What's the Worst That Could Happen? (2001) Poster

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Not great, but certainly watchable
YassenJ9 October 2002
Well, what can I say? It's not the best Martin Lawrence film and its not even one of the top 20 best Danny De Vito films (isn't this little guy one of the biggest comic actors of our time!) but it's a nice comedy, good to rent on video or watch on TV.

Basically the plot is not very imaginative and the movie relies mostly on the actors performances. So I'll concentrate on them in this review. Here it goes:

De Vito is perfect as always. Noone could play the part of the complacent billionaire better than him! He does the best he can do with the material he's given, but his talent could have been used more appropriately if the writers had done a better job...

Martin Lawrence also playes one of his usual parts, quite similar to the part he played in Blue Streak. He does everything expected from him, including getting in disguise more than once and producing some Eddie Murphy-style jokes. But seeing Black Knight and now this, one may ask: isn't he repeating himself too much now? Sure he's funny, but he's also getting annoying to more and more people...

We also have some good-loking actresses, especially the lady playing Lawrence's girlfriend. Their parts are unfortunately too brief to be memorable.

Oh,yes, there's also William Fichtner playing one of the weirdest detectives in the history of cinema! Am I the only one who thinks he was doing a parody of Willem Defoe's character in The Boondock Saints??

As far as the plot, well, it's all about a ring...
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It's just plain funny !
MovieDave4 June 2001
Just the name Martin Lawrence kind of makes me laugh, and this movie with Danny DeVito will give you several good belly laughs. Plain and simple, the formula for a good comedy is not all that complex, as this film clearly shows. There's no gross-out humor, or excessive vulgar language needed to make this movie a fun couple of hours. I also genuinely liked John Leguizamo's character throughout the movie. All in all this movie is a barrel of laughs from start to finish.
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not funny
SnoopyStyle5 June 2016
Kevin Caffery (Martin Lawrence) is a slick-talking art expert ... and a thief. He falls for Amber Belhaven and steals a picture with personal value for her. She gives him her father's ring. Kevin and Berger (John Leguizamo) go to rob sleazy media magnet Max Fairbanks (Danny DeVito). Kevin gets caught and Max steals the ring claiming Kevin stole it from him. Max considers the ring, with the same symbol as his company, an important sign. Max is going through bankruptcy ignoring the rules. Kevin is focused on getting back the ring and revenge.

This would be a lot simpler without the bankruptcy. This could have been a fun bad guy vs bad guy steal-a-thon. Pitting Lawrence and DeVito against each other is potentially hilarious. Instead, it's unnecessarily complicated. It keeps adding strange characters. There are no compelling stakes. The ring is an interesting idea. I don't care about the bankruptcy. I don't care about these characters and that's why it's not funny. It could be funnier if Max can steal more stuff from Kevin like the way he stole the ring. It would allow for more of a back and forth exchange.
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Who will be the Lord Of The Ring?
jimbo70020 May 2004
Generally speaking, I agree with the masses on the IMDb but in this case I must protest. This movie deserves a much higher rating than a 5. I would personally give it a 7. After viewing several mundane comedies, I found "What's the Worst That Could Happen?" to be refreshing. A quick summary of the plot: Kevin Caffrey (Martin Lawrence) attempts to burglarize billionaire Max Fairbanks' (Danny Divito) home. Max turns out to be in the house and holds Kevin at gunpoint until the police arrive. He then tells the cops that the ring on Kevin's hand belongs to him and the cops force Kevin to cough it up. The problem is that Kevin's new girlfriend had just given it to him. The rest of the movie deals with Kevin trying to get the ring back. Danny DeVito is hilarious and this is my favorite Martin Lawrence movie yet.

