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It's Not as Bad as People Are Saying Here
21 September 2018
I watched this movie after my interest was rekindled in this tragic story after watching the second season of "American Crime Story". This movie seems to follow the same line without the budget to depict some of the more lavish scenes from both Versace's life and Andrew Cunannan's.

It was worth a watch to me, and if you are interested in the story of this young man who became such a terribly destructive killer of talented people, it may be to you as well.

I do say, that if you want to understand maybe some underlying reasons for what Andrew Cunannan did, then you perhaps want to watch the American Crime Story version. That one does a good job of telling how Andrew was elevated to special prince status in his family by his father, who later deserted the whole family, including Andrew.

As the older sister of a brother who was elevated to this status over all the rest of the family, I can really relate. My little bro was not given the master bedroom, but he was given as many cars as he chose to wreck, was given the best education, while my younger sister and I had to fend completely for ourselves. Both of us sisters did better than him. He got a law degree on Dad's dime and managed to get himself disbarred for embezzling clients' trust funds. He called it "chump change". It was thousands of dollars, and thank goodness Dad had died of a heart attack before little bro permanently disgraced himself. Bro drank himself literally to death because he could not cope with getting a lesser job than law.

He was quite evil and manipulative to everyone in his sphere of influence. That is what comes of being elevated to prince status by a parent. So don't let it happen to your kids. My bro did not kill anyone that I know of, but he hurt, many, many folks on his way down. Don't let your kid become an Andrew Cunannan or even my brother. Treat your kids equally even when you may be inclined to favor one for your own reasons. Please.
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Rewind (2013 TV Movie)
Good continuation of "Quantum Leap"
10 August 2017
This could have been a great series and I don't understand why they didn't pursue it. With "Quantum Leap" what kept the viewer so engaged was a different venue every time with familiar characters. I really liked this pilot, and I think it's abandonment was a waste of a really very good idea.

This one and QL also brought an education to viewers about culture in different times. So interesting, and such a waste to scrap this one.

The concept will be brought back at some point, and it will be a popular money-maker.
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Taking Lives (2004)
Screaming "That's Your Guy"!
8 January 2017
*** Spoilers Lie Ahead ***

I like Angelina; she's undeniably pretty. Her lips are like surreal or perhaps unreal. I do not know.

I rated her movie "Changeling" (which I own") higher. I absolutely loved her in "Gia" (also own) and "Girl Interrupted".

I cannot point to what told me that the suspect, "person of interest" was her guy, but I screamed at the screen multiple times: "That's your guy!" Also "Don't do that!", when it was obvious she was about to bed him.

Well, perhaps I should rethink my rating, because it definitely engaged me. No one screams at the screen without being caught up in it right?

Did anyone else have the reaction I did?
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Shades of Ingmar Bergman?
19 December 2016
... or the weird, but decidedly fascinating Lars von Trier?

As others have said, this is horror not for the faint of heart. If you choose to watch, subject, yourself to this piece of film art, it will compel you into a world with which you are probably not familiar, unless you grew up in a war zone. It's gonna shake your soul up some.

I have read this described as "quiet" horror. Okay, I can only imagine that's because there are no jump scares or bloody gore. Please don't fall for that interpretation.

Having lived through some pretty horrific things myself, I can say that watching this will drag you into a world, blessedly only fantastic, that'll make you understand a little bit about those who may not have been as lucky as you have been.

This is really a good one! Bravo!
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The Prosecutors: In Pursuit of Justice: The Bone Yard (2000)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
Pretty Good, but be prepared for a dry documentary
19 September 2016
I really don't know why I watch stuff like this? It can be depressing, and make your faith in the human race less than it was before.

This is a true story about two very evil men who teamed up to torture and kill multiple victims. If your stomach and heart can stand it, it's worth a watch.

They do seem like an unlikely pair. Charles Ng and Leonard Lake, who paired up to torture rape and kill many victims. They were only caught after a shoplifting incident that led to their terrible crimes after an investigation.

Leonard Lake committed suicide in an interrogation room of a police station with cyanide after being brought in for questioning. His partner in torture, intimidation, sex slavery and murder lived for many years by escaping to Canada, where extradition is tough if the suspect might face a death penalty.

I read about this case on the Crime Library site, before it unfortunately went defunct. This is a good video if you care to glimpse into the darkest of human hearts. Please brace yourself.

