Lizzie (2012) Poster


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Heartwarming family comedy!
abbeykinsever30 September 2013
Brilliant comedy! It starts off with an overly dramatic male voice reading a whimsically rhyming "true story" that had my family in giggles within minutes. The entire title sequence is an amusingly corny montage of "creepy" imagery and music and ending with an off-key chorus of "creepy" voices, and the entire movie just gets funnier from there. It's an over- the-top parody of a horror movie combined with some kind of dramatic soap opera. The cheesy dialogue, questionable continuity, utter lack of characterization, and hilarious overacting really make this film one of the greatest I have ever seen. My family and I were all in tears from laughing so hard, and not even halfway through the movie. I highly recommend this film to anyone who wants a good laugh with dinner!

((Seriously though...this movie is truly awful. Yes, I was literally in tears from laughing so hard and I actually do recommend it if you've got the sense of humor for it.))
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This was a pretty poor movie.
Taylor9514 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I'll give it two stars for Corbin Bernsen. He was pretty decent in the movie, in spite of the poor script. The movie starts with a lie...that Lizzy Borden fled her town after her acquittal. That's not true and there really is no reason to lie about it. It doesn't add or subtract anything from the movie.

There's plenty of goofs...from the cameraman in the reflection of the TV screen when the cable guy comes to fix a pair of legs facing Jason when he is exploring the shed. The new next door neighbor shows up the first two times in Lizzie's bedroom while she's sleeping and she's perfectly fine with that. Friendly town. When the maid reveals that she's actually Brigid from 1892...Lizzie is perfectly fine with that too. The acting is awful...I think Amanda Baker did the best she could with what she had...but Holt is awful and Gary Busey is terrible.

Stay away...I wish I could have that hour and half back.
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not as promised on the DVD sleeve
trashgang15 March 2015
I picked this up for almost free as new as it could be but i should have know that it means trouble. And it was, this flick isn't worth your time. The story is rather simple, it's a ghost story nothing more or less but it's done so laughable in effects that it almost becomes a comedy.

And when the ghost is smashing heads with the axe it's never done that you could see some gore, for example when one person (Busey) is smashed with the axe we watch him from behind and you could see it was just a doll's head being smashed. But not only that, the transformation from normal to Lizzie is also done with cheap CGI effects. To make it even worse the acting is below zero. The possessed one never convinced me. Maybe the last minutes will offer a thing for the buffs here and there but by then it's all too late.

Gore 0/5 Nudity 0,5/5 Effects 1/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 0/5
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One awful movie
gbnisbet10 August 2012
This movie must rank way up there as the worst ever. Haven't seen such bad acting, bad continuity, bad special effects, bad storyline...EVER. Why did anyone bother to make this film? What a waste of time, money and effort. I have never written a film review before as i never really felt strongly enough about one but this angered me to the extent that i must warn others not to spend their hard earned cash to sit through this poor excuse for a movie. It offers absolutely no entertainment value whatsoever. It got to the point where i was laughing at the ham-fisted acting, which really didn't take that long to be honest. There should be a 'no star' option for this flick. or maybe they should put in an option for 'minus stars'. If there was, this would get the maximum minus available.
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Just simply not good
egbertsouse13 August 2012
Cannot agree with several other reviews.

For me, sorry to say, this is just a poorly made movie. Got very tired of the many cut-away scenes, many, just not cogent.

I do not mind watching movies just for some mindless fun and passing time. But, this was really wasting time. I rarely turn a movie off, just hoping it might show some promise by the end...sad to say, this one just kept going downward.

Promising premise, but never delivered.

Acting was poor. Felt the writing and editing poor. Some scenes outright laughable and not in a good way.
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Possibly the Most Incoherent Movie I've Ever Seen
andresgodzilla29 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Lizzie Allen, alongside her boyfriend Jason, has recently moved back into her childhood home (the same house where Lizzie Borden allegedly murdered both her parents in 1892, though she was found not guilty). However, she can't remember anything of her childhood. Since then, she has begun hearing noises around the house, experiencing strange visions, and having intense nightmares. These have gotten so severe that she's been seeing a psychiatrist for some time now, who attributes this to repressed childhood memories. Why does our protagonist share Lizzie Borden's first name? No reason whatsoever; all it ever does is confuse the viewer about who's who.

