The Possessed (2021) Poster


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A goofy movie
ivan_dmitriev20 March 2023
+ It's like an australian Buffy the Vampire slayer + decent practical FX /makeup + they probably could have made a decent TV series out of this, but not shoot it as a movie seeing how they become a ghostbusting demon-slaying team at the end.

This is indeed belongs to the comedy-horror genre, but the practical effects are absolutely stunning here! Overal it would be great as a miniseries, because each part could be a skit of its own if given time and background to develop itself and the acting would be okay for a TV-like short series where the audience and the actors are both in-on-it and don't take it all too seriously.
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What a weird, contradictory movie
matthewmillerwriter19 October 2022
The writing and acting are pretty bad in this film. The main character overacts constantly, and the poor acts must have a broken wrist from all the silly hand waving he had to do. The story does not have a real arc, but is jut a series of events with no clear silver thread through them all. The characters do not really develop at all, and the settings are boring.

All that being said, the effects are really good, like, almost Holly-wood quality good! The demons look fantastic and truly frightening. The possession effects, including sound, are great, too.

That's why I call this movie weird and contradictory: terrible acting and writing, but great effects. Weird.
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Better than expected but not as a horror film
hampersnow-4136920 October 2022
I've watched several new horror films in the past week and this film is the only one I would watch again. Not because it was a great horror film, or well done, or well acted, it isn't any of those things. What it is is so hilariously, over the top, they've got to be kidding, bad, that it is very funny and immensely entertaining. I watched it with a friend who rarely gets movies that are so bad they are good, but we weren't long into this when he started to laugh, then I followed and we both laughed throughout it. It get's funny and then gets funnier. Since there is one character who was obviously put in this horror film to add comic relief, I can't help wonder if this really was filmed as a comedy. I know it's based on some real life stuff, but this was preposterous. I find it hard to believe anyone would view this as a real horror film, but as a spoof of possession films, this completely works. Loved it !
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Decent possession scenes, bad acting for the rest
deloudelouvain9 December 2022
Not everything was bad about The Possessed, like some of the actual demonic possessions (good acting here from some), and the different demons (some looked good for the low budget this movie must have). But then you get the acting. That wasn't a good thing in this movie. Jade Kevin Foster was the only one that was watchable. John Jarratt on the other hand was really bad. The shaky hand thing whilst he does his clearing looks ridiculous but then again in the end credits they show actual footage from the real person and he did the exact same thing, even worse, so I guess John Jarratt nailed that part. But for the rest he clearly needs to keep his day job. Lincoln Lewis was also annoying to watch. In fact the whole movie feels like one of those cheap Australian soaps like Neighbours or Home and Away, but in this case it's not a soap but a movie. The same garnage but luckily for us this one ends after a couple of hours.
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a different exorcist
SnoopyStyle3 December 2022
Jacob Chandler became an exorcist after a tragedy in 2001. He has exorcised many possessed by demons in what he calls clearing. His nephew Liam, Liam's girlfriend Atalie Carlisle who has the curse of seeing the demons, and their group of young friends join him in a difficult clearing.

This is a different exorcist. It's still an exorcist and it has many of the same ideas. Supposedly, it's a real guy from the opening text and closing credits although I can't take him that seriously. First, there's the shaky hand which looks like a gimmick. Second, the Australian accent doesn't fit my mind's image of an exorcist. Finally, there is the Hawaiian shirt. I can almost hear him sing Kokomo. It's a funny visual. At least, he does change into a black T-shirt which is a minor improvement. The best option is to play into the silly image like a Crocodile Dundee. It may turn it into a farce, but it would be interesting. While I'm uncertain about the guy, I do like the demon designs. This is a smaller indie horror with all the standard horror tropes. The story is very simplistic and straight-forward. This very much depends on how one sees Jacob.
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A fair enough possession movie...
paul_haakonsen17 October 2022
As I sat down here late in 2022 to watch the 2021 horror movie "The Possessed", I did so without ever having heard about this movie from director Chris Sun. I will say that the movie's synopsis sounded interesting enough, and a horror movie with possessions that I hadn't already seen was sufficient to make me want to sit down and watch it.

Writers Kirsty Dallas, Mark Gardener, John Kendrick and Chris Sun put together an entertaining enough script and plot for the movie. Sure, it was somewhat generic and predictable, but it made for an adequate enough horror movie. "The Possessed" is not going to become a classic within this particular subgenre of horror movies, but it made for an okay enough viewing experience, though I doubt I will ever return to watch it a second time.

