
46 Reviews
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Under Paris (2024)
A decent attempt at a shark flick. Better than most.
9 June 2024
Under Paris is to be fair a fairly gripping movie that is paced well and has some cool scenes with acceptable CGI and enough tension to reward the viewers attention.

The location of the seine in Paris works. Just suspend belief as your supposed to when watching a film like this and it's enjoyable to see the catacombs flooded with hundreds of sharks!

That whole scene was worth watching the film for.

Yep it's full of clichés and the obligatory Mayor who ignores literally every piece of advice offered.

But there wouldn't be much of a story if all the well thought out plans were executed.

This film has plenty of explosions, kills, thrills and loads of sharks!

Definitely worth watching.
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Hit Man (2023)
What an unexpected treat! A script of genius.
8 June 2024
Hitman is the true coming of age as an actor for Glenn Powell.

As he's also co writer here he gets even more points for that hat as well.

This film is funny, always gripping and throughly entertaining throughout the run time.

Hitman is loosely, very loosely based on a true story which definitely enhances the interest levels.

And the liberties taken with the story are absolutely fine and just add to the drama and fun.

It's not claiming to be a biopic.

This film kept us guessing and had us rooting for Gary/Ron despite his flaws and dubious behaviour as the movie went on.

That's a testament to the great acting and storytelling that makes you want the bad guys get one over on the cops this time!

This is a must watch film and the acting is top notch.
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Sting (2024)
Quality scary spider movie
3 June 2024
Sting is a great little scary movie that I would recommend to anyone wanting to be entertained and a little grossed out by a spider!

That spider is a super sized alien species that truly is a nasty villain in this Australian made well paced movie.

I've seen some reviews moaning about the family storyline but ignore those.

We need some character development to you know actually care about the characters!

Maybe the tension could have been better built in certain scenes and the ending was foreshadowed and easily seen coming but the gore was well done, the acting sincere when needed and fun in other moments.

Just give it a go and be entertained.
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A well done prequel with great atmosphere
2 June 2024
This film nails the right aesthetic of the 70s.

It starts strongly building tension even if most people know what's coming.

Yes the plot has some immediate similarities to the Sydney Sweeney starring Immaculate and it's a strange coincidence both movies were released so close together but The First Omen does have its own way of doing things.

The acting is mostly excellent and Nell Tiger Free excels in her role.

Whilst I wouldn't say it's a very scary movie there's definitely some yucky bits and the ending is pretty good compared to most horrors on offer at the moment.

This comes across more of a thriller/religious drama but it moves along swiftly without much filler and is definitely worth the time to watch it.

I'm giving it an 8 because although it's not groundbreaking there's nothing actually wrong with the movie therefore I want people to be prepared to give it a go.
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The Fall Guy (2024)
A very fun movie and a very decent 7 out of 10
26 May 2024
The Fall Guy is a blast.

Although it is undoubtedly too long that's pretty much it's only downside.

Aside from some weird choices like the hallucinations!

Other than that the stunts are great the message to the academy that an Oscars for stunts is needed is hammered home and the humour is pretty much spot on for a film of this kind.

Ryan Gosling is perfectly cast and Emily Blunt can portray feelings with just a look as a great actor should.

The supporting cast all do their best and the post movie credits give the stunt team their time in the sun.

This is a movie for everyone, it's easy to follow and just pure fun.
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A classic. Apocalyptic action done right.
19 May 2024
Mad Max: Fury Road gets a high score because it's one of the greatest modern action movies.

The stunts are breathtaking, the CGI highly rendered and the acting strong.

The story is very simple which is why I didn't quite give it a 10 but this film is mainly about the action scenes. And what scenes they are!

The film starts with a long non stop action sequence that sets up the story through short flashbacks, weird baddies and an attempted escape by Max and a daring attempt to get away by Furiosa that leads to the main story brilliantly.

The editing is superb, the colours vibrant when needed and beautifully blue and dark at other times which raises the atmosphere amazingly well.

This is an action movie that's gorgeous at all times.

The costume department must have had their greatest job ever designing the outfits which are over the top and so right for the theme of the film.

This is an action packed modern classic.
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Abigail (2024)
Good bit of fun and gore.
11 May 2024
Abigail is a film that entertains and offers a lot of blood and some humour.

However it does have a few flaws and some well worn horror tropes.

It doesn't reinvent vampires at all but there's nothing really wrong with that other than there's nothing new here.

Radio Silence gave us great splatter with the excellent Ready or Not and lot of that similar gore is used here, many times.

The jump scares don't really work and I wouldn't say this was a scary movie but it's a fun thriller to watch and switch your brain off with.