The overwhelming majority of this movie's problems lie in its abysmal script. For example, it's established early on that having moved into her old house is triggering Lizzie's repressed memories, but she adamantly refuses to use hypnotherapy to bring those memories to light (for no apparent reason). So if she's not interested in confronting her issues, why not just sell the house and be rid of them altogether? Not once is this option even brought up. And later we learn that this would indeed have solved all her problems instantly.

There's also a subplot concerning Lizzie's alcohol use and prescription medication. The first scene where we see Lizzie taking her pills, she does so in combination with a glass of wine. Apparently she's just dumb enough not to know that you shouldn't do this. About midway through the film, her psychiatrist changes her prescription and warns her (three or four times) not to take these new, euphoria-inducing pills with alcohol, as it strengthens their effects. I naturally assumed this was setting up a future scene where an increasingly desperate Lizzie would intentionally take the pills with alcohol in a futile attempt to make her "hallucinations" stop, with dire consequences. Instead, I think it's in the very next scene that she casually takes the medication with another glass of wine, with absolutely *no* reason provided for this action, and this has zero effects or ramifications whatsoever and never comes up again. The only thing this accomplishes is making the character more obnoxious and unlikable. Just... what.

These sorts of setups that don't go anywhere are sprinkled all over the movie. Lizzie drops and breaks a glass of wine in fright, but comes back to find it unharmed. She answers a call from Jason, who says he's been trying to reach her for the past half hour even though she never heard the phone ring. The call mysteriously drops, and she can't call him back. Lizzie looks down to find that her index finger is bloody and decayed, but after a few moments of panic it's perfectly okay again. Jason gets possessed once... and literally nothing ever comes of it. Lizzie calls the police, but the police say her address doesn't exist. *None* of this is explained or makes sense in light of the movie's conclusion.

Of special note is Maggie, their neighbor. Her fourth scene in the whole movie features her tearfully entering Lizzie's house in the middle of the night to tell her that she was raped. And then we find out she's a maid from 1892. No, really.

This summary of the ending might make some sense to you, but the slapdash, unexplained way it's presented makes it hugely more baffling. Lizzie has a vision of the Borden murders; Mrs. Borden was killed by Mr. Borden in a struggle after she saw him rape Maggie (their maid), and Lizzie Borden killed him in retribution. Then Lizzie Allen exits the vision to find that Maggie and Jason have been killed in the same locations as Mrs. and Mr. Borden, respectively, and shoots herself in the head. Then there's *another* flashback to Lizzie Allen as a child, who sees her dad get murdered by her mom, who is possessed by Lizzie Borden's ghost. Then, in the present, Lizzie Allen sits back up and smiles. Then the credits roll.

Even if this sequence of events wasn't so convoluted, the conclusion remains unbearably stupid. All the film says of Lizzie Borden's motivation is that she wants "vengeance on society" (seriously, that's a quote from Lizzie Borden's ghost). For what?! It would be one thing if, say, being blamed for the murders ruined her entire life, but she was acquitted! Why didn't she kill Lizzie Allen when she was a kid? How did she have the ability to show Lizzie Allen creepy visions about both of their pasts? Why did she spend so much time doing this instead of just killing everyone right away if she's so desperate for revenge? Is she just a jerk like that? Even if she repressed the memory, how could Lizzie Allen possibly not be aware that both her parents were murdered? *Were* both her parents murdered, or was the mom convicted of the one murder and either imprisoned for life or executed? How can a ghost possess a body with a hole through its brain (assuming that's even what the closing shot was supposed to convey)? Why would Lizzie Borden even want to possess Lizzie Allen's corpse? What was the point of the plot twist where Maggie is actually the ghost of the Bordens' maid, or maybe a vision of the Bordens' maid created by Lizzie Borden's ghost somehow for some reason, or... oh, forget it.