It seems to be not widely distributed. I got my copy at the Dollar General Store as a medley of three films: The Boneyard, The Six Degrees of Helter Skelter, and The Ted Bundy Story with Ann Rule.

The evil nature of our species never ceases to amaze me. If you can hang in there, this is an amazing and enlightening video. It is good to know that evil lurks in the hearts of some that you would not suspect on first introduction.

I'm providing a link it here: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1578193/? ref_=rvi_tt , because it took me quite a while to find it because IMDb seems to think it's named "Prosecutors in Pursuit of Justice".
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Splinter (I) (2008)
Pretty Good Horror Flick
21 August 2016
Likable characters (even the bad guy, in the end) and an intense plot add up to some good entertainment for me. I did have to pause it a few times and take a break because it was so in-your-face intense. Some folks did not like the shaky-cam effects, and normally, I would be right in there with them. If overused, it is nauseating and irritating to the extreme! In this movie, I think it was used effectively to show the chaotic, happened-in-a-nanosecond experience that occurs in real life violent events. Unfortunately, I've personally experienced some of these in my life, and can testify that they look just like that when you are experiencing them.

Give it a watch if you are a horror fan. I don't think you will be disappointed, but YMMV. :-)

Much appreciation to the IMDb website crew for the recommendation, because I would not have heard of it or viewed it without that. Thanks!
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Starry Eyes (2014)
Respected it, But a Tad Too Much For Me
19 August 2016
I can see why this one was nominated for and won its awards, and I think they were well-deserved. I respect the acting and the direction, and there are a couple of stabbing scenes that are the most intense and realistic since "Zodiac" 2007.

My personal problem with it, and why I did not rate it even higher, as it probably deserves from an artistic perspective, is that it just carried me too far into the dark side, and did so in such a believable manner, that it hit my threshold for it. I am sure for some, this will be exactly what they are looking for in a horror flick. For the rest of us, if we dare to watch this excellent, but disturbing film, well, you had better brace yourselves.

I can believe the piece under the Trivia section posted by another IMDb contributor about the moviegoer who passed out at the New York premiere after having watched this movie. I am still trying to settle my stomach.
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Carriers (2009)
Not a horror film???
2 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Warning, Spoilers ahead! Please don't read this if you haven't enjoyed the film yet.

Several reviewers have said this is not a horror flick, but I have to disagree strongly.

Leaving a good man and his sick daughter behind because she had to pee? Shooting a couple old ladies because they wouldn't give you their gas because they were just trying to survive too? Kicking your own infected girlfriend out on the side of the road to almost certain death? Mind, she became infected because of overwhelming compassion for a sick child. Then, if that is not enough, the younger brother character (Danny) must ultimately shoot his, admittedly repellent older brother character (Brian). And all of these terrible acts are committed by normally law- abiding people who would not dream of doing anything close unless their very lives depended on it?

I imagined myself in the situation with my own little brother. How much horror do you people want? This film delivers a boatload if you can drum up a modicum of empathy.

That said, it is certainly more of a thinking person's movie than your average slasher fan's.
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2 Broke Girls (2011–2017)
Always Makes Me Smile
19 February 2016
There seems to be an awful lot of hate for this award nominated and sometimes winning series. It's not for prudes, that is for sure, but if you can let go of your hangups for a while, you might enjoy it quite a bit. The overall star-rating seems to be better than the reviews, so I'm speaking up here, and others who like the series should as well. We are not well represented in the review section.

There are rapid-fire one-liners that you'll miss if you're not paying attention. There is also a tendency to cross boundaries that it seems many are more comfortable on the other side of. Sometimes there are poignant scenes that will draw a tear or two, once you get to know the characters. These girls are fiercely loyal to one another, when it comes down to brass tacks.

Some of the physical comedy is great. Kat Dennings does some that is effective, but I think Beth Behrs really pulls out the stops sometimes!

Sure it's a smart, raunchy comedy, and a funny one too. It's also a tale of two pretty young ladies trying their damnedest to wrench a modest living out of a hard city for all but the elite. They hang onto hope of a better life by their dream of exploiting the character Max's skill at baking delicious cupcakes, and Caroline's Wharton business education and talents into their own business one day.

I didn't think I'd like it at all from the ads and teasers, but then watched an episode on TV, as a rerun, when there was nothing else on. I binge-watched the entire series, over time, and now keep up with the current episodes when they first air.

