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Trainwreck (2015)
You be you Amy Schu!
25 June 2015
This movie is fun and fabulous! It's a modern day romantic comedy full of laughs, new one- liners for you to memorize and a sweet story to prove that yes, my friends, there is someone for everyone in this world. You do you... be your own weird self and find that special someone that loves your flavor of strange.

I had high expectations for Amy Schumer's first screenplay and role as a leading actress. Her TV show is outstanding. Her live stand up is one of the best around. And she had Judd Apatow by her side ... how can it go wrong? It is what it is -- if you like Schumer and/or Apatow movies you'll like Trainwreck. If you find her comedy a bit offensive or don't think Knocked Up is hilarious, just pass. It's okay... this just isn't for you.

I love the twist Schumer takes on the "romantic comedy" genre. At the heart of the film is complete chick flick glory ... yes, I teared up at the end! But this journey rests on a perfectly imperfect character who I think we can all relate to a bit more than Harry's Sally or Prostitute-turned-Princess Vivian. Ladies ... who of us hasn't walked into a room inappropriately dressed or sat at a baby shower looking for an opportunity to disrupt a "my life is perfect" dissertation. Amy, in both her comedy career and as "Amy" in Trainwreck, is that friend we love to have around because she isn't afraid to do or say what we wish we had the guts to do or say ... though she pretty much goes overboard every time. That's why we love her.

Bill Hader was the perfect match for Amy on the big screen. They had sweet chemistry that leaves me to believe they had a blast making this movie. You leave the theater hoping they are dating in real life -- a true sign of casting done well! The SNL and athlete cameos were a welcome bonus to the movie.

Many thanks to Trainwreck for giving us great laughs for 125 minutes. Maybe it's not saving the world or breaking new ground in the film industry ... but at least it gives us a fresh new story with characters and situations that feel more like "Home" than "Hollywood" (minus, of course, being best friends with Lebron James ... we still need some magic in our movies).

If you enjoyed this review please check out our blog at yourturntopick.com.
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Do yourself a favor and learn more about the man who set the foundation for the modern-day computer … and a significant contributor to ending a World War.
22 January 2015
It's officially that time of year — we hear the Oscar nominations and quickly schedule time to catch up on the nominated actors, screenwriters, directors and movies before February 22. There are always some surprises and some let downs … and I automatically assumed The Imitation Game would be in the "let down" category. My favorite work of Benedict Cumberbatch is limited to a Jimmy Kimmel "Mean Tweets" sketch (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Y1iErgBrDQ) … and that's about it. Simply put, I avoided this movie until absolutely necessary because I assumed it would be boring and pretentious.

And you know what happens when you assume… right?

Yes my friends — I was WRONG. Very wrong. This is one of the best movies of 2014 and very much deserves The Academy praise.

Go see it.

I know, I know. It's another WWII movie. And it's British accents. And it's not starring (insert favorite Hollywood crush here). Go. This movie is about so much more than a WWII strategy that experts say ended the war at least 2 years earlier than if it didn't happen (2 years of lives saved!) It's about so much more than a genius that had zero social skills. It's so much more than seeing some of your Downton Abbey characters NOT talk about Matthew (inside joke for you Downton fans).

In 114 minutes The Imitation Game provides a fascinating history lesson on newly released classified WWII history. (FYI – some stretching of history of course for the silver screen … after you see the movie check out this article -- http://www.wired.com/2014/11/imitation- game-secrets/ -- sharing some "secrets" from the screenwriter.) In 114 minutes you also learn about the man that inspired the work of great geniuses we know today — Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, etc. Alan Turning, played by Cumberbatch, is truly the founder of modern-day computers. While there are many outstanding people that took his work to create the computer, tablets and phones we use today, he started with the blank sheet of paper knowing "a smart machine" could be possible. His name needs to be included in our conversations about technology.

If you are an Apple geek, you may already know the (rumored) connection between Turning / Apple's logo / Steve Jobs. Just google "Steve Jobs Alan Turning" and you'll see the pages upon pages of articles over the years suggesting that Apple's 'bitten apple' logo was honoring the death of Alan Turning. Jobs said "God we wish it was" in response. A CNN article from 2011 (http://www.cnn.com/2011/10/06/opinion/apple-logo/) goes through some of the rumors and reactions from what Jobs called an urban legend. No one but Steve (and Woz perhaps?) really know.

