Adventure Time (TV Series 2010– ) Poster

(2010– )

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It's Awesome
danielgeng-4422120 August 2019
For a kids show, Adventure Time has surprising mature and deep themes, making it a joy to watch for all ages. The characters are all so diverse and unique and the voice acting is perfect. For the most part they are light hearted and funny, but as the show gradually reveals their backstories and flaws, it adds quite a bit of depth and even sadness at times. This allows them to feel real and relatable despite the supernatural setting. What I enjoy most about Adventure Time is that even though the episodes seem random and disconnected, they all help build up a rich and diverse world and reveal many subtle ideas and story arcs that are massively paid of in the future. It is a show that leaves me smiling every time I watch it, with a heartwarming display of friendship, morality and forgivenss. In addition, it is also hilarious and full of clever, memerable one liners. For me, the only thing holding this show back from being a masterpiece is that it has a few boring and even uncomfortable episodes that I don't feel like are representative of how good the show normally is. Despite this, I love this show and quite simply, its awesome.
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Quite possibly my favorite show of all time!
CamdenGregware6 May 2019
Adventure Time is near perfect. I have a personal connection to this show, as it was my favorite show to watch growing up. I decided to revisit this show and binge it start to finish, and i was not disappointed. I love everything about this show, the characters are incredible, the story arcs are amazing, the writing is great, and the world building is extremely captivating. Adventure Time isn't for everyone, and for most it might be tough to get through so many episodes, since so many episodes are useless filler, especially towards the middle of the show, but everything that this show does bad is absolutely shadowed by what it does good. The show gets better and better and more watchable as it progresses, despite a few rough patches. I've never seen character development as incredible as this in any other cartoon. I absolutely LOVE the three miniseries they threw together in the final few seasons. I love how much depth and backstory there is to every character. I could go on and on about what this show does right, but i think you should just go and see for yourself.
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One of the best things on TV at the moment
poke_a_polk25 April 2010
I first saw Adventure Time on youtube some years ago. Now it's TV show. I loved it when it was a one-shot video. And I love each episode I've seen on Cartoon Network even more.

Yes, the characters are silly. Yes, there is a fair amount of "OMG, that's so random!" going on. But while shows like Chowder may fail at times using this model, Adventure Time succeeds.

It does so thanks to wonderful voice acting, clever dialog and most of all, unusually mature themes. Not in a risqué sense, doesn't rely on cookie cutter stories and it's comfortable leaving some endings ambiguous. It's also comfortable making characters believable (despite its fantasy setting).

This show is deserves attention.
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One of the Best Shows of This Generation
FilmFreak9428 September 2011
Adventure Time is the story of an almost normal 12-13 year old human boy named Finn, and his magical dog Jake(voiced by John Di Maggio). They live in the enchanted land of Ooo and have many strange adventures exploring dungeons, saving princesses(most commonly Princess Bubblegum of the Candy Kingdom)and meeting many strange inhabitants of the world, some friendlier than others.

The plot sounds simple enough, but Adventure Time is one of the most surreal kid's shows to come out of Cartoon Network for a long time. And I love every minute of it.

While I find the earlier episodes of the show ranged from good to OK, the later episodes got really great with the animation and jokes improving as the series went on. The characters are all very likable with unique personalities and quite a few have very memorable and hilarious one-liners. Every time I sit down and watch this show, I am greatly entertained.

That doesn't mean it's for everyone though. While some, like me, may like the surreal appeal others may not. I don't recommend this show to the younger audience(younger then 8) as this show may unintentionally give them nightmares at times. Parents more used to family friendly cartoons may also not like the jokes geared towards the older crowd(and trust me there's a lot of them).

Either way, this show has great writing, animation, voice acting everything to me is near perfection. I recommend it to anyone who enjoys a different kind of kid show.
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Every Bit As Great as We Hoped
Nnnk-116 April 2010
"It's Adventure Time! C'mon grab your friends. We'll go to very distant lands. With Jake the Dog and Finn the Human the fun will never end. It's Adventure Time!" Adventure Time was an animated short made by Pen Ward and his team a few years back. The short was full of comedy, off the wall jokes, chocked full of hilarious one-liners and even an entertaining fight scene. And now, years later it is a full blown television series. The only thing people were concerned about was that the adaption could never live up to the original.

Well I'm here to say it has. In. Every. Aspect.

The only thing different is the characters and world have been expanded upon, and Penn's name is now Finn.

