Upgrade (2018) Poster


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Now This Is How You Make A Low Budget Movie
Athanatos17314 August 2018
I went into this movie having no clue what it was about and wasn't expecting much, but I loved it.

There are innumerable movies with huge budgets that simply fall flat, and Upgrade, with a Budget of around $5,000,000, which doesn't cover the cost of catering on some of these huge budgeted flops, honestly looked like it cost a lot more than it actually did.

Intelligent script, good action, very few unnecessary scenes, and though I thought it was sure to let me down, a very good ending.

And although I have seen much of Logan Marshall-Green's work and was never a huge fan, he does a very good job here.

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Terrific, original science fiction
cardsrock3 May 2020
I'll give this film credit for putting a fresh spin on the overdone revenge film. The action is very unique, while also evoking memories of the Wachowskis' work on The Matrix. I really enjoyed the Vangelis-esque score used throughout. It helped create that dark, futuristic atmosphere necessary for the story. Even if you think you see where the story is going, it manages to go in unexpected directions. Between the cool concept, great sets, and dark themes, Upgrade is just that, an upgrade to the typical revenge action thriller.
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A long Black Mirror Episode
msgobbajr1 June 2018
Through and through this movie felt like a longer episode of black mirror. The production was higher and the cinematography was really cool. I could see how the stabilization lock on his head during fight scenes could make some people dizzy, but I thought it was a unique way of doing things. Some of the acting was sub-par during the casual interactions, but I thought the plot and action made up for it. It's thought provoking in the way Black Mirror is and I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys that content and doesn't mind gore.
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Was not expecting it to be SO GOOD
natygance1 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This has seriously become my favorite AI movie to date. I can't believe it was low budget because it's impossible to tell apart from the unknown actors who all do an excellent job. I will do my best to replace its lack of marketing with recommeding it to everyone. I was expecting something entertaining and instead got an amazing plot with a mind-blowing ending. If you enjoy this genre, you can't let this one pass you by. What everyone says is true, it's like a long, perfectly executed Black Mirror episode. I rated it 10 stars for the simple reason that I could not fine anything wrong with it or anything I didn't like. From beginning to end, this movie is amazing. I cannot recommend it enough.
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A lesson in low budget film.
louish-3811719 August 2018

This movie is proof that you don't need all the special effects in the world to make an amazing sci fi movie. This is low budget done right (think Ex Machina).

I signed up to IMDB to review this movie, I was that impressed. I see tons of people making that remark about films but honestly, this movie is unbelievable and for any sci fi fan out there, you need to watch this.

I went in blind, no trailer, no knowledge of the movie what so ever and I would advise you do the same.

The plot is simple, it's a revenge story that's been done countless times, yet it feels so fresh, acting Is slightly suspect throughout the first 10-15 minutes but the story will grip you, be patient.

Honestly, I don't want to give anything away so just watch this movie.


Easily my favourite sci fi for a LONG time.

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This movie was astonishing
0U23 March 2020
Upgrade is unfortunately in the club of great movies that completely flew under the radar when first released. But that might actually work to its advantage, as this is definitely one of those movies where the less you know going in, the better. The only reason I was aware of Upgrade is because of writer/director Leigh Whannell (Saw, Insidious), and the fact I'd heard plenty of great things from friends who'd seen it. The film takes the all-too-familiar premise of a man looking to avenge the murder of his wife, and puts an interesting new sci-fi spin on it. Whannell clearly loves the classics, because Upgrade's influences are easy to spot - RoboCop, Blade Runner, Dredd, Death Wish. They've all been thrown in a blender, and what comes out is something that feels like its own movie, while also paying tribute to everything that inspired Whannell to become a filmmaker in the first place. Upgrade is violent, thought-provoking, funny, surprising, with some terrific fight sequences, an awesome soundtrack, and a dynamite performance from Logan Marshall-Green. I also get the feeling I'm gonna love it even more the next time I watch it. Highly recommended for fans of sci-fi/action.
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Good Science Fiction
efd-1046730 August 2019
Probably worthy of a bigger production as it's a great science fiction story with comedy action and a few twists.

One of those pleasant surprises that you don't expect in an unknown film, I've seen far worse more well known and promoted movies, worth a view.
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Cheap genre filmmaking done right
spencergrande630 April 2018
This film is basically "Robocop" meets "Death Wish", with less satire than the former and more humor than the latter. And it's a B movie blast. An unrelenting pace, fantastic fight choreography that doesn't skimp on the gleeful blood and gore, and never not fun or interesting to look at.