On the plus side, the special effects are embarrassingly horrible. I actually mean it; almost every one of the special effects is so bad that it becomes hilarious. In fact, a surprising amount of the dialog and acting is also bad enough that it's enjoyable, all of which provides some much-needed enjoyment to this piece of filth. But ultimately, I can't recommend Lizzie based on how entertainingly incompetent it is, because outside of these moments, the rest of the film is so bad that it moves past the point where it could've been funny and goes back to being completely, irredeemably awful.
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the worst horror
ryan21028916 August 2012
This is possibly the worst horror film I have ever watched.

The overall acting was poor and the quality of the film was just not acceptable.

As mentioned, the acting was terrible which was an automatic put off. I found myself cringing a lot at the acting when watching the film. It was truly awful.

The actual story to the film never seemed to want to come together, it was as though it never wanted to build up any anticipation.

I found myself waiting for the moment to be shocked or even scared but it never came at all.

I was very disappointed and bored throughout the entire movie and I am positive that you will be as well.
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Horrible - don't waste your time or money
michelle-k-122118 September 2013
One of the worst movies I have ever seen, and I watch A LOT of movies.

The acting was horrible and the story made no sense at all. And what was up with her drinking all the time??

I would not recommend this movie to anyone. I rarely dislike any movie that I have seen, but this one is about one of the worse I have watched.

There was no continuity, I didn't care if any of the characters lived or died, and I couldn't wait for the end so I could stop watching it! And yes, I watched it to the end hoping that it would redeem itself (which it didn't, needless to say).

Thank God I watched it on Netflix, because if I had paid money for this movie, I would be very upset.
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futurediscos21 July 2012
Don't waste your time utter c**p,

even if you see this in the pound shop and think well its only a pound, don't !!

just give it to the busker outside the store you will get far more from giving it away than you will from watching this movie you have been warned !! so now i gotta fill up the page talking about the movie to get the submission for this post so all I'm gonna say is the beginning of the movie is horribly narrated similar to a TV special on sci-fi channel and you get a instant feeling about film and at this point be like Luke and 'trust your feelings' take the DVD out the machine and make good use of it maybe a coaster or a Frisbee for the dog either way or better still save the panda bears and give the pound to them if any of the producers or directors, script writers or actors read this no offence has been mean,t but in fairness you bought it on yourself
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"I Squirted you!"
livingghost639220 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
My wife and I rented this from redbox and I can honestly and whole-heartedly say I feel I have been cheated out of a dollar. Still, I will say it was worth a laugh. Instead of forcing ourselves to suffer through this waste of 2 hours I'll never get back, we started making our own script and talking over the characters. Unfortunately, when this line happened: "I squirted you! You got my baby inside you now" we laughed so hard we don't really know what happened to the rest of the movie. I'm pretty sure the director got with his cast, wrote a bunch of plot twists on penises, and attempted to throw them into a bag across the room. They must have all made it because the final outcome was a bag of d***s. Oh and one more thing I found hilarious was the In Memory of Seann Flynn... All I can say is they must have hated this poor soul.... A lot. Sorry Seann
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it deserves more appreciation
neen_masscomm7 November 2012
i watched the movie yesterday . it's clear that everyone of the cast has worked hard . first of all the poster and the name of the movie attracted me so much . the way they introduced the movie and told us about the old story of MR. Andrew Borden , Abby and the daughter Lizzie Borden , it was very interesting , if we concentrate here we are going to find that the sentences of the narrator are perfectly rhyming , i felt that i wanted to hear that voice telling the story over and over . Amanda baker and Leif Holt played their roles in a way very close to being perfect . the picturing is great that it would deserve about 7 out of 10 . the music used all through the movie is very capturing and amazing , it made me feel sad , surprised , afraid , happy . Moreover, it made me feel that i am part of what is happening . okay , let us say of course the movie has some weakness points , like the story was a little bit confusing and it wasn't clear to all viewers that Maggie (the maid) was supposed to be an actual person that was taken over by the spirit of the maid from fall river. it's like the spirits played out what had happened in 1892. overall, it's a very good job and we have to see through things to come up with it : " the movie deserves more appreciation " .
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Ain't That Bad
josdenhertog29 July 2012
Well, where do i start.....

