Bodies (TV Mini Series 2023) Poster


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Each episode gets better and better
Rob13313 January 2024
Bodies was much better than I thought it would be. It's one of those shows where you need to watch it and not be doing other things while watching. Pay attention because the story really pays off. Each episode just got better and better. The entire cast was fantastic, they really pull you into the story. Every episode just continues to add pieces of the puzzle in such intriguing and entertaining ways. I couldn't stop watching, I binged all 8 episodes in less than two days. After just finishing it I'm thinking of watching it again because now that I know the ending I think it would be fun seeing all the stuff I missed.
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Starts a little slow but stay with it
Supermanfan-133 January 2024
I wasn't sure what to expect when I first started Bodies. The reviews were mostly good but the only actor I recognized was Stephen Graham so I thought how good could it be? Well, it was pretty damn good as was the entire cast. It's a time travel series that reminded me of Dark but easier to follow along. It's about four different detectives, in four different time periods, all investigating the exact same murder. It may start a little slow for some but stay with it because I promise it picks up. The best thing about it is it doesn't end with some cliffhanger, it has a very satisfying ending. If you enjoy sci-fi and time travel then give this a try. You won't be disappointed.
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Brilliant fun with numerous plot holes
ssvfolder-124 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Second Netflix show in a row that I actually loved. It was brilliant. The casting, the setting, pacing.. Everything was executed excellently. I binge-watched entire series in two days and have absolutely no regrets.

The only thing that was bothering me a bit, were the plot holes. It's very difficult to write a good time travel book\scenario without any of those, but here in this case, they were glaring. That's the only reason I gave the show 9/10.

From this point on - spoilers and assumptions.

  • The show never explains the beginning of the time loop. It's a chicken and an egg type of thing. It had to be created somehow in the first place.

  • To get to the absolutely same outcome, the people from the future could have gone to the exact same time through the throat and simply kill the young Mannix. As he had never existed in the first place, it would bring to the exact same place. After the blast, During car ride or anywhere else. Just kill him and it's all over and everything is exactly where it ended. If I'm not mistaken, even the physicist could have sent them anytime without too much limitations. Mannix arrived a year before the the body in the 1889. Defoe moved 4 days into the future. The possibilities are endless.

  • The technology could not travel through time (though through theory, all matter could have done it. Perhaps so, but how could Mannix know all commercial secrets from 1890 (the knowledge that is largely lost even now)? How to build Atom bomb? How to enrich Uranium (which was before the initial development in the labs of Nazi Germany in Europe and US)? He couldn't have have any physical memory card with him and he definitely couldn't remember all that. Where on earth did he get a cell phone to be added as the second trigger, decades before it was invented. The vault under the bank was sealed, and the phone somehow survived all this time?

Many more additional loopholes remain. Never the less I loved it!
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Rivetingly absurd
purple-mug6 November 2023
It is a truth universally acknowledged that any plot involving time travel, especially any that attempts to deal with the so-called grandfather paradox, will necessarily be so full of holes that, if it were a fishing net, only the great whales would be endangered by it. In that regard, Bodies certainly does not disappoint, piling impossibility upon impossibility at a head spinning pace. However it is the panache and insouciance with which such concerns are dealt that determines whether a show will emerge battered to death or greatly loved. With great performances from the lead characters, particularly Jacob Fortune Lloyd as the thoroughly corrupt wartime cop whose heart is melted by a child (a charming live-action debut for Chloe Raphael), and a brilliant script that revealed only as much as necessary at each stage and kept you guessing until the very end, Bodies easily triumphs over its unavoidable absurdity.
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Give it time
andrew-659-15293320 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't warm to this immediately. The characters didn't interest me much at first and some of the dialogue seemed quite anachronistic and out of place. I wish writers would trust the audience a bit more with period-correct lingo and attitudes. But I stuck with it and around episode 3 it started to click and by 4 I was hooked. In the end I binged all 8 episodes in one evening, not something I do much of.

It reminds me a lot of Dark (2017) which is a good thing. Unlike Dark, Bodies is a lot easier to follow and puts lots of effort into explaining the story. This takes away the mind-bending mystery and confusion that ultimately makes Dark so good and, well, so dark, but Bodies has its own unique charms too. It seems to be leading to its conclusion by the end of episode 6 but then keeps going with more really interesting twists which bring the story to a satisfying conclusion. Well worth staying the course. The actors do a great job with so many good performances that really carry the story and add multiple depths to each character.
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Started off with great intruige but ended up relying on an old sci-fi trope
robert-wood-123 October 2023
As a weaving of four stories this works well. The sets are great and even the thirty years into the future thread wasn't too out there.

