Veronica Mars (2014) Poster


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Feels like watching new episodes of the show!
DarthPaul8515 March 2014
Very well done! This is the most unabashed Fan-Service film I've seen since Serenity...and I daresay, it caters to its fans even more than Serenity did.

In fact, my biggest complaint about this movie is that it might cater too much to fans, leaving newcomers in the dark. The movie re- introduces you to Veronica, but virtually everyone else gets no exposition and no character development (beyond what you'd see in a typical episode, that is).

For fans of the show, this movie is a gift. You basically get a new episode of the TV show here- a bottle episode that's roughly 100 minutes long.

There were a few differences- namely, I didn't remember the show being this funny. Veronica always had a good sense of humor, as did her dad, but in this movie there were a surprising amount of laughs.

Also, the mystery isn't as deep as the full season one and two story lines (obviously). What's worse, I don't think the resolution of the mystery has that same "I should have seen it all along!" genius that made seasons 1 and 2 so special. I'd say the plot is comparable to one of the mini-arcs from season 3.

Lastly, as good as this movie is, it still doesn't exceed (or even meet) what the show already did at the top of its game. The emotional highs and lows are the same old thing as before, and the plot isn't nearly as neatly connected. I'd say I rate the movie as slightly above season 3, but not as good as seasons 1 or 2.

But what the Hell, you get to see Veronica work again, and it's too much fun to pass up!

Fans must see this movie.
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Logan Logan Logan!
ava79226 August 2019
This Movie gave me everything I wanted. It is everything a fan would want. That LoVe ending is the only thing I wanted and I got it. I never had anything against Piz but Logan is Logan. He had Veronica's heart and mine too. Never have I ever loved a character more than I have loved Logan Echolls. Yeah and for the best understanding of the movie you should probably watch the series first.
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Pulls you in with the dark comedy stylings of Veronica Mars and her crime-solving ways
napierslogs19 March 2014
Veronica Mars is back! She thought she had escaped Neptune, California for the calmer, grown-up world of New York City; she thought she had escaped her bad boy past for the calmer, drama-less college boyfriend, Piz; but then they pulled her right back in. Even after nine years, one phone call from Logan Echolls is all it took; after all, their love is epic. It can span years and continents, lives ruined and bloodshed.

It's probably not a good idea to answer a phone call from the son of a Hollywood actor who had murdered his girlfriend, the son of a Hollywood wife who jumped off a bridge, and has a penchant for getting himself accused of murder. But Jason Dohring plays Logan Echolls. One of the most promising actors to come out of TV who has still not "made it", he has a way with words and a charisma which evokes a passion that makes otherwise good girls fall for bad boys.

Luckily for us, unfortunately for Veronica, Logan's most recent murder charge coincides with her high school reunion, and it reunites us with all the Neptune High characters we loved to hate (Madison Sinclair, Gia Goodman), everybody we loved to love (Weevil, Wallace) and everybody we forgot how much we loved (Mr. Clemmons, Corny). It's been eight years since we've last seen most of these people. Some actors didn't change (Jason Dohring), some characters didn't change (Dick Casablancas), and some scenes didn't change. And those were the great parts. Veronica tricking the Sheriff again, Veronica flirting with a certain Deputy with a pizza in hand again, and Keith scolding his number one daughter again were hilarious.

It can be a bit weird going from the small screen to the big screen. A different actor playing the same character doesn't help and old characters that we never actually met doesn't help either. Logan wearing the Navy dress whites seemed a joke at first, and then when it turned out to not be a joke, I was still waiting for the joke to play out. The jokes came when Veronica finally made it to the reunion and when Dick was helping Veronica help Logan. But then it got dark, and they pulled me right back in.

The comedy is primarily inside jokes, and yes it is very funny, but probably not hilarious to non-fans. The plot can be easily followed by anyone, and we and Veronica set out to solve who really murdered Logan's pop-star girlfriend. Well, actually, Veronica sets out to solve the crime. One of the biggest differences between the TV version and the movie is that we don't get 20 episodes worth of clues to solve it ourselves. We just get to sit back and watch Veronica get pulled back to the Hellmouth that is Neptune, California.
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I am NOT in the target audience, but I did enjoy it.
planktonrules18 March 2014
In some ways, I am the worst person to watch the Veronica Mars film. After all, I have never watched the television show on which the film is based—or do I know anything about it. I am probably NOT the typical person who would go to see the movie. I also am probably not in the target audience, as I am nearing 50. However, on the other hand, there are LOTS of people who didn't watch the show—and in many ways, this film is for them. Fortunately, you do NOT need to be a fan of the series to understand what is happening in the film. The beginning did a good job of catching the viewer up on the character—so if you are drug along to the movie by a friend who LOVES the series, you don't need to worry about feeling lost.

