Nurses (TV Series 2020–2021) Poster


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Canadian show, written for Americans
loca3127 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Although the writers are Canadian, i'm baffled by some of the distinctly unCanadian things in it.

S1E2: A doctor says "She'll just go to another hospital and waste taxpayers' money." No Canadian would say this. The American view is that they don't want to pay for someone else's care. The Canadian view is that we all pay our taxes and thus are entitled to health care on an as-needed basis. The closest a doctor here would say is "She'll just go to another hospital and waste their time."

S1E3: Patient is told her fallopian tubes are gone, and she cries because they can't afford IVF and thus will never be parents. In Ontario, the government will pay for one IVF attempt per person. This includes harvesting eggs, cleaning sperm, in vitro fertilisation, and implantation. The drugs for those procedures are not included, and cost a few thousand dollars for that one full cycle, but it is an amount that most people could save up to afford. If extra eggs or embryos are to be stored for later use, that is done out of pocket.

S1E3: In episode 2, someone references Sunnybrook Hospital, which is a real Toronto hospital, part of the University Health Network of hospitals. In episode 3, they discuss a merger of hospitals including Sunnyvale Hospital. I'm guessing they messed up by saying Sunnybrook in the previous episode, and never went back to correct it.

S1E8: Canadian law says an NDA cannot be used to conceal a criminal act. Doing so is obstruction of justice.
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Very enjoyable
danliftman13 January 2021
I can't get enough of medical dramas. NBC now offers three good ones. This new entry from Canada is very nice. I'm loving watching the young nurses getting to know each other and themselves. There are some unique plot lines and all of the performers are well suited to their roles. Nurses has been good from the start and will surely get better. Keep watching!
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So bad it's funny
Avalala14 December 2020
I almost feel bad for new medical shows because on a dramatic level they're all just trying to be Grey's Anatomy at this point and they can't.... and on a technical level you don't have to go to medical or nursing school to know that the show is so unrealistic. Truly hilarious the amount of clichés just in the first episode alone. Watch the first episode and then stop
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cuidich-965-2969103 March 2020
I don't know where these nurses are supposed to work, but I really want a job there. One patient each, a different area every day, able to toddle off any time they like. Seriously, has no one thought to ask actual nurses? The writers don't even seem to know the difference between Canadian and American health care. So bad I can't even rate it.
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I'm still watching
derykmottershead3 March 2020
Good show but not great. First few episodes it was ok. Then it started to pick up at least for me. I hope it doesn't get cancelled because there's potential here. Yes there's inaccuracies but it's a tv show. Watch a documentary if you want perfection.
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Unintentionally Hilarious
LaZedBoy14 January 2020
It was an interesting concept to have a show called "Nurses" written by aliens who had never been to Earth, from some planet that doesn't have hospitals. But this show managed to find such writers, and the results are absolutely hilarious (unless you were hoping for an accurate hispital drama).

Looking forward to further episodes. But this time I'll invite in friends from the medical profession and we'll play a drinking game. Every time someone shouts "Noooooo!!!!" or "That would never happen!", they have to take a sip of their drink. Real nurses will be hammered by the first ad.
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its a Drama show not a documentry on nursing
lordofthenether31 May 2021
Look everyone reviewing this tv-show this is for all you nurse pros we get it you all hate anything that does not show the hard work you do but news flash this show is not actually made for you it made for those that wish to dream they can act and become actors in the future this show is not made to be a documentry show about how to be nurses its to show the struggles nurses can go though and still be nurse and now yes they have nurse experts on their team sure they might take breaks every now and thing in way your place might not do them but news flash not all hospitals are run the same way if your only critic is that the show doesnt do it for you then turn it off and go back to greys abombo cause that show realistic to the days huh

news flash nurses reviewer how about getting of your high-horses and review what the show offer not how it weights compared to your own lives this show was great for what i expected its a mix of greys with a bit of. ER and tons of drama and woke-ness all with out being overly taxing to watch i give it 7.4/10.
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taralkeys12 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A gross misrepresentation of the profession. Process, procedure and standards of care were severely lacking. It gets a 1/10 only because I can't say ZERO.

