14 Reviews
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I've just been emotionally violated
11 March 2023
Like pretty much all others, I knew this film was one that would test my emotional wellbeing. I even knew the end, but then the film went ahead and revealed what I knew in the first few minutes anyway, so I immediately realised I was in for a beating.

Its brutally real, and it simply tells a story of trying to live by doing what is necessary in harrowing times. We all know the historical context of the film, so extremely little is given about the world outside of Seita and Setsuo and just focuses on them. Scenes with their mother and with their behaviour are so viscerally real and/or relatable that you really notice how children are poorly depicted in the vast majority of cinema.

You dont need to know anything about this film, apart from the fact that it will make you cry, you may need to cheer yourself up afterwards, and it has a truly beautiful soundtrack that only makes your eyes wetter. It's an extremely harrowing story told in a truly beautiful way, the way only the likes of Ghibli magic can achieve.

Seriously, I'm going to watch Puss in Boots 2 now because I sat here on my sofa crying through the entire credits unable to do anything but let it wash over me

What an amazing film. Just wow.

Edit: Edited my rating from 9 to 10 months (maybe a year) later because I am STILL harping in about this movie. A film that sticks in the mind this long is nothing short of the highest rating available.
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Goofy noire packed with nostalgia I didnt know I had
5 February 2023
In 2023 at the age of 26, I had really only ever seen the original Space Jam, and I must have seen it a dozen or so times. Never had I seen another film of the style

So today I watched Who Framed Roger Rabbit, and good god it was an absolute blast! The story is fairly typical generic murder mystery, but the way in which it is dome and utilises the cartoon aspect is 2nd to none. A pure culmination of great film makers, animators and voice actors of the 80s, who did service to the silly aspect spectacularly.

Laced with way more adult jokes than I ever expected, and packed full of characters who may only appear for a few minutes, but will bring a big grin to your face, this film is a must-see for anyone who is able to indulge their childish side for 2 hours.

Not to spoil it, but there was something terrifically magic with Toon Town, and the last few minutes of the movie really leave you with a wonder of when this sort of magic will happen again in full force.
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Spawn (1997)
Not even good as a joke viewing
24 August 2022
I watched this fully expecting it to be bad but entertaining. Unfortunately, I turned it off after about 45 mins because it genuinely had no appeal and no positives. Even John Leguizamo (forgive my spelling) could hardly add anything to this, besides being a convincing weirdo.

Very poor performances all round, humous that doesnt land at all, and characters you couldnt care about. Just uncomfortable to watch and plain spit in the face of its creator.
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Underwhelming start
24 August 2022
Some cool beats in it, but seeing the Hulk/Banner once again being sidelined and the story pacing through trope after trope is tiresome. This is more like a bad female empowerment origin story than a superhero origin, and yes it's justthe first episode so more super hero stuff IS bound to happen, but the breakneck speed at which she gets her powers, becomes better at using then than Hulk, nips back to the present day, shows some men who's boss and then saves the day again is just jarring.

Not to mention she is not really likeable yet, and the effects didnt improve since the trailer dropped

I am optimistic about it and hope we see more growth, but this I feel is another nail in the coffin for the useless uber-nerfed and boringly docile Hulk (and by extension She-Hulk).

Heres hoping it's just an anomalously bad start and the actual lawyer-superhero beats bring some freshness, personality and wow moments we're all dying to see from the sound of the premise.
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Very gripping, but lacks... something
4 July 2022
This was certainly one of the stronger horrors I've seen in a while and I did indeed enjoy seeing it, but it doesnt answer many of the questions it brings up, or necessarily scare you. It will entertain you, and a potential sequel might give more information on certain aspects of the story that beg for an explanation, but the acting, the premise, the costume design, the overall story are all very decent.
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A film that makes you think "This is what cinema was made for"
4 July 2022
A pure, simple, solid story, high octane action and great visuals. Characters who are interesting, unique and talented create a piece of solid cinema which isnt muddied down by a high portion of trivial crap and unnecessary sub plotting. It's a film about real human interaction, redemption, emotion and of course gripping action.

I'm sure this would only be enhanced if I had actually seen its predecessor, but nonetheless it was still thoroughly entertaining.
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The Mandalorian (2019– )
The series that renewed faith in Star Wars
2 July 2022
This review is somewhat personal to me, but Mando was the release that renewed completely and amplified my fanboy side for Star Wars. The latest films all missed the mark for me, but this show of side quests showed that great stories and adventures could be had, and there are still characters and events in the background that can be told to great effect.

The stories are fairly segmented and the overarching story does often take a back seat, which can feel like filler, but each one is great entertainment and they do tie together by the end very nicely. It set up opportunities for the franchise moving forward, thought capitalisation on that is yet to be properly realised (as of the date of this review, anyway).
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Stranger Things (2016–2025)
Phenomenal in almost every aspect
2 July 2022
This shows is one of those must-watch series that doesnt outstay its welcome. Although some of the seasons might seem linked together loosely/connected on the fly, it absolutely works.