There are a few good characters, some good light and shade and some that develop nicely as the series progresses.

Everything starts with a body being discovered in a lane in London and develops with four different time lines, Victorian, World War Two, present day and thirty years into the future. At first there is a lovely kind of what-is-going-on feel to the story, but come the middle of it, you realise that it's just the same thing that's been done so many times in so many other sci-fi programmes and films that it becomes more and more disappointing and eventually so incredibly and sadly predictable.
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Perfect for fans of Dark and The Devil's Hour
twetestxbox20 October 2023
Time travel. Hmm. It's so tough to pull off - the key is to make it entertaining, fill it with quality acting and writing, and just do enough to make it believable to you don't end up trying to figure out the science or poke holes in paradoxes.

Bodies is about as good as anything there is in the time travel sub-genre of science-fiction. If you liked shows such as Dark or The Devil's Hour, or loved Predestination or any of the smarter time travel stories around then you'll be very happy with this surprising gem. It's tense, atmospheric, genuinely original and wholly unpredictable.

The historical periods depicted are done so in a rich and convincing manner, particularly the 1890s. The modern-day cops are entirely believable, and the depiction of the future - always the trickiest to sell - kinda works too. After watching a seemingly endless run of TV shows with immensely dislikable characters, it's refreshing to have protagonists to root for - especially the antihero DS Whiteman played by the exceptional Jacob Fortune-Lloyd.

Among the sea of dross being pumped out by Netflix and Disney+ in particular, Bodies really stands out.
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Fun enough, but squandered its chance to be great
jamie-5081721 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
As soon as any character in a sci-fi time travel story talks about predetermination, it becomes inevitable that the story's protagonist is going to overcome the odds to prove the indomitable power of the human spirit and the existence of free will. It's such a predictable well worn and tired sci-fi trope, and been done a million times before.

Which is why I was delighted when this series ended, and despite what I thought was a bleak nihilistic and sudden finale, it had managed to break the mould and challenge that expectation. I was perfectly happy to forgive all the questions and lose threads it left open, just because it was bold enough to be a bit different.

Unfortunately that was episode 6. And it turns out there's 8 episodes.

Of course those final two episodes took us to the completely predictable well trodden feel-good conclusion you would expect. And while doing so also did nothing to answer the paradoxes and questions the story had created along the way - if anything making them less clear, less well thought through, and more paradoxical. Plus adding some extra silly plot points to get us there (The Throat was completely unguarded?).

It's a shame, as the cast is good, there's some great moments, and it's got an intriguing concept. But it's let down by a predictable and unoriginal desire to give us the same easy happy ending heroic answer we always get - when it got so close to giving us something just a little different and more challenging.

I would have preferred an alternative timeline. If you want a pretty decent and original sci-fi, turn it off at the end of episode 6 and pretend someone's gone back in time to persuade them not to write the final two episodes.
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Know that you are brilliant
lkcphd22 October 2023
I must admit this is right up my alley. I'm a hardcore Whovian, Trekkie, and lover of both comics-turned-film (Marvel) period drama (think Downton Abbey). I believe it's a strange combination; I've never met anyone who enjoys all of these genres. Until now, maybe? This series is the exquisitely crafted intersection of all of them. It weaves together the lived and experiences of 4 people, scattered across time in London. Each time period is crafted, from costumes to music, with care and precision. It's both hopeful and tragic, and so compelling that I'm about to rewatch the entire series. If this is read by anyone affiliated in any way with its creation, know that you are brilliant. And your work is loved.
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Held My Interest
jeanvieve722 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The series isn't perfect. It has some plot holes, some characters that could've been stronger, some story arcs that were weak... But overall it was clever enough to hold my interest as a good sci-fi time travel miniseries.

What the series did right:

Threaded together 4 different time lines and tightened the stories with every episode where you start to see how these stories fit together, and where the past ties to the future.

Easy to binge.