There's nothing that really keeps you guessing and there's a long build up to the reveal of Abigail being a vampire which is a bit daft because it's literally on the poster.

I remember watching from Dusk till Dawn and being blindsided by the vampire twist!

Back then it really worked.

But there's just too much information available about many films these days and they should have kept it under wraps a bit more because the build up has no tension.

But despite all that it's still worth a watch.
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Lamb (2021)
Different and proudly so. Must see.
29 April 2024
Lamb is an outstanding Icelandic film about a farming couple who are grieving the loss of a child.

The quiet pair are living with the sadness and still performing their work as a way to keep going.

Birthing Lambs is something they regularly carry out but one day something else is born from one of these lambs.

It's hard to explain any of the plot without giving things away so I'll just outline why this is a good film.

The acting is sincere and at times unsettling as you don't know what's actually going on or going to happen!

This is a unique and weird movie but all the better for it.

It's great that A24 are getting these sort of films more eyes on.

Not for everybody but if you just go with it this is a very well done film and for me it's something I would recommend to most.
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Severance (2022– )
Top of the line television.
28 April 2024
Severance is a science fiction thriller series that certainly for me ranks amongst the best shows I've ever seen.

Acting wise this show is pretty much perfect, all characters get their chance in the spotlight and all have stories I want to know more of.

This show keeps you guessing and reveals just enough to keep you hooked and not frustrated.

Some sci fi programmes are way to vague in a bad way that just stretches the show out to fill time.

Severance doesn't ever feel like that and I hope season 2 is as breezy with its pacing.

The first couple of episodes are maybe a tad repetitive but I get that it's all to set up the innies world.

But never mind that, this show is seriously top notch and deserves a wide audience.

I'm eagerly awaiting series 2.
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Infested (2023)
A film with great moments.
28 April 2024
Infested is a brilliant film.

From a first time director it's a fun and tense little horror movie.

Definitely not one for real arachnophobia sufferers. There's a LOT of spiders in this movie.

Some real nasty ones.

The setting of a French housing project gives a grim atmosphere throughout the movie and the spiders thrive in this environment.

There's a bit of personal drama between Kaleb, his sister and his friend Jordy.

And this adds a little bit of heart to the story.

All the characters are one's we care about.

Despite Kaleb's misguided purchase of a very deadly spider that kicks things off.

There's plenty of jumpy moments of fun and spidery chases and tense walk throughs of 8 legged crawlies hanging on walls and ceilings.

Whilst there's nothing really groundbreaking here it's a well done thriller that keeps you hooked.

The ending battle was for me a little weak but overall this is a must see for any horror fans.

It's a good bit of entertainment.
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Exhuma (2024)
Bit of a letdown. Disjointed.
25 April 2024
Exhuma was a movie I was looking forward to seeing and had avoided learning anything about before I saw it.

I was mainly hopeful because of the cast.

It starts pretty strongly with a feeling of class from the acting to the production values.

The story wasn't clear at first but then I got my hopes up as the first grave is dug up.

However this part of the story seems to be wrapped up quite quickly with the cremation scene and it then delves into Korean and Japanese history with strong anti Japanese feeling.

Now I'm not familiar with the history of these countries to a great extent so maybe a bit of this stuff wasn't for me as an Englishman.

But I completely understood it, It was just an unexpected turn of the story and then the film devolves into some weird thriller full of special effects (admittedly well done) that would fit into more of a comic book style horror.

It's incredibly disjointed.

If anyone compares this film favourably with The Wailing, ignore them. The wailing is far far superior.

This film is worth a watch but don't expect a classic horror movie.
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Dagr (2024)
Do not trust Empire magazine anymore.
22 April 2024
I fell for the hype.

I rented Dagr on YouTube and I am very disappointed. This is such a bog standard found footage film it feels like I've already seen it!

How any filmmakers can produce something this generic is beyond me.

And well, if you're going to copy something copy something good at least. Maybe even try putting a new spin on it.

This is just lazy film making. I get it's ultra low budget but don't then try getting us to believe it's on a Blair Witch level of creativity. It's not. Far from it.

The acting is terrible. Yep I get the YouTubers are probably supposed to be annoying but the whole thing just feels like a joke.

There's no actual tension. Not even a decent jump scare to give us something to feel.

There's so many better movies about strange cults. Watch one of them instead.

Even though it's not amazing itself if you want to watch a modern take on British cults this year then try Lord of Misrule. Again it's not amazing but it's far better than this.
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Brilliant horror film which deserves its success.
19 April 2024
Late night with the devil is a truly great attempt at making something very different for horror fans.

