Devil's Revenge (2019) Poster

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I guess boredom passes for revenge these days...
paul_haakonsen21 December 2019
Granted, when I stumbled upon this 2019 movie titled "Devil's Revenge", I was initially intrigued. So I picked it up and saw that William Shatner was in it, and I must admit that whatever hopes I had for the movie started to dim. But still, I decided to give the movie a chance and sat down to watch it.

Turn out that my expectations of this movie not being anything grand came to be. This movie was fairly bland and actually rather mundane and pointless. The storyline was essentially to blame here, because director Jared Cohn wasn't really giving the audience much in terms of a proper script or storyline.

What did work for the movie was the special effects and the design of the demonic creatures. I liked those. But sadly they could only do so much to salvage the rest of the movie, which was somewhat of a swing and a miss.

As for the acting, well you shouldn't get your hopes up. And truth be told, it was just toe-curling to watch William Shatner in a movie such as this, holding a grenade launcher and shooting demonic creatures up close and personal with some dubious and questionable CGI effect explosions.

I managed to endure the entire movie, although I can't claim that I was entertained. And this is not a movie that I will be watching a second time.

My rating of "Devil's Revenge" is a mere three out of ten stars.
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Something here is not like the others
selfdestructo16 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So much ... inconceivably wrong ... cannot compute

WHY? Is a question you will be asking yourself throughout this movie's EXTREMELY padded running time. This family is cursed, which only seems to affect the dad, and a relic must be destroyed. That's all you need to know, I suppose. There is a scene of exposition where they refer to Aztecs and demons and bullcrap, to help explain it. Don't know if I've ever seen so much recycled footage in a movie. The flashbacks to the demons and the killings and the fake blood, play over and over and over. To add insult to injury, Devil's Revenge plays out like an adventure game. Only, you know, the boring parts where you have to travel long distances, with nothing to do, but walk from point A to point B? Yeah, endless traveling to this cave, then through the cave!

I cannot even pretend to be a fan of Jeri Ryan (Susan), this is the first thing I've seen her in, but I CAN tell you this: She embarrasses whoever else is in her scene (that is until the last half, where they give her nothing to do). Jeri emotes for a LOST CAUSE. Literally the only actor in the movie. And I wouldn't even consider Shatner to be the worst actor. I did LOL when they exposed him to be John's (Jason Brooks) nutjob father. Then he has this demented 10-minute monologue, where John finally shuts up, and allows Bill to really ham it up. Yes, my vote for worst actor is the "star," John, who has a number of scenes opposite his wife, Jeri Ryan. Talk about painful. Runner-up is definitely the male bimbo younger son. Maybe I'm wrong, and he was an effective mimbo. But why have this character? Why?!

Ok, John goes spelunking with two beleaguered friends to try to find the damned relic to destroy it, and gets someone killed. So grandpa bullies John into going back, calls Susan, and convinces her to bring the whole family! Say what? I've never seen people so happy to descend into certain doom. Only, what is real, and what's in John's imagination? Holy crap, did they mess this up. All the demons are clearly real, the family has to hide from them, and grandpa breaks out his grenade launcher, to terrible sfx. He tells the family to get out... Then sacrifices himself, FOR WHAT? This makes absolutely no sense, they are supernatural entities. And if you think they're gone, just wait for this complete cluster-F of an ending. It is truly a sight to behold. Good luck following it. It is downright silly.

