Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies (Video 2012) Poster

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So bad I loved it...
BadlandZ4 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
OK, first off, it's a movie called Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies. If you really expected something serious or good, the title was warning enough.

I guess I was just in the mood for some stupidity. I gave it a 3 of 10, but I have to say, even though it was bad, there were moments I really did laugh out loud. For example, when the little kid is sitting on Abe Lincoln's shoulders and telling him to move left and right so he can shoot zombies on the other side of a brick wall that Lincoln can't see over... Hysterical. The kid's shooting a big old musket, and there is no smoke, no recoil, and he never has to reload it! Just BANG, BANG, BANG... Dead Zombies.

To me, that embodied the whole movie. If you can look past such obvious problems with having reality get in the way of the movie, you might get a good laugh out of it. I mean, after all, it is a zombie movie...

There are two types of zombie movies in my book, the ones where you go "ok, here's the crazy scenario that you might have to face zombies" (like I Am Legend or 28 Days Later), and then there is the "who the heck cares, it's a Zombie movie, let's get goofy." This is the ladder, and as such, it's funny as heck.

But, even for the ladder, it does move a little slow, it's no Zombieland... So, I give it a 3.
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OK, That's My Fault
claudio_carvalho12 September 2014
During the American Civil War, Abraham Lincoln (Bill Oberst Jr.) realizes that there are zombies in the Confederate army and he organizes a small group of agents from the Secret Service to take over a fort in Savannah from the enemy to fight against the undead. He has to face not only the walking dead, but also Confederate soldiers, a traitor and his former love Mary Owens (Baby Norman).

I saw the IMDb rating of "Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies" and decided to watch this flick; therefore that is my fault. I was expecting to see a funny trash, but I found an awfully boring movie with no story, dreadful acting and cheap CGI. The lead actor is terrible and it might be sad and offensive for the American viewers to see the use the name of American personalities in such lame movie. My vote is two.

Title (Brazil): Not Available
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Better than I expected...
Vincent_B23 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Come on people, the title says it all. I was truly amazed that some of the acting was actually well done and not just phoned in, although most could not act well at all. I am almost certain that most of the actors were from a civil war reenactment group.

About half way through with the constant historical figure's names being added, I thought for sure we were going to see Fidel Castro. "Come with me Mr. President if you want to survive! I am from Cuba in the distant future sent back in time to assist you." But I guess the writers didn't think of that one.

Someone actually got a decent camera and found someone who didn't have the shakes from cocaine addiction. I would rank this movie's historical accuracy up there with "Inglourious Basterds" 2009 title. I am still pondering how that one got rated so high.

Now for some spoilers, since this movie events are just prior to his Gettysburg Address in July 1863, Pat Garrett born June 5, 1850 would have been 13 years old. Theodore Roosevelt born October 27, 1858 would have been 5 years old. General Stonewall Jackson (the real one) died in a sick bed from pneumonia. Obviously this was an impostor, I could tell by the fake beard.

The dialog was very excessive in abusing historical quotes. At one point, John W. Booth quotes from Hamlet. I am certain there were a multitude of stolen lines. If don't want to pay a rental fee to view this you can currently watch it on Netflix.
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Abraham Lincoln would be Turning in his grave, as a Zombie
Bullwinkle9617 June 2012
What The Hell Did I Just Watch!?!?!?!?!?! THIS WAS CRAP!!!!!!!!! DO NOT WATCH THIS!!!!!

