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Halo (2022– )
It's poor outside of the action
26 March 2022
I could compare this to the games, and on those grounds it would do terribly, but I think I'd rather explain why it's trash on it's own merits.

The Good: the action was top tier, thoroughly enjoyed it and that's what gets it two stars.

The Bad: everything else, the story is contrived and cheap, Master Chief loses his mystique the moment he takes his helmet off and even before then he's just a poorly copy and pasted archetype.

The female lead is mostly just annoyingly preachy and almost everyone we meet seems like a cheap caricature.

In closing, I'll watch another episode or two, but I already know this show will be generic at best, irritating at worst.
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A Modern Sequel that doesn't mess up the original!
30 December 2021
There are many things I could say about this wholesome and amazing film. It stands up both on it's own and as a continuation of a great series.

It manages to somehow keep the spirit of the originals and yet put a slightly different tone that makes it its own thing. Definitely worth the watch.
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The Book of Boba Fett (2021–2022)
Even The Mandalorian Plays second fiddle to this
29 December 2021
Based purely on the first episode, The Book of Boba already gives you a very different and unique look at the Star Wars Universe. This the harsh, cruel yet honourable side of the Galaxy. We see a rough and ready part of this franchise and I for one can't wait for more.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
The biggest joke is on the audience
27 December 2021
The beautiful irony of this movie is that everyone who watches it wants to view themselves in the role of the protagonists, as the smart sane voice in a stupid insane world. The ironic part is that all of us are wrong in that perception.

This isn't a bad film because it's poorly made, very much the opposite is true. It's a bad film because it encourages the egotistical tribalism that fuels the worst aspects of our society. It's a big strawman that promotes the arrogance of groups, across the spectrum of belief, that want to perceive themselves as correct beyond a shadow of doubt.

It discourages empathy, and promotes dehumanising the people who disagree with you. In other words, it promotes the very worst of human behaviour.
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Lost in Space (2018–2021)
The Most Wholesome Show on Tv
2 December 2021
Every character on this show feels human, yet nonetheless every single one of them strives to be a better person and make the right choices (with one notable, and entirely perfect, exception).

Every actor plays their part to perfection and you feel yourself going on the same journey of growth and exploration that they do. They avoid so many possible pitfalls with all of the characters and it just boils down to good, wholesome and heartfelt entertainment.
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The Wheel of Time (2021– )
Not a perfect adaptation, but beautifully done nonetheless
1 December 2021
These books were a large part of my childhood, as such I was desperately hoping that they wouldn't spoil this cherished part of my life. While it isn't perfect, they've managed to retain much of what was good without ruining anything (yet).

I didn't expect to enjoy it as much as I did, for someone who already knows what happens, I found myself eagerly switching to the next episode each time.

Some events are out of order, and I'm very annoyed that Thom has a guitar (not his harp), also why all swords are Katanas I have no idea (definitely western swords in the books). These seem like pointless changes, but fortunately they're not enough to make it bad, even for a diehard fan of the books.
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VFW (2019)
Not a movie I'd expect in recent times
24 November 2021
Everything about this movies screams of an 80's action film. Everything from the music, to the plot, to the dialogue makes it feel like something from a different time, and that is a spectacular thing.
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Underrated, complex and layered film
13 November 2021
This movie operates on several levels, in one respect it's a display of the hefty negative effects of the depression. This plays out mostly in the background the events of the film, but the presence of The Great Depression is almost another character of this movie.

It also treats the villains as more like monsters in a horror movie than criminals. The film doesn't show their faces for a while, letting you know them through their horrific deeds then slowly revealing their appearance over time. This is appropriate as it undoes a lot of the romanticism history has for Bonnie and Clyde.

Kevin Costner and Woody Harrelson are the heart of this film, both give memorable performances that guide the audience through the themes of the movie, with Costner acting as the film's steadfast moral compass.
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I came here for Dynasty Warrior level Silliness and I got it in Spades!
15 July 2021
What most people won't appreciate is that this film is meant to be bad, the video games were over the top and ridiculous and of course this would be too.