Adventure Time with Finn and Jake is Cartoon Network's newest cartoon. Similarly to the pilot, it is full to the brim with humor (some which is directly aimed at the adult audience, THANK GOD) There are still many one liners (most of which have been stolen from the pilot but I'm hoping that as the series goes on this will diminish. The music isn't very memorable, but it isn't supposed to be. It's a show about Finn, Jake and all of their friends and the stupid situations they find themselves in.

Cartoon Network has finally found a gem, and I hope for their sake that they keep this show running and start funding more shows like this instead of obviously cheap-made flash cartoons (Johnny Test anyone?) It is a show like this that was needed to get CN back on top, and I hope it'll stay that way What time is it? ADVENTURE TIME!
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Pretty much the only tv show I need.
bigstarexplosion17 September 2021
I'm pretty young so I'm really biased but this show has pretty much grown with me as I have grown, even the characters themselves have grown with me because they age as the show progresses, this show really has a special place in my heart no other one does, it's fun, it's emotional (sometimes), and it's engaging, I wouldn't call it the funniest of shows, especially since the earlier seasons are a lot more juvenile compared to the "mature" later seasons, it's funny enough to get a good chuckle out, I must say the earlier seasons are a lot more "childish", but they are also very nostalgic and i feel is a great way to introduce the show to a child, so I really consider it a great show, watch it bruh.
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Adventure Time is often misunderstood
Nemsi1 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
You might get a wrong idea about AT:

1 - It can seem very childish because of it's vibrant colors, silly moments here and there (that is one of many characteristics of the show) BUT The show is not typical in any way including childishness and silliness - those qualities enrich the show.

2 - AT might seem dull and random because of how weird it can get. BUT The weird part is all in favor of originality (which is limitless on this show). Large portion of crazy elements of Adventure Time are purposeful smart ideas and in most cases these ideas come from pure artistic statements and not just random thoughts anyone can have.

To sum up what I wrote so far - Adventure Time is not what it seems. That goes to show on the characters: For instance: Ice King is not a two dimensional crazy villain he seems at first - He's a former scientist with a tragic past and you really empathize with him. Marceline is not just a cool vampire - she has the most tragic backstory. Princess Bubblegum is not just pretty and cute princess with cold exterior - she is one of the most complex characters on the show and you find out more and more about her... I could go on but the characters are/get extremely developed as the show goes on (Finn is the best example of that considering how much he's grown and matured).

3 - AT is not for a limited age group IN FACT as an adult, I enjoy the show more than any child can ever enjoy - that's thanks to the smart writing. The writers on this show manage to fit a great story (90%/95% of the times) in 11 minute episodes and it's for all ages - it's adventurous, deep, smart and funny.

4 - Don't expect AT to be a typical Cartoon Network show. Furthermore, if you're an adult please don't watch Adventure Time on CN as lots of moments are censored (cut/altered) on the network and you may enjoy the show better without those changes in place.

5 - There might be a bad episode Yea, no show is 100% perfect and because of the difficult task the writers have on this show. (I need to explain why: let's compare this show to Regular Show, Family Guy or Rick and Morty - the writing structure is less evident on Adventure Time as it doesn't quite have a typical structure like Family Guy has for instance - being comedy-based characters being cynical most of the time, or having random cuts for loughs, AT doesn't have a structure like Rick and Morty that has the smartest character in control every episode and being predictable and it doesn't have a typical tone every single time like FG and R&M by going for comedy over drama most the time... I write all this not because I hate on any of these shows but it's a simple fact - Adventure Time (while not perfect either) has way less cliche writing and way more depth than most cartoons out there). Because Adventure Time makes sense, has depth and a developing story instead of on-timer episodes, it's difficult to make every single episode great. So be sure to give Adventure Time a chance to grow on you and most importantly - don't judge the show on few episodes. P.S: Adventure Time starts as being a little silly but it matures - slowly getting smarter and deeper so keep that in mind as well.

