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I get the point
dar041723 January 2020
Vulgar, disgusting, hilarious and brilliant all rolled into one.
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A graphic religious allegory (and not for kids)
brchthethird24 March 2017
Nothing in the trailers will prepare you for this movie, including what it's actually about. SAUSAGE PARTY is an allegory about religion and how ridiculous it is, but also about how we can overcome our differences and learn to get along. Granted, there is no solution proposed nor does the humor rarely rise above obvious sexual puns and stereotypes (different foods represent ethnic groups, minorities, etc.), but the throw-everything-at-the-wall approach guarantees that at least some of it sticks. And importantly, for a comedy, there are plenty of genuine laughs to be had. Then there's the ending, which I will not spoil. Suffice it to say that it seemed oddly appropriate...and that you can get away with quite a bit more in an animated film than live-action. This wasn't the craziest or funniest thing I've ever seen, but it made for a few dollars and a couple hours well-spent.
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Animated Seth Rogen comedy is as funny and irreverent as you'd expect
Screen_Blitz15 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg have reunited once again in this incredibly raunchy R- rated comedy following their success with 'This Is The End' and 'Neighbors', except what's different this time is this comedy is an CGI animated feature revolving around talking food products rather than human characters (though there are a few). For a movie starring and written by Seth Rogen, you would expect to see a straight forward raunchy comedy with no-holds-bar vulgarity and abundance of four letter words. This comedy however, manages to squeeze in a surprisingly thought-provoking allegory to religion along with the predictably irreverent humor, similar to what we saw in 'This Is The End' which followed a cast of characters trying to survive the apocalypse. Featuring the voices of Seth Rogen, Michael Cera, Jonah Hill, Craig Robinson, Danny McBride, David Krumholtz, Salma Hayek, James Franco, Bill Hader, Paul Rudd, and several others to name; this movie follows a wide of cast of food products at a local supermarket who live their lives awaiting to be taken away by the "gods" (shopping customers) into a world known as the "great beyond", a place of comfort and endless happiness. When they discover the ugly truth of what really goes on in the so-called paradise, Frank the Sausage (voiced by Seth Rogen) must rally up his friends to help save from the unspeakable terror that awaits them.

A comedy about foul-mouth talking food? Yeah, kinda sounds like a dumb idea, right? Well, with Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg behind the writing process, this movie unexpectedly manages to be much smarter than what you may anticipate while at the same time, being hysterically funny in blatantly absurd ways. Advertised with inventive marketing, this highly anticipated comedy delivers much more than just a string of raunchy R-rated humor and a no-brainer of a plot. Rogen and Goldberg accomplish this by formulating the plot that serves as a metaphor to Christianity, with the food being purchased by shoppers and taken into the "great beyond" which serves as a clear analogy to heaven. One line in particular is "the gods work in mysterious ways". This also includes some comedic dialogue and humor that falls metaphorical to references of the bible including a silly musical number in which the film opens up with. Yes, the humor has no reservation of being politically incorrect or downright offensive, especially with all the seemingly non-stop profanity. At the same time, Rogen and Goldberg know how to make it funny and subversive. Sure, some of the jokes do fall on the mean-spirited side, or under the not-so-rare circumstances push the envelope, particularly the massive food orgy scene. Though it is meant to be funny, it's necessarily clever or even charming in the slightest. On the other hand, the film as a whole knows how to be funny in a way that works, even without the constant vulgar gags thrown around here and there.

Sausage Party is a funny and irreverent animated comedy that shows Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg still have their A-game, even if their over-the-top humor isn't everyone's cup of tea. This movie is astoundingly hilarious and is worth seeing. However, although this is an animated feature, parents are strongly discouraged of bringing their children to this one. So if you are a parent, please hire a babysitter and leave the kids at home. This is not a film you'll want to expose to their young eyes.
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Why did I see this?
randy_orton_fan13 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
My brothers wanted to see this Friday. I thought the trailer was ridiculous, but had no intention to see this. Brother offered to pay, so I figured why not?

This movie was so stupid. Food that is alive and tell crude jokes and then revolt when they discover that humans eat them alive without care or remorse.

So stupid. Seriously, why does Seth Rogen still get work? He's not funny.

The appeal of this movie, I assume, is that people find humor in the fact that it looks like the standard CGI kids movie pumped out by Dreamworks or Pixar, but then has crude, adult humor. That's the only draw I see to this movie.

And 83% on Rotten Tomatoes. For real?

And they gave Suicide Squad a 26%?

Why do people trust critics anymore?

I'd say "don't see this movie", but I'm someone who believes that someone else's opinion (especially cynical paid critics) shouldn't matter to you when it comes to movies.I didn't enjoy it, but maybe you will.

The only funny thing about this movie to me was that some uninformed parent in the theater I was in brought their four small children to see it. Because when the baby carrots starting crying for their Mommy the mother had to get her four screaming kids out of the theater. Highlight of the movie.

You want to know how bad this movie really was? I'll tell you. I got more enjoyment out of Ghostbusters 2016 than I did this movie. Just let that one sink in for a minute.
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Adult Animated Comedy
gooner9522 November 2020
Ever wondered what a head-on collision between Chicken Run & Animal Farm would look like? Find out the answer here. It even invents a new genre - supermarket satire. After a strong opening the middle goes a bit cuckoo as it attempts to introduce a plot most of which it doesn't need, but the finish is well worth a watch
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The fact that this film was greenlit is a cause for celebration
tomgillespie200230 October 2016
Sausage Party, the latest button-pusher from Seth Rogen and his usual crew, has so far grossed $135 million on a $19 million budget, receiving mainly positive reviews from critics and assisted by strong word-of-mouth thanks to a climactic scene which won't allow you to look at a hot dog in quite the same way again. Essentially a movie about anthropomorphic, sexually repressed food items who long to escape the confines of their supermarket home to reach the 'Great Beyond' - taken home by us humans - Sausage Party is a mixed bag. On one hand, it's a bold religious parable featuring some extremely creative animation, but on the other, at least comedy wise, this is on par with some of Rogen's most mediocre output.

