
130 Reviews
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Poor Things (2023)
Porn Things
8 March 2024
Everyone is either going overboard with praise for this film, which is ridiculous, or are choosing to bash it simply for its overabundance of (semi-graphic) sexual scenes. I think that both groups are missing very important points.

The really deplorable things within the film which I believe most people are missing or are just not commenting on, are:

1. The easy way in which SO MUCH animal abuse is interspersed throughout the entire thing. WHEN did we reach a place where it is so acceptable in films???

2. The fact that the main character is mentally underaged for most of the film, and yet, the sexual encounters with her are not only okay, but celebrated.

If this is what is now called "art", I bow out from supporting it.
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Disquiet (2023)
WHAT happened to JRM?
22 February 2024
WHAT happened to JRM?

Jonathan Rhys Meyers was one of the most adorable and really good actors (or so I thought), just a few years back. I thought he would pave his way to superstar status after seeing him opposite Tom Cruise in one of the MI movies. So ... what happened that led him to hit the rock-bottom that is Disquiet?

This is the type of film you see as a first outing, when someone is just trying to break into the acting game, and which they later regret and never mention again. So, HOW could it have come after some genuinely good parts he has played?

It's a mystery ... and a disappointment.
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I WANT to like JLO so bad ...
22 February 2024
... but she makes it so difficult!

That speaking voice! The lip-synching. The "acting". This mess of a movie. Why, Jen? WHY?

Why not take the money she invests in these self-financed vanity projects and invest in other, talented, upcoming actors and actresses and films? I think she has a good eye due to the fact that somewhere in all the chaos of This is Me Now, there's a hint of what it could have been under a different crew ... and with a different actress. Sadly, it's just a hint and much too hidden in all the different directions this film wanted to go to, but couldn't quite reach.

Also, there are more Latinas out there than just Puerto Ricans. Maybe if JLO made movies for ALL of us, rather than focusing on a particular group, they would be more appealing to the masses she is obviously trying to reach.
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The Elderly (2022)
Comparing this to [Rec.] is like comparing a Rubber Ducky to a Jet Ski
5 November 2023
I love my hubby. He is one of the best things in my life. The fact, however, that he actually lends any credence or weight into Rotten Tomatoes movie scores, drives me crazy! Yes, yes, I know .... the same can be said about me who uses IMDB to test the temperature of films before viewing or to leave thoughts on them once viewed. But seriously, speaking of comparisons, RT is a joke with a bad punchline.

So is the case with this film.

The Elderly, or "Viejos" stands at a 100% RT Rating at this writing. Not 15% of that is deserved. To say that some serious SOMETHING must have exchanged hands in order to generate that 100% score, is probably not an exaggeration.

While both the two gents who play the dads (dad and granddad) and the lady who plays the stepmom are pretty believable, one of the MAIN characters (the daughter/granddaughter) is AWFUL. Let me say this just for the record: BlG BOOBS DON'T EQUAL TALENT. Her acting is stiff and her facial expressions when no lines are running, are awkward and annoying.

The MAJOR problem is the story itself. Now, while I would like to say it had potential, how true can that be, exactly? I mean anything and everything COULD have potential and in the case of The Elderly, if a million things had been done differently with it, perhaps it would have. As it is, it was a hodgepodge of angry statements by one character, clueless responses from another, lots of tight shots of worried faces, and THEN, the most ridiculous of endings to have ever made film less than it should be.
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Okay, let me have it for my Rating of 7
4 November 2023
I can't help it though .... I like Josh Hutcherson. I think he got a raw deal with being the partner no one wanted for Katniss in the Hunger Games, and for the creators of that franchise using him to a bare minimum and only to make him act the part of 'the girl'. You KNOW exactly what I'm speaking of; so sue me. He gets a pass here.

Plus, if you understand the basics of the FNAF franchise, it pretty much covers what it needs to. Hutcherson plays the clueless, beat-down, life-has-it-out-for-him, semi-dazed brother with a good heart who really tries, very well.