When the film begins, you learn that Veronica has left her home town of Neptune and gone off to college—where she was a super-high achiever. She's about to begin working for a high-power New York law firm when the film begins—as she' a recent graduate of the top schools and with top grades. However, when her ex-boyfriend is arrested for murder, Veronica cannot sit back and let the case work itself out—particularly since she knows how corrupt her old local police force is. So, she puts her job offer on hold and heads home. Soon, she begins to detect a pattern— other old classmates have also died and there might be some conspiracy afoot. But, instead of letting the police or her father investigate, she springs back in to action—like, apparently, the Veronica Mars of old who cannot resist a mystery.

I noticed that People Magazine this week did a quick review of the film. They described by saying 'this is basically a deluxe reunion episode'. I would agree that it could easily have been a made for TV movie and has that look. However, as a lover of classic Hollywood films, I see it also as being very much like a B-mystery series—such as Charlie Chan or the Falcon---and with many of the same old clichés that were common in the 1930s and 40s. Now this is NOT meant as a criticism—more of a comment about the style of the plot. So, if you remove the very hip music and hipster dialog, you have so many elements that are familiar to fans of the mystery genre. There is the inexplicable confession that comes from one of the conspirators near the end of the film, a heroine who commits break-ins and a huge confrontation scene where the heroine attacks and temporarily subdues the evil killer—yet doesn't pick up his gun! All these clichés are very old and very familiar…very. However, it's how all this is packaged that is unusual. Some may adore the self- possessed narration and coolness of the film—and it obviously is trying to appeal to younger audiences (I'd guess in the 16-30 range in particular). As for me, it was okay—and the story reasonably engaging and interesting. My verdict, strictly for the uninitiated like me, is that while I would not rush to the theater to see this one, it is a pleasant time-passer and you won't dislike the film. I see it more as a film to watch when it comes out on DVD. However, this does not apply to the fans of the old show—they most likely will love it. After all, their show is back—the amazingly successful culmination of a HUGE Kickstarter campaign—one that set records for how much and how quickly it was funded! These folks will certainly enjoy the film…and look forward to the "Untitled Veronica Mars Spin off" currently listed as being in the works (at least according to IMDb). I hope that Kirsten Bell will have time to do this—she has been a very busy and successful actress since appearing on this cult TV show.
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A fun trip down a sometimes dull memory lane.
AgustaBeata15 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I start by saying that I am really, really sorry for my awful English, it's not my first language. I have been in a war with my spell-check and it won. My choice was keeping Swedish as the language for spelling or throwing the computer out the window. I decided that horrible English cost less than a new computer...besides spell-check does nothing on bad grammar so ;)

With that out of the way, here's my review: I am a marshmallow, and Veronica Mars is my favorite show of all times. I was one of the fans that wanted a movie from the start, but as the years passed, I gave up on that idea and I was surprised when I saw that there was one on the way because I missed everything about the kick-start-thing. I really looked forward to it, but I tried to keep my expectation low because movies this long after can go either way. Still, I rented it online as soon as it was possible and was hoping to be able to give this movie the 10 stars the show have gotten from me, but unfortunately not.

I loved parts of it, the first hour took me like 2,5 hours to get through because of my constant rewinding to see the the hilarious and good scenes over and over. Veronica was brilliant as ever, I loved all the scenes with Mac, Wallace, Weevil, Dick and Piz. I have always been a big fan of Piz - even if I didn't want him as a love-interest for Veronica - and I thought that he was even better in the movie. I loved Keith as always, I loved the familiar faces and some of the cameos, and even if I loved to hate Don Lamb - when they killed him of was one of the worst parts of season 3 - they got a great replacement in his older brother. I loved the reunion and of course all the snark and all the jokes, because that's what's made me fell in love with the show from the beginning. So that part of the movie was way over my expectations and I was pleasantly surprised.

But as my voting shows, I was disappointed in other parts of the movie. The murder-plot was uninteresting, I figured it out almost from the start. My only reaction was "not Dick as a suspect again". Thankfully they didn't really made him a suspect which was the only good thing about the whole thing. As I wrote before, I loved most of the first hour or so, but the last half-hour was boring IMHO. I didn't like the sub-plot with Weevil and Celeste Kane and I didn't like what happened to Sacks and the fact that the movie left so many unanswered questions. It's to obvious that they are angling for a sequel or spin-off or something. In a way I have more questions now than after the end of the show.