I can't get into someones head and clearly, we're all subjective here no matter how hard we try but by telling people what to expect and giving them the idea why they might enjoy a certain film/animation and making them aware of what to expect is what's important rather than saying this show is awesome or that it sucks. As for me: I am happy I get to live in the age when there's Adventure Time to watch - that is how much this show means to me. And as a summery:

This show is not an entertainment, Adventure Time is art and I mean it both as a regular fan and also as someone having degree in Animation and History of Modern Art. Adventure Time is all a person like me needs in a world full of nonsensical shows and movies that aim at entertainment and money. So please keep an open mind and give this show a chance, you might end up thinking this show is pure genius and not some over-hyped thing some simple minded people tell you it is.
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What can I say that hasn't already been said
BustedBlock28 April 2020
This is one of those cartoons that I feel like will never be forgotten, as it is truly an iconic masterpiece. It's characters are beyond great (at least most of them), it's setting is just so creative, the animation is top notch and pleasing to my eyes, and it's story is also pretty amazing. This cartoon will always have a special place in many of our hearts.
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Good bye, old friend!
Charons_Nightmare5 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
What a ride it was. The first seasons seemingly light entertainment with a slice of life part here and there, building up to some quiet serious mini series in the series in the later Seasons, that were really well put together and thought out. Al culminating to a big finale. Was it worth waiting 8 Years for it? I don't know, somehow yes, but I don't thin kthat that was the goal anyway. The Goal was the way all along and I can't wait to jump on this ride again, to say goodbye to the end and greet the beginning!
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a strange fun and mysterious universe
simiagon6 August 2019
I love this show as a kid..some times creepy...I love creepy..mysterious I love of the best cartoons
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I love this show.
Th3Cure30 September 2011
Adventure time is a strange animal. It's on cartoon network. Not adult swim; but on during the regular hours. The shows target audience is children. But nonetheless, this show is the best cartoon I've ever seen. I saw the pilot a couple years back and finally saw the show and i was blown away.

Adventure Time does not teach lessons per se. It starts off supposedly trying to teach you something, but instead saysscrew it and veers off into AWESOME. Its random, hilarious, and perfect. The characters are messed up in the best way possible. If any lesson can be taken from this show it's that nobody is perfect; everyone has their flaws. Everyone messes up, a lot. Everyone makes mistakes. Even though Finn is the only human in the show, everyone in the show makes human mistakes. It doesn't matter who or what you are, you're still going to mess up. But no matter what flaws you may have or how much you screw up, at the end of the day your friends will be there for you; especially when you're there for your friends.

If your friend is in trouble, destroy the problem with sword, song, reason, or love. I'd recommend this show for humans 1-200.
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Its a little overrated but its good enough
arcreviews30 November 2016
A few amazing episodes in its time on TV. The art style is unique and the show just breathes and lives cartoon weirdness. At its best you'll get adventure story arc and perhaps witty dialouge and memorable characters maybe a musical number or two.

I think the show can get a little dull. My problem is not that these episodes are filler. Not every episode has to advance a story to be good the big popular example being Spongebob which had absolutely no continunity yet was entertaining enough to stand multiple viewing and still be enjoyable. The later few seasons pump out really great episodes once in a while, but the bulk of the filler stuff from the newer season is dull and many of these episodes have strange unclear messages with vauge interpretations.Its more of a soap opera without quirky dialouge or decent action to carry it.
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Good arcs buried in a sea of mind numbing episodes
ACollegeStudent14 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Rating: 5.8

Favorite Episode: Islands Part 8: The Light Cloud

The definition of a mixed bag. The quality of this series is wildly inconsistent. There are great arcs that seamlessly blend mature topics into a vibrant package like the Marceline Mortality arc where you question the philosophy of immortality and self-fulfillment in conjunction with accepting yourself for who you are. The human islands arc which delves into matrix-esque messages around balancing freedom and life satisfaction, while also answering lore questions about the disappearance of the humans and Finn's mother. In addition, most of the characters are interesting and layered: e.g. The Ice King, a weirdo who abducts princesses later revealed to be a tormented shell of a scientist who lost his way protecting those he loved. PB a perfectionist scientist who later accepts the flaws in her character becoming a more down-to-earth and ethical leader etc... In the same vein, Finn's maturity change throughout the series was a highlight as he was a real idiot in the first couple of seasons. However, for episodes like these are equally as many garbage or pointless episodes to match: e.g. Any episode about tree trunks, the disgusting snail girlfriend episode, the silent king episode about a throwaway character who claps the cheeks of his subjects for no reason, any episode following LSP's repetitive teenage antics etc. It becomes mind-numbing since the series is almost 300 episodes long. This series is also a comedy, though I personally found it more pointless than funny (granted I'm outside the target audience). Lastly, the ending was a bit rushed: the gum war was resolved in 3 minutes, Glorb an antagonist with no abilities any different from the lich defeated in 5 minutes... But a lot of the villains in this series are defeated in whimsical ways so this is par for the course. Overall a long series with interesting lore and some worthwhile arcs.
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A grotesquely psychedelic affair, a cartoon for fun, depth and reflection
patrickfilbeck14 November 2021
Adventure Time is an absurd series, a cartoon that makes use of Dadaist motifs, uses classic heroic doors and themes as a carpet for the stories and does not forget to develop a contemporary relevance. A work of art that often seems misunderstood, fun that should not be missed. Oh yes, the theme song is just fantastic and very, very funny.
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One of the best cartoons of this decade
saraaorabi27 November 2019
Adventure time is one of the best cartoons of this decade, it's one of those cartoons that any age can enjoy. it has great morals to it and many episodes are amazing to watch. I've loved adventure time as a kid and always will. Sure, some episodes weren't as good, but this show is a masterpiece and many episodes were amazing to watch with great messages behind them, even emotional ones that will make you cry and relate to. It's also very hilarious. This show never tries to disappoint in any way. It has amazing songs as well !
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Cartoons like this come once in a decade!
he_is_sparticus22 September 2010
I very rarely find anything on TV or in film that makes me laugh as frequently and unexpectedly as this show. Adventure Time is a well needed breath of life into cartoons. What impresses me most is that the humour is very mature but unlike other shows of that nature, for example Ren & Stimpy, it's still completely for the children. That's where the magic lies. When watching you become a kid again, immersing you in the imagination all of us shared as a youngster.