This is about Lizzie Borden that goes insane and grab an axe and gave her mother 40 whacks, how? Watch the movie ;)

It is a true story so it can be different for everyone how they feel about this movie, bad or good. For me it was watchable but always fun to see a little go crazy, specially when it goes by an axe.

Acting can be abit better, story was abit slow until the end in my eye's but it is not that bad as movie. Of course if we see on the text of the movie that this girl wacked her mother into pieces that we wanted to see like other horror movies with lots of gore and terrifying moments at the movie when true story is involved but in this case i would say it was abit easy going on this movie...

What i said it is still a good movie for if you are bored. And see a true story about a little girl that whacked her mother into pieces. for me i say it is watchable...for you must see it and judge it by yourself how this movie is for yourself... is it good or bad..
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Truly One of the Most Horrible, Awful, Terrible, Pointless, and Convolulted Films Ever Made
mariajonasfahlsing11 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
There are several things wrong with this movie: 1) The plot makes no sense. 2) Things that happen are largely not explained. 3) When someone is swinging an axe, stand well away from them. 4) Weakly hitting a door with an axe a few times won't make it open. 5) Why wasn't Lizzie Allen freaked out when she awoke to see Maggie standing in her room holding an axe? 6) Why wasn't Lizzie Allen weirded out when Maggie/Bridget let herself into the house the first time? 7) Doesn't everyone know not to mix alcohol and medications? 8) We never learn what the deal is with the creepy old doll. 9) Why was there a random sex scene for a few seconds? Do breasts make a movie better? 10) Could the props department have chosen a more annoying alarm clock? 11) Why have Maggie/Bridget show up wearing a turn-of-the-century maid's costume? 12) What was the purpose of Jason being possessed by Lizzie Borden's mother? 13) How could Lizzie Allen not know her own address? That's just stupid! 14) Also, the police department wouldn't answer right away, and an address search would not be instantaneous. 15) So, are the ghosts of the Lizze Borden tragedy doomed to repeat their last moments for all eternity? Is that what we're supposed to glean from this sequence? 16) Gary Busey? Really?! He's certainly crazy enough to play the role very well. 17) So, Lizzie Allen sees Maggie/Bridget being raped and simply leaves the room? 18) Mr. and Mrs. Borden don't wield the hatchet with enough force to cause the bad special effects blood spray that results. Super lame! 19) The special effects are laughable, amateur, and shoddily done at best. 20) The Lizzie Borden house has not been a private residence in decades. No one could live there in modern times. 21) Continuity: Maggie/Bridget was NEVER wearing a yellow shirt in any of the scenes until her body is found on the floor. 22) With a neck wound like Jason's there would be more bleeding, spatter, etc. 23) Was the gun there the whole time? 24) Who would keep a gun in a certifiably crazy woman's house? 25) The ending montage makes no sense at all. 26) Shooting oneself in the head would leave bits of brain matter plastered to the wall, not just low viscosity blood. 27) Why would Lizzie Allen's father be missing an eyeball? 28) Lizzie Borden was acquitted of murder, so why does she say, "Society will pay?" That makes no sense whatsoever. 29) Lastly, a corpse cannot be possessed. Furthermore, why would Lizzie Borden's ghost want to possess Lizzie Allen's corpse in the first place.