As a friend of mine said "It's not good, but it is fun!". If you watched this film for anything other than comical a-historical madness, I feel bad for you. Go watch a serious film like Red Cliff and feel better.

Because this right here was for the fans.
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Do yourself a favour, watch the Original Hara Kiri instead
10 July 2021
On it's own this film could maybe be a passable (perhaps 5/6 stars), but it commits the horrific crime of undoing the infinitely better work of the original movie.

The pacing in this film needs serious work. The movie spends a long time in a mostly needless flashback sequence that slows the movie to a crawl. What took ten minutes in the original takes forty minutes here. A lot of this film just feels like padded runtime.

The intricacy of the original also involves a a slowly unfolding series of twists which, ironically considering my last point, is harshly rushed in the remake. The late scene revelations of the original get hurried out here.

The camera work has suffered greatly between the two films, as has the acting. Somehow despite having a high budget and modern tech the new film fails to capture the exceptional camera angles and spot on facial expressions of the original cast.

All in all, it was a remake that wasn't asked for, I'd much rather have seen a digital remastering of the first film.
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Not a bad film, But lesser than its predecessors
31 March 2021
The Monsterverse films as a whole have generally been solid movies. The stories weren't unique and, with the exception of the first movie, the acting and characters were pretty sub-par. However none of that really mattered.

What's made these films entertaining is the way they made you feel a sense of awe and, at times, fear of these titanic creatures doing battle. Their confrontations were epic and their motives were often strange and alien to us. Their size and otherness made (even the 'hero' Godzilla) inspired a real sense of spiritual terror.

G Vs K largely fails on that front. Yeah the fights are still somewhat epic, but it feels less like a battle between gods and more a kid smashing toys together. The attempt to make so many jokes in this film really throws off the drama for me. They're not funny, just off-putting.
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Red State (2011)
A movie for paranoid fear mongerers that irrationally hate Christians
25 March 2021
Let me preface this by saying I don't believe in God even a teeny tiny bit. I just think it's sad that people want to make to film as a hit piece against Christianity. The movie takes the very worst aspects of what some Christians believe, mixes them all together then dials it up to 11. People are acting like this movie is some sort of grand statement on society, when it's really just the paranoid ramblings of a highly prejudiced person. The world has plenty of disturbed people, and yes a few of these will be Christian, but never a whole community (at least not badly enough to go murder rampage). I think it's genuinely sad that people's view of Christianity is so antiquated that they always want to believe the worst of it.
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The Film that always should have been
24 March 2021
Almost everything good everyone else has said about this movie is accurate, so there isn't much for me to add beyond that this is film we absolutely should have gotten.

It only loses one star because of the involvement of a certain monstrous human being, even if she's only in it briefly (*cough* Amber *cough*), sometimes separating the art from the artist is just too difficult.

The only reason I'm walking away disappointed is because I know we won't get all the amazing concepts and characters that this movie has teased us with. Martian Manhunter doesn't exist in the josstice league, cyborg's awesome backstory is just ether there, and Wonder Woman has some serious issues with rape in WB canon.

The absolute worst thing about this film is simply that it isn't canon, which is the greatest compliment that I can think to give.
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Catch-22 (2019– )
An Ode to Selfishness and ego disguised as intellectualism
18 March 2021
It puzzles me why this film seems to get good reviews. I suppose most people enjoy the anti-war rhetoric, and it plays to our egos to feel that we (like the main character) are oh so much more intelligent than the people around us.

To me the main character and the story seems to be a selfish and self absorbed. He's only concerned with his own safety over everything else. Nobody at war really wants to fight (with a few exceptions) but most of the time it was a necessary sacrifice to stop the world being controlled by authoritarian maniacs. This was especially true of WW2.

