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Don't think! Feeeeeeelll!
KingM215 January 2006
When it comes to kung fu, Bruce Lee is a legend. When it comes to kung fu cinema, Enter the Dragon is the most highly regarded. In other words, you owe it to yourself to see this flick! The story is relatively simple but quite sufficient and sprinkled with humor. The locations and setting are wonderful as well. The characters are one of the main attractions here though, with the gambling but honorable Roper (John Saxon), the feisty and unorthodox (but effective!) Williams (Jim Kelly), Chinese Hercules Bolo, and the great baddie Han, the hand man. Bruce Lee's presence, of course, steals the show. While some of the fight scenes from Lee's Chinese Connection (I think that's the one) may rival the ones here, ETD is a far more well-rounded film. The variety of exciting fights are skillfully choreographed and there's not too much downtime from the action either; even in the flash back we have some excellent female butt-kicking. And you gotta love that 70's soundtrack! This is a classic action film that will never be forgotten. The two-disc DVD was loaded with goodies; you really couldn't ask for more, except for maybe a better commentary. Producer Paul Heller was dull, dry, and had little to offer.
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One of the most entertaining martial arts movie with an amazing music score.
Fella_shibby3 September 2021
I first saw this in the late 80s on a vhs. Then again in the early 2k on a dvd which I own.

Revisited it recently with my family.

This time Lee plays a martial arts instructor who is approached by the British Intelligence and is persuaded to attend a martial arts tournament on a private island owned by Han, a crime lord.

Lee's assignment is to gather evidence that will prove Han's involvement in drug trafficking and prostitution.

The movie has amazing star cast, few top notch martial arts fight scenes n wonderful music score.

This one is not as intense as Fist of Fury but very entertaining.

The villain Han is not intimidating or a convincing fighter yet he is able to take down the character of Jim Kelly.

We have Sammo Hung in an uncredited role in the opening fight scene against Lee at the start of the film.

Enter the Dragon along with Game of Death were the foundation for fighting games. Both these movies inspired various martial arts n action movies.

We also have Bolo Yeung before he became the usual villain in JCVD's movies.

In Fist of Fury, Lee's character bites the leg of a Russian fighter during a duel.

In this movie John Saxon's character bites the leg of Bolo Yeung during a duel.
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Very stylish and intense martial arts action film
mstomaso16 May 2005
As a child, one of my first and best friends was a strange boy who worshiped the ground Bruce Lee walked on - cutting his hair, taking Jiu Jitsu and Hapkido lessons, and often stalking around with that intense animal fury that only Lee could create all over his 7 year old face. My friend took a lot of abuse for this and other odd behaviors with dignity that his hero would have applauded. Unfortunately, Mr. Lee passed from this world very young, leaving a legend and a pair of shoes that have never really been filled. For most Americans, this is the only Hollywood film worthy of mention with his name in the cast.

Don't get me wrong, I love Jackie Chan and Jet Li and even the few Chow Yun Fat roles involving martial arts, but each of these actors have their own, very big, personalities, and - at least in the case of Chan - have built their own unique legend. Unlike his successors, what Lee excelled at was the intense physicality and drama of his performance. He worked every muscle of his body in every beautifully choreographed fight scene of Enter The Dragon, and made art out of violence in ways that today's Hollywood gun violence schlock-directors can only dream of. And Enter the Dragon is one of his most stunning vehicles.

The pseudo-Taoisms are kept to a minimum and concentrated near the beginning of this film. Lee enters a martial arts tournament to avenge the murder of his sister, and to defend the honor of the Shao Lin Temple, where he helps to train young martial artists. John Saxon, a down-on-his luck playboy and brigand is the closest thing to a co-star, and comes to the tournament hoping for a solution to his financial problems. The tournament is hosted by a mass-murdering heroin manufacturer who hides his production facilities, literally, beneath a martial arts school, using the instructors and students in the school as an army of body guards. Kien Shih is absolutely compelling as the evil Han, even if his fight scenes are, at times, a bit less convincing than the master Lee's. Lee and Shih are the performance highlights of the film. Though Saxon does a passable job, his performance is a bit fibrous at times.

Worth seeing for the sets and settings alone, this film is driven well by its fast pace, simple but engaging story line, and the sheer talent of Bruce Lee. Of course, there are the usual problems of the martial arts genre - villains whose sense of honor for the most part only applies to life-threatening situations fighting would-be heroes, the lack of any weapons besides fists and unused knives, unnecessary nude scenes - it is very easy to overlook these problems and just enjoy the film.

