Sick of Myself (2022) Poster

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Only narcissists succeed
Groverdox27 January 2023
When Signe's artist boyfriend finds fame for the sculptures he makes out of furniture he's stolen from businesses, she will stop at nothing to get the attention of the crowd back on her. Munchausen's syndrome: that's what they call it when a person makes an art-form out of malingering. Or when they go so far to fake illness that they're no longer really faking.

"Sick of Myself" is a comedy so dark it's almost a horror story. Not only a horror story: a *body* horror story. I wonder what David Cronenberg or Clive Barker would think of it.

It's also a challenging viewing experience. The tone is so troubling and uncomfortable that it reminded me of another Scandinavian flick from last year, "Speak No Evil" - but that one certainly wasn't a comedy.

I often had to take breathers while watching it.

It also reminded me of "Ingrid Goes West", another dark comedy about a mentally ill young woman and the place society holds for crazy people, which it finds easy to exploit. The difference is that "Ingrid" had a stronger sense of plot and I always knew what it was trying to say. "Sick of Myself" feels more organic and unstructured, which gives you the feeling that anything can happen.
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Warholian Masterclass?
This is very uncomfortable viewing for any human being who has ever been ignored and wants to be seen and recognized; so probably most in the 7 billion + will be triggered here out of humanity :]
  • It truly is a comedy which shows flaws and unbalances in couples and also in society at large
  • It makes fun of The Art World The World of Fashion; it makes fun of TV programs Newspapers The Realm of The Internet; nothing is left out ...
  • It is clever funny disturbing but not too much of either of these 3; it also has that odd Scandinavian detachment which probably Scandinavians do not perceive and non-Scandinavians do not comprehend.

  • I thought that it would be too serious but then the humour started to seep in and out like the main character's face at times; the acting was adequate but not striking
  • Is it a comedy; a social commentary; a horror tale? A bit of all of those in a bright nicely furnished story

  • Watch it for yourself and decide ...
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Intense and dark humor, but it fizzles out at the end
Catocala12 April 2023
There is a lot of social commentary to be found in this film, which revolves around a young woman named Signe, who cannot deal with her pathological need for attention. It not only brings a character portrait of someone suffering from Münchhausen syndrome, but it also highlights topics like how we choose our beauty standards, even with "imperfect" beauty to be politically correct, or how we portray ourselves to the outside world.

A funny dynamic is her relationship with an equally attention hungry boyfriend Thomas: he asked for her help stealing furniture which he makes into his "art" and takes all the credit for himself. The more attention he receives, the more revolted she becomes and vice versa.

The movie starts off fantastically with increasingly absurd social situations and how far people are willing to go for a second in the spotlight. However, the speed decreases halfway through the movie and instead focusses more on the actual sickness Signe forced on herself. Even though her state of being gets worse and worse, the initial lighthearted yet dark humor that worked so well is kind of forgotten. The ending was felt anticlimactic and out of place for a movie that borded on the absurd and extreme during the first half.

The ideas and the script are really great, but all in all I feel the makers did not exactly know how to end the story. It would have been better - in my opinion - if it went out with a bang or at least a bit more on par with the intensity delivered in the beginning.
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More a commentary on mentall illness than anything else
grantarp20 May 2023
I don't think this film works particularly well as a commentary on society, beauty standards, media, fame, etc., as some reviewers have noted. I think the film works better as a commentary on extreme mental illness: specifically, extreme selfishness, jealousy and narcissism. I couldn't buy it as a satire because I constantly found it so unbelievable what this woman would do to herself for the sake of fame and attention from her boyfriend: brutally disfiguring herself and potentially ruining her health. As if she didn't think that her boyfriend would probably leave her after disfiguring herself so badly: which, let's be honest, that is the most likely outcome here, like it or not.