I haven't mentioned Logan. Dohring was excellent as always, but because of the storyline we got the surly and depressed Logan. I understand that, but I still missed the more snarky and fun Logan. It's natural that he wasn't because after all, he was accused of murder but still, I love him when he is snarky :D

The whole love-triangle thing was to predictable. One of the first things I said after seeing the last ep of the series was "It didn't end with LoVe so if they ever get a movie or the show get another chance, the first thing they are going to do is getting those two together". And even if I was a big LoVe-shipper in the first two seasons, in season 3 I was so tired of it and I didn't even think they where that good for each-other. But nine years have past so who knows, maybe their epic love-story will last this time. Still predictable and I would have preferred that Veronica ended up with nobody.

So summary: There is parts I love and I'm going to watch again and again, There is parts that makes me laugh, there is parts that is a let-down, there is parts that where predictable and there is parts that bored me. But I was happy to get a trip down memory-lane, and I thank the really "obsesed" marshmallows out there for that. I hope they are totally in love with the movie, because after all, it was thanks to them the movie was made. I really wish I could give the movie more stars, I wanted to love it the whole way through, but the end dragged it down for me and when the credits rolled I felt a kind of sadness that I can't explain. I liked that Veronica stayed in Neptune though, it's where she belongs and normal is not the watchword for Veronica Mars!
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It was worth the wait!
jedispyder13 March 2014
This is one of the most satisfying movies I have ever seen! Then again, I am a bit biased since I helped back the movie on Kickstarter.

I was a huge fan of the show when it was on the air and was ecstatic to hear about the movie. It's been almost a year and we finally have it! It was well worth the wait and the contribution to the Kickstarter campaign.

For the first few minutes of the movie, there is a slight recap of the TV show featuring clips with a voice over by Veronica Mars. This is used not only as an introductory piece for new watchers but also a walk down memory lane for the fans.

As expected, there were plenty of "inside jokes" that were casually thrown out in dialog. What was brilliant, though, was the fact that they weren't obvious. They blended with normal conversation and were just added bonuses for the fans and for new watchers it was just another example of how great the dialog was. You don't need any background information about the show to watch this, you won't be left in the dark with the inside jokes.

The movie is self-contained but leaves space for a sequel in one form or another. Characters grow and change during the movie, so it's not just a movie to have a movie.

Characters from the show are brought back but not in a pushy sort of way. It is a large cast but everyone has a proper place. You don't have anybody from the show return for a only second, everyone gets good face time without it being overwhelmed.

Overall, I highly recommend this move to anyone.
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Pleasantly surprised
bayisatool15 March 2014
I was not expecting very much from this movie and I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it. Don't get me wrong this movie has its flaws. The plot while not bad is fairly predictable for anyone who has spent time watching police procedural shows. Many of the characters in the film also suffer from being cookie cutter clichés with about as much depth as a puddle. You know the crooked cop who is so bad he might as well be a cartoon character. However the movie moved along at a decent pace and the dialog was enjoyable, i even found myself laughing more than I thought I would. I imagine that fans of the t.v. series will enjoy this film more than I did. If you are not a fan of the t.v. series and you go in with moderate expectations you will enjoy it.
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Exactly What Fans Old And New Deserve
iciclespark14 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I've opted to go spoiler-free in this review because ultimately, I'm not writing to persuade existing fans. We're Marshmallows; we've already planned out how to see this film. No, I'm talking to the Kristen Bell fan who maybe saw an episode or two, or the complete Veronica Mars virgin mulling it over.

The Kickstarter element of this film not only established that Warner was dead wrong about a lack of interest in this film, but it also added a further level of creative obligation for writer Rob Thomas. Fans paid for the film, and with that came certain expectations about its plot. Let's get this out of the way now: Thomas delivers the film that fans deserve, without skimping on the mystery element. Lingering questions from the series are answered (some blatantly, some subtly). Beloved characters are back, including the smaller roles that made the series memorable (Deputy Sacks; Leo D'Amato; Corny).