Yeah some of the one-liner dialogue as delivered by Logan Marshall-Green feels a bit forced and the plot isn't exactly clever or unique, but damn it, it all works and it makes it's own beautiful alchemy out of a bunch of borrowed parts. This is cheap genre filmmaking done right.
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Neat update of a familiar story
Leofwine_draca13 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I admit to enjoying UPGRADE, a simple science fiction-oriented twist on the usual revenge storyline. I'll say straight away that the plot is nothing special and has been done plenty of times before; it's the use of familiar but new technology that makes this interesting. The identity of the villains and the supporting characters are quite perfunctory, but the direction is inventive and the film particularly shines in the action scenes, so much so that you wish there were more of them. The main actor commits to his part quite neatly and there are enough decent set-pieces to make this an enjoyable watch, more so than plenty of bigger-budgeted fare.
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A most excellent movie
rivera-ricardo1 June 2018
After watching this movie you will realize how bad every other major sci-fi has been in the past several years. This is a film with an excellent story, great cast, direction is on point, and the sci-fi is well developed. The gore is in your face ;) but it adds style to the movie and depth to the plot which one realizes later in the movie.

A classic to remember. Look forward to seeing this again.
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Not too original story, unexpected ending and great fights.
SamuSixx17 April 2022
This movie has a plot that we have already seen in many movies, it's a mix between "Robocop" and "The Crow", so let's say that something was very predictable except for the ending that in my opinion was unexpected. One thing I really appreciated were the fight scenes that use a very particular camera movement that gave the right power and importance to the blows, scenes shot really well. I loved the performances of everyone, especially Benedict Hardie and Logan Marshall-Green. Highly recommended film, it may not be the most original thing in the world but it has its strengths.
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one of the best balanced and most entertaining movies of the first half of 2018
dave-mcclain2 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
"Upgrade" (R, 1:35) is an action horror sci-fi comedy written and directed by Leigh Whannell, writer of the "Insidious" movies, the early "Saw" films, plus "Dead Silence", and director of "Insidious: Chapter 3". This movie was shot in Australia and Whannell and most of his cast are Australian. However, with the accents and the sets, you wouldn't know the movie wasn't American - and with the (lack of) quality in the last two "Insidious" movies, you wouldn't guess that Whannell was behind this gem of a film.

Grey Trace (Logan Marshall-Green, looking a lot like Tom Hardy) is an "old school" auto mechanic in a near future where intelligent, driverless cars are increasingly commonplace. He's married to Asha (Melanie Vallejo), an employee at a high-tech company. They live in a house that's suitably high-tech as well, operating with voice commands and equipped with a powerful computer embedded in a table top. They're very happy... until one night when they're on their way back from meeting one of Grey's clients, a reclusive computer genius named Eron Keen (Harrison Gilbertson). Their car crashes and they get mugged. Asha is killed and Grey is paralyzed from the neck down, with only his mother to care for him.

Eron visits Grey and offers him the opportunity to regain control of his body, with the help of a neck implant called Stem. The surgery succeeds spectacularly, Grey signs a non-disclosure agreement and heads home, promising that, at least for now, it appears to the world that he's still a quadriplegic. Grey quickly learns that Stem can talk to him (as voiced by Simon Maiden). Given the lack of progress by a police investigator named Cortez (Betty Gabriel), Grey takes advantage of Stem's Alexa-on-steroids capabilities to find the men who killed his wife. Normally not a violent man, Grey finds himself overmatched by these men, who themselves are technologically enhanced, until he learns how Stem can also help him fight. But, alas, avenging his wife's death isn't as satisfying as Grey might've expected.

"Upgrade" is a very appropriate title, given some of the writer-director's mediocre movies - and as a comparison to other films in the AI subgenre. This one is a combination of "Deadpool", "Ex Machina", "Transcendence" and the "Bourne" movies, but still feels fresh and creative, visually and narratively. The occasional comedy comes from the combination of Grey adjusting to having Stem's cells in his brain and some gallows humor as he pursues his wife's killers. The film also features one of the best recent casts you never heard of. The high-quality cinematography, editing, acting, pacing, directing and screenplay (with some late-game twists) makes this one of the most balanced and entertaining movies of 2018. "A"
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Worth watching for sure
amkn754 May 2022
I guess you can call this a B-movie, but that's not always a bad thing, and certainly not in this case.