Highly recommended.
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Immortal (***** stars out of five)
dee.reid27 July 2004
In the years since his bizarre and tragic death, martial arts legend and master Bruce Lee has become a sort of icon within the Kung-fu movie circuit.

The last film that he completed before his death, 1973's "Enter the Dragon," has become not only a masterful showcase for Lee's talents (both fighting and acting), but in the 31 years since its release has become perhaps the definitive martial arts movie of all time.

Lee, in his first and last English-speaking performance, stars as a martial arts expert who is recruited by the British government to infiltrate an island fortress, under the cover of being invited to a martial arts tournament, to investigate a possible slavery/drug ring led by a former nemesis of his.

Indeed something is amiss at this isolated island fortress, as he discovers that his nemesis Han (Shih Kien) is the host of the tournament and is also the leader of the same gang that murdered his sister. Soon enough, Lee, together with two other martial artists, Roper (John Saxon) and Williams (Jim Kelly), go to work kicking a** everywhere until the final showdown with the murderous, one-handed villain Han in the classic "Hall of Mirrors" fight sequence.

"Enter the Dragon," a joint American-Chinese production, was intended to be Bruce Lee's introduction to Western audiences, but due to his tragic death just weeks before the film's American release, we will never know what he would have been capable of here in the states. Even more tragically, his son Brandon Lee would experience a similar fate just like his father only 20 years later with "The Crow."

There are so many classic fight scenes, which I can watch over and over without them ever becoming boring. Many of them still hold up very well, especially by 2004's standards, where fight scenes are mostly digitally enhanced or involve "wire" or "Matrix-fu" to make up for lack of actual stunt work; plus one has to remember that this film was made in 1973, in the days before wirework would become dominant in today's martial arts cinema. The "Cavern Fight" is probably my favorite fight sequence of all time, in any martial arts movie.

Many of the fights in this movie, more specially the ones where Lee is involved, have a surreal feeling to them. He brings a kind of grace to his action scenes that have yet to be topped by any actor alive today. Lee even brings many of his own personal philosophies to this film, which makes much sense and perhaps help to understand some of the more philosophical elements to the story. But more than anything, this was Bruce Lee's entrée to Americans; many people, including myself, were introduced to martial arts cinema through "Enter the Dragon."

There are also several cameos made by future martial arts stars that would eventually reach stardom, most notably Jackie Chan (as a henchman during the "Cavern Fight" sequence who has his neck broken by Lee) and Sammo Hung (as Lee's sparring partner in the opening fight sequence).

I could go on and on about what makes this movie immortal, but I feel I should let you see what makes it great. Bruce Lee was forever immortalized with this film and it will be cherished and praised forever.
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'Enter The Dragon' is essential viewing for all 1970s buffs!
Infofreak12 June 2004
'Enter The Dragon' was a massive part of my childhood back in the 1970s. As a pre-teen Bruce Lee was just about the coolest thing I'd ever seen. Maybe only Bond (Sean Connery Bond!) and Charlton Heston as 'The Omega Man' came close. Like 'The Omega Man' this movie is one that I find difficult to be objective about. The plot is simplistic, the acting is variable, but the action and the LOOK of it make it an all time classic. Let's face it this is a kung fu movie, and what the audience wants is exciting fight scenes. 'Enter The Dragon' has them and then some! I'm not sure whether I'd describe it as "the greatest martial arts movie ever made" (as many people do), but it's certainly one of the most entertaining I've ever seen. The only other one I've seen that comes close is 'Iron Monkey', but as good as it was, it obviously didn't have the one thing that makes this movie legendary - Bruce Lee. Lee is without a doubt the greatest ku fu fighter to step in front of a movie camera. Handsome and charismatic, this movie was to be his introduction to mainstream Hollywood audiences. He died unexpectedly just weeks before it premiered in America. It seems certain that he would have become a superstar, bigger than Jackie Chan (who incidentally has a brief cameo here) is today. Whenever Lee is on the screen you can't take your eyes off him - he's that good. You don't need any other reason to watch this movie than Bruce Lee, but having John Saxon ('Planet Of Blood', 'Tenebrae') co-star is an added treat, and Jim Kelly is super cool. After the enormous success of 'Enter The Dragon' director Robert Clouse made 'Black Belt Jones' with him, another 70s kung fu classic, but Kelly never really fulfilled his potential, and instead made cheesy but fun b-grade vehicles like 'Black Samurai' and 'Black Belt Jones 2'. I also love Han, the tongue-in-cheek 'Dr No' inspired villain played by Kien Shih. 'Enter The Dragon' is essential viewing for all 1970s buffs. It had a major impact on pop culture and it's still great wonderful to watch thirty years after it was originally released. To say I highly recommend this movie is an understatement!
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Still a classic three decades later
oshram-326 June 2004
Long held to be the grand-daddy of all martial arts films, Enter the Dragon was recently re- released on DVD with the full treatment – digital restoration, a few short scenes added back in, and interviews with all of the surviving cast, plus some extras about the film and a few interviews with Bruce Lee.