A couple of the "bads" might as well be wearing signs from the very beginning especially because it's FNAF, so there is little to no suspense in that area, but it's somewhat interesting and entertaining, which is more than you can say for a LOT of films out now. The story itself is different or at least not overdone, so that's another plus. Who knows, in a few years it may actually become a cult classic. For now, well, even my 7 won't allow me to FULLY recommend it. NOT that it's BAD, but watch it to say you did, because you're a FNAF fan and to support those involved, or because you have nothing better to do (the list of things to-do may surprise you), or for the animatronics which are pretty great, or because you like stories that are just a tad off the beaten path, but don't expect it to be a 10-Star project.

5.5 Stars + 1.5 Stars for Hutcherson :D.
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Milli Vanilli (2023)
Girrrrl you know it's true: Blame it on the FAME! (Milli Humanilli)
3 November 2023
I heard about Milli Vanilli when I was really, really young - right out of toddlerhood, maybe. As such, at the time, I never really understood everything that happened back then involving this "scandal", but it always surprised me how vehemently ANGRY quite a few people would become at the thought of these two men, Robert Pilatus and Fabrice Morvan having "lip-synced some songs". (Yes, that's pretty much what I knew of it). As I grew up, I understood more of it, especially because I was involved in dance, but still, the indignation and ire with which some people referred to it, always escaped me. As much WRONG that was done by these guys, much worse was actioned by the ones who used them and benefitted from them. Can anyone who sees this documentary, truly say they would not at least pause and consider the dream-come-true which was presented to be plucked? If anything, they brought the world some GREAT tunes which otherwise may not have been made or may not have had the success and airplay they did. What a shame that the brunt of the fallout and fallback, as this documentary shows, was paid by the two performers.
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Reptile (2023)
- "Am I a suspect?" - "Everyone's a suspect."
1 October 2023
I've never really been what you can call a Timberlake fan. I can take his music or leave it. As for his screen work, I don't think I have ever been particularly moved to watch a project based on his inclusion, or not. That said, he was pretty excellent in this. Based on this one performance, I may have to reevaluate his body of work. Yes; he was that good.

Del Toro, in the meantime, (at least at the beginning), pulled a bit at my heartstrings because he looked both, so much older than I am used to, and somewhat heavier and more "worn" than usual. His performance, however, was ever so rich with subtle context and deep ever-changing ranges of conflict, that it reminded me of the first time I saw him in Traffic. He's mesmerizing.

The rest of the cast was nothing short of perfect. It is better for me to point out the copious amount of collective talent, rather than make this review too long by pointing out each nuanced performance. So, to watch this for any of these actors would be reward enough. To watch it for all of them is a treat. And yet ... it delivers more than that. You see, despite all the strong portrayals, the REAL "magic" in this film, happens in the story and how it's told.

While not necessarily linear, and while sometimes a bit heavy-handed, the tale is solidly terrific.
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The Idol (2023)
Boring, distasteful, cringey, badly-acted, horribly scripted, shoddily filmed.
13 September 2023
I thought that this series could not possibly be as bad as most were saying. I thought there had to be some redeeming quality to it or that it was just generally "misunderstood" as sometime happens. Whew! Was I wrong! This series is altogether boring, distasteful, cringey, badly-acted, horribly scripted, shoddily filmed, and awfully composed. I HONESTLY cannot think back to ANY series as head-shakingly poorly made as this one.

For a series to appeal to the average viewer, it MUST BE a COMPILATION of POSITIVE factors which FAR OUTWEIGH the negative ones. ... And trust me, one could dig to the bottom, of the bottom, of the bottom of the barrel on this one, (not a difficult thing to accomplish, seeing as that's pretty much where it begins and ends), and not find ONE positive about it.

