
291 Reviews
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Constellation (2024)
i've read enough reviews
31 March 2024
To understand why some people liked it and some didn't... i'm old. And i've read a number of books on quantum physics...i'm sure a lot of people were/are scared away from the subject for(at least) a few reasons...the math AND that it's not even CLOSE to fully understood are two of them... some of the low ratings came from people who didn't see the full season. I'm thinking a lot of them are young. The ones needing immediate gratification AND short on knowledge of quantum theory... i say this because the people who've rated it high state that they DO understand something about quantum theory AND have seen the full season... it IS repetitive in some of the plot threads...and there, of course, is a reason for it...and it involves trust in the writers/writing to just be patient and wait for it to make sense...i know there have been quite a few series that i began losing patience with in the beginning and stopped watching...but, over time, i learned that this might be a mistake b/c a good friend of mine told me i should've stuck with one or two of the abandoned i went back somewhere down the line and found out how right she was. And she was.

This is some amazing storytelling...i DID have a few problems with the very last event, though... the largest of which is that i'm thinking there's a good chance that this show won't get a second season, given the reaction of a lot of the's seems kind of 50/50...or maybe a bit more in its favor...but i haven't looked at ALL 172(as of this writing) of the responses here... one of the things i like about the program(there are lots, but i'm only going to mention this one. For those who have short attention spans and might read this). Quantum theory IS a bit complicated...but this show kept repeating elements of it, both verbally AND visually, to, imo, help people understand it. That was obviously lost on a number of the reviewers who stopped watching, claiming it was too repetitive...'if they do/say 'so and so' one MORE time...'. But nothing appeals to everyone. As another reviewer said, 'this one's for thinkers'... who knows? Maybe EYE won't still be around to see it if there IS a second least not in this universe.

Life is full of possibilities...
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Hellboy (2019)
26 March 2024
So it WASn't GREAT...but it WAS fun in parts...but i don't think we'll ever see a sequel, unfortunately...all it needed was better writing... i thought it was halfway there...maybe they spent too much on some of the actors instead of hiring a REALly good writer...and maybe they thought a lot of gore would do it for us...i guess it does for some, but...given the ratings and hate reviews i'd say that that wasn't enough...but they NEEDed good actors in some of the pivotal Nimue/Jovowitch and Professor Broom/McShane...i thought i'd reeeeeally miss Perlman but...i think Harbour did a REALly good job with what he had to work with... it's something to watch if you're stuck inside on a rainy weekend day and got nothing else to's not terrible. Passable is all i can give it...
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The Postman (1997)
when i first
26 March 2024
When i first looked at the rating i couldn't beLIEVE it...whatever it was, it was not even CLOSE to what it should've been...i was imdb 'surfing' is how i came to this page...i was seriously shocked to see it be less than, oh...a 7.5...and THAT's the low end... i ALso thought the movie was older...but...ok...i guess 25 years... might be seemed a bit older than that to me...anyways... i looooooved this movie when i first saw it...and i haven't only seen it of my great joys in life is turning people on to movies i like...and i just soak up THEIR enjoyment on subsequent viewings... this one's a lotta fun, imo...i was really happy to see will patton. Really good actor. He's gotten roles since, but it's always fun to see him in a matter WHAT type of role he's assigned.

I had read the book (way) before i saw the movie...and when i saw a movie with the same title i thought, 'naaaaah...COULDn't be...'. Which is why SOMEtimes i'm just SO happy to be wrong...the movie was pretty faithful to the book, from what i rememebered...but there's one little part that was different that i reeeeally of the characters, though unnamed, plays 'didn't you used to be famous?...'. Cute touch, that... anyways...i MOSTly wrote this review in hopes of MAYbe raising the rating x .1. As if... i was VERY glad to see aaaallllllllll the positive reviews with high ratings under the featured setting...i'm really tired of people putting down good movies many unhappy people can this planet HOLD?
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for ONCE
17 March 2024
I agree with all the critics...i arrived at the same conclusions that the person who wrote the 'featured review' three quarters of the way through the pilot(hahaha) episode...the whole time thinking, 'is it just ME or are these cardboard cutouts?' so...before i FINished the episode, i decided to come here to see what others thought... SO glad i did.... the characters struck me as being cardboard depth was pretty strange...i'm thinking, 'did these writers paste together every cliche they could possibly, and unimaginatively, THINK of? It was like watching something out of the 40s or 50s...but not the good stuff... i'm glad i didn't waste any more time on this show...
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15 March 2024
What do EYE care if the computer graphics were not up to some people's wasn't distracting to me... the only criticism i have is that hounsou's emphasis when delivering some of his lines towards the beginning was off...emphasizing the wrong syllable...and that, in my opinion, is when a director should be doing another take. Or fix it with a voice over. That surprised me, but...i got over it... the movie had great pacing and...i don't mind the choice of not making the violence graphic. I would've been cleaning the blood off of my screen for months.