I think we have all wanted fame at some point or another; it's a common desire. Everybody can relate to that on some ego level. But I couldn't relate to the over-the-top extremity that this chick resorts to. Yes, all satire involves some exaggeration, but to a point. It should still be believable.

The film certainly has some strong points. Specifically, the photo shoot sequence in the museum is quite well done and creates a lot of tension. There is a certain style to the editing that reminded me of "The Limey" (1999); it's a bit unusual but works well overall. I wouldn't say this movie is a comedy; I chuckled at maybe one or two scenes. I found it to be more of a psychodrama that was, often, quite uncomfortable to watch, and I suppose the film succeeds on that level.
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The Girl at the Centre of her World...
Xstal19 April 2023
There's a girl who likes to exceed expectations, just to grab, grasp, claw, pluck, seize, the world's attention, a girl whose boundaries are so wide, it's hard to even give a guide, as she smashes, crashes, bashes her foundations.

Original for sure, as Signe, superbly performed by Kristine Kujath Thorp, captures the eye, refocuses your gaze, turns your head at an angle and distracts with dismay, all for the sake of the brainwashing world so many have come to be seduced, deceived and ensnared by, and the rewards it invariably fails to deliver, as the clock tik toks and the masses fail to take stock, lock and flock.
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horrific beautiful film. deserves attention.
axapvov9 May 2023
I didn't expect it to be THIS good. There's a lot of film talent in Scandinavia lately. If you're reading this and the combo "drama, comedy, horror" sounds appealing you can't go wrong with this one (I recommend watching it alone). It does those three genres well with great timing. It's funny, it's horrific, it's devastating and beautiful. A lot of films - most of them really - nail the beginning and then fall apart, or resort to generic formulas for the ending, but a good ending makes it all worth it, gives meaning to the whole thing, I believe it's the most crucial part of a film.

This is really great stuff, a descent into madness presented with intelligence, sensitivy and style, it's up there close to heavy weights like Cronenberg's The Fly or Polanski's Repulsion; and Kristine Kujath Thorp is outstanding, without her there is no film. Besides, she is absolutely gorgeous. This deserves much more attention (ha!).
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Important subject matter
aronharde2 October 2023
The movie is a social commentary about how we always have to one up each other and can't seem to be happy for other people's success, not even your closest friends or your partner. Signe and Thomas are the perfect example for this, because since Thomas is becoming kind of a breakthrough artist, Signe feels like she doesn't get enough attention. So in order to get the attention back she takes some kind of drug which gives her a big rash on her skin. Now she gets the attention she always wanted and even becomes a model which is not to the amusement of Thomas who also wants the attention. I think this is a really important subject matter because especially young people are never satisfied with themselves and always just look at other more successful people and can't seem to enjoy themselves or what they have reached in life.

The movie has little to no horror at all, it's more of a social drama with tiny pieces of body horror from Signes rash. And even though drama movies are definitely not my favorite, this one was definitely able to set free emotions and even makes you empathize for Signe, which is weird because she is the crazy narcissist. Like I said, I really don't like these kind of movies very much but I think everybody involved did a really great job in this. [5,6/10]
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Stop making stupid people famous!
natlivdw8 February 2023
Watching "Syk Pike" I felt amusement, puzzlement, aversion and compassion. The pursuit of easy glory, a sense of uniqueness and a life for the audience, but still nothing important to show or say. Sounds familiar? All the above aspects are very relatable in our age of social media. The actors did their job very well, and I had no doubts for a moment that they did not fit their characters. The whole movie was well composed, neither too long nor too short. After the movie, I remembered the saying: "stop making stupid people famous" and in my opinion that's the punch line of "Syk Pike".

All kinds of emotions guaranteed and food for thought. A good movie!
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Takes body horror very literally
jtindahouse26 May 2023
One of my biggest pet peeves in a film is unlikable characters. Which is an interesting conundrum for 'Sick of Myself' because the entire point of this movie is just how unlikable and flawed everyone is. You're certainly not coming into this movie to be charmed. Luckily it's entertaining enough to pave over this flaw - just.