It has it's moments and some originality, which is rare in todays Hollywood remake factory.

As for the B-movie thing it's worth mentioning the actor(s). The main actor had a little... uhm... stiff delivery.

It doesn't hurt the movie in any way, it's a nice use of your time, and I will most likely watch it again.
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A cyberpunk action flick that never really goes into depth
stefanpoland3 April 2020
'Upgrade' takes up many familiar dystopian sci-fi tropes and fuses them into a generic revenge-action movie. And if you came for the action there is a good change you will like this film. The fighting scenes, involving a combination of (slightly overpowered) superhero physics and grindhouse-like violence, certainly look spectacular, especially considering the low budget. However, if you, like me, came for thought-provoking sci-fi you will probably be disappointed. It's not that it totally lacks great ideas, on the contrary. By touching on too many interesting topics (humanity's increasing dependency on technology, governments and companies experimenting on humans, and, of course, the rise of Artificial Intelligence) you could even argue that the makers bit off more than they could chew. What remains is a cyberpunk action flick that never really goes into depth.

The same can also be said of its main characters, all of which seem to lack any emotional complexity. Even the non-enhanced humans in the story often seem to act robotlike. This especially applies to Eron, but also to Grey, who, even though he is supposed to represent humanity in a world dominated by technology, is practically emotionless throughout the entire movie. The underlying problem here seems to be the pace of the film. With a first act taking up no more than ten minutes, the film takes absolutely no time to develop the main characters beyond the archetypes of the "stubborn technophobe", "brilliant but anti-social inventor", and the "happy-go-lucky wife". Not to mention the machine-hybrid cliche supervillain, who is especially hard to take seriously. The limited time you get to spend with these characters makes it even harder to genuinely feel for them as the story unfolds.

The film, however, does succeed in bringing to life a dark, grim and empty world that feels painfully familiar and realistic - a sheer contrast with the characters that inhabit it. A scene, for example, that clearly stood out for me was the one with VR-junkies in the worn-out apartment building; it beautifully captured the blurred lines between the "real" and the "fake" that we increasingly seem to experience in everyday life. But even during these rare brilliant moments, the film felt rushed and overshadowed by action sequences. Admittedly, the ending was pretty surprising, but this could hardly compensate for structural flaws of the film. All in all, I found it an unfulfilling experience.
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Stem wrote this review... in binary
jrmuldoon-3544511 February 2020
01000111 01110010 01100101 01100001 01110100 00100000 01101101 01101111 01110110 01101001 01100101 00100000 01100001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 01110010 01100101 00100000 01110011 01101000 01101111 01110101 01101100 01100100 00100000 01100010 01100101 00100000 01100001 00100000 01110011 01100101 01110001 01110101 01100101 01101100 00101110
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Complete dan
eccanz29 May 2018
What an unexpectedly brilliant movie. Lots of laughs, some moments that I almost couldn't look, fabulously different story line, last minute surprise ending, car chases, and brilliant fight scenes.
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Incredibly brutal, but also very creative underneath all the blood
horrorgasm2 June 2018
I think that many of the reviews below have already summed this movie up quite well. It's a standard revenge movie, but with a sci-fi twist and some incredibly impressive fight scenes. It's well-paced, well-acted, has a solid script, and the plot is more interesting and complicated than you might think from seeing the trailers alone.

One other thing I really liked about it was the director's vision of the near future. With a few little exceptions (like how a computer chip in your neck can make you defy physics and stand up without bending any limb) the world here is very believable and depicted in such a way that was visually appealing without going too far as to make it look too flashy to be realistic.

Don't let the fact that this was made by someone who directed one of the Insidious movies bother you either. This is wayyyyyy better than any of those movies. Director/writer Leigh Whannell has really found his footing here and delivered a movie that's highly entertaining and doesn't pull any punches.
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Heavy, brutal, fun, but a bit lacking
Amthermandes30 October 2019
Upgrade is a straight-forward, entertaining violent action film about our potential near-future, and it's not all that pretty. This movie is just like a Black Mirror episode, a modernistic yet pessimistic view of how technology is evolving. Some are for it, others are not. The anti-technology theme here is quite clear: Asimov may have been right.

First, what did Upgrade do right? Well it's certainly intense, with some really sweet fight scenes and unique choreography. The camera work was fun too. It's an engaging story, good acting, overall a fantastic movie if you love sci-fi and violence.