The plot is original and I thought the supporting actors were great. I would have given William Fichtner a bit more of a roll. He really had little to do with the plot yet I found his portrayal of gay Detective Alex Tardio to be one of the funniest parts of the movie. I read the book and will admit that the book's ending is a bit more satisfying but not a major issue. I have never seen a group of criminals and scoundrels more likable than the group in the movie. Everyone in the movie; the thief, the rich guy, the politicians, the judges and everyone in the periphery seems to be morally depraved. I guess that is what makes this movie so funny. If you enjoyed "Blue Streak" then you're going to love "What's the Worst That Could Happen?".
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Hackneyed sitcom material
mattymatt4ever18 January 2002
Martin Lawrence has talent. Danny DeVito has talent. John Leguizamo has talent. Bernie Mac has talent. And where did all this talent go? Absolutely freakin' nowhere!!!

What's the worst that could happen? Write a silly, meaningless script that's not even worthy of receiving the green light as a sitcom pilot and throw in all this great talent to the filmmakers' disposal. The only scene where I recall laughing is the opening where Martin is speaking to a woman at the auction house, and says that the painting on the wall is as fake as her glasses. For the rest of the movie, I chuckled, but even chuckles were few and far between.

Why did Danny DeVito, who we all loved as Louie DePalma on "Taxi," even consider starring in this clunker? All he does is ape around, struggling to hide his embarrassment of being in the movie in the first place. As for Lawrence, he's forced to succumb to the same lame schtick he did in "Blue Streak"--another so-called comedy with a terrible script. Since there's no funny material, he tries to make the audience laugh with stupid, over-the-top antics. Bernie Mac has one funny line, which was given away in the trailers, but I still found funny. Bernie's a great comic with great potential who simply has to find the right outlet. He hasn't been in too many movies, and if he ever decides to commit himself to a career in film, this is not the way to do it.

There's so many other talents that I failed to mention: Larry Miller, Glenne Headly, Ana Gasteyer, William Fichtner. Speaking of good ol' Bill Fichtner, who thought his character--the flamboyant detective dressed like Crockett from "Miami Vice"--would be funny? Crazy, it is. But funny--not! And who thought that scene where Martin Lawrence and John Leguizamo pretend to be Arabs--talking in a gibberish dialect--would be funny? This movie tries and tries and tries to be quirky, but it never succeeds in the comedy department.

I have to say, that chick who played Martin's love interest is really, really hot! I hope to see her in more movies! Also that chick who plays DeVito's mistress.

I was totally bored during the majority of this flat, lamebrained comedy and I hope every actor in the cast regret making this crappy movie and cross it off their resumes. I'd love to see DeVito and Lawrence is a movie together--I think they have great potential as a comedy team--but make sure the script is FUNNY!

My score: 3 (out of 10)
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Disorganized Crime
boblipton20 June 2020
When billionaire Danny DeVito catches burglar Martin Lawrence robbing his house, he holds him at gunpoint until the police arrive, then takes Lawrence's ring. Because it was a gift from his girlfriend, Carmen Ejogo, Lawrence wants to get it back.... and he has a large network of skilled but inept criminals to call on for help: once, that is, they stop laughing at him.

It's based on Donald Westlake's Dortmunder novel of the same name, and like most movie versions of Westlake's sad-sack crime comedies, some peculiar choices were made. The Westlake characters are all shlubs, with Dortmunder's brilliant plans being confounded by their bad luck and mistakes. Lawrence is good, and Bernie Mac is outstanding as the fence who bankrolls the operations, but while the comic actors are superb, it lacks the the disorganized doggedness of Westlake. Even so, the story is a good one, Devito plays his role right in the middle of his comfort spot, and even if you know Westlake, it's impossible to figure out what's going to happen next.
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Lobotomy's Anyone??
boger9 March 2002
When you think this movie can't get any worse. it does! It is riddled with poor acting on all levels, a moronic plot, terrible acting, a poorly written story line, really bad acting (did I mention that?). They even made Boston look clean..they must of used Industrial Light and Magic to get that special effect. Skip this movie and rent Plan 9 from Outer Space or even Ishtar, they are actually better.
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Good film
LFJeff3 June 2001
Martin Lawrence plays Kevin, a professional thief. Danny DeVito is Max, a wealthy business man. Kevin is caught stealing from Max, who in turn steals a ring from Kevin. Kevin wants revenge, and will steal other things to get back the ring.

