
33 Reviews
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Another generic movie, why??
17 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A completely cliché kind of movie: Some teenagers that are of course always in bad mood change into good kids while a James Bond imitating Mark Wahlberg safes his kidnapped family cause, you know, he was a killer. And how does his family react: Omg he is a killer! But wait we are family, so we need to love him right?

Sorry for that but I can't endure anymore movies like The Family Plan.

Mark Wahlberg's time is over, I don't even know when the last good movie came out with him starring. Apple wanted another movie (not that they made two movies over the last months for cinema) so the writers thought: wow let's make a funny romantic family action road trip drama movie, man I don't even know how many genres we want to integrate into this movie but it's gonna be awesome! And I have to say the first act isn't that bad. I quiet liked it actually, even if it was a little bit brainless. But what followed was a story that couldn't have been more boring. I don't want to see the classic ending shot where the protagonists walk out of a building with the police already waiting. I want to see a story with twists and turns but besides some left and right turns on the street the movie had nothing like this. If you read reviews to get a recommendation, then I have to disappoint you, cause I DON'T RECOMMEND THIS MOVIE. Thank you.
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The Marvels (2023)
Mass production MARVEL
8 November 2023
Mass producing machine MARVEL produced another superhero movie, but the funny thing is: to completely understand this movie, to know and understand each character and culture that appears in this movie, you need to watch 8 other movies and 4 series' - yes I counted it - and I didn't count the movies you need to watch first to understand the movies you need to watch to understand this movie, which would probably double the amount. Well this gets a bit complicated. Marvel movies were all connected since the beginning which is the reason so many loved Marvel, yet they have pushed this concept too far. But what do I really think about this movie?

Many movies including this one, Fast X or the upcoming Aquaman 2, have the same antagonist motivation: Revenge. It's BORING Marvel, it's BORING Universal, it's BORING DC/WB. However, they somehow still don't get it.

On the other hand, The Marvels is a true masterpiece in terms of fun and cuteness. To see Gosse eating people or Kamala Kahn being a fan girl just warms up my heart. Additionally, it seems like Marvel gave the VFX artists some space to breath because the VFX aren't that bad. Oh and Samuel L Jackson is a scene steeler as always, just a pleasure to see him.

If you have accepted the current quality of superhero movies, you can definitely enjoy this The Marvels and even if you don't, the movie only goes 105 minutes, so a pretty great deal right?
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A movie stuck in 2nd Act
31 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Don't get me wrong the movie was great! Even though Denzel Washington isn't the youngest any more his action scenes are brutal and just awesome to watch.

The problem is that the movie has very few action scenes with Denzel and literally 20 minutes after his first real Purge against the bad guys we get to the final showdown, which doesn't feel like one, and then we are left feeling like we are still in the 2nd Act because a lot is still very unclear especially concerning the mafia.

To see such a week ending/3rd Act after the amazing ending/3rd Act of the 2nd one is pretty disappointing, however balances the best opening from this trilogy which results in a good but nothing more movie.
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Heart of Stone (I) (2023)
Mission Impossible on Budget
12 August 2023
The concept of the movie is actually kind of interesting. This whole heart thing catched me definitely. But besides that and a few nice action scenes the movie wasn't that good.

I'm sorry if I say this but Gal Gadot isn't Tom Cruise. CGI Stunts especially bad made CGI stunts look so much worse than real stunts and this is a huge problem when one of the best action spy movies with some of the most impressive stunts ever made, MI 7, is running in cinemas at the same time. Really bad timing. This movies isn't anywhere as good as MI 7 but maybe I expected a little too much.

Also I rarely watched a movie where the music annoyed me but this one manages it. The Music ruins so much scenes.

If this movie was really thought to be the beginning of an entire franchise Netflix should have put some more effort into it, but at the end the real factor that decides if there will be more movies is the money not the quality, sadly.
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The Flash (I) (2023)
Is this a copy or not?
14 June 2023
I finally went to the cinema to see this in some way controversial movie and here is what I think about it...

The music score is amazing, that's for sure. On top of that, they played very nicely with color, lighting and camera angles to give us some really nice shots and also one of my favorite aspect of the movie: Slo-mo shots. They make so much fun and in combination with the extraordinary sound design it is just amazing.

The VFX are pretty decent most of the time but definitely not always. The few cameos we've got were also a nice little touch but nothing special.

At some point the movie is a little bit confusing and you need some time to process and think about it especially after the ending. This could be a positive point for some and for the others not, that depends on what of a person you are.

