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True Detective: Night Country: Part 5 (2024)
Season 4, Episode 5
Terrible stuff here all around
10 February 2024
I've tried to enjoy this season. I came into it with an open mind and hoped to enjoy it. Unfortunately every single character is just a terrible person except for Prior and Rose. I'm not asking for a season as phenomenal as season 1 here. I get that that was lightning in a bottle and almost impossible to recreate. I would just like something a little more involved and detailed with a decent villain. Childress was a proper bad guy and terrifying to behold in the end. He also wasn't waved in front of us the entire show. The last couple seaons have been obvious way too early and this one is no different. The thing that you thought was going to happen in episode 3 is pretty much what is happening. This had promise, but it appears that promise was squandered.
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Blaming the patriarchy for not letting her help *facepalm*
10 October 2023
Ellen Burstyn is given the line "They didn't let me watch my daughter's exorcism because of the patriarchy". Really? Is this the best writing ya'll can do? Keep the strike going if that's the case. We're expected to believe that Ms. McNeil would be anything less than grateful to the two men who literally died to save her daughter? This is ridiculous and this line alone should tell you everything you need to know about the current state of Hollywood. A place where the new motto is "We piss on our former heroes to elevate our new inferior ones". This movie is a sham and on top of all that it's not even a good enough film to pry open the coffin of this dead franchise for one more cash grab reincarnation. Wait until this hits Netflix or Hulu. It's not worth a matinee ticket.
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Good information on the corruption at the top sprinkled with sad sap military stories
21 September 2023
I enjoyed the information about all of the fraud, waste and abuse. I also enjoyed the backstory on the corruption of the Afghan government and the spineless Afghan Soldiers and Police. Seems to be very similar to the Iraqi Police and Soldiers from my experience. Men who would sell their own mothers out for a dollar. This was the problem in my opinion in the Middle East. We were trying to help elevate countries who were not up to the task and have no sense of pride in their nations and most likely never will. You can't make someone care about the future of their country. The society either values it or they don't. Many in the middle east simply don't care about anything farther out than their next meal and how to make a quick buck. What really irked me was the three Soldiers the producers found to tell their stories and how all three of them were chosen because their thoughts match up with the message the show intends to tell. It was three blubbering service members who look back at their time with disdain. Cool, tell those stories. I get that. What I don't like is that there are hundreds of thousands of combat veterans who don't feel like these three and not a single one of those people spoke. Not everyone decries their service in the Middle East as some terrible injustice they wrought onto the world. Many of us know exactly why we went and what the mission was. A couple of interviews with those people may have counteracted the obvious bias here. We're not all sad sacks waiting to break down weeping when we are asked about it. Some of us are proud of what we did and we don't share those sentiments.
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Weak plot, questionable CGI, not great
16 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So, the CGI is so hit and miss here it's hilarious. Sometimes it looks great, other times it looks like a Blizzard cutscene from 2008 all over again. Some of the acting is overdone to the point that I think some of these people think they're in a Shakespeare play. Angela Bassett namely seems to get more and more over the top with every scene. She screams and overenunciates with her overly dramatic fake accent to the point that I laughed at certain times.

The plot is bad, like really bad. Apparently a 19 year old girl created a machine that can detect vibranium and the US government never bothered to have a single engineer or scientist reverse engineer this machine in case it ever broke or needed to be fixed. Naaaah, just throw it in the ocean It'll be fine. Then Namor has the brilliant plan to just kill the 19 year old girl and that'll stop the detection process. Wow, what a dumb plan right? Yes, except somehow he may be right because the government was so shortsighted in this world Ryan Coogler has envisioned that they just threw it in the ocean without understanding how it worked. Everyone other than the Wakandans in this movie are so dumb in order to advance the plot that eventually you start to roll your eyes. The first Black Panther was cool, this movie not so much.
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19-2: Tomorrow (2017)
Season 4, Episode 8
An ending, bittersweet and composed.
24 June 2022
It made me sad to watch this but grateful for the journey I had been taken on. I write this review 5 years after the show actually ended. I found this just browsing and it was such a great experience. The ups and downs were many but the story always held me in its grasp. It didn't overstay its welcome and become stale as so many shows do. 19-2 did its job and told me a story I'll not forget. Thank you to everyone involved with this. You knocked it out of the park and you should be proud.
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I loved it, except for one small critique.
