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Fallout (2024– )
Not Such A Fantastic Journey
2 June 2024
I have to say it first, I am a gamer. I have never played Fallout, but as someone who can easily spend 100-200 hours in a game, I am careful around series and movies based on video games because a lot can go wrong. Resident Evil is a great example of how things can go wrong and the Last of Us is am example how things can go mostly right. (Outside of Bella "One Note" Ramsay that is.) However, I haven't played Fallout ever so I have no comparisons to the game, I don't know what works for the game or against it on the show and honestly I don't even care.

The fact is that from the POV of someone who lives an exciting mystery-thriller-adventure-scifi, this series just doesn't do it for me. The premise is just extremely weird, like the society has not evolved since the Red Scare in the U. S. except some hi-tech cadgets. Come on!

The acting is alright, except Aaron Moten akan Maximus cannot act to save his life. He always looks like he is on something, trying to keep his eyes open. There would have been so many more deserving actor for that role.

I am aware that when a series is hyped over the top, people are not really allowed to say different opinions, but for me this show just doesn't work as much as even some worse media based on video games. Even Welcome to Raccoon City does more for me than this and the guy who plays Leon S. Kennedy is absolutely awful.
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Cold Case: Ravaged (2005)
Season 2, Episode 18
A Massive Fault
26 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The episode is mediocre by the plot, tragic and dramatic enough. What seriously bothers me is the blatant evidence of animal cruelty (dog fighting) and nobody does anything about it. None of the detectives is troubled by the fact that the disgusting man STILL has a dog which he is more likely abusing, those kind of people do not change. Honestly felt worse for the dog Ravage than the female victim, the abuse was heinous and they didn't even say what happened to the dog in the end. It's completely different to commit some small time crimes like spelling pot to the neighborhood than actually actively abusing animals. These kind of series always drop the ball in these kind of series.
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Black Box (II) (2020)
A Pleasant Surprise
1 April 2024
Before this movie I tried to watch another Blumhouse + Amazon collab, The Manor. That movie was so tedious I didn't even finish it. Blumhouse movies tend to suck, most of them are juat made to bring fast cash for Jason Blumhouse. But, just based on the IMDb score, I tried this one, Black Box, and even though it wasn't a horror movie, more like a sci-fi draama, I was actually pleasantly surprised of how good the movie was.

The premise is very interesting and even with some inconsistensies, the plot stayed pretty intact. I really like the cast, the father and the daughter really played well together and even though most child actors tend to be kind of irritating, Ava was fantastic. She alone beings this movie from 6 to 7. And yes, the rest of the cast did a great job too.

Some plot point were pretty predictable, but I didn't mind. I cannot be mad, when I see a clearly above average movie, especially after The Manor.
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This Is Too Horrible To Watch
23 March 2024
I waste 5 euroa on this. Do NOT make the same mistake! Do not even watch this in a streaming service because your time is more valuable than this parc!

The main character Emma is absolutely the worst main character ever and I'm not sure where the problem lies: is she actually just a bad actress or is the director bad at their work.getting the performance out of the cast. The guy is alright, but overall watching those two discussing is giving me a head ache, mostly it's because Emma has horrible mannerisms and expressions.

The plot is no existent. There is NO point into anything and I cannot say anything about the plot because there is nothing to say. Horror this is not.

The only redeeming qualities that make me give a 2/10 instead of 1, is some what decent music, interesting cinematography and Ireland. I love Ireland and I love the accent and the environment. But please don't watch this, you have a thousand better things to do!
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Not A Whole Lot Going On But Amy
17 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
My main genre of movie is horror, so I have seen my share of these 'slasher in the woods with a deranged family' type of movies. These kind of movies are made a lot but usually they are point less and boring, or at least to me it needs more than just a crazy person giggling and running around with a cleaver. This movie is definitely not the worst but it could've been a lot better.

The basic formula for a slasher movie is apparent from the start. The main character (mostly female) has (either physical or) mental obsticles to overcome and as the plot progresses, she deals with those obsticles. The bad guys have actually no reason to do what they do, but they are just crazy so that is supposed to explain everything and justify anything. The main character has many opportunities to escape and kill the bad guys but won't. And in the end we find out that even though the bad guys seem to have died, there's something that will continue the story onward, a fake death etc. Not a whole lot of refreshing story telling going on there.