In a supermarket named Shopwell's, the various tasty treats that line the shelves spend their days praying they will be picked and taken to the great unknown by shoppers, who they view as gods. Each morning starts with a sing-a-long, and they try to live their life by a set of rules they believe will led to them being chosen, including no sex until they're out of their packet. Hot dog Frank (Rogen) only allows himself to touch tips with the bun he's in love with, Brenda (Kristen Wiig), saving themselves for the inevitable day when they get carried off into paradise. But with the return of Honey Mustard (Danny McBride), who claims that he witnessed torture and horror at the hands of the 'gods' who devoured some of his friends, Frank sets off on a journey of discovery and awakening.

Similar in many ways to Pixar's Toy Story trilogy, Sausage Party imagines what it would be like if the food we consume to eagerly could talk to each other and wonders what they would make of us. But while Woody and co. would flop to the ground whenever a human walked in the room, the characters here exist in the 'fourth dimension', unseen by humans. This allows more freedom for directors Greg Tiernan and Conrad Vernon to deliver as many outlandish set pieces as they would like, and two scenes in particular - one inspired by Saving Private Ryan (1998) and the other featuring an Irish potato being skinned alive while his friends watch - are actually quite terrifying. The film is certainly at its best during these moments, and there are scenes of real ingenuity amongst the carnage.

The first half whizzes by and is a blast, but then the film seems to lose direction and wander aimlessly from one scene to another. It also struggles to tickle the funny bone, and relies too heavily on tired food puns, familiar shtick from the likes of James Franco, Jonah Hill, Michael Cera, Paul Rudd and Bill Hader, and outright vulgarity. Someone should point out to the writers - which include Rogen and regular collaborator Evan Goldberg - that using "f**k" every other word doesn't automatically make a film 'adult', but quickly becomes unpleasant and completely unnecessary, especially when the characters are otherwise perfectly likable. Also, the inclusion of Douche (Nick Kroll), the cavity-cleaner who holds a grudge against Frank, serves only a distraction from the more interesting central plot.

Still, despite its many flaws and irritating tics, I very much enjoyed Sausage Party for what it is, and it's like nothing I've ever seen before. If you haven't enjoyed much of Rogen's previous output, chances are you won't love Sausage Party, although there's plenty of visual splendour to savour in between the d**k jokes. At its best, it offers interesting parallels to real-world issues, such as the relationship between a lavash named Kareem (David Krumholtz) and a bagel named Sammy (Edward Norton doing a pitch-perfect Woody Allen impression), and their bickering over shelf space. Of course, this is the edible version of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and while it may embrace comedic stereotyping throughout, Sausage Party never intends to offend, and instead offers a surprisingly sympathetic message about the necessity of religion. Whatever your view, the fact that a film like this can be greenlit and unleashed on a mainstream audience is cause for celebration.
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Name as many innuendo from the word sausage you can in 90 minutes
The_Celluloid_Sage6 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Ok, with Seth Rogan and Evan Goldberg involved you should be more than well aware of what this could and might be like. Imagine that and then times it by ten, twice for good measure. Sausage Party is funny, offensive, unbelievable, racist and downright not morally correct, all rolled together into a crazy animated film where anything goes (literally).

Within Shopwell supermarket (and perhaps everywhere else?) the food is all alive (unbeknownst to us, ala Toy Story) and they are all waiting to be picked by the God's (us) to be taken out into the great beyond. There apparently is no greater thing in life for our dairy, vegetables and other food products. Well, except maybe for sex, and lots of it for hotdog sausage Frank (Rogen) and vagina shaped bun Brenda (Wiig). Next to each other on the shelf due to a promotion, they can think of nothing else but finally being able to slip into each other...anyway.

When a product is returned and speaks of the terrifying truth about the great beyond, it is up to our band of heroic food products to find out the truth. Add in a sex starved lesbian taco, two racists in the forms of a bagel and a lavash, pot smoking non-perishables and you can probably see where it is all heading. The story itself along with the animation quality would be worthy of Dreamworks or Pixar, if it was aimed at kids. Which it is not. Definitely not.

The script and voice acting are reasonable if nothing exciting, with very few star names in my opinion. The use of the f-bomb repeatedly in the beginning of the film grows old very quickly and if toilet humour is not your thing (along with the language) then I'd suggest steering clear. If you wish to see something quite unlike anything you've ever seen before (and keep watching out of amazement at what they included) then sausage Party will most likely tickle your funny bone.

Overall Sausage Party is funny in places. It is also highly offensive to pretty much everyone, implies every stereotype under the sun and has some form of sex joke every few minutes. Some of these work and some miss the mark due to repetition. Vulgar, crude and very stupid, at times you will be open-jawed at their sheer audacity. Not a film for everyone.

The Sage's Rating: 6/10
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Lousy, Loud, Unfunny Garbage
gogm-4340019 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
If your idea of funny is excessive unnecessary profanity (it seems almost every line in the film contains it) inserted instead of actual humor, uninspired sex jokes, gross images with no pay off, and lame satire, then you may enjoy Sausage Party.