The sound design, the visual aesthetic, and the level of care given to fleshing out nearly every single character while driving an interesting and packed out story is all top level. Some characters suffer in later seasons as the ensemble grows, and there are one too many love sub plots with the Power of Friendship being extremely front and centre, but they do it well.

Rewatchabaility is high, and the number of times you cry wont be low. Its gripping, its intense, it represents alternative kids, geeky kids, metal kids. It has organic representation, unlikely friendships, and great touches of fan service. The actors and cast are all phenomenal, and the sound design, again, is just so strong and original.

It perhaps could take a few more risks, and it really suffered when that one filler episode came, but those are blips in the overall very strong storytelling. For other pop cultural comparisons, it is certainly blowing modern era Star Wars out of the water, and is certainly hitting consistently higher highs than Marvel. Many more emotionally driven moments, much more solid and labour-of-love writing, and although the budget is evidently lower, the visual effects rival those of any show you could name.

A must watch, a true homage to horror and the 80s. Dont be fooled into thinking this is a kids show, this is the biggest, most well rounded and culturally impactful show since Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones (before it went downhill). I would expect to see this shoe honoured and homages for decades to come.
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Free Guy (2021)
Way funnier than expected
30 June 2022
I saw this film really late, after every trailer I saw of it made it seem like a lackluster, weak film with humour that wouldnt land. Turns out, the film is genuinely brilliant fun and Ryan nails the role, bringing so much charisma and likeability to his role. Everyone else in the cast does a fantastic job and they manage to avoid a lot of bad and predictable writing, though of course they do use familiar cliches and story beats as this is a action comedy film at the end of the day.

Genuinely almost moved to tears at some points - one of the best, freshest watches I've had in a while. Just plain fun, like the Lego movie had a baby with The Truman Show, but still retains it's own flair.

Theres also some enjoyable little Easter eggs and cameos for gamers, but dont try to take the physics or logic of the game itself too seriously. This is a purposefully silly movie parodying video game culture, and it does it well and with awareness. It's not supposed to be have crazy accurate gameplay for a sandbox RPG as some reviews have somehow expected it to. It's not a real game.

Super fun film, I'd rewatch it with my girlfriend or friends who havent yet seen it. Every actor is great and you can tell it's made with love. Humour is subjective but I feel like even if you dont find all the humour in this funny, you'll at the least find it entertaining and get through to the end feeling like you've had a bit of fun for two hours :)
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Obi-Wan Kenobi: Part III (2022)
Season 1, Episode 3
Genuinely great, rebuttals for the hate below
2 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I read some of the other review here, and I have to say a lot of the comments seem based on very silly or weak things. This was genuinely a great slice of star wars, doesnt contradict the canon, and, what's this, a royal child who is central to a faction of rebels acts like a royal child who rebels sometimes? Crazy idea

Now this is NOT to say the show is perfect. There are hiccups and blunders and blotches of poor writing here and there as there have always been with this franchise whether it's in books, shows, games or film, but the story and the child acting seem to be scapegoats for people to moan about. As the old addage goes, no one hates star wars like a star wars fan.

My main reason for writing this is actually to point out that people making criticisms based on their own failure to grasp a timeline, failure hold off criticisms on continuity until at least more than half the series is out, and failure to understand nuance ultimately hurt these shows. This is because you're more or less telling the studios that you need it even simpler, and genuine criticisms are being buried in the noise

A lot of comments saying the meeting in this episode should never happen, because it contradicts ANH because of one or two lines about how they havent seen each other, or how when they last met, Obi wan was the master. This clearly isnt the last time they meet in this show, so there is still ample time for Obi wan to again prove he is a "master" of the force, whilst Vader is still in his pupil phase (albeit for the emperor).

The second point on this is the implication they havent met for a long time. Some people think that this show is set too close to ANH, and to that I am genuinely baffled. Are people unaware this is still set 10 years before they meet on the Death Star? Of course Vader would maintain that reaction when they meet again, especially as it all hinges on a fight we have not yet seen in the kenobi show. I an literally pinching my nose at how this glaring fact has slipped past so many people.

All in all, people really have a poor grasp on the fact that this is only the third episode, and the fact that Leia is a child raised to be a rebel among aristocrats and royals. Expecting a 10 year old in that position to not be cocky is absurd.

