"Obi-Wan Kenobi" Part IV (TV Episode 2022) Poster

(TV Mini Series)


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Produced for children.
James09878 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
After The Mandalorian my hope for any future Star Wars project was restored, surely this show would not only live up to it but exceed it right? Unfortunately while writing this review I can't even think of any talking points because of how forgettable this episode was. Nevertheless I'll try to summarize some of he issues I had with this episode.

Everything was way to easy, the got in that fortress like it was nothing.

Character's hear things one moment then can't the next. No one in that room heard her brawling with the officer but a couple storm troopers heard the radio in the next scene? Okay

Reva interrogates a 10 year old like she's an adult, and young Leia's dialog doesn't fit her age either.

Tala hits a storm troopers helmet with her hand and he is so affected by this he stands there stunned while she grabs the other ones gun then shoots him. Choreography department where are you?

Tala and Obi-Wan walk through a base on high alert with Leia hiding in his trench coat and no one notices...

2 more episodes left... Hopefully they'll be stand outs but I doubt it.
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Ive lost my optimism with this show
ronniewhitedx8 June 2022
There are those moments where I really enjoy the show, however those are far few in-between. It's the strange direction, almost like Debra Chow was physically forced to cut 50% of the scenes from each episode as well as logical leaps that bewilder at best; insult the viewer at worst. To the laughable dialogue that maybe don't make your eyes roll quite as hard as some of the prequel trilogy, however certainly more frequently. As a star wars fan who watched the animated stuff multiple times and sees how those shows get it right... It really bums me to see how bad this is... After 4 episodes you know, you know?
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Unfortunately Deborah Chow was not the right fit for this series
anhyll8 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So much wasted potential in the first four episodes of this show. The confrontation in episode 3 was played down and without consequences. The show insists to focus on Leia and the third sister, where it should be focusing on the connection and relationship between Obi Wan and Darth Vader. In this episode we had the perfect opportunity with the bacta tank (we know from the book of Boba fett, that this entails flashbacks), so why not use this as an opportunity for clone wars flashbacks to see the strength of their relationship before the last confrontation? I have no hope in the last two episodes of this show, the foundation is really not there.
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A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...there was an imperial base without sensors.
Muromets8 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
And AA-guns. No PD whatsoever! And no officers with common sense, propper training and good hearing. Also, this base has no shields, cause, you see this stronghold, this fortress is so scary that no one will ever dare to attack it.

Do you like this explanation? If you do, then "Obi-Wan Kenobi" is for you!

If not... well, let us grieve together.

Now, my commentary on previous episode got deleted (was it because of RLM Nerd Crew refrence and some "true SW-fans" got their panties in a bunch?), so i'll try to be as blatant, inoffensive and boring as Disney SW (with Mandalorian and R-1 being somewhat of an exception). Which is super easy, barely an inconvenience.

Ben is reflecting some blaster bolts. Finally, a tiny glimpse of an Old Kenobi. Not there yet, oh no, not by far, but i guess this is a start. Disney, you do remember that this is a man who slayed Darth Maul with a single sweep of a lightsaber? And no, i am not talking about tPM. What is canon to you, lord Mouse?

Ellaria Sand is fighting two fully armored troopers while using her bare hands and Element Of Surprise, disarming one of them (troopers, not her hands) and then killing both. She is also Master Of Silent Assassinations, capable of smothering dude, while his comrades are sitting in a few meters away.

Third Sister is trying to look tough while interogating (if you can call it that) little girl, Darth Vader is in the episode for a few minutes and Brother In A Dorky Mushroom Helmet is whining again. We have a scene that tries to copy certain moments from "Fallen Order", but where video games excels, this high-budgeted tv-series failes.

In the end... well, dear reader, in the end the carnival of absurdity reaches it's peak, with Kenobi smuggling Leia out of base-on-high-alert by simply covering her with stolen imperial coat. And no one saw anything, till Third Sister started to raise some noise. Aferwards two rust buckets are attacking the compound - a heart of Inquisition, i would like to remind you - and thus saving Benny, Annoying Brat and Oberin's Paramour. Yes, yes, Indira Varma is a terrific actress, with plenty of roles under her belt, but i'll stick with GoT refrences. Now, where was i... Ah, yes - our heroes are saved, but sneaky Third S-s-s-ister bugged Lola The Merch, to trace the terrori... i mean, brave rebels and Ben. Wow! What a twist!

