Siberia (2018) Poster


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I wanted so bad to like this film..
notaprincess928 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Ignoring the bad reviews this film was getting, I head to the cinema to give it a shot. The first scenes were okay, he's gotten into trouble, he's trying to find a friend otherwise he'll be in bigger trouble..Then all of a sudden he meets a girl and he sleeps with her in no time yet by the end of the movie he is willing to sacrifice himself and risk his life in order to save her.. So he basically found a woman in a village full of men and he managed to love her to death in 3-4 days? Also, Keanu and Ana Ularu share no chemistry whatsoever. Doesn't help that the writing didn't delve deeply into their characters in order to make us feel for them. By the end of the movie, I didn't care if either one was hurt because there was no depth. If you asked me to describe who Lucas Hill was I wouldn't know..

Of course there were plot holes and the whole plot was kind of weak but what annoyed me the most were the sex scenes. I wouldn't mind them if the film was branded as erotic. But this one tried so hard to provide the viewer with everything: action, romance, drama and it failed miserably.
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Does the bear ever get away?
nogodnomasters25 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Lucas Hill (Keanu Reeves) is the middle man of a diamond deal. We don't know much of the diamond's origin or if the Russians are simply laundering money. We do know something is a miss. Hill is in Russia and is given the run around. He meets Katya (Ana Ularu ) who throws herself at him like a Red Sparrow. The film consists of Reeves meeting people, traveling and having sex.

Lucas Hill is silent like John Wick, but gets no respect. He lacks the "cool" of the typical Reeves characters. Symbolic bear hunt. It grows boring.

Guide: F-word, sex, nudity (Ana Ularu)
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Waste of time
limeybastid24 July 2018
This film was agonisingly painful to watch. Even the sex scenes were non eventful.
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Mostly wasted talent and potential.
TxMike25 July 2021
My wife and I watched this at home, it was free from our public library. We like Reeves, he has been in many good movies. In this one he was also a Producer, in the DVD "extra" he even praised the script.

Well we disagree, the script is mediocre and the execution is mediocre. It is never very clear what all is going on and who all the players are and what their motives are. Plus a couple of seemingly incongruent sex scenes are thrown in.

My best guess is Reeves plays a man who deals in criminal diamond trades, has some legitimate blue diamonds and some fakes that can only be identified using a spectrometer. In Russia he has to deal with various guys who in the end seem to want him dead.

So while I can't say it was a complete waste of time we certainly expected something better. The movie is flat, obscure, and dull most of the time.
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2 hours of my life that I'll never get back again.
yvonnefoulger22 July 2018
This film can only be described as a badly executed porn film. The acting is awful. The plot has more holes in it than a strippers fishnet tights and for the first time ever I was rooting for Keanu to get his ass kicked. Please, for the love of god, do not waste your time watching this film.
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fhuelster3 August 2018
I honestly cannot think of a movie that is worse than this one. It is boring as hell and the storyline doesn't make any sense. A high school student could produce a better film.
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save your time
wargonian23 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Do not watch this movie. One of the worst endings I have seen. The movie was a constant build up to a failed ending. Wish i could get the last 2 hours of my life back.... this is not a movie i could have seen Keanu in. I wish he wouldn't have been in it. It is a smudge on his record. Any way if you proceed to watch you have been warned.

constant build up for a 5 minute shoot out that ends with him being shot in the throat from behind with a shot gun..... Where was that pistol Keanu.... WHERE WAS THE PISTOL?????
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What's it about?
battlebuckships19 July 2018
After watching this film I'm trying to understand what it's about? Their was no substance to it at all. The acting was good for what it was. But not much more. The story was weak. I don't enjoy being a critic, but this one ..... not something I'll give another watch. I hate to say it, but it is a forgetful piece of work. I just don't see it ...
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104 minutes could be better spent reading the phone book.
pawsoflovezana25 July 2018
How a film this poor gets made is beyond me.

Dreadful attempt at a plot. Absent character development.

Canada as Siberia? Almost funny.

The two stars are for beautiful St Petersburg - about the only thing worth noting in this sorry excuse for a film.
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The price of greed
kluseba30 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Siberia is a slow-paced romantic thriller that has received a surprising number of unfair reviews. While the movie is certainly no genre highlight, it convinces with solid acting performances, a gloomy atmosphere and a realistic story.

The story revolves around an American diamond merchant who travels to Saint Petersburg in Russia for a big deal. Upon arrival, his contact person has vanished and the rare blue diamonds are also gone. A local gangster boss however insists on getting these diamonds delivered as quickly as possible and gives the merchant forty-eight hours to find them. The diamond merchant wants to save his reputation and travels to the Siberian hometown of his partner. He learns that his partner attempted to double-cross another gangster boss by trying to sell fake diamonds. The diamond merchant now understands that what seemed to be a perfect deal is a dangerous situation. Even the Russian secret service starts investigating. The diamond merchant however gets unexpected help from a cosmopolite café owner he falls in love with and a former South African trade partner. The diamond merchant must try to find his contact, get the deal done and cooperate with the secret service in order to leave the country alive.