Allegedly, the inspiration for making this movie was the creators' desire to make the first "adult" 3D animated film. The interpretation of "adult" here seems to be the same as when it's used to describe porn--in other words, "adult" in the sense that you wouldn't want children to watch it but not in the sense that it shows much sophistication.

I have nothing against gross or low humor. But that's just it. There aren't really any jokes in this movie. Punchlines here are usually someone dropping an f-bomb. If you are not 11 years old, you may want something more. Visual gags are sometimes interesting, but do not induce laughter. The animation is well done and there are many celebrity voices involved, all of whom act well, but to what end?

Anyone familiar with the sort of movies Seth Rogen ends up in (toilet, sex, and drug humor) then you will have a fair idea of how this pans out. There are characters taking drugs and talking about "getting baked." HA! HA! Items from the grocery store make crude remarks and simulate sex acts. HA! HA! Many of the characterizations simply involve people yelling a lot. HA! HA! There's brutal violence. HA! HA!

News emerging since the opening suggests that the artists working on this project were treated cruelly and unfairly. That's how I felt as an audience member.
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More clever than it has any right to be.
BeatleNumber911 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I honestly didn't think I'd like this movie nearly as much as I actually do. I went in essentially expecting a typical Seth Rogan comedy, just random jokes and nothing else. But the rumors were true, it actually is more clever than it has any right to be.

I'll first say this, I don't think everyone will find it funny. If you aren't already a fan of Seth Rogan's movies, like I am, the humor probably won't do much for you. But I don't think anyone can deny that the movie's story is very smart, and I think might make up for some of the negatives you may have about the movie. The early reviews were right, it has a lot of clever things to say about religion, about taboos in society, about bigotry between cultures, and it's not lazy about any of these subjects.

Let me talk about the jokes for a second. Yes there are plenty of sexual jokes in it, a lot of which I found funny. But I think the majority of the laughs I had came from the different ethnic foods interacting with each other. I could watch the Bagel and Lavash argue with each other all day. If anything I think the majority of the sort of sexual jokes people expect from the movie happen at the very end, like the last 10 minutes of the movie.

The voice acting is also top notch. All the voices fit well with every character in the movie. I would love to see all of the actors in this in other animated roles. Some of the actors play there roles so well I had no idea which character they were. I had no idea that Edward Norton was the Bagel, or that Paul Rudd was the main Grocery Store employee. They all give great performances.

But don't get me wrong, there are problems. Probably the major one being that the villain really doesn't need to be there. He just kind of serves to be a slightly disturbing character, who sucks out other products' juice to become stronger. If they cut him out of the movie we wouldn't have missed anything, apart from a few jokes from him. Also the ending is very, well, an ending, in that it ends the movie. It's one of those endings I wouldn't really describe as "bad" or "good" it's just sort of "I don't really know how else they could have ended it, so yeah I guess that works."

The animation isn't all that great either, I mean it's not awful, but it really shows that this is this particular company's first animated film. One thing in particular that put me off was the designs on the human characters, they're so hideous to look at. I have a feeling that's part of the joke, but they really do look gross, and off-putting.

There is one more thing I have to say though. In the long run I'm a little worried about the impact this might have on other R rated animated movies. I'm a little worried that this might affect other movies in a similar fashion as how Shrek affected kids movies. Like how Shrek was funny and made a lot of money, so other studios, and Dreamworks themselves, tried to replicate the success, and we ended up getting really bad "Self-Aware Parody" movies like Chicken Little. I just don't want the same thing to happen with this movie.

I wouldn't call this movie "typical Adult Swim fodder" like I thought I'd be calling it. It's too clever to deserve that label. It's a movie that actually understands what "Satire" is, and in a day and age where we have people just posting racial obscenities and calling it "satire" when called out on it, I think it's great to see an R rated animated movie actually understand how to do satire.

I would recommend giving this movie a chance. I really respect that it doesn't just throw crap at the wall and expects you to laugh. I wouldn't go as far as to call this one of my favorite animated movies of all time, but I will say I'm glad I saw it, and I had a lot of fun watching it. I would give this movie an 8/10. It's not one of the greatest movies ever made, but I do respect it, and I want to see more good R rated animated movies come out of it.
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Pretty good movie with some problems
aigoalies8 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I love how everybody giving this negative reviews claims to love dark humor but can't take a single offensive joke or swearing. This movie was pretty funny it didn't have me dying of laughter but many of the jokes landed. The story was although containing typical cliches was entertaining and the concept was excellent. The animation was very good as well making this seem like a pixar film for adults.

The reasons this movie isn't rated higher is that a) there are some major plotholes in the movie. For example, the food goes in weird places, for example, the sausage landed on the kitchen windowsill. If food was doing stuff like that in real life people would freak out. The ending also complicated things. The second problem with the movie is the wacky science stephen gum hawking was pretty funny though. The third problem with the movie, and main problem, was the constant social commentary that was unnecessary. This comedy about sausages having sex with buns somehow managed to comment on slavery, lgbtq rights, religious beliefs and the existence of God and the israel-palestine conflict.

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If this movie was a physical object, I'd kick it in the shin.
TanyaToad9 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This film is the equivalent to a sixteen year old, fairly privileged middle class boy, who has a baseball cap, curtains and t-shirt with the marijuana leaf on it yet has only ever smoked one spliff and made a huge deal about it. He thinks that smoking weed makes him relevant. So he needs to let everyone know he does it because there's nothing else that will appeal about him. Because he doesn't want to come off as a nerd, he lowers his intelligence and because he is too 'dumb' to actually be funny, he swears every 10 seconds to constitute humour. Possibly still faps over that one single poster of a tanned girl in a bikini that his Uncle bought him on his birthday because he was 'becoming a man, bro.'