The simple, but I think fantastic, hand drawn animation cements the feeling that this is no ordinary cartoon. It oozes with great characters and settings. Everything about Adventure Time shows all the love and care invested it by Pen Ward. I'd recommend this show to any cartoon lover and anyone who's still a kid at heart.
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Adventure Time: Inventive, Imaginative, Algebraic, Timeless
cryptastic21 July 2010
A few months ago, a friend of mine showed me a grainy YouTube video of the "Adventure Time" short that was shown on Nickelodeon. I immediately fell in love with the short and we began reading up all about since we just learned it was being adopted by Cartoon Network. What we found out and watched blew us away. The amount of thought and imagination put into this show is astounding. I have never remained entertained for an entire episode of a show before, let alone an entire season! The wild and wacky aspects are quite entertaining but also do not remove anything from the ongoing plot and story. We see how characters develop and even see how moral choices produce themselves to challenge the duo, Finn and Jake, along the way. Though they stumble, this imaginative and amazing (not to mention post-apocalyptic) world always seems to lead back to the path of righteousness which is exactly where this show is.

In short, this show is an anomaly among mediocrity. This is a seemingly limitless world of entertainment that does not merely dance around idiotic humor. This is a show that isn't afraid to have fun and toy around with the absurd to make its point. I applaud Pendleton Ward and his crew for flawlessly producing what I could easily call the most inventive and fun show I've ever watched.
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Not for everyone...but if it's for you, you'll love it
vedasisme20 April 2010
There are some who say punchlines are better if you can't see them coming. One way to achieve this is to employ tangential humor, but you sometimes risk completely losing your audience. Pendleton Ward has proved that he has a formula for tangential humor, and so far the equations are working out.

Adventure Time's pilot aired in 2008, and since has collected a cult following on the internet. A boy and a shape-shifting dog save a bubblegum princess from an ice king...such a setting is delightfully fanciful, even for fantasy! For those who loved the original, there may be some differences that make you uncomfortable. For example, several of the voice actors are different, and the character designs are slightly altered. However, as long as you came for Pendleton Ward's brand of humor, you'll be more than satisfied.

Not everyone is going to like Adventure Time, however. There are many who simply have not been exposed to such an exotic type of humor, and so this show may frighten rather than entertain.

I'm sure, however, that the consensus is that Cartoon Network has improved it's show/success ratio by green-lighting Adventure Time with Finn and Jake.
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It's literally perfect
daaaaarrin12 September 2021
Amazing, best cartoon show in existence along side Regular Show.
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It's perfect
yandow_200530 June 2010
I got caught up in this while my daughters were watching it in the other room.

I don't generally watch television, much less cartoons.

I was shocked to find that this children's cartoon is the closest thing to the reality of this existence I have yet seen.

A quantum existence constructed of conscious belief, where everything is nothing more than a test.