It WAS mythical. And tons of fun...and, surprisingly, not too long. I never, once, felt like 'when is this going to END?!?' because i was enjoying it that much... i usually comment on all of the hate something good receives, but...i figure those people have miserable lives...or just a REALly bad day when they see something and feel the need to tear it it goes...have a better one.
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His House (2020)
great story
6 March 2024
Well done... there were a few threads that, i felt, were well balanced...the horror of what was happening in these refugees homeland and the horror that followed them. Being haunted by what they left behind and what happened on the way to a land of new possibilities.

One of the things i liked about the movie is it never seemed to linger too long in any of the different places. It said what it needed to say and then moved on to the next part of the story. I feel the writing and acting were very strong to the point that i felt the writer/director hit the mark of what he was trying to make me feel in every scene.

If the subject matter sounds interesting then i would recommend seeing this movie...
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I Care a Lot (2020)
5 March 2024
What most of these reviewers, at least towards the beginning of the 'featured' queue, think? Many of them are under 20 and the ones OVER twenty have VERY questionable reasoning, given some of their political choices and support from not that long ago.

They just aren't very insightful or discriminating... are most of the characters in this movie unlikeable? AbsoLUTEly! Is it a clever screenplay well done...ditto. I, personally, didn't like the very ending...but that's just me...i'm not saying it's a BAD ending because EYE didn't like it...i know how to differentiate the two...something, i've found, not too many people tend to do...if they don't like it, it's bad. No sense of objectivity WHATsoever...what a sad way to go through seems that many of them just can't WAIT to trash anything they see. Maybe they feel empowered by doing so?

But don't let them deter you from being entertained. See it and decide for yourself...
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Lioness: Gone Is the Illusion of Order (2023)
Season 1, Episode 8
3 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
What some of the reviewers here are saying, i found it a well balanced wasn't ALL CIA operations...or family situations...or global/ political economics...but a decent hybrid... and it still surprises me about how some of the reviewers were offended/disturbed by the same sex (non explicit) if it didn't seamlessly fit into the story line and was just being done gratuitously...or to stretch the plot to fit the eight episodes required to make the season.

What it DID do was make it a MUCH more complicated situation for some of the characters...but, of course, some people have difficulties with this sort of situation... there was one problem...and it's a big one, that i had with something that happened in this last i guess if i want to be specific i'm, again, going to have to check the spoilers box...i hardly EVER do spoilers, but... at one point, Aaliyah's fiance, Ehsan, is searching for background, 'who IS this person', information on Cruz...and, eventually, he turns up that she's a marine... how did THAT happen??? This woman is involved with some TOP secret, CIA run operation and there's information left behind on the web that OUTS her? Am i supposed to believe that the US intelligence service/s are THAT incompetent? Not with an operation like the one she was on...sorry.

Otherwise, regardless of, as one reviewer here stated, that there is, supposedly, a great deal of inaccuracy because, 'Taylor has no military experience'. Well...neither do i...and, aside from what i pointed out here, i didn't detect any...i think some people just have to complain about some things to point out their own 'expertise'. Make as if they're superior. And i'm not doubting that that reviewers military ISN'T superior to Taylor Sheridan''s just that it's not something that's going to jump out at your basic person in the audience... good series, in my opinion...looking forward to a second season.
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Lioness: Wish the Fight Away (2023)
Season 1, Episode 7
3 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Came here to say something totally OTHER than what i'm going to lead off with here... why are people having trouble with the sexual relationship between two of the characters? One reviewer says it cheapened the show...another says that Taylor Sheridan is debuting soft core to stretch it to a full season... i disagree...what happens, in my opinion, just ups the tension... there's a morality that's just been introduced that is complex. Makes a difficult mission even that much more difficult...and raises questions about how successful their operative will, or will not, be in accomplishing the mission...and it's a very dangerous one... maybe people are just uncomfortable with depictions of sex or same sex's not an issue for me that they are...but it would be good if they can separate their issues from the extra momentum that is attained by what's been introduced... so.

What i WAS going to write about is how. Kaitlyn Meade's husband, Kyle, introduces, FIRST, how the US has destabilized the Middle East... and THEN brings up how the (very wealthy) leaders there are using 'the West' as rivals to distract the poor from how wealthy their leaders are compared to most of the populace... now tell me this isn't a mirror reflection(&/or projection) of what's happening in Western countries as well? And HAS been happening for decades...aSIDE from invasion after invasion to rape many(including the Middle East, of course) countries of their resources under the guise of 'making the world safe for democracy'.