The acting performances in "The Possessed" were fair enough. I wasn't familiar with the cast ensemble, but the actors and actresses put on fair enough performances to carry the movie.

Something that did impress me in "The Possessed" was the special effects. I liked the CGI effects and the designs of the various demonic entities was quite impressive. I was actually really surprised with the level of quality here in the CGI and special effects department for a movie such as this. And it definitely helped to lift up the movie quite a notch.

I am rating "The Possessed" a five out of ten stars.
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Hilarious 😂 with bad acting!!
walkerfan-466125 November 2022
If this was meant to be a horror, it did not succeed, it was hilarious!!! John Jarrett was surprisingly bad, I loved him in Wolf Creek but this was just a hard no! I did think Angie Kent did a great job for her first movie role and would love to see her in more roles but the rest of them were just comical, great comedy though! Please don't let there be a number 2!! I do think the special effects and make up were the best part of this film and the demons sound effects were definitely on point. So kudos to the sound and make up team, so I've lost that 90mins I can never get back but I'm glad I didn't pay to watch it.
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movieguy300019 October 2022
I normally love these supernatural films, but this one doesn't work. Its photographed well, and most of the cast is OK, not great but an Aussie possession film mainly shot during the day is actually quite odd and NOT scary at all.

John Jarret is a legend, but he doesn't suit this character at all, even if it's based on a real guy. The waving the hands around a person is so comical and cringeworthy. Sometimes it's better as a film-maker to make changes for the audience especially cringe-factors.

The best actress in the film is Lauren Grimson, a talented and attractive actress. Lincoln Lewis is also good, but everyone else seem like they were just dropped into the film because they knew the director.

The story is weak and not believable, some of the VFX or SPFX is good, but then some are really bad. Its a bad mix. The creature designs on some demons are EPIC, I'll give it that.

There's a scene in the film, when they just had the lights turning on and off constantly - leaving no suspense at all and desensitising the audience. Thats not scary when you do it 100 times, think of JAWS and how many times you see the shark.

Not much else to say apart from, terrible soundtrack, terrible film, terrible story, the lighting in the houses is atrocious, it's not professional lighting and the color grading is not ascetically good to look at, it looks cheap and rushed, not cinematic at all. And I don't know how this director keeps making these B or D grade films.
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A decent supernatural thriller
ralmcg31 October 2021
Based on a true life story, it tells of how an "accidental exorcist" battles the evil supernatural forces around us, and helping to "cleanse" those who become possessed by these entities.

The effects both practical and CG, are effective and very well done, but I thought the film could've had added more atmosphere, dread and intensity with a more potent film score, combined with better character writing and story elements. But, overall a decent genre film. 7/10.
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Would Have Been a Lot Better if this Wasn't Presented as "Actual Events"
rebeltaz-1870521 November 2022
This would have been a lot better if it hadn't been presented as a "true story" based on "actual events." As a Catholic, I have no doubt the existence of demons and evil spirits. This guy makes exorcists look like circus sideshow freaks. For those of you who already hold that belief, go ahead and feel free to skip this movie altogether. It's not for you.

Having said that, it's an interesting work of FICTION as is perfectly entertaining as far as that goes. The problem comes when you try to associate this with reality. When they show the guy on whom this was based at the end, you lose all interest in everything you just watched. You're better off watching this as entertainment and stopping the movie as soon as the credits begin to roll. You'll feel much better about having spent an hour and a half watching this.
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Great horror movie which builds the horror
rotech7022 October 2022
The Possessed is a wonderful Australian horror film with very strong acting, script, and special effects, both CGI and practical. John Jarratt, well known as serial killer Mick Taylor from Wolf Creek, is great as Jacob Chandler the Clearer. Lincoln Lewis is Jacob's nephew Liam, his assistant in exorcisms.

With lots of creepiness and jump scares, the film builds in intensity until the final scene.

I can see this turning into a spin off television show with Lincoln Lewis and Lauren Grimson, who plays his girlfriend Atalie, travelling around Australia doing exorcisms.