However, there were some issues. For one, the fight scenes were disappointingly few and far in between. I may have been misled by other reviews, but do not go in expecting something like "The Raid" movies. Some plot holes were spotted, and on a personal level, I do not go looking for those while enjoying a movie. Additionally, the plot holes were as obvious as the plot was predictable. So don't expect any ground-breaking story here.

But its intentions weren't to grab an Oscar in Best Original Script, or any Oscar for that matter. Its intents were evidently to entertain those who just wanted a great sci-fi action thriller without having to think too much, and to warn us of possible dangers lurking behind the excitement of the modern evolution of technology. So, I guess enjoy the movie, but be cautious of that thing on your kitchen counter that tells you the weather and controls the lights.
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Venom, but Sci-Fi, Gorier, and Better
PyroSikTh9 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
As stories go, Upgrade isn't anything particularly spectacular. There's some really good ideas of course, but the idea of cyborgs and AI taking over humanity are as old as technology itself. It also surprisingly draws parallels to a superhero movie released in the same year; Venom, where a normal Tom Hardy-looking guy finds himself possessed by an entity that helps him get what he wants by controlling his body. Where Upgrade really shines is in its execution. The build-up leading to multiple multi-layered twists upon each other lend the film an unpredictable narrative complexity, where multiple rewatches are guaranteed to illuminate more subtle complexities, callbacks, and foreshadowing.

Something that really makes Upgrade stand out is Logan Marshall-Green, who offers a truly impressive physical performance that is both demanding and complicated to achieve. The controlling of his body by an AI leads to some stylish fight choreography, and Marshall-Green doesn't stutter in adding robotic, calculated movements to those scenes, while simultaneously acting in juxtaposition with his head and facial expressions. He's confused and bewildered while he slices a guy up with a kitchen knife, he brags and gloats while his body effortlessly dispatches of goons, he pleads with bad guys not to continue fighting while his robotic-moving arms quickly and decisively disarm and dispatch of them. He holds such an impressive disconnect between his head and his body that I couldn't even imagine how hard it must have been to develop such physical coordination while acting and making it look effortless at the same time. Marshall-Green has never particularly impressed me before, but he has now.

Even further though are clever uses of cameras adding another dimension to the film's visual identity. The high points are, again, the fight scenes, where the camera is just as involved in the choreography as the actors and stuntmen are. To add an even greater emphasis on the disconnect between Grey's mind and his body, the camera often keeps him fixed in frame while the settings around him movie. He's just enjoying the ride while his body does the moving, and we're put in that mindset. The way they did it is mount the camera in a rotating frame, hide a phone on Marshall-Green's body, and get them to match orientation. When Marshall-Green moves, the camera moves with him. This becomes especially impressive when Grey ducks and dives, or does full-on back-flips, and the camera mirrors his movements perfectly.

Beyond that, the cinematography goes a long way to make this low-budget movie look much more expensive. Lighting is dim and harsh, camera angles are conservative yet stylish, and the CGI is used sparingly and only when absolutely necessary, which has a knock-on effect of grounding an otherwise futuristic world without getting too lofty. The score by Jed Palmer is also fantastic. I was maybe a little disappointed that Whannell didn't go for a Saw-esque climatic track for the third-act revelations, but nonetheless the score is evocative of sci-fi movies of the 70s and 80s, with borderline synthwave tracks interspersed amongst more ambient sounds.

Upgrade is a solid sci-fi flick that manages to be refreshing and unique despite its otherwise overdone story elements. It ended up being a better Venom movie than Venom. All it took was an imaginative filmmaker like Leigh Whannell. I honestly can't wait to see what he manages to do next. I give Upgrade a solid 8/10.
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Action sequences and cinematography make up for the occasional clunkiness of the film
Metaflix1 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
'Upgrade' is a hybrid action/comedy/horror flick written and directed by Leigh Whannell, who previously brought us the highly successful 'Saw' and 'Insidious' franchises.

It stars Logan Marshall-Green, who shall forever be known as Tom Hardy's doppelganger (seriously--compare photos), opposite Betty Gabriel, a rising star famous for her turn in the breakout hit 'Get Out.'

While the acting and overall concept are both quite remarkable, there's an unmistakable clunkiness to the film, alternating between the dialogue, blocking, and editing.

However, the cinematography is superb, especially on such a low budget, and the action sequences when the bio-mechanical aspect of the film are fully utilized simply aren't to be missed.
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Well worth the price of a ticket
wadler3455 June 2018
I went into this with fairly low expectations. The trailer looked good, and the cinematography looked exciting. But the premise seemed tired and worn.