Extra star is for the Shatner rant and Jeri Ryan trying to elevate this steaming pile.
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poorly put together horror, not scary at all
fromsomeperson26 December 2021
Not very well put together, cheap budget horror, that could have been so much better with a good director and a good script , it's about time William Shatner gave up now as his overacting old man portrayal did nothing for the film, the locations were unrealistic, the hunt for the relic was more like an afternoon out with the family in a theme park, though not somewhere you'd take your family with you knowing those creatures lurked in the tomb, nice to see Jeri Ryan but a shame it had to be in this shambles.
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Just terrible!
LoremIpsum3212 October 2019
I thought some entertainment could've been found here, but no! An absurd script beyond stupid, poor directing, unlikable characters you don't care for, utterly cheap special effects and backwoods locations make this a complete waste of time. William Shatner was kinda funny playing the over the top soldier-dad, and it was nice to see Jeri Ryan aka Seven of Nine again. Although I like Star Trek and appreciated to see 2 of it's characters in a totally different production, there isn't anything else Devil's Revenge has to offer.
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profsmichael3 October 2019
A terrible movie by any measure. Direction and editing created immense stretches of shots that add to the already far too long play time. Although probably meant to give the illusion of a long travel, it rather cemented in reality how terribly far Devil's Revenge had to travel to be a good movie.

Extremely irritating plot holes that are left to fester for the entire movie, and plot pieces that seemingly had nothing to do with the main plot at all.

People are disappear and people just appear in the movie without any explanation whatsoever. We have time to explore caves and rivers, but no time to explore rationality. I suppose maybe transporters were used? Why not, if it is up to our imaginations and does not have to be rational: so be it.

Shatner has a strange rant that I replayed several times... and I still have no idea what he was going on about. He was passionate, and Kirk swears, which I thought was very funny! Other than that; I gave up trying to figure it out. I simply didn't actually care what his character was trying to convey with his fathers heirloom shotgun... that he keeps in a dirty stable.

Very flimsy plot pieces with flimsy connections throughout. White actors playing Aztecs? Aztecs with a shrine in a Kentucky cave system. Conquistadores... really?

Direction: I am not sure their was any direction. Yes, we did realize Jeri Ryan was driving in circles in a parking lot for an entire scene. Rather easily actually.

The best actor in this movie was the Recreational Vehicle. RV played such a convincing filthy and dilapidated Southwind that I nearly wept.

Even "Riff Trax" will probably pass on this movie... Shatner or not. You should too.
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This is a joke, right?
richwool14 November 2019
Absolutely woeful. How the hell anyone financed this rubbish is beyond me? Poor Bill, I'm sure he's embarrassed about being involved!
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Not very good but worth a look for Shatner fans
kastrino12 December 2019
Well, one cannot expect much with low budget contemporary horror like this. In any case the film had a few worthy moments like some gore scenes and a few atmospheric glimpses of the bad guys. Star Trek's Voyager's Jerri Ryan is here in a largely contrived and forgettable role. Most of the movie seems nonsensical but everything turns out relatively fine when William Shatner comes in with a solid trademarked over-the-top performance and some killer lines, while his participation lasted much longer than one would expect. For me his presence made this whole thing worthwhile
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I really wanted to enjoy this :o(
bforbrett5 October 2019
Sadly, I did not. Even the great William Shatner couldn't drag it off the cutting room floor. A truly bad movie in every sense imaginable.
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Devils. Mines. Monsters.
BandSAboutMovies15 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A down-on-his-luck archaeologist returns from a cave expedition that contains a cursed relic that's also a portal to Hell. He discovers that the only way to stop the curse on his family is to go back to the cave and destroy the relic.

Is that enough reason to watch this movie? What if I told you that William Shatner plays his dad? Now you're in, right? What if they threw in Jeri Ryan, Seven of Nine herself, for you lovers of Star Trek? Now you're hooked, huh?

John Brock is an archaeologist who returns from an expedition through the caves of rural Kentucky. He's been looking for the same mysterious relic his family has been hunting for generation. But now, he's haunted by dream-like visions of a ferocious bird-like creature from ancient folklore. Now, he know she must take his family back to the cave, find the relic and destroy it.

Ever since American stars started making Italian and Japanese films, I've always loved when they do scenes that have them alone, talking on the phone and not connected to any of the characters in the movie that they're in. This movie follows suit.