I'd like to believe Jobs & Turning are smiling down on all of us as we silence our iPhones to learn about this great strategy of WWII history through the eyes of The Imitation Game. If you enjoy your computer, your smart phone, your tablet — do yourself a favor and learn more about the man who set the foundation for these life-changing machines … and a significant contributor to ending a World War. You won't regret it.

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Blackhat (2015)
Predictable. Convenient. Just Plain Bleh.
14 January 2015
I really wanted to like this movie. A hacking thriller on an international scale -- what a hot subject that is great to bring to the silver screen! Throw in some Chris Hemsworth and I'm in! I was a huge fan of Hackers in the 90s and was really excited to see what a 2015 blockbuster and director would bring to a story that is straight from today's headlines!

Unfortunately Blackhat started off bad and just went down hill from there. The beginning of the film starts with a sequence of data flowing from computer router to computer router that frankly didn't look that different that the 1995 Hackers film intro. It was extremely cliché and expected.

The movie is predictable -- not 100%, there were a few surprises -- but nothing worthy of remembering. The characters followed a story that was just too convenient. Every problem had a solution right in front of their face. No worries about money to travel around the globe or drones that would follow a DOJ criminal-for-hire. If we're going to shoot for a realistic story, let's be at least a little realistic in how it is presented.

The problem, in my opinion, is that this movie should have been a 10-12 part TV series, not a movie. It tried to fit too much onto a movie screen. College roommates back together again, criminal-turned-hero sequences, romantic connections when the world is on the line, car chases and big machine guns, money-hungry stock market fixers, FBI woman on a mission to prove herself ... all solid foundations for a great crime thriller. But trying to show all of it in 2 hours -- yikes! I assume the fact that the characters always stumbled on the answer so quickly was simply because the story didn't have enough time to develop. If this was spread out over twelve 1-hour series that could develop the characters and potential hiccups in finding a world-class hacker, we would have had an interesting new TV show to watch. But this, to me, is a wasteful foundation of what could be a great story. Sometimes we try to fit too much into a story or project when we need to focus on doing one thing extremely well. If the studio / director / screenwriter picked one of the Blackhat story lines and went for it completely, this movie may have been great.

The star, Chris Hemsworth is gorgeous and easy on the eyes... that's no surprise to anyone. He tried in this film and showed he can be a great leading man in a story such as this ... but ... I do feel like he was auditioning for a role in a Looper sequel. The accent tried to be a young Bruce Willis and yet again added another piece to the story that wasn't needed. Let the guy use his accent and say he was an Australian-American. Trust me, the ladies won't mind and the guys don't notice. Trying to make him the next Rocky or John McClane wasn't necessary.

Hate to say it, but Blackhat isn't worthy of your time or hard-earned money. Maybe a home viewing if nothing else is on and you want to see a C-level 24-like story in two hours.

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Foxcatcher (2014)
As they say, sometimes real life can be stranger than fiction ... and Foxcatcher proves it is absolutely true.
6 January 2015
I walked into the theatre only knowing a few things -- Channing Tatum, Steve Carrell, wrestling and Oscar-contender. If that's all you know as well ... stop reading ... go to the movies and watch it ... then come back to us and tell us what you think! Going in cold did make the 134 minutes bearable. A little too long, of course! We all know my disdain for movies longer than 120 minutes and constant cry to Hollywood "Edit! Edit! Edit!"

But I digress ... this is an amazing story put on screen in a manner that is worthy of the Oscar-talk.

Steve Carrell did a wonderful job as John Du Ponte. And the make-up folks did a wonderful job letting him play this role without us thinking Michael Scott was on the screen. I can only imagine how difficult it is for actors such as Carrell to move beyond such a lovable character -- one that often defines our workspace and conversations. It's hard to be mad at Michael Scott / Steve Carrell therefore without incredible acting and make-up the Foxcatcher story could have been lost when they selected Carrell for the lead role. But it wasn't. If Oscar equals world-class, this team is worthy of the honor.

(I will admit, though, that I think Carrell borrowed some characteristics from Gru in Despicable Me ... just a bit.)