Some might say that this movie is a copy of Marvel and just because Marvel introduced the Multiverse, DC also needs to do it. I really don't know if that's true so I would be sceptical and cautious about these hypotheses. Of course it seems like this is the case but we will probably never know.

In conclusion I would say this movie is definitely worth watching in cinemas.
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What a nice break from Blockbuster movies
25 May 2023
I watched the trailer, found it interesting and went to the cinema with my family. We were literally the only one who went to this movie this day in my town and I really don't understand why.

The movie has some great actors of course with Robert De Niro but also with Sebastian Manisalco (fun fact: his character in the movie has the same name as he has in real life). The story is just such a nice family story. If you watch it you just feel great as soon as the credits begin to roll because the combination of comedy and emotions was pretty nice solved.

I think that many people don't watch this movie because it's a smaller movie and not the biggest blockbuster but oftentimes the small things are just better.
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Fast X (2023)
The end of the road begins badly
17 May 2023
I don't know what I expected from this movie. It's a total mess. But let's try to stay positive and start with a good point.

The opening is probably the best part of the movie so make sure you enjoy it. Additionally, all the scenes with Jacob were surprisingly good and funny where on the other hand the scenes with Roman and Tej aren't that funny anymore. Also you need to stay till the Post credit scene. I would say it's worth the wait.

But enough good things. The story is very bad. Normally, the action compensates the bad story but this is not the case here because the action is also one of the worst we have seen in a Fast & Furious movie yet combined with even worse VFX. Furthermore, the cars should be a very important aspect of the movie but no, not in this one. The cars play a pretty small part and are just there so they can call it a Fast & Furious movie. Also the movie is too long. We only see bad action after bad action and then learn about how a new character is related to this whole family, just boring.

And the most important question: Are the scenes realistic? Not really but after we have seen a car in Space the scenes are relatively realistic.

With this movie Universal just wanted to make money but completely forgets about us fans. After we watched it we are forced to watch the next one and spend even more money which is just too bad. Well, I think that was everything and I hope you enjoyed this review.
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What's up with everyone!?
31 March 2023
The time I write this review the movie has a rating of 5.8 Stars and I don't understand why.

The movie is pretty damn funny. I think there wasn't a joke I don't laughed about and the reason for that are probably the actors. Adam Sandler and Jennifer Anniston just work so good together as well as their characters.

The action isn't as good as in John Wick 4 of course but for such a movie it's very good. I wasn't expecting that.

However the movie is a little short leading to a story that isn't as good as in Knives Out, but I mean you don't watch this movie to get a super intelligent 'murder mystery' story, which is kind of ironic.

In conclusion I would say this movie is definitely watchable so don't be afraid if you find the rating of the movie bad.
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Romance + Rocky
17 February 2023
I don't like this movie personally but more on that later.

I can describe the movie in one sentence: Unnecessary erotic scenes combined with a little Rocky story, a basic love story and basic characters that we all know from so many other movies.

For me that just doesn't work, but I have to admit that I'm not a fan of romance movies so keep that in mind.

However, I think for people who like romances or people who found the trailer interesting, this movie is gonna be good.

I don't know if somebody is even going to read this because the time I write this review the movie only has 13 ratings but if you're somebody who reads this, I would appreciate it if you give this review a thumb up :)
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One word: Disappointing
15 February 2023
I looked forward to Kang joining the Antman trilogy and I was very excited what they are going to make with him, so I went to the first possible screening of the movie and yup it wasn't good...

So to start with good things, Jonathan Majors was great as Kang. He is just a talented actor just as Micheal Douglas as Hank Pym. But that's pretty much it...

The movie feels like a cheap and bad copy/mix of Ready Player One and Guardians of the Galaxy 2, and I am a person who loves both of the movies. The movie introduces us a character, who we know (I won't spoil who), in a new form which makes this character with high potential to a ridiculous character about we only laugh! I mean, common Marvel, you don't have to make everything a joke.

So if you ask me if the movie is better then the first two? Definitely not.
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Not what I expected!
26 December 2022
I thought this movie is going to be really good because Elvis and Bohemian Rapsody were both pretty good movies but this one definitely isn't as good as these ones. Just disappointing.

The good part of this movie are the actors. All are pretty good casted but I have to say, Austin Butler (Actor of Elvis) is still better than Naomi Ackie (Actress of Whitney) ;).

One of the best thing in this movie is also one of the worst: the music. It's really great music, that's for sure but we literally hear Whitney sing more than half of the movie and that's too much!

Also the movie missed out a lot of facts and points of Whitney's real life which is just not good in such kind of movie.