Basic plot round-up: 9 years after the events of the series, Veronica has moved to New York City and is finished law school, having run from Neptune after her first year of college. She's reunited with old boyfriend Piz and they're now shacked up. On the verge of her first major law job, Veronica learns that her high school classmate (now a singer) has been murdered and her ex, Logan is being blamed. Cue Logan calling Veronica, as so many have over the years. What begins as a friendly "weed out the bad lawyers" favor quickly becomes a mystery Veronica simply can't turn away from -- one that takes her all the way back to those high school years she's wanted to forget. Present clashes hard with past as Veronica tries to exonerate Logan while wrestling with the woman she's become versus the woman she once was.

One of the strong points of the film is dialogue. Characters feel true to themselves. The quips and banter that defined the Keith-Veronica dynamic are in full effect. The film is peppered with in-jokes and self-referential giggles that flow in conversation and don't confuse those not in the know (mentions of Kickstarter and the FBI earned particularly loud chuckles in the theatre). The dialogue of Veronica Mars was always one of its highlights, and it was a happy homecoming.

As to the mystery of the film, it's more layered than a standard episode without becoming so tangled as to be deterring for a new viewer with no background knowledge of the show. For those who did see the series, I liken it to the complexity of the Dean O'Dell case, streamlined due to the lack of "case of the week" action getting in the way. Although, don't be fooled: the major mystery isn't the only action the Mars family sees in the film. That said, if you're used to Thomas' style, you will probably spot the evildoer fairly readily if you're actively looking for clues along the way, but the final reveal of the motive will still be a surprise. For fans of the series, it's the little details that make the mystery particularly special.

Cameos are used to hilarious effect. My favourite was Dax Shepard, although several stood out along the way.

For newcomers to the world of Neptune, the film is a great way to dive in and savour the seedy, noir world. For those beaming with Pirate Pride, it's a worthy successor to the series and a real reunion. My only gripe is insufficient time with Wallace, Mac and Weevil, but I do understand that budget played a role in that and firmly blame Warner for it.

A long time ago, we used to be friends... and the cast has brought it on.

(Word to the wise: there are three very good reasons to stick it out through the entire credits, especially if you are a fellow Backer.)
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Feels like a long Episode, not enough depth!
manofsnowballs20 March 2014
Unfortunately I never watched the series when it was on TV so I went into this movie knowing that I would not fully understand the background of most characters. However, I went into watching it knowing that some of the audience would be in the same position as myself so I wanted to see a decent enough stand alone movie.

This film was funded by a Kickstarter campaign that racked up close to 6 Million dollars and broke records on Kickstarter for fastest campaign to exceed 1 Million and 2 Million dollars. Lots of the people who helped fund the movie where recruited as extras in the movie. A funny cameo is of Dax Shepard in a club who is Kristen Bell's real-life husband. He is always such a funny guy.

During the movie I felt that there was not much depth to the emotions and characters, felt as though it was still part of the series or an episode just lengthened into a movie. The story was decent and kept me watching, however, I wanted more intensity. The humor was a great part of the movie, had a few great laughs. There were a lot of characters I thought that did not get much introduction, which I assume I missed since I did not watch the series. Non the less, this movie was enjoyable to watch at home. Kristen Bell is a great actress and held here own in this movie. This is no Sherlock Holmes movie, however, it is a fun mystery movie that could easily get a few sequels of different mysteries for Veronica to solve.

Check it out if you are a fan, if you are not a fan it is a basic mystery movie with minimal depth to the characters besides Veronica.

Till next time, watch Hit N Run

Jason Lucas THOUGHTS OF A MOVIE ADDICT Face Down Entertainment
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It's Never as Good as the First Time
llsee4 August 2014
Excuse the use of the Sade song title, but it really sums up my feelings about this film. I wanted to like it, I really did. I liked the TV show, and even contributed to the Kickstarter campaign. I'm not sure what I expected, but what we got was basically a 2 hour TV reunion show (2 hours if you had commercials, the film is only 105 minutes).

In 10 years, the residents of Jupiter have gotten older, but not smarter or wiser. And, sadly, even though all of the actors expressed great enthusiasm for the project, they all seem a little tired. They're happy for the pay checks, but in the end, they are rehashing the same characters, with the same emotions and the same actions as 10 years ago. Kristen Bell always brought that world-weary sense of cynicism to Veronica Mars, even when she was playing a high school detective. Now she just seems weary. I would much rather watch her in 'House of Lies', where that more grown up cynicism shines.

