
16 Reviews
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Resident Evil (2022)
Very lacking..nothing like the original
16 July 2022
What made Resident Evil the success that it was, was the character of Alice, played magnificently by Milla Jovovich. As we remember, (Quote) "Alice discovers that she has been genetically altered by exposure to the T-virus. Alice is explained to have adapted to the changes from the T-Virus, merging human characteristics and heightened strength, speed, and agility." This is where, Netflix failed to give us, not necessarily Alice. Instead, Netflix gave us, Jade Wesker, played by the beautiful Ella Balinska, with no abilities.

What really gets to me is, in every fighting scene, Jade's face shows annoying wide eyes terror, whereas Alice showed no fear and amazing fighting abilities.

Hopefully the writers and directors will give us, this missing aspect in season 2...
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13 June 2021
I can truly say that I have no idea what this film was trying to say. I'm a big fan of Dylan O'Brien, he's got a real gift for acting....but Dylan, did you take this movie on for a paycheck?

It was billed as a drama - thriller. There was no thriller here, no drama, nothing. It was nothing. The only shocking factor about this movie was that I sat through the whole boring ordeal, my bad.

If you're reading this heed my warning "don't waste your time" life is to short.
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What has happened to action, adventure and drama.
10 June 2021
When legends of Tomorrow first aired, it actually was full of action, adventure, drama and Sci-Fi. Season 6 has turned into comedy! All the action, adventure and drama has been put into the back burner. How sad is it when I pick up my IPad and start doing other things instead of watching the show. Oh, so disappointing. None of these actors are I ask, why put them in any situation comedy? Now it's full of singing, yes singing and actual cartoons....wake me up from this nightmare and take me back to it's glory days.
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Legend of the Seeker (2008–2010)
One Amazing Series. A must see...
28 May 2021
I saw this series when it first came on TV (2008). I saw 2 episodes and for whatever reason I just stopped watching it. Fast forward to 2020, we're in the middle of pandemic. So I made the decision to purchase the two seasons of "Legend of The Seeker". A spell was cast upon me..this series is terrific. Fast action, wild adventures, Romance, comedy, sword and sorcery, supernatural drama and chuck full of Fantasy all rolled into this well made series. Back in 2008 they had 24 episodes per season a total of 44 episodes. I felt like I had hit the mother lode. Beautiful scenery, beautiful women, gorgeous men, stunts galore. You have The Seeker, the Mother Confessor, the evil Mord-Siths and a slush of other characters. They are joined in this quest by Cara, a Mord-Sith and their former enemy. She's simply beautiful. She reminded me of 7of9. Cara was taken as a child and has to learn along the way humanity. I don't want to give anything away because I want you to see it and be drawn in as I was. To be honest with you, I just don't understand the people who gave this series one star. It's a fantasy after all.
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Legend of the Seeker (2008–2010)
Be whisked away into a wonderful world of Fantasy even if it's just for 44 episodes. I was..
27 May 2021
I saw this series when it first came on TV (2008). I saw 2 episodes and for whatever reason I just stopped watching it. Fast forward to 2020, we're in the middle of pandemic. So I made the decision to purchase the two seasons of "Legend of The Seeker". A spell was cast upon me..this series is terrific. Fast action, wild adventures, Romance, comedy, sword and sorcery, supernatural drama and chuck full of Fantasy all rolled into this well made series. Back in 2008 they had 24 episodes per season ending up with a total of 44 episodes. I felt like I had hit the mother lode. Beautiful scenery, beautiful women, gorgeous men, stunts galore. You have The Seeker, the Mother Confessor, the evil Mord-Siths and a slush of other characters. The seeker, mother confessor and wizard are joined in this quest by Cara, a Mord-Sith and their former enemy. She's simply beautiful-and a delight to watch. She reminded me of 7of 9 (Jeri Ryan Star Trek: Voyager). Cara was taken as a child and torchered until she looses all her humanity and now has to learn along the way to become a good and better person.. I don't want to give anything away because I want you to see it and be drawn in as I was. To be honest with you, I just don't understand the people who gave this series one star. It's a fantasy after all.
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The Other One (2017– )
28 March 2021
This series was so much fun to watch, my sister and I watched it in one sitting. I don't want to give anything away. This show is a true gem. The actors are all top natch. I hope there is a season would be a real shame if it ends with one.
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The Oval (2019– )
19 February 2021
The worst TV series EVER! surely they must give out some kind of an award to a show where all the actors are so bad that at least one is trying to get it right...but wait NONE of the actors are qualified. I stuck it out for 2 episodes. I should slap myself silly but I was punished enough...after all I did sit through a second episode and I'm riddled with shame....whyyyy..... You, out there, can do better
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2 November 2020
I'm lost for words. The acting was unbearable to watch, the so call special affects were awful..there's nothing good about this movie...I'm speechless.
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Don't spend a minute on this movie, you'll never get that time life instead.
19 October 2020
As I watched this amazingly stupid movie, and may I add, shame on me for watching it through the end, I noticed, when they where inside the house...there were candles every where...however if you look closely you'll notice light switches in every room, thermostat in one room. This movie was simply put "AWFUL"
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Lake Mungo (2008)
A Gem
12 March 2020
The acting was so good that I thought I had been watching a documentary. I only found out that it was a movie when I tried to google it for any additional information. When I told my sister that we were watching a movie she commented that the whole cast should have been nominated for AACTA award.
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Trauma Center (2019)
5 February 2020
I wasted precious time on this movie and I'm asking myself whyyyy? I never knew Bruce Willis was capable of really bad acting...I mean really bad.
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Monos (2019)
21 December 2019
What just happened? My sister and I just sat there when it ended and we looked at each other and uttered at the same time "WHAT THE I speak both languages Spanish and English and that didn't help one iota. Julianne Nicholson is a wonderful talented American actress and I would love to ask her this simple question "why?" I don't want to give away any spoilers, oh wait there aren't any. I will say this, watchers beware, you're in for a numbing experience. And if you do, dare to immerse yourself into this viewing venture, please come back and explain to me the ending. Good luck my friends.
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24 March 2019
I have a huge curve TV and I have to tell you, this movie captured me and I was transported into the fantasy...what a ride. For those of you who didn't enjoy this move, you missed a great adventure. I hope there are more to come. Buckle up sit back and just go with it.
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Hunter Killer (2018)
31 January 2019
My opinion and my option only..this was one of the best action packed submarine movie I've seen in a very long time...action at sea and on land.
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Pathfinder (2007)
Not boring🇳🇿
24 November 2018
Sometimes I feel that I did not watch the same movie as the folks who review them. This is not by any means a Hollywood you have to view it as entertainment and I for one was very entertained by Pathfinder. There's action, adventure and friendship to be had and a touch of romance. This was my second viewing, first time back in 2007 and second 2018 and I imagine they'll be a 3rd sometime in the future..enjoy as I have
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Christmas Homecoming (2017 TV Movie)
Holiday movies always hits the spot.
12 November 2018
I just don't understand all the negative reviews this movie received....I grant you it wasn't an award winning movie but it wasn't a dud either. Julie Benz Is wonderful actress and the rest of the cast did a well enough job. I had a smile on my face at the end of the movie
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