The One Man Band (1970) Poster

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Pitti-pitti-paah ! Pitti-pitti-paah !
myriamlenys7 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Evan Evans both manages and rules a cosmopolitan group of dancing showgirls. Since he is afraid of losing yet one another of his pretty dancers, he insists on all girls living in convent-like chastity and abstinence. However, real life has this messy habit of intruding...

The great Louis de Funès has starred in a number of immortal comedies, but "L'homme orchestre" is not one of them. The story and screenplay are very slight and do not provide much in the way of merriment, emotion or suspense. The jokes and gags provide the occasional amusement, but they could just as well have belonged in another movie. There's not a genuine tale being told, and, as a result, there's not a genuine tale to be interested in or moved by.

I can't say that I was blown away by the quality of the music, the choreography or the dancing, although they did provide some luxuriant examples of 1970's kitsch and camp.

Moreover, I found something repellent in the idea of a man controlling the looks, the weight and even the love life of his female underlings. It smacked of an abuse of power ; it also smacked of sexism and sex-related discrimation in the workplace. (In case you think I'm exaggerating, feel free to read some real-life cases about hard-working and competent dancers, artists, tour guides, air hostesses... who were humiliated or lost their jobs because they were thought too fat / too old / too ugly / too ethnic / too whatever. And do not forget to study the looks of the men who fired them.)
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Great Fun
butskhrikidze26 June 2020
Music, Choreography, humor, style are great in this movie. It is unusually funny film with great performances.
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Hilarious French comedy filled with songs , dances and lots of humor by the magnificent Louis de Funes
ma-cortes5 April 2021
In this musical comedy the splendid and brilliant comedian Louis de Funes is a stiff-upper-lip manager of a female group of modern dance along with his nephew , actual real-life son, Olivier De Funes . They usually perform in París, then they go on a trip in Rome and other European cities , Montecarlo, Madrid... But Funes prohibits them to marry , relationship and socialize with men . Thing go wrong when one of the girls and the nephew himself have two babies in Rome.

Very stylish Seventies film with full of color , fast as well as psychedelic choreographies , twisted mountage , gaudy scenarios , explosive lights, Zooms , dated gowns , and anything else . Amusing and entertaining Louis de Funes vehicle in which he shows a sensitive vein that we don't watch before. Here Funes boasts a a singing skills and dancing qualities that we don't see very often. Wonderfully played by the great Louis de Funes playing a manager of a group of dance , directing them in military style by controlling strictly their lives . From his first roles as "Devil and 10 Commandments" , "Captain Fracassa" , "La Vendetta" until his biggest hits as "Don't look we are being shot" along with Bourvil , Fantomas trilogy along with Jean Marais , Mylene Demengeot : "Fantomas" , "Fantomas Strikes Again", "Fantomas vs Scotland Yard" , to "The Cadillac Man" , "The Restaurant" , "Wing and the thigh" and his last film feature : "The mad adventures of Rabbi Jacob" . Although Funes really excelled in Ludovico Cruchot series as "Le Gendarme of Saint Tropez" , "Gendarme in Balade", "Le Gendarme in N. Y." , "Le Gendarme and creatures of outer space" and "Le Gendarme and Gendarmettes".

It displays a charming musical score by Francois de Roubaix with plenty of attractive songs and catiching sounds accompanying the spectacular dances . As well as atmospheric and colorful cinematography in Eastmancolor by Jean Rabiar. The film was well directed by Serge Korber , though, there are a number of failures , plot holes and gaps.
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Excellent French Comedy
Oblomov-229 July 2001
I saw this film in India in the mid-70s an a dubbed English version called "One Man Band". Louis des Funes was already popular thanks to his "Fantomas" movies and this one is a very inventive comedy. Worth watching and to keep when available. I have been looking for a video of this film for years.
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Sex comedy shaped as a choreographic fancy—facetious take on Funès authoritarian sexless persona
Cristi_Ciopron17 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Daddy Funès' multifaceted career includes several bourgeois conventional comedies that we have already discussed on this site (HIBERNATUS, Oscar), and some less conventional humorous outings, such as L'HOMME ORCHESTRE and LE GRAND RESTAURANT. A comedy of music and dance, L'HOMME ORCHESTRE is an attempt at a sex comedy—with Funès in his usual sexless austere persona; he performs the head of a dance troop, as his choreographic talent allowed him.