Bottom line is we should all have just moved on, and let our memories of the TV show remain intact. This was not an elegant ending of a good show, but a sad reminder of what we once liked and enjoyed.
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Bittersweet, but far more sweet than bitter
hcir196914 March 2014
I was quite upset and disappointed when the series was canceled back in 2004. It was one of my favorite shows, and I fervently believed (and still fervently believe) that it was canceled well before it should have been. When I heard that a movie was being made, I immediately became one of its many Kickstarter backers. Now, the movie is a reality, and I am happy to say that Rob and his cast and crew did not disappoint. The movie embodies everything that made the series as great as it was. Wit, sarcasm and noir story-lines abound, giving this the feel of a Veronica Mars season finale episode (without a cliffhanger). The reason I say that it is bittersweet, is because the movie is a reminder of what should have been, and, while watching the movie, I could not help but feel those pangs of sadness that I felt when the series was canceled. This was ameliorated, however, by the satisfaction I felt with the final product. It is my sincere hope that this could be the genesis of a new age for Veronica Mars resulting in more movies, or even another run of the series.
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awesome movie
ponchello122 March 2014
I really can't understand why this movie go straight to DVD, it is a very good movie.

I didn't have the honor to see the series, i think now, i am going to search them. i hope i will find them on DVD or Blu ray.

it's been so long that i didn't enjoy each fragment of a movie, and having this high tension of suspense and tension. it really surprising me.

Rob Thomas, Diane Ruggiero and Kristen Bell, you guys have made good work, I really enjoy the movie. I think you a new franchise. i am very impatient to see what is coming next.
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The Veronica Mars movie disappointed me
janfausto14 March 2014
Was it just me that didn't like the Veronica Mars Movie? It felt like a shadow of the show I fell in love with. From the beginning the humor wasn't there for me, Veronica was pleasant at most and the only character that felt real was Keith Mars, with his fatherly charm still intact. The fact that Veronica Mars had decided to be a lawyer, was just too out of character, they made like she became the vanilla version of herself for nine years, just to build her back up by the end of the movie.

Perhaps what bothered me the most, was that it was just too boring, it didn't feel like a movie, but one long-drawn-out episode. It could have been a new beginning instead of a two hour nod to the past, and there were a lot of nods.

The "mystery" was laughable and highly predictable, there was no sense of danger or urgency through out the movie, even close to the end when some kind of dangerous things happen. As for the romance, well, it was equally laughable and sad, not in good way.

Maybe I'm a marshmallow that just passed its point in the fire, but this movie was not for me, which is a shame, because Veronica Mars is one of my favorite characters of all time and will continue to be, just not in this movie.
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I'm a die-hard Veronica Mars fan, I loved the movie BUT...
amyjarin200015 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, I would like to thank everyone involved in this movie; actors, fans, crew and all. For a die-hard and curious Veronica Mars fan, hearing about a movie blew me away so give 4 stars in just creating it & bringing back almost every one of my favorite characters. I loved the movie in general, but as to the ending of the show not so much. How is it possible to leave a long-term relationship and a perfect job? It's possible but it feels like the writers forced the Team Logan too much, it was just a little off for me. It was too short of a movie to conclude the her love choice... Sad it ended like that but very happy that a movie came out. PERIOD. I want a new series but it was good while it lasted. #marshmallow
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Show creator Rob Thomas, along with his creative team, do not disappoint.
jul-kinnear19 April 2014
After breaking multiple Kickstarter records, enticing over 90,000 fans and backers to personally fund its creation and raising over $5.7 million, the Veronica Mars movie has arrived. And show creator Rob Thomas, along with his creative team, do not disappoint.

The film begins years after the series ended, with Veronica having moved to New York and given up what seemed to be a sure-fire career path towards becoming a private eye to instead pursue a career as a lawyer. She has also abandoned her hot and cold relationship with bad boy Logan Echolls (Jason Dohring) in favour of loving and reliable college boyfriend Stosh "Piz" Piznarski (Chris Lowell). But when Logan's new girlfriend is found murdered and Logan is the lead suspect, Veronica finds the pull of her old life hard to resist.

Like the show, the film is a brilliant mix of intriguing murder mystery, witty comedy, and undeniable romance. There's a crime to be solved, humorous banter to be enjoyed, and a titillating love triangle to be explored — all rolled into one neat little package. Plus, it doesn't hurt that there's one incredibly clever, tough-talking, fierce young heroine (played by the lovely and talented Kristen Bell) at the centre of it all. To top it all off, almost all of the cast from the original series returned for the film, and they've been joined by some fresh new talent and surprise guest appearances from well-known actors like Justin Long and Dax Shepard. Whether old or new to the Veronica Mars franchise, every single actor holds their own and there isn't a bad performance in the bunch.