He keeps repeating that he's already done a certain amount of missions and so he should be allowed home, yet the truth of the matter is that winning the war is more important than his pettiness (and circumstances have changed since he initially made that deal). Like a lot of people, the main character seems to want to enjoy the benefits of living in a free society, without paying the cost to defend it.

If I were in charge of the military I'd let him go, not because it was right or proper that he should leave, but his toxic selfishness could be infectious, and frankly it would be bad for morale, making people feel more miserable in an already difficult time
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Ashamed that I used to like a movie that supports male rape
15 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
After rewatching this film as an adult I felt genuinely upset that I ever liked it as a teenager. Most of the movie is funny and enjoyable, but this is entirely destroyed by the ending.

At the end of the film our MC is tied up, unconscious and his ex (whom he dislikes) comes in and has sex with him in his sleep. Not only is this obvious rape horrible, what makes it unacceptable is that the movie plays this off as a joke.

Worse still, the MC gets blamed for this by his current love interest, who treats this like it's infidelity (as if he chose it). In hindsight this was a bad choice on so many levels.
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Misleadingly misrepresents Korean/Japanese History, Admiral Yi got Robbed
9 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This series as a whole seems to want to over-dramatise characters to make them seem insane or something along those lines, presumably to create a villain dynamic to keep audiences interested. Despite these figures being completely different in real life.

For example, Oda Nobunaga was not the crazed psychopath portrayed here, he was not disrespectful of Japanese culture. He was known as being wild in his youth because his sense of fashion was bizarre for the time. He was ruthless and tyrannical, but not unhinged

The greatest sin of this show is the episode that deals with the Korean War. The show mentions a band of partisans and makes it sound like they won the war on their own. However it completely neglects to mention the greatest hero in Korean history. Admiral Yi Sun Sin was single handedly responsible for changing the course of the war, and he doesn't even get a mention. The guy that Horatio Nelson once described as the greatest Admiral in history doesn't even get a reference. What the Hell?
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Written and Produced by Weeaboos
8 March 2021
This is a docuseries, not a tv show, so I feel justified in ripping this show a new one. It's entertainingly done and stylistically interesting, so I give it props for that, but that's all it gets

Historically, it fails on many levels, The Sengoku period is one of many fascinating eras in the story of this unique nation. It's a shame that much of the actual history has been sacrificed for cringe and romanticised portrayals of this culture.

It feels like it was produced by people who unrealistically worship the Samurai and don't fully understand them in the context of wider history. I suppose it might be a nice entry for people looking to learn more, but being misleading rather ruins that
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Superman & Lois (2021–2024)
One word, Wholesome
5 March 2021
This is easily one of the best most pleasing to watch shows to come out in years. It's a miracle for CW to make something like this. Wholesome is truly the easiest way to sum this all up.

What's interesting is that most of the characters are portrayed in a complex and loving light, there are so many opportunities that many characters have to be painted in a stereotypical light (the school jock, the angry firefighter, the mentally ill kid, the abrasive reporter) and yet none of the characters gets the simplified treatment. All of them are fleshed out people with a complex and since portrayal.

All of the different characters experience a loving, even if at times strained, relationship. The family dynamics of the main characters make sense, even though their lives are difficult they still seem to genuinely doing their best to make things work and love each other in the meantime.
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Would've rated higher if not for the issues adapting from the Anime
4 March 2021
Stylistically this is an excellent film, the choreography is epic and the storytelling is very well done. As a film in and of itself I don't have many complaints, it set a new tone for onscreen combat and the characterisation was interesting (with some exceptions).

Now for the bad part, I think it has a few key failures as an adaption. First and foremost, as a huge Sanosuke fan words cannot express my disappointment that he was made into cheap comic relief. This was basically character assassination and I definitely hold it against the movie. Furthermore, Kenshin as a character is not nearly as broody as the movie (and its sequels) make him out to be, though I understand this was a part of the transition to live action. Certain anime conventions don't sit so well with outside audiences.