It was described to my boyfriend as 'offensive'. It wasn't. It's vulgar. It's not even the funny kind.

I watched it last night with my boyfriend. Only us and a group of three 'lads' were in the cinema. Understand, we all laughed more during the adverts and trailers than we did the actual movie.

Within the first five minutes, I was embarrassed that I subjected my boyfriend and I to this and knew it was going to disappoint me.

Immediately, you're met with profanity. Now, once or twice to give the impression that hot dogs swear is fine. Swearing so much to substitute for lack of humour is just pathetic. Amidst the language, nothing funny was said. That's bad writing.

There's the joke that hot dogs are having sex with buns when they're put into the buns. That makes sense as a joke. It's a safe bet. This would have been modestly funny had it not been repeated throughout the whole film.

Yes, we get it. The sausage is a phallic shape and goes into a bun.

It really puts it to you within the first few minutes. A pack of sausages shaming each other about their size and shape. (BECAUSE THEY ARE METAPHORICAL PENISES DON'T YOU KNOW! HAR HAR!) Again though, not funny or clever. Then courting the lady-buns by being vulgar. Sausage calls bun a b***h.

It was clear that I'd sat us down for an uninspired and lazy flop.

I laughed modestly twice. I laughed out of obligation and embarrassment about 5 times.

There were a few clever bits. I am a fan of wordplay, so to see someone riding a bottle of 'Horseradish Sauce' was satisfying. The Frankfurters were played as Nazis who hated 'Juice' and their symbol was 'ff', made to look the Nazi alternative. Offensive, yes, but a little clever. I like offensive humour.

There were so many opportunities for actual humour it hurts. Nothing that could have been funny was displayed for more than a second.

There was a graphic rape scene.

I get that it sounds ridiculous when you hear that it's a douche forcefully sucking the juice out of a carton.

You might think I am being silly, but I swear to you, if it had been humans, it would have been pretty horrific.

Because it was a cartoon, you were expected to laugh at rape.

Ha ha. No. I don't think any of the viewers found that funny, even the 'laddish' blokes at the back didn't crack a humoured grin.

There's also this really awkward sex scene at the end where all the food engage. This is to really bring home the hot-dog/penis metaphor.

A taco has lesbian sex with a bread roll.

My fingers hurt from typing.

If you're 12 years old and completely new to sex, drugs and swearwords, you and your dude-bros will love this.

If you require a little more maturity and intelligence in your humour, AVOID. Otherwise you'll leave needing to take a shower and needing to withdraw from cinema.
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Vulgar, Crass and Incredibly Funny
bkrauser-81-31106411 August 2016
Sausage Party is a foul, crass, mean-spirited little film that pits grocery products against the horrifying realization that their use in this world is to be consumed and tossed away without a second thought. Centering on a courtship between a sausage named Frank (Rogen) and a hot dog bun named Brenda (Wiig), the very fact that the discontented ten year old in all of us didn't just giggle at the thought of how they consummate their love is enough proof that this film is juvenile. Yet despite leaning, nudging and winking towards the least discerning of low-brow audiences, Sausage Party is funny enough to have people rolling in the aisles, smart enough to lend itself to cogent meta-commentary and vulgar enough to live in teenage-screen-hopping infamy. Make no mistake, this film is the brass ring, the real deal, the funniest film you're likely to see this year and given this year in comedy, I say it's about damn time.

Before the events of Sausage Party, Brenda and Frank live inside their separate packages; Frank being partnered with friends Carl (Hill) and the diminutive Barry (Cera) among others. Every morning, the denizens of Shopwell sing a song of joy while they lay in waiting for a benevolent god (human) to choose them and take them to the "great beyond". Failure to be chosen, or worse dropped on the floor, means produce is to be thrown away in a seemingly bottomless abyss of a grocery store garbage bin. Frank and Brenda however like their chances. It's a few days till red, white and blue day; what could go wrong? One returned container of Honey Mustard (McBride) who forecasts doom is what can go wrong. That and a particularly testy Douche (Kroll) angered by a grocery cart accident that sullies his chances to be useful.

As an animation, Sausage Party is artfully, colorfully and simplistically rendered. Each section of the grocery store lights up with a look and feel that compliments the local produce. After the doors close the Mexican food area resembles a rustic western cantina, the cookware section beams with the silvery glow of shimmering straight edges and the alcohol aisle is just one big rave. Environments outside the store are limited yet realistically depict the kitchen of a prim housewife and the dingy living room of a bugged out druggie. The less I tell you about the brief street scene, the better. Overall, it's obvious there were limitations in the budget yet if compared to the similarly themed Foodfight! (2012), this film's animation is an artistic triumph.

The embedded oddness of the story lends itself to some pretty unique and funny jokes. Ones that hit the funny-bones of all not easily offended or grossed out. Such highlights include a bagel (Norton) and a lavash (Krumholtz) arguing about having to share an aisle, a Grits (Robinson) package being misplaced by "dirty good-for-nothing' crackers," and legions of sourkraut looking to exterminate the juice. Needless to say there are times when the film get's lost in the tall grass with over-broad ethnic stereotypes (A Native American liquor bottle named Firewater certainly ranks among the most egregious). But let's face it, if you're sold on the premise of a R- Rated animated comedy about food-stuffs you probably won't be too concerned.