I'd say that there a just few things that make this an okay film, and one of them is Amy. She is a nice add to the family of aholes that are the most bland bad guys ever. Amy's story is interesting and I would've like to know more of her. Because of Amy I give this a 5 instead of 4. Also, I do like the whole angle of the females getting impregnated by the boyfriend, for once the guy is the epar victim, even though the main character is depar once.
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Dying Light 2: Stay Human (2022 Video Game)
Trees Growing on Roofs Should Be a Thing
3 February 2024
This game is captivating. It is captivating on every single aspect, from the beautiful and harsh land scapes of the city to the cruelty and gore of the darkest places in the darkness. This game is not perfect but in some ways I actually prefer it to the first game. The first game is great, Crane is a legend, but this has some surprising power to it.

First of all, I love the voice acting, it is SO amazing and in some ways way more convincing that in DL1. Second of all, I know it's a stretch to get the trees and plants to grow on top of a buildings, but I love it. It gives such a organic feeling to the game amd makes it more enjoyable than the first game. Sometimes I just glide down to watch the scenery. The paraglider is a great add.

Third of all, the music is VERY recognizable and I enjoy it.

What makes this a 8/10 game and not more, is the plot. Finding Mia is not a convincing motivation for Aiden to do stuff. I wish he was fleshed out more. Lawan and Hakon are a great add and I enjoy connecting with both of them, but Mia stays as a distant character that I have no reason to go after.

Overall this game is a great experience. Now on my second play through and nearly 300 hours behind, the story keeps on going.
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Saw X (2023)
Finally back on track!
3 February 2024
I am SO pleasantly surprised about this movie.

It is compact, gory and has all those elements that made me fall in love with the first movie back in the days.

The acting by Tobin Bell and Shawnee Smith is top notch and I have been missing that chemistry between them. The rest of the cast is believable and I live the nyances between them. The plot is conchise and simple, but yet delivers so much excitement. The gore is fun and over the top and I'm living for every severed limb and radioactive burn.

Finally a Saw movie that is about the Man, Jigsaw. He is the one we want to see, he has wishdom even in the middle of the goriest scene that he has created. He is still sympathetic with all of this madness going around. And I live fo the ending with the guy from the cancer group, Jigsaw is alive an well!
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Mike Flanagan did it - AGAIN!
22 November 2023
This series is perfect. I cannot comprehend how anyone can create such a series with amazing suspense, suburb acting, beautiful and artisti scenery and the feel of utter hell.

I really do appreciate Mike Flanagan's previous work and I thought The Haunting of Hill House was amazing - as it is but this just has everything I need to get glued on my t.v.

The series begins as someone humble and the plot gathers itself nicely, from episode to episode you get these perfect packages of informaation and each episode presents the characters so flawlessly. Yes, they are awful people and they deserve everything they get, in the rhythm of the one and only E. A. Poe.

I love all the more or less subtle hints scattered around. The darkness and the gloom is so near and no one them have any idea about the judgement they receive.

I cannot wait what's next. If he continued to blow our minds like this, I'm going to need a doctor.
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Unplanned (I) (2019)
Dangerous propaganda for dangerously obsessed people
19 September 2023
I can see why these kind of movies are so popular in the U. S. People there are obsessed with back or white thinking. Especially when it comes to religious people, they have the weirdest train of thought about pretty much any aspect of life and this movie demonstrates that so well.

To see this movie as something more than just religious propaganda means unfortunately you cannot see the forest from the trees because this movie actively gets facts wrong, demonizes pro-choice people and as a movie is horribly written and badly acted. It's meant to scare people, because when people are scared they can be controlled. I have had an abortion myself, it was painful and horrible, but I am lucky to live in a country where I had access to it. To ban abortion even from victims of SA is a violation of human rights and this movie is a violation to my brain.
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Pet (I) (2016)
Murdering Healthy Animals Because Human Being Is A Selfish Creature
13 August 2023
In the first 10 minutes, they "euthanize" a Healthy, happy dog, apparently because they need the space in an overcrowded animal shelter. That is way more heart breaking and horribly scary than anythinf else in the movie. One of the most disgusting aspects of the U. S. Is the fact that millions and millions of pets, not just dogs, are murdered simply because people buy them and get bored or the gowernment and businesses force them to give their pets up with low income living. All those wasted animal kives because human being just cannot be decent. A few people try to rescue these animals and some do get second chance in life, but very few. Adopt, don't shop, if you shop, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE For all the murdered animals.
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Bloody. Intense. Gorgeous.
15 July 2023
At first I was thinking about giving this movie a 9, but after all the whiny reviews decide to put in the perfect ten. Because compared to all the horrible horror crap Hollywood has forced on us, this movie is a breath of fresh air. It is GENUINELY scary. I haven't felt this alive since IT pt. I. I just watched the remake of Hellraiser and what constantly annoyed me and bothered my watching, was the bad acting. The main girl was horrible. In this movie, the acting is actually belivable. Alussa Sutherland just blows my mind. She is intimidating and the best part of the movie.

