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4 July 2023

Aside from being highly entertaining and informative, you can help the cause of ending child sex trafficking by simply seeing this movie in the theaters and publicizing it word of mouth. The more people who see it, the more awareness will be reached. For some reason, mainstream studios aren't interested in helping spread the word about this topic. My eyes were opened. My ignorance exposed. This is a topic people don't like to think about because it's hard to accept that this really happens. But it is real and this is your opportunity to help fight it.
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Another source for the earthquake.
6 December 2020
Check out 3rd Nephi ch 8 in the "Book of Mormon." The chapter talks about the earthquake and turmoil. Believe the book or not it may be our interest to you.
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27 November 2020
Great film, can't lose cast, what the heck is the hold up?! It's a franchise waiting to happen.
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And then what? Next season on the way or not?
11 May 2020
It's 2020. Is a new season coming with answers or has this whole thing just been a load of bull?
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No longer hidden thank goodness
22 March 2020
Amazing insight into the early history of this continent.
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6 Underground (2019)
When you care more about stylized editing and direction than telling a story.
2 March 2020
Short and simple. If you want to watch a movie while it's being mixed in a blender, then here is go.
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Mural (2019)
Story isn't quite there but the end visual is freaking spectacular!
11 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
There's some potential here but it didn't come together. Great job at setting the creepy mood, but there's no real story. The characters tell ya what we should learn by watching. And I completely don't understand what the ending is trying to tell us. Who was the janitor? Why was he there? If he's a ghost, why? What happened to him? Was he killed in the school? If so what does that have to do with the kid who's doing the mural? What's the mural got to do with anything? But! I have to say, that end mural is one of the creepiest coolest things I've seen in a long time. Wouldn't mind having that as a poster. The filmmaker needs to focus on telling a good complete story. I think he could get there, just needs to keep making more films and get better with each.
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Grab the popcorn and your Valentine!
11 February 2020
This reminds me of Crash only with romance instead of depression. Lol. Great movie for the upcoming Valentine's season!
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Jump in the saddle and hold tight!
11 February 2020
I love documentaries and thus one doesn't let your down. Even if you're not into horses you'll love and recognise the human struggle. Well done, entertaining and holds your attention. Keep bringing the documentaries!!
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If you love docs and UFO'S, you'll love this!
4 February 2020
I'm a sceptic who loves all things UFO. I don't know what it will take for me to believe (other than a personal experience) but I still love to devour all the info I can. There are some cheesy videos out there and there are great ones. THIS IS A GREAT ONE! I've never seen the footage shown in this documentary. Probably because it's from Mexico so it's not as prevalent as the US footage. If you're into UFO docs, there is some amazing new stuff in this you have to see! I hope more new stuff comes out soon!
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Gifted (2017)
This movie is a gift.
27 May 2019
Love everything about this movie. Heart wrenching, clever, funny, great script, directing and acting all around. Had to buy it.
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Before We Go (I) (2014)
Watch this movie before you go.
27 May 2019
All around great film. Great script, great direction, great acting. The character chemistry is palpable. I don't think it's humanly possible for Chris Evans to not be charming. You want these characters to be together against all odds and logic. I mean with Alice Eve? Who wouldn't want to be with someone so beautiful and talented? It's not easy to make a heart-warming, funny, entertaining film about two people walking around a city but here it is. Don't go until you watch it.
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Cold Pursuit (2019)
10 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The mistake the film made, was not informing the audience what kind of the movie it was supposed to be. Going into it I was expecting to see a "Liam neeson" film. It's what you sign up for when you buy a ticket. But this was not it. Which is fine. Different is great, BUT, I didn't understand what this film was until halfway through, but by then it was too late. The first sign something was off, was the opening score. It was too light for an action film, and it only got worse when it turned to an Italian type feel. I was so confused. I had no idea what kind of movie this was. Then he and his wife have almost no reaction to viewing their sons body in the morgue, after a very uncomfortable comedic set piece (raising the body up. Used again later, I think twice) and then for some reason the wife is pissed at her husband, but we don't know why at this point. later we kind of get the clue that it's because he didn't spend enough quality time with his son, but we don't see any of that. We're told it basically. I have to say, I love the humor though, especially the very last scene. Though what's happening in the scene is a bit confusing. I'll still go see Liam neeson movies. I'll just make sure to do a little research next time so I can make sure it's the type of movie I'm expecting.
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1 November 2018
When your characters act stupid, and say stupid things (bad dialogue) your audience is going to be annoyed and want your protagonists to die a slow and painful death.
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Making a Murderer (2015–2018)
More addictive than chocolate.
20 October 2018
I should have been in bed 5 hours ago but I can't stop watching the new chapter of the Avery Saga. The miscarriage of justice is frighteningly insurmountable. Being a screenwriter, if this were a movie I was going to write, I would never have been able to use this plot. I wouldn't have believed an audience would accept such a series of ludacris events like the mishandling and planting of evidence, unethical prosecutorial actions and the total and complete lack of ability to self examine their actions, due to fear. Fear because they've fully committed to their guilty story and if found innocent, how bad they'll look.
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Malevolent (III) (2018)
Horribly directed, great look.
15 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I don't blame the actors, all did a great job, but they either made bad choices or the director just went off the rails. Female lead reacted to events that would normally elicit terror, with a calm emotionless demeanor. The plot just dissipates. Why on Earth would this woman bring psychics to her home where they could potentially divine the fact that she's a murderer? Never addressed. Just so much wrong with this movie. Example. The camera guy gets chopped by the woman over and over again though we don't see where he's hit. So we naturally assume he's dead but no. He's fine later on in the hospital it's his leg in a cast. No missing limbs nothing. The movie has so much missed potential. It's a shame.
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One of my Halloween traditional movies.
9 October 2018
I watch it at least once a year on Halloween. Great story, great acting and fantastic directing. Mysterious, intriguing, spooky, creepy, all rolled up into a great movie.
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