What the series could have done better:

Some characters were simply not flushed out enough, or the actors were not given adequate space to let the audience have any emotional ties to them, which is essential for us to care about everything that is going on. Also, all our protagonists in the series are working towards a devastating historical event. Yet in actuality, only one single character talks about any emotional pain from the devastating event that they are trying to prevent. We don't actually see any kind of lingering devastation, or any other characters that have directly suffered from this event they are trying to prevent. It leaves you a little bit emotionally detached and you don't feel the panic or the urgency that we should feel in a story where the whole point is trying to prevent something much worse than 9/11.

Also, I didn't feel our villain was either villainous enough or sympathetic enough. And yet I feel that the series is trying to make us feel both. He just felt a little bit milquetoast.

There were also some plot holes and weak points, as to how our villain was able to control a domino effect of events across more than 100 years of time. It's simply not entirely explained.

All that said, I still feel this miniseries is unique enough and entertaining enough to be worth watching the entire series and appreciate it for what it is.
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Time Travel Science Fiction
lornak-180086 January 2024
I had no idea what to expect going into this series. Once I was into it, I was majorly hooked. Time travel has been done so many times before, but I thought this one was the most unique I've ever watched. It's four time periods and has four different London police officers trying to solve the same murder complete with the exact same body.

The story was really intricate and well thought out by the author, although not without plot holes-some of which were pretty major. It's hard not to have plot holes when time travel is involved. Especially if you start thinking of what happens if you meet yourself! I thought the acting was amazing and the stand out to me was both the female detective from 2023 and the detective from 1890, although the ones from 1941 and 2053 weren't too shabby either. It's 8 episodes, although after episode 6 you'll be wondering why that wasn't the end? Keep with it as the last 2 episodes were outstanding as well. Highly recommended!
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Ok, so obviously well-produced and acted, but...
subpardaemon27 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Read this only when you've watched the whole series.

...But. The story is riddled with inconsistencies.

Why does a naturally occurring phenomenon tatto a person's wrist? If Dafoe was projected into three distinct time periods backwards (and at least one forward, but following on the logical assumption he would be also projected farther and at least one more time farther in the future as well), why was Mannix only projected to 1889? Wasn't there another Mannix projection into 1940 and 2022 respectively? Why is Iris in the final 2023 shot, wasn't she supposed to disappear with the rest of the gang? And why did the loop kick in in the first place, if young Elias disappeared so easily once the loop was broken?

These being said, it was worth a watch, but if you want mindbending time travel that actually has logical coherence, Dark is still the go-to series.
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Starts strong but later episodes are absolute nonsense
o_s_k_r4 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
There are so many problems with the later episodes it made me cringe. The story just becomes ridiculous and the actors appear to struggle through giant unanswered questions. The questions are so glaring they seem to leap out at the viewer - Why are they doing this? Why isn't this important? Why isn't this explained?

Here are some of the worst: 1) Why is the "throat" - evidently the most powerful tool in existence just left running all day and night without being used? Why does the authoritarian government leave it unguarded(!!!!) and still running? It's jawdroppingly stupid.

2) Similarly why do the characters once they have control of the "throat" not use it to fix any problems they want to? The only pathetic explanation offered is that the "throat" likes Mannix, or something like to that effect, and I suppose therefore it would be wrong for the physicist and cop to go about changing time themselves???

3) Why can Mannix go back neatly to the year 1890 while the physicist is instead duplicated and sent to multiple times? Why do the travellers magically receive a tattoo with three lines on their wrist?

4) Why is the cult so intend on tormenting the young Mannix? What exactly does this acheive? Isn't it just sadism (and masochism?) It doesn't appear to help the cult in any way.

5) Similarly why excatly does the cult detonate the bomb? Was it really necessary to achieve world domination? They already seem to be incredibly all powerful. Having knowledge of the future events seems like it would be enough to infiltrate the government and seize control anyway.

6) How does the cult get hold of an atomic bomb? Surely this would have been an intersting part of the story to flesh out? It's just a big baffling question.

I could go on but these are some of the worst problems with the story.