I read this book and surprisingly, the film sticks relatively close to it. John Leguizamo is wasted in this film -- he could have done a lot more. I think that Mr. Lawrence, not only starring but being executive producer, controlled too much of the script. There was too much of Kevin and not enough of the peripheral players. Like Larry Miller, who played Max's head of security. Here was another talented comedian wasted. And I liked the flamboyant detective played by John Fichtner, but even his role was limited.

I would give this 2 1/2 stars out of 4.
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The Worst thing about this Martin Lawrence movie? Martin Lawrence!
prodigaljon2 June 2001
A talented supporting performance by John Leguizamo and a few somewhat funny, if not completely illogical, set pieces aren't enough to save this movie from being just about the worst thing I've seen all year. Lawrence is bad - unfunny and stupid - but the real criminal is the screenwriter. Whoever adapted this one should have his typing fingers amputated and be forced to work in public access for the rest of his career. How anybody could take a mediocre, but well-plotted and screen-ready novel and turn it into this festering, head-shaking mess of a movie is completely beyond me. There are moments that have phenomenal potential, but they're ham-handedly executed and it seems that the filmmakers just didn't know how to get laughs from them.
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Not as bad as I thought
blaircam20 November 2002
I had heard some patchy comments about this movie but it wasn't terrible. Yes it was stupid and slow in parts, but there were a few funny scenes and it was a clever idea. I was torn between a five and a six but gave it the benefit of the doubt. My vote 6/10
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The Worst Happens
wes-connors21 December 2014
Sophisticated thief Martin Lawrence (as Kevin Caffery) attends an auction, looking for prospective victims. He finds something more desirable in beautiful Carmen Ejogo (as Amber Belhaven). Bringing her a landscape painting she had to auction off gets the previously reluctant Ms. Ejogo into bed fairly quickly. After copulating, she gives Mr. Lawrence a lucky ring. He wears the ring while robbing wealthy businessman Danny DeVito (as Max Fairbanks). Lawrence gets caught and Mr. DeVito claims the ring was stolen. Police make Lawrence give the ring to DeVito. DeVito begins to think the ring is lucky, also. The men fight over the ring for the rest of the movie...

The teaming of Martin Lawrence and Danny DeVito may look inviting and funny, but don't expect much from this duo. Although DeVito's draw had diminished somewhat, both were dependable "box office" stars. Here, they are self-assured and unappealing (a toxic combination). "What's the Worst That Could Happen?" features good production values, with nice photography by Anastas Michos. Sam Weisman may have had a difficult time directing his leading men, but some of the other scenes work. Larry Miller (as Earl) and the old lady in the elevator wielding pepper spray (Michelle Youell) are able to evoke a chuckle, but a bad film brings down everyone's best efforts.

** What's the Worst That Could Happen? (6/1/01) Sam Weisman ~ Martin Lawrence, Danny DeVito, Carmen Ejogo, John Leguizamo
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Simple, good fun
conjunctionfilms3 June 2001
I read Donald E. Westlake's novel "What's The Worst That Could Happen?" prior to seeing the new movie. This is something I think moviegoers should do, read the book and go to see the movie to compare and contrast. The book is full of rich, comical characters as is the movie, but there are differences.

The film stars Martin Lawrence as Kevin Caffery, a suave, intelligent thief who often cases art auctions for new prizes to steal. However his partner named Berger (John Leguizamo) lets him in a score at a mansion owned by Max Fairbanks, a wealthy businessman (Danny DeVito) who is going bankrupt. The two thieves break in the house and DeVito catches Lawrence and steals his prized ring his girlfriend gave him. He is then bent on revenge and out to get it back.

The plot is basic and works well and the film is smart, funny and actually even silly. Most "silly movies" get trashed and aren't given credit for trying to make us laugh a bit. "What's The Worst That Can Happen" has a good amount of intelligence to it but also has a good amount of summer movie silliness and it fits and works in a comedy that is well made and very entertaining.

Give it chance and it might work for you.

