17 Reviews
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Black Adam (2022)
Technicly a 6.5 for me
21 October 2022
This was a fun movie, i enjoyed it, but it had its issues. The pacing of the story i thought was too fast, and bc of that there wasnt as much character development as i would have liked. I do like movies that don't drag out for too long but this kinda goes in the other direction, i think it needed to slow down a little bit to give the story itself some time to breath. There are alot of good parts tho, i liked the action packed nature of it, the almost non stop action kept me interested. I thought the acting was fine, and there was some decent humor here and there that gave me a few chuckles in the midst of everything. Could this have been better, for sure, but it was fun and entertaining for the most part so despite its issues i liked it.
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Westworld (2016–2022)
very unique
23 September 2022
I really like this as a story, its very unique and its not really something you see to often so your constantly suprized but what happens next. The acting is good, the characters are interesting and the story progresses at a pretty good pace. This is one of those shows that is for sure not going to be for everyone bc its a little bit of futuristic sci-fi mixed with a western theme, at least right now it is, and those genres dont work well for everyone but if your into a kind of old western sci-fi mix then this show is right up your alley. Also the cinematography is great, the world they made seems real and it makes everything flow just a bit nicer.
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Oz (1997–2003)
Its interesting
23 September 2022
Im not to far into this show yet so it could get better as it goes along, but for right now im interested. The storyline of life behind bars always makes for an interesting story in my opinion. So far the acting is decent, and the characters are coming together little by little, and the story is progressing decently. Story progression and character development are what makes a series work, and i think this show is doing a decent job of both so far. Some of the camera angles and the shots seem a little funky sometimes but its nothing to distracting or anything, i just think some shots could be done a little better. But all in all i like it, its not my favorite but that could change over time depending on where the story goes.
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True Blood (2008–2014)
Invested right away
23 September 2022
First off i like vampire shows so im already on board with the idea of the show. The story itself i think is really unique and puts a different spin on your average vampire myths and storytelling so im interested in this perspective of theirs. The acting is decent, nothing i can see wrong with anybody's acting abilities, also the characters themselves are interesting and the show does a fairly decent job of developing the stories surrounding everyone, it doesnt tell you everything right away but eventually everyone gets their fair amount of screen time and get to know me moments. The story progresses at a decently good pace so its not a drag and for me thats important for a show, character development is good but story progression is just as important and i think this show finds a good balance between the two.
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Andor (2022– )
pretty slow
22 September 2022
Idk about this, we are 3 episodes in and the only thing that caught my attention was the fight at the very end of episode 3. Other then that i was actualy zoning out, i wasnt interested in the characters and the story is progressing at a snails pace. The dialog is fine, the acting is fine, its just bland. This is average as average can get except for again the final encounter in episode 3, but i need more then just 1 good scene to keep my interest in a show. I would be giving this show a 5 bc it's just so average, nothing is really good and nothing is really bad except for how it looks. The shots look good, the cinematography is better then i expected. The show overall looks really good and thats why i give it a 6, but again, everything else is just bland and unless it picks up quite a bit i'll be moving onto a different show.
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Cobra Kai (2018–2025)
Fully engaging
15 September 2022
I was a fan of the old karate kid movies so if this was going to be that then i already knew id be int it, and it doesnt dissapoont. This is basicly watching the karate kid all over again so not only do you get the nostalgia hit, it stays right in line with what you would expect karate kid to be. Its back and forth with the characters, one minute ya love em, the next minute ya dont, so its a rollercoaster which i really enjoy, it works for this show, and it keeps you wondering whats coming next, some of the acting can be a bit spotty here and there but overall the actors/actresses play their roles really well i think.
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Chicago P.D. (2014– )
keeps you on your toes
11 September 2022
I really like how this show is done, i also like chicago med and chicago fire but this one so far is my favorite. I enjoy the action that keeps the show moving along at a really good pace, the mystery of trying to figure out where the show is goin before it gets there, and i've always liked cop shows so there might be a little bias on my part. So far im really liking the characters, the acting is pretty good and the overall story takes no time at all to get going so im invested in whats happening right away and im not having to suffer thro any slow burn type storylines. I think the action here is pretty good, the fights, the chases etc etc and overall its so far just a really good, action packed cop drama and i've always enjoyed those types of shows.
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Chicago Fire (2012– )
11 September 2022
I like all the chicago shows from Fire to PD to Med, and in my opinion they are all very similar in quality. For chicago fire specificly tho, i like the team dynamic, the having your brother back type feel you get from the fire crew, i think the acting is pretty solid, there's no one here that i'd consider a bad actor in their role, and then also just the element of danger of walking into burning buildings adds tension to the show that mixes well with it i think. The shots themselves look pretty good whether its just going down a street or aproaching a burning buildiing, so i enjoy the look of it all as well. In all this series is keeping me pretty entertained, as are all of the chicago series, so i hope it keeps it up.
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Chicago Med (2015– )
Pretty good
11 September 2022
Medical Dramas arnt for everybody so i get it if its not a show for you, but i am enjoying it so far. I think that acting is pretty good, the characters are likeable, the story is pretty much the same as any other medical drama but what do you expect from a a hospital type show. One thing i like is the emotion that comes along with these dramas, your up, your down and every episode is a bit of a rollercoaster, and i think this particular show nails that on the head. Also whats needed is the characters need to play well off of each other, its not a good team of doctors if the docters dont get along well, and for the most part i think this show covers that pretty well also.