The movie takes "body horror" very literally. The make-up is done in a terrific way. It never feels over the top but it is very effective. There is some very disturbing imagery at different points in the film.

The film has a lot of "dream" sequences that aren't real which can be quite frustrating. As previously mentioned as well the film is completely void of charm. It has its moments though and is watchable enough for the most part. 6/10.
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kosmasp16 September 2022
No pun intended - we are talking about two individuals who need to be the center of attention. And while that may sound like a match made in ... well not heaven, but also not hell. Their attitude though ... especially hers ... the title suggests that she hates herself - but it is the perception of herself that she hates.

On the other hand, if someone goes to the lengths she goes through ... if you have seen the trailer you know what I mean. If not, don't worry I won't say what I mean. Suffice to say it is something amazingly crazy. And if you thought she was unlikeable before ... well let me tell you, you will not like her more after that inciting incident. That of course as anyone can guess spirals out of control.

The introduction the director gave (video message) before the movie began was funny. Suggesting that only smart people will understand and like the movie. That said, of course he is not insulting anyone not liking the movie. There are quite a few reasons why some may at least mildly annoyed at the movie. Or at least the characters and their poor decision making.

Make up is really good, the diving into the head of the main character and seeing a version of what she thinks her future holds for her appears as sudden as it goes away. And you can't always tell when it begins - you can mostly tell that it is a dream sequence though.

Suspend your disbelief and go on a ride with a person that thinks she deserves attention ... remember: this is just a movie and do not try this at home.
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Brutal narcissism
mieriks8 November 2022
This movie, about a woman who hatches a vicious plan to reclaim her rightfully deserved attention, is quite a unique story with interesting content, and is definitely something different. I think it was smart to add some humor here and there, which made the movie very alive. Narcissism is the core theme here, and the brutality was almost frighteningly strange. The crazy thing about this is that there are actually people out there doing the same kind of action like in this movie. A very interesting topic! I think the camera and the lightning work wasn't to good, which made it sometimes feel like a homemade movie, but at the same time, I think the script and the editing was great. Also, time and reality were well used. Recommending for those who wants to experience something different!
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Great Character Study of an Attention Seeking Masochist
mohnomachado23 June 2023
What an interesting character study of an attention-seeking masochist at heart. The lead is wonderfully performed by Kristine Kujath Thorp and the directing and editing by Kristoffer Borgli is impressive. Shooting on 35mm is no easy task, but he makes it not only look seamless, but also has a visual flair that I'm looking forward to seeing again in the future. I can see why Ari Aster is producing his next project. I do think there are some minor flaws with the picture, especially with its depiction of certain disabilities, but overall, the themes work in terms of the context of this story. If you like interesting character studies, I would definitely recommend checking this one out.
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Interesting topic and a promising start, but this story stays stuck in 1 gear
imseeg19 November 2023
Getting yourself sick because you need attention. Conciously taking pills in large amounts to cause severe side effects to make yourself ill. That is the synopsis of this story. An interesting story indeed and it is known to be a officially diagnosed psychological disorder.

The bad: this movie stayed stuck in just one gear of this girl keeping on using pills to damage her own health and then afterwards swallow in self pity and the attention she gets for her self induced painful sickness.

The bad: There is no real dramatic arch though, no satisfying final, it's just 90 minutes long popping pills to make yourself sick. May sound dramatic, but I felt it was missing a plot turn that would turn this into a more dramatic story.

Promising start of a movie that unfortunately petered out slowly but steadily...
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Social Media Satire
billcr1229 June 2023
Thomas is an aspiring artist who uses stolen furniture to create artistic items and is on the cusp of fame when his waitress girlfriend Signe, decides to draw attention to herself.

After a magazine article make Thomas a minor celebrity who mostly ignores his girlfriend, she reads an article on the internet of a Russian drug that causes unintended skin conditions.