Even Lily Rose who I have liked in other starter roles, is ALL-around awful in this. The way she is photographed or lit or filmed in this, is not very flattering. Did they do this on purpose? Was there a reason for it? Don't get me started on the Weeknd guy. In what universe did someone decide he would make a good leading male? I cringe in embarrassment for these two people. Both can do better, I think, although the rest of the cast is no indication of that assertion. The sex scenes are wooden, and not in a good way. The "sexy talk" is anything but. Yes, dialogue as is placed in a couple of the bedroom scenes DOES exist in real life, but SELDOM in the real life worlds of those who know each other for two minutes - and IF it does, it probably sounds just as fake and embarrassing as it does in this series.

Chemistry between the two leads might help, but that ship never made it to port, much less sailed.

Dan Levy, Jane Adams, Hank Azaria (to name a few) seem to almost wince in distress when delivering their lines. (REALLY). The feeling of 'oh my god; how did I get into this?', is almost palpable. Hari Nef's delivery is as excellent as hearing nails scratch across a chalkboard.

As for 'creator' Sam Levinson - OMG - don't get me started! I can't decide who is more repressed - him, or the director of 2022s Blonde, Andrew Dominik. I would be terrified to meet either of them at ANY point in my life, much less in a dark alley or club. Just the thought makes me want to bathe with bleach and brushes. Both are top on my list of directors to avoid at all costs.

Also on my list of who to avoid is anyone who left a 10-Star review for this series. Surely they are part of the crew ... or, they've never, ever before watched television, and cannot be trusted. Ever. I mean, like EVER. Actually, neither can anyone giving it ANY rating above a 3. Heck, I don't trust the 2-Star reviewers very much either. :)

... I could go on and on AND ON with reasons of why to avoid this fiasco of a show because I have BARELY BEGUN to even SCRATCH the SURFACE of all that is wrong on and with 'The Idol', but I feel as if I have already devoted more minutes of my life on it than it will ever hope to warrant.

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Flamin' Hot (2023)
Flamin' Not
23 June 2023
First of all, for those who are saying the film is based on a lie: you don't KNOW that. I've worked too long within the corporate legal field and with enormous corporations who very often place the names of non-involved individuals on patents, simply to suit the need of a particular patent or patent filing. As such, I cannot discount the story, nor can I give it any credence. Neither can you, as neither YOU nor I were there. PepsiCo, however, does have a vested interest in the story not being true.

All that said, while I love my Latino people and I applaud Longoria's directorial and other efforts on this project, to me, it just wasn't ... captivating enough. I had problems relating not only to the main character (although I loved the wife), but to the cast as a whole. Despite there being a clear-cut underdog, there was no one I could really sink my teeth in and root for. The other thing that bugged me (a lot) is why were the Flamin' Hot products in this film, marketed to, or targeted at, only hispanics? Don't people of all races ENJOY hot foods?

Another reviewer said it best: If you enjoy films, there's no reason for you to pass this one up. You may like it. If you tend to give low scores for just any reason, you may want to skip it.
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A Chorus Line (1985)
MY Red Shoes.
9 June 2023
Either by design or unexpectedly, I always find myself coming back to this film every few years, and every few years when I see it, I can't help but watch it two or three times in a row until the cycle begins again. Every time the cycle begins again, I can't help but be moved.

As someone who made the decision to give up pursuing professional and competition dance in order to pursue what some would term an actual money-making 'career', A Chorus Line (for all the cheesiness some would see in it), speaks deeply to me. This is furthered by the fact that each character's story is based on REAL events, as shared by real-life dancers and actors. That said, the very nature of these characters, standing on a bare line, giving it all they have and waiting to be judged and then accepted or rejected based on the need, whim or desire of another, speaks not only to and of these dancers, but to every person who has stood on that metaphorical line in LIFE. Somehow, this very 80's, somewhat grainy, somewhat imperfect film, makes that argument.

Putting aside that it is based off of the 1975 musical stage production that went on to win Tony Award after Tony Award along with a Pulitzer, this film stands on its own despite the many flaws it has. (Flaws that unfortunately, have become more glaring as it has aged). Still, it is the bare-bones HUMANITY at its core, that drove the musical production to explode, and it is what carries this 1985 film. Its amazing (and to me, improved) score; the delicious and curtailed choreography; and the heartfelt stand-alone stories, told more times than not through catchy, sing-along tunes; will continue to carry it for years to come. In fact, here we are, almost FORTY years after its release, and we're still watching it and talking about it. Downvote all the positive, high-score reviews you want, but that is FACT.