All in all, it's a good watch, but I have issues with how they handled the translation to the big screen
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Low reviews are suspicious
22 February 2021
I don't understand some of the complaints I've seen in the low reviews. People complaining about the language issues need to remember this is a German show, and Germans tend to use a lot of English words as slang, switching between the two makes sense.

And a kids show? The violence is brutal, and there's some very (intentionally) disturbing sexual content in later episodes. If you'd show this to your kids, you shouldn't be a parent.

The story is interesting, I'm not going to claim it's the most unique, but that's hard to achieve with anything nowadays. The world it introduces is exciting and dangerous, there's a lot of tempting aspects to explore and hints of more on the horizon. Definitely worth a season 2, better than most things Hollywood is making
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Ratched (2020)
A True Psychological Horror
15 February 2021
Watching this from an audience perspective gives you a true feeling of terror as you watch Ratched scheme and insinuate herself into this hospital. Though in rare moments Nurse Ratched seems almost sympathetic that's very quickly snatched away by the latest insert of her twisted mind.

I'm only one episode in and it already seems to be an exquisite story of a monster hiding behind the veneer of civility. Sex is a big theme of the show and Ratched as a character is shown meandering between disapproval and disgust for people who engage in it, yet at the same time she has a strange curiosity for it (almost a longing for being normal). Mildred Ratched seems like a character that wants to be normal yet is incapable of grasping what that means.

It definitely doesn't seem like a show that would be comfortable to watch, but it is a compelling insight of what can happen when the worst kind of person gets into just the right kind of position to do terrible damage.
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Resident Alien (2021– )
Tudyk deserves an award specially created just for this
31 January 2021
90% of the appeal of this show is Tudyks perfect timing with his purposefully off-behaviour acting. It takes a truly talented actor to craft a character that is trying (and failing miserably) to appear human.

The other characters do deserve credit, they mostly play the straight man to his strangeness, but a few of them deserve mention just for being well written. To me the Sheriff stands out with, among other thing, his insistent demand to be called 'Big Black'. This contrasts with characters like the Mayor (less than affectionately named "Mayor Snowflake"). This will clearly lead to fun interactions down the line.

All in all I have high hopes for this series, hopefully it will continue to deliver
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The Kind of Silly fun we need at the moment
31 January 2021
I think a lot of people are this show too seriously. They expected it to have the same flair of the old TopGear shows, but really it's just a bit of barney fun with a few over the top ideas mixed in with the occasional bout of real science.

If you go into it without being prepared to suspend a great deal of disbelief, and thinking it's going to be the same zinger comedy as the old TopGear shows then you're going to be disappointed. At this particular moment I feel a bit of silliness is what the doctor ordered, serious edgy dramas are the farthest thing from this, and I couldn't be happier
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A decent film despite being understandably (but unfairly) disliked in modern times
29 January 2021
Most of the flack for this film probably comes from the fact that it portrays Christians as the good guys. People love to talk about the Crusades and condemn Christian history whilst events like the expansionist attacks of the Ottoman Empire are largely ignored.

From an objective perspective the film could use some improvement, the CGI is fairly poor at points, some of the acting is over the top and I'm guessing the specific accuracy of events is probably questionable.

That being said, I do feel the film accurately conveys the spirit of the times and the attitudes of the people who lived them. Abraham deserves a lot of credit for his performance of a largely forgotten (but highly significant) figure of European history, Marco D'Aviano. Of course it's unpopular nowadays to remember people whose faith largely led to positive outcomes, not just in defeating the enemy but also showing them mercy and compassion in victory.

All in all, I wish there were more movies like it
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Cromwell (1970)
A movie about Zeitgeist not dates and facts
28 January 2021
This is a style of cinema that goes back to a time before flashy displays and social agendas replaced excellent acting and top notch storytelling.

While it may not be accurate in terms of events, it certainly conveys the spirit of the times and the attitudes of those who lived in them. In a historical drama this outweighs accuracy. Understanding how people felt and acted gives you more insight than knowing what belt buckles they wore.
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