This is one cartoon I do not mind letting my children watch. I actually have considered using it to teach adults scientific concepts they have a very hard time grasping. The physical reality of this existence is much stranger than anything fiction can come up with. Gamma wave energy frequencies forming particles half the time, and us creating a reality based upon what we believe, then being constantly tested to learn the lessons we need to.
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The greatest TV show on cartoon network
FairlyAnonymous10 June 2011
First of all I really don't like cartoon network... or at least when they keep on showing stupid kid shows. This is what makes Adventure Time so special is that it is pretending to be a kid's show in appearance but in reality it is quite mature and isn't really for kids. All of the episodes I have seen are funny except for one. The characters are all likable and there seems to be a dark side to every character. Finn is the main character and is the ONLY human in the entire show. There are hints that this is the far future, and humanity was destroyed (you see destroyed cities under water, or a river of garbage). Finn is tries his best at being a good hero, but sometimes they he seems to hurt some innocent people. Jake is his side kick dog who is really great because his voice is perfect, and he is just laid back and relaxed. Princess Bubblegum is the good princess who Finn likes, and she is super smart and is ruler of the candy kingdom. She seems to have a dark side that appears every once in a while. The Ice King is a common protagonist. It bothers me that everyone hates him, and kind of attacks him for no reason. It is often seen that he steals princesses because he only wants to be happy, and basically the reason he does anything is because he is so lonely.

Some people may not like this show for its very smooth animation style. The animation is a bit cheap but it is sort of based off of video games and some Japanese animation. It is important to realize this show is trying to be weird. Some people do not appreciate its random and off the wall humor. Like where Finn is offered to run with wolves, so him and his vampire friend start running on all fours chasing wolves at night, and they start to look really scary and foam at the mouth. Finn starts biting the wolves and fighting them, and a whole bunch of random stuff. This entire scene is only about 30 seconds long and seems out of the blue. What makes this show great is also how something insanely funny will happen but it goes by so fast you won't notice it. Like when a friendly Peppermint candy does Jake and Finn a favor, and later he says "Well now I want your skin!" and Jake and Finn laugh at his joke and then he says "I will rip it off of you while you're asleep" and he gives a demonic smile. Their smiles fade quickly. Every episode has a funny ending which always makes you leave even a boring episode on a high note.

I cannot wait to see more of this show since I have seen every episode and it is a great show. Do not judge this show from only one or two episodes. Watch a lot of them and you will realize how great it is.
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Imaginative! Creative! Amazing!
chloeaw-3221421 January 2018
Adventure Time is an amazing, whimsical and creative expression of art against the rigidity, dullness and impossibility of real life and society. It is a beautiful artistic imitation of life, bringing a form of fun and freedom to kids AND adults, of all ages!
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I wish I appreciated this show more then what I did back then
WeAreLive20 October 2018
Well my last review might have been way too harsh for this show but now I think I will give it a rewrite with my new thoughts.

Adventure Time is about this boy called Finn (Jeremy Sheda) and a dog called Jake (John Dimaggo). They go on different adventures in every episode some episode might have to be in two parts but this show isn't afraid to do that despite being 11 minutes.

This is definitely one of cartoon networks most popular animated shows. Even if never appreciated it back then but it will be missed regardless of what I thought of back then and what I think of it now.

It was very colourful there were definitely some bad episodes but majority were good. This show will be missed and will definitely soul of Cartoon Network.
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All hype really.
poppy-whittle12 December 2014
I never really got this show. It pretends a witty and imaginative children's program that's a delight for adults and kids alike, or so it's hype states. But honestly, I find the characters very 2D and quite annoying. Yes, they have very in depth back-stories, but that doesn't make up for the total lack of personality. The female characters seem to only posses one individual trait, for example Princess Bubblegum, she 's super-smart and in to Chemistry...And that's basically it. The male characters aren't that much better either, as they rely only on funny faces and a rather staged and pathetic attempt at original dialog. Nothing about it seems particularly imaginative, it's a bit like an adults attempt at the imagination of a child, full of old, unoriginal things like Candy-Kingdoms, talking food and unicorns...There's nothing particularly meaningful about anything, as everything about the whole Adventure Time World is based on speculation.

In spite of this, some episodes really drag out the creativity and originality that the series ought to have, some things quite obviously have deep meanings, for example the episode where Finn attempts to find his real father.

Of course, for children, this TV show is fantastic, and I think that is it's intended audience. Teenagers or adults who watch this show, while free to do so, should not pretend to be wacky and intelligent by watching it, because really it's very mindless and immature.

All in all, it's an okay show, but it does not deserve the amount of attention and viewer-ship that it currently attains.
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Amazing show
StastyRain26 August 2021
This show was a part of my childhood. I decided to rewatch it recently and still holds up as one of my favorite cartoon shows of all time.
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