I loved Channing Tatum in this movie. I don't think it's because I'm a woman who loves Channing Tatum -- he earned a lot of street cred playing Mark Schultz. Yes, he is playing a guy that works out a lot. But Mark's character was complex while quiet -- which is very difficult to get across on screen. It's clear Tatum took this role very seriously and stepped up to the challenge.

Mark Ruffalo was outstanding. I don't know if he'll ever get recognized with an award, but I believe he is the premier supporting actor who really pulls out the best acting in the folks that share a screen with him. While Tatum seemed like a natural fit in his role, I was shocked to see Mark Ruffalo on screen as an Olympic wrestler. He was awesome. He was believable. If I were casting a movie, I'd want a role for Ruffalo and Edward Norton. In my humble opinion, these two actors are true chameleons. Except maybe as Hulks (interesting that they both have done those roles ... hmmmm ...)

Reading about the true story and behind the scenes is quite intriguing. In a recent interview, Carrell admits that the actors didn't interact much on set. "It wasn't anything planned, we just naturally didn't interact, aside from the scenes we were doing. We didn't hang out, or bond," he said. Reading other articles it's clear this wasn't a fun set to be on. Many of the real-life characters, including David Shultz's wife Nancy, were on set to bring reality to the movie. It's a very serious movie ... with a very serious message.

And to add to the real-life drama, Mark Shultz is not happy about how his life story ended up on the screen. He lashed out at Director Bennett Miller over the last few weeks regarding a specific scene in the movie ... and the true life saga from Foxcatcher continues.

I believe you will enjoy this movie on-screen and researching the story after wards off- screen. Definitely put it on your list if it is Your Turn To Pick!
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Bradley Cooper bulked up his shoulders and took on a very difficult role that etches him on the list of "Great Actors" as he plays the real life character of Chris Kyle.
10 December 2014
(I hope I can get through this review without tearing up)

Viewing this movie in the theatre is different than usual. While you walk in and grab your seat, you may feel that everyone around you is anticipating the same thing ... a powerful story about a powerful man with a powerful purpose. That's a lot for a movie to live up to.

I believe you will walk out of the theatre with many thoughts after watching American Sniper ... and one of those thoughts will be that Bradley Cooper gave unwavering respect to Chris Kyle, his family, his fellow SEALS, his country and the movie industry. He bulked up his shoulders and took on a very difficult role that etches him on the list of "Great Actors" as he plays the real life character of Chris Kyle. Simply put - he was believable. His look. His accent. His Texas strut. His dip. His eyes. Watching the film you can clearly see what I assume to be parallel of what Kyle experienced on the battlefields abroad and at home. I can only hope the Kyle family and friends feel the same, as Cooper's acting appears to be a beautiful tribute to a "Legend".

While Clint Eastwood didn't break any ground with direction, I do believe he was a perfect choice for this film and did an incredible job telling Kyle's story without putting politics on the screen. This is a rough story to watch no matter your political views ... war is hell on all sides. If Eastwood put politics in the film I believe the audience would have lost the purpose of the piece. This is a movie that liberals, conservatives, libertarians, and "I-don't-knowins" can appreciate.

The best movies make you walk out of the doors seeing the world a bit differently. American Sniper gives an eerie look into a world that we, as Americans, are so far away from. Many of us don't know death like this. We don't know what it's like to face the mental and physical challenges our troops face during war. We've never been in the middle of a sand- storm fire fight. Eastwood, his crew and cast provide us with a small glimpse into what our troops face overseas and stateside. After seeing the movie inside an enormous mall, it was a bit surreal to walk out to an Urban Outfitters and Apple store full of Christmas shoppers. American Sniper will push you outside of everyday life to tell you a story that will stir your head and your heart.

Personally, American Sniper brought many emotions about the courageous servicemen, women and their families that have touched my life. Over the years I've had the honor to work with the American Veterans Center (AVC) in Arlington, VA, who host the National Memorial Day Parade and Wounded Warrior Experience among other great events. Some of the veterans who starred in American Sniper have also shared their story during AVC events. If this movie inspires you to learn more about these outstanding men and women, please check out AVC.