I don't know why I watched this, I thought it would be funny. I was wrong. The story is of Abraham Lincoln fighting off Zombies. Some of the Worst CGI possible. I could make a more realistic looking Zombie in Paint. Asylum (See what I did there) WHY DO YOU MAKE ME AND OTHERS SUFFER? Plants vs Zombies has a more realistic Story. AND IT DOESN'T HAVE A STORY! I wish I could rate this film less than a 1 but I can't. Again. Don't watch this. You could be spending your time doing something more interesting, like listening to your Grandfather talk about the war or washing your car. Zombies must have eaten the brains of the Script Writers because they obviously have no Brains. Again. DO NOT WATCH!!!!!
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Mr. Lincoln kicking zombie butt, then later this year kicking vampire butt? Sure, why not...
paul_haakonsen28 May 2012
Alright, whether or not "Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies" is The Asylum's attempt to cash in on the (what looks to become a major picture) "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter" or not, well I have no idea about that. But it does seem a bit strange that just prior to the major Hollywood production release of the latter movie, The Asylum decided to put this on the market. That being said, then it seems awfully a lot like what happened with "I am Omega" and the major Hollywood picture "I am Legend" incident.

Regardless of the reasons for why "Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies" came into existence, then I have now seen it, not because I am American (which I am not), nor because it was with historically important American president Abraham Lincoln, no, but simply because it was something with zombies.

Taking place during the American Civil War, Abraham Lincoln and a selection of twelve secret service agents find themselves facing a threat of the living dead as they attempt to take over a ford. However, the living dead is not the only enemy the Union people are facing.

The story, oddly enough, was actually rather captivating and it managed to keep me interested right up to the very end. The storyline is a bit out there, when you think about it, but then again, isn't anything with zombies that? But that is not what I mean. What I meant was taking a historically important figure like Abraham Lincoln and have him battle zombies with a scythe? (And then later on this year, he will be battling vampires!) But oddly enough, in a comical sense, then the movie actually worked out quite nicely.

Having seen a bunch of previous works from The Asylum, then I can honestly say that they went all in this time, guns blazing and digging deep into their pockets. This movie is such a major step up the ladder, production-wise, for The Asylum, and just looking at the movie on the screen is a testament to them suiting up and stepping up to join the major league of movie production. The cinematography was great, the effects were great, and the people they had cast did great jobs. So it was really a refreshing touch to The Asylum's production value.

As for the zombies in "Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies", well, then they actually looked alright, though there wasn't any major decay going on in them, as I assume they were to be recently deceased, and that worked out okay. The gore in the movie was alright as well, it just enough to keep a gorehound like me interested. And again, it was nice to see The Asylum step up and use better effects and CGIs for a change. However, one thing did puzzle me about the zombies. They opted to stray from the mainstream zombie, and had them standing about in a deathlike-slumbering trance when they weren't agitated by sound. That I found odd, why would they only be attracted to sound? So they had all lost the sense of sight? But again, it is a matter of personal preference I suppose. Some like Romero-style zombies, some like the fast and agile zombies as those seen in "28 Days Later", and some like something else entirely.

I found "Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies" to actually be good entertainment value. There wasn't any scares or real shock scenes in the movie, which would have been nice. But still, if you like zombie movies and wouldn't mind seeing a somewhat comical approach to the take on Abraham Lincoln, then "Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies" is definitely worth checking out.

As for the ending of the movie, well I am not revealing anything here, but there is a twist there in wait. I, personally, didn't really like it, but it was a nice turn of events nonetheless.
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Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you enjoy the play?
JoeB1315 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The Asylum has it's little niche. Doing bad ripoffs of big Hollywood films on the hope stupid people will buy them from Netflix, Blockbuster or Redbox not knowing what they are. The term is "Mockbuster",and the Asylum is the master of it.

Because someone decided to create a movie called "Abraham Lincoln-Vampire Hunter", the folks at Asylum decided that the Great Emancipator didn't have enough people disgracing his memory.

Lincoln leads a team of Secret Service Agents to fight a Zombie outbreak in Savannah Georgia, which also includes running into Pat Garret, Teddy Roosevelt as a child, Stonewall Jackson and John Wilkes Booth. Other than the name dropping, the bad Civil War Re-enactments and other contempt for the audience's intellect, this is a typical cheap zombie movie.