Sausage Party is a funny, funny, funny movie that doesn't just hand in shock value laughs for the sake of shock value laughs. It's also a well-created hero's journey with something to say and avoids all the pratfalls of modern comedy by A: not relying on broad improvisational humor and B: lands that third act like it's its b***h! Speaking of which: don't take your kids to go see Sausage Party. This is not the film you can harangue "cool mom" points with, seriously. Keep those little tykes at bay at least until their old enough to purchase their own heroin syringes.
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An enjoyable send up of Disney Pixar films
MrDHWong11 August 2016
Sausage Party is an adult CGI animated comedy film. I'm a big fan of Disney Pixar animated movies and this film is a fun and enjoyable parody of them. Even though the humour sometimes felt forced, the film's message of self-discovery is what I believe holds it up.

At "Shopwell's" supermarket, all the anthropomorphic groceries on sale dream of one day being picked by customers to be taken to their new homes. However, some of the groceries soon learn the terrible truth of what happens to them once they have been purchased by humans. A sausage named Frank (voiced by Seth Rogen) attempts to warn his fellow Shopwell's grocery items of their inevitable fate before it is too late.

Filled to the brim with crude jokes and political incorrectness, Sausage Party is an enjoyable send up of Disney Pixar films. The animation was nice to look at and definitely on par with most of today's CGI animated features. The jokes didn't always work, but the ones that did had me laughing out loud. This film is not for the easily offended and definitely not for children, but if you enjoy the comedy of Seth Rogen and his stoner buddies, then I recommend seeing it.

I rate it 7/10.
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My brain. It bleeds.
gracerenaed28 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Have you ever seen a movie so terrible you create an IMDb account *just* so you can warn the rest of the human race? How, god. HOWWWWWWWWW does this movie have even one good review.

Sausage Party is that scrawny, rape-stach'ed white dude who struts into the bar with an exaggerated swag, dirty wife-beater, backwards snapback and sunglasses on who takes the mortified look on your face and repulsed "no" as invitation to continue grandiose-performing, flexing his lack of muscles in your face, and repeating the F-word ceaselessly (ground me now, mom!! lulz!!). Eminem did it once, so...

When you signal to the bartender and try to escape, he follows you around... For an hour and a half. And just when you finally sigh in relief that your friends have come to save you, he hops directly in front of you and pulls down his pants.

Don't get me wrong, I can appreciate some good crude humor. Family Guy. American Dad. Archer. All fabulous examples of dangerously crass, raunchy humor being pulled off remarkably brilliantly.

But the word "humor" is more than a stretch here. (Wait, the douche is a douche? Is that what you said? No no, could you blatantly tell me that the douche is a douche? Because I didn't get that the douche is a douche.) Every racist stereotype under the sun is personified and paraded around as characters to make up for personalities that don't exist. The dialogue is flat and nauseatingly postured. The plot is predictable within the first five minutes and reeks of nuance-less anti-religious propaganda.

There is an actual, entirely unnecessary rape scene.

(Is rape funny to confederate-flag-sporting, sister-banging twats? Must have missed some memo.) I only made it up until the scene where a few of the characters come to a dirty Mexican bar (because, get it? Mexicans are dirty drunks??), but apparently the film continues its downward spiral right up to the point where they actually have an orgy. Take that, God.

I genuinely cannot imagine this movie being funny to anyone with an IQ over 20. Maybe to bro-tastic idiots with seven rape allegations and a hate-crime assault charge who only get by cause daddy runs a big corporation and knows how to throw a tantrum.

Please don't watch this bulls**t.
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Ridiculous in the best possible way
jellyneckr13 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The R-rated movie for adults is a rare treat. While Ralph Bakshi made a name for himself with a series of adult animated movies (some of which were actually rated X) in the 1970s and 1980s, very few film directors are willing to produce such crude material in an art form that is most commonly viewed as for kids only. This may be partly due to fear over what the impact such a project could have on the trajectory of one's career, but it probably has more to do with the fact that R-rated feature films don't make any money at the box office, with the exception being amazing South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut. With a budget of only $19 million, the Seth Rogen produced Sausage Party may not be an expensive endeavor, though it certainly seems like it could have been a risky one for his career. Lucky for him, the results are a pretty strong success. An absolutely filthy, incredibly juvenile, and intentionally offensive romp, Sausage Party is just about as bizarre and bold as any movie released by a major studio this year. But more importantly, it's also very, very funny.

Sausage Party is not a ground-breaking comedy classic like the South Park movie, but it's also unlike anything one is likely to see in the next decade. Sausage Party can be seen as a not completely subtle satire of the Disney/Pixar pictures of the past two decades, though even for someone who has never seen a Disney/Pixar film, Sausage Party is probably guaranteed to create hysterical laughter at least a few times, especially for fans of any of the cast members. Seth Rogen voices somewhat of a typical Seth Rogen character, albeit one that is a sausage. As one might expect from a Rogen picture, Jonah Hill and Michael Cera are put in as the best friends, also sausages. James Franco is Druggie, whose character name is pretty self-explanatory. Meanwhile, Kristen Wiig is Rogen's romantic interest, a hot dog bun. All of this is twice as outrageous and stupid as it sounds. However, it's also more clever than it should be most of the time, and always fun to watch, even during scenes that are rather gross and violent. Those scenes, as much as they might seem be in the film for shock value, are also highly effective. I never knew what was coming during Sausage Party and frequently found myself surprised by what would happen next, which is something I can almost never say about studio comedies.