I think Funès would of made a convincing faun (Funès could have been, had he consented, an ultra—Finlay …), yet the type—casting or maybe his own ambitions and prejudices and petty bourgeois respectability—which again reverts to type—casting—kept him away from this and he promoted an asexual, grumpy sexless persona—like the irascible Evan—Evans in this comedy.

L'HOMME ORCHESTRE's sexpot is a mellow blonde, Françoise, slightly plumper than the other babes in Funès' dance ensemble, and shown as conveniently loving an oldster. Another blonde, Hendrike—a young mom—seemed on the brink of taking over, but no …. So, to speak my mind, this is perhaps not a very good comedy, quite deficiently written, and one whose presumed and self—styled originality is not convincing; yet it is of course recommended to Funès fans because it features a few genuine Funès bits of 'divertissement. Except for Funès himself, nothing else is really very good in L'HOMME ORCHESTRE, and the movie looks, as I said, sadly undecided and murky. Of course such comedy—exploitation is not at all unusual in most famous comedy actors' careers. This one has the changing content of a varieties TV show; even Funès' character ceaselessly switches between the dances patron prestige and the yellow sportswear of a funny oldster ….

The French popular comedies gone fancy tend to have somewhat loose structures, to look a bit pointless, to be rather vaguely paced; this one, and others like it, are not sophisticated comedies—in the sense Tati's are, but popular comedies gone fancy …. L'HOMME ORCHESTRE is indeed a bit murky, undecided about its own nature—a dance comedy, a grumpy asexual Funès comedy, Françoise's romance …--then, in the last third, a baby comedy, with the baby of one of the dancing girls …. The movie looks like a series of _divagations, and it offers only some very vague fun; anyway, even in terms of fun L'HOMME ORCHESTRE is meaningless—what was it about? It might have been about Evan—Evans' nephew, after all. The girls are nice, and the dancing numbers rather average.
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Louis de Funes goes musical
632523 September 2004
For lovers of this great french comedian this movie is best watched with the remote control in one hand. The story is the typical mix of little choleric Louis (playing the director of an all girl dancing group) who tries to shield them from other men so that the girls won't be distracted from their job. There are a couple of well directed scenes that provide good laughs and Louis delivers the whole range of his facial expressions that alone makes you giggle. However this time the script seems to have lacked enough ideas for a full movie, therefore you will have to sit through plenty of dancing and music and even an almost unbearable singing scene where Louis de Funes sings musical-like. Approx. half of the movie time is being consumed by music, dance and singing only - too much for a comedy.

Therefore my advice: skip those dull scenes with the fast forward of your remote control and have a good laugh at Louis while he is really acting (and not dancing or singing).
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Psychedelic Circus (DVD) !
leplatypus15 October 2009
This is a rather obscure movie of De Funes even in France in spite of it is one of his best.

What makes the difference is not the comedy because he is as funny as ever but his compassionate side that we don't see very often. This wasn't a surprise because in interviews, you can see that he was a formidable gentleman even having tremendous success. But, there are only a few movies in which he shows his kindness.

Here, it begins with the relation that he shares with his real son in life, Olivier. They are nearly the only men in the movie and they are great together. As a father, De Funes is very attentive and caring. And for sure, the scenes he had with the babies are moving: he is totally sweet!