If you haven't seen this, don't be put off by the stage-production "PURISTS" (OF COURSE A LIVE VIEWING will most certainly always surpass a filmed version of anything), who left so much at the altar of the original/live show, that they had no more to feel. Treat yourself. It isn't perfect and it has aged, but it has also become the classic it should be.
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Love & Death (2023)
I have a confection to make
26 May 2023
First off, I am a bit impressed and encouraged by television offerings lately. ...Well okay, two or three series come immediately to mind.

Love & Death is one of them.

At first, my husband and I weren't too interested in watching this perhaps because neither of us knew much about the case it is based on. After seeing it pop up as a choice a few times, however, we figured 'what the heck', and began watching. While parts of Episode 1 actually felt a bit "icky" (for lack of a better term), I am so glad we stuck with it, and by the next day, I couldn't wait to get home in order to to pick up where we had left off at episode three.

To begin, the soundtrack at least for the first half or more of the series, is a MASTERFUL collection of tunes from the 70's and 80's, and which work perfectly to add to the feeling that you are watching this dark series unfold firsthand. In fact, IMO, the only thing within Love & Death that rivals how excellent the music is for most of the first few episodes, is how exceptional Elizabeth Olsen is in her riveting portrayal of Candy Montgomery. That is not to say that rest of the cast's acting was not top-notch or that the rest of the series is not good, it is just difficult not to notice how much Elizabeth Olsen stands far and above here. This Elizabeth Olsen is tiers from the one you may have seen in anything else. To say her range is incredible, would be an understatement. Not too far behind in accolades, should be Lily Rabe who it was nice to see again, and who also wonderfully, convincingly, and definingly portrays the role of Betty Gore. Jesse Plemons as a love interest is the only casting choice I found a bit problematic.

In as far as the story, it unfolds ... engagingly. What's funny (strange), not funny (haha), is that while the episodes are an hour long, each felt much longer. This normally happens when something isn't paced well or isn't interesting enough to keep one's full attention, but neither was the case here. The series, which revolves around what occured before and after a certain true-life incident, is both compelling and flows well.

A recommended watch.

7.4 / 10, but a 7 just seemed too low.


Encouraged by reviews here which mentioned the Hulu version, we thought: "GREAT! Something BETTER than Love & Death?!? Let's see it!" Well ... don't fall for the hype. It was very nonlinear, and quite dull, both in color and story progression.
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Beef (2023– )
25 May 2023
Relatos Salvajes (or Wild Tales in English), a film made up of short but vivid vignettes about the human 'condition', is one of my favorite films. To quote myself: "Not only is the acting fantastic, but every single one of the stories paints a picture of each of us at our most gloriously, base, human-like moments." In THAT regard, while both works are unrelated, I thought that I would enjoy "Beef" when I first heard about it, and in fact, figured it would be a "continuation" (of sorts) of one of the stories depicted in Wild Tales. As it is, it turned out to be so much more.

While it isn't perfect, and it bogs down momentarily in places, as a whole, Beef DELIVERS. The hardships of trying to get things done in this day and age when things should be easier to accomplish, yet seem almost harder to do sometimes, rings much too true and close for comfort throughout this series ... but for the very same reason, it is like gripping one of those enlarging mirrors, and you can't look away. While I both hated and liked them, I mostly felt FOR and LIKE these very flawed, but entirely human PEOPLE - and wound up binge-watching all 10 episodes.

I was not entirely crazy about every casting choice until the very end, but the acting is good, the pacing is alright and the score is nice. I enjoyed Steven Yeun so much in TWD, that it was great to see him in something really good; and truly, it is SO very good. In fact, the story is excellent. I am seldom surprised by what a character does next or the way a story unfolds, but I was unprepared for what 'happened next' quite a few times in this series. I liked that.