As great as Sausage Party can be, it unfortunately can't sustain itself completely for its short 89-minute running time. While never a chore to watch, the last 15-20 minutes aren't quite as good as what came before it, and the movie kind limps to its conclusion. The ending could have been a lot better, although it by no means destroys the overall enjoyment of the film. Just like most animated features these days, the end of Sausage Party hints at a sequel. Sausage Party will no doubt be successful given its small budget, though I hope there isn't a follow-up. There is no way Sausage Party 2 could feel as fresh and surprising. Sausage Party itself may not hold upon repeat viewings as so many of the jokes are based on shock value. But based on my one viewing so far, Sausage Party is ridiculous in the best possible way, and one of the most entertaining movies of the summer. 7/10
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Oddly not bad
lilpest911 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Didn't see this picture cause it looked like trash. Saw it late at night on TV shocked it was pretty good. Is like Toy Story if toys feared being played with. Basically a religious allegory about how like religion is created to keep thinking creatures from thinking about how horrific life is and it gets weird over time because adherents and even leadership lose sight of this purpose.

And it avoids the ending needing to answer "what will happen now that people know food is "alive?"" by having the characters realize they're cartoons and kill themselves/come into the real world. Which fits into a different meta-narrative. After the movie was finished being made the characters did come into our world in the sense of people seeing the movie.
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Not bad
derangedxzombie5 July 2020
Will offend a lot of prudish humourless people, or SJWs. It's mostly funny, some of the innuendos and swearing can feel a bit corny or worn out, but isn't as terrible as some make out. Probably just offended people of which the current decade of rife with. Or maybe seeing a animation done in the game style and CGI as many innocent/family friendly one's but with such adult humour is to out of place for some to look past. It's about food items in a supermarket awaiting paradise (paradise being to be selected by a customer and leave) but they are unaware of what awaits them once they leave the supermarket.

Could it have been better? Probably, with more thought or emphasis on wit for viewers to catch than the straight in the face obvious humour; something many family animations aimed at kids manage to squeeze in for the parents. But it's worth a watch if you're bored and aren't offended over everything and anything.
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Hilarious, raunchy and, yes, cleverly written
pere-2536613 August 2016
After watching Sausage Party, one thing is certain - You will never look at your food the same way again. In this film, Rogen and Co. employ all their humorous tricks in the book to bring to life a highly original idea. Along for the ride are fellow comedic gems including Jonah Hill, James Franco and Kristen Wiig to boot.

The film tells the story of a world of anthropomorphized food in the fictional grocery store Shopwellers. Life is great for all the food items, whose dreams are to meet the "gods" and to (relish?) the life outside their confined shelves. But when Frank the sausage learns the truth of their fate as human meals, he must warn the rest of the food items and find a way to escape and find their elusive freedom, free from humans.

The plot sounds ridiculous and it is even more over the top than one might expect it to be, especially those last 30 minutes or so. The amount of crude humour and constant innuendos keep its free flowing story a hilarious one. But for a film that centres around food, there exists a great level humanity embedded in its plethora of characters, who are as endearing as they are vulgar, filled with the same urges, ambitions and fears that any normal person would have.

With its constant food puns and raunchy humour, it certainly isn't for everyone. But Sausage Party is special - it offers both humour and substance, some food for thought if you will. It has an extraordinary charm stemming from its lovable characters and occasional nuanced moments. A seemingly shallow storyline delves much deeper into the concept of religion, hope and perspective. The idea is highly original and provides a surprising dose of pathos and provoking moments.

An 'ate'/10 for me.
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I hate myself for thinking this would be good
thaileenaw23 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Before I start this review I'm telling you that I generally love Seth Rogan's sense of humour and all of the actors that were voicing the characters I love as well, but this movie made me cringe. The entire plot of the movie sounded great and watching the trailers definitely caught everyone's attention, and it's not that often that an adult animation comes out and gets that much hype. It had a really good unique idea. The voice acting and animations were done really well. That's about where the positivity ends.

The first time I tried to watch it with my boyfriend, and we shut it off after the "rape scene" with the douche and the juice box about 15 minutes or so into the movie. I mean, I can get how it can kind of be comical because I mean, it's a douche and a juice box, but just the fact that they were trying to compare it to rape was a bit screwed up and made me uncomfortable.

The second time I tried to watch it was with one of my friends who swore it was hilarious and we just had to watch it so I was forced to watch it and finish it. The entire time she was laughing at every stupid and lazy attempt they made at humour and I was sitting there straight-faced wishing it was over.

I have a pretty good sense of humour but the constant sexual jokes in this movie weren't even clever at all and they were pretty pathetic.. the kind of twelve year old boys make when they try to make everything sound sexual. I was happy when I thought movie had finally come to an end when suddenly all the food randomly started having this massive orgy which was another 5 minutes of pointless ridiculousness.

Honestly, this had a good idea but just turned out to be complete trash, and not the funny kind. It was just pathetic and sad that people wasted so much time and money to create it. If you have this certain sense of humour that finds absolutely everything funny, you'd probably laugh a few times. If you're like me where it takes more than some weak sexual innuendos and over-the-top deaths to make you laugh then please do yourself a favour and skip this one. Everyone I know that has seen this (except that one friend) hated it.
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why are there so many bad reviews?
marijabukurov23 October 2016
This film was genuinely funny. What's the problem? That the film questions religious beliefs? Or that it makes references to previous and modern-day conflicts? Or was it the profanity? I like to think that well-placed swear words only add substance and make us feel alive. I abhor films that use "gosh darn it" or "friggin'" or some other avoidables. Say it like you mean it. I was thoroughly impressed by how the film managed to assign a backstory to each product, in line with their country/region of origin. There are so many details I am sure I overlooked that I will definitely have see it at least a couple of more times.