*in a deep, movie-voice over voice* some guys kill his wife, and now he's seeking revenge".

But this film surpassed my expectations, and was a well-worth experience. Not only was I correct about the cinematography being exciting and engaging, but the plot actually strung together compelling way. This film came out of nowhere for me, and now, it's a memorable film that accomplishes the most important goal of any great film: gets the audience to keep wondering about it.

Since I don't want to go into spoilers, I'll say one last thing: pay attention to the Foley artist's work. The sound design is poignant and additive to the experience. It reminds me of the clever usage of music from Baby Driver. Nothing is wasted and is always enriching of the world building. With Baby Driver, the music was giving us Baby's personal experience. Here, the sound effects give us Grey's point of view. Didn't experiences, but both are elevated through sound, masterfully.

I genuinely want to see it again. If the trailer interested you at all, go see it. It's worth your while.
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Upgrade (2018)
rockman1823 June 2018
Not a lot of buzz was made about this film which kind of landed in theaters with no hype. I saw one trailer at some point and knew I wanted to check it out. Logan Marshall-Green isn't exactly someone who is a leading man. Ryan Atwood's brother and a role in Prometheus are his most notable roles. So it was nice to see him as a lead, and a lesser known cast in this film. Overall, I felt the plot can be tweaked at some points but its a fun film.

The film is about a man named Grey, who becomes paraplegic after he and his wife were attacked by a group of hitmen. He is approached by a tech innovator who puts a device in his body which allows him to walk and control his limbs again.. in a way. The device is actually a smart system called STEM and sometimes STEM is allowed to take over, especially when Grey is in danger. Grey uses this newfound ability to track down the men who killed his wife.

Insidious: Chapter 3 wasn't overly memorable for me so I feel like this film is where Leigh Whannell puts a stamp on his film making style. The action scenes are excellent when they come. The chase and combat on screen are stellar. The film does well to use its futuristic setting to set a landscape for the film, which itself still feels modern. The film also has humor at the right times. Its not overbearing but when it comes it feels right.

My main concerns with the film was the underdeveloped side characters and there's a bit of convenience when need be. The plot feels like it could have been worked in a less cloudy manner but its not a major detraction from the rest of the effort. Its a surprisingly different effort. We've seen this type of film before but the film still seems to remain fresh and fun. Not really a title people are going to talk about this year but its good fun and that's good enough.

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Do not pay attention to bad reviews if you like Technology
paniwala1 June 2018
Really enjoyed this movie. A very good dose of future technology and where it would lead us to. We are already seeing the birth of some of the concepts shown in this movie and like with any technology there will be good usage and bad. I dont understand the bad comments on violence as it is "indirect" (without giving away). Fast paced and suspenseful. Logan Marshall-Green acted well without any "overacting" or showing off. Screen play and direction were very good. It is original concept and I did not see any connection with Death wish or other movies - not even close or people did not understand the movie?
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mgd_m26 March 2019
Upgrade greatly exceeded my expectations: truly entertaining, and remarkably well produced. Great acting by the lead character. Stylistically speaking, it's perfect: very good cinematography, amazing fight choreography, beautiful scenography and music, perfect CGI, and the overall "feel" of the atmosphere. Only 5 millions were spent. Often, you will not find that attention for scenography and CGI in Hollywood productions. In the end, it's a little nice movie with a standard plot that nonetheless got me hooked: it got more and more entertaining, and then some more. There are many cliches, but that's a plus: when the director is good, having a cliche smoothly inserted into the story is pure fun. Each of the main events has a reason to be and a nice explanation (sometimes, it's quite original), so that the story never really feels that "standard". There are just a couple of minor holes here and there, but nothing like what you will read in some reviews: infact, the structure is perfectly logic, and if part of the audience doesn't pay attention, that's not movie's fault.

Ps: forgot to mention... I realized I never saw a movie depicting cyber-bio-implants or whatever. Blade Runner does not, Ex-Machina does not, Strange days does not. This movie finally does.
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Interesting Attempt
markcornwell-318184 September 2019
If you wanted to see "Venom" but didn't want to be distracted by all of the high end special effects and quality acting from Tom Hardy then "Upgrade" is the movie for you Logan Marshall Green puts in a brilliant "I'm not Tom Hardy" performance. His inner dialogue with Kit from "Knight Rider" is beyond reproach. Two thumbs!
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