Through a shady friend, Signe obtains the dangerous drug and proceeds to down large amounts of the pills and soon suffers the consequences, as her face soon looks like the elephant man.

Her sad story picks up steam and her fleeting moments of fame exceed those of Thomas.

Maybe I missed something here as an American who just does not understand the Norwegian sense of humor.
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Some sick moments in this one Warning: Spoilers
"Syk pike" or "Sick of Myself" is a Norwegian film at its core if we look at the actors and language this is (mostly) in, but overall it is a co-production between Scandinavia and France. This film that runs for slightly under 100 minutes has achieved some awards recognition too, almost exclusively for writer and director Kristoffer Borgli, but on one occasion also for lead actress Kristine Kujath Thorp. There I can already say that I am not (knowingly) familiar with the cast here, but I checked and saw that Anders Danielsen Lie is also on board here, one of Norway's most successful actors at this point. He only plays a minor character, a doctor in fact, which is fitting because he also holds a medical degree in real life. He was by the way also in another very successful Norwegian movie not too long ago and the title of that film would also be really fitting for this one here. Here there is even more truth to it if we ignore the ultimate exaggeration for a brief moment. Lead actress Kujath Thorp also has a decent body of work for somebody aged 30 during the time of shooting. There seems to be only one way for her right now and that is up. Writer and director Borgli is also still under the age of 40, approximately my age in fact and he has directed about a dozen short films and music video in the last over ten years, so this is finally his transition to the big screen, to full feature territory even as I do not see small screen releases of 1.5 hours or so in his body of work either. But maybe imdb is also not too accurate in terms of Norwegian television stuff. In any case, what he did here was quite good.

The strong performance from the actress and from everybody else here helped of course. We understand that the protagonist is in a relationship with another man and she cannot deal with his recent success in the world of art and tries to belittle him whenever she gets the chance, for example when she invents a nut allergy at a dinner that takes place to honor him and not only does she cause some trouble early on, even if the waiter's worrying about insurance issues was kinda funny, but she also lets it all out the moment her boyfriend holds a speech. Everybody there thought she was his sister anyway, so also he did not introduce her as who she really was, so you can say that his ego is not much smaller and he is also not taking anything really from her. Look at the moment that involves her sitting on a particular chair in the second half of the film during a photoshoot or when he directs the attention away from her while they were eating with friends and she talks about a dog attack on a customer at her bakery and he belittles her indirectly that it was two weeks ago and she should get over it and then starts talking about his achievements. But yeah, most we see here comes from her and is directed towards him. This also includes a direct reaction from her at the exact same scene when she complains about how Norwegian artists that are putting their art on display in Norway are always using English names for their exhibitions. In general, you could say she just loved any attention she could get. This includes walking through the city in a blood-soaked shirt early one, one that everybody else would have been totally uncomfortable in immediately and changed clothes, but she loves how everybody looks at her. The moment of the dog attack or what we see directly afterwards is a similar moment when she realizes how much attention the severely-injured woman is getting.

Oh, but I talked about the exhibition, sorry for this not being totally in order here, and I liked how they included the name then on the screen, also again towards the end on another occasion. Blink and you will miss it any maybe he did use the Norwegian name for the exhibition after she said that? Not too important anyway. The biggest male character of course has quite an impact too on the protagonist's life, also has the same name like I do, but it is never really about anybody other than Signe. I did not know that name by the way. So yeah, this is categorized as a dark comedy I see and you can surely agree with that as there are quite a few moments in here that will maybe not make you laugh out loud, but at least put a smile on your lips. Or maybe the scene with the guy who sent compromising photos actually to the wrong woman was laugh-out-loud funny how he mentioned some details there, but it was also a scene that was interesting for other reasons. It was one of the funniest, but at the same time indirectly also one of the most devastating scenes because this was the moment where it all started basically with the Russian drug she has been taking. From another perspective, you can still say that in this scene she also encourages the man to not order any of those for himself, so she is not completely void of empathy maybe and she does not want him to develop any effects there. This guy is also brought back in another short scene towards the end when the protagonist tells another woman/friend or "friend" that the guy had died, which is not true and said woman runs into him there and realizes that she has not been telling the truth. We also find out about another bizarre story from the past where the protagonist invented that she lacks one toe, which did not turn out to be the truth. Oh well, still the guy was attracted to her, so this says a lot about him and men in general. I am referring to her mental issues, not the possibility of lacking a toe. Glad if that made you laugh. The scene when the two were having dinner or so with the man's mother was also a bit funny because of how strongly the female protagonist rejected this suggestion seconds earlier. But this kind of "opposite" joke within a brief period of time is something you see often in films.