The head nurse that greets them is extremely unprofessional, and the nurse behind the desk is horrible. There isn't any introduction to where the nurses will be working, yet we are to believe this is their first day. And no one would call them fresh meat. A nurse would never work alone their first day on the job, they would shadow and be buddied with another nurse for several shifts as part of orientation. Blood transfusions without screening? What?? A bedside nurse would never communicate a patient's diagnosis to family, this is a doctor's job. Running around with fingers in a cooler all shift? This would never, ever happen. Offering a nurse to scrub in to OR who doesn't work in OR?? Nope! Not even the sharps bins were accurate - the lids were closed. How would a nurse use it? Eating at a patient's bedside?? What nurse does this? This is gross and unprofessional. If the ministry were to audit this hospital, there would be so many fines. I find it difficult to believe that even one nurse was consulted in the writing of this script or in the production of this episode. A nurse would never allow any of what was in that episode to represent the profession. Ever! I am a nurse, and was looking so forward to watching this with my mother, also a nurse. We are frustrated, angry, and hurt by what we saw. I hope more attention to detail is paid, more accurate representation of the nursing profession and the work we do. Get a clue!

I can only believe that the creator of the show has a serious grudge against nurses and this protrayal was his intention.
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im just here for the drama and relationships tbh
naomi11041924 April 2021
I dont think its really medically accurate, but it was really enjoyable to watch imo, id like more seasons.
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Wow! Somebody on Nurses did something to somebody...
howie1411 February 2020
This is one of the most interesting shows ever reviewed . Reviewers really like each individual episode, but the people reviewing the entire series HATE it.

I think it is a TV show with a good cast and interesting plots. I wasn't looking for a documentary on modern Canadian medicine, just light entertainment for 45 minutes or so. Nurses delivered on that. I especially like Tiara Skovbye and Jordan Johnson-Hinds in their roles.

One reviewer went so far as to complain that an individual who committed a particular crime was a white male, which is somehow PC because only individuals of some other race commit such crimes according to the reviewer. A quick internet check showed that three of the most recognizable cases of this type of crime were committed by an angry white male.

So my advice to people is to take all these reviews with a grain of salt, this one included. We all bring our prejudices to this task. In this case, it seems a lot of nurses were upset because the show doesn't resemble their lives and at least one individual who looks hard for political agendas thought they found one.

I just thought I found a pleasant TV show.
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as a nurse, I am quite disappointed
cindy-7702337 January 2020
I had a hard time watching the first episode. It's a bad portrayal of nurses in the real world.
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Not bad
yanquenet10 January 2020
Only one episode so far. I am a nurse. Worked E.R. for years. There is a lot of things that are not accurate. More that once I tought "It doesn't work that way!" If you want to watch a TV show with medical accuracy or the right portrayal of a scope of pratice, walk away. But hey, the characters are likable. Reminds me of other series like The Night Shift or Code Black. If you enjoyed those, you will love Nurses!
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It's a TV drama. Get over it
sennichi-1245727 January 2020
Sat through the first episode and now watching episode two. I'm not a nurse so I have no idea what it is like. I do remember Boston public and that reflected nothing of what teachers lives are like. Even Mr. D doesn't come close.
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Please Do your Homework
cscofieldsingh7 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I am so disappointed-I had high Hope for this show. But within 15 mins it should the lack of any homework into the roles of a new nurse, a student nurse or an experienced nurse. There is not one hospital that would put a new Nurse in any role that these characters portray. No one would ever carry amputated fingers around the hospital in a container. A hospital would never allow a new nurse on their first day to care for a intubated client in an ICU, suggest that a new nurse who they do not know, could assist in an OR. Or be a new Nurse on L&D without proper training or orientation to equipment. I have never heard of a person to person blood transfusion without being screened? I disappointed. Maybe next time, hire.a nurse-like me, to review your story line and have input into an accurate depiction of a life as a nurse
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jkipkangor9 January 2020
Disappointed. The writer has zero knowledge of what goes on in a hospital setup. I am a nurse but for me this is an insult to the profession.
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Not Bad
cc007712 February 2022
I finished season 2, and the storyline wasn't too bad. It was just a typical healthcare show in my opinion. However, Ashley and Caro's relationship made the whole show so much better. To be honest, they're the only reasons I started watching this show haha and it was worth it!
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Good show
sjppkbwh19 September 2021
The show is great, yes there's maybe not everything that 100% true or that the nurses did that wrong or didn't do something, but guys it's a show. Have you ever watch a TV-show where everything is like in the reality? It can't and if so some scene will be boring and we couldn't move on on the story of the characters because there will be too much details ect....