I should point out the makeup work is truly awful. You couldn't tell the protagonists from the Zombies without a scorecard and some of the fake beards were laughable (Especially the aforementioned Stonewall Jackson.)

It's been 40+ years since "Night of the Living Dead", come up with some new ideas, cheap film makers.

Sometimes Asylum films can be little gems of people trying, and sometimes they can be inadvertently funny. This film was neither.
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Not complete garbage...
Wizard-824 August 2014
It's pretty obvious that "Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies" was made to cash in on the publicity generated by the big budget major Hollywood studio movie "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter". And it's pretty obvious that this movie, being a production from the low budget movie studio The Asylum, is not going to be very good even before you start watching it. Still, there's a little praise I can give this production. For was was a REAL low budget, the movie doesn't look that bad - it's obvious that the filmmakers managed to squeeze every last penny out of their limited funds. Also, some of the actors in the movie do seem to be trying hard despite the threadbare conditions. There are also no real boring bits, and there is a lot of blood and gore shed. But despite merit such as what I've described, the movie doesn't work in the end. The biggest problem with the movie is its tone - though there are plenty of flesh- eating zombies on the prowl, the movie doesn't manage to make them scary or feel like a real threat. The tone of the movie is instead sedate and casual, wrong for a horror movie such as this, even one that clearly isn't taking everything seriously. While the movie doesn't work in the end, I will freely admit I've seen worse horror movies both from and not from The Asylum.
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typical The Asylum
trashgang2 October 2012
Here we have it again, The Asylum ripping off another blockbuster. This time Abraham Lincoln: Vampire hunter (2012). And by now you all know what you can expect from The Asylum. Most of their flicks are full of cheap CGI and bad acting.

This is no exception. Some can act and Abraham Lincoln (Bill Oberst Jr.) was believable but others just couldn't act and them wearing fake beards didn't make it much better.

The zombies looked rather good but still were missing a few things, their clothes were all nicely cleaned. But their faces were okay. Still, there aren't that many zombies to see, only towards the end we do have a horde involving children. When the zombies are being killed it doesn't become gory. The blood and beheadings are done CGI wise, and some CGI is really awful. When zombies are attacking people and getting them to the ground nothing is shown like in those good old zombie flicks. No tearing apart of corpses, no intestines being eaten.

Of course being a low budget it all takes place in one place a so-called fort. Inside there was a lot of talking which didn't add towards the suspense.

The end you could see it coming from miles away.

Gore 1/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 2/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 0/5
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Kind of funny movie! Should be in comedy Genre
xeshan889 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Prologue: Story line and Actors were nice. but the concept was not. Like sometime you will feel that children are playing Zombie game in yard.

Truth: When they coming inside the one order to open the main gate all zombies are standing outside like skeleton. When they fire on ZOMBIE like a cartoon hold the gun for 2-3 second then give chance to zombie to attack. Sometime i wonder what are they waiting for why they don't shoot. And when the rifle is out of ammo they just leave it with zombie they don't try to hit it on it.

Music: Coming to sound fx and music. SFX was good but sound is like old Charlie Chaplin movie one track music in all movie is repeated again and again. Simply like a newbie edit home video with a single soundtrack.

The scene concept sight was wonderful

I have watched and i like zombie movies but this one was awful. Sorry to say.
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You have to choose another movie to watch...
cinsdikici_imdb26 July 2012
After watching the movie, you will come across with a question of "why I have wasted my time ?". The actors are playing artificially (nothing is going on its nature). Scenario is not meaningful and there is no philosophy (i.e. something brilliant and novel about the zombie concept). The movie aims just to kill zombies. The main focuses of the movie are spilling lot of blood and cutting the heads.. The soldiers around the President are programmed to behave just like CIA agents in modern movies (i.e. which is the funniest side of the movie -"yes sir yes sir"-). Another strange point can be given about the Lincoln. Why he is chosen as zombie hunter is another mystery. Is this choice indicating that only the president can save the "world's" people from zombies and enemies ?. I am advising to you that you should not waste your time. Instead, you can read the book about the Abraham Lincoln.
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Badly written, poorly acted & stodgy. Passable effort with disappointing results.
TheSquiss9 July 2012
Abraham Lincoln vs Zombies makes it two one-star films in two days. All is not good in the world of The Squiss. However, there are vast differences between the states of Iron Sky (yesterday's one-star film) and Abraham Lincoln vs Zombies, not least of all the budget. That Iron Sky had just under $9.5m compared to ALVZ's budget of $150,000 at least makes most of the latter's mistakes forgivable if not watchable.