Costars Glenne Headly, Nora Dunn, Bernie Mac, William Fichtner, Richard Schiff, Larry Miller and Ana Gasteyer.
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This movie is a lot better than people think it's gonna be.
frankmann827 May 2001
Danny DeVito is funny. Martin Lawrence is hilarious. So why did everyone think this movie was going to be stupid? It was a very funny movie. Yes it is kind of silly, but silly is good. A rich guy and a low thief at war over a ring might not sound funny, but it was. DeVito and Lawrence are a good comedy team and made me laugh a lot when they were both on screen. Go see this movie. It's good.
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Martin & Danny have great comedic chemistry
michaelsibley4166 September 2004
If the box office rest of summer ends up as good as this movie was, movie fans will be in for a real treat. Martin Lawrence returns to the big screen with his hilarious brand of humor as he teams with Danny DeVito in "What's The Worst That Can Happen?"

"What's The Worst That Can Happen?" revolves around a would-be burglar named Kevin Caffrey, played by Lawrence, is caught in the act by the home owner, billionaire Max Fairbanks, played by DeVito. The tables are turned when Fairbanks steals Caffrey's ring given to him by his girlfriend. The rest of the film circles around getting the ring back. From this moment on, I knew I was going to be watching one funny film.

Joining Lawrence and DeVito is John Leguizamo as Kevin's partner in crime, Burger, Carmen Ejogo as Kevin's girlfriend Amber and Bernie Mac as Kevin's uncle. The addition of these actors is evidence that "What's The Worst That Can Happen?" is a sure hit with all ages.

Lawrence wears two hats in "What's The Worst That Can Happen?" as producer and star and he has success in both capacities. Furthermore, he was a true asset as an actor in "What's The Worst That Can Happen?" because he brought a unique brand of humor.

His style is one to be proud of because he truly makes the comedy enjoyable and the humor so funny you'll be laughing so hard it will hurt. I appreciate his comedic ability and acting talent.

DeVito adds credibility to one truly fun comedy. I couldn't have asked for a better actor to portray Max Fairbanks. There is not a lot to say about DeVito because his lengthy and steady body of work speaks for him. With so many great films under his belt, I knew I was going to be watching a true master at work.

In addition to credibility, DeVito has presence and humor in that made me smile from ear to ear and start to finish. He is solid comedic genius that brings a great amount of comedy and presence that will leave everyone smiling.

Leguizamo has a true niche for comedy as he proves in "What's The Worst That Can Happen?" I wasn't sure how to gage Leguizamo because I have only seen one other film with him, so I was surprised to learn he was one of funniest and talented actors in the movie.

The chemistry between Lawrence and Leguizamo was perfect because they seemed to work so well together. Leguizamo was a great compliment to Lawrence and his brand of humor. I enjoyed every minute they shared the screen because I knew I was going to laugh.

Ejogo was a true pleasure to watch because she brought excitement and charisma to the movie. I relished each scene she was in because I got the opportunity to see a true natural at work. Mac was a true surprise because I didn't expect him to turn in a good performance.

Ejogo joins a handful of actresses that includes Monica Potter, Kate Beckinsale and James King, who are on my list of nominees for the prestigious honor of being called best newcomers of the year. The true geniuses behind "What's The Worst That Can Happen?" were the writers because they created something special.

The writing in this movie is very enjoyable and good because it compliments Lawrence's comedy and DeVito's humor. The games set up by the writers were incredible fun to watch since each scene skillfully crafted.

Also, the audience received a bonus when the writer added action and suspense. Though "What's The Worst That Can Happen?" succeeds mostly with comedy, it also entertains with action and suspense.

I knew with scenes like Kevin's taunts to Max over his cell-phone while he was in a senate sub-committee, "What's The Worst That Can Happen?" will entertain every single person who buys a ticket for this movie. I could not ask for anything more from the writers of "What's The Worst That Could Happen" because watching this story play out is a thing of beauty.

One solid guarantee I can make to potential viewers of this movie: "What's The Worst That Could Happen" will leave you laughing until it hurts. Lawrence and DeVito are a lethal comedic team that fills the screen with laughter, suspense and action. "What's The Worst That Can Happen?" is one of the most entertaining films I've seen.