In addition, the movie is an explosion of colors and it is an amazing collection of how the 70's, the flower power had impacted on France. Except maybe in "Dick Tracy", I haven't seen so much orange, yellow, red, black, blue…

At last, the movie offers a great trip in romantic place: Montecarlo, Roma…

For a movie which is a musical comedy, with dance, songs, music, ballets, I am totally appreciative! Bidibidi-BA!
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Needs more comedy, however Funes annihilates as usual
I am trying to understand these French type of movies which like to morph into different genres in a single movie like one is a comedy about a restaurant but switches to a car chase action movie later on while this movie is about a band as the title says and then becomes a mystery-romance about whose baby is whose. Now my rating is clear why it is like this. Make it about the title more. However Funes plays a more regulator type who has to keep his band up to quality swinging their legs all over the place (so like a girl dance group not really a 'band') however he is the best and annihilates as usual.
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fantastic funestastic - a classic
keenast7 November 2008
It's obvious that if you're looking for plausible plots in any of Funes' movies aren't the right place to look for. Especially his film is all about the incredible camera and lighting, staging and set design. About the beautiful girls dancing and wearing classic 60ies outfits. In fact it's all about the dancing scenes. The idea having a conversation via singing is purely operatic, used to the extreme by Jacques Demy (Umbrellas of Cherbourg) and again in a different more Funesque way by Alain Resnais in On connaît la chanson!

The film looks like it's shot in Technicolor though in the credits only Eastmancolor is mentioned - a film stock unfortunately not available anymore. The colors this film stock produces are to die for - check also i.e. Truffaut's Antoine Doinel series all shot too in Eastmancolor.

Watch it and then watch it again;-)
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The most unusual and the best of Louis de Funès...
megArnold22 March 2011
Those were the seventies, alright. (especially for those like me who only remember them vaguely) Saturated primary colors everywhere, telephones shaped like pyramids or like molten wax, easy chairs that were all but easy to sit on, catchy music, silly lyrics. This movie is as stylized as it can be (short of a Greenaway movie) and provides silly, but stylish entertainment.

Louis de Funès, at 56, shows that he is not only still the explosive comedian we all love, but that he is able to sing (in his way) and that he can even play a convincing chef-de-ballet, able to hold a candle to his female co-stars when it comes to dancing...

And, as another reviewer pointed out, we come to see his softer side as well, in his relationship with his nephew (actually real-life son), "his" girls, "his" babies.

The film benefits much from an excellent all-female dance chorus, and the dance numbers are catchy, and top-notch in their 1970 silliness.

A very uncommon movie if you expect standard LdF fare. Plot is, of course, nonexistent as any de Funès movie, but here we have abundant song and dance numbers, a Babylonian confusion of at least five languages (shadows of Tati's "Play Time", perhaps?), a dancing (!) Louis de Funès, and, as I said, plenty of 1970 design (atrocities, if you want) in brilliant colors, including the girls' costumes, which magically change between scenes.

9/10 all in all. Too many plot holes for a perfect 10, and sadly Olivier de Funès's acting talents, despite his good looks, cannot hold their ground for a lead role against his father. (He wisely chose to pursue a different career after one more movie) Yet, the movie is highly entertaining, stylish and Louis de Funès's acting makes this one his finest.
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Another Great Comedy from Louis De Funes
Slovakgal11 February 2006
i saw this movie about a hundred times, under the title Piti Piti Pa as used in Czech or Slovak Republic.

This movie is great for people who have a good sense of humour. Louis De Funes stars in this movie with his son Olivier De Funes who is also a great actor.

This movie is about a group of girl dancers led by a man who doesn't support the girls having men around or getting into any relationship. But on a tour, one of the girls finds out she has a son and out of desperation and fear of the boss telling her off, she uses him and his nephew to get out of it...
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One of Louis de Funès' best...
ElMaruecan8229 August 2017
There's not much of a plot in Serge Korber "L'Homme Orchestre" (or translated literally "The Orchestra Man") but that takes nothing away from the emotional sweep it provides from one scene to another. Yes, the film is all 70's kitsch but it is oh so full of such jovial and retro-psychedelic exuberance that you just want to embrace its silliness and share a few steps with the dancers. The whole films is like a fantasy but a fantasy that takes one element seriously: music, and music is conducted by a real man-orchestra, a complete artist named Louis De Funès.

The comical legend was born in a Spanish family and was a jazz pianist during the war, spending days and nights playing in bars and cabarets before getting his first break in show business and becoming an entertainer. So musical rhythm have been running in his blood for the most part of his life, in fact, one of his earliest successes was the musical-hall themed movie, "Ah les belles bacchantes". Sixteen years later, in 1970, a role like Evan Evans, manager of a dancing company in the South of France might have sounded like a departure from his usual portrayals of bourgeois prominent figures or policemen, but it's in fact a real come-back to his roots that 'Fufu' accomplishes here: stage, music and all.