It may have been seven years since Veronica Mars was last on the air, but the title role seems to come so naturally to Bell, you'd think no time had passed at all. Thanks to Bell, Veronica is every bit as sassy, smart, witty, and lovable as ever. She may have traded in her t-shirts and jeans for New York lawyer-worthy blouses and suits — but don't let the change in appearance fool you. At her core, she's still that down- to-Earth girl who will do anything for her friends.

Her playful banter with pals Wallace (Percy Daggs III) and Mac (Tina Majorino) is still fully present and her close relationship with one of the coolest TV dads in the world, Keith Mars (Enrico Colantoni), is still very much intact. Although Veronica may be a "marshmallow" with the right people, she's still every bit as tough as she was as a teenager and isn't above telling her high school nemesis, Madison Sinclair, exactly how she feels about her — or of wielding her trusty old Taser should the need arise!

Of course, any movie that attempts to continue a much-loved TV show in film form takes on the challenge of having its audience be a mix of existing fans and viewers who are new to the whole scene. The added challenge the Veronica Mars team was faced with was the fact those existing fans were the ones funding the actual movie. That's no easy tightrope to walk! Fortunately, the Veronica Mars film does so brilliantly.

The movie starts off with a quick opening montage to catch viewers up on who Veronica is, the people who are important to her, and the backstory of her hometown, Neptune, California. So whether you haven't seen the show at all or you need a refresher after the seven-year break between when the series went off the air and now, the opening of the film has got you covered. Thomas is also careful not to fill the film with "inside jokes" but rather uses subtle indications throughout to make sure viewers can keep up with what's happening regardless of whether they're familiar with the show.

That being said, however, chances are you'll have a different experience and appreciation of the film depending on whether you're already a fan. Does that mean someone who has no previous knowledge of Veronica, her friends, and her history won't enjoy the film? Absolutely not! There's just a bit of an added payoff for fans who get to see how Neptune and its citizens have developed since we last saw them. Ultimately, though, whether you're already a fan or just discovering Veronica for the first time when you sit down to see the movie, this witty and intense murder mystery is definitely worth watching.
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lauramorrin-2958631 July 2019
Always loved it and the new series was, while not as good as the original, very good too.
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An addictive film that ends valiantly in the show's roots
RyanCShowers26 April 2014
If you are a fan of the "Veronica Mars" television show, then you have probably already sought out a copy of the movie continuation released on March 14, 2014. Whether it be in the cinema during its limited theatrical release, On Demand, or legally streaming online via Amazon or iTunes, fans were able to feel the sensation of show creator Rob Thomas and leading actress Kristen Bell saying "thank you" to their cult of fans.

However, I understand most do not fall into the group of "Marshmallows," the nickname given to the faithful followers of the three season CW series that ran from 2004-2007, but "Veronica Mars" is necessary to see when it is released for home viewing because marks history by setting a precedent in its production genesis.

Thomas was not anticipating his indefatigably sarcastic teenage detective heroine would take her final bow at the end season three, an episode that concluded the series by leaving many cases unsolved.

Fans have bitterly urged Thomas to make a film since 2007 for closure. After many rejections and no volunteering movie studio offering to produce the project, Thomas and Bell structured a Kickstarter fundraiser as their last resort, a process in which fans donate money out of pocket to a cause. In the case of "Veronica Mars" fans, Kickstarter supplied them a chance to prove their desire to revisit their favorite characters again.

The deal proposed by Warner Brothers studios: if $2 million for the film's budget was raised through Kickstarter, then the film would go into production and the WB would distribute and promote it.

The goal of $2 million was raised within the first 11 hours that fundraiser was activated. "Veronica Mars" broke the record for largest Kickstarter project in history, ending with the total revenue amounting to $5.7 million for the film's production costs. Even if "Veronica Mars" may not tickle your movie buds, it should be seen for the principle of being paid for completely by the fans.

Eight years after escaping the nefarious people and crimes of Neptune, California, Veronica Mars has put her intelligence to use into law school and is now applying for positions at high power New York City law firms. She has rejected her interests and aptitude in the private investigation field, but Veronica quick to pick up her old tendencies in snooping around when her ex-boyfriend calls on her for help in clearing his name of murder accusations. Veronica returns to Neptune, struggling to keep a hold on her new life while being vacuumed into her old one.