Siberia's main flaw is that the film is quite slow-paced before the final thirty minutes finally increase intensity.

However, the movie convinces on several levels as well. Every scene has a purpose for the story. The bear hunting scene for example shows us how the café owner's brother starts to trust the diamond merchant and tolerate the relationship between his sister and the mysterious foreigner. The acting performances are convincing and honest. Keanu Reeves plays a calm and experienced man which explains how he could be involved in diamond trafficking but his insecure and tender side also shows that he is despising some of his partners and longing for a fulfilling relationship. The story involves numerous interesting side characters such as an intimidating gangster boss and a cunning secret agent. The settings of the movie are splendid and vary from one of the world's most beautiful cities with Saint Petersburg to rural towns in Northeastern Siberia. The story is complex but always easy to follow thanks to its smooth pace. The ending of the movie is unconventional but realistic and certainly offers some food for thought.

The more I think about this movie, the more positive elements I find. I would recommend it to patient viewers with an interest in Russian culture. If you like slow-paced Scandinavian, German and British thrillers, you might also possibly like this movie. If you expect Keanu Reeves to play a similar role to his John Wick character, you won't find it in here. If you need thrillers to be fast-paced and focused on explosive special effects, you've got it all wrong. Siberia is a gloomy thriller that stands out with its unique style nowadays and focuses on character and story development rather than impressive action scenes and baffling plot twists.
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One word...crap
meisterstein21 July 2018
I watched this the other day...OMG...what a waste of time and electricity. I can't believe they even made this movie.
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You're idiots
gs-44042-2476818 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This isn't an erotic action thriller. It's not about guns and diamonds or Russian mobsters. It's a story about two people in loveless dead-end lives who don't care anymore. Then as improbable impossible as it can be they meet and get the tingle the flutter the feeling inside that rarely happens and they never expected to have again if they ever did. You know from the beginning that Lucas will die or maybe half way through its Katya who'll die and Lucas will have to live with it. Siberia is destined for tragedy from the beginning but for a few fleeting moments two people forgot the dreck their lives had become and loved and imagined something wonderful until reality took over and killed one and destined the other to a living death. Maybe watch a movie between the lines and look deeper for meaning instead of expecting to be spoon fed everything.
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IMDB reviews ruined by Russian hack-fest
Amadio17 August 2018
I can't recall seeing another film on IMDB reviewed as '1' with such frequency as Siberia. Nearly all the reviewers have only reviewed this film in their IMDB history. Many of the reviews are nearly identical. Looks like a spam farm was hired to trash the film. Why? Russians upset that they are portrayed as the bad guys? The film is no masterpiece, but to give it '1' is ludicrous. Competently shot, acted and directed, the story keeps you wondering how much deeper the protagonist will go and if he will extricate himself. No Keanu masterpiece, but not terrible either.
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Horrible film. I guess Keanu owed someone a favor.
mborrelle21 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This ranks up there with one of the worst movies ever. The storyline is so vague you never have a clue what is going on. The movie is supposedly about a diamond dealer, but there is no back story. He then gets involved with a Russian woman, but even that relationship is burdened by the lack of a story line. In the end he makes a horrible diamond deal and tries to fight off the Russian mob with a bolt action hunting rifle? Just makes no sense. How any group of people watched this and thought it was good enough to bring to market I will never know.
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Very poorly directed movie
balramchavan-0507422 July 2018
I had very high expectations from this movie. But movie is very slow. There is no thriller or good action neither drama. Movie ends in weird way. It doesn't make any sense to watch this movie.
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Just dont
spiroskaraplis15 July 2018
Dear Lord, what a piece of junk... I get it, can't be that bad with Reeves right? Guess again.
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Why does Keanu keep making these movies?
paveltsvetkov14 July 2018
A nondescript run-of-the-mill (action?) thriller with stereotyped characters and a non-existent storyline. As always, Russia is presented as the cold and bleak land of slutty women and cruel gangsters. Everyone is morally corrupt and physically repulsive, even women. Does anyone really believe that the nation that gave us Dostoevsky, Leo Tolstoy, Turgenev, Pushkin and Lermontov consists of such degenerates? Hollywood keeps spinning out these propaganda pieces that are so badly made that fail on each and every level: visual, artistic, narrative, etc. It is now a well-known fact that CIA pitches scripts to Hollywood, but why would Keanu Reeves agree to breathe life into a still-born project like this one is beyond me.
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I was going to ask for a refund at the but my GF stopped me!
murathanaraz23 July 2018
Worst movie I have ever seen in a cinema. Looks like Keanu was owing something to someone. Don't get curious and waste your time.
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Awful waste of talent
cookiemom-6183724 July 2018
Slow boring piece of mess. No action. No chemistry he looks awkward during the sex scenes. No chemistry. The ending was like wtf.
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Siberia feels like you're sitting in a Siber (Cyber) Cafe neither sipping caffeine nor surfing the Internet.
iamianiman19 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Siberia is a benign romantic action thriller with routine action and not much romance, which is pretty much what you can usually expect from anything with Keanu Reeves, a cast of Russians, and a walk-on by Molly Ringwald. Even in a summer of forgettable losers, this one disappears without a trace.