That said - the monsters are awesome and Shatner is as crazy as you want him to be. I dream of the day that he and Nicholas Cage get to emote together in a movie that makes even less sense than this one.
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keygirlus22 September 2020
If anyone tries to argue that William Shatner's overacting as Captain Kirk was an artistic choice, this is the film to show them. The best part of the film are the sets and creature work, which would make really spectacular house of horror venues for a fall fair.
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topdrive-7999513 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Edge of your seat shite here people. Hey. As always,Jim Kirk is in top form here. He shows you why,he's a starship captain. I'm gonna spoil some things here. End of the movie,captain kirk does battle with demons. He got a 10 Guage that fites,fires, shells (I say Mr. Scott built that for Captain Kirk) he ran his son,daughter and grandkids outta the cave they in . The captain steps up to the demons "let's rock and roll boys". Mano e Mano. The captain was like,"time to educate you poor slobs". There was a bomb in the cave. The captain knew this too. Didn't matter. Like Amy good starship captain,he'll sacrifice himself for his crew. You didn't see what happened in the cave. I say Mr. Spock beamed into the cave. He have remaining demon,the Vulcan nerve pit. Lights out for that fella. They get him back to the ship. Mr. Spock,pulls the Vulcan mind probe o n this fella. Then Spoke gave that demon,the Guantanamo Bay,Waterboard special. Yeah I think they broke that ol boy. We have one part in the movie. Another spoiler. This archeologist gets into it with his ol lady. She's going into,hysterics. His job is so dangerous. She's up nights,when he ain't home. He calls on the phone. She wigs on him." Honey. Please come home. I know you love the money you make,but its not worth the risk. I guess I missed where OSHA listed archeologist as the number 3 most dangerous job. Right behind agricultural jobs and being on a drill platform, looking for oil.
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It stars William Shatner. Amazing
alistairc_200028 January 2022
This is an amazing movie. Probably the best ever, made and yeah it is amazing.

It really is not as bad as they say it is. It really tries hard to be a good movie with a very small budget. It is interesting.

If you like low budget movies it is worth a shot.
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The Curse
nogodnomasters6 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
John (Jason Brooks) is after an artifact that will lift the curse on his family which has been doing well for generations. He is a descendant of Spanish Conquistadors who attacked the Aztecs. The people of the cave were killed by the Aztecs, so why the Conquistadors were cursed, I haven't figured out. To break the curse John must destroy "the artifact." His wife Susan (Jeri Ryan) his kids, and dad (William Shatner) go along with him.

The cave was fairly flat, except for that one part and it had a lot of backlighting. I am not sure how Aztec and Kentucky can be used in the same sentence, except for maybe "The Aztecs were never in Kentucky." Shatner had some stand-alone "dramatic" readings. I had to laugh out loud. I loved the original Star Trek series but truth be told, Shatner can not act. Were those steel swords and knives used by the Native Americans? They never had an iron age. The scriptwriter is not smarter than a fifth-grader.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
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Current 3.5 rating is fake! Too high!
rsvp3213 October 2019
After watching 18 minutes I started fast forwarding, normal speed when Captain Kirk was on screen, then fast forward again.

They must have used the entire budget getting Shatner to say a few lines, and he obviously didn't earn his keep.

Blazing sunlight in the cave casting sharp shadows, yet using flashlights was pretty funny.

SFX about fifty years outdated.

Story - none.

Actors - none.

No redeeming anything. It might even be worse than the worst movie "Asylum" films have ever put out.