The lack of budget makes the anachronisms understandable; it's very difficult to ensure the sets are perfectly authentic when the budget forces the use of available locations rather than custom-built sets. Believable prosthetics also cost mucho $$$ and so head of make-up Renonda Anderson makes the most of her greasepaint and fake blood. Her work qualifies for a C+ but it's a pity director Richard Shenkman didn't take Spielberg's Jaws approach of showing as little as possible so as to make the rubber shark more menacing.

What is unforgivable, and completely unrelated to budget, is the poor, and at time shocking, acting from principals and background artists alike. There isn't even any consistency with the movement of the zombies and that would have instantly improved the viewing experience. There's an awful lot of hamming it up and even more instances of walk, talk, turn head, talk, facial expression, talk… Yes, there are some god-awful amateurs out there, and I've received some quality hate mail from reviews and features I've published in the past highlighting them (if demand is high, I'll re-publish them on this blog sometime), and the majority of Abraham Lincoln vs Zombie's cast is equal to them. Whilst there is variation in the performances, the variety on offer is ham, wooden, awkward and dire and there are slipped accents aplenty.

The exception, thank goodness, is Bill Oberst Jr. playing the titular character. He's not famous, he isn't mind-blowingly good and according to his IMDb page has worked since 2007 largely playing unnamed or single-monikered characters in short films and individual episodes of TV series. However, with 18 projects in pre-production, post-production or awaiting release Oberst Jr. must be doing something right and is quite likely to continue working for a while yet. While Abraham Lincoln vs Zombies is a dreadful film, because of the ineptitude surrounding him, Oberst Jr. stands head and shoulders, both literally and figuratively, above his fellow cast members.

What else is wrong with it? How long do you have, or rather, how much interest do you have in it? It isn't graded properly, it jars with the period, the sound mix is poor, the editing is lazy and the timing is mostly awful. It looks as cheap as it is but I'm giving it two stars (rather than nowt) because Shenkman has made the best of the shoddy materials on offer. He's only getting two stars, though, because he could have found better actors at the local high school and even Barbara Cartland could have written a more dramatic screenplay despite being more dead and less animated than the zombies on screen.

That said, Abraham Lincoln vs Zombies could turn out to be a very good calling card for Shenkman, for all its stodge. Just look what A Fistful of Fingers did for Edgar Wright. Now there's a man who knows how to shoot zombies!

Another film review from The Squiss. For more reviews from The Squiss subscribe to my blog at www.thesquiss.co.uk
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Uncompromisingly Powerful Alternate History and Superb Horror Film
dianerpessler-461644 July 2015
Director Richard Schenkman, working from his own original script, brings to the screen a unique alternate history of the Civil War and the role of the Great Emancipator in the Union victory. The amazing concept of Abraham Lincoln having to engage in battle with the walking dead in order to, not only preserve the Union, but to purge the Confederacy of evil, is astounding on its face. However, this film is so well conceived and beautifully realized with outstanding production values that the audience is quickly caught up in this dark struggle between Lincoln and the zombies. Bill Oberst, Jr. gives a superb performance as Lincoln and it is much more than a caricature. Oberst's Lincoln is a tortured soul looking unblinkingly into the eyes of evil incarnate and it's an amazing portrayal. Debra Crittenden is simply excellent and deeply moving as the troubled Mary Todd Lincoln, loyal wife but unstable ally to the president. At times horrific, with unforgettable imagery and stunning action sequences, this is a film that will please genre fans and historical scholars alike.
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Best B movie I've seen in a while.
frankcblazik13 October 2012
This is a classic, "its so bad, it's good film". I had a few friends over for a man movie night and this seemed like a good fit. Senseless violence with poor visual effects and a touch of historical incorrectness.