The bottom line is this film is harmless fun that will delight and entertain you for two hours. I hope everyone gets the chance to see how great these two talents come together and create one of the funniest movies this year.
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Mediocre comedy.
gridoon12 August 2003
The basic idea is not bad, but it becomes monotonous. The script is busy, but unfunny. The characters are played by capable comedians, but they range from merely unlikable criminals to truly offensive stereotypes (low points: each and every appearance of the gay detective, always accompanied by his own "gay" music theme). And this film is an almost complete dud. It became a laughing stock upon its release, because of its unfortunate title; sadly, this was the only way it managed to inspire any laughter in people. (*1/2)
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Light, fluffy and a bit of fun
CityBoy15 March 2003
I read some of the reviews and it seems people either love it or hate it. Not really worthy of either of these extremes. It's a nice little time-waster for a rainy day. Quite a few laughs but nothing earth-shattering. Glad I didn't pay $20 to see it in a theatre, but glad I watched it on TV.
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The Hollywood Talent Filtration System strikes again!
resisobilus12 December 2004
The Westlake Dortmunder novels are generally brilliant. So why can't anyone film it right? "The Hot Rock" came closer but still didn't gel for me - Redford as Dortmunder? This time, the whole thing was a mess. Once the movie rights were sold, it seems that everyone involved did their level best to sabotage it until only the premise was left -and the title. Shame, too. Now some people who were subjected to the film might avoid the book. READ THE BOOK! Mr Westlake should sue to have it retitled and an apology should crawl across the screen anytime it airs. No, on second thought, it should be banned and a forcible recall issued. Anyone who has bought a copy should be required to return it to the manufacturer, non-compliance punishable by fines.

Yeah, I hated it.

That much.
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Surprisingly funny
Cubfan-230 May 2001
I must say that going in to this movie, I did not have high hopes. I've never been a big fan of Martin Lawrence's films, and Danny DeVito can be hit or miss as a performer. But this film, though it goes too long (as many comedies do) and has a last scene that seems tacked on and makes little sense in the context of the story, had me laughing more often than not. Lawrence and DeVito are good, but what's really nice are the members fo the supporting cast, particularly John Leguizamo as Lawrence's fellow thief, Bernie Mac as their benefactor and fencer, Carmen Ejogo and Nora Dunn as Lawrence's and DeVito's respective ladies, and especially William Fichtner, who practically steals the show as a police detective unlike any you've ever seen on screen. Take it for what it is, and "What's the Worst That Can Happen" definitely isn't that.
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The opposite of funny......
merklekranz28 December 2007
Martin Lawrence drags this supposed comedy right down to the mat. His mugging becomes tiresome, his character becomes annoying, and he just plain can't act. The rest of the cast, including normally reliable Bernie Mac, Danny DeVito and William Fichtner, struggle mightily with the cartoon-like script. The premise that a ring could initiate all this mayhem, is stupid to begin with. "Tin Men" was funny because the premise for the feud, a minor fender bender, was believable. Richard Dreyfus and Danny DeVito made that movie work. DeVito cannot carry this clunker by himself, and everything seems forced. Not funny. Not recommended. Skip this one. - MERK
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A typical comedy duet
dr_hgj-4823110 October 2019
Martin Laurence and D De vorto acted in one of tussle for stupid ring. As one is a crazy billionaire and other is thief ! There are many situations when billionaire Rob's ML for ring in police presence and many more such occasions. Lot many to be lost but the key is having possession of the ring. Comedy is the only aim. Punch lines used for silly fun as well. Acting by both serves rally contest for fun both doing equally good. Some times silly but serves the main game point of having a possession of that ring.
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The answer is the obvious...
patkeith9 June 2001
It's always dangerous to give a movie a title like this, because some "critic" out there is inevitably going to go for the cheap shot of "This! This could be the worst that could happen," no matter how good or bad the film really is. In this case, though, if you're a critic, don't be afraid to use the line. You will not be alone.