Whilst the concept has been done and done amazingly well with the BBCs Ghostwatch back in the 90s (I was a teenager and must admit for about 20 seconds I was worried it happening) this is a well made version of a fake documentary of a fake TV show.

The set design is brilliant, the acting very good. Especially when you look back after watching and realise every characters motivations (including the audience).

The story is decent and creepy and there's a sense of anticipation that turns into intrigue and then tension as it goes along.

Maybe the ending won't be for everyone and I didn't expect it to take such a route but just because that's not what I expected it doesn't mean it's not good.

One thing that would have made this better is if it was aired on TV instead of being a movie. And without much hype. Possibly over two episodes. Then it would probably have gone down as a classic piece of television history.

However it's still a fun, engaging and at times scary movie.

Let's hope we get more attempts at something as different as this.

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Lowlifes (2024)
Decent. Worth the time of any slasher movie fan.
17 April 2024
Lowlifes didn't offer me any surprises when it came to the main plot but definitely has a few unexpected moments along the way.

It's hard to discuss without giving away too much but I wanted to add a little review just to bolster the ratings really as the filmmakers and actors deserve it.

This is a low budget feature but the cast put a lot in and make you root for or hate the relevant characters.

It's acting that hopefully sees the main players get more work in the future.

The action/horror moments are gory and tense and hit the spot of what's hoped for in a slasher movie like this.

It's a little gem of a film that I hope gets watched by a good number of people.
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Immaculate (2024)
Short and too the point. Sweeney carries this film well.
16 April 2024
Immaculate is a movie that bucks the trend of the 2 hour plus films we're seeing a lot of lately coming in at around 80 minutes without the credits. And this works well for the pacing and simple to follow story.

Sydney Sweeney really does do a great job as she's pretty much in every scene of the film.

There's no co star as such.

The story of a nun who found God after a serious accident as a child is nothing new but it clips along at a great pace entertaining us along the way with some evil kills and suspense and one well done jump scare.

The ending is absolutely superb. A lot of movies, not just horror movies don't nail the ending but Immaculate does and then some!

Blood soaked and screamy it is a fully satisfying conclusion to the story.
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Fallout (2024– )
An entertaining series to binge. Gets better and better
15 April 2024
I've never played Fallout the game, I've heard of it but new nothing about its content.

So I went into this series blind.

Maybe for me that was the best way, as I can just enjoy it for what it is.

Or maybe I'm missing little references from the game.

But I can look those up and delve more into the lore.

As for the TV show I can honestly say I'm impressed.

The colours, feel and story were all top notch in tone.

The acting from Walton Goggins meant he was perfectly cast as the Ghoul/Cooper and the duality of his character was brilliant.

Ella Purnell was also superb in her role. No silly feminist politics just great action scenes and wide eyed wonder and bewilderment at what she was seeing and finding out.

Give this show a try.

Very entertaining.
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Much better than the first one.
9 April 2024
Dune 2 far far exceeds the reach of number one and also its ambition.

Of course this one needed setting up but the first part just didn't do it for me.

Part 2 however is a completely different story.

The story was expanded and the lore of Dune delved into further in a very good movie with mostly outstanding visuals and some great action as well.

The acting is of a high quality across the whole cast.

Each doing their part to keep things serious and dramatic without stepping into cheese.

I'm now looking forward to part 3 whereas before I wasn't interested at all.

I've not read the books or seen the original simply because it never bothered me to watch them.

But to get me excited for the next part shows this film has done its job of being a superior sequel.
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The Childe (2023)
Another spectacular Korean action film.
7 April 2024
The Childe starts strongly with an action scene full of blood and creative kills.

Then it just keeps getting better.

There's not a single dull moment in this movie. The characters are either sympathetic, hilarious, evil and fun and sometimes all of that!

There's brilliant car chases, epic fights, bloody shootouts and a lot of daft foot chases to get you shaking your head and smiling at.

The plot is only unravelled in small parts until the final scenes and keeps you guessing.

Which is a huge reason to watch.

It's not just an action movie with sewn together scenes of violence. It actually has a great plot driving the action.

The Professional character is truly hilarious and could probably have his own film made as a spin off.

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Baghead (2023)
Starts well, fizzles out badly.
6 April 2024
Well this film certainly starts out strongly (despite some cheapish special effects).

It has a brilliant novel idea but that soon gives way to some really awful story decisions and ventures then into attempts at jump scares (not that I'm usually against those) and gross out scenes that have been done so so many times and better before.

The acting is pretty lacklustre.

It's confusing to me why these characters aren't in absolute terror from the first time they see what emerges from the wall in the basement.

The middle of the movie sags badly with poor pacing.

Which wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't so poorly executed.

Terrible script and unconvincing acting.