Seriously, do not waste your time with this atrociously bad piece of garbage. You will never get those two hours of your life back, and you will be really angry about it.
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My life is 93 minutes shorter
kainthornn12 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
93 minutes. 6045 heartbeats. 325.5 breaths. All these moments are forever lost in time. My IQ is down by 37%. It all comes down to a hideous retelling of some aspect of the Lizzie Borden tale, except this time someone gets squirted by Gary Busey. Yeah, do the math there. Busey's performance was dull and weak compared to his brilliant acting in "Wild in the Streets" (1968, ), which says a lot about the direction in this botched aneurysm of a movie. Sean Flynn is turning in his grave, as it seems pretty insulting that this production was dedicated to his memory. Perhaps he had amnesia. I would have enjoyed watching C-SPAN over this tripe. Spare yourself some torment and skip this movie, it's too late for me...
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This movie made no sense
katenalliesmom20 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I find the story of Lizzie Borden so interesting and watch everything I can find on it. This movie, however, really had nothing to do with it. The cover art shows the Lizzie Borden house in the background, but this movie didn't take place in the house! Why was Lizzie Allen seeing the maid and the Borden ghosts when they weren't even living in the same house? Made no sense at all. Could of been OK had it been the LB house, still not great, but maybe watchable. And lay off the wine already! I guess that was why she was having all the visions, mixing tons of alcohol with pills. The acting wasn't as bad as some people have reviewed (in my opinion). I thought Corbin Bernsen did a good job.
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nashirafae3128 August 2014
I've been through the reviews, all of which do a fitting job of explaining just how horrible this movie is; I only wish I'd thought to read the reviews before I rented it. All I want to know is.... what the ¥<&¿ Did we just watch? Is there anyone out there, that has seen the movie (avoid it at all costs) who can explain what it was about. Was there a plot, a story line, anything... that can fulfill my desire to understand what we just wasted $4.and two hours on. Don't fall into the trap, if it is ever suggested that one should watch this movie... make an appointment to have a root canal without anaesthesia... as that would be far less painful than sitting through this... what exactly would one call this? I don't feel comfortable calling it a movie.
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Freaking Awful
amyirving3312 October 2013
This movie could not be worse if it tried! The acting was terrible, the scares non-existent, and the plot had no continuity whatsoever!I tried to treat the plot like a puzzle only to find I was missing not one, not even two,but half on the entire frigging' puzzle! The only redeeming quality was the boyfriend looked halfway decent with his shirt off, I am glad I watched this on Netflix and did not waste money on this absolute bore. If you are like me and will watch a movie just hoping it will get better, do not and I repeat do not waste your time with this one! There are so many other good or even bad movies out there that are worth your time than this one. Sucksville unless you like random boob shots. Oh, and my final thought is that the therapist should lose his license forever...DENIED! That stupid f--k hadn't seen the ball since kickoff!
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This Murdered My Eyes
mentalexplosion20 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
So, on a whim, I decided to rent this from Redbox, since my husband and I love watching unpopular films and we love horror/thrillers. I have to say, this is the absolute worst movie I have ever seen in my entire life. Oh, where to start...

Let's start with the horrid cinematography. Now, normally, this aspect of a movie doesn't bother me -- mostly because I'm no movie purist and I can get behind some shoddy film scenes. But this was just bad. There were random film shots of irrelevant things, such as when the protagonist/antagonist is going outside the house with the cable guy. Before showing her walking outside, there is a brief glimpse of a tree... nothing else. Just a tree. Not only that, but the tree choppily faded out. What was even the point? There was no relevance, no scenic value, no point. Not to mention, the cheap angles to try to make the axe murders more gruesome (which actually just made them more laughable). The scenes weren't contiguous, didn't flow and there didn't even seem to be a proper order to the scenes.

Now, the special effects.. again, normally I don't base the value of a movie on this.. but there were scenes where I think someone just used a ketchup bottle to squirt red corn syrup around... such as in one of the final murder scenes where Lizzie's father is being brutally slain by his wife (and incarnate of Lizzie Borden), you couldn't see his face, but blood shot upward in a squirty like fashion, which is neither plausible or realistic.