American Sniper also reminded me of the bravest people I know -- Lance Corporal Nicholas Erdy and his family. Much like you see on the screen, the Erdy's sacrifice and love for our country is the stuff superheroes are made of.

To the Kyle family, Erdys, all veterans, servicemen and women, and their families ... thank you for your sacrifice and courage. Your stories inspire us to strive for love and peace. To Eastwood, Cooper and the American Sniper team ... thank you for clearly putting your heart into this important American story. Bravo.

Bottom line - the Chris Kyle Story - American Sniper - is a must see.
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Wild (I) (2014)
A great mix of beauty, pain, courage, fear and something all of us struggle with, forgiveness.
3 December 2014
I'll admit … this movie is much better than expected. The trailer turned me off a bit — it seemed like a long, boring movie that would bring me back to 127 Hours again. No thank you.

I was pleasantly surprised. Yes… this is a story about one woman's journey across our amazing country. It is also a story about the people around her — the people she interacts with for minutes, months and milestones. It's not merely a woman walking for two hours on the screen … it's a great mix of beauty, pain, courage, fear and something all of us struggle with, forgiveness.

While I was suspect of the movie, I was not worried about Reese Witherspoon giving us a great performance. First of all — how it is possible this woman looks great in EVERYTHING!?!? As Elle Woods in Legally Blonde she wore pink to perfection. In Walk the Line she pulled off classic country in a way that even Dolly would have to say is pretty fabulous. And as Cheryl Strayed I left the theatre feeling like I needed to run to REI and pick up a pair of hiking boots and gray socks! Folks are debating online if she is one of America's sweethearts … in my opinion … she defines it. You can't help but like her. And if you aren't a Reese fan, check out Wild just to see her in this anti-Elle Woods role. I believe you will gain some respect for her.

Over the last 24 hours I was wondering if I would recommend this as a movie for you to pick when it's your turn. Yes. It's a great movie. Yes. Men can handle it (though I'm sure they will whine as you drag them there). Yes. You'll walk away with your heart tugged and perhaps a tear or two. So yes … I do recommend Wild if it is your turn to pick. If you love someone, lost someone, are searching for someone — there is a strong chance this movie will unexpectedly strike that chord. Why? Because Wild does a wonderful job sharing a life story all of us can relate to in someway. This isn't a Hollywood blockbuster script — it's a script about everyday life that always isn't pretty. The guy doesn't always get the girl. The dreams don't always come true. Answers aren't just straight ahead. All of us have a Wild story in our life … spending two hours watching Cheryl share hers is well worth your time and money.
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There are some laughs in here for everyone (unless you can't handle potty humor … that's what this is full of!)
20 November 2014
Yes!!! I knew (My Hollywood Boyfriend) Jason Bateman wouldn't let me down — he and the rest of the cast of Horrible Bosses 2 showed us how to properly put out a funny sequel. After a disappointing Dumb and Dumber To, this movie was a welcome surprise that needs to be on your list when it's your turn to pick. If you are looking at the line-up for the weekend and just want something everyone will enjoy, check out Horrible Bosses 2. It's worth the box office price with a side of popcorn and a coke!

Horrible Bosses 2 was exactly what I was hoping for — a fun, great, laugh out loud movie to step away from reality a bit and hang out with some of our favorite guys. For those of us that like adding movie one-liners to our repertoire, — Bateman, Sudeikis and Day are happy to oblige. There were so many funny moments from the best characters in Horrible Bosses plus the welcome addition of Chris Pine and Christopher Waltz.

The movie didn't try to remake Horrible Bosses. It didn't try to force us into a "thou shall think this is funny" jokes. You don't need to see Horrible Bosses to understand or enjoy the sequel. It seemed to just be a fun movie to make. When you can feel genuine chemistry on the screen it plays out for the audience. Simply put, it's just good comedy with a well written script acted by a group of folks who really seem to enjoy each other. Will it someday be on the AFI Top 100 list? No. Is it something you'll want to see again? Absolutely. Will we add it to our purchased list when released to DVD? Oh yes! It's one of those movies that is good to put on when you have someone visiting or just want a night away from drama (on screen or in life!)