24 May 2022
Hearing George's story from his family and friends was phenomenal. I could have used more time and insight from them though. Having some folks like Stephen Colbert, W. Kamau Bell and Hassan Minaj there just felt like wasted time however. I can appreciate that they want to speak on how he influenced them and how they interpreted his ideas but I wanted more Alex Winter, Chris Rock, Kevin Smith and more John Stewart. You know, people that actually knew the man and spent significant time with him. That would be my only small gripe in an otherwise fantastic viewing experience. We miss you George, you were so far ahead of the game it's scary. Hope you're having fun laughing at us out there somewhere.
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Shouldn't have even bothered.
8 February 2022
The series got worse with every addition and this unnecessary mess didn't change that. The first film was pretty cool with some neat concepts if not some very wooden acting by everyone except our one and only Morpheus, the legend that is Laurence Fishburne. The second was enjoyable but you could see the cracks showing. The third movie was where it was supposed to all turn around and end with a huge bang! It didn't. It ended with a huge fart and a little confetti, it was over and we were ok with it. Now this is here, and it's even worse than the other three's worst failings combined. It's a tryhard film attempting to be cooler than it is with a plot that is yawn inducing because we've already seen it with a few faces changed before, but the technology was slightly worse back then. The young new sassy Twitter inspired characters aren't cool, they suck. Let it go, it's over. Try to make something new and better. a better job than you did with Jupiter Ascending for gods sake.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
I think most of us are really this stupid, not all but most.
30 December 2021
I think a lot of these events would play out in similar fashion. The average human being can't pull their head out of their phone or their a$$ for five minutes and it's mostly filled with mindless crap that doesn't matter. The internet is a giant ad and we can't get enough of it. Our celebrities are mostly vapid beings and we worship at the alter of brainless Buzzfeed stories. Would it be this extreme? Probably not. Would it be close, I think so.
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So many stupid people...
30 October 2021
Haloween Kills was one of the dumbest movies I've ever seen. I understand that there are a few dummies running around in the world but you expected me to believe an entire town in Illinois is that stupid? I mean, I know it's Illinois but still. Not one smart person in that entire town could be on display for this movie? I'm pretty sure Michael Myers was the hero of the film for trying to contain and destroy all those idiots.
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A hell of a treat flying under the radar.
23 May 2021
Sadly, I feel like this show will never get the credit it deserves. It's some of the best drama I've seen in a long time and kinda makes me feel the same way that True Detective season 1 did. The cast is phenomenal and Kate Winslet is really putting her acting chops on full display with this great series. Evan Peters is always a a blast to watch and he has a way of bringing great energy to every scene he's in no matter what he's doing. Definitely give this one a watch, you won't be disappointed.
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Be Water (2020)
They turned this into a "woke" statement and it suffers for it
5 February 2021
This documentary was the first one I've seen on the great Bruce Lee that felt like it consisted more of lamenting his time on this earth as a struggle against constant racism more than anything else he did. It becomes the entire point of the film. It's actually ridiculous and borderline laughable how far they take it at times. It becomes more and more apparent the longer you watch this that it's less about Bruce and more about making a woke political statement aimed at the purple haired white women on Twitter and it's a huge disservice to him. Everyone involved in this should be embarrassed.
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Probably the worst thing DC has made yet.
3 January 2021
The plot is terrible, the acting is terrible, the characters are terrible, it's just all bad. Patty Jenkins needs to stick to directing and leave the writing to others, she's not good at it. This was a corny attempt at a parable and it failed miserably. Once again, DC fails to deliver. Not a shocker anymore.

Sidenote: Kristen Wiig is just horrible at everything she touches. It's getting to the point where if I see her name attached to anything I brace myself for the worst.
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Tread (2019)
Small town folks know
6 August 2020
I believe Marv 100%. I grew up in a small town of 1100 people and anyone who grew up in a similar town knows these good old boys clubs exist without a doubt. There are 3 or 4 familys in these small towns and if you cross them, they will have you excommunicated and isolated and do whatever they can to smear your name. Marv had an extreme reaction to such an experience for sure and it's terrible that he did so, but anyone trying to act like his story doesn't hold any water at all is fooling themselves. These people undoubtedly pushed him and now want to act like they were innocent little lambs in all of it. Not buying it.
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"sHe iS JaWwN"
23 March 2020
Gimme a break, what a joke. This movie is a total piece of garbage. It gets a 3 for some good effects and fight scenes. Terminator Salvation was better than this.
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I lived a version of this movie, and it hurt.