The plot is simple but in a movie like this, the plot is not the main point. Or do YOU actually think the og ED had an amazing plot? Nope, just bunch of people in the woods. In this, they have successfully bought the Evil Dead atmosphere and horror to L. A. Fantastic.

All I can say at this point: you don't like this, go back to your the Nun or Insiduous or whatever you claim to be real horror and leave the good stuff to us who can appreciate it. 99,99% of horror is unwatchable anyway, you will find something that fits your taste.
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Soft & Quiet (2022)
Soft & Quiet 2: the Nazis Get What They Deserve
7 May 2023
Wow, this movie is just nauseating. I did know the topic when picking up this movie, but I guess I didn't comprehend what it truly meant to watch a movie about racist sehctib abusing people. Witnessing this level of racism is overwhelming. The worst part is that some people actually are like this, if they haven't done it, they are at least thinking of it.

Putting aside the horrible violence, the movie is actually done very well, I really appreciate the one take style, the acting is good and the movie has great pacing, so it's easy to give this 8/10. I was genuinely expecting mediocre horror, but got a lot more. It is a bit tough to see past the nightmarish plot though, I feel like I'm going to throw up and need to end this review and maybe go and play with my cat.

I'm going to be thinking Anne and Lily for a long time now. I pray there will be a part 2 with a nice vengeance story.
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Terrifier 2 (2022)
3 Stars For The Gore, The Rest Is Useless
30 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Even though the gore is done extremely well, the movie falls short in so many other ways. First of all, this movie is way too long. Seriously, I didn't even realize it at first, but at 90 minutes I started to get restless and realized how long this actually is. There is so much stuff they could've cut out and made the movie more energetic, enjoyable and compact. At times it is genuinely frustrating to watch the movie. This is how we get to the main problem: the plot. The plot makes no sense whatsoever and I hate how the protagonist's father, who is often mentioned but who is completely vague to the viewer as a character, is supposed to have a connection to the clown. The plot has "no meat", because we never get to understand the connection. Also we never get to understand how the family dynamic worked when the father was alive. I hate these movies that force a super natural connection between the main characters. More specifically I hate the warrior outfit and especially the sword. If the idea of Art the Clown was just kept to the sadistic serial killer humn being level, I would enjoy this AND the first movie so much more. Serial killer become extremely boring when they become supernatural. IF the whole idea is to hve a supernatural creature, like Freddy, that is alright. But movie series like Halloween and Friday the 13th start to suffer as soon as they become supernatural, and like them, this too falls short. Humn beings are always more scary, think of Bundy and Dahmer, THEY were terrifying! Anyway, I will not see this again, thanks for the amazing gore though, it is literaly the spine of the movie.
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Seinfeld: The Little Jerry (1997)
Season 8, Episode 11
Animal abuse is NEVER fun
19 April 2023
I do not comprehend what made them include cock fighting in to the show. There is no humor in animal abuse. In the beginning of the episode Jerry even states that it is illegal and unethical, but some how all of a sudden is okay with it. The "gang" does a lot of shady stuff in the show, but considering the episode is very weak in all the aspects of the plot and the humor, the cock fighting makes even less sense, because it drags the episode even more. I can see how the show is starting to lose its soul, the characters are becoming even more unhinged and mean. Kramer is a dumb character, but that doesn't mean he should be mean too.
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The Last of Us: Part II (2020 Video Game)
There Is No Other Choice
18 March 2023
This game has gotten way too much critisism for the decisions that the creators made. Even when this came out, I strongly disagreed with some of the critisism, because I felt people misunderstood the plot and the motives of the characters. Now that I'm playing the game for the second time and I can kind of relax, knowing how the story goes, I can focus more on how the story and the characters proceed, and the game is still amazing. It looks amazing and I love the characters because they seem like real people. Real people do things wrong, they are not perfect.

I feel like haters just concentrated on what happens to Joel. But the game shows that everything has consequences, even for the characters that everybody adores. If you cannot handle that, you should never watch movies, read books or play games, because it happens in every form of media. People that are loved, suffer or die. That is just life.

I have no other choice but to give this a 10/10. I'm having so much fun and I'm excited to see pt III.
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Nope (2022)
I Do Not Know What I'm Thinking..
5 March 2023
Confused is the word I would describe after watching 'Nope'. I thought 'Get Out' was alright and I REALLY like 'Us'. Jordan Peele has That Something in his way of creating art and I bet many agree with me. It's like watching Ari Aster's work, it's just amazing. But this movie.. I don't know. I'm not sure. Overall the story is alright, I guess. At least it's thinking outside the box when it comes to movies about UFOs.