I'm not usually one to comment on the soundtrack — but I must say every song seemed to come straight from my playlist! Who doesn't want to enjoy a bit of Katy Perry "Roar" with some Macklemore & Ryan Lewis "Can't Hold Us"! Fantastic! Are they still making movie soundtrack CD's anymore?!?! Because I'm in!

On a personal note — I also enjoyed the "American Manufacturing" and "American Dream" basis for the script. Being a huge of American Manufacturing, the story was a welcome (and funny) look at the challenges of "Making it in America". One of my favorite lines that I think will get a chuckle out of manufacturing fans — "The American Dream is built in China". Hilarious.

Bottom line, there are some laughs in here for everyone (unless you can't handle potty humor … that's what this is full of!) Take break from the holiday season upon us and check out my boyfriend Jason…ahh… I mean the movie Horrible Bosses 2 ;)
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Boyhood (I) (2014)
It's cool the director stuck to his plans over a 12 year period … but really … is it worth the hype? Abso-freaking-lutely.
16 November 2014
Simply put, BoyHood touches your soul and will be one of the best movies you'll ever see.

I was a bit skeptical when I first heard of a movie that follows the same actor as he gets older. What makes that unique when compared to watching the kids of Harry Potter or Zach Morris grow up on the big or little screen? It's cool the director stuck to his plans over a 12 year period … but really … is it worth the hype?


Ellar Coltrane's character Mason was an outstanding young man to follow throughout the movie. There is a great power to seeing a kid grow up on the screen without the need for specialized make-up, CGI or casting similar-looking actors. And while it's fascinating to see Mason – and the other characters – naturally age before our eyes, the storyline is the engaging glue. You feel the hurt, the happiness, the awkwardness, the rage, the hope of life over 12 years. This is a genius and genuine movie that will find it's way into your life days, weeks and I'm sure years to come.

While the movie is technically long it doesn't feel like 165 minutes (you'll soon learn my distain for movies that can't seem to master the art of editing). In fact, you'll wish this a franchise for us to follow Mason for the next 40 years. Go see it, buy it, talk about it … this is why we love going to the movies.
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Chef (2014)
It's a great start to what could be a great film.
16 November 2014
Eh. Meh. Okay. Sure. I'll always enjoy a movie with Jon Favreau on the screen – either as the main character or complimentary best friend role (The Break-Up comes to mind). He's lovable. You can't help but want to be his friend even when in the middle of a rage or feeling sorry for himself. I just like the guy. And I like the opportunity to support him as an actor / writer / director by buying or renting his movies. I'm a fan through and through of Faverau.

But, ugh, I just can't put this movie in the same pile as his other great movies (from independent flicks to Hollywood blockbusters). It just never went deep into the story or the characters. The story … Good. Predictable. Sweet. A little too perfect. The acting … Okay. Y'all wanted to hang out together in amazing food cities and enjoy great food — totally get it (think Couple's Retreat but for foodies — a group of Hollywood folks that found a way to get a studio to pay for a once-in-a-lifetime trip). Would it be better if Vince Vaughn joined at some point? Maybe. Why not?

It seems as though this was a very personal movie for Favreau — but he never really "let us in". The entire time I felt as though we were minutes if not seconds away from seeing his heart, passion and reason for making the film. It was so close. But it never got there. Is it about love? Kids? Cooking? Standing up for yourself? What? What do you want us to walk away with? I know there is an answer in there somewhere. I searched for the meaning. It just didn't get there.

If Jon was my buddy (a girl can dream, right?) I would sit down with him over a delicious meal (cooked by my man Matt of course) and a glass of wine and I would challenge him to cut half of the movie out and give it more passion. I would ask him what he was afraid of doing with the movie and to tackle it head on … instead of relying of Sofia Vergara to smile us through it (she is gorgeous so I understand taking that route!)

It's a great start to what could be a great film.

Jon – it's just my opinion. I hope we can still be friends. :)
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Dumb and Dumber To tried to force one-liners on us. Ain't nobody got time for that.
16 November 2014
Ugh. I knew it wouldn't be good — but I didn't realize how bad it would be. Ouch. Guys … sometimes you need to let the past be the past. During the entire movie I was reminded of an out-take from Liar Liar … "Overactor!" From Jim Carrey exaggerating this arms while walking to the over-the-top cross-eyes from Jeff Daniels, this was simply painful to watch.