You know what is trully sad? Some of this - some, not everything - could have been fixed without spending of a budget a cent. Like make Dornish girl to put some virus into the base's systems (since she had full access to the mainframe). A virus, that will mess with alarms, disable watch droids and defences... And allow Ben to use Force to mask Leia. You know, cloud vision of weaker minds. Simple illusion, jedi suggestion. Yeah, this is taxing for ol' Ben- but he does that and thus imperials in his way fail to notice the little girl...

But nope. *sad sigh*

This show needs script doctors. Or better yet - a physician team. Better them, than autopsist, you know.
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Rogue one was just a lucky hit
Kutalpm10 June 2022
It's plain bad.

One of the most powerful Jedi, Obiwan, is pictured as weak person with a horrible attitude.

Darth Vader looks like a lego character, nothing like the intimidating RO scene.

CGI and VE are sometimes ok but most of the time B-level.

Writing is a mix of Mando+Yoda (Obiwan + Leia) and Cal Castis story executed in a boring way.

Directing is bad. There is no memorable scene, even though We had the long waited reunion.

Where are the talented people? Don't discriminate people by their race, social status, personal preference ... . Just hire talented people.
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I don't know what to think
pietrocarponi8 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The amount of nitpick I see is truly over the top, I've read some of the worst comments I've ever seen. It must be so boring to not be able to enjoy something like this, made for the fans, with so much respect for the prequels and even Fallen Order. I'm so glad this isn't a cameo fest and it's more focused on Obi-Wan emotional journey, with a great young actress playing Leia and impressive sets. At this point I don't know what to think about the people hating Reva, she is a villain, she clearly was forced into the temple and then abandoned during order 66,she was probably tortured and became an inquisitor (hated by her colleagues) and people complain about her being too angry??
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Wow This Writing is TERRIBLE
TRIDENT17459 June 2022
Y'all say the sequels are bad, and that Disney Plus shows saved Star Wars, I hope episodes that are three times shorter than Stranger Things episodes and writing that is on par with Game of Thrones S8 live up to "Obi-Wan's Legacy"

Absolutely nothing makes sense in this episode.

How is tala talking so loud that I have to turn my volume down, but oh wait, absolutely no one hears her.

Why is Reva talking to Leia like she's 40?

Why is Leia talking to Reva like she's 25?

Why does Reva get more screen time than the literal title of the show - Kenobi?

Wtf was that stormtrooper slap?

This show is beyond saving.
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Written for kids
sadako1111 June 2022
The script lacks intelligence, intrigue, creativity, complexity or wit. It just a collection of mundane generic rescue/chase sequences we have seen before.

The enemy are a whole bunch of undisciplined clowns.

The trench coat escape sequence is probably the most pathetic thing I have ever seen. Who is writing this crap?
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What episode were you all watching?!
I read a bunch of reviews here on IMDB for this episode before I watched it in the evening. I've been enjoying the series so far, and I had a bad feeling about this one. So many low scores, so many descriptions of this being a "filler" episode, how terrible it was, how utterly awful the writing and direction was.

(I'm going to go ahead assume that many writers of these reviews are screenwriters, actors, and directors themselves...)

Having just seen it, what the hell was everyone moaning about?!

How on earth was this meant to be a filler episode? We witness the relationship strengthening between Ben & Leia, we got to see Tala in action (really starting to like her character btw), we really get a sense of the true horrors of the inquisition - child torture and frozen in amber like graves. Yeah. That'll do it.

This episode needed to occur. Obi Wan needed to be immersed within the heart of the empire. Previously he'd been skirting around the edges of it. Leia needed to be rescued after our hero experiences the narrative's extreme low point by being burned alive in the Ep 3. Having it take place within the heart of the space nazi's fortress makes perfect sense.

And why on earth are people moaning about Ben sneaking around the base without being seen? Has anyone actually seen A New Hope...?!

Serious question here - do these 2/10, 3/10 reviewers actually get immersed in any sort of drama? Do they realise that good writing does not mean "this cool nerdy thing I like happened"? Not everything needs to be absolutely perfect all the time. Not every episode needs to be a huge fan service (to be fair, it's not like this episode was lacking in that dept, but keeping this spoiler free). Sometimes it's the small moments that add to the drama and the characters. All you have to do is actually pay attention. This isn't Tik Tok.