My genuine criticism with this episode is that, at points, Ben acts a little out of character, even for a hermit and PTSD version of Obi Wan. I also had a few general issues with the stormtroopers remaining completely useless despite, I assume, Obis face being plastered all over galactic wanted posters. At the very least, a mention of force abilities used to shield oneself could have been mentioned, but alas we simply remain with some of the most useless grunts in scifi

This episode alone has though, after nearly 30 years, given me a feeling that Ben's death in ANH will finally have a heavy, emotional impact for both Vaders revenge, and Obis final demise for Luke's benefit. I've seen the film dozens of times throughout my life, before the prequels, after the prequels, but never truly given a crap that Ben was killed. This, finally, feels like the missing piece to link Ben to Vader, to link Ben to the children, and to give Vader his sweet, final (although ultimately marred) victory against his old master. And yes, Vader is brutal, he is NOT out of character in this show if you have dived into comics, games, or books. Between this and Rogue 1, we are finally seeing the reason he has been considered the most terrifying and ruthless figure in the galaxy, especially when it comes to hunting down his old master

The final meeting between them will be glorious.
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Obi-Wan Kenobi: Part I (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
Let yourself feel the excitement
27 May 2022
Like many, I was cautiously optimistic about this show, after some inconsistency with latest releases. However, the first episode had me hyped, had me near tears, had fantastic writing, is true to the lore and convincing with its characters and writing.

This is a fantastic return to form, and it doesn't tread on eggshells or rely on cliche beyond a touch of nostalgia to give the fans what they want. Absolutely excited to watch the rest and only wish there was more content.

To keep the review spoiler free I wont say much, but rest assured that this truly feels like a return to form, truly peak Star Wars content with enough taps into the deep lore for hardcore fans, and plainly great entertainment for everyone else. Let yourself be excited.
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Eternals (2021)
Slow as hell start, big cast, big climax
31 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
As far as Marvel films go, this is a good breath of fresh air. Though, that doesn't mean it's a flawless film.

I have a soft spot for this film, and want to give it a better review, but really I can't give it higher just because the ending and overall implications of the film going forward are so good.

The first half is slow, it has a big job of laying the groundwork for who these characters are, where they cam from, can they make us care about them all, and can they give us a good enemy all at the same time. In honesty, I would have been happy with a longer film that smashed these jobs perfectly, but we got what we got.

The variants are absolutely boring generic anti-hero stuff. As soon as one of them begins to get interesting (although still Pale-Orc style CGI'd.... gross), he gets killed off.

But i would go as far as to say that the 2nd half of the film, the emergence plotline, the setting up for the future and some of the characters I am very much looking forward to seeing later on.

Just a shame that the focal point of the eternals are two pretty boring and non-enthusiastic and non-charismatic or convincing characters.

The humour though, spot on. Mercari and Druig, amazing. Gilgamesh, 100% should not have been the one to get written off. Thena only really served to make Gilgamesh appear more interesting, and IMO the killing off should have been reversed between the two. Ikaris was written well and the dynamics of their beliefs and motivations were done well before heading to the final confrontation.

Overall, worth watching mostly for the cosmic storyline and about half the cast. The rest is forgettable. Fun, and still Marvel, but not int heir higher end of quality.
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Phenomenal acting, not personally gripped by the story
31 January 2022
It has been a while since I watched a film where the acting and casting is so damn convincing - I have to start this review by saying that.

The plot is definitely off the beaten track anf the writing very very much a breath of fresh air.

Unfortunately this is a film that can come down to tastes quite a bit when the reviews come round, and although I can't necessarily critique it specifically, there is something about it that I just couldn't get gripped by, and the ending didn't truly satisfy me (though the end scene itself is probably the high point of the movie. Confusing review, I know)

This is not a negative review by any means, but 8-10 are reserved for films that truly get you talking, or have a huge emotional impact in my opinion

As a recommendation, this film is a definite yes. I believe that I am on the side of people who this genre doesn't appeal to much at all, but as a piece of film and a showcase of acting, it is utterly utterly great.
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A big mess, but a fun an intriguing mess
31 January 2022
By mess, I mean the guys life. Very very much a crude and 'male fantasy'esque film, with enough comic effect to alleviate the drama.

It's a crazy series of events that has you questioning which bit is even based on reality, but the entertainment value as a movie is 100% a reason to keep it in your watchlist and get to it when a good time comes around.

Not one every woman in your life would enjoy for sure, a bit too much gratuitous nudity and Fear and Loathing level drug use for it all to add anything or be worth reiterating so many times, but the fact it is probably very close to reality kind of excuses the fact.

It it not quite perfect or mindblowing, but certainly a super intruiging and fun movie, one you can talk to people about and leaves scope for conversation post-cinema.

If you are trying to figure out if you should see it - It's a definite yes for anyone who is a regular film-viewer or hardcore movie goer. For people who are casual film-goers and are tired of sex and drugs in their films, this probably isn't for you, though the real intrigue and draw of the film is the biographical side to it, and the sticking-it-to-wallstreet side of things.
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