4 January 2020
I didn't expect this to mirror how my ex wife and I had to go through the stages of divorce so accurately. My son was only 2 when we were divorced and all of the ups and downs and petty fights and anger that we had for each other was exhausting but we went through it all just to fight for him, who we both love more than anything. We said horrible things to each other we can never take back but we didn't really mean and we both eventually found a way to make it work for him and to protect him from the ugliness. We made it through to the other side and have a good relationship now and work as a team to raise him with love and support but it was a long road out of hell to get there. This movie portrayed that in a way I would never have expected. It made me cry numerous times thinking of how hopeless and angry I was for so long and in that I feel like this movie deserves every accolade it gets. It felt genuine and painful but with hope at the end. It's real and powerful.
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 8: Redemption (2019)
Season 1, Episode 8
Saving Star Wars one episode at a time.
27 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
IG-11 killing every stormtrooper in sight while baby yoda giggles on his lap may be the best thing I've ever seen on a TV show. Thank you Mr. Favreau, you're killing it.
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The Mandalorian (2019– )
This is what we wanted all along.
12 November 2019
It feels like star wars is back with this. The mandalorian captures the essence of the original trilogy and delivers what the fans have wanted all along. Thank you Jon Favreau.
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How to sniff your own farts with Piers Morgan
18 September 2019
Piers Morgan may be the worst person to ever make a show of this kind. There is no explanation of the crimes beyond the surface level. This is essentially just a show about Piers Morgan confronting convicted serial killers with juvenile dialog and what he thinks is witty wordplay in order to make him feel like a tough guy. The long slow motion shots on him walking in the woods talking about his opinion make it obvious this show isn't about the killers, it's about him and how superior his opinion is over everyone else's. It's like watching Piers Morgan sniff his own farts for an hour. At the end of the fart sniffing he then talks a little trash to a convict in order to get them fired up and the show ends. The formula is laughable and embarrassing to watch. Skip this trash.
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The Lion King (2019)
Just stop Disney
21 July 2019
Stop remaking your old content for cash. Make something new. I have yet to see a live action remake that is memorable. They've all been mediocre at best and this one is subpar.
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At least they tried?
7 June 2019
James McAvoy is the only decent thing about this movie. You can tell everyone else is just bored and Sophie Turner/Jessica Chastain are the most underwhelming and yawn inducing couple together on screen I've seen in quite some time. Save your money and wait until it hits the blu-ray bargain bin.
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Game of Thrones: The Bells (2019)
Season 8, Episode 5
From 0 to 100 mph in two episodes
16 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I don't think anyone is debating the outcome here. Danys turn was coming at some point for sure, but this pacing is absolute trash. They had her arc go from a crawl to a sprint in 2 episodes. It's laughable and the direct result of ending the show much faster than it should be. There should have been another season to do this correctly. Instead we got half-assed storytelling to rush to the end so D&D can run off and make millions to ruin Star Wars. Way to screw it all up dummies.
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Game of Thrones: The Last of the Starks (2019)
Season 8, Episode 4
Rushed and incoherent for the last 30 mins
6 May 2019
This season feels rushed and incoherent as hell. It's sad to see such a great series end with such a pitiful whimper. The characters have started doing dumb things just to further the rushed plot. If HBO and the writers had just sprung for 4 more episodes you could tell this would have ended much better. This has been disappointing to say the least and this episode was the worst so far.
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Dumbo (2019)
This isn't a remake.
7 April 2019
This is a bad movie made with a familiar character from the past shoehorned into it to try to get people to watch it. It isn't Dumbo, it's a completely different movie and it's cliched and boring.
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Breaks the normal Marvel formula for a very interesting and satisfying story.
10 March 2019
This movie is getting a lot of hate from people that haven't seen it, plain and simple. It breaks away from the normal Marvel formula and tells a very interesting story with heart. Brie Larson did a good job and exceeded my expectations. I went into this movie expecting that I would hate it and over the top feminism would be crammed down our throats with a predictable plot being played out. I was wrong and so are the people trying to say this isn't a good movie. It is a good movie, I swear. Not the greatest movie in the MCU, but far from the worst.
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I have high hopes again.
14 January 2019
This has already pulled me in much more than Season 2 ever did at any point. Very excited for the future of this season. I doubt season 1 will ever be topped and I very much hope we revisit Carcosa in the future but this seems to be going well. Fingers crossed! Ignore the edgy naysayers.
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