
18 Reviews
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Rye Lane (2023)
Fab film with a lot of heart
5 February 2024
Thoroughly enjoyed this film it kept me entertained from start to finish. Performances were excellent by both leads. My only minor quibble is that for Jonsson voice acting and enunciation exercises are needed. I had to struggle to hear his lines at times and they were not articulated clearly. I can only describe it as mumble mouth. I have seen him in other films, shows and have the same issue. Other than that I highly recommend this film. It is quirky, unique and showcases relationships that unfortunately are very rarely seen in media especially in the U. K. It is impressive to me that they were even able to get this film made.
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Musical adaptation not book
5 February 2024
I had to remind myself watching this film that it is based on the musical and not the book. As a musical adaptation it was decent. The performers gave it their all--especially Danielle Brooks and Taraji. The production numbers were impressive as were the costumes and sets used. Minor quibbles would have to do with the casting of certain parts particularly that of Old Mr. Johnson and Shug's husband. Now that the musical has been made into film that should be the last time this book/film/musical gets re-made. Its a worthy story to be told but there are so many other non misery porn stories about our lives that need to be told. So unless Alice Walker decides to write a sequel this story has at last been put to bed.
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The Full Monty (2023– )
You can't go home again
25 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
In the opening scene of the film the viewer gets a glimpse of the red painted Millthorpe Working Men's club. It's closed down-no longer in operation sending the viewer a message that you can never go home again. The creators of this series and Disney should have heeded the message. Sequels when done correctly can work to extend the original story. What the writers of this sequel did was piggyback on the popularity of the original film to present a series totally devoid of any of the charm, wit, comedy, or entertainment value of the original. It is/was simply a quick cash grab for all involved.

I had to research the ages of writers Simon Beaufoy and Alice Nutter because I thought the script was written by a couple of millennials. I was surprised that they are both middle aged writers. Hard to believe this is the same Simon Beaufoy who wrote the 1997 film.

While I won't comment on all the problematic parts of the series, I will touch on a few of the big ones. Notably the story lines that were shoehorned in for the sake of DEI such as the African artist who is being medicated for good reason btw..-as to not cause harm to others-yet we are supposed to be sympathetic with Gaz weaning him off his meds? Ridiculous story line which was not only implausible but irresponsible. 1997 Gaz would have nothing to do with this guy and would have kept well away. Midway though the series we get introduced to a asylum seeking family-again shoehorned in with no connection of explanation how this ties to the story. All asylum seekers are good honest people and UK really just needs to open its borders to anyone who wants to live there. Again-what does this have to do with the story?

Dave and Jean -both who have a connection to the original story got horrible treatment. She has turned into a cold, mean middle aged adulteress-the warmth and love she had for Dave is clearly gone. They suffered a tragedy yet its not explained until the final episode.

It's Disney so to appeal to the kids out there to watch this dreck-a bunch of annoying school aged children were shoehorned into the story-I can't share too much about this part as I fast forwarded through all of their scenes-something about the school falling apart, singing and a dog. Again, not interested and who cares. Why not focus more on Nath and his family and his relationship with his Dad and his physically challenged son.

The writers then turned Horse, a man who in the 1997 film clearly had a large extended family into a geriatric loner who the Council turned homeless. This would never happen-elderly people in the UK have Age Concern, and many social advocate groups that would have stepped in-this story line was not realistic or convincing.

Lomper and his partner and the bird storyline? Was this the best they could do? What a waste and the storyline was ridiculous and trite. There was no glue to hold these guys together -the finding the bird scenes were not funny at all.