The evening was more of a "mystery science theater 3000" showing of a really crappy Netflix B movie special. We had more fun hurling insults at the film than following the ridiculous plot line.

If you love fake dollar store mustache thrillers, this movie is for you.

All in all it was really fun to watch.
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Linc Looses Cut Off Point
TImberline_Slugger17 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The world of B rated flicks has been around since the days of Edward D. Wood Jr. It is acceptable to make a film with a working budget of $150,000, having a cast of more than ten and a storyline that tries to make sense. It is also accepted that there will be a script with people who are being paid as actors to play the parts and interpret the lines.

However, this is not the best example of this genre of film.

The story tries to follow the historical facts after the Battle of Gettysburg; it uses the characters that are well known through out history, yet, with the best will in the world, having a zombie in the same room/area as Abraham Lincoln does stretch it a bit. Having those Zombies evenly spaced over a field in a long shot makes more of a mockery especially while famous historical characters argue over who will die!

The acting notwithstanding, the make up (when you see Stonewall Jackson's beard, you will understand) is really a disappointment. The zombies must have gone to 'Little Miss Messy's House Of Childhood Makeup -Artists'...The music has been stolen from every B movie back to the 1950's. The camera work is straight from the pamphlet, 'How to be a Movie Director in Five Easy Steps'! (Where were the over the shoulder shots?)

Now for the good parts, for every movie has them: This movie tries to make a huge film with a small budget. The director and actors must have taken a small sum for their work and for that I commend them.

One question, if you had chosen to make the film without piggybacking on 'Lincoln vs the Vampires', would Asylum have said yes????

Nest time, be true to the film.
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Too Boring to Watch
Michael_Elliott27 June 2012
Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies (2012)

* (out of 4)

The Asylum's "mockbuster" of ABRAHAM LINCOLN: VAMPIRE HUNTER finds Honest Abe (Bill Oberst, Jr.) having to fight some Confederate zombies. If that seems light on a plot description then you might want to stay away from this film because that's pretty much all there is. You know, many people attack companies like The Asylum for not having any fresh or original ideas of their own but I've always given them a fair shot. I mean, if we were in the 50s or 70s then the drive-in would have been playing these types of movies each and every weekend. With that said, the biggest sin any movie like this could make is to be boring and that's exactly what has happened here. I think there could have been so many interesting ideas that could have been done in regards to Lincoln going up against zombies. Just take a look at how many lives were lost in the war on Lincoln's command, a film about them coming back from revenge would be interesting. The dead from the war coming back to help win it could have been interesting. What we got here is just downright boring on a number of levels but I think the film was just too silly to be taken serious and it wasn't nearly campy enough to keep you entertained. As you'd expect, the CGI effects were all extremely cheap and the fake gore was just painful. The performances weren't too bad and while Oberst gave a good performance I'd say I still had a hard time believing he was really the president (unlike the real movie). It is funny to note that even though this came out a month before the "real" movie, this here actually featured several scenes that were quite similar so I don't know if that was just a coincidence or what. Either way, ABRAHAM LINCOLN VS. ZOMBIES is a complete bust and not worth watching even with a free rental.
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The Asylum finally comes through on a movie........almost
megoobee27 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
As far as features released by The Asylum goes, this wasn't bad. Notice that I didn't say it was good, just that it wasn't bad. Surprisingly, while the cast was composed of mostly unknown actors, their performances were decent. Not great mind you but definitely watchable. Special effects is an area that usually lets The Asylum films down but this time it was OK.