I wouldn't be writing this if it hadn't been brought up in this episode...interestingly enough, the.person who wrote the featured review addressed this as well...that surprised me... in any case...good episode/series...on to the season finale...

i was just watching the finale and it occurred to me...noone complained about the car accident(i'm already in the spoiler category, something i RAREly do...but i'm still trying to keep it to a minimum). Noone said, 'ooooh...drama to stretch out the season' or 'ratchet up the tension'...why are people in that country(america) so sensitive about sexual depictions? It seemed to fit perfectly into the scheme of things...i have to admit, i'm surprised about the reactions from some reviewers...something like 2 out of the five that commented on this episode so far... seems like a good opportunity to look at your issues.
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29 February 2024
Have ridden Shai Hulud... i live in the netherlands...and there is a tech some movie theaters have called's a 'sensory enhancement' experience...wind...'rain'...lightning(strobes)...smoke...snow/ashes... and...the chairs move like a bucking bronco...all, of course, synced to the action on the screen... so when the fremen were riding the was was QUITE the experience...i highly recommend it if there's a similar tech in a theater near you.

Aside from that...the movie was QUITE faithful to the book as i could ever hope for...very much including how i envisioned some parts of the the thopters. Or Shai Hulud...elements, that weren't explored as much as i would've liked in previous incarnations of these books are gone into more deeply. Like the religion of the southern fremen. Or the bene gesserit... some people have compared the movies to the LOTR...and i agree... Peter Jackson gave the world a gift by bringing those books to life... i feel Villeneuve is doing the same...
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Titans: Trigon (2019)
Season 2, Episode 1
wow...for once i agree with all the critics...
26 February 2024
This episode was TERrible...aSIDE from that, as SO many said, it should have been the end of season one...what if it was cancelled? Or did they already have a two season contract going in? Whatever the reason, they wanted to make it absolutely CERtain that people would watch the beginning of season two, a trick almost as cheap as the writing of this second season pilot... the flaws in this episode were just soooooooooo obvious, although i can't state a very important(or any other) one here because that would constitute a spoiler. And i don't do spoilers...but after the big buildup of how powerful Trigon was supposed to be it sure didn't seem that way in THIS episode... i'm not sure i'll stick with this series much longer if this is the best they can do... bruce wayne was a real disappointment, as reviewer said he came across more like James Bond...but i was thinking more along the lines of Hugh Hefner. Is Hefner still alive, btw?
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Avatar: The Last Airbender: Aang (2024)
Season 1, Episode 1
if you don't like it...
26 February 2024
Then do one better...JEEziss, PEOple...are all you haters REALly that unhappy? I've seen SO many criticisms of movies and series that have no basis in reality WHATsoever... NO, i HAVEn't seen the original version of this. OR the movie(there WAS a movie, right? I THINK that's what i gleaned from a review). But this pilot was exTREMEly entertaining...and i'm over seventy years old... and i DO have the ability to say something is BAD...and this ISN'T it...i am so TIRED of all of you that just comPLAIN all the time... and i just HAD to come here to say this... it's just WAY too easy to criticize and near impossible to get projects like this done...especially with this level of quality... and the hybrid of young and adult subject matter is VERY difficult to do...and yet i think they blended seamlessly...and balanced each other out very well... i'm looking forward to the rest.
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i bet it does well in France...
23 February 2024
Interesting idea/story...but not all that uplifting...but all the parts of storytelling play out well... it's well cast...nicholas cage does a good job of reminding us that he can act in a way that's not over the top. Just to not be misunderstood, though, i love a lot of his over the top stuff. I just don't like the hairpieces... i felt the second half lacked the strong writing of the first wasn't LAzy fit the circumstance/s...but, in accordance with these circumstances, it felt like all the color got left behind... it was funny reading some of the reviews...i felt like people needed to find some...justification for sitting through it to the end...making it into some lesson about fame...but life, no matter the setup, can just take some weird, unexpected turns...and we have to find a way to adapt and ride it out...
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True Detective: Night Country: Part 6 (2024)
Season 4, Episode 6
it's sooooo easy
21 February 2024
To write a review that says something's bad...alllllllllllllllll the armchair writers/directors/cinematographer wannabes...who will never accomplish anything worthy in their lives... and yet they couldn't come CLOSE to doing something like this last season(four) of True Detective. To my left i see one saying 'bland cinematography'. In THAT pig's eye, sure...amazing.