Most of you have probably already seen it, as it's thirty years old, but even though the film is almost absurdly steeped in the 70s, it still holds up remarkably well. Aside from dangerously wide lapels and some corny era-related dialogue (most notably delivered by Jim Kelly, the film's only African American). Enter the Dragon still delivers the same powerful punch it did three decades ago.

Of course, back then, it was merely the best martial arts film. Now, however, it is the chief testament to the grace and skill of Bruce Lee, and the only one of his four films that he had any sort of creative control over – and you can see the difference between this and his Hong Kong films easily.

Lee does a Tony Danza and plays Mr. Lee, a shao-lin warrior who is recruited by a foreign government (it's assumed to be the English but is never explicitly stated) to infiltrate the island of a megalomaniac martial artist named Han (Kien Shih) who holds tournaments to find the best martial artists in the world. And because that's not enough motivation, it's also revealed that Han's bodyguard, Oharra (Robert Wall) killed Bruce's sister three years ago. So, like every Lee movie, there is a personal vendetta involved, and like every Lee film, Bruce's character asks forgiveness from his family for the deadly violence he is about to unleash. Along for the ride are gamblaholic Roper (John Saxon) and ghetto survivor Williams (Kelly).

The plot seems like a contrivance now, but that was before it was copied to death in the last three decades. It's actually a plausible and somewhat clever excuse to show people what they came to see – Bruce Lee repeatedly kicking butt. From the opening fight scene (against Sammo Hung) through the fabulous finale where Lee single-handedly takes on half the island, the movie is a joy to watch on the physical level. It's the world's greatest martial artist at his peak, in a showcase perfectly designed for him. It was an ideal if unintentional shrine to the man.

Lee is not merely content to let us watch him bash people, though; some of his philosophy penetrates the movie, which is probably the real reason why Enter the Dragon has stayed so fresh so long. Lee talks about spirituality with a young charge and even gives us an amusing and illustrative lesson in his 'art of fighting without fighting' – which is the credo of any real warrior. Lee also shows us the flip side; the show-offs and power-hungry who are only in it for the physical and material advantage. He takes care to show us how debased they are before dispatching them, however.

While Saxon and the rest of the cast are perfectly acceptable (Jim Kelly overdoes it a bit, but oddly that fits the film), Lee is terrific in this piece. Bruce Lee was a riveting performer and nowhere is that better demonstrated than in this movie. It's a testament to his legacy that three decades later, no one has come close to his skill, and people are still stealing ideas from him (Kill Bill, etc.). It gives one pause while watching Enter the Dragon to think of just what Bruce Lee could have accomplished had he lived.

I suppose those who don't like martial arts wouldn't care for this film, but I've seen it convert even unbelievers before. Lee is that good, and that charismatic, that you can't help but be drawn to him. Certainly his greatest film is worth checking out again on this spiffy new re- release. Even if you're not the biggest martial arts fan, how often do you get to check out a legend at the top of his game?
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The films of Bruce Lee: Enter the Dragon.
Captain_Couth3 August 2005
Enter the Dragon (1973) was Bruce Lee's first (and only) solo big Hollywood production. Too bad he never got to see the fruits of his labor. He passed away during the film's post production (don't fret, two more official Bruce Lee films were made after this one. Despite all of the years of hard work and finally making it to the big times, he wasn't around long enough to enjoy it. Even though Robert Clouse is credited as director and another person is credited for writing the screenplay. This film has Bruce Lee's fingerprints all over it.