I have to admit I didn't see the entire movie. Nor did the several other people who walked out after us (it only takes one person to open the flood gates). It definitely makes you wonder if the critics who are quoted in the ads ever saw this film, or just the money they were paid to fawn all over it.

Martin Lawrence is horribly miscast, and does bits that would have been rejected by Paulie Shore as too tired and stupid in a clear attempt to give the film some comedy. Something which the script totally lacks. Danny Devito does his best, but though he's not miscast, he's obviously cast. Maybe it would have been funnier had Devito and Lawrence switched roles? No, it wouldn't, because you've still got that pesky detail of the script.

One last thing. Were I African-American (or Latino), I'd find the film beyond unfunny into offensive. In the reality of this film, anyone of color is also obviously a thief or con-man. Even the highly educated beautiful young Black woman doesn't skip a beat when she finds out her new paramour is a thief. "If you're a friend of Kevin's," she quips later to John Leguizamo, "I know you work nights."

So let me just say... This. This is the worst that could happen.
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Admittedly silly, but a lot of fun
NateWatchesCoolMovies14 June 2016
People rag on What's The Worst That Could Happen all the time. Let em, and screw em while we're at it. Implausible? Yes. Silly? Yup. Ridiculous? Oh yes. Funny? You bet your ass. It's one of those lighthearted Martin Lawrence comedies like Blue Streak or National Security, tripping along an alleyway of lowbrow humour and bawdy antics that you just can't stay mad at, like a friend who does something really dumb and follows up with something that cracks a grin on your face. Lawrence also has the luck to be paired with Danny Devito here, who is funny even when he isn't trying to be. Lawrence plays Kevin, a cocky cat burglar who bungles the wrong dude when he breaks into the not so vacant summer home of sleazy billionaire Max Fairbanks (Devito). Max catches him red handed, holds him at gunpoint and convinces the cops that a family heirloom ring on Kevin's finger is part of the stolen goods, adding insult to arrest. That dick move launches an ego fuelled battle of wills as these two morons find more and more elaborate ways to incite each other's wrath. They each have a little armada who back them up when they aren't questioning their every idiotic movie. Kevin has his gorgeous girlfriend (Carmen Ejogo has sadly made a career of being underused), his partner Berger (John Leguizamo plays around with accents like you ain't never seen) who is the Dumber to his Dumb, and his sassy handler (Bernie Mac). Max is hounded by his witchy wife (Nora Dunn), shunned by his much abused attorney (a dry, delightful Richard Schiff), pawned over by his mistress (Glenne Headly) and secretly lusted for by his chief of security (you haven't lived until you've seen Larry Miller do his thang here). Max and Kevin are engaging arch enemies, with Lawrence mugging for face time a tad too much, and Devito perfectly settled into his shtick as always. I must make note of probably the best performance of the film, from William Fichtner as a flamboyantly gay police detective who hounds all parties involved. He's one part frightening with a side of classy charm, subverting his usual weirdo tough guy image for something even weirder and totally out there. Watch for Lenny Clarke and Siobhan Hogan as as pair of squabbling fellow burglars, and work from Cam Neely, Kevin Chapman and Garry Shandling as well. It's a screwball caper. I love it. Many don't. They can suck it. Check 'er out and make up your own mind.
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Good, Not Great
Phoenix-1074 June 2001
I expected to see a good, but not great, comedy starring two of my favorite funnymen, Martin Lawrence and Danny DeVito, and was not disappointed. While it could have been better, it was still enjoyable entertainment. If a 5 is average, this movie squeaks from a 6 to a 7 because I don't get to see John Leguizamo that often and was thrilled to see him onscreen.
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Unfortunately mediocre
kraziken16 January 2002
I have to say I was really looking forward to this movie and missed it in the theater. If any movie was a rental this is it. It is not a horrible movie, just not great either.

With Danny Devito, Martin Lawrence and John Leguizamo, I thought this movie was going to be great. Unfortunately, the laughs that come are too far and between to be worth much.

The movie trailer is much funnier than the actual movie. However, if you have an interest in the comedians, I would say it is worth the price of a rental.
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