I highly recommend this film, along with Director Chris Sun's other horror films.
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John Jarrat is a fool
glerickson-3478531 January 2023
" Jacob Chandler( John Jarrat, wolf Creek) is an ordinary man... With an extraordinary gift. A true accidental exorcist, Jacob and his nephew Liam have forged a career clearing demons from the bodies of their clients. Lately something has changed, as possessions are increasing. Jacob fights to keep those he loves safe, the burdon weighing heavily on his shoulders. When he crosses paths with Liam's new girlfriend, Atalie Carlisle, he recognizes something in her dark broken gaze. She too can see what lies beyond the world of the living. Jacob never experienced to meet anyone else like himself..." From the back cover. This movie was terrible, long boring and disappointing. John Jarrat looked and acted like a complete fool.
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The power of ... JJ compels you
kosmasp27 April 2024
Well hopefully it does, because otherwise there is not really that much more to keep your interest up. So no pun intended - John Jarrett ... you may know him or of him, from the Wolf Creek movies (there is a third one in the works and he will be quite happy to return).

But he is switching sides here - he is "good" in this one. Also plays a real person (I do hope Wolf Creek or rather his character in it is not based on a real person) - someone you can see during the end credits by the way ... and the real person seems quite ... I am not quite sure how to put this ... but I thought the "scenes" they were showing were parody ... or bloopers. It felt like someone who lost their mind - I reckon you could argue the movie may have prepared you for that ... I guess it didn't in my case.

I didn't think someone would get away with ... well I'll call it nonsense ... on the other hand, I don't know what he managed to achieve, so there is that ... low budget horror with some decent acting and some good special effects too.
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ayesha_lea25 August 2023
So i read reviews which were very mixed so tried to give it a go. Acting is atrocious. Wolf creek guy is just comedic. Stereotypical gay guy is well stereotypical with frighteningly botoxed lips. Mad arse steam punk DJ dating a straight boring aussie bloke? Not likely. And umm just for u americans, those red plastic baskets used at restaurants do NOT exist in australia... so just annoying they added such an american prop that doesnt belong in an aussie movie. It just doesnt work on any level. Special effects definitely good but totally surrounded by crap dialogue, acting, story they dont hold up.
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Was this supposed to be a comedy?
ShinzouMoa19 September 2023
So i went into this knowing next to nothing about the movie, and i hardly ever expect anything from "horror" movies i haven't heard of before, but halfway in i was wondering if this wasn't supposed to be a comedy. In fact i found myself laughing quite a bit at the "acting", but the reactions of all involved seem to indicate that this was meant to be serious matter, with some ridiculous dialogue delivered with straight faces.

There are scenes that try to up the drama factor, but end up being parodies of themselves, tales of possession (complete with flashbacks) that would fit in well with the Scary Movie franchise, yet the tone of all listening takes it seriously.

I have to say that the demon makeup is not bad at all, yet once again veers easily into parody territory. The overacting of the main "exorcist" complete with the extremely silly dialogue and situations leave me wondering what the intentions of the filmmakers were.

As a satire/parody i would give this a 6 maybe, but as a pure horror movie it is barely a 3 (almost all for the demon make-up).
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Fine Aussie Horror Entry
PukaEntProds25 November 2021
While most might think exclusively of "Wolf Creek" when they think of Australian horror films, Chris Sun has done a great job of ramping up his efforts within the genre. His latest, "The Possessed", is clearly the next chapter in that evolution.

Starring "Wolf Creek"'s John Jarratt and Lincoln Lewis, the movie follows accidental exorcist Jacob as he rids Australia of some pretty nasty demonic possessions. After going through a few harrowing "clearings", the film has its climax in a spooky house where the previous owners may have performed some rituals to summon a very powerful demon. I won't spoil the ending but it's quite a surprising take indeed.

Jarratt and Lewis carry the film pretty well. I found Jarratt's affectations a bit odd at first, but when you see the person this story is based on (Mark Gardener; they show clips of his real life clearings during credits) it's pretty spot on. Lewis plays the straight man roped into this strange work by his uncle, and while he doesn't have a LOT of room to spread his wings, his performance is even and gives Jarratt a good foil to work from. The other actors were strong as well, though the character of Orion (Jade Kevin Foster), who serves as very capable comedic relief, did feel overused in the climax, drawing away from what would have otherwise been a terrifying sequence.

A lot of the film's strength comes from the demons and their design. They are differing, terrifying, and grotesque in equal parts. While they are largely glimpsed or shown in shadow, their appearances are startling and stomach churning. On top of that, the FX makeup for those suffering possession is very well done too.

All of that would be for not if the film wasn't shot as well as it was. Andrew Conders work is excellent. The framing and exposition, especially during the possession sequences, enhanced the moments. It felt clean, colourful and easy on the eyes, despite the content.

For a modestly budgeted horror flick, this one is pretty fun to watch and, while not perfection, has a lot going for it.
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Not a massive movie buff
mickb198319 October 2022
In short I enjoyed watching this film and it's practical effects.