The movie is about a shady underworld crime lord (aren't they always) who controls most of the world's opium drug ring and a lot of other illegal dealings. British Intelligence is stumped, so they seek out someone who's slick, sly, stealth and who can kick a lot of butt and take care of himself. They find their man (Bruce Lee). After a great deal of convincing they get him to go to the island and participate in the crime lord's fighting tournament. Along the way, Bruce meets two American fighters (John Saxon and Jim Kelly) who are in the tournament for various reasons. Whilst on the island, Bruce does his nightly snooping around so he can find out more about the crime lord and his illegal activities. Will Bruce topple the organization? Can he make it out alive? Does Bruce really kick a whole lot of butt and take names? To find out you'll have to watch Enter The Dragon!!!!

Bruce Lee worked a great deal on this picture. He wrote most of the screenplay (uncredited), filmed all of the action scenes (uncredited) and directed several scenes (uncredited). Lam Ching-Ying, Angela Mao, Jackie Chan and Bolo Yeung appear in this film. If you haven't seen this film already then you're either a kid, lame or something is wrong with you.

Highly recommended.
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A must see for fans of martial arts films
Tweekums24 October 2018
This martial arts classic sees Lee, a highly skilled fighter, asked by British Intelligence to investigate Han, a suspected crime boss who was trained in martial arts at the same Shaolin temple as Lee. Han has set up a base on a remote private island but once every three years he holds a martial arts competition which attracts the best from around the world. Apart from Lee the most notable other contestants are Americans Roper, who has gambling debts, and Williams, a karate expert who served with Roper in Vietnam. Once there Lee starts to investigate and it isn't long before it becomes apparent just how dangerous Han is.

In many ways this can be thought of as a martial arts James Bond film with Lee replacing Bond... the villain could certainly have come from a Bond film; not only does he live on a secretive private island but he spends several scenes stoking a white cat! The story is relatively simple but serves to deliver some great martial arts scenes. These fights are brilliantly choreographed but unlike many such films to fights still feel brutally real. They also feature a good array of weapons as well as many unarmed fights Bruce Lee is great as our protagonist; no martial arts actor is as intense as he was. The support is solid; John Saxon impresses as Roper and Jim Kelly brings a coolness to the role of Williams. These characters are given some decent motivations so are more than just characters who can fight well. Overall I'd recommend this film; it is a must see for fans of the genre.
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Successful Kung-Fu movie with the unforgettable Bruce Lee
ma-cortes19 May 2009
Bruce Lee biggest international hit smash deals about Lee who's hired by British secret agency to cleans up the opium market . He goes to Hong Kong and after an offshore island .There rules a cruel Chinese(Kien) over a temple of Shaolin and an army of fighters(Bolo Yeung, Robert Wall, both are black-belt). Also arrive a cocky fighter(John Saxon) and an African-American Karate-man(Jim Kelly). Lee infiltrates violent tournament to investigate the strange events and disappearing are happening. Lee dispatches numerous thugs and hundreds of Karate experts before a violent slug-fest with Kien, a baddie in James Bond style.

This classic Chop-Socky displays action-packed, thrills,fast-paced and wild fighting images. Packs violent combats sequences including Karate, Judo, Tae Kwon do and Hapkido. Exciting final struggle with reminiscences to ¨Lady of Shangai¨ by Orson Welles, where is developed the action into a maze of mirrors. Lively and suspenseful musical score by Lalo Schifrin. Appear uncredited , almost extras, Sammo Hung as Shaolin fighter and Jackie Chan as a thug prison. This one was realized later but released before ¨Lee's Return of dragon¨ with Chuck Norris as contender, and previously had starred ¨Fists of Fury¨. This is his last complete movie character but his next film ¨ Game of death¨ was absurdly edited after his death. Wild fighting scenes provide a overwhelming view of Bruce lee's skills. This big-budgeted and first rate Kung-Fu actioner is well realized by Robert Clouse , an expert on Chop-Socky movies and he directed Bruce Lee's last film. Indispensable and essential seeing for Lee fans and Karate enthusiastic.
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From someone who really doesn't know anything about the martial arts
AlsExGal19 November 2023
I've read about Bruce Lee, and I knew he was very versatile - actor, martial artist, philosopher, etc. But I'd never sat down and watched one of his films before, mainly because the opportunity to do so doesn't come up very often. So last night, when Turner Classic Movies had a Bruce Lee double feature on with a guest discussing Lee's films, I took that opportunity to watch "Enter The Dragon".

The plot involves Lee, a skilled martial arts instructor, being recruited by British intelligence to enter a martial arts contest held by crime lord Han on his own private island. While there, Lee is supposed to look for evidence of Han's criminal activity. Han talks a big game about honor during the matches, but if things don't go his way he does not fight fair. And that includes Han having various prosthetics for his missing left hand that include knives and spikes.