Lastly what I hated most about this series is a bunch of normal everyday guys with normal everyday problems have been turned into social justice superheroes. Why? The charm of the 1997 film was that these were just everyday guys trying to make some money-not get involved in the social problems of strangers. If I could give this series -0/0 I would as that is all it deserves.
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Inside Man (II) (2022)
Nonsensical yet mildly entertaining
8 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
As other reviewers have noted there isn't much about this series that makes sense. The behaviour of the Vicar especially is not realistic as a man of the cloth his choices don't ring true. But any excuse to watch David Tennant mine his craft. It would have been helpful to see more of the backstory of the relationship between the Vicar and Edgar--why he felt so compelled to help him--rather than expose him and perhaps save the lives abused children? The supporting cast were ok--the journalist being the weakest actor of them all she just wasn't convincing and as others have mentioned her attempt to interview Stanley Tucci's character was weak and not what you would expect from an experienced journalist. On a positive note, if you can turn your brain off for 4 hours this series is definitely entertaining and you will catch yourself yelling at the screen many times as the characters do the most stupid things you could imagine. I doubt a second series will be made but I would watch it with a new show runner and writer with the focus on Stanley Tucci's character playing a jail house Columbo.
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Well meaning but misses the mark.
22 May 2023
My mother was a huge Donna Summer fan, she had all her albums and listened to them all the time. As a kid I was entranced by Donna's album covers-they were huge pictures of her and Mimi dressed in beautiful sequined gowns. Mimi and I are one year apart in age and I thought she was the luckiest girl alive to be able to be living such a glamorous life and wearing such beautiful dresses like a princess.

When I heard this documentary was coming out, I was cautiously optimistic simply for the fact that I am wary of the children of celebrities to tell the truth about their parent. Particularly the life they lived before they had children. For some reason, children are often seen as the ultimate biographical sources for their parents but I don't agree. Partly because as children we only ever know a small part of our parents story and only the part they tell us or the part we see with our own eyes. Donna Summer was approx.25 years old when her first child Mimi was born yet her participation was minimal-she spent the most time with her Mom as Donna was well over 30 years old when Brooklyn was born. How would she know, for sure, what her mom was or wasn't doing before she was alive? You can go by what your parent tells you, but parents don't always tell their kids the truth. This is mentioned in the doc that as children they were not allowed in their Mom's bedroom and their Mom was somewhat aloof about her private life. My personal view is that the children of celebrities more than anyone else, want to preserve a particular view or image of their parent. A good example of this is the Natalie Wood documentary that was done by her daughter.

The documentary seemed rushed maybe there were budgetary constraints that would explain why A LOT of details were omitted. Her participation in the production of HAIR which was quite controversial for the time-her life in Germany which was allegedly a difficult time for her due to bad relationships and possibly substance abuse. Her life post-disco and her brief early 80's come back with She works hard for the money and her popularity in the UK which eclipsed her popularity in the US post-disco. I could go on and on... Lastly, on the topic of Donna's views on the gay community. For the filmmakers to allege that she didn't mean what she said, and that Donna had gay friends and liked gay people is disingenuous. The internet keeps receipts in perpetuity, and it is quite clear what her views were. Her views were in keeping with the times! Who is to say that those views would not evolve over time?
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Enjoyable with a few irks.
27 April 2023
Thoroughly watchable documentary of a beloved author. Never met Judy before but I connected to her through her books. Tiger Eyes being my favorite. The documentary was interesting especially when focused on the backlash her books faced in the Regan era. Also interesting to see was the amount of fan mail she received and that she kept the letters! As usual the "gatekeepers" at Prime same as at Netflix, Hulu, etc made sure to insert their plight into the documentary about a 83 year old woman who writes books. A huge turn off for me, but thankfully I was able to fast forward through certain sections. A must watch if you are a Judy Blume fan.
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Has potential but too rushed
19 March 2023
Feels too rushed forced especially the relationship between the two main characters. Script needs some tightening up particularly Cindy's dialogue. Soundtrack is totally 80's but too much of it forced into the first episode--maybe space the music out a bit more. I guess we will learn more of the characters backstory as the series progresses but the first episode did not establish for me, that the two main characters had that deep of a relationship that one would risk their freedom for the other..that is just my take on it. I'm was curious enough to watch another episode or two but beyond that we will see.
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Come Dine with Me (2005– )
Jumped the shark years ago
7 March 2023
CDWM was an enjoyable watch for the first few seasons before it morphed into an unwatchable mess of a program. The heart of the show was about amateurs trying to out-do each other's cooking. Now it is a clown show and most contestants seem more interested in auditioning than cooking. The producers wear their biases on their sleeves as in each episode it is easy to see from the contestants they choose and their agenda of keeping the social order/hierarchy as they believe it needs to be.

