to be controlled... as we learn in the opening scene: Okay, yes... but could you hold me down while you go at it? WHAT THE ACTUAL... ?!?

No, no, no, no! This is not a message that needs to be spread out there, imho, ever. Once I take a deeper look at the film, all the behind the scenes people such as the writer, producers, director, etc. are men. Go figure.

The crux of the film is found in the truth, should a woman be believed? This film goes so far as to follow a guy who tracks down the man his "love" obsession has claimed raped her. Lola arranges through her new boss to get a coveted job opportunity for Frank where he interviews in Paris, conveniently close to the accused rapist. So while in Paris, Frank stalks the guy, ready to kill him with a pairing knife (again, WTAF?). When he confronts the rapist, he instantaneously drops his alliance with his "love" and sides with the rapist. Again, again, again: WHAT THE ACTUAL...?!?

Back stateside in Las Vegas, he is sullen about getting the job that Lola lined up for him. He breaks up with her. (WTAF?) Ends up getting more of the story from Lola who is deeply disturbed by his betrayal to confront the rapist, side with him and then break with her. Frank flies back to Paris under the pretense of prepping for his job where he also confirms more of Lola's story and realizes that the rapist is now back in the states in pursuit of Lola. Immediately, he flies back to Las Vegas. (WTAF?)

Climax is anti-climatic, really. I would have started something else but it was a train wreck that I couldn't stop watching. Lola never asked Frank to do the things that he did... in fact she was upset and regretted any involvement by Frank thus far. Still, without any regard to her wishes, he does what he does in her virtue, name, wtfe he does it for... it is literally dizzying. Seriously made me re-think men's true intentions: all about them, their ego, their significance.

The best part of the entire film is the last minute. Wait for me... did she? Did she leave? Yes, no, yes, no... is it a bookend finish or just another bolster to the male ego?

Unless you are a male, or a female that panders to the male ego... you will not enjoy this dikflick... it panders to the male message in regards to women and how they choose to use their sexuality and bodies. If you support the male dominance, then this is for you... in my opinion this is a very graphic and horrific depiction of women, rape, sex, relationships, encourages cow-towing and submission to the lesser of two evils. Complete BS to be avoided. The message is not a good one for women, as for me I would recommend a pass.
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does this movie have a point?
johndoughimdb9 June 2020
Wandering story that leads nowhere. Childish characters with no depth.
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Dysfunctional Relationships Have Never Been This Disturbing
horitaj4 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"Frank and Lola" is a an independent romance drama thriller directed by Matthew Ross, and starring Michael Shannon (Frank), Imogen Poots (Lola), and Justin Long (Keith).

The film follows the characters of Frank and Lola. Frank is an uptight chef who takes pride in his cooking and the culinary arts, and Lola is a young eccentric woman who makes dress designs. The film starts with the two in their relationship and as the film goes on explains how the two actually met. One night Lola comes home crying telling Frank that she "made a mistake." This is where the film takes a dark turn and gives us an eerily disturbing look at what a dysfunctional relationship can be like.

Right off the bat the acting is great. Shannon was perfect as the character of Frank, this obsessed, uptight and disturbing individual. Shannon was on fire in 2016 with "Midnight Special", "Elvis & Nixon", and "Nocturnal Animals", and this film just shows how much of a great actor he really is. Poots was great as Lola, her performance really sold the role and was done very well. Justin Long was good in the movie too as this obnoxious, wealthy, charismatic douche.

The cinematography in the film was beautiful. In a way the film looked very much like a Nicolas Winding Refn film (specifically "Only God Forgives" and "The Neon Demon") There was a lot of bright reds, yellows, and blues, it was gorgeous to look at and never took me out of the film.Matthew Ross proves to be a very stylized director with great vision and execution. He makes time to develop every character in the film no matter how big or small their role was, and justifies the characters actions.

A few issues I had was the relationship between the two characters of Frank and Lola. Their relationship is never really explored on why they "love" each other so much and how they're still able to be together when all these awful things start happening to them. Another issue is that the film gets a little repetitive during the halfway mark which made me question the believability of "that" happening twice.

Overall "Frank and Lola" is a well executed film with great performances by Michael Shannon and Imogen Poots, and a great directorial debut for Matthew Ross.
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Another "Fifty Shades of Grey" Film!
lavatch9 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Neither a romance or a thriller, "Frank & Lola" would appear to be another tawdry film on the order of "Fifty Shades of Grey." A skilled chef (Frank) meets an aspiring fashion designer (Lola), and they immediately have sex. While there appears to be chemistry between the two people, it turns out that Lola immediately has sex with a stranger, leading to the couple's first major argument, then a long string of separations.

At that moment when the woman was unfaithful, the relationship should have ended. Instead, the film introduces a bizarre subplot with a former lover of Lola in Paris. The film then turns into an implausible psychological drama that was both confusing and a complete bore.

The most interesting scenes in the film related to career of Frank as a chef in swanky hotel restaurants. It was clear that he was a gifted and imaginative chef with special talents. Additionally, the fine actor Michael Shannon was completely convincing in the role.

Sadly, the film did not engage as a love story. It appeared as though the filmmakers were attempting to create the philosophical profundity of a European art film. But the result was a spin-off of "Fifty Shades of Grey."
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Very well done
v-ley25 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The writing and the plot are simple in terms of understanding. The movie can be a tad slow sometimes but has you thinking and feeling everything at any one time. I think this couple's idea of what they both have together( and obviously don't)is a good motivator for what ultimately transpires. The "older" male partner is more than honest and a point. This should be a life lesson to all younger women A/O girls out there stringing people along just because they can, they really cannot get away with whatever they'd like simply because they have youth and looks. Michael Shannon and Imogen are perfectly matched and I see the "thriller" in this movie and liked it very much.
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Full of mysteries, twist and turns!
Reno-Rangan14 March 2017
This was Michael Shannon's show as Frank, but the plot developed mysteries surrounded by character Lola that played by Imogen Poots. Basically the entire film is about these two and after the halfway mark, another character joins them to add more suspense. Well, it was the story of a decently succeeded chef and his new girlfriend. Their relationship strengthens in a short period of time. They think they know each other enough, but one day a new secret revealed from Lola's past. That's the beginning of everything in this film, following many turns in the narration, the story reaches its end.

The major issue was too much suspense. The writing should have been simplified. So not everybody easily understands the film or the purposes of film scenes/events. But it is more revenge based than psychological thriller-drama. That does not mean you can rule out everything else possibilities. Lola is the key and till the final scene she frequently diverts the story developments to give a new perspective on where the film is heading. So definitely not predictable film, particularly not the conclusion. This is exclusively for neo-noir fans. But for others it is one time watchable film.

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