And Funes' experience, more than his comical talent (which is saying a lot) is perhaps the best blessing the film could ever have because his performance is believable, there's a way he uses his body language to match a musical tempo, sometimes he literally grabs the notes with his hand and seem to drive the dancers and musicians to his 'vision', even the way he uses sort of telepathy is the kind of mental gimmick you'd believe a man passionate about his job would use. Much more once the 56-year old man sets his foot on the stage, you don't believe he hasn't been a dancer, De Funès has the moves and it shows in the film. I couldn't think of another actor who could have pulled it better, perhaps Yves Montand, but imagine him directing a group of young women, his charm would operate as smoothly as surely as it would destroy the film's premise.

Because De Funès is still De Funès after all, a protective fatherly figure, a man who means business and insists that his company is more disciplined than a convent. His relationship with the girls sets him up as a man of impeccable morality, and that's what backfires at him when a the silly plot about the babies starts. But what I love in his Evan Evans is that he doesn't play his usual self-centered side, except for business reasons, his dedication to his art and to the girls establishes one of his most lovable figure, and even allows his usual shtick to look fresh and original because this time he doesn't preach the same choir.

You see him teaching them self-defense, serving dinner but not after checking their weight, and in one of the film's most memorable scene telling them the story about the wolf and the lamb, and that scene alone is a showcase of his comedic gifts. These moments are full of irresistible tenderness and even the girls are believable in that role, because they don't act as if they were with Evans but with De Funès, so even with so many small roles, there's never a performance that doesn't ring true. They even manage to outsmart him a few times. And you can tell he knows his girls, their habits, their manners, their languages etc. Not to mention that the film captures a sort of lost coquettish innocence exulting from these little dances, one I'd take over all the bare-ass humping we handle today.

De Funès' movies have always been divided in two, those that aged well, those that didn't and in the late 60's many movies seemed to simply exploit his popularity and give him rather meager scripts where you could throw a few tantrums and mimics and attract one million or two; De Funès wasn't fooled by that and admitted he did a few stinkers, and it's easy to spot them, there's a reliable test to determine if it's a good or bad De Funès, when he relies too much on crazy mimics and grimaces, it means that the film is desperately begging you to laugh, when the film is good enough, De Funès doesn't overplay it.

Another reason the film works is that it cleverly exploits the presence of his son Olivier and doesn't just play him as an obedient and handsome sidekick or foil to his father (uncle in the film). Philippe starts as a naive young man and a pawn of one of his uncle's most cunning scheme (you'd see how far he'd get to keep one of his girls) but there's an evolution all through the film, and his good looks and moderate singing talent contributes to very memorable musical moments, the most defining being the little duet with De Funès while they're pampering two babies. The little tone of this sequence, the intimacy between the two men, redeem all the contrivances of the plot, you know this is a film that trusts its material enough it knows it can get away with a little silliness.

François de Roubaix's music is catchy and memorable, the outdoors shot in Italy gives it's a nice international flavor and I wonder if some montage sequences weren't ahead of its time, but the bottom-line is that it is one of my favorite De Funès' movie and it's not just nostalgia, many movies I enjoyed as a kid didn't improve that well over the course of the year.
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same de Funes
Kirpianuscus5 November 2016
in essence, nice slice from "70's. atmosphere, songs, dance, relationship. at the first few, a film of Louis de Funes, not real different by many others. but this is its great virtue - a story like pretext, the little tyrannic boss and the young women with plots, secrets, charm, Olivier de Funes in middle of feelings, surprises , using teenager humor, clichés - the Sicilian family - confusion and the clear sky. all the tricks of French cinema. and the same force of seduction. because it is nice, amusing, almost lovely. and because the admiration for the work of de Funes remains at high level. this detail is the most important. and the feeling after the end of film. like delicate flavor of a lost innocent age. so, a good option for relax.
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