I had a few laughs at some typical Chris sun humor.

For someone who doesn't critique movies to the nth degree and watched it with no preconceived ideas. Was a good watch.

I've run out of things to say for the character count so I'm going to double up haha.

Thanks for reading.

In short I enjoyed watching this film and it's practical effects.

I had a few laughs at some typical Chris sun humor.

For someone who doesn't critique movies to the nth degree and watched it with no preconceived ideas. Was a good watch.

I've run out of things to say for the character count so I'm going to double up haha.

Thanks for reading.
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Great Aussie horror
kirstydallasauthor2 November 2021
An engaging story about a real life accidental exorcist, The Possessed features a great Aussie cast with phenomenal practical FX and CGI.

Well timed comedic moments help break the terrifying "cleansings" as Chris Sun takes us on a wild demonic journey.

A great Australian contribution to the horror genre. Can't wait for more.
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Fun and well-performed.
d-alston21 July 2023
There is no accounting for the judgement of others when they accuse this movie of being full of bad actors giving lousy performances.

No such thing is present in this film. The actors are deliberately giving somewhat loose interpretations of the dialogue to add a sense of realism, but everyone involved is doing a good job.

The other thing this odd little movie has going for it is the fact that all of the characters are very likeable, so the rather repetitive set pieces somehow don't become irritating as they would do in other movies.

None of the characters possess anything resembling a character arc, but this doesn't seem to matter.

All of the possessions are realised in ways we've all seen a hundred times before, but this also doesn't seem to matter.

I had a good time with the film, liked all of the characters, and was on their side throughout.

The only naff part of the film was the claim that it was based on the true story of Charlie X, and this daft old charlatan is seen in clips during the closing credits. He even manages to make Ed and Lorraine Warren seem credible, which is really saying something.

All in all, this is a fun way to pass some time.
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Absolutely brilliant
bob-049962 November 2021
Absolutely brilliant . I thoroughly enjoyed watching this movie . Based on actual events which makes this Aussie horror a real treat . Fantastic story , amazing acting and practical FX . It has the scare factor , comedic humour all that you need . I recommend 100%
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Chris Sun does it again
mrrmgfgcg31 October 2022
Another great film from Australian film maker Chris Sun. Story line was fantastic costumes for the demons where absolutely awesome i would recommend this to everyone who supports Australian film making. John jarret plays Jacob a typical Aussie good guy fighting against evil to save the people he loves and help anyone in need. Although this film doesn't have all the Hollywood flair its down to earth like most aussie movies, special effects and makeup are very well done. Can't wait to see what Chris is up to for his next film if the possessed is anything to go by its gunna be great. Australian film making at its best.
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A great horror and a great aussie film
spnersw2 November 2021
Had a blast watching this movie, plenty of suspense, comedy, and all the good things you want in an aussie horror flick. Great usage of practical effects and a cast of new and established actors.
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Scare factor is amplified as story is based on reality
mtimchur2 November 2021
No matter what your beliefs are, this is a great watch and highly entertaining. The story totally engaged and mesmerised me. I couldn't take my eyes off the action.

Cast were fabulous in bringing it to life and I loved the touches of humour which we're perfectly timed.

I've already booked my tickets to see it again. Can't wait.
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Thoroughly enjoyable schlock horror
csmark-834989 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is a great watch party movie for people who love low budget, but fun, horror movies with a good heart.

They split the party, they turned off all the lights, they crossed into the pentacle.

Terrific fun film, I hope that there will be a sequel.

It's set in (I assume) regional Australia (maybe Newcastle, Wollongong or a coastal Queensland town), and has some experienced actors as well as some who I assume are new to acting. Fun special effects, basic plot and a small cast, but a great deal of fun.

Free on Prime Australia at the moment.

The one thing that I would note is that it needs a sequel.
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Comments of glerickson-34785 is garbage
ltnoglu17 May 2024
Comments of glerickson-34785 that says, John Jarrat is a fool can go home and leave is comments there. Here's my critics that is a lot more accurate than you're trash... Absolute fantastic series 1 and 2 and both the films i wanted Charlie Clausen former home and away star to play more of a part, John Garrett plays Mick to perfection. More than this i'm amazed that someone whose got a painkiller addiction, gunshot wound and and animal trap wound to her right foot, she manages to drive, run and climb through tiny windows, she's totally unbelievable as a main character. This is such an underrated show, it worth the watch !!
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