There's no doubt Lee is a charismatic presence that commands one's attention. The choreography is so tightly performed (and also blocked out by Bruce Lee himself) that it's hard not to be dazzled. And I say that as somebody who really knows nothing about the martial arts.

I'd say that one aspect I found humorous were the lines given to African American martial artist Jim Kelly. They were typical of the kinds of lines and roles given to African American actors during the 70s at the height of the popularity of blaxploitation films. If you've seen Hollywood Shuffle - and if you haven't you should - it is hard not to notice such stereotyping. Still I'd recommend this film if you are curious about the film work of Bruce Lee.
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Han's Tournament
richardchatten12 December 2021
A non-stop succession of brightly-coloured, almost continuous aggro with a villain with a metal hand who actually strokes a white cat that was a huge hit and posthumously made a star worldwide of Bruce Lee.

Very seventies, full of flairs, sideburns, zooms and a groovy Lalo Schifrin score; it was shot on location in Hong Kong without bothering to record any sound, the dialogue and sound effects obviously post-synced.

Although billed third, the delectable Ahna Capri actually gets sadly little screen time.
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The "Citizen Kane" of the martial arts films genre
filmz200416 February 2004
What more can be said of the man whom millions consider one of the greatest action stars of all time. Enter the Dragon is the Citizen Kane and Bruce Lee is the Orson Welles of the martial arts film genre. This film marked the most successful merging of both Hong Kong and American cinema. From the opening scene to the final fight scene it was Bruce Lee at his best. His near perfect physique, leading man good looks and innate charisma transcended the derivative script and gave it a timeless quality. Having read the original draft of Enter the Dragon originally titled "Blood and Steel", The final film is a far cry from it. He turned major monologues into short but memorable phrases like "It is like a finger pointing away to the moon". Very few people then, and now could utter those words and be taken seriously. It was Bruce Lee not writer Michael Allin who gave the movie it's spiritual core and it was Bruce Lee not directed Robert Clouse who gave it its sense of cinematic style. Proof of this lies in the fact that both Allin and Clouse were never able to reproduce the quality or success of Enter the Dragon before or after Bruce Lee. Bruce borrowed heavily from Clint Eastwood's persona and gave it his own unique twist. After all these years, Enter the Dragon stands alone in the genre and stands as one of Hollywood's most profitable feature films.
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well made Kung Fu movie
SnoopyStyle26 June 2015
Lee (Bruce Lee) is a Hong Kong Shaolin martial artist. His master tells him about a former student Mr. Han who has turned into a crime lord on his own private island. British agent Braithwaite sends Lee to a tournament run by Han. O'Hara is Han's menacing henchman who pushed Lee's sister to her death. Mei Ling is an agent on the island but the agency has lost contact with her. Roper (John Saxon) owes money to gangsters and his 'nam buddy Williams (Jim Kelly) is on the run from racist cops. Both end up entering the tournament.

Bruce Lee continues as a charismatic star with superior action skills. The fights are fun. John Saxon proves to have some good fighting skills while Jim Kelly has a big enough personality to be a compelling actor. It has some slower aspects and the story is pretty simple. Overall, it is a well made action thriller with some great fights especially considering the era. It is a standout among Kung Fu B-movies with many imitators to follow.
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I thought it was OK but not as good as it reputation suggested.
poolandrews26 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Enter the Dragon starts as a Shalolin martial arts expert named Lee (co-producer Bruce Lee) is contacted by American secret service agent guy Braithwaite (Geoffrey Weeks) who wants him to go undercover at a martial arts tournament held by international crime-lord Han (Kien Shih), Lee also learns that his younger sister committed suicide after being attacked by Han's bodyguard Oharra (Robert Wall). Lee decides he can not only help rid the world of a vicious crime-lord but avenge the death of his sister, a sort of 'kill two birds with one stone' situation which he can't refuse. Lee travels to Hong Kong & then onto Han's private island where the tournament is held & he runs his criminal empire with the intention of bringing him down...