The movie has its moments and isn't that bad but I would still recommend watching Elvis.
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Best cinema Experience ever!!
18 December 2022
I have watched this movie on the world largest screen in Leonberg in IMAX 3D and I was blown away. I haven't got such a feeling before. It was just magical.

To see the really amazing VFX on an IMAX screen in 3D was so amazing and the VFX were so much better than in the first one. And I mean they were really really good. The story was good and with the new characters, James Cameron once again topped himself.

The movie was a little bit too long in my opinion but that's ok. There is a thing that is mentioned and really present in a scene but isn't explained or mentioned after this and that triggers me because I want to know the answer.

But beside that this is a great movie and you need too watch it in 3D. That's a must!
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Rush Hour 3 (2007)
Wow! It's hard!
12 December 2022
I really don't know what I should write in this rating here cause literally everything I wrote in my rating of the first and second movie is the same here, only that the jokes aren't that funny anymore. So you can check out my other ratings using the three dots on the side of my rating.

But if you don't find them here's everything in short.... The plot is very basic. The characters are great and jokes are good but not as good as in the first or second one. The good things more or less balance the basic plot but sadly not fully. So this is a 7 from me but definitely not a good 7, it's nearly a 6 from me.
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Rush Hour 2 (2001)
Not disappointing!
11 December 2022
As you may think this movie sucks cause it's a sequel, I can say: you're wrong...

Just as in the first one the fights are so well choreographed and they are so different cause Jackie Chan fights are always something different.

Of course the heart of the story are the characters and their relationship. To see them go to a casino or to a massage together always makes fun because their jokes are great, they aren't as great as in the first one but that's fine.

Sadly this time all the good things couldn't fully make up for the basic plot which worked in the first one but not in this one. So a really good 7 from.
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Good enough Sequel!
10 December 2022
I think there are definitely bad sequels out there but this isn't one of them...

It's nearly as funny as the first one and that means that I laughed at nearly every joke in the movie. I also love the characters and the actors who play them. They just make such a good team, maybe one of the best teams I've ever seen.

The plot is not so good therefore it brought down the movie for me. I know it's a comedy movie but this time the great comedy can't save this banal plot, so it has to accept the one star down from me. Sorry.

Nevertheless a recommendation from me, especially if you watched the first one this one is a must.
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Rush Hour (1998)
Action Comedy on point!!
10 December 2022
This movie is a great old action comedy which I didn't expected.

The characters in this movie are so great written and also played by Chris Tucker and Jackie Chan. Also the chemistry between these two is amazing. I can watch them all day long. Chris Tuckers character, which is just so funny, is literally Eddie Murphys character in Beverly Hills Cop. So if you liked Beverly Hills Cop you will probably also like this one.

The fights with Jackie Chan are exactly what you expect from him: Amazing. The only bad thing is the same as in Beverly Hills cop, the plot. It's a basic, with no depth plot which is just carried by the great characters.

Overall it's a pretty good movie.
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Candyman (2021)
Is this Horror??!
10 December 2022
I really thought this movie was going to be good because it's written by the master Jordan Peele himself but I was totally wrong...

One of the only good points is that the Candyman VFX were pretty good and cool and Candyman also looked pretty scary but the Director failed to show us that. The Acting was also deascent.

This movie had to little horror for it to be a horror movie and it had literally no tension. In addition it was not good written and the characters were lame. The Story had too much side storys which oftentimes were confusing and about we didn't care. That's why the ending is hard to understand and therefore not good.

It's a shame that this movie was written by Jordan Peele. Don't waste your time watching this movie. Better watch the movie Get Out or so.
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Spirited (2022)
I had high expectations!!
10 December 2022
I subscribed to Apple TV just to see this movie and thank god it wasn't a flop...

Let's start with the actors. Ryan Reynolds is great as always just as Will Ferrell. The characters they play are also good but nothing too special. The best part of this movie is his meaning and yes it's not the musical itself. The criticism of society and especially of the Social Networks is just great and well staged and packed in this musical.

I know it's a musical but there are still too much songs that aren't always that good. I also had high expectations on the quality and quantity of the jokes cause of Ryan but these expectations were sadly not fulfilled. On top of that the Ending was not the best so enjoy especially the first, second and the half of the third act.

It's a good Christmas movie to watch as a family but don't expect the absolute best jokes. Just have fun!
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Zodiac (2007)
Tragic, thrilling, just amazing!
7 December 2022
It's a great thriller movie with some really good characters which are played by some really good actors and they really help make them feel real. This is of course necessary for a film based on true events.