Some of the things that worked.. I really like the whole sub plot with Gordy the Chimp, it was creepy and the way it was shot, I was genuinely scared of a chimp with bloody hands. Also, even though it was a prank, the way the shot the scene with the "Jupe kids", I was disturbed and was expecting something like that for the rest of the movie. Now yes, he did think outside the box with the monster, but the monster was still lack luster.

Some of things were alright.. Acting was decent. Nothing amazing, just alright.

The things that didn't really work.. The movie was way too slow and the flow was off. With 'Get Out' and 'Us', I felt the flow was natural and the plot moved forward.

I cannot give this more than 6/10 and that is generous. I have faith in Peele's thinking so that is why I think generously.
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Insuffrable People and Even Worse Soundtrack
19 February 2023
When I think of 20-somethings today, what comes to mind first are excess amount of social media, especially Tik Tok, lots of drugs and trendy words like "ableism", "gaslighting" and "incel". It really doesn't matter how rich or how poor they are. So this movie pretty much sums up, apart from the murder mystery, what kind of people we are raising to be the next generation. Good job. People with no sense of reality and relevance.

Anyway, even though these kind of selfish people make me sick, this movie is surprisingly entertaining. The characters, no matter how intolerable they are, are at least some what fleshed out, even though you wish all of them dead in the first 5 minutes. Well of course all but Bee, who seems to have an actual original thought in her head. But decent job on the characterizations.

The plot has some delicious points as the group tries to find out who the killer is, all of them talking nonsense to each other. There are no dull moments, the actors do a great job and the logic behind their actions is some what understandable.

The movie opens with one of the worst songs I hve ever heard in my life and thank god they didn't play it anymore.
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Rome (2005–2007)
16 February 2023
This show is That Good. With Chernobyl, The Last of Us, the Terror and Oz, this is without a doubt one of the most amazing series I have ever seen.

I really cannot pinpoint any flaws: the acting is superb, the set is amazing and the plot movies forward naturally. I'm so glad there is no stalling, with some shows like The Walking Dwad, some episode seem like filler. Rome has only the essential plot points and the story movies forward very well.

I don't even care about how much the series depicts real events. WHO CARES? Let them do whatever they can to make it work. With shows like Chernobyl and this one (the difference being though that the first is set in modern times, but whatever), some times actual events can feel lack luster.
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Don't Worry Darling (I) (2022)
Tedious and Boring
6 February 2023
How can anyone enjoy this movie to give it more than 5/10. I watched this movie in 4 parts because it was just too boring to watch at once. I can appreciate the style and the details of the environment. I mean, the movie looks good. It SHOULD be interesting. But I find no interest in the characters or the plot. There is no ambition behind the camera. Feels like the movie was done with the idea "Let's just get over with this". The thriller aspect is non existent, which is a huge problem, when there is supposed to be some.

Acting is alright, I guess. Florence Pugh is pretty one sided actress, she was great is 'Midsommar', otherwise I don't find her particularly talented. Harry Styles should just stick to his boring pop parc. Chris Pine looks always smug and I have never enjoyed his acting in anything.

So, 4/10 because of the alright cinematography and great styling. Otherwise, please, never again do I want to see this movie.
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House of the Dragon (2022– )
A Fine Show With Some Puzzling Choices
30 January 2023
After long hesitation, I decide to give this a dry. The show is alright. All the familiar trophes and characterizations from GoT are there: b*****d children, s*x and violence. There are just some things that bother me, which lower the score.

First of all, Milly Alcock, if I remember her name correctly, just doesn't work. Not only does she look very apart from the adult Rhaenyna, over all she has the constant look of snobbiness on her face. Emma D'arcy seems like a different characters. Olivia Cook as Alicent has the annoying trademark of hers, the sad face, constantly on. Matt Smith has the standard "I'm a mean guy" - look on all the time. He should prehaps go back to acting school to get some variety.

Second of all, since there are less families compared to GoT, the variation of the characters is non existent. Pretty much all Targaryens and Velaryons share the same wig and people have such similar names that it's some times confusing to remember which is which.

Third of all, similar plot points with GoT make it feel like HotD tries the same gimmicks with less success.

Maybe Targaryens just aren't my cup of tea. White hair people marrying their close relatives get pretty dull pretty fast.
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The Menu (2022)
Wow, this was an experience
21 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't expect this movie to be this.. good. There was some genuinely interesting aspects in this and this is without a doubt one of the better movies I have seen in a while. And you do have to see it with your own eyes to comprehend the nuances of the plot.