The film caters to the fans of the show, but doesn't alienate new members from the empire. You will not be confused or lost if you have not seen the show. Some frivolous story items are placed for easy fans access to tame their nostalgia, but if you do not get the "in" jokes, the lines fly over your head without a second thought.

A strong theme of "Veronica Mars" is the idea of a shadow. The balancing challenge Veronica faces is something most adolescents confront after their education is fulfilled and life begins to call their name: the yearning for home. Should Veronica stay in New York and begin her career as a prolific lawyer or should she return to her father, old boyfriend, and high school friends in Neptune? Veronica has strived to not be swallowed up in Neptune's abyss since the death of her best friend—the murder case that originated Veronica's skills as a PI—so now that she has these supreme opportunities, why not take them?

Reoccurring mentions of magnets and visualizing shadows establish symbols of Veronica's inescapable past and possibly her future. Anytime Veronica makes a major decision, she is shot in backlighting, forming a silhouette resembling a shadow. Don't get me wrong, "Veronica Mars" is not a compelling piece of art from an auteur director like Paul Thomas Anderson, but the imagery is poignant and compelling enough for a pat on the back.

"Veronica Mars" the show was wickedly wonderful, but you could always feel the target audience. "Veronica Mars" the movie is slightly depleted from the flourishing freshness of the series because the young adult tone has been relinquished. Thomas releases his "teeny," over- edited, abundantly neon lit style from his suspense tale in the transition to a motion picture, a blessing and maybe curse.

The mystery is concise, compact and not easily cracked. The classic pungent dialogue of Veronica's acid-tasting sarcasm is utilized fully while the sleuth digs through the past for answers. Watching Veronica interrogate the sketchy and identify the guilty is amusing.

Veronica is rendered exuberantly by Bell, particularly when she blows her character's sardonic comments at the adversary characters. She breathes the funniest dialogue and is one of the central reasons that "Veronica Mars" is so enjoyable.

"Veronica Mars" is an addictive film that ends valiantly in the show's roots, which illuminates the "Marshmallow" in me and propels the start of something new in the narrative (maybe a sequel?). The DVD and BluRay will be released May 6, 2014.
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James Franco is in everything!
ghost_dog8630 March 2014
"Veronica Mars", a television show that everyone (aside from anyone I know) had wanted to see up on the big screen, is finally in theaters! As you may or may not be able to tell, I never saw the original show, but on the bright side, that means this may be one of the only unbiased reviews out there.

OK, to be completely honest this production started off as a Kickstarter crowd funding campaign by the show's creator Rob Thomas (not the singer) where fans raised 5.7 million dollars to essentially get this movie made. In other words, there were a substantial amount of people who wanted to see a "Veronica Mars" film and/or give Kristen Bell more work. But if you're like me and aren't really familiar with "Veronica Mars", allow me to break it down for you. "Veronica Mars" had a television lifespan of three years nearly a decade ago, and is notable for being one of the more famous shows to succumb to premature cancellation. On the show, Bell played the quick witted title character teenager who moonlighted as a private detective in the fictional town of Neptune, California.

Synopsis: Thankfully the movie begins with a quick recap of the TV show, just to give the clueless out there some semblance of reference. Most importantly there is a brief rundown of her relationship with a love interest named Logan. The movie takes place ten years later, as we reconvene with Mars who has since moved away from home and graduated from law school. But as movies with plots go, she is suddenly summoned back to Neptune by Logan, when he becomes the prime suspect in a murder case. Now she must help find the "real" killer. There is also a partially connecting and much less interesting subplot involving the local corrupt police force, but the main storyline is entertaining enough to allow audiences to disregard said flawed secondary story.

My guess is that this movie resembles an elongated television episode, with the addition of an F-bomb for theatrical purposes. That said, there is enough in the plot to entertain fans and novices alike. And that's all I could really ask for; a movie where you didn't have to read the book or be invested in the previous non-cinematic material in order to enjoy it.