The creators could have ended this in dozens of ways, many of which would have been quite satisfying. How they did choose to, while possibly seemingly 'trite' on paper, was perfection.

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Surprise! Killer Acting.
18 May 2023
Shailene Woodley has never stood out, (to me), in any particularly noteworthy way as an actor. Actually, that sounds a lot harsher than intended. In more courteous terminology, she has always executed her roles well, but never enough in my estimation, to count as an actor who I would deliberately look forward to seeing in films - until now.

In "To Catch A Killer" she delivers such a strong and believable performance as a precarious beat officer, that she practically steals the spotlight. Here, I have to draw your attention to the word "practically", because in this film, Woodley is paired with Ben Mendelsohn who also delivers such a successfully rich, compelling and powerful depiction of an aging and enervated senior FBI detective, that it is difficult to tell who outdoes the other with and within the efficacy of their roles. To me, they kind of throw the torch (or baton) of excellence to one another, scene by scene.

As if the near-perfect delivery and chemistry of the leads was not enough, despite some of the token villainous characters and scenarios being a bit over-the-top, the acting by most everyone else was also above-average. This is especially true of Ralph Ineson, who was simply, low-key great.

My biggest and mostly only complaint upon first-viewing, was that a little over 3/4's of the way through, the film kind of changes direction a bit, which made the ending feel uneven and somewhat unfulfilling. In RETROSPECT, however, I think that the way it took somewhat of a shift might be the best thing they could have done with it. Had they gone in any other direction, it would be much too easy to chalk this up as a film which ended in a predictable or 'done before' manner.

As it is, To Catch a Killer ended the way it began: as a solid, stand-alone feature that was immersive, tense and thought-provoking through and through.

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Silo (2023– )
14 May 2023
To begin, I would watch Rebecca Ferguson in anything, because everything that she is in, she makes better. She's my spirit animal, and who I dream of being when I grow up. ;)

Not only is she physically beautiful, but she is one of the best actresses working today. She has the uncanny ability to transport the viewer in what would seem an effortless way, into believing she is ANYONE she is portraying, and beyond that, make you FEEL what that character is feeling. She is ... magic.

Knowing my mindset, you would perhaps think I might be a bit biased toward and with my praise of Silo.

Well, so would I, except that for the entire first episode Ms. Ferguson was nowhere on screen. Despite this, and despite this being on Apple (yuck), Silo as a whole, managed to weave such an immersive, good story, at a perfect pace, with just enough intrigue and arc, that it took hold and now I MUST see how it unfolds. Despite the general "premise" having been dabbled with before, the creators have managed to make it original enough and compelling enough where this warrants watching. In fact, within only three episodes, it met, and possibly exceeded, that bar that as a Sci-Fi lover I have set at "pretty high".

I can hardly wait for the next episode.

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The Mother (2023)
13 May 2023
Take that in every way that it is meant:

1. WHY, J-Lo; WHY do you keep making movies?

2. Why, oh why J-Lo, out of all available actresses?

3. Why J-Lo as a viewing choice?

Do you know of anyone, ever, who you can recall saying: "Hey, let's go catch the new J-Lo flick that just came out". I don't.

There was a television show I caught once with J-Lo starring, and it was not bad. It wasn't very memorable either, however, since I don't remember what it was called. A FILM star, no matter how many films she is in, she will never be. (Of course, just watch her win some acting award in twenty years and prove me wrong). :)

The best description for this latest cliched borefest, The Mother, would best be: FORCED. Forced plot; forced acting; forced self-funded(?) vanity project to stay relevant? Not sure about the last one, but my head can't wrap around how it is that she is still cast in films.

Lastly, I know it sounds as if I am placing the entire blame for this film not being particularly watch-worthy on J-Lo's shoulders, and that is not what I intended. The film drops the ball in almost every area.

Sorry :(, but this one is a suggested 'skip'.