So if you think that this show isn't good just for that reason I just don't get it. The storyline are good and foot once that a show is in the pov of nurses (even though it isn't like in real life and that real nurses doesn't get it) I can't understand why this show doesn't get the hype of every other medical show like GA, Chicago Med etc...
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HA HA Now nurses know how Paramedics feel about how they are portrayed
medicsteve-7011620 July 2021
I enjoy the show. But I also know that this does NOT reflect actual conditions in the ER. I've also worked on movie sets and know that they take artistic license for many reasons.. O2 masks are missing or wrong style because we need to see the actor's face. They shock flatlines because... well...who knows. They can't show how busy an ER really is because the story would get lost in the chaos (like real life, yes, but no one would watch an actual ER if they didn't have to).
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Former Nurse here...not good.
kjgloss8 January 2020
Not likely but I hope the producers, but more specifically the writers read some of these reviews. Do you have a medical team advising you on this show? You can't possibly as this show is so inaccurate on so many levels. And in a really bad way. This is insulting to anyone who is or ever has been a nurse in a hospital. If you want this to go past a few short episodes, I suggest hiring a real nurse to at least get some of the facts correct to not be embarrassing. I get that this isn't a reality show or a documentary but there have been other medical dramas over the years that have been spot on with their realistic portrayal of at least the procedures of a hospital or being a nurse.
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If you want to see real nurses in action, watch a documentary.
snicholls-260-25860913 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Don't listen to the people giving this one star reviews. IT'S A DRAMA, PEOPLE. I found it to be very enjoyable. I'm not in the medical profession so can't comment on the reality but so many shows are unrealistic in that fashion for dramatic reasons. For example, CSI techs don't interview suspects. Big deal.

I found the acting to be good and usually the pilot episodes are the hardest to get through as they have to establish all the characters and backstory but the pacing was good. It also makes no apologies for being a Canadian production with Canadian flags, Toronto street signs and landmarks. And when they found out the driver in the van attack was a patient was a chilling moment.

I'm looking forward to the next episode.
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Anyone Here Know of CO Vid?
wmcquade16 December 2020
Not a mask anywhere for doctors or patients. Sending a mixed message. Rather blah medical show
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A real nurse is watching
lrobinjohnston7 January 2020
So disappointed. Where are the experienced nurses? Why are all the nurses brand new and just out of school? This show is completely unbelievable.

Who is advising on this show? I read that there are "real medical professionals on hand to keep it as accurate as possible". Seriously? Even a just little bit of accuracy would allow me to get past all this and enjoy it. Right now it's a bunch of 20-somethings with little to no experience running a trauma ER. Whoever the producers hired to advise are completely out of touch with how things are in our profession. Grey's Anatomy was well advised and it was believable, so the reviews comparing this show to it are obviously not written by anyone familiar with the nursing profession or anyone who has actually been in an ER.

I had such high hopes for this after reading and loving Tilda Shalof's books (which apparently inspired the producers of this show?!). Change it up- get a balance of experienced and novice nurses and a new *nursing* advisory crew!
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Though not accurate, it is entertaining
ahiltonjr-1200124 February 2021
I realize this show has more inaccuracies than can be counted, but it is very enjoyable to watch. The cast does a great job and the show addresses many concerns feared in real life. It gives the viewer a glimpse of what many may go through with their own illnesses/afflictions and a view of some alternate means of addressing. Far and away my favorite new show of this season. If you want accuracy in the medical parts of the show, it is not the show for you, but if you want to be entertained, give it a watch.
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Enjoyed it, until Episode 4
ryanolaf16 January 2020
Not very realistic , but entertaining.. Many characters have promise and interesting personalities.. Might have been a fan but I'm too old fashioned to watch same sex stuff....!
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Just no!
thisisliz-117 December 2020
Retired medical professional here. There is nothing at all real or compelling about this show.
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