I really enjoy following their journey toward success, and you just might too, if you can relax and go with the roller coaster flow that is "2 Broke Girls".

Let's face it, it's not like an Oscar-winning movie, but for what it is, it is very worthy entertainment.
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Runaway (1984)
Does Gene's Luther remind anyone of Javier's Anton?
13 January 2016
I was led into "Coma" (personal 8 rating) by IMDb's reccos for me. Loved it, and went from there to "Star Chamber" (personal rating 7). That led me to "Runaway". Thanks, IMDb!

I'm a long-time reader of Michael Crichton, but had not realized he had also plied his hand at directing. Not many people are lucky enough to have so many facets to their talent.

This movie was gripping from the first. I meant to just bookmark it for tomorrow when I was not supposed to be sleeping. No dice. Not only did I finish watching this excellent movie, but now I find myself writing this review. It's that good.

Not only do you get treated to a young Tom Selleck, who also appears in "Coma", but also Kirstie Allie, both of whom are youthful and trim in this movie. It's not just eye candy though, and I'm not really a fan of either of these actors, but they both did a very fine job here. The suspense is taught throughout.

I could not get over the fact that I kept comparing Gene Simmons' (again not a fan) Luther character to Javier Bardem's Academy award winning Anton Chigurh's character in "No Country For Old Men". They are both unemotional psychopaths, and, to me, similar demeanors.

I can highly recommend this movie to any fan of Sci-Fi and suspense.
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Argo (2012)
I Do Not Understand All the Accolades Either
9 January 2016
I thought this was a pretty good movie, and I wanted the hostages to escape, as well as the protagonist, but mostly for patriotic reasons that stemmed from ideas outside of this movie.

There was just no character development that would have people at the edge of their seats rooting for the actors here. No need to bring your crying towel here at all, but for a little insight into Iranian culture, and patriotic fantasy? this is your movie.

I am not even interested enough to do the research that would probably yield a true answer to whether this movie is really based on fact. Many reviewers contend it is not.

It is a wonderful premise, and could have been so much more, with proper development of the characters, even if not true.

It does bring out an idea I have been convinced of since the unarmed folks trying to make their way across a bridge to better conditions in Texas were shot by authorities during the horrific aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. The government is definitely our enemy as normal working folks. You, as the majority, would be wise not to forget that.

This movie brings that to the forefront, with the official line of abandoning the mission, and it took two individuals to bring it off. Who knows if that's true?
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The X-Files: Pilot (1993)
Season 1, Episode 1
Scully Initially Based on Clarice?
8 January 2016
I love this series and this pilot episode, and I am not alone. :-)

I started watching from the beginning again when I learned that Stephen King had written one of the episodes from Season 5 "Episode 10, Chinga". That's also an excellent episode, as is the series, but two other stories to be told elsewhere.

I could not help but to notice that Dana Scully's character moved pretty quickly in this pilot from one that initially reminded me of Jodie Foster's Clarice Starling character in "The Silence of the Lambs". From Dana's hairstyle, understated make-up, attire, and especially her demeanor with her FBI superior, it seemed to me that there were strong parallels.

Her attire pretty quickly goes much more casual, and her make-up later in this episode borders on the zombie style with way too much eye-liner, or shadow under the eyes.

Don't get me wrong, if piggy-backing just a little on the success of one of my favorite movies, which came out a couple years earlier than the series launch, helped this excellent show to become a success, that is a very good thing. I'm just surprised to find no reviews here that mention it.

What a magnificent start to a series I cherish!
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Alien Raiders (2008)
Watch "The Mist" Instead
25 December 2015
I usually like darkly lit movies where you really can't tell what's going on. This is an exception, and immediately called to mind, "The Mist", Stephen King's baby, and much, much better.

With "The Mist" you have character development, and actually care about what happens with the actors populating the story.

I did watch "Alien Raiders" through to the end, but I felt robbed of part of my life.

Now some people like "Alien Raiders", and it even won a few obscure awards; I have to disagree.

If it was the only movie out there like it, you might want to watch it.

With "The Mist" available, I'd just skip this one altogether. "The Mist" has it own pretty obscure nominations and wins (more), and a bunch more fan upvotes than this one.

I agree with the popular thinking for once.