Oh, and lastly, those who are downvoting those of us who are properly rating this a 4-or-below, REALLY need to go watch the TV SHOW "Silo" so as to let Rebecca Ferguson treat them to a Master Class in what ACTING should be.
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"Ain't no thing like me, except me!" (No, James Gunn, there really isn't). :)
10 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This film was A LOT darker than I ever thought a Marvel comic-book film would, or could be. It was also so much better - and the bar for GOTG was already set high in light of its past installments.

Instead of repeating all the positives which other reviewers have already pointed out, I wanted to say that I am a strong proponent for animals and animal welfare and normally steer away from watching films with animal brutality or cruelty in them. In this case, I am torn, in that while this is of course a fictional tale, how far is it from the reality of the lives of so many animals even in this day and age? Then again, the fact that the creators of what is normally considered to be "family fare", chose to go this deep and cuttingly into the subject, is something which bears recognition, be it whether they meant it for the sake of good, or for recognition's sake itself. Either way, what is depicted, cuts deeply.

Even with its flaws - and it DOES have flaws (such as going over the top with all the in-fighting) - this GOTG is, in my opinion, the best of the trilogy ... and yet ... I cannot see myself rewatching it with the frequency which I did the first two installments. You see, for all its worthy action, excellent (although toned-down) humor, its seamless arc and overall brilliance, at its core, it is a difficult watch in parts ... full of heartache and heartbreak.

In the end, all that's left to say, at least for this viewer, is: THANK YOU James Gunn, for the creative miracle that is your brain and for the dedication with which you have served the Guardians and all GOTG fans everywhere. Also, I would be remiss not to include a big shout-out to Will Poulter who SO magnificently plays Adam Warlock, that he seamlessly captures and delivers the essence of both hero and villain, and gives us hope in second chances and redemption. More importantly, a big I "heart" you to the tremendous actors who portrayed our heroes, and thank you for HOURS and HOURS of laughter, and now tears.
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Mrs. Davis (2023)
Betty Gilpin for President!
27 April 2023
I fell in love with Betty Gilpin's "style" (such a difficult word to settle on for this kind of actress) when we first saw her in The Hunt. Her low-key charisma is just endearing! I even made a mental note of looking up other projects she's been in so that hubby and I could watch. Life being what it is, and other things taking precedence, I never really did so. As such, it was so great to catch a glimpse of this "coming attraction" and having my mind tickled as to just WHO that actress was! Discovering that it was Ms. Gilpin who was leading the cast, and we were in!

Being that other reviewers have done an excellent job in covering the fact that the show involves an AI algorithm which maneuvers individuals into doing its bidding, I won't go into more about it. I will say that Mrs. Davis is a highly entertaining, make-you-think series, and that all the characters are worth watching. It is a series that is unapologetically geared toward those who have a love of all things technologically advanced; Sci-Fi lovers; Skynet fans; Cowboys; pineapple-eaters; cat lovers; dog people; ...maybe not horse-lovers; tighty-whitey wearers; boxer brief aficionados; commando goers .... meaning it is a smorgasbord of entertainment - but mostly for those with open minds who really do wish to be entertained. (It's always sad for me to see self-professed cinephiles handing out ratings of 1's and 2's across their viewing board).

It can be fast-paced at times while at the same time, it merely hints at what it wants to get to, little by little. If you too prefer these shows as opposed to those that drop everything in your lap in the first couple of episodes thereby removing all suspense or mystery (while you then complain about how 'predictable shows are nowadays'), then this is a show for you.
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Renfield (2023)
Need more CAGE!
17 April 2023
Nicholas Cage is in this far less than I imagined, and far, far less than I would have liked. Still, Hoult does a terrific job of carrying the film as the beleaguered Renfield, and much deserved applause to Shohreh Aghdashloo who is ALWAYS a treat.

The quips are funny, the gore is SO well used, the action scenes have been done before (none of us can really expect to see anything too new though, can we?), but they were really well-filmed.

The only detractor for ME, is that I am NOT an Awkwafina fan. I did not care for her in Crazy Rich Asians; she RUINED Jumanji (The Next Level) for me; and she was just as gratingly bad in this. YOU may have a different opinion, but that is my view and this is my review (you may disagree below). :) I really dislike that I will sound like the reviewers I tend to generally NOT agree with, but I feel as if Hollywood chose her simply to tick boxes.