I am not a fan of fine dining, just give me a vegan burger with sweet potatoe fries and a glass of sparkling water and I'm good. But this movie gave me a mouthful of intriguing ingredients and I was honestly wishing I could eat those darn foods. I really liked how they made the characters kind of awful but not over the top. The "main guy" with the obsession for cooking shows was a riot. He was so weird and funny and when everyone else was distraught, he just kept eating and enjoying and I loved it. Ralph Fiennes as the chef was also (like Ralph always is) just fantastic.

My favorite meal was the mess. Such a viceral experience.
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The Last of Us (2023– )
It Would Be 10/10, if there were CLICKERS!
20 January 2023
I am a hc TLOU fan. It is the best game ever; the characters, the atmosphere, the horror elements, pick any part and you get excellence. For some reason, when I learned they are making a tv show, I didn't even think they could fail. Maybe it's the talent behind the camera, but I knew I could trust them, and I wan not disappointed. The series has been constructed so well, with so many delightful Easter Eggs for a game to notice.

The cast does a great job. Pascal is already a fantastic actor with great charisma and he is the official Joel. Ramsey has the same kick ass energy and they work well together. The setting has the same vibe and look and it is so much fun to see more of the day-to-day life in the city. Every thing looks amazing!

Finally, a game adaptation that has been done with care and thought. I cannot wait to see more, to see Bill. And I cannot wait to play the game again!

Edit: After 3 episode, my opinion still stands. They have made some very smart changes and carefully considered what works for a tv show versus what works for a video game. They handeled Bill and Frank very well and even for a less action oriented episode I enjoyed it a lot.

What comes to the people crying that the show really isn't that good; if you have bad taste, that is your own responsibility. Stop crying and go watch Marvel or Star Wars or what ever generic superhero scifi stuff you like.

EDIT: Now that the show is over, the only negative thing is the lack of clickers. The horror elements, that make the game so awesome, are lacking. Otherwise I still stand behind what I have said. Cannot wait for season 2!!
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Unfortunately, Not Recommended
11 December 2022
This movie was such a let down. It's very frustrating, because the premise is there and there was genuine promise in the villain of the story. I didn't know anything about the movie but was curioua about the creepy mask the villain was wearing. Well, the mask was the best and only interesting part about the movie.

The acting was alright, the kids did a good job which is usually rare in any movie. I liked the family dynamic of the main character and I liked how they introduced the villain to the audience. The beginning was very solid and genuinely brought the feeling of horror to the movie. Ethan Hawke did a great job and his mannerisms were creepy. But the further the movie got, it couldn't hold the atmosphere up.

I don't really know how they could've fixed it but at the end I was pretty much out of it. Perhaps a more grounded kidnap story would've made the villain better, consentrating on the dynamic between the man and the boy?
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Barbarian (2022)
This movie starts so well, why does it hve to fall apart?
11 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie has A LOT of positive traits. The plot is interesting and there are some genuinely scary details in it. Unfortunately the plot is also very scattered, some of the choice do not make sense and the further the plot developers, the weirder it all gets.

The beginning is actually very good. You don't know what is going on, it's fascinating to find out what is going on. The acting is great, Bill Skarsgård is one of my favorite actor and it was a nice surprise to see him in this. But when Justin Long comes to the picture, the plot loses the intense feeling and the threat. Long's character is way over the top and all the way through his character and intentions do not make sense. They force this #MeToo plot point in the story and it bring the story down quite a bit.

There are some genuine scary moments in this, and even though I am a horror addict and seen some scary stuff, this movie manages to frighten me a few times. If they had managed to keep the story more coherent and intact, it would've been a better experience.

The last 20 minutes are just bad. I have heard some bad things about American cops but in this movie they do not seem even human and it's weird. The water tower scene is actually bad and Justin Long's character ruins it for good.

It's very frustrating to see great potential in something and then see it wasted. First half is a solid 8 and the second half is 5 at best. It's 6,5 average, but I'm lowering in to 6 because of the wasted potential.
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Moloch (2022)
A Lot Better Than I Thought It Would Be
16 October 2022
It's nice to see a competent horror movie for a change, nowadays most horror movies seem to rely solely on exposition for dummies and jumpscares, which I hate. This movie doesn't waste it's time on anything useless, it's a well paced movie with a great atmosphere. It takes some time to build up and you won't guess the ending. The ending almost reminds me of a masterpiece called Hereditary by Ari Aster. The acting was flawless and there were some very competent moments of cinematography. I sincerely recommend watching the movie. Forget about the lame blockbuster like the Nun or the Conjuring and choose this instead.
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