The ending is so obvious as well. I don't like being that person who says they saw it coming, but this time it was pretty easy to work out.

There's a high class film in here somewhere but unfortunately it seems they missed the chance by going for silly scares instead of taking a more subtle and creepy route.
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AMAZING. One of the best films ever. Seriously.
25 March 2024
The film One Cut of the Dead is genuinely one of the best movies I've ever seen. And yes I've seen plenty.

This film shocks and surprises in so many ways.

Please go in as much as blind as possible to what it's about.

Fortunately that's how I came to see it.

And what a fun time I had watching it.

Seriously funny, clever and tense.

It has it all and is a love letter to making movies with a low budget and lots of constraints.

This is no ordinary zombie movie and it's all the better for it.

But you'll still get loads of blood, zombie kills and chases.

This is a film of so many parts and each is needed and drives the story forward.

It also has a great heart at its core.

Watch enjoy and laugh.
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A modern witchy masterpiece
25 March 2024
Along with 'You won't be alone' The Witch (or VVitch) is a truly brilliant take on a story about witches in the woods.

The fact this is filmed with an olde English dialogue definitely lends this movie a sense of authenticity.

Alongside acting of amazingly high standards.

Each character portrayed with such power.

Anya Taylor Joy breaks out quickly in this role as a downtrodden young woman living with a family of highly religious and abusive people.

A young woman who wants to "Live deliciously".

The story is strong and the tension is there all the way through the film as even seemingly innocent childhood games and nursery rhymes have deeper darker meanings than expected.

This isn't an easy watch but it's a classy one and entertains for the entire running time.

And there's a killer ending!
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Road House (2024)
Fun. Funny and ridiculous! In a good way.
23 March 2024
Roadhouse 2024 is a perfect example of an entertaining movie.

The stunts are outrageous, the script daft and the acting is stupid.

But all of it is intentional and therefore it makes for an excellent evenings entertainment.

Jake Gyllenhall is perfectly cast and looks to be having so much fun playing Dalton in this reboot.

A reboot that has a few nods to the original but fortunately also does its own thing.

There's bad bikers, dirty cops, evil businessmen and loads of rowdy patrons of the Roadhouse club.

All great enemies for Dalton to deal with, with his fists and feet!

The fight scenes are all entertaining and this is a movie I recommend for a night in when you're not in the mood for something serious.

Don't let any negative reviews enter your head. Just sit back and watch this brilliantly exciting film.
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Slow, gripping, masterfully made
20 March 2024
You are not alone is a movie made for those with patience.

Something I've not always got but this one kept me hooked.

Despite some repetitive story beats.

However its slow burn works building up considerable tension and horror at times.

This has a fair amount of gore and isn't for the squeamish the way it's used.

Innards are torn out and flesh removed in graphic fashion.

The story is pretty simple but does have some scenes that caught me off guard in the way it was done, which left me frustrated that I didn't see it coming!

All of the acting is top notch and the filth and grime gives the film real atmosphere.

That atmosphere is relentlessly grim though so be warned.

This is one of the best Witch movies ever in my opinion.
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Shōgun (2024–2026)
As of episode 5 this is the best show of 2024
19 March 2024
I watched the original Shogun on VHS when I was a teenager (a long time ago) and was hugely impressed.

This updated version trumps it.

Something remarkable airing on the Disney channel, which apart from the The Bear doesn't happen a lot!

Cosmo Jarvis plays a brilliantly flawed British sailor stranded in feudal Japan.

His portrayal is gruff, funny and realistic in his fish out of water role.

All of the supporting cast are absolutely fantastic as well.

Giving the Anjin some funny looks and some angry responses when required.

This series doesn't glamorise the outdated and barbaric practice of Sepukku which is great to see. But it also doesn't shy from it. It happened.

The colours of the Samurai blue uniforms/armour is very realistic and the battle scenes are brutal and to the point.

I'm very excited to see the rest of the series.
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Wer (2013)
Deserves a higher score.
19 March 2024
This great little werewolf movie definitely deserves more than 5.9 and therefore I'm giving it an 8. It's probably around a 7 to 8 anyway when context is added.

That context being it's a low budget movie and to achieve what it does it earns a higher rating.

The acting is decent throughout and the story easy to follow but not so simple that it's boring. It flows nicely along.

The special effects are mostly very good and the use of gore is something that is in my opinion necessary in a werewolf movie.

The werewolf scenes both hidden and more explicit are handled well, with a scary cross of human and animal that's pretty feasible all things considered!

There's plenty of action, some great tension and lots of fun to be had watching this film.

Judged on its own merits as a lower budget werewolf film it soars brilliantly, being better than most of genre efforts.
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