Despite Akwafina's part in it, it is a good-to-great movie. It is well paced, funnier than I thought it would be, had a good amount of action and gore, and definitely some characters worth seeing.

Again, the only thing that was missing, is MORE Nicholas Cage!!! Cage does a really great job as Dracula and the make-up and special effects are on-point! My loyalties are now torn between Gary Oldman Drac and Cage Drac. (I'm kidding. As good as Cage is in this, Gary still takes it).

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Prey (I) (2022)
One of the BEST Predator Sequels
11 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Not only did the Predator franchise finally achieve a WIN in terms of meeting and exceeding the buzz and excitement of the original film, they created a film that could take on the buzz and "hype" others in the franchise have generated, but were unable to live up to.

The cinematography, narrative, framework, story and plot were good to top-tier, the dialogue was simple but effective, the costumes and locales were great, CGI was well-done.

YES, yes, yes; granted, for it to have been a "better" film, one or two more Predator kills would have been excellent, but the absence of easy or gratuitous kills makes it a more fleshed out and almost 'adult' and realistic (if that can be said about a Predator film), movie, than if the feel-good kills had been there. Finally, the fact that the villains were French instead of American seemed like a huge cop-out to me, but all-in-all, this film is worth watching and then leaving an HONEST review and rating on. MORE SO, it is worth watching without a preconceived notion of what it should be, or what gender the hero should be. The fact that there are SO MANY non-thought-out, simply vomited-out comments for this film is truly sad. It's sad that some individuals will ALWAYS find something to complain about or not like about anything they are predisposed to not understanding.

The franchise itself is built upon the premise that NO ONE is strong enough to go against a Predator one-on-one and that it is not only in teamwork, but with BRAINS that they might be brought down. But nooooooo .... make the main protagonist a girl, and somehow that just doesn't seem right. Sadly, the point that the low-rating non-thinkers miss, is that the ONLY "female empowerment" they are describing in their mewling reviews, is actually called "THINKING". She both outthought and outplayed the Predator (she did not outpower it), and did so while being underestimated. Quite THE deadly combination. In fact, based on some of the reviews, half the reviewers would fold if they needed to match up to one of these Predators in a battle of wits. :)

In short, regardless of the negative reviews, this is a film that SHOULD garner praise precisely because it is much better than most Predator sequels. It is not as ... impressive ... as the original, however. I don't believe it was meant to be.

Lastly, the dog lives. Gotta give it to a film that knows what we love.

7.5 out of 10.
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Desperate 'comedy'
11 April 2023
I wanted to throw out a Sympathy-6-Star rating on this title, but I just couldn't do it. Here we are, 10 days after watching this ... trainwreck ... and the moments where it has seeped back into my mind were some of the worst.

"Oh, come on, it's a comedy show!", you might say, and for good measure may add a "Get over it"; except is it NOT comedy. That there are those who would laugh at it, doesn't MAKE it a comedy.

This is an exploitative piece made by those close to this poor woman in an effort to make a quick buck. It's a Lizzo or Tess Harding crying out for help, and no one is listening. It's sad.
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Watcher (I) (2022)
Worth Watching Watcher
28 March 2023
We must have watched the worst copy of this film on Hulu tonight. The thing seemed as if it had been spliced together (or apart) in a couple of different places - probably where ads normally are played. Also, there were no subs for the Romanian dialogue throughout the film, and there was a lot of it, some during what seemed to be a couple of pivotal scenes. Finally, the last part of the ending scene was actually clipped off, leaving the film to end prematurely! Luckily there was enough of the climax to see what transpired. The acting from both Maika Monroe (even with her strong Brittany Murphy aura) and Karl Glusman, kept leaving something to be desired in a few scenes, but for the most part, they pulled it off. Lastly, as is the case in almost every one of these types of films, there are plenty of places where you ask yourself: "WHY the hell didn't that character just do or say something different?".