The movie is thrilling in nearly every scene and it also has a really tragic character drama which is just wonderful to watch. Especially the letters from Zodiac are staged so well. Also because of the many possible Suspects, you guess yourself with who Zodiac could be. This makes so much fun.

The solutions to some hints are sometimes very complicated with many names and because of that you don't always get it. It is enough for you to get the main components to understand the story but not all the nice little hints and solution to those hints.
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Get Out (I) (2017)
Genius Horror Thriller!!
5 December 2022
This movie has everything a good thriller needs. It isn't a Horror movie in the first place, it is rather a thriller with some really good horror aspects.

The Horror scenes burn into your Head so good are they. In every seen there's just so much tension like literally in every scene, it's amazing. The Cast is so great and not to mention the cinematography, which is on point in every scene.

The only negative aspect that holds this movie on a 9/10 is the End. It's just not worthy of the first and second Act. But beside that this movie makes everything right, also the writing.

Sadly Jordan Peeles next movies aren't as good as this movie but they are still worth watching.
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Violent Night (2022)
A different Christmas movie!
2 December 2022
I love it that this is a action Christmas movie because we haven't got this in a while. The jokes are good but not always hit me hard. Santa Clause is a scene stealer and by far the best Character. All the family members are ok but have no depth even the ones who should have depth.

Also the movie is very brutal for a FSK 16 but it's funny to see a real Santa Clause fight some bad guys. This is the heart of the story and it makes sooo much fun watching. The story is ok. We are supposed to see a movie where Santa stops bad guys who want to steal from this family but we don't really care about that plot, but that's ok cause that plot isn't that great.

Overall it's a good brutal Christmas movie that is something different.
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A good Sunday Evening Short!
26 November 2022
This Marvel Special is good. Not as good as the movies of course but it's good and I must say I love the Guardians of the Galaxy movies.

The best thing in this Special are the jokes and all the little hints to the movies that make you smile. I don't understand why people say that the jokes aren't funny. Of course the Story is not so good and it feels like it's 15 minutes long or so.

I love that Drax has so much screen time but that Mantis has so much screen time is in my opinion not good but that's preference. I personally don't like mantis. The music is also not as good as in the movies which is sad because James Gunn made this Special.

But it's still a good entertainment piece of art.
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The Menu (2022)
Great thrilling movie!
19 November 2022
This movie begins with a very great atmosphere to around the half of the movie which is just so thrilling and makes so much fun. The characters are so good written especially the character who is played by Ralph Fiennes. Every time he speaks or holds one of his speech's I get goosebumps so good are they!!

The Plot is also really good with a good ending and also the movie has just the right length, not how many other movies today. But there are some small issues...

There are some Scenes which don't do much to the plot and where you ask yourself if you have missed something to understand these Scenes. Also after the great atmosphere slowly fades away the movie isn't that thrilling anymore because meanwhile we're used to this great atmosphere and when it's gone we miss it a lot.

But it's still a great movie to watch!!
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Such a cool movie!!
15 November 2022
So I think this movie is a good movie as you can judge from my rating. I love and I mean I really really love Eddie Murphys Character. He is just so funny, he has so much cool lines and his character overall is just so cool. To see his character get in the different kinds of buildings makes so much fun, but the movie also has a lot of weaknesses...

First of all the story has no depth. The case Eddie Murphys Character has to solve is just solved to quickly and without any Hints or any steps inbetween. Also the Characters have no depth. We know nearly nothing about the Characters even about the protagonist which makes it really hard to connect to the Characters but it's still possible.

Many people think that the music is great but I think that it doesn't fit to most of the scenes which is unfortunately sad but Murphys Character saves it all and makes it a good movie.

Lol this is a test from the future me. Make sure you like this review if you read this!
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A heartwarming story!
13 November 2022
I was a little unsure about the quality of this movie before I watched it but it is a good movie and it has its reasons...

First of all there are just so many nice characters that are just so friendly and it makes so much fun to watch them do their things. Also Mrs. Harris herself is just so good written and played. Props to the Writter and Director because not every body can create characters of that kind. Now to the Weaknesses...

I think that the end is missing something (I won't spoil what it's missing). And that's the big problem, because the ending takes such an important Role in a Movie it can drag the movie down 1 star on the rating. I also think that the conflicts of the side characters are just solved to quickly, it feels like they are solved in one Scene and it doesn't make fun.

Beside the problems it's really a good movie with a really heartwarming story. You should probably watch it.
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