This is one that should gather all copies of the movie, and buried in concrete with nuclear waste, or put in a rocket and fired into the sun.
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Hot garbage
bigdogfartdaddy24 November 2019
Well what can yah say about a movie that looks like a 15 yr kid wrote and directed it. The special effects are not that special at all. They say the "F" word so much its redundant. I mean it's just a big pile of super hot garbage. And the acting is no exception!!!! So my final thought is Watch, if you want a story that's half way better than this!!
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Just bad
Horrible movie. Made no sense. And poor William Shatners performance was flat. Too much unneccesary death and destruction. Worst ending ever. Did he die before it all happened, or was it all his mind? Just too many unanswered questions.
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As poor as you'd expect, despite Shatner's presence
Leofwine_draca21 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
DEVIL'S REVENGE is another no-budget indie horror outing only notable for the casting of William Shatner - who also receives a producer credit - in a small supporting role as the father of one of the leads. It's a generic, mindlessly moronic slice of occult horror in which a caving team stumble upon a literal cave of Hell, at which point the main character finds himself cursed to be haunted by Halloween-store demons. Stilted acting, boring plotting, a wasted Jeri Ryan in support and cheesy effects combine to make this par for the course for an indie horror, i.e. it's very poor.
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A re-edit could salvage it,and William Shatner is stunning as always!
solaravoltara22 December 2019
Great acting by William Shatner. I almost thought he was impersonating my dad for a minute. as always he really sells his character. Unfortunately though the director was not quite as talented and the editor even less so. Post production team gets a D. I really felt like the Director and the Editor didn't care about the final result of all of the effort that went into the rest of the movie. the director didn't spend much time writing a script, and the other actors didn't do much in the way of ad-lib, but that is neither here nor there. It could be saved, but it needs a new score and a re-edit, which i'd like to personally do, because with some modifications this movie could have actually been scary.
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I feel cursed
aismolloy25 January 2022
How bad can it be.... Abysmal is the answer.

The story is terribly convoluted and the dialogue falls flat. It makes zero sense.

I'm so confused by the entire movie.
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What can I say that hasn't already been said?
Schtaeve21 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Oh yeah. Look out for the scene in the woods where they're travelling to the cave. They used a stunt double for Shatner.

A stunt double. For him walking around.
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Oh dear
SeamonkeyUK1 September 2020
Boring story line, poor acting, bad effects and costumes. Avoid at all costs.
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Absolutely absurd
iamrobbbb5 October 2022
I mean, it's not good, but I laughed several times. How they got a couple legitimate actors in this bewilders me. At one point the whole family is headed toward certain death, and it looks like a Mentos commercial. Then after grandpa dies, they argue over who gets to take a shower first. LOL, nobody cares about grandpa... I mean, it's not good, but I laughed several times. How they got a couple legitimate actors in this bewilders me. At one point the whole family is headed toward certain death, and it looks like a Mentos commercial. Then after grandpa dies, they argue over who gets to take a shower first. LOL, nobody cares about grandpa...
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Dork's Revenge
109YearsOld29 June 2023
This movie looks like a well produced TV show, the CGI is on par with the video games some twenty years ago, Captain Kirk seems to be teleported to the wrong movie. And the other actors are those you usually see in Oscar, yeah, those hired to clap hands.

Highly recommended to fast forward this movie while having a meal so as not to completely waste your precious time, I would consider to give one more star if the movie industry pays dividend to watch such movies. Be warned.

Highly recommended to fast forward this movie while having a meal so as not to completely waste your precious time, I would consider to give one more star if the movie industry pays dividend to watch such movies. Be warned.
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limen-914626 January 2021
I began watching only because I like William Shatner. But after about 10 minutes into the film, I decided that the movie stunk, big time! I 'd rather watch Big Bill in his new TV series, "The Unexplained"!
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crashcymbalz1 May 2023
If the budget of 22.5 million dollars listed is correct, then where the hell did all that money go? Certainly not to the actors, who are ALL wooden, although shatner has some classic moments that wouldve fit in the first star trek, and certainly not to the dreadful CGI present throughout. The entire movie looks like an episode of a mid 2000s TV show, and the plot is almost completely nonsensical. The director seems to have decided not to give the actors any direction at all and must have just told them to act. The practical effects aren't even good, so whenever there is blood present on screen, it looks hilariously fake. The only other movie i've ever seen squander this kind of budget this poorly before is the 2020 children of the corn remake.
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