Safer at Home (2021) Poster


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One sentence review
momster6426 September 2021
Seven irritating people with no redeeming qualities overacting and grimacing into the camera for 90 minutes. The end.
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Don't waste your time
syphgyh28 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Predictable storyline. Literally the worst acting. The actors couldn't even cry when one of them dies. Come on now, that is like acting 101! No tears were shed. Especially the Evan character when his GF dies...I actually laughed because his reaction is so bad. Where did they find these people ? The best acting was the dead girl just lying there.
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Why didn't they call the ambulance???
Netscape_Navigator22 October 2021
That's my number one screaming plothole in the hole movie that I can't ignore - why didn't they just immediately call 911?

Evan and his girlfriend gets into an argument, and at one point he takes a step towards her and she steps back quickly and falls and hits her head. Why wouldn't you call 911 for help? Is it because they had done illegal drugs so was afraid of the consequences for that, whatever that may be? If you had done illegal drugs, and something happens to where your sister or daughter is not moving, would you not call 911? And how can you even assume for sure they're dead? You're not a medical expert, even if the person doesn't seem like they're breathing, wouldn't you call for help just for any potential life saving techniques? Wouldn't you EXHAUST the possibilities instead of assuming the default position of, "they're not breathing, must be dead." Again, imagine if you find your daughter lifeless and not breathing, are you going to conclude that they're dead, or go to the ends of the earth to do whatever you can to save them (call 911)? You have no idea what methods or techniques are used, or what miraculous thing might happen.

Also, tied for the most annoying thing in this movie is the fact that Evan doesn't actually clearly tell his friends watching on video chat, "no, I didn't do anything, she slipped and hit her head." Not ONCE does he say this in this critical time. He passively mentions it much later in the movie, but at this time when some of his friends are sort of suspecting him, or just generally unsure of what happened (since they only heard it, and then saw the aftermath), he never actually says anything to clear up his name.

The type of excuses he's giving are the kind you'd give if you did accidentally go a bit too far, and now are unsure if you would have legal liability. For example, if he had sort of brushed her off or dislodged himself from her if she had been getting physical with him, etc. Yeah, that I can see. Because technically your physical action of shoving them off made them fall and hit their head and die, apparently. But nope, he literally did NOTHING here. And this idiot not only doesn't deny it, he also doesn't call for help, AND he goes running off into the night like some lunatic, as if he's already a known fugitive. And unless I missed something, even though I thought people weren't allowed to be driving during the quarantine, his friend clearly was, so why was Evan driving as if was afraid to get caught? And his friends are not any smarter since none of them brought up the points I brought up.

Also, the whole argument that started this off was unrealistic to me. The girlfriend admits that she had a threesome in high school, and the boyfriend, Evan, understandably gets a little upset about it and can't stop asking her about it. Then, a bit later, two of their friends on video chat starts getting intimate with each other before finally shutting off the video. When the video is shut off, Evan makes a comment about how it was just getting good. She takes offense to that (for some reason), and he claims it was a joke. The girlfriend's mood was completely unrealistic here. She had no reason to even feel unhappy, LET ALONE mad. Doesn't this sound confusing even reading this? You're wondering, "wait, she's mad? About what?" Yeah, my point exactly. Her whole mood DARKENED after the comment Evan made about the two friends that had been getting intimate on video. Ok, that's weird, yeah, but why would you be MAD at him for saying that, or mad at him for joking about it (whichever way you, as her, would've interpreted it). You might be playfully disgusted, but not the piercing anger she showed towards him.