This Chinese American co-production was directed by Robert Clouse & is generally regarded as a classic, personally I don't think it's deserving of such an accolade but it ain't a bad film. The script by Michael Allin felt like a James Bond flick to me, a secret undercover guy sent in to stop some crime lord who owns his own private island with a secret underground base, he has interchangeable metal hands just like Joseph Wiseman in Dr. No (1963) & he also carries around & strokes a fluffy white cat just like Blofeld in the Bond films! The main bad guy also has a few henchmen including one with a distinctive scar. I suppose the main difference is that Enter the Dragon is far more violent than any Bond film with Bruce Lee's martial arts skills defeating all on comers. In fact it gets pretty boring in the sense that Lee literally kicks & punches everyone out with one hit & no-one can even hit him once. It becomes a precession where you know Lee is going to knock everyone out, the only interest is how he does it either with a punch, a kick or a pair of nun-chucks. I don't really like martial arts films that much & if I want a spy thriller I'll watch a James Bond film & to me Enter the Dragon is some strange mixture of the two which provides decent entertainment & is quite fun but ultimately didn't do much for me. Also how did anyone know that Lee's sister had committed suicide? The only other person in the room was Han's bodyguard Oharra & since Lee's sister killed herself how did anyone else find out? The guy who told Lee was knocked out earlier on by Oharra, answers on a postcard please...

Director Clouse does alright but it's Bruce Lee who is credited with the fight direction & choreography, the fights look good & are pretty violent & if your a fan of Lee then you will love this. The climax set in a room of mirrors, according to the IMDb over 8,000 mirrors were used, is quite a disorientating & imaginative sequence. Enter the Dragon was one of only two American films Bruce Lee appeared in which used his real voice, sadly Lee died in Hong Kong three weeks before the films premiere. The film was shot without sound & all dialogue & sound effects were added in post production, it's very noticeable as well. For all you foot fetishists there is a trampling scene of a barefoot woman standing & walking on a mans back.

With a supposed budget of about $850,000 this didn't have a huge budget by any stretch of the imagination, it's reasonably well made although the fact it's dubbed throughout is painfully obvious. The acting is OK but I find it hard to take actor John Saxon as a martial arts expert seriously.

Enter the Dragon is an OK film, it passes 100 odd minutes painlessly enough. I didn't think it was as good as it's lofty reputation suggested but I liked it all the same. I guess I'm just not a fan of very one sided martial arts fights, there's just not enough vulnerability for Lee's character. Good but not brilliant.
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.....simply the best
Dean Routledge19 March 1999
Even though it is more than 25 years since Enter the Dragon was first released, to this day it is still hailed as the landmark of martial arts films.

Used primarily as a vehicle for the late, great Bruce Lee this movie has a thin plot, little actual character development and the acting isn't fantastic.....it was never meant to be another Citizen Kane. Its merit lies purely in the action content. If you were to ask any learned martial artist I'm sure that 9 out of 10 would tell you that the fight sequences are unparalleled, even today. The fluidity of Lee is astounding. Unlike most martial arts films of that time the fighting is very realistic, and has a somewhat visceral quality. There is also the use of traditional Oriental weapons (nunchaku, escrima sticks, etc..), although the British censors in their wisdom have seen fit the cut the nunchaku sequence, and I'm afraid, like any censored movie, it just isn't the same watching when you know you aren't getting the full monty, so to speak.

Still, on the whole one of my personal favourites and a must see for any action or seventies film fan. If you get the opportunity see the remastered American version with added footage....I've got one,envy me!!!
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Simply the best!
roth814 October 2013
Bruce Lee is a legend. When it comes to Martial Arts cinema, Enter the Dragon is the most highly regarded. This is the godfather of action film.

Enter the Dragon achieved success by presenting a series of superbly staged fighting sequences with a minimum of distractions. The story finds Lee as a martial-arts expert determined to help capture the narcotics dealer whose gang was responsible for his sister's death. This evil villain operates from a fortified island manned by a team of crack martial artists, who also host a kung fu competition. Lee uses his skills to enter the contest and then tries to chop, kick, and otherwise fight his way into the dealer's headquarter. The story is, of course, merely an excuse for showdown after showdown, featuring masterly fighting by Lee in a wide variety of martial arts styles.