Some people are even moaning about the distance in the hanger for goodness sake. I mean, did you see the size of it? It was not exactly a small space! I honestly think some people thrive off knit picking and moaning for the sake of it.

Seeing this episode has really shown that I should always take fan reviews of long standing franchises with more than a few pinches of salt. I can't wait for Ep 5. I guess that'll be awful as well.
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"Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, and hate leads to suffering"
ashleytien-5701511 June 2022
I was as fearful as I was excited when I heard that this series was coming out because I knew the type of content Disney is accustomed to putting out. And then I was angry after watching this most recent "episode," (bruh, what is 30 minutes??) and now I am just headed straight to suffering. I feel no joy seeing people tear this episode apart; it's about as tragic as the fall of Anakin Skywalker. There was just SO MUCH potential. And now you all are talking about making a Reva spinoff, which tells me that this show was never about Kenobi. Dude was just a device to introduce Reva. You turned a Star Wars LEGEND into a device to shoehorn someone else in. I have no other words.
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Getting worse and worse
hnt_dnl8 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is easily the worst episode of the season so far! The first 3 episodes actually had a modicum of setup and took a minute to breathe, but in this one stuff just happened. To start, this episode was completely unnecessary as the trio of Kenobi, Leia and Tala should have escaped through the tunnel. This way, Vader never sees Kenobi. Also, Reva never actually saw Kenobi before this episode and had no confirmation that he was still alive, so they could very easily believe that he was actually dead, or at the very least he would have gotten away and they couldn't prove he was alive. But I digress. But for this episode, how did Tala, Robot, and Kenobi escape the mining planet when Reva killed their Pilot and ONLY means of escape? Did Reva just leave their escape ship there? Why didn't she destroy it, or better yet, why didn't she put the tracking device on THAT ship?

Why did the Path Network Leader guy just fold immediately after talking about his wife? Before that, he was dead set against helping Kenobi save Leia. What changed in the like 5 seconds that Kenobi said the Empire is bad? So the Path network just happens to have all the schematics to the Inquisitors' base? From this episode, it appears that this was Tala's first time on the base, so how did they get this information? Also, since you know where it is, why didn't you do a stealth attack before? You know where their base is, but they didn't know where yours was. AND somehow you know they don't have shields protecting the base, which is exactly why you would actually plan and execute a sneak attack on them. Destroy their base, get rid of all the Inquisitors, weaken Vader and the Empire's forces. Simple. Kenobi is not remotely healed from his burns, yet he seems OK the whole episode on the base. He's not wincing in pain or checking his burns. He actually swam underwater and was in open spaces around other people and from what I know, burn victims are very susceptible to infections unless they are confined. He's just good, apparently.

A big problem with this episode was Tala's part, not due to the acting because Indira Varma is one of the few actors actually doing acting, maybe even the only one at this point. The problem was in the writing. Tala was being incredibly suspect on the base and none of the Imperial officers realized this. First, she actually mentioned that she would report that security officer for his disrespect to the Grand Inquisitor. But isn't the GI dead? This should have raised a red flag immediately because the security guy should be asking why is she bringing up the GI when he's dead? And the new GI hasn't been decided yet as Reva and the Fifth Brother are competing for the position. Then when Tala is in the control center, she's talking to Kenobi on her portable comm, the officer next to her sees this, yet ignores it. Also, they should be suspicious as to why she's talking in a whisper and not out loud. Why the need to whisper if you're above board? Also, why didn't she sabotage the base before she left?

Then there were the interrogation scenes with Reva and Leia. These were awful. Moses Ingram is horrible as Reva. It's a combination of really bad writing and unconvincing acting. And Ingram is so bad that she dragged the Leia actress down with her in this one. A big reason Leia was better in the first 3 episodes is she didn't have an awful actor shouting and yelling at her and this allowed the young actress to have something resembling nuance and subtlety to play off of. But she was just as bad as Reva here. Speaking of bad acting, Ewan McGregor is starting to mail it in and also the Path Leader's line delivery was abysmal, reminding me of the bad actor posting the FugitiveJedi from Ep1.