And, Merry Christmas, y'all!
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Does Anyone else think James Spader was the trick?
25 August 2015
I don't know, but the bespectacled, and uncredited guy that Al interrupts with his "wife" sure looks like him to me when he was that young. Any information would be greatly appreciated.

I searched everywhere, and he's not officially connected to this film in any way I could find. Maybe he's just another extra. It was a bit part, but it sure does fit in with James Spader's career.

I loved this movie. It is so gritty, and such a slice of life from the 70's, which I lived through.

It doesn't pull any punches. It will impact you, if you dare to watch it. Please don't watch this if you're sheltered and unfeeling to those less privileged than you are.

The most amazing thing about this movie is that though neither of the protagonists had any future at all, they both looked forward to one. It was never going to happen.

Sad, sad movie, but very true to cruel life for people without support systems in their lives.
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Under the Dome: Move On (2015)
Season 3, Episode 1
Season 3, Ep 1 is HORRIBLE on TV
30 June 2015
I watched this on CBS over the air broadcast on a local station and hated it. It's cut so much for their damned commercials that it makes no sense, and one will lose interest in even taking the mute off your TV when they finally begin to play the show again.

My "little" nephew called me from Key West, where he's stationed, a few minutes before the show came on to let me know it was coming on. We're both King fans, and have read most of his books, including, "Under the Dome." He read it first, and opined I would probably adopt UTD as my all time favorite story in place of "The Stand", but that proved incorrect. UTD is my second favorite story and "The Stand" still stands. I was one up on my nephew, and informed him I had been looking forward to it all year, and it would air in 22 minutes. We talked for a while, and he said he needed to go down to the lounge so he could watch it in 22 minutes, and I told him it was now 11 minutes to UTD. That is how much I have anticipated this next installation of an excellent, EXCELLENT series.

My husband watched it with me, and we kept asking each other, "What's going on?" and "Are you following this?" Just HORRIBLE and unwatchable on TV.

I watched again in full at 123-1/2 minutes from another source, and it was excellent. It does jump around in time and reality, but without all the cuts and commercials, one can follow and enjoy it. Find the full episode. I can't wait for more installments and will probably even waste more time watching it on CBS broadcast initially, but pursue the full episodes elsewhere. It's easy to see why the previous reviewer hated it if all they saw was little over half the episode with numerous rude interruptions.

Also see if you can find S2 EP100. This is a 40 some minute review of S1 and S2, and will refresh your memory in preparation for watching S3 EP1.

Happy viewing, and don't give up on the series. Just don't expect to see it at its full potential as a vehicle for commercials. They did not air but about half of it in our local market on CBS. No wonder we were confused!
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Carrie (2013)
Worth A Watch
12 March 2015
I'm not a fan of remakes, but I'm a huge fan of Stephen King, and also of Julianne Moore.

I own scores of his works in books, VHS and DVD, including the book and the original rendition on film of this story from 1976.

"The Stand" is currently my favorite story in the world, but I'm reading "Under the Dome," and friends who've read it say that it just might replace "The Stand" as tops. I've read "The Stand" five times, and each time I do, I'm still practically breathless at the deep effect on me by the end. I also own the DVD, and have watched that at least half a dozen times. I wasn't surprised at FEMA's and the New Orlean's PD's (gunning down unarmed folks trying to escape from hell on a bridge) response to Hurricane Katrina after my familiarity with Mr. King's story of apocalypse.

Is the remake ever as good? Well no, but this was a very solid effort, and brings the story more into current times. I will say that this update makes it even more unbelievable that Carrie could have been unaware of menstruation.

I like both movie versions of this great story a lot, while preferring the 1976 original. That said, this 2013 remake is definitely worth your time. Masterful stories are worth retelling.

I just don't like this ending as well. One of the few jump scares I can tolerate is the one in the 1976 version with Carrie's corpse reaching out of the grave. It gets me every time.
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13 February 2015
I'm a real fan of Wes Craven.

I stumbled across this film and decided to watch it anyway.

The first reviewer is right, it's a great example of porn when it could possibly appeal to women or thinking persons. I quit watching years ago when the art, romance, and fantasy went completely away. Please convince me to change my mind by providing examples of erotic films that don't just appeal to men. :)

It's nowhere nearly in the same class of Just Jaeckin's work from the same era. Not even CLOSE.

It is, however, very interesting to see how great directors can be distracted by money.