Along those same lines, when he got mad at her for keeping the high school threesome she had a secret, her reaction to him is all wrong. Just put yourself in her shoes. So now your boyfriend is really upset about this news. Wouldn't you react more like, "hey, this was a long time ago, come on, it doesn't matter." Not exactly pleading with him, but just trying to maybe "bargain" with him to get him to see your side. Instead, she's taking OFFENSE to him being upset about the threesome. It's just not a natural reaction to me. You don't get OFFENDED at someone being mad at you, at least not at this point, and especially not with the way it was presented (on a tiny, tiny, level, there would be a super tiny bit of flattery you'd feel because someone is upset/jealous, which is rooted in how they feel about you. I think we all know that feeling). So given that, you'd almost playfully wave it off (secretly enjoying maybe just a little bit, that this person is jealous). However you might personally respond, turning cold, dark, and hateful is probably not what most of us would do.
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Safer not watching
bortzgd200228 June 2021
It's almost funny how bad the writing and acting is, so if you are up for an ironically funny, kinda drama, go for it...BUT PLEASE TAKE SOME MOLLY BEFORE, so it's at least enjoyable.
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eVaN iS LiKe FaMiLy To mE
presleylaredo1 July 2021
The only thing keeping me from turning off this movie is the fact i lost my remote.
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lino-1827 February 2021
A half baked idea, stolen from much better films such as Host, badly executed with a cast of throughly unlikeable characters. Avoid.
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A fantastic movie
gleepottz27 June 2021
For people who love really boring movies. The movie consists of a boring trope, filled with unlikable characters, with very uninteresting and uninspired situations.

Even MST3K might have trouble riffing this movie.
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Don't watch, any positive reviews for this have to be left by people involved in the movie
sirjuicyj28 June 2021
The acting in this movie is so terrible and not even enjoyable in a cheesy b-movie way. Every line that is obviously played up for laughs comes out awkwardly. These sad attempts at humor didn't make me laugh once and then the movie gets even more pathetic when the actors have more dramatic scenes. Every serious scene has the most generic dialogue that is performed awfully every time. Even if you like watching bad films don't bother with this, it's so pointless and lazy. And any review that calls any of this mess good acting is obviously someone trying to boost the rating.
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Worst movie ever!!!!
mamamarcia-2825127 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is by far the worst movie ever I couldn't even finish it a girl's dies and all you hear is people screaming for him to talk to them about the dead girl whoever made this movie is dumber than a box of rocks that they thought this was going to be any kind of entertainment they should lose their ability to make movies cuz this was by far the worst thing I've ever seen DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME!!!
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Low Budget but good
elvirahelena1327 October 2021
Low budget but well done. A lot of plot holes but makes part of the whole drama. I think people are missing the point of it as it does have good actors and the low budget doesn't mean that bad.
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Made by and for 12 year olds?
davidlohr30 June 2021
If so, that explains a lot. If not, everyone involved should avoid referencing it on their resumes and immediately pursue a new line of work..
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Great 1st person movie
ehartland11 November 2021
I've seen a lot of films made since the beginning of the pandemic; some good, most bad. This is one of the cleverest. To be able to make a movie using Zoom-like media and keep it entertaining is quite a feat. We've seen plenty of copycat Blair Witch first person filming since that was released but this seemed to have more urgency; more impact. When it moves outside the apartments they keep the first person PoV throughout but the pace quickens. You get so invested in the characters you won't know where the time went.
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Not that bad
estesangelica7 July 2021
Giving it a 7 to try to help. But the movie is probably like a 5/10. It's definitely not as bad as people are making it. I was actually pretty invested lol. I mean Idk if you guys were expecting an Oscar worthy performance but for what it was, it's entertaining.
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One of the WORST
brandon_veracka28 June 2021
Foolish, mind-blowing-ly awful garbage packaged as a horror movie. Rarely do I ever come across movies that actually make me angry after watching them, but this It's amazing that this sort of crap gets a green light and ends up being made in the first place.
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A bunch of idiots sitting around arguing
McQualude27 June 2021
Basic story is zoomers do bad drugs and Zoom while describing their overdose but not acting like they overdosed. Then an argument, the most realistic part of the movie, breaks out and someone gets hurt. Then everyone makes terrible decisions while still Zooming. I'm making it sound way better than it is. Suffice to say, the acting and story are awful and this isn't worth your time.
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Aggressively boring
henryofmonmouth28 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie didn't have much going for it from start to finish, the zoom meeting concept can only take you so far to begin with and writing all the characters in a very tropy cut and paste way really didn't help.