Anyway, I just mentioned this other woman who thought the guy was dead and she also gets more screen time towards the end. She is the one that the main character turns to in what you could call either an actual call for help of just another depiction of narcissism. The truth lies somewhere in-between I suppose, maybe in the main character's clumsy attempts to understand how other characters in this situation would behave. However, the exact ending then is as happy as it could have been I suppose with all that happened before. Her statement about her boyfriend and that he may have left her (no surprise given her face and his narcissism tendency too) is perhaps not a bad thing by any means given the relationship between the two, even if she does not understand it yet, but that is no surprise either if you look at those moments in which she really enjoyed getting the attention from her boyfriend and what those moments did to her when she was not getting it. Just look at the scene when he is supposed to pick her up from the doctor's office, but he does not come and he is at home talking to somebody about his art and exhibition instead. This is the moment when she really hit rock-bottom and the process of what happens to her body is not fast enough for her. The scratching thingey, so she goes all in and swallows all those pills. Terrible decision. But every horrible moment also results in some comedy you could say if you look at the extreme dialogue with the doctor that takes place only in her head and ends with a reference to the police being ready to arrest her. As for comedy, for once a more harmless form, you can also look at these scenes with the group of people trying to get better. The one who is in charge of the event there was pretty hilarious in fact, especially in the first scene, but her being back with this group, even if there were aggressions too from other patients, was actually a good thing. Just look at her in the state when she is lying on the floor and talking about appreciating life in the end. This is something to build on.

Apart from all the comedy, there are of course the many visually shocking moments in terms of deformations, all that happens to the main character's face, especially after she takes all these pills in one swallow. You could not look at the screen, but also not look away somehow. Then there is the scene when she collapses during this photoshoot and there you could already feel bad for her because of how they were indeed treating her as a bit of an outcast, but as they could make some money with her, they accepted it. Just look at the guy who says that he is not gonna touch this. "This" means "her" in this context when she was down there having something like a seizure and bleeding from her head too. Blood is something you will see on many occasions here. Brings me back to the dog attack scene where she in a way already would have preferred this to be her own blood when she talks to her boyfriend, but also you could see that he was not exactly comforting her either there after what happened. Tells us a bit about him too. They were really not made for one another, at least him not for her, but it was still telling when they basically stick together with their narcissism when the situation escalates a bit during the meeting and eating with their friends. Their narcissism united them. You will also not just see blood here, but also people throwing up here on several occasions. The most engrossing moment of them all, however, was a short dream sequence I think, namely when we see the protagonist have horrible visions of her being (once again) on the ground and her head/face/skin is stuck to the ground and it stays there and a huge open wound at her face is the consequence. So you definitely have to have a solid stomach to stomach this film at times. I think it was a good and creative watch. A great film I would not really call except on maybe two or three occasions where the lead actress really shone, but this was not enough to say it is one of the best films of the year (so far) for me. However, the positive recommendation was also never in doubt. Go see this one.
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scrubentaft28 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Funny-awful characters and an exploration of how far someone's competitive narcissism might lead them in their desperation for significance.