Even with all that said, Watcher was so much better than we expected. Despite its flaws, after the first 15 minutes or so, we did not want to turn it off or look for anything else to watch. It is a perfectly tense film and it moves at such an evenly, almost hypnotic pace, plus it boasts of an almost teasing effect, that you WANT to SEE how it turns out.

With that unsettling, Willem Dafoe look-alike face, Burn Gorman is always great in these kinds of films and understated roles. But, did he, or didn't he? Is he, or isn't he? You'll just have to watch to see.

Giving it a 6.4/10 Stars. If you watch a better copy than the one which is currently on Hulu, it might even be better than that!
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M. Night Shyamalan
13 February 2023
For some reason, despite a few bombs, I've always rooted for M. Night Shyamalan. I don't know ... he just seems like a good guy and someone who I would like to have as a neighbor maybe.

In addition to being a seemingly likeable person, he made one or two really great films (at least one, for sure) and for some reason that just adds to his likeability. The problem with this, is that because of his seemingly genuine affability and because of the one or two good films he has made, I always feel as if he has it in him to create something exceptional, and time and time and again I think that the 'next one' will BE the one ... only to find that it isn't. So is the case with his latest offering, Knock at the Cabin. With The Cabin At the End of the World (which was the source material for Knock at the Cabin), he even started off with more than half of the recipe for something amazing.

The fact that it falls SOOOO short of being so, is truly a shame, and makes me wonder if he will really ever reach the heights of another 'The Sixth Sense'.

In order to avoid a Spoiler Tag I will not go into detail, but there was ZERO FILMED backstory to any of the important characters, and the filming of the backstories (and getting to know at least a little about each of them) was NECESSARY / paramount for this film to work. Having each character just speak about themselves for what amounted to a handful of minutes, was the worst.
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Manifesto of a Serial Killer (2023 TV Special)
"This case will make Charles Manson look like a man who organized Sunday School Picnics"
1 February 2023
Manifesto of a Serial Killer is one of the better mini-series documentaries by the Oxygen channel (NBCUniversal Television and Streaming). It delves into the spree of murders and tortures committed by Leonard Lake and Charles Chat Ng, and also, deservedly so, points the finger directly at Lake's ex-wife whose exculpation may be one the greatest travesties / miscarriages of justice within the American Judicial System, to date.

Even for True Crime aficionados, Manifesto of a Serial Killer is not easy to watch. Less so, is it easy to understand the level of depravity that some humans are capable of, and that are depicted not in reenactments, but from real recordings and footage.

If you are not familiar with the case (as I was not), you will be shocked that this is not a case which is more well-known. If you are aware of the case, you will certainly learn more than what you thought you knew of it.

Either way, you can't help but be affected by it.
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Arcane (2021– )
31 January 2023
I thought Sword Art Online was outstanding ... and it is, but Arcane is just fabulous.

I went in not knowing anything about the game it is based upon, but this series goes far beyond the gaming genre, and what it delivers is a masterclass in ART of every form. While technically, we are speaking of vastly different forms of graphic design, I must still say: "Sit down, 'Avatar Way of the Water'; Arcane is telling you to hold its beer, because it has a few things to teach you."

If you believe there is no way you could ever be enticed by Anime, THIS is the series to watch.

Bravo! What a treat!

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The Traitors UK (2022– )
The Trai... MOST Addictive Series Ever!
19 January 2023
One of my FAVORITE game shows - EVER!!!

SO addictive, in fact, that I had to look for more, and BINGE-watched (at the expense of being late for work the following morning), not ONLY the U. S version, but the UK and Australian versions.

It is SO good, that if I understood or spoke Danish, or if it had subtitles (and I knew where to stream it), I would immediately watch the original as well.

I was about to add that if you enjoy game shows, this is a DO NOT MISS show, BUT that falls short. This is not only a series where players compete for money. It's a whodunnit, a thriller, a mystery, a drama, a comedy ... it is excellent and addictive.
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