Then, there was the acting.. for the most part, it wasn't absolute trash, but I feel bad for the cast as they were stuck with poorly written lines. However, there is a memorable moment, where Lizzie looked like Edvard Munch's "The Scream" as her former self was killed on a tricycle by the Lizzie Borden incarnate. No one actually grabs their face and screams while smooshing their cheeks against their lips.

Finally, the golden gem of poop in this movie.. the script. You know there is issue with a script if you're laughing at the lines in a horror film. I think for the first half of the movie, the only lines were, "Jason! Jason! Where are you?!". And then at some point, the lines might have had some substance. But my husband and I were lost when Lizzie witnesses the maid Maggie being raped by the old guy. The old man insinuates something about his child being a lesbian, which I didn't understand.. then after raping the maid, he proclaims, "I squirted you, now yer carrying my baby.". I think I actually laughed so hard I peed myself. Squirted? Really? Squirted? Back to the ketchup bottles...

Just don't waste your money on this film, unless you want to make fun of it or make it some sort of drinking game.
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This is a strangely put together horror movie that isn't worth your time
kevin_robbins24 August 2021
Lizzie (2012) is currently available on Tubi. The storyline follows a woman named Lizzie who had a traumatic experience as a child she doesn't fully remember. One day she stirs spirits in her home that's unlocks a grueling past in the house and may help her remember her own traumatic experience. This movie is directed by David Dunn Jr (The Writers Club) and stars Caitlin Carmichael (Wheelman), Amanda Baker (General Hospital), Don Swayze (Drop Zone) and Corbin Bernsen (Major League). The opening narration of this film felt like a Christmas Carol the way it rhymes and flowed. It was probably the best part of the movie. The acting is terrible top to bottom. Everything felt awkward and unnatural. The film uses makeup and masks and quick flashes to them for their horror didn't work. I'm not sure where Gary Busey (Point Break) came from at the very end...but that was weird too. Overall this is a strangely put together horror movie that isn't worth your time. I'd score this a 1/10 and recommend skipping it.
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Retelling of the Lizzie Borden story is incoherent and badly assembled.
suite926 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The film starts with back story told in voice over narration with period 1892 articles such as newspapers and photographs. It then shifts to the present, say 2013, with what is going on with Lizzie Allen, both now and when she was much younger, say six years old. She has a therapist, Dr Fredericks, who uses hypnosis, not always with good results.

Lizzie lives again in the house where she lived when she was a child. Dr Fredericks thinks something traumatic happened there when she was young. She's seeing daydreams and night dreams that are rather horrible. She has trouble remembering her childhood clearly.

Ah, she used to have tea parties with a doll that survived the original Lizzie Borden era. She drinks a lot of wine and watches scary movies with the boy friend, and does not seem able to get her meds right. Then she sees (hallucinates) herself introducing the doll, Lucy, to her. Even worse, she sees the Lizzie Borden figure use an axe to kill her younger self.

Dr Fredericks of course associates this with childhood memories and an attempt to resolve them in adulthood. The next day she goes off on the cable guy, has trouble shaving her legs safely, and hears things go bump in the night. Jason comes in as a masked burglar, and Lizzie does not take it well. Who would? Jason starts hearing the bump in the night; he gets out his stashed pistol and barely hides it in the living room.

Maggie is Lizzie's new neighbor. She tries to help Lizzie break into part of the basement that the cable guy could not get to. They fail, but it gets Lizzie more comfortable swinging the axe that Maggie picked out. Jason manages to get into the basement, where he experiences more bump in the night phenomena. Dr Fredericks drops Lizzie as a patient, since she demands stronger meds, but will not confront her childhood issues.

Maggie turns out not to be what she first said she was. Jason takes a turn for the worse, and Lizzie feels more and more alone. That is not the worst of it all.


Cinematography: 5/10 Dark, generally with low contrast, or slightly out of focus. There's a bit of camera jump as well. SFX were laughable.