Great Plot, great Acting and of course the master Of Jeet Kun Do Himself. Th only movie i will give 10 out of 10.
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The best martial arts film I have ever seen
truly363 July 2004
Thirty years later I would like to say that I remember this film as one of the greatest films I have ever seen in my life. I do not know exactly why, but it is, maybe, because the music we listen on it has been always with me in the last 25 years or so. Bruce Lee was an icon, I also remember the Green Hornet TV show, and the extraordinary combination of sound and images in this film allow us to dream about to be a hero or something like that. I have seen the film many times and each one was almost different than the other one, this is one of those films in which you can notice different things every time you see it again, even if you are not an expert in martial arts as if it is the case about me. Thanks Bruce, where ever you are, for your incredible style.
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"I see your talents have gone beyond the mere physical level".
classicsoncall30 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Notwithstanding Bruce Lee's fame as the world's once most famous and skilled martial artist, the translation to film doesn't work, even in this, his most vaunted film "Enter The Dragon". If this can be said to represent the very best of his cinematic output, one need go no further. The story itself is relatively formulaic and predictable, and brings nothing new or unique to the viewing audience. Lee himself sports an incredibly lean and muscular physique, and is shown to good advantage at every opportunity, though in actual combat, it seems to me that his excessive flexing would actually work to a disadvantage in wasted energy. Perhaps the intimidation factor is worth something, but so is Bolo Yeung's size and strength. In any event, I wouldn't want to get either of one of them mad at me.

Simply stated, "Enter The Dragon" carries a modest recommendation to catch Bruce Lee at the top of his martial arts and cinematic game, but that's as generous as I can manage. Lee's over-enunciated speech, over-emphasized posturing and over the top theatrics really don't go over with this viewer, even though for what it's worth, I'd still call myself a Bruce Lee fan.
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An excellent 70's martial arts movie.
lewiskendell3 September 2010
"Destroy the image, and you will break the enemy."

It's a real shame that I'm just now getting acquainted with Bruce Lee's work because I really love this stuff. Enter the Dragon is a joy to watch for any fan of martial arts flicks.

The story is about Lee's quest to bring justice to a renegade Shaolin monk (with a fake, removable hand) at a tournament he hosts to recruit people for his criminal organization, but the thin plot is really there only to give Lee lots of guys to fight. The man beats the crap out of people to the point where you wonder why the villains even bother to try to attack him. There are lots of great, old-school fights to check out, and the choreography is very impressive. 

If you have any kind of a fondness for martial arts in film, then Enter the Dragon should be at the top of your list of movies to see. It's absolute proof of what a talent and natural star he was, and a nice introduction to Lee's personal philosophy for life and the martial arts.
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Mortal Kombat without the magic
matthewssilverhammer12 September 2020
I don't why, but I simply didn't expect this to be so silly. It's basically Mortal Kombat without the magic...and with, ya know, a plot. Not that that's a bad thing...I like Mortal Kombat, so a better version of that is a win. The action style and cinematography has been parodied so much it's hard not to laugh at times (fight grunts, quick zooms), but Lee is impossible to deny. He wasn't just great in the combat; the dude was just a straight-up movie star.
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Enter The Martial Arts Hall Of Fame!
"Enter The Dragon" of 1973 is not only essential for Bruce Lee fans, but a must-see for every lover of cult-cinema for a variety of reasons. While director Robert Clouse's stylish and violent Martial Arts extravaganza is not necessarily the greatest Bruce Lee flick, it is his most famous and most influential film, both due to the fact that it was his first American-produced film (and the first American-produced Martial Arts film ever), and, mainly, because it was the last film the Master appeared in before his untimely death. More precisely, "Enter The Dragon" had its world premiere only six days after the great Martial Arts icon had passed away on July 20th, 1973. The film's cult-status even excels its level of fame - the iconic picture of Bruce Lee with bleeding scratches on his chest must be one of the most widely known movie stills ever, and is immediately recognized even by people who have never seen the film and don't know its title. This film basically was the kick-off to the popularity of Martial Arts films in the Western World, but even apart from the fact how influential it was, this is a great film to watch. In its style, it somehow resembles funky and incomparably more violent Marial Arts version of the older James Bond films - sexy ladies and eccentric villains come along with stylish and ultra-violent unarmed battle on a beautiful remote island.

Kung Fu expert Lee (Bruce Lee) is applied to attend a tournament on a remote island owned by the mysterious Han (Kien Shih). Besides engaging in fights, Lee is to infiltrate the villainous Han's evil crime syndicate. But love of justice is not Lee's sole motivation to come to the island, as one of Han's henchmen is responsible for his sister's death... Lee is not the only kung fu-expert participating in the tournament, of course. Several other great fighters have arrived, most memorably the crafty Roper (played by none other than the great John Saxon) and the super-cool Williams (played by Jim Kelly, basically THE black Martial Artist, who went on to make another film with director Clouse, "Black Belt Jones" the following year). And then there are more familiar faces for Martial Arts fans, such as the monstrously-looking Bolo Yeung and the scar-faced Robert Wall. Angela Mao, Ahna Capri, and a bunch of other foxy ladies provide most welcome female eye-candy in-between the fights. The martial arts sequences are stylish, violent, and, in one word, amazing. Bruce Lee himself did the choreography of the fights - I don't suppose I need to say any more. All that is accompanied by a funky soundtrack and the typical awesome 70s feeling that my fellow fans of cult-cinema love so much. This is an absolute must-see for Martial Arts- and Cult-cinema fans, and I also highly recommend it to anybody else. I know the following statement is nothing new or original, but it sure is to the point: Bruce Lee was THE MAN, and always will be, and not an entire army of Jet Lis and Jackie Chans can ever replace him!
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A fine kung fu film that offers more than the genre's usual
crculver27 May 2015
The 1973 film ENTER THE DRAGON was the first Hollywood kung fu film, placing the then little-known Bruce Lee among American actors and featuring a plot of international proportions.