But that's frustrated humans for ya...always quicker to criticize than create something worth sharing...besides the criticisms, of course... no. It wasn't my favorite season. But it wasn't BAD...and it deserved, overall, a 7.5, not an eight... it set a tone throughout...supernatural underpinnings...i thought it did that very ALso portrayed what life in that region might be like...unforgiving. And crazymaking... and it's obvious that some people want evvvvvvvvvvverything tied up neat and explained to them. Too bad. I don't mind that it wasn't that way... it was good. It just wasn't what most of these people wanted.
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True Detective: Night Country: Part 3 (2024)
Season 4, Episode 3
20 February 2024
I just read the 'featured review' it they say that the director/writer was inspired by 'the Thing' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wrote a review for ep01 and was kidding. I said, 'the Thing LIVES!' so this blows my mind a bit...but there are SO many similarities in the setting and mood sooooo...maybe it wasn't all THAT much of an intuitive leap... it seems like a lot of people STILL aren't having fun with the show, though...which is a shame...i'm enjoying it. I don't think it's off the hook great or anything...but it's compelling enough to keep me watching...and it's not like i have nothing else to She was influenced by the Thing...John Carpenter's version was, of course, AWEsome! Scared the beJEsus outta me...when they're all tied up in the chairs and one of their heads comes off and grows legs??? I almost jumped into my friend's lap...a bunch of my friends and i were watching it on a teeeny screen tv...and it was STILL really scary in parts...GREAT movie...anyways...i like the mysteriousness of this show...tied in with the Native religion. It's TOtally out of my experience and areas of expertise and this makes it interesting to me...and that's all i'm gonna say about THAT!
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True Detective: Night Country: Part 1 (2024)
Season 4, Episode 1
the thing LIVES!
18 February 2024
So i guess it didn't burn up AFter all...but looks like Kurt didn't make it... lots of weirdness to kick this season off...and it looks like it was too much for a lot of the reviewers...c'est la.

I used to not like it when i started something and didn't know what was going on...but that's happened SO many times just the last 3 or 4 years...that i just keep watching and reserve judgment as much as possible... not hard to do so far because, although i don't know what's going on, it's still interesting...crazy as far as the eye can see...the timeline, being unclear at times(haha), just makes things that much more confusing... but i'm a gonna stick with it... it IS fun to see Jodie Foster, far...she could be ANY good actor and this would be the same...
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by far
9 February 2024
Not the best episode...but i think what i didn't like about it was the point of the episode...the center is NOT holding... in this episode everyone was not CLOSE to the edge...everyone was DANcing on the edge...and many a time it seemed they were dancing without a net... the episodes previous to this one were masterfully written and executed, in my opinion...the reasons why i think this is one of the best shows i've ever come across. And i'm old and have watched a lot of movies and tv series... there ARE, as other people have pointed out, some VERY good scenes...but almost all of them point to how lost each character is... i'm not disappointed...everything else was dark but tight...this one was dark and loose...i wonder what the last three episodes of the season will be like...

make it a 7.5.
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i'm pretty sure
5 February 2024
That the six point five rating is from the original theatrical release...which i saw but really don't remember all that well...i had just decided to see it again beCAUSE of that and noticed there was an extended version...maybe i don't remember the original because it was just that forgettable. But not THIS version. Even at three hours it never lagged. It seemed all i could ever ask for from a super hero movie and then i'm not going to take the six point five rating seriously. All i saw here were eights, nines and tens and that seemed MUCH more appropriate to the movie i just watched. Long live superman.

And an aside note to the reviewer(featured? I don't know...i just read a few of the first ones) who said that luthor's character was 'off'. I, VERY much, disagree... sure, he was doing 'the joker' in his own way...and i think he did a VERY good job of being despicable...for what it's worth.
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weak episode
3 February 2024
It's funny how the feature review criticized the episode...and yet rated it with an eight. Go figure.

Anyways, this episode felt formulaic and like it was just going through the motions to move the story along...and when it began to gain traction, like when it seemed like percy and whatsherface were bonding, it moved on to something else...i hope the rest isn't like this because i was enjoying the first few episodes...i'll, of course, give it another two episodes before i decide whether to continue watching or bail...this was me stretching to make the required characters. How does one speak about something that there was not much to tell about? Ridiculous imposition, the minimum character regulation.
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boo hoo's not like the booooook...
31 January 2024
Get OVER it...take it on its own merits...i've only watched two episodes so far and's not made for 73 year olds...but, overall, i like it anyway. And no. I didn't read the book/s...but that's not why i like it... i'm SURE that most of those being so critical because 'it's not like the booooooks' are young...and, eventually, you might catch on to the idea that a book is a book. And a series or movie doesn't OWE it to you to be the same as the book. And sure, i've been disappointed by that in the past...but i STILL recognized when it was an entertaining piece of work.