The show shines in the first couple of episodes however. I really like the technique of running four parallel stories in different timelines. It worked amazingly well in my opinion. Unfortunately this feels very much like a story written for and about this concept - without any advanced thoughts given to how it might tie together. I suspect the writer was unwilling to change the first half once they'd finished it, which probably made the ending impossibly difficult. None the less they gave it a try and it really just did not make much sense.
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Absurdly enjoyable
davalew2 January 2024
Hokum but I enjoyed it all except the WWII London police car sirens which weren't fitted until 1963 when they also introduced the blue flashing beacons. They just had bells but like all science fiction fans I do tend to be obsessively pedantic. I was prepared to accept all the other minor errors but those police car bells are a sound of those times which transport me back in time which the film makers missed. I suspect that those not liking science fiction will find the plot difficult to follow and the continual time shifts confusing but the production isn't made for non science fiction fans so if this isn't your style, don't bother struggling with the plot. :-)
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Guy in the Road
heatherlyinn-630-3387571 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Would suggest strongly to watch this series sober. A lot of names and characters to follow- I noticed the episodes I watched sober were much more enjoyable( due to the names - and jargon) That being said I really loved this series - even shed a tear at the mother son reunion scene at the end. Really well done! However my biggest issue with this is whyyy did they have to make Hasan look sooooo bad. My boyfriend tried to say it is because of her involvement with the aftermath of the incident in July. But man - they did her dirty. My god I'm not that much younger than she is presumably and wow it was not easy to see. Oh and Polly and her Mother are played by two women 10 years apart. Another impossible beauty standard. ( yes I sense my theme as well ) Anyways loved the storyline(s). Acting was amazing!
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A "meh" and shorter version of Dark
liz_mawson7 January 2024
All I could think of while I binge watched this series was how much it was like Dark, but nowhere near as good in any way, even the whole bootstrap paradox storyline.

The only really good things about it were the main protagonist being a Muslim woman (nice to see a woman being portrayed as strong and smart) and the idea that we're all so desperately in search for love that killing thousands can almost be justified and how lack of love, especially as a child creates adults with more emotional needs.

Otherwise, if I could go back in time, I'd probably avoid watching it just because it's been done before.

Otherwise it's a decent watch for a few hours of switching off from reality.
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Poor historical research
JonathanWalford22 October 2023
I am enjoying the series, if I close my eyes during the gorey scenes where history is being mutilated....

It's impossible to be 100% accurate, but sometimes the mistakes are distracting. Like many contemporary productions, this series fails to understand how people behaved in the past. There are two instances in particular that particularly stand out.

In 1890 London, the molly house with two men dressed up in corsets on the street simply wouldn't have happened in daylight in front of the police because they would have been immediately arrested. It wasn't okay to act gay in any way in public in 1890.

The other most egregious errors occur in the 1941 blitz scenes, with people screaming and running for shelter from their apartments while bombs are falling in the neighbourhood, and the crowds then being denied access to an underground station for shelter. Anyone who has ever talked to anyone who lived in London during the Blitz knows that Londoners were prepared and calmly resigned to the bombings. There were usually many minutes between the first alerts and the first bombs - enough time to make a thermos of tea and dress warmly. There were also alternate street-level shelters to the undergrounds, and many people just defied fate and waited it out at home. As well, the cars have too much light being projected from the head lamps, and the detective's apartment had no blackout curtains, so sitting in the apartment with the lights on was illegal, and he would have been fined or arrested. Covering light from windows would have been tested in drills by ARP officers from the home army in the early months of the war, well before the Blitz began.

It's too bad these blatant errors exist because they pull down the quality of the production. Period set films really need historians to check basic facts, and directors need to LISTEN to them.
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After Dark, Bodies.
alongares3 November 2023
I enjoyed the series, especially towards the end.

Mid the show in many moments I felt it was a bad version of Dark, as well as I suffered some scenes that were overreacted and completely out of context.

Some interesting things happened with the music that I enjoyed. The piano player and daughter of the policeman, Polly, plays " What a difference a day makes" during the period of the '41 when is a jazz song of the '70s. I really liked those details because it gives you a further understanding about the characters and how they are displaced on time without being too obvious.

In the end, things get somehow interesting with the script, and that's what saved the experience and made me feel it deserves watching.
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Hallelujah - A Netflix Series With An Actual Ending!
Shauna6325 October 2023
I can't count the number of Netflix movies and series I have invested in only to be hit with what I call "The Netflix Non-Ending Ending". You know the ones - dead stops where it feel as if the writers just ran out of steam, and finally said eh, forget about it...let the audience figure it out for themselves. So frustrating! Bodies stands out to me if for no other reason than it has an actual ending. There is a lot going on so pay attention or you'll find yourself constantly rewinding to figure out what they're talking about. Time travel stories are exhausting to some degree but I found this one fun and engaging. Worth the binge!
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Loved the first half. Very annoyed by the second half.
dasmauci12 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I really like time travel mysteries and at first Bodies really delivers in that regard. Interesting characters and good performances, interconnecting timelines, and one big mystery to solve. The first half of the series really shines with that.