Of course, the Hong Kong roots of the genre still hold. The maniacal supervillain Han (Shih Kien) is murdering young women on his private island. When Han organizes an international martial arts tournament, Lee is sent by the Hong Kong government to bust Han's operation. He is joined by American businessman Roper (John Saxon), hoping to get some money to pay off mafia debts, and black activist Williams (Jim Kelly), who just seeks victory and looking good.

There's a great deal of humour in the story, beyond the traditional incompetent henchmen and improbably deft martial arts. I can't imagine that the film-makers did not intend that the viewer take the supervillain's tropes seriously. When Han strokes his cat while plotting his schemes, or when he gives one character a tour of his entire criminal enterprise before asking him to join them, we can't help but chuckle at this borrowings from James Bond. The film works well as mindless entertainment.

Nonetheless, the film-makers succeeded in making a film that was more than a simple action outing. Two scenes made ENTER THE DRAGON a classic of cinema. In a scene where Bruce Lee wields nunchaku we are treated to one of the finest documents of athletic prowess, testimony that Lee was not just a simple action star but a great sportsman. The climax of the film, where Lee duels with Han in a hall of mirrors, is rich in symbolism and elegantly filmed, coming to influence many films since. And I personally, a recent visitor to Hong Kong and one passionately interested in the area, enjoyed seeing how Kowloon and Hong Kong Island looked before the boom era.

I had a good time watching ENTER THE DRAGON and recommend to any who might be intrigued by a kung fu film that transcends its genre to some degree.
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Bruce Lee's Final Film Is A Legend
jeremycrimsonfox20 March 2021
Enter the Dragon is a good movie, and is infamous for being Bruce Lee's final film before his untimely death before its release. In this. Bruce plays Lee, a martial arts instructor trained in the Shaolin Temple, he is sent by one of the masters to fight in a tournament hosted by Han, a man who has disgraced the temple by twisting their teachings and has now become a notorious crime lord. . Now, teaming with British Intelligence agent Braithwaite, who is investigating ties in drug trafficking and prostitution rings, Lee is sent to gather the evidence needed to prove the case.

This movie deserves its place as a legendary movie. Joining Bruce Lee is John Saxton as Roper, a martial artist with a gambling obsession and Betty Chung as Mei Ling, a spy sent to the island. A good mix of martial arts and spy genre, the film has some great martial arts sequences, some of them being brutal and intense, and the story is also good.
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Exit The Dragon
callanmcnamee19 June 2021
This was supposed to be Bruce Lee's big Hollywood introduction to western audiences. Sadly he died before the film was completed and we'll never get to see what he might have done. It's got a kind of Hollywood, James Bond feel to it but really it never manages to get far out out of B movie territory except in the big fight scene in the middle. There's definitely some interesting stuff here especially for Hong Kong martial arts movie fans with appearances from Sammo Hung, Jackie Chan and Yuen Biao, among others, plus a little commentary on race relations and police brutality in America. John Saxon legitimises the proceedings (kind of) for white western audiences although his lack of real martial arts skill is pretty glaring next to Bruce Lee and Jim Kelly. The plot is ridiculous, as is a lot of the dialogue, and a lot of the movie is funny for all the wrong reasons (the guards in their karate uniforms crack me up every time) and has dated quite badly. Probably worth watching for a great fight scene where Bruce uses his fists and feet, staff, nunchuks and Kali sticks, Considered a classic because it's Bruce's HIollywood movie, it still doesn't come close to Fist of Fury(1972) on any level.
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jzmpyxkrr25 November 2020
For 1973 just fantastic... Classic's never old I love bruce lee think best of fight art wish He could alive.
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