Aren't we all.
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Thriller: The Remarkable Mrs. Hawk (1961)
Season 2, Episode 13
Very Good Episode
12 February 2015
Engaging all the way through.

Some men that I think like to see themselves win all the time have voted this down, but this is a TV episode where the female wins against men trying to take advantage of her, even rob her.

It's my favorite episode besides only one other, maybe?

It's about a woman working with her therapist to find out about herself. She's a beautiful blonde. And she had visions of a perfect house that she wants to own. She finds it, and then finds out she's a ghost or spirit that previously lived there. I thought it was part of the "Thriller" series, but in repeatedly searching through the episodes, I can't find it. Does anyone have any ideas?
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The Red Shoes (1948)
Liked this movie, but liked the short story by HCA better
5 January 2015
I wanted to watch this because of Moira Shearer. I expect this was her best vehicle, and she's truly worthy of the legacy she's left. Wow!

In the movie they really didn't address the metaphysical/supernatural element of the Red Shoes.

I feel vindicated for watching this. The legend of Ms. Shearer is just as robust as has been claimed.

After having actually watched it, even though the dance/ballet was SO beautiful, I really don't think it brought the actual story to life.

That said, this is a VERY great movie, watch it, and read the original Hans Christian Andersen story!
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Hush (1998)
Better Than the IMDb Rating
4 December 2014
I agree with several other reviewers that this movie is underrated here.

It keeps your interest, especially if you like horses, and the contrast between hectic, noisy, frustrating, randomly violent, dirty, inhumane city life and the clean air and soothing charms of the "simple life" in the country (which now costs much more than most of us can afford).

I think both Jessica Lange and Gweneth Paltrow handled their roles with aplomb. Anyone who's seen Lange in "Blue Sky" with Tommy Lee Jones will not be a bit surprised at her ability to successfully carry off a full-on lunatic.

I think people may be a little put off by the happy ending from a lower budget, non-mainstream film, but what do I know?

Well, I know I liked it more than it's rated on here, and I'd recommend it to friends. A masterpiece, it isn't, but I'd consider it entertaining and worthy of your time if you like mystery/thrillers set mostly in beautiful country surroundings with good acting.
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Sleepwalkers (1992)
A Little Better Than It's Rating
26 October 2014

Okay, we're not talking about academy award material here, but the film did win some minor awards. Weirdly, Alice Krige won both a best actress and a best supporting? Guess that shows how minor they were, but boy is she hot! IMO she was a supporting actress, but when she got screen time, she dominated.

If you go into this for an entertaining, out of the box, horror/vampire movie you just might not be too disappointed. I don't even like most vampire/werewolf movies, but I liked this one.

The cast is pretty good-looking, for the most part, which helps. Alica Krige, the boy vampire's mother could not be a lovelier monster. There are also some comic relief moments that help elevate it too.

It'll also help to be a cat lover. One scene with Clovis the cat, where he climbs onto his dead law enforcement master's chest, actually brought tears to my eyes. The relationship between Clovis and his master is touching and comical. What cop would be allowed to bring his pet cat along on patrol? But Clovis saves the day time after time. You GO Clovis!

Look for Stephen King's cameo as the cemetery caretaker.

If you're looking for a serious film, go elsewhere. The gore makeup is pretty durn lame, but also not too disturbing because of that, which allowed me, at least, to enjoy other elements of the movie.

There's a pretty good jump scare. I screamed out loud, though this is the second, maybe third viewing for me. I won't spoil that one. Like all good jump scares, that tactic isn't overused in this movie.

So if you like a less than serious, not too disturbing horror flick give this one a go. It just may engage you.
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I thoroughly researched Mary Surratt 4 decades ago: Not Guilty IMO
27 September 2014
The only woman charged in the alleged conspiracy; she was hanged like most of her male counterparts.

The hoods you see in one of the opening scenes were not made of fabric, however, but leather. The prisoners, of course had no A/C, and their faces swelled up with the contained sweat, so it was not just the shock of newly admitted light that caused pain to their rapidly contracting pupils that we see in this film. Their faces looked like prunes. The hoods restricted their breathing! This was only one of the forms of torture their captors used against them.

Mary Surratt, as a woman in those times, was spared this extreme form of punishment. She still swung in the end.