But the mystery gets obvious rather too quickly. With more than half of the episodes left, it was already apparent to me what happened here. At this point, the only really open question I had was: Will there be some kind of happy ending, or will the show stick to the determinism that was very strongly alluded to.

I think I would have preferred the latter.

Unfortunately, at this point it felt like the show wasted my time. Especially episode 7 seemed like it was just repeating plot points we already knew. Then the last episode threw the whole concept of a closed loop out of the window, which introduced too many potholes and inconsistencies for my liking. Furthermore, I was waiting for a bunch of explanations that never came, which therefore made the whole plot kind of nonsensical at the end.

But still, the story stuck with me. Mostly because of the strong beginning and the wasted potential.
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Excellent sci-if show
twinsstyle27 December 2023
This show really reminded me of Dark and 1899, but more succinct and easier to follow. Timey wimey mystery thriller set between 1890-present times. The acting is excellent, Kyle Soller (aka Syril Karn) and Jacob Fortune-Lloyd especially were fantastic, and after a bit of a slow start (stick with it), moves along at a good pace. For me it's one of my top 5 sci-fi shows . And very underrated , I literally not seeing anybody talking about this show . The finale is one of the best I've seen in recent memory, very emotional, and I'm speechless for Stephan graham acting , it was very unique . Highly recommend!
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Good, But with Some loop holes
gaganjot-sudan30 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Although it's a good show. It portray its characters from bottom, their good & bad inner, their high & low. Most in hellinghead's character. All have played them well. It's a one time watch show. It does kept you hooked but at some points you feel kind of stretched in order to keep story in place. One thing that has a Big Flaw is in the interpretation of Throat working. At some point maplewood gets it & knows that defoe would also gets jumped in future also. Same would have been applied to Elise. Although at the end we see Kayal sign glow. May be for that we all have to wait for another season of BODIES !!!!
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A Pile of Illogical Nonsense with Hooks.
spiff-1223 October 2023
Just like many things we see on Netflix recently, this is a show with hooks and no substance. The Causality Time Paradox is so overwhelmingly insulting that I only kept watching as one does a train wreck. Fortunately I'm catching up to Netflix marketing formula department in realizing that when there are too many hooks that it is likely not going to be a very logically cohesive story. This has proven to be true. Despite my realization of this, I see others who are completely fooled by it and, thus, the trend will continue. They pulled this stunt with "1899": All Hooks with no real story telling. Then the recent season of Black Mirror was a shadow of its former self. All the while increasing fees!? Someone is placing formula and money over content and I'm about ready to vote "no" with mine.
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A show ...
BeGerman19 October 2023
I expect to see on Apple TV. In th last couple of month Netflix release mostly social media style shows and movies. This show is totally differed and after canceling 1899 a surprise as mystery thriller based on a comic. 1 murder victim and 4 time lines with clear different production design and colouring. A dense production based on excellently written scripts. Compliments to the director. None of this would have been possible if the cast had not been so fortunate. Especially the choice of the 4 detectives is phenomenal. A joy of acting down to the smallest supporting role. Even though the composition of the pictures is in the finest cinemascope, I would have wished for a corresponding camera here as well as in the setting of the various time series, but that is complaining on a high level. A happy hand also with the soundtrack.

The episodes fly by and the nice thing is, like a good book, you can watch the show more than once. Then you'll definitely get more of the little Easter eggs. The scene changes between the timelines are wonderful.

I am thrilled..
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Had to watch it twice, but loved it!
lucyryder28 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is a complex and thrilling Sci Fi series about time travel but also covering love and family.

With 4 time zones making up the story; I did want to watch it a second time so a couple of things slotted into place, and I loved it both times!

There are so many good actors in the series, and of course the mighty Steven Graham stands out.. but this time playing a different type of character to those I have seen him play previously.

The show takes an episode or 2 to set up the time zones and main characters, then takes you on a wild ride which I had to binge watch in 1 day - a perfect Twixmass watch!
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