This morning Matt and I watched the original Dumb and Dumber to make sure we're weren't judging this movie differently now that we are older (and wiser perhaps?) Nope. We're not wiser … this sequel is really as bad as it looks. The sequel just tried too hard. The jokes are pushy. The storyline lame. And did I mention the overacting? What made Dumb and Dumber great was that it seemed to be unexpected. I don't think they expected it to be one of the best quotable movies of all time. Who would have predicted "Austria! Beautiful … let's put another shrimp on the barbie" would be something we would quote for over two decades? It's crazy – but we did. It wasn't forced.

Dumb and Dumber To tried to force one-liners on us. Ain't nobody got time for that.

In my opinion, the big underlying challenge with this movie is that they made Lloyd and Harry idiotic, instead of dumb. That may seem like a thin line, but it's noticeable. Watch Dumb and Dumber again — while they made dumb moves their characters weren't completely out of it. They acted like young children who were trying to be cool adults between annoying sounds and chuckling at Flo the waitress. Dumb and Dumber To made Lloyd and Harry out to be completely off the planet. They're characters did not bring the same heart we loved about them 20 years ago.

It's just bad. Don't spend your money at the theater. Don't rent it. Wait until you can catch it on Netflix or Comedy Central when nothing else is on. Keep living the Dumb and Dumber of the 90s … it was a lot funnier.
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Gone Girl (2014)
If you haven't seen it … what are you doing tonight? Seeing Gone Girl? Thought so!
16 November 2014
Oh I love love love this movie. I've already seen it twice and look forward to seeing it again (and most likely owning it!) If you've seen it once, see it again … you'll appreciate the David Fincher details even more. If you haven't seen it … what are you doing tonight? Seeing Gone Girl? Thought so!

This first time I saw the movie, I questioned Ben Affleck as the lead for at least a hour. It felt as if he was simply chosen for being Ben Affleck — a star to bring in the ladies and the cash. By the end of of the film it was clear Ben was perfect for the role. Fischer said in a Playboy article that he was looking for the perfect smile for the Nick Dunne character and googled the Affleck smile. "I flipped through Google Images and found about 50 shots of Affleck giving that kind of smile in public situations. You look at them and know he's trying to make people comfortable in the moment, but by doing that he's making himself vulnerable to people having other perceptions about him."

The movie's leading lady played by Rosemund Pike is also a wonderful choice. Without giving anything away, let's just say the casting was perfection for the plot twists. Any team that can pull in NPH (Neil Patrick Harris) is going to put a great ensemble cast together. They are believable from the first second of the film. If you are questioning the acting, then the movie has you right where they want you.

I continue to grow my respect and love for David Fincher as a director after watching Gone Girl. The Social Network wowed me (behind the scenes footage was killer) and I'm a huge fan of House of Cards. Gone Girl is another home run. In an interview with Affleck, he talked about getting to finally rest during a movie as merely the actor, not the director / actor after his big Argo win. He mentioned that when he was directing Argo, he would hear "no" to something and consider it a done deal and move on. One of the things he learned from Fincher is the centuries-old-lesson "never take no as answer". According to Affleck, Fincher does not accept no — no matter the cost, time or hassle. It will be interesting to see how Fincher's lessons will impact Ben's direction in his next picture. (Author's note: I'm struggling to find the interview to post as a reference! Still looking and will update once found!)

Gone Girl is smart, engaging, exciting. During the movie take a quick glance at the people around you — they are on the edge of their seats. Listen to their comments after the movie — hear what they took away about relationships, social media and the 24 hour news cycle. And yes, ladies, it's over two hours of Ben Affleck … simply put, you can't go wrong.

We would love to hear your thoughts — especially from those of you who read the book. I hear the movie is awesomely close to the book. I have it on my nightstand and look forward to reading it.
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St. Vincent (2014)
Precious and unexpected. St. Vincent is a great movie to pick on date night or girls night (even "my parents are visiting" night).
16 November 2014
Precious and unexpected. St. Vincent is a great movie to pick on date night or girls night (even "my parents are visiting" night).