Good job, guys.
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Sausage Party
quinimdb15 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, this movie is very raunchy and filled with sexual innuendo, yes, it uses many stereotypes (racial or otherwise), but it's not stupid. OK, it is stupid, but it's stupid in a smart way.

"Sausage Party" starts with a raunchy song condemning religion, and basically continues on that note. The film argues that if there is a God, he is indifferent to our well being. It states that our vision of God and the afterlife was simply invented to rid us of our constant fear of death. It does contain many stereotypes of all kinds, and it even has a rape scene (yes, a rape scene), but it's a film that actually condemns hate, and all of the pointless rules religion gives us that prevent us from doing what we enjoy, or even inspire hatred. The film says that since death and hatred and racism and violence are rampant among the human race, we should stop hating others for their differences and rather unite as one human race, and just have one big orgy. Okay, that last part is only partially true, but that's basically the point. We focus so much on our separate beliefs and versions of the afterlife and how to get there, that maybe we forget to just enjoy our life on earth.

Aside from that message, it also has some seriously detailed animation, and some clever visual humor, which is something we don't get enough these days, and one of the strongest arguments for the fact that anything can be funny in certain context. To top it all off, it's an incredibly original idea, and probably one that can never be replicated again, and in the sea of reboots, remakes, and sequels that are thrown at us, this stands out, in all of its absurd, raunch- filled, excessive glory. And, yes, it genuinely made me laugh. Hard.
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Would have walked out if I had been alone
jon-5012630 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Interesting concept - the entirety of the interesting part can be seen in the trailers. Save yourself both the money and an hour and a half of your life.

Once you get past the shock novelty of food talking and being ridiculously raunchy the movie becomes pathetic, repetitive and dull.

Bottom line- Should have been a 5 minute cartoon. Beyond that it is really just a raunchy, garbage philosophy, amorality play - A vehicle for the usual nihilistic liberal memes involving sexuality, romanticism of hard drugs and atheism. I could forgive the vacuous leftist part if the movie were genuinely creative and funny. It isn't. It is an Utterly stupid, vacuous waste of time.
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Best comedy of 2016
vaporsolutionsnorthbrook13 August 2016
It's vulgar. Over the top. And completely hilarious. It even has a serious message about religion and why we are here. Anyone that says this movie is not funny does not have a sense of humor. I never write reviews but this movie was just to funny to see people on here claiming it's not. They just broke new ground for a genre with adult animation. Why not? I'm tired of all animation being just kid movies. Easily best comedy of the year. I hope they make a sequel because I think it will be even better knowing they did something outstanding. Every character has its funny moment. I loved nick roll as the douche and Danny mcbrides honey mustard. I'd like to see mcbrides with a bigger part in the next one because he is just too funny. Krumholtz as lavish was awesome. I believe it will be even funnier a second viewing. And the final 20 minutes there is a scene so bizarre and hilarious the fact it's animation is just awesome
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Hot Dog! Wieners never quit. This movie was entertaining.
ironhorse_iv19 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
It may not be an Oscar wiener, but you'll relish this raunchy yet smart film about one sausage, Frank (Voiced by Seth Rogen) quest on discovering the truth about his existence and what really happens when the food are chosen to leave the grocery store. Without spoiling the movie, too much; I have to say, I kinda glad, this movie came out. After all, it's seem like 2012's botch animation film, 'Food Fight' ruin the whole cool concept. This movie directed by Greg Tiernan & Conrad Vernon went through a lot of development hell, in its way to being product. Pitch eight years ago by creator/writers Seth Rogen & Evan Goldberg, it seem like nobody in Hollywood was open to the idea until producer, Megan Ellison and eventually Sony came along. However, the early draft of the script was leaked in the Sony hack in November 2014, further stalling progress of the movie. Still, even with that. The movie got made, because of two factors. One is the success of 2014's runaway hit, 'The Interview' and the second, being that it's been many years since the last good profanity fill Rated R completely-CGI animation comedy came to theaters with 1999's 'South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut'. People were really looking forward to this film; as so was I. I like the blended of low brow gross humor, violent food deaths, silly food puns, with theologically religious dogma style debate that the movie is going for. It made for a unique watch. Parents whom accidentally take their kids to see the movie and complain afterwards are idiots. This animated comedy is decidedly not for kids; as its trailers, rambunctiously filthy in more ways than one. It also got NC-17, before being tone down. Nothing is sacred, here. Yet, there is only a few things that I didn't like, about the film. Some of the profanity in the film seem a little forced. Some of the curse words don't really match, the tone of the sentences. It somewhat lose its emphasis. The film rely way too much on the overabundance of foul language, and sexual innuendos to carry the film. Some of the language is creative, however, others are so groan-worthy. And while some jokes not exactly funny, it's at least consistently amusing and has a positive attitude. Also, the story is a bit off-putting when it's introduce other supermarket items ranging from feminine hygiene products to bathroom tissue into the mix. It's not, because the item come across as gross, but the fact that it's makes the story, somewhat jarring. It's weird that they can come alive, yet others items like knifes, cigars, plates, and cups do not. Honestly, it could be better, if they stick to the whole 'living food' concept. It's already a bit confusing. Throughout the whole movie, I was wondering if any of the previous ingredients to make such complex food, were sentient before being killed off. Is a fusion or reincarnation thing? Also, how in the hell does, the food, not know that they will be killed off? By the look at the place, this supermarket does have a deli and butcher. They would have to notice, something odd. I guess the limited intelligence sense is given, since many of perishable products can't be more than a few days old. Plus, I get the whole 'portal' idea toward the end as something to laugh at, for being ridiculous, but it really comes out of nothing. At less, the infamous 'orgy' scene made a little more sense to the story. Anyways, thinking too much of the logically of the plot will hurt your head. It's better off, just to turn your brain, off and enjoy the ride. Despite the confusing plot, I did like all the film references, this film got, ranging from 1998's 'Saving Private Ryan', 1991's 'Terminator 2' and 1961's 'West Side Story', even if some of the shouts out, were a little too out there like 1962's Twilight Zone's episode 'To Serve Man'. Despite that, the voice actors including Michael Cera, Kristen Wiig, Jonah Hill, Salma Hayek, and others are very lively in their performances, even if their characters are shallow, somewhat racist stereotypes. I have to give props to some of the actors as some of them, were playing multiply characters like Bill Hader and Harland Williams. However, I have to say, actor Edward Norton does the best, out of all of them. His impression of director/comedian Woody Allen was amazing with his Jewish character, Sammy Bagel Jr. You really didn't see that, coming at all from him. The celebs cameos were also fun to see. Singer, Meat Loaf playing Meat Loaf has to be, my favorite. The first-class computer animation from Nitrogen Studio is also clear and colorful. It just as good as the animation from big time studios like Pixar, Disney, DreamWorks, and Illumination Entertainment in the last decade. It just suck that many of the animators at Nitrogen Studios worked under poor conditions and were forced by Greg Tiernan to work overtime without pay; with results of many of the animators going uncredited if complaining. While that part of the production might not be cool; the work, they put out, were astounding, no matter what. The music by long ex-Disney composer Alan Menken was also terrifying. The opening number was very well-done and will get critical from some religious fundamentalism. Overall: It's a party worth attending more than once. The comedy about grocery store foods and products facing an existential crisis, is a must-watch for anybody looking for a good time laugh. That's if you can stomach, its menu style of humor. Highly recommended.
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An Obnoxiously Tedious Exercise in Bad Satire, Bad Parody, and Bad Humor
mbraun52 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Let me start off this review by saying I like Seth Rogen. I like low-brow, shock humor. I love biting satire. By all metrics, I should've been the target audience for this film. But I couldn't remember the last time a movie actually made me as angry as I felt watching Sausage Party.