The biggest problem of the movie is the 'main character' of sorts is completely unlikable and you spend almost an hour watching him flim flam around being an absolute moron, this is after he commits an act of domestic violence.

Why on earth do I give a damn about this guy after he reared on his girl aggressively causing her to hurt herself so badly in fear? Am I supposed to feel sorry for him? Root for him to not get picked up by the police when he was always going to anyway? Why is he running anyway, the body will be found eventually and it will look worse with him fleeing?

Don't bother watching this, it has no upside, there's nothing to hook you at all, then they do a twist which would maybe have some drama if we had any reason to care about the abusive idiot.
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Highschool project...
emholberg28 February 2021
...on really tight budget. There is not much else to say here. One should be careful with 4+ rating on imdb. Lesson learned.
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fishycobra1 July 2021
Please don't waste your time with this movie 😕 words can't explain how awful it is.
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Awful is an understatement.
reywal9926 March 2021
Watch Unfriended or Unfriended 2. I've had more exciting work related Zoom calls than this movie. Don't wast your time, call a friend or family member on Face Time or Zoom.
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gustavo-975-10886631 August 2021
You guys want a 100% RT masterpiece? Or a a24 movie? This one is for kill time. Watched at Amazon prime, it's fine. It's fine for kill time.
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What's the actor from Home Alone 2 in this movie?
Imattlg-521-1066372 April 2021
While the movie is a solid piece for passing some time, it kept me on my toes. But, that wannabe from Home Alone 2 totally ruined a few scenes. His voice is so irritating! And why in the hell is he so orange. They acted like he was important but that's an effing joke for sure. Once again, he plays real villain here.
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Saiph9030 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I often think reviewers saying I wish I could give 0 stars are over the top, usually there is some redeeming feature, acting, script, cinematography, twist in plot but with this film there is not one. The film cons you into believing it is a post apocalyptical. Dystopian film, it is not, it is 7 irritating people on a zoom call. During this call they take drugs, a couple get into an argument she falls over and hits her head he thinks she is dead, he does not call an ambulance or takes her to hospital, a neighbour calls the police, one of the many plot holes is they never enter the property. He goes on the run the police shoot him and she recovers like Lazarus as the amazing twist. Utter boring garbage.
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Zoom fatigue catharsis!
michael-legum26 February 2021
Really neat concept and fun to watch. Great treat for a dark living room and popcorn at your side. Cathartic to watch if you've been feeling the zoom fatigue. Enjoy!
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Not as bad as I thought
kenyaekofi28 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So when I saw the trailer for this movie I thought it was going to be bad. But I ended up somewhat enjoying this movie. In some scenes of this movie the acting was bad and in others the acting was good. When I saw what happened to Jen I was scared for Evan because nobody saw what happened and a friend of his was accusing him of killing Jen. I think the scenario could have been solved if Evan opened the door and explained what happened. Which would have alerted medical treatment for Jen to be able to come back from being unconscious. Evan in my opinion literally ran away for no good reason, because he seemed like he had a good control of himself with this foreign drug that he took with his friends. What really bothered me was how fast the group bailed on Evan after he died and the cop picked up the phone after they shot him. The movie I thought was going to head in a different direction. But I enjoyed it and wish the plot could have been more up paced.
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barry-6511428 June 2021
Directionless, actionless, pointless, worthless. I spent the entire movie waiting for the excitement to begin, wondering when it would become a thriller. Instead it became dumb and dumber. A bunch of idiots behaving like idiots with boring banter. You could cut the movie down to about 5 minutes and understand everything. Yawner.
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