Another huge problem with this episode was Reva's "plan" with the tracking device, which was based on a ridiculous amount of coincidences. Why was she wasting time interrogating Leia at all? Reva should know that Leia isn't in collusion with the network because REVA is the one who kidnapped Leia in the first place in order to snuff out Kenobi. So she had to know that Leia was just innocent collateral. As far as she knew, Kenobi was badly burned close to certain death, so how did she just randomly know that he would heal up fast enough to get a team together and save Leia? She was literally about to torture the girl to death. Just put the tracking device in Lola, keep Leia locked up in a cell until Kenobi shows up, then let them get away. Also, Reva had to know that Tala was a spy, so why didn't she just interrogate HER on the location of the network? Why would she think little Leia would know over an obvious Rebel spy? Is Reva's mind reading ability just a convenience for the writers to use when its suits the plot? She didn't use her mind reading ability on Owen in Ep1, used it on FakeJedi in Ep2, used it again on Leia in Ep3 when she knew the girl couldn't possibly know anything, but didn't use it on Tala to determine if she was lying or not. And it didn't matter whether or not Tala was lying about being a double agent, because if she weren't lying then that means that she just told Reva the location of the path network's secret base. And if she were lying, which she actually was, then Reva knows that Tala is the enemy and part of the path network AND knows the location of the secret base. Either way, Tala knew the location of the secret base! Reva doesn't have to let them get away since she has someone right in front of her who knew the location. Then in another stroke of "luck" for Reva, those 2 snow speeder pilots came in to save Kenobi, Tala and Leia just when her troops were about to kill them. How could Reva possibly know this would happen? Also, if Reva's "plan" were really to let them get away because of the tracking device, why did she waste time Force throwing that object at that one pilot to cause him to crash? Why not just let him get away too?

The fight scenes were terrible. Kenobi was surrounded by many Stormtroopers and they just kept aiming at his lightsaber instead of his legs or feet or head. And Kenobi was out of practice having not trained in 10 years. He should have been rusty, but he took down all of them without missing a beat. Reva impossibly blocking those snow speeder ship cannons looked hilariously bad. Then there was the ridiculous moment of Leia hiding under Kenobi's coat! Lol No one could see that EXCEPT of course the plot armored Reva. Finally, why did Vader just believe Reva about the tracker? She could have been lying to save her own skin. Also, why was Vader not aware of Reva's grand "plan" until after they got away? When did he care more about finding some tedious path network over getting his revenge on Obi-Wan? But at the end of the day, Reva even taking the time to put a tracker into Leia's toy robot makes almost no sense given that she couldn't possibly know there was a rescue mission and since Leia was saved, wouldn't the first place Kenobi would take her is Alderaan? What good is that tracking device then? Really bad episode where the writers once again need something to happen, so they make it so even if it doesn't make logical sense.
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galindolargacha10 June 2022
So sad to see such an amazing character portrayed in such a mediocre way. What a waste of an amazing opportunity.

Terrible Story Line Worst Episode so far Third sister's terrible acting Wtf with te writing Terrible stormtrooper action Incoherent scenes (when Obi-Wan hides Leia under his cloak) Fun to see Obi Wan using his light Saber.
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What's the point of having a mediocre filler episode when the entire show has only 6 episodes?
a-717258 June 2022
Personally, I don't feel that the episode itself is that bad (definitely not great either).

But it feels really extra to the show, why the heck does the writer think that the audience would love to see another "Let's go rescue Leia again!" episode?
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And Then Everyone Clapped
MamadNobari978 June 2022
For the best writing team of all time working for the biggest and most rich company in the world.

Disney said "we can't wait for you to experience Reva's story", and it's been 4 episode and I'm still waiting for her story to begin.

She still doesn't impress me and people saying only the character is bad are generous.

The character itself, if you can call it that, has no charisma, no characterization, and no right to be the focus of the story, especially when your show is named after another character.

I can ignore the fact that someone else like Reva is the focus of the show, if they're a actually well-writtern character and have a good characterization. But Reva? Has the charisma and characterization of a potato. Those two rocks in Everything Everywhere All at Once had more characterization than her.

If you're so excited to show us this new character and make her a focus of a show about a well-known and beloved 45-year-old character, at least make that character; 1- believable 2- act like a grown adult 3- have good characterization 4- good motivation.

I have no hope in future Disney Plus content anymore, even the Marvel stuff, especially after the finale of Moon Knight, and I don't think I will ever witness a decent Star Wars content anymore as long as this IP is in the hands of the big mouse.