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My 600-lb Life (2012– )
Entertainment for when your bored
11 September 2022
This show is actualy ok, the premise is very simple, the show follows severely overweight people on their path to losing weight. Its semi engaging and its good background tv, if theres nothing else to do and you just can't think of something to watch then these types of shows fill that void perfectly. I get the feeling that while watching this some of the people it follows are a bit overdramatic but i've personally never known anyone who has the severe weight issues that these people have so it may be authentic, but at first glance some of it seems a little overdramatic for the sake of being infront of the camera's. But all in all its a good watch and it does the trick when i need to fill my boredome with something.
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Barely average tv
11 September 2022
I would probably go to a rating of a 4.5 honestly. Im not a fan of the humor in this show, humor is subjective so other people may like it but for me its cringy and at times annoying. I think the CGI is below average for how much Disney claims to be spending on these tv shows, the main character is pretty unlikable in my opinion and theres just not any other characters to really latch onto, if they're not an ass then they're stupid, its one or the other. I know this is supposed to be a more lighthearted comedy but there are plenty of lighthearted comedies that have everything this show has, just done better. At worst this is a 4 out of 10 bc its not the worst thing in the world, but at best its a 5 out of 10, Im probably going to forget about this show withn a month after its over.
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Euphoria (2019– )
Drama all around
11 September 2022
This show is non stop drama, there is always somethin going on with somebody which keeps the show entertaining from start to finish, Right away this is not a show for everybody, it gets really heavy on Drug abuse and thats not gunna be everybodies thing, it also focuses on alot of highschool drama which is also pretty subjective so if this shows not for you then thats fine. For me tho i like a majority of the characters, and evenn the ones i dont their stories are still kinda interesting and they support the story as a whole so it all fits together niceoy by the end. The acting is good for the most part, i may be able to point out some minor issues here and there but nothing that derails the show. Overall i kinda wanna give this show an 8.5 but imdb doesnt do half stars so i had to pick an 8.
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Harley Quinn (2019– )
stupid fun
10 September 2022
Stupi fun pretty much sums up the show. Its a fun paody show about Harley Quinn, Poision Ivy and everybody else you expect in batman. Sometimes it gets a little weird but for this kind of a show thats ok. This show is simply something to sit down and laugh at for 20 minutes, its stupid, dumb, sometimes it doesnt make a whole lot of sense, if this is your style of comedy tho then it will give you some good laughs. Its deffinantly more adult humor not meant for kids, i would describe it as the southpark of batman. Your enjoyment of this show is all going to depend on if you can just shut your brain off for 20 minutes and have fun watching a mindless parody. That works for some people, and it wont for others, for me tho i get a kick out of it.
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Thoughtful and Entertaining
10 September 2022
I had a good time with this, i appreciated that Matt wasnt just softballing these people he interviewed, but at the same time nothing here was a difficult question, everything was just simple and straightforward and also he was respectfull and polite in doing so. I like these kinds of documentaries bc they just expose the simple truth, nothing more, nothing less. I will not however give this an 8, 9 or 10. Its a documentary, thats it, its not the greatest thing since sliced bread but it is good and entertaining to watch. Also i thought it was interesting how upset all these "proffessionals" and "professors" would get over the most basic questions, it just comes to show that you would think that basic reasoning and common sense would be commonplace but as this documentary shows our society today lacks any of it, its a dissapointing reality but its good to see how things really are.
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House of the Dragon (2022– )
Interesting from start to finish
10 September 2022
This could take a turn for the worst but for 3 episodes in im really enjoying the show. I got hooked the first episode, I think the characters are interesting and they are all potayed very well. It is a tad bit slow at times and its alot of Dialog, but thats made up for with the importance of it, everything said and done is important to the story and the development of the characters, nothing so far has been filler or useless, its all been important to the show in one way or another. The scenery is shot really well, everything looks real and believable, even the cgi with the dragons, i think the dragons look really good in this.
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Has potential but so slow moving and boring
10 September 2022
I want too be invested in these characters and their stories, and maybe i will be by the end of the season bc we are only 3 episodes in, but as for right now these characters are just bland and boring. The story progression is going at a snails pace, i could sum up the last 3 hours of the show in about 30 seconds. It is beautifully shot, you can definatly tell thats where the budget went, but all the greatest shots in the wprld dont make up for average storytelling and the such slow progression of this show. I want to like this, but im just not feeling a connection to any of the characters or being interested in anything thats happening with them. I think the dialog is pretty cringy at times, its not the worst ive seen and its not all bad, but there are certain things that make you eyeroll. This is not a bad show, its just extremely average with mediocre acting and slow story progression that just drags on and on without anything really happening.
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Young Sheldon (2017–2024)
Fun and Entertaining
10 September 2022
I was a fan of "The Big Bang Theory" before this so i had my hopes up going in. It took me a few episodes to adjust to the same but different characters and the slightly different tone the show took, but once i got use to it i really started getting invested in the younger Cooper family and all the drama that came along with it. This is a fun and enjoyable show that gets more then a few laughs out of me. The characters are well developed and they all get their fair amount of screen time which ends up investing you in the entire family, not just one or two characters. I will admit the first season can come off as a little weak because of the multiple stories happening but its needed overall bc once your invested in everones story then the show just takes off and your hooked.
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