Look, I *get* what this movie was trying to do. Really, I do. Its admirable ambition is the ONLY reason I give it a 3/10 and not a 1. But it fails in every place it was trying to succeed. Let me explain.

1. It fails as a send-up of saccharine Pixar animated films. Parody really is an art form of its own. To do it well, the medium needs to look and feel - at first blush - like something sincere, which allows the artist to invert expectations of the audience (thus, humor). Just look at the best satire: The Onion takes on the tone of a daily newspaper; Young Frankenstein feels like a classic horror film; Weird Al Yankovic sounds like the musicians he parodies. Parody requires a nuanced and keen understanding of whatever source material it's sending-up.

Sausage Party seems to think it's a Pixar parody because it a) uses inanimate objects as characters, and b) is animated. But that's not what makes Pixar movies Pixar movies. They have emotion, they have clever characters, and they make unexpected and subtle observations on humanity.

The closest Sausage Party came to giving us Pixar-inspired characters were the queer taco and the Stephen Hawking-esque piece of chewed up gum, and neither is on screen long enough to carry the film. The rest of the "parody" is dependent on the fact that animation as a medium is most commonly used for children's entertainment, and Sausage Party clearly isn't for children. If that's parody, then it's parody in its laziest, most artificial form.

2. It fails as shock humor. I get that this is subjective and everyone has their own meter for "what is shocking," but I'm going to go out on a limb and say no one over the age of 11 thinks cartoon characters being vulgar is shocking. South Park busted down that barrier two decades ago. Adult Swim has been around for almost as long. In a world of Borat, 4chan, and There's Something About Mary, if you want to go for pure shock laughs, you need a lot more than f-bombs and sex puns.

That being said, for shock humor to actually be *shocking* it needs to come as a surprise. If the entire film beats you over the head with profanity, drug references, and wiener jokes, then by definition you can't be surprised. It becomes tedium.

3. It fails as commentary on organized religion. This was probably the most disappointing failure because the idea that humans are gods over food and food has to tell themselves the gods are bringing them to a "great beyond" to give their lives meaning is indeed a clever concept. There was an opportunity for Rogen n Co to make an anti-Veggie Tales that could've been something sharp and brilliant. They blew it.

Matt Stone and Trey Parker did the anti-belief message beautifully in The Book of Mormon. In it, the characters grow to question their faith, and their new-found skepticism pays off with a unique and clever spin at the end (with lots of smart laughs along the way).

In Sausage Party, on the other hand, instead of using religious skepticism as a vehicle for character development, it was more the bow that tied a bunch of juvenile jokes to some pseudo-intelligent theme. There was no organic transformation. It was a forced conclusion to justify ending on an orgy (because ultimately nothing really matters and all we have is joy and pleasure in this life yadda yadda ya get it?! GET IT?!?)

The fact Sausage Party had such potential makes the results all the more annoying. In more skilled hands it really could've been a fun, acerbic send-up of Pixar AND religion. Instead, what we have is an over-long, single-joke animated SNL skit with all the charm and brilliance of a jackhammer. Awful.
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