At least someone competent is in charge of Marvel and their shows have decent writers (except for TFATWS), good editing and decent cinematography, and the main reason they fail is the moronic 6-episode-only formula.

But Obi-Wan? Doesn't even have a decent editing, it's on par with the editing of Bohemian Rhapsody! They even had John Williams to score it and even the music is dissapointing.

Everything about this show is below mediocre and there's no real plot or characterization.
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Awful and boring
RainerJohns8 June 2022
Episode 4 and basically they couldve put all this in two episodes TOPS. The inquisitors are useless and less scary than Santa, Reva is getting more annoying by every scene she is in and somehow ALWAYS manages to just slip somehow by despite failing every time. The kid is a master escape artist not to mention resists powerful jedis with no training. And OBi- wan, poor PTSD Obi makes no sense at all. Long and forgotten are Jedi who were portrayed as wise and profound , understanding life and universe. Why bother delving deep into SW lore. They can just write something super woke and supposedly relatable by giving him PTSD and calling it tramatic and complex.

This show is so bad.

I feel bad for Ewan who still tries to act it out as best as he can. Though going by his interviews It seems he thinks the show is a masterpiece. I guess a good actor is not necessarily an smart actor.
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Rushed stories with lots of plot holes that optimistic fans try to justify
chrishellovart8 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The greatest way to summarize my biggest criticisms in the show so far is in this episode.

  • Obi-Wan tries to convince some rebel leader to help him. He says no. 10 seconds later he does a 180. A lot of characters are awkwardly written like this. There's no smooth transition in character development.

  • How were those rebel fighters able to get past the fortress' radar?

  • How could no imperial notice Obi-Wan and Leia when they were walking on the ship bay?

  • It doesn't help the criticism of Reva's character when she lets Tala get the better of her. She should have been executed as soon as the alarms went off. Instead she was left with two stormtroopers.

The only great part of this episode was unsurprisingly Vader's scene. The problems lie with the writers, not the actors.
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Another great Ep
paul-yorks8 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Ben is slowly gaining his strength and reconnecting with the force. Vader makes another cameo and Reve is just a horrible person lol. The shows pacing has been great. Hope we get a 2nd season and this isn't just a mini series.
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tinlittlenerd8 June 2022
This episode is as disappointing as the rest of the series has been. Weak plot, extremely subpar vfx, and the Third Sister continues to be an extremely unlikeable character. This was meant to be a character driven narrative but it has instead turned into a continuous fetch quest about nothing. So much potential going to waste.
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I feel bad for Evan McGregor
axelilehto11 June 2022
Such a great actor and I expected so much from this show. They could've made so many great things with this show but instead they ruin it and focus on someone else on a series called "Obi-Wan Kenobi"
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The little girl
knoopgat8 June 2022
Why do people hate the little girl. Wanting her to be spanked to tears? What is the matter with you people? If you hate the show: do not watch it and don't give us so much hate towards a girl of 10. She is doing great. I am getting sick and tired of all the wannabee directors and scriptwriters. This was a nice old fashioned episode of Star Wars with great action and visuals. Giving this show an "1 " tells us more about the reviewer than about a great team of talented people making this show.
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jeffat-6608510 June 2022
When I first heard there was going to be a kenobi series, I was so excited for like a year. But in the back of my mind, I was really hoping it wouldn't suck. I was hoping it could atleast be almost as good as Mandalorian, BUT, it's not even 1/10 of the show Mando was. It's just disappointing all the way around. Such great potential and it was just flushed completely down the toilet for some reason, in so many different aspects. If Filoni and Favreu could have wrote/directed this, we would all have the series we deserve as Star Wars fans, not this low budget feeling, terribly writing BS. I guess I'll start looking forward to Andor and season 3 of Mando. I've written obi wan off now as a disappointment and they had one chance and screwed the pooch.
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What are we even doing?
nargon11 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is not the show I was promised. This is a man who calls himself "Ben" running around hunched over as if embarrassed to be there, very unsubtly trying to rescue a TEN YEAR OLD FROM TORTURE. Like, I know this is the Fortress Inquisitorius but even that just kept reminding me of a much, much better property, Jedi: Fallen Order. They say "no one has ever seen the inside" and I said "uh, yeah they have. Several people, actually. In fact, a lot of things in this shoe seem to be cribbed from the excellent Fallen Order game, such as the maim protagonists weak connection to the Force, the more uninteresting version of the Second Sister, the Fortress Inquisitorius.