Funny enough to get you past Signe and Thomas's deeply unsympathetic natures, some of the script is laugh out loud and other lines and bits of action just make you gasp. You can't quite believe what you're watching and are left feeling weird anxiety that someone somewhere might actually do something like this...

The makeup is brilliantly done, building from touches through fascinating to horrific, and will hopefully win the MUA team a good bundle of awards.

In short, cleverly compelling, funny, horrific and thought-provoking.
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An absurd story
Sillyreviews15 April 2024
Good acting, good story but almost too absurd.

This film is about Signe a 20 something year old from Oslo that craves attention in a way that is ridiculous and outright dangerous. She and her boyfriend are both obsessed with attention, competing continuously with who can get more, not even sharing an ounce of happiness for the succeses that the other might have. But Signe takes it to a level much further than her boyfriend and is even willing to risk her own health for it.

This absurd film is memorable. It is funny at some points but mostly absurd, an absurdity that i cannot even explain. You will feel disgusted, shocked and ask yourself why is she doing this to herself, you will know the answer but it will still be hard to wrap your head around it.

But after all it is an interesting film, as it dives into a person that isn't seen that often, especially a person that takes it so far. With good acting and with pretty good timing except for the end when it feels like it stops without a real ending. The cinematography was nice and with an overall nice vibe. The film was confusing at times, as it was hard to tell the difference between the scenes that were Signes dreams and the reality that she was actually living in. Which made it harder to focus on the story and film.

Overal this is a good film that is worth a watch, and something you won't see again soon.
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strong, true, sad
milenakornacka-8690111 June 2023
The film focuses on the drama of a young girl. Raised without a father by a selfish mother. The closest person is her boyfriend - a full spectrum narcissus. The girl has no self-awareness, and at the same time she has huge emotional deficits - the result of neglect from the past, all this gives an explosive mixture. Her desperate cry for attention and love is disastrous. No one sees him, and she finds herself completely alone. Full destruction. The girl's tragedy is also a farce for today's world of art, media and interpersonal relations. A great, powerful movie. Bravo to the director and screenwriter, I will be looking forward to more productions.
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Cinema Omnivore - Sick of Myself (2022) 6.9/10
lasttimeisaw28 November 2023
"In Oslo, Signe (Thorp) and Thomas (Sæther) is a young couple bound in a toxic relationship. Signe is the often ignored one while Thomas is a rising artist with a kleptomaniac penchant. Working as a barista and desperate needs validation, Signe's antics to get attention, including stealing the limelight from the self-absorbed Thomas, become increasing awkward and radical. From faking an allergy to voluntarily abusing a drug which can cause skin abnormality, Signe finally gets what she wants, attentions not only from Thomas, but also from the society at large. Her dysmorphia - a thunderstruck achievement from the make-up and prosthetics team (headed by Dimitra Drakopoulou and Ida Astero Welle), she shall be roundly cast in the re-re-booted Fantastic Four from Marvel - attains its newsworthy coverage and gets her a modeling opportunity for an unorthodox agency, but all is not well, the drug's pernicious effect begins to take a toll on her health. Borgli's satire takes an ambivalently unregenerate stance in the end after Signe comes clean with her self-destructive jiggery-pokery."