No alleged action thriller about international intrigue that stars Keanu Reeves is likely to land on anybody's A list, but Siberia doesn't even try. This time the poker-faced stoic plays an adventurer named Lucas Hill who travels to St. Petersburg (Russia, you know) to sell a cache of blue diamonds from South Africa worth 50 million dollars to the Russian mob. When he gets there, the man who is delivering the gems has disappeared, so he moves on to the snowy wastes of a mining town in Siberia to find him.

Instead of action, he hooks up with a waitress in an all-night diner, gets beaten up by local toughs, and rescued by the girl. They have sex with their clothes on, he wakes up the next morning and makes French toast, and just sort of hangs around. The audience hangs around too, waiting for something to happen. Threatened with mutilation and death by both the mob and the girl's violent brothers, his brows furrow. So much for acting. Instead, the girl's brothers take him on a bear hunt. Everything is tenuous, including a performance by Keanu Reeves that borders on catatonia. Just because he stopped shaving doesn't mean he can suddenly act.

After he finally removes his Calvins, Siberia has more sex scenes than any previous Keanu Reeves movie, but the girl (Romanian actress Ana Ularu) is the only one who shows any flesh. Molly Ringwald plays his wife back home in the U.S., shown in only two brief scenes via Skype and long distance cell phone. Despite his limitations, Keanu's love scenes with Ms. Ularu are the rare stretches when the film threatens to come alive. Siberia looks properly deadly (no vacation destination or travel brochures here) but the film was shot in Canada. The romance grows cold while the plot grows incoherent, but nothing works out satisfactorily, including the finale, which looks like it was pasted on in post-editing with a Post-It.

Formless and meandering, Siberia is a film without much purpose or promise. The direction, by Matthew Ross, looks phoned in from a toll booth in the Ukraine. The screenplay, by Scott B. Smith, who wrote the vastly superior A Simple Plan, is incomprehensible and abbreviated. One saving grace: a lively performance by a Russian gangster named Boris (aren't they all?), played with grinning relish by Pasha D. Lychnikoff, who has put in some memorable time as assorted rapists, smugglers and white slave traders on TV shows like Law and Order SVU. Needless to say, things end badly for all concerned in Siberia.
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Most Negative Reviewers Didn't Get The Ending They Wanted
petermullins16 September 2018
I'm trying not to give anything away here but I'm quite annoyed at the number of reviewers who are giving this movie a 1 rating. The acting was decent, the story was decent, the directing and photography were decent (even if nothing was really outstanding). Some people said it was too slow but I think the pacing was very consistent and helped set a certain mood. There are hints in the movie as to how it might end - but some people clearly weren't happy that they didn't quite get the unrealistic western action hero ending they would have preferred.

The movie is a decent 6 and, even though I also was hoping for a different ending and felt cheated at first, I then realised the actual ending was the right ending.

So ends my review.
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Action packed thriller... NOT!
dakater-9224925 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This masterpiece will have you:

A. Wishing you had read the reviews before watching it!

B. A gun in your hand to put yourself out of your misery.

C. All of the above.
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Truly amazing
Siberia was a real gem I would recommend to everyone who likes Keany Reeves and are curious about Russian culture while enjoying great action scenes. It's a movie like we don't do anymore.
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Ignore the ridiculously low ratings!
dominicmoyse-304427 May 2019
Okay, whilst I wouldn't call this a masterpiece, I found this pretty enjoyable and it had a suspenseful moody atmosphere to it. Why it received so many 1s I'm not sure, but starting to think it is a conspiracy and not a genuine reflection of everyone that has seen it's opinion. I have seen some truly dreadful films in my time, but this is not one of them by a long stretch!
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Total nonsense screenplay full of plot issues. I've seen better writing from a 5th grader
Top_Dawg_Critic14 July 2018
The screenplay destroyed any potential this film may have had.

The story is absolutely useless and unnecessary from start to midpoint. The remainder of the scenes where convoluted (especially the ending) and so dragged out - especially the lame sex scenes.

I had to fast forward most of the long scenes as I was losing my interest and patience. What were the writers thinking? A 5th grader could have written this better.

This film suffered an identity crisis; what is soft porn? what is a romance? was it a thriller? was it spy film? There was certainly no action or suspense. There where so many plot issues and more holes than in Swiss cheese.

The cinematography was the main highlight, then the acting, and finally the directing was fairly decent, although the director should have demanded this film be edited down - especially the dragged out useless scenes to perhaps a short film. 104 mins was waaay too long for the pacing that was so ridiculously slow. The score was also annoying.

As a huge fan of KR, this was a big disappointment and he should have passed on this one. A 3/10 from me only for the very few positive traits.
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