Regardless of acting quality and special effects, a film needs a good story to succeed and this is the area where Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies failed. The President of the United States leading a small group of men into a Confederate territory reported to be overrun by zombies? Who thought that one up? Once the team arrived at their destination, the story lost all cohesiveness. People did things here, people did things there. It was as if the director was throwing darts at notes on the wall for ideas. Story, story, story. You can't have a good movie without a good story and this feature severely lacked one.

In summary, Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies has decent acting and zombie action. If you don't care about story, you may enjoy it.
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Not bad for an Asylum movie
Fustercluck8 July 2023
I was pleasantly surprised. The movie looks quite good and some of the actors are pretty decent. Sets and costumes are also okay, except for the zombies.

Really, the zombies look like crap and walk like hip stiff seniors on drugs. I mean, the movie is from 2012. Have you seen The Walking Dead? Zombies like in Abe Lincoln vs. Zombies are unacceptable. Period.

I watched the much enjoyable SchleFaZ version and had a really good time with the movie itself. I mean, the plot is gaga, but at least they made the effort to come up with a plot for a change.

I watched s many horrible Asylum flicks, and this is one of the better mockbusters they threw on our TV screens.
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Not trashy enough to be fun, not good enough to be serious.
djalexblanco6 June 2012
Okay, so my expectations weren't sky-high. I knew this was a shameless cash-in flick, made to make the most of the coming big-budget Abe-vampire-slasher movie. First of all, never mind the silly premise - as one reviewer has already pointed out, when you rent a zombie flick you are by definition suspending disbelief. The story too is engaging enough. It's got everything you need... political intrigue, racism, hookers, old love affairs. It even has some not-very-thinly-veiled historical character references and in jokes. Even the production values are pretty good for a low budget production despite the very mixed abilities of the cast. No, where this film falls down is that it simply doesn't deliver in the way that any decent zombie movie must... blood'n'guts. There just aren't any. Sure we see the occasional head flying around, but where are the intestines? Where are the broom handles through the face? There's also no self-aware comedy value, save for one scene where Lincoln shouts 'emancipate this' as he lops the head off another unfortunate zombie. So, my suggestion is avoid unless you really are a die-hard zombie fan that absolutely has to see every zombie film, good or bad.
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A pretty dull movie
hypes0571 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I know The Asylum is known for cheap low budget knock-off mock-buster so I didn't really expect much going in. I had also heard that this was their best movie in the catalog so I gave it a chance. Hopes were moderate that it would be decent until the first zombie fight.


A zombie that fights back? OK fine maybe he was still turning but that first encounter already turned me off. The fake make-up, wigs, mustaches and beards were all laughably fake looking, especially the generals. There is NO sense of urgency when they fight the zombies, and it even seems like the zombies are scared of them last half of the movie. At least 3 zombies noticeably back away, or take their time getting to their victims. During the moments leading up to the end it was basically a zombie killing spree as the zombies apparently sleep until a really loud noise wakes them up.

******************************END SPOILERS******************************

I can go on but really, there's not point. I understand its a low budget cash in project like all the other movies from The Asylum and you can't really expect much, which I didn't and even with the low expectations I had I couldn't be prepared for such a bad movie.
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Cream of the crap .......
merklekranz16 July 2013
I bought this on a double feature DVD along with "Nazi's at the Center of the Earth", and although without question "Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies is one of the worst DVDs in my collection, it is "Oscar" material compared to "Nazi's at the Center of the Earth". The Lincoln character decapitating zombies, along with a couple somewhat entertaining moments, the film at least tries to tell some kind of story, no matter how ridiculous. Nazi's on the other hand has no redeeming qualities. The fact that Bill Oberest actually delivers an interesting Abraham Lincoln character helps drag this into cream of the crap territory. I've seen worse for sure. - MERK
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Stupid, Pointless But Awesome...
theoriginalfps5 June 2013
Let me just say that the movie isn't good, its not even close to good.