One that comes readily to mind is, 'the shining'. Another is 'one flew over the cuckoo's nest'. BOTH were butchered(in my opinion) in the movie versions...i could go into details but i've passed my minimum character requirement and i'm scared that if i stick around here, the crybaby syndrome might be contagious... Percy Jackson, et al, has all the magic it needs...if it doesn't reach you, so be it...move on...nothing happening here for you...

now i've seen the whole season...and i STILL found it enjoyable. And's NOT made for adults...not all that sophisticated...but all i had to do was put on my 13 yr old hat and it was juuuuuust FINE!
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29 January 2024
Featured headline says, 'plenty of action and laughs'... yeah. If you're a twelve year old...if there wasn't a minimum character requirement i could sum this show(well, at least the pilot) up in two words...'are you effin KIDding me?'. And some of you probably even laughed at THAT!

Now ONE thing is for sure and it earned it its two stars...i'd maybe even go three...the fight scenes...looks like they may have been choreographed by the same people who do 'Warrior' THERE's a GREAT show...great fight scenes AND dialogue AND characterization... and when it's FUNny it's more tongue in know...for fourteen year olds like me, instead of you fresh outta the crib twelve year olds...grow UP... but i gotta admit...michelle yeoh is always great to see... otherwise it's a steamin pile of dim sum...
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Bosch: Gone (2016)
Season 2, Episode 5
puuuh LEEZE!
25 January 2024
I really like this show, overall...i just wanted to start this by saying that... i think the characterizations are great...i like the camaraderie... and i like how it's not overly dramatic...i like the light wit...and bosch's taste in jazz, from which i've picked up a few pointers...i'm elaborating here because there's a certain amount of required characters...ridiculous, if there's only really so much to say about something... but the reason part of this episode upset me was the risks bosch seemed to be taking with not involving certain aspects of help that would have been readily available. Made no sense, given the circumstance and people involved.
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23 January 2024
It's part of screenwriting formula to give a general impression of what a movie will be like in the first few minutes...i wouldn't know, i'm just guessing after watching a few thousand movies in my life... in which case, i should've got up out of my expensive movie seat while it wasn't rocking and rolling, water shpritzing into my face, and walked out... but it was one of those times i told myself, ''ll get better... it's GOT to get better...'. But the screenwriter didn't agree with me.

Sure, when i read comics i was(for the most part) a prepubescent kid...and maybe this movie would've worked for me then...but SINCE then i've seen a NUMber of comic book hero movies that i thought were great(avengers two parter...the second spiderman...the nolan dark knight trilogy--AWEsome...SO good that, as soon as it was released for rental i had to see it again to see if it was REALly as good as i thought it was in the theater. It was).

But this movie seemed to play WAY too much to the under 13(if that) crowd...hence...not for me.

The look of some of the movie, though, was breathtaking...
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Zorro (2024– )
20 January 2024
Came here expecting a low rating...well...after seeing the low rating i THEN saw that there was only one review written so far...and it had a 10 rating...go figure... i was a big fan of the disney, 'Zorro' when i was a much so, in fact, that my mother actually MADE me a Zorro costume. Definitely one of THE delights of my childhood... i didn't give this a rating because it wasn't really made for me, a 73 year old's made for kids the age that EYE was when i first saw Zorro...something like seven through twelve or's mythical and about a super hero with no super powers...maybe like a Batman of his time...some of the dynamics that make the show better than the original are the special effects and DEFinitely adds to the overall effect, young people being used to this sort of storytelling.

This, unlike the original, is in Spanish...which i enjoyed. My mother was born and raised in Cuba and so i became somewhat familiar with the language, although the subtitles SUREly helped. ; - ) as an adult i'd say it wasn't BAD...but not something that would make me watch a second episode...though i probably will...some things don't change, i guess...
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let's make a movie
13 January 2024
And after it comes out, reGARDless of how bad it is, we get everyone that was involved(all ten people) their friends, relatives, pets, mail and pizza deliverers, random people walking by on the street, shop owners that are close by, mothers with their babies in cafes, people in busy tattoo parlors...people in supermarkets(a VERY good source. Especially the twenty four seven ones), the people at the local airports, bus and train stations...and the people in hospital beds and convalescent homes to write their one and only imdb review and rate it at a nine, ten, eleven, twelve or even thirteen. And pray that the minimum character limit has been met. Threaten to haunt THEM if they don't comply. Insistence is NOT futile. And how aBOUT that? I CAN rate it at no stars...
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