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Darkly Satirical Horror Comedy
Pairic1 May 2023
Sick of Myself: while this is satire, social commentary and the blackest of black comedies, it is also horror in the same way that many of Cronenberg's films are. Signe (Kristine Kujath Thorp) and Thomas (Eirik Sæther) are both narcissists, they compete for attention, at a dinner to honour Thomas for his first gallery exhibition, Signe pretends to into anaphylactic shock after eating a nut. Thomas wants to continue his speech outraging other diners. Thomas's art consists of weirdly arranged chairs which Signe helps him steal. Nothing is off limits in Sick of Myself, be it self help groups or specialist model agencies, holy cows are slaughtered on an industrial scale. Signe's narcissism leads to her taking medication which results in severe skin disorders. This is where the horror really starts to set in with many disturbing scenes. Truly reaching the levels of Cronenberg's body horror tropes.. Again though, some of these are darkly comical. Outstanding performance by Thorp, ably aided by Sæther. Written and Directed by Kristoffer Borgli. 8/10.
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We all know narcissists.
deloudelouvain30 April 2024
Syk Pike (or Sick Of Myself for the English title) is a Norwegian movie about a couple with severe narcissistic personalities and what they are willing to do to get the attention they so crave. I found it interesting to follow as I know at least two friends like that. Lying to everyone, making up stories so they become the center of attention, I've seen it all. In this movie it's of another level and that's why you could classify it as a horror movie. In my opinion it was more a dark comedy/drama than a horror but I get it that gross might look like horror to some. Good acting from the to me unknown Norwegian actors. All in all a good watch, easy to follow, and entertaining if you know people like them as you can compare their personalities a little bit.
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Best tragicomedy of 2022
Smarmelade10 November 2022
This movie is so ridiculous, sad and absurd that is a laugh rollercoaster all the way through.

Main character begins as a classic pathological liar that would do anything to be the center of attention. But as the lies mount up, so do very, very bad decisions and so do consequences.

It all turns into a complete circus at some point, but circus of sadness, that's also funny.

Most people can identify with some parts of that shameless want for attention and pity our main character goes through, but she goes to absurd lengths to get what she wants.

But the thing is she never does get them, at least not the way or the exact thing/sentiment she wants to. And that just drives her more, more and more.

It's sad, it's very funny and also very relatable. I would like to say that there aren't people this extreme in real life. But there are and it's sad and they should get help before things spiral out of control and irreparable damage is done.

So in a way, it's also an awareness movie for mental illnes in a form of dark comedy. You should really watch this.
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I'm brilliant, but nobody knows it but me.
meinwonderland12 February 2024
Influenced by her boyfriend's newfound success as an artist, Signe devises a plan to be in the cultural spotlight.

Writer and director Kristoffer Borgli managed to take a topic not often seen or discussed to depict narcissism in the social media era in a brilliant way. The movie, more often than not, due to the sensible nature of the topic at hand, is painful and uncomfortable yet funny in a very 21st-century way. Syk Pike's dark humor works at its best precisely in those moments. The genius of the movie is that, behind all of that humor, Borgli is telling us something. Something socially and individually important.
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Attention *lady who sells her body* (because profanity is not allowed)
Bored_Dragon7 November 2023
The Norwegian dark humor drama with a touch of body horror brings us the story of a non-charismatic girl who is so eager to be at the center of attention that she doesn't shy away from anything. Her life is constant lies and manipulation that do not bring her the desired results, so she resorts to measures so drastic that any normal person's stomach will turn upside down.

If the film was based on a true event, it would be a pretty good character study of a serious psychiatric patient, but from the point of view of film quality and entertainment, it offers next to nothing. The protagonist is an extremely repulsive creature with whom it is impossible to sympathize, which kills the drama. I found humor only in the genre classification of this film on the Internet, and only someone who did not sleep for a month after watching "Gremlins" can call it a horror.

It is watchable, but I sincerely regret that I didn't spend that hour and a half on something better or at least more entertaining.

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Honestly, watch it
annapavlik25 November 2023
Well, i would say the movie is somewhat refreshing but kinda in a uncomfortable way. I think it's a pretty common feeling to feel wanted, notice or taken care of. But what happens when it gets to the point that you make yourself so sick and it's only to get atttention? Obviously the movie answear that question. Also i kinda wanted more back story, like why are you the way you are now, what happend to you Signe? For me it's exaggerated image of longing that is probably in each of us. And it's good to reflect on that. I think the movie is for older audience and not everyone will get the point, but its worth it.
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