I have seen Asylum Films before, I've seen Alien Vs Avatar (1/10) and Nazis At The Center Of The Earth (2/10). And that being said i didn't have much expectations for Abraham Lincoln Vs Zombies, but i was surprised!

I mean how can you not enjoy a movie where ABRAHAM LINCOLN CHOPS ZOMBIES HEADS OFF WITH AN SICKLE? Also it was technically much more advanced than the other Asylum Films, for example there actually was color correction and even decent green screens. Also acting wasn't even decent(Guy playing Lincoln was close to decent)but it was an improvement from previous Asylum Films. I Admit that the second half was a bit boring, but i liked the film for what it is...

Acting: 4/10 Effects: 5/10 Action: 5/10 Story: 3/10 Overall an 5/10
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Better than you'd think....
dadatuuexx7 June 2012
Last year,i heard about the film about an ex-prez,fighting vampire,s.I thought,"why not".(it was really more like "w.t.f. ? )A few months ago,a friend that works as an editor,told me about a film that sounded like the above movie.I told him i,d heard of it,even here in Arkansas,but i heard it was vampires.So,that's how i found this flick.Well,for starters,its better than you,d think.I don,t care a lot about U.S. history,but this was a fresh idea,and a zombie movie-no easy task.Asylum,s biggest looking movie to date,they went all out on the look of this one,and it works.The gore was there,the zombie,s a bit fresh for my taste,but o.k. . All in All,i wont say it,s a bad movie,'cause it,s not.The guy playing Lincon was really good,and the rest were decent.You could do worse.Washington as a ghost hunter....Ben Franklin as a ghost-buster....uh oh,i may have just made this whole thing worse....
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Great B Movie
brentwilliams21 January 2022
One of the best zombie flicks out there. Don't let the naysayers stop you.

Great zombie action and an awesome Abe quote that I still use to this day.

Not a rip off of the Vampire one. This one came first.
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I actually really liked it!
fredterling2 August 2012
The film had a very indy, unpolished look. From a cinematography standpoint, the film could have used a better audio mixer or even balanced it. With about another week in the editing room, those things could have been smoothed out.

On the plus side, there were terrific costumes, the camera boxing by the DP was fantastic and the acting was good overall, but Bill Oberst Jr. was ABSOLUTELY excellent. Loved the story and the way the writers worked in historical lines in the name of butt whoopin, "emancipate this!" They had fun creating it and it showed.

I think The Asylum films bring a MUCH needed levity to an industry that takes itself WAY too seriously. Every release from the big studios are on such a grand scale that the trailers themselves look like they cost a $million plus. The blockbusters are so reliant on "wow" cgi, that character development/creativity and story lines are somewhere in the trunk under the spare tire and jack!

This isn't a masterpiece, but it is fun and I laughed a lot. Well done!
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What in the world did i just watch??
Blaze3227 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
What in the world did i just watch?? This movie Abraham Lincoln Vs Zombies is horrible.. I never heard of this movie until i saw it today for the first time and once i saw it, man does it suck.. You know that from 1-10 on my it stinks o-meter i do flat out give it a 10.. This movie reminds me of Resident Evil with the Zombies or the walking dead in it and the Resident Evil movie and the walking dead movie we all know is far better than this crock.. This movie is like Resident Evil and the walking dead Meets Abraham Lincoln.. I have never seen the movie trailer for this movie ever nor have i seen it on TV commercials, internet, or any kind of magazines as well the movie theaters and Itunes.. I'm very disappointed in the movie for i was hoping it would be good and my hope crashed for how bad the movie is.. I'm hoping that the next time someone has the idea on making another movie like this and goes for it should actually get the critics advice first on what to have in it and what not to have in it in order for the movie to be successful instead of feeling like everyone is reading from the script. I'm wondering if these actors and actresses have been heard of or if they are just flat out desperate for we all know we have never heard of these people.. Thanks and have a great day.. This is all i have to say.. Goodbye..
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