Sound: 9/10 Fine.

Acting: 2/10 Most of the minutes of the show have Amanda Baker alone or in frame. So the movie sinks or swims with her, and I don't believe her performance. Leif Holt is pretty bad as well. Corbin Bernson was fine, but he was not on screen all that much. Gary Busey has done much better in other movies.

Screenplay: 0/10 The past and the present did not blend well here. For the movie to work, they did need to resolve clearly and effectively. The retelling of the 1892 story was not put together well either. The absurd ending was just too much.
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Deliciously Disturbing
lyonsjg1 August 2012
You are guaranteed to have a great time watching this flick. It starts strong and it ends strong. For those of you interested in the horror/thriller genres, add this to your list. It's good popcorn fun, a little jolt to fill one of your nights. Parts of it scared the crap out of my wife and me.

The writer cleverly blends historical fiction with an axe in the face. By giving Lizzie amnesia, the writer (or writers, I can't remember), puts the viewer in Lizzie shoes. As she discovers things about her sordid past, we discover things about her sordid past. The things she unveils are probably a bit more grizzly than the things the common viewer stuffs in his mental basement. Also, those of you who love Corbin Bernsen and Gary Busey will be pleased. Their performances are not wasted.

I give it a 10 based on my pure enjoyment. It won't win any Oscars, but neither do most enjoyable flicks.
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I want my 2 hours back
ryanhettenhausen2 November 2013
Worst movie I have ever seen. I've seen high school students make better films than this. When people were being murdered with an ax, I couldn't help but laugh at how cheesy it was. The ax was never swung hard enough to even break the skin. Also the writer(s) had no sense of creativity. Certain lines were used repeatedly throughout the film such as "Jason, is that you?" or "I'm calling the cops" Movie was just complete utter crap. I cant believe anybody would waste their time shooting something like this, and I would be truly embarrassed to show that movie even to my closest friends if I made it. Trust me, do not rent this movie, This was a total waste of my $1.30 and the the two hours I spent watching it. I spent the whole time waiting for it to pick up or something, but it just never happened.
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Waste of time
bubble-dot9614 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was so awful I had to create an account so I could warn people not to watch it, thank goodness I rented it for free with a redbox promo code. The story line is all over the place and you never really understand what it happening plus the acting is terrible and there are so many mistakes for example the title spells Lizzy "Lizzie" but the characters in the movie spell it "Lizzy", plus you can see the camera man in numerous scenes plus Lizzy Allen is constantly drinking. Also the movie description tells the viewers the daughter kills the parents but she never picks up an ax or kills anyone and at the end after Lizzy Allen kills herself she sits up like everything is fine. What? Don't waste your time.
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Waste of Time and Money
seven_deadly_sins_alln11 January 2014
This is just a repeat of what others have been saying. It's just completely awful!! The actors suck, the writing sucked and I am personally offended that they can even say this is based from a true story. With the exception of the monologue at the beginning and a few hints to the actual Borden story check out the 1975 movie called The Legend of Lizzie Borden. I guess my only question is why is this a $1.20 from Redbox and can I get my money back? I know a few producers who could make a great documentary on this particular event and it be one of the best things you've seen… ever…where are you Phil and Christopher Saint Booth when we need something decent and recent for this story???
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Absolutely Horrible
dongillette123 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
You'd think even Gary Busey, as the father of Lizzie Borden, could pull off a manic performance, wouldn't you? But even as he's going at his wife with an ax, it's like he's buttering a slice of toast. This was the worst movie with the worst performances that I've seen in years. If this thing was up against Plan 9 From Outer Space, Ed Wood would have won an Oscar. Seriously. It's supposed to be about Lizzie Borden and it ends up being about nothing--just an excuse for the lead to show her tits (which aren't bad) and an excuse to let Gary Busey show us that his kid is actually a better actor than he is. You need to pass on this one, take my word for it.
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