So far, we have seen no Anakin, and far too much of Reva, who is so unintimidating she couldn't even successfully interrogate a child. A development that, by the way, completely breaks the oldest of canon, and I do not appreciate it.

So far, underwhelming and getting worse.
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wseverard8 June 2022
Don't understand the negative reviews. Very tense episode and thoroughly enjoyable. Not the biggest fan of third sister but nonetheless still a great episode.
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When does the Good part start?
montana-goodman128 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I love the kenobi character. My favorite character of all time is Darth Vader but the more I watch this show, the more I realize it's not about them at all.

Firstly, the focus on a boring character, third sister, who has no character development, no motivation, acts like a toddler and all of her lines fall flat. I physically cringed everytime she threatened leia cause she sounded like a child. When Vader lifted her up and was about to kill her I never wanted something more. If they gave us more info about this character and better dialog she would be way more likeable.

Only good part was when Kenobi was fighting with his Saber but Disney done their thing again and makes a lightsaber look so stupid. All the stormtroopers kenobi killed had like a 6 inch burn mark on their chests. Where's the dismemberment? We've seen it already in the show, why stop now?

This show is getting boring and slow. This was the shortest episode yet but felt the longest. I sincerely hope they push this story along and the last 2 and filled with much more character development and better dialog cause right now I'm dissapoint.
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It feels like watching a kids attraction of Star Wars in Disney World
eunbi05308 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The episode is only 30 minutes long, you would expect it to be a better episode, somehow they made it worse.

Was it necessary the Kenobi/Skywalker flashback inside the bacta tank?

Then we get to the "interesting" questioning of a 10 years old, why doesn't the Third Sister use her mind reading powers from episode 2? However, a child that never trained the Force before manages to resist an Inquisitor, not only that the Third Sister recognizes Leia as too strong. And, pardon if I let it slip, but what does Leia even know about The Path?

Then we get to the Rebel's camp in Jabiim where the rebels don't seem themselves as soldiers? Sure, no one mentioned "Rebels", but they are against the Empire how if they don't intend to fight it? Also, doesn't that dude have a too quick change of heart? First he denies Obi-wan, but after sharing a supposedly heartfelt story he decides to help Kenobi?

Then we get to a rather sad moment, the head of security of the Fortress Inquisitorius in Nur breaks military protocol by not calling a superior "sir" - which doesn't happen in the military -, and that was purposefully done so that Tala could say what she did, to empower women in Star Wars. Unfortunately, that's how Tala went from a possible interesting rebel to Amilyn Hold - aka purple hair lady. She also acts suspicious around other Imperial officers and nothing happens, except that one guy she knocks out and no one notices.

Then we get to some scenes that are questionable like: how conveniently Obi-wan finds that interrogation room without Tala's guiding him; how he turns of the lights inside the interrogation room except for that red ring in the middle; how he would prefer wielding a pistol but now he is back to his lightsaber against Stormtroopers; "I didn't tell them anything" because you don't know anything?; Tala and the Third Sister, one trying to outsmart the other; how Tala manages to escape two Stormtroopers by slapping one and grabbing the helmet of the second, a Three Stooges moment; that corridor fight was terrible, specially when Obi-wan tells Leia to "hide" in a open corridor.

The Fifth Brother and that other Sister are low key even more useless than the Third Sister, it makes you wonder what is even the point they were there.

We have another Three Stooges moment when Kenobi and Leia sharing a trench coat try to leave with Tala. Then two ships go guns blazing, I understand that fortress not having a shield, but it also doesn't have automated defences? Or an alarm when those ships were approaching? Also they manage to blast pretty much every soldier in there with the exception of the Third Sister that doesn't even try to reflect those beams - like she does later on -, she just ducks.

So the Third Sister says she put a tracker on their ship, but it was in Lola. Darth Vader says that he might have underestimated her, but was he unaware that Leia was there? Of course the safest path would be having a tracker considering Kenobi was escaping for a decade, seems like both her and Vader overrate what she did.

This whole episode was terrible, the series is over and they can't redeem themselves anymore with only two episodes left.
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