If you were to look at all the winners of each program over the years it would be easy to see why the show is problematic and not authentic.
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Sherwood (II) (2022– )
Strong start, weak finish
5 July 2022
First three episodes were interesting and gripping drama then it all imploded into a contrived mess. As others have mentioned plot holes, loose ends that were never explained resulted in a very unsatisfying ending. I found myself frequently fast forwarding through the last 3 episodes.
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Killing Eve (2018–2022)
Terrible series finale, skip season 4
24 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Killing Eve should have ended at season 3. The whole of season 4 was wasted time--especially the first two episodes with the pastor & daughter it only slightly picked up on the third episode and by the eighth I was done. Why do villains need to find redemption? Just let them be villains. V was good at killing without remorse. Stop trying to turn villains into sympathetic characters. The final episode was a huge disappointment. So many unanswered questions about the twelve, who killed Kenny and too little, too late with V and Eve. Comer was terribly underused in season 4 compared with season 1 and too much screen time was wasted on pointless new characters.
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Too much padding
28 February 2022
Pared down to 4 or 5 episodes IA would have made for an intense and entertaining series. Stretched out over 9 episodes the story loses its way and viewers interest. Too much unnecessary padding on side characters especially after the 5th episode. What does Kacy's love life have to do with the plot? Close to an hour was spent on scenes showing Rachel crying for the umpteenth time for her money back. Vivian giving birth? Again all devices to stretch out the episodes.
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Magpie Murders (2022– )
I rate it a 7/10
23 February 2022
Fairly entertaining mystery. I enjoy Lesley Manville in just about everything she does. Tim McMullan did a decent job as Pund but Timothy Spall who was originally cast would have given the character that something extra. The past/present storyline was interesting. A few casting mis steps--Nathalie Armin's performance was painfully bad.
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Judy Justice (2021– )
Sarah Rose needs to go
13 November 2021
As a 20 + year watcher of JJ the new show is ok but needs to work out some kinks. The granddaughter is not needed and it bothersome. Hopefully the show will make the necessary changes to improve. The first case was not the best and I ended up skipping over it to the second case which was more interesting. As for the bailiff time will tell.
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Lackluster sequel
14 March 2021
I didn't enjoy it as much as the original. Ruined by unnecessary obnoxious characters Leslie Jones and Tracy Morgan. Arsenio Hall seemed to be dialing his performance in. John Amos and James Earl Jones were great. Wesley Snipes was over the top but funny.
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Full circle
1 August 2020
In what is likely the final film of the Jessie and Celine story the couple come full circle in their relationship to become the bickering couple on the train they encountered in the first film. Their idealism is long since dead.
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Sweet Magnolias (2020– )
30 June 2020
As other reviewers have noted this series truly belongs on either Hallmark or Lifetime it is ill suited for Netflix. The main character is not believable as a mother of 3 she looks and dresses like a high schooler. I think the original Maddie (Monica Potter) would have been a better fit and would of added gravitas to the role. Swisher is too lightweight. Brooke Elliott does a decent job with what she has to work with. Heather Headley way too dramatic I get the sense she is channeling Angela Bassett in every scene. Whoever casted this show has some explaining to do as some choices make NO sense at all.

Storylines are predictable, cliched in every conceivable way. References to religion and the prominence of church and clergy is off putting. I suppose its a show for a certain demographic that I am not part of.

I do like filming location so for that I gave a extra star.
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Younger (2015–2021)
So so
17 February 2020
I would give 4.5/10 stars if possible. You have to set your expectations low to get anything out of this show. The story lines are predictable and the characters are the stereotypical women you see in these types of shows: the WASP, the zany lesbian, etc...the main character looks so obviously well past 26.
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Dismal Canadian drama
14 September 2017
Production values are typical of Canadian dramas...bad lighting and tinny sounding. Script is full of clichés..the acting is some of the worse I have ever seen with Patton being the worse of the worse--as another reviewer mentioned she should stick to modeling. The children in this show are so annoying one really could care less what happens to their character. I sat through 3 episodes before I gave up. Can't see this lasting past one season.
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