If anyone knows where to watch "The Ordeal of Dr. Mudd," I'd sure appreciate it. It, too, is supposed to be a fairly authentic account of what happened.
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Liked the Movie, but I'd Never Eat There
23 September 2014
It's OK for private business owners to have rules, but it's not OK to be unreasonable about their enforcement. So, he has a rule no parties over 4 people, fine. But when a party of 5, 6, 7-8 politely agrees to split in half, kicking them out is unacceptable. Especially when foul language, totally unprovoked, is involved.

As other reviewers have said, this is a nice slice of life in our largest and meanest city. I love food, and good restaurants. I totally support mom and pop's and spurn chains whenever I can. Usually the quality is much higher, because mom and pop's aren't being driven by Wall Street investors looking for the max return on investment at all costs to the consumer. The M&P's are actually run by real humans who, of course, need to make a profit and living, like the rest of us, but *may* still have some pride (and some shame) in what they are doing. Usually a much better bet than the investor backed chains.

I found it a very entertaining little documentary, and I wish the family the best, but it is no accident that the YouTube page I found it on also has many links that debate the difference between psychopath/sociopath, and some serial killer docs as well.

New York's "friendly" neighborhood restaurant proprietor has a marked mental illness. Mostly I feel sorry for him, his family and his masochistic patrons.

Don't believe me? Look up reviews on Yelp.
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I liked "The Descent," and part 2, but why no credit to Jeff Long
19 September 2014
I rated these two movies 7 and 6 stars respectively, but I also own the novel of the same name by Jeff Long, published in 1999 (hardback) and 2001 (paperback). That book is so good, I went searching for a movie by that name, and sure enough there are now at least 3: the 2 "Descents," and "The Cave". All came out way after the publication of the book.

The book is, as is mostly, but not always the case, better than movies based on it. (See and read "The Green Mile" by Stephen King).

The second movie, DP2, uses the more humanoid vicious cave creatures based on the Hadal characters created by Jeff Long. I guess the movie makers thought they got away with it the first time, so why not just blatantly rip off the characters too with no credit?

Anyhoo, both Descent movies are well worth watching if you're a horror fan, but if you're also a reader please pick up Jeff Long's novel as well. Much more character development, suspense, and it is quite the page turner. Don't get started on a work night like I did!

The novel also involves enslavement of humans by the underground mutant Hadals, physical mutilation, mind manipulation; just deeply, deeply disturbing.

I took a point off DP2 for too many jump scares. I'm not a real fan of those with the exception of the one near the end of the original "Carrie" 1976 when the hand comes out of the grave when Carrie's repentant classmate is placing flowers, which to me, is quintessential. Gets me to this day!

Does anyone know why Jeff Long gets no credit? Perhaps I'm ignorant of a previous work about underground mutants victimizing humans, but when I read his work a decade or so ago, I thought it was pretty original. Sadly, the two links on the Wikipedia article about this work are dead (account disabled). I hope it is not because he cannot afford it because others have ripped him off so badly.
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Embryo (1976)
Better Than The IMDb Rating
15 September 2014
I think this movie was WAY ahead of it's time. Very few people were aware of the scientific manipulations that could be done for development of new life.

Also it doesn't hurt that the leading actors are absolutely gorgeous. Barbara Carrera has nude scenes that even a woman can appreciate. What a goddess!

If you like sci-fi from olden times that mimics the life we are living now, you'll love this one.

That said, I agree with the other reviewer who noted that it was absolutely ridiculous to put in the scene about the natural language query to a computer that came back with a good answer. I worked with mainframes in 1976, and we were still feeding trays of punch cards into readers to run programs. CRT's were still command line interfaces.

There are a bunch of hater's for this movie for resistance to scientists assuming the role of gods.

I happen to be a Monsanto HATER, ABHORER, LOATHER, DESPISER!

Did ya'll know they "own," legally, but NOT morally IMO, a terminator gene, that renders their seeds unable to reproduce? Imagine if that gene got loose and started mutating flora and fauna. That could be the absolute end of life on our planet. Fortunately, our government, stupid and clueless as it is, has so far denied Monsanto the ability to deploy such a dangerous assault against us.

Watch "Bitter Harvest" with Ron Howard to see some of the corporate antics this toxic multinational corporation gets up to: contaminating (getting loose on) neighboring farms with their genetically modified seeds and pollen, then suing them for stealing their patented stuff. They get away with it, and have put many hard-working people out of business and off their land.
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