I had average expectations for this movie. Bill Murray is Bill Murray — you know what you are going to get. Melissa McCarthy has dropped a few duds between amazing hits. I was expecting a quick, average movie to allow me the opportunity to indulge in movie popcorn for 90 minutes and win some points with Matt for seeing one of his favorite actors.

I cried in the last few minutes — needless to say the film exceeded my expectations.

It hit a nerve in a similar way as BoyHood … a genuine look into everyday lives of people around us. Everyone has a story. Has pain. Has something they are struggling with and are trying to get through. There is a quote by Will Smith that is traveling through the social- media-sphere where he (supposedly) said "Never underestimate the pain of a person, because in all honesty everyone is struggling. Some people are just better hiding it than others." St. Vincent is a wonderful example of that statement on the screen.

In 90 minutes director Theodore Melfi gave us an old-school roller coaster film that had you questioning your character loyalty throughout. Leveraging the brilliant comedic timing of Murray, McCarthy and Chris O'dowd gave the movie heart and the perfect amount of laughter that life craves when you are going through tough times. Newcomer Jaeden Lieberher was outstanding as McCarthy's son — believable in a variety of emotions and situations — the kind of kid I'd hope to have someday. And Naomi Watts was surprising (I think that's the best word to describe her) as a Russian "lady of the night". Yep. That's right. She was awesome.

It's a great movie with a sweet story and world-class acting.

If you are feeling down in the dumps there is something here for you to enjoy. If you are a bit too into you right now and need a reality check on life there is something here for you to enjoy. If you just want some fun Bill Murray moments there is something here for you to enjoy. No matter your attitude walking in, I believe you'll walk out pleased you gave St. Vincent a moment of your time.

St. Vincent reminds you of the classic lesson to cut people some slack in life … and your lead instructor is Bill Murray. Enjoy!
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What does a former James Bond, Bruce Wayne or Peter Parker do when a younger, stronger actor takes his place on the screen?
16 November 2014
Birdman brings a whole new "magic to the movies" that I haven't felt in a very long time. CGI and other amazing talented movie makers have given us the middle earth (Lord of the Rings) and realistic twin brothers (The Social Network). It's not a bad thing at all -- we are living in such an amazing time for movies and TV shows. That said, rarely do I walk away from a movie completely in awe of how it was made.

Enter Birdman. While there is some CGI to it, it's the camera-work that is truly outstanding. It's like watching a play in front of your eyes, the camera never breaks as it walks you though the story. No second shots. No fades to black. It's as if the actors and crew had a one-day shoot with quick costume changes and breaks between the scenes. Please spend your hard earned money supporting this movie at your local theater -- even if it's just to appreciate and support the talented folks behind the cameras that made this movie.

Now for the folks on screen -- amazing. Michael Keaton, Emma Stone, Naomi Watts and Ed Norton. I have a personal motto when it comes to movies ... "If Ed Norton is in, I'm in". Of course he wouldn't let me down. Yet again he comes to the screen with some of the best acting I've seen. After watching Naomi Watts play a Russian stripper in St. Vincent, it was awesome to see her in a completely different role a Broadway actress struggling with confidence on and off the stage. Emma Stone was brilliant. Not only would she be a great friend to have ... she is proving herself as not just a pretty face but a talented actress who I see getting a golden statue someday.

And Michael Keaton -- we've missed you. What a wonderful comeback story to bring to us. His real-life comparison playing Batman over 20 years ago made this movie eerily creepy in a touching way. But Keaton was not only great because he once himself a Birdman, he was great because he is a great. A few times I did hear a bit of Beetlejuice in his rants, which brought back more fond Keaton-memories.

I felt a lot of vulnerability from Keaton. It seemed personal. And there is nothing better than genuineness on and off screen. Keaton, Stone, Norton - they gave it their all.

You may love this movie, you may not. It is a true independent film -- if you're favorite movies are Hollywood blockbusters this is not going to be on top of the list. However I still encourage you to see this movie. It's an interesting story about life after big Hollywood (think modern-day Sunset Blvd.). What does a former James Bond, Bruce Wayne or Peter Parker do when a younger, stronger actor takes his place on the screen? After watching Birdman, you may even have a bit more respect for our childhood superheroes and their courage after the sets are closed.
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