Final Thought: Written and directed by Thomas himself, the script contains an enticingly dramatic who-done-it type of atmosphere and more than enough welcome chuckles along the way. And with the look and aesthetic feel of an old UPN show, "Veronica Mars" will definitely make fans feel at home. Again, as far as someone who has never seen the show before, I was fairly entertained with the smart dialogue and characters, intriguing mystery and the creative cameos thrown in, but my guess is its cult fan base will be over the moon by the realization that they get to spend nearly two hours back with their old friends in Neptune. I mean, there is actually a fairly long sequence where Veronica walks around her high school reunion running into old characters, which would have undoubtedly worked better for me if I had seen the show. Anyway, while this isn't a game changer type of film (fundraising methods excluded) it did make me want to Netflix the original episodes and watch them for myself, in order to get ready for the untitled "Veronica Mars" TV spin-off rumored to be in the works.
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I love this show !!
mojokitty-305-3280224 August 2019
Do not watch and review without watching the original series.
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She thought she was out...
ReeltalkwithLaura7 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
When a show is cancelled way before it should be, what is one to do? You begin a kick starter and raise enough money, and then some, from your fans to fund the making of your movie. Oh, and did I mention that you also do this in 12 hours? Thus, the movie became available through AMC theaters and any type of On Demand screening. I was lucky enough to be able to see the film at a local Independent movie theater since there are no AMC theaters where I live.

The movie gives a great recap of what the TV series was all about, so if you had never seen an episode of the show you wouldn't be completely lost. However it could have used a little more explaining of who is who. Kristen Bell reprises her role as Veronica Mars but this time she isn't the crime solving detective that she once was. Nine years later, Veronica in her own words, is living in New York City with her boyfriend Piz and about to embark on her first "real" job as a lawyer. Veronica hears a TV news story about one of her high school peers, Bonnie DeVille, who is now a pop singer, who has been murdered and the prime suspect is her boyfriend, Logan Echolls, Veronica's one true love. Cue the call that Logan makes to Veronica for a "favor". As Veronica returns to Neptune to try and help her old friend Logan find a lawyer, she is once again pulled back into her old world, quite quickly I might add. Attending her 10 year high school reunion, one she vowed she would never attend, provides some real entertainment.

All the gang is back. Wallace and Mac are back as her trusty sidekicks; also Dick Casablancas, Weville, Leo (Max Greenfield), and Keith Mars, just to name a few. There are great cameo appearances from James Franco, as well as Dax Shepard, my favorite!

As the story unfolds we hear the traditional Veronica narration throughout the story. It's not hard for Veronica to fall back into her private investigating ways, as she tries to put the pieces of the story together. How could Logan kill Bonnie when that was against everything that she had ever known about him? What other people could have been involved? Was it a conspiracy? Could it have been a jealous fan? Or another lover? Veronica knows that Logan is not capable of murder but how is she going to prove it?

It's pretty much a 100 minute episode and a little funnier than I remember the show being: great chemistry and just what fans have been waiting for. It did not let me down. I know that all Veronica Mars fans will be seeing this movie but I would encourage those of you who haven't seen one episode to give it a try. It has fantastic one liners plus fast, quick dialogue. If you are a Kristen Bell fan it's worth seeing as well. " After all life is tough, but she's tougher!"
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tbahri-380-5728245 April 2014
The fact that such a terrible movie is rated over 7 makes me think again about the authenticity of these reviews, I expect my review to be marked as non-useful by the same people who made the other reviews claiming that this is "actually a movie", I see it as a joke, the acting is bad, the events are very expected, this was a total waste of 107 of my life.

The story itself is about building an entire world around friends from a single high school class, just like if such thing could ever happen, the events are so unrealistic, so illogical, the dialog is sickly desperate to "look smart", while it can't be more than a drunk dialog.

Please stop making such movies, please stop writing such terrible books, do the humanity a favor and find another job.
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Loved the movie!
kacisegna12 September 2019
It was great! Awesome plot, witty like the original show, and absolutely loved seeing almost all of the original cast!
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Small town private investigator fun
siderite1 July 2014
I have not watched the Veronica Mars series, so I can't make the comparison. I know the gist of it, though. Veronica was a teenage private eye in a fictional town that looked suspiciously like a suburb of Los Angeles. There were a lot of connections with the people there and the film brings back a lot of the actors from the series.

Now, about the movie. It wasn't that bad. The kind of ScoobyDoobish intrigue was a little bit annoying, but overall it made sense. Veronica Mars returns to her hometown, even if she just landed a great job in New York, in order to help a friend accused of murder. I am not spoiling anything if I am saying she solves the case. The ending also lends to a sequel.

My conclusion: average film, probably better suited for fans of the series.
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one for the fans
don-nesbitt8214 March 2014
Watched this movie after having been dimly aware of the TV series and seeing the high IMDb score. I can understand how a fan of the show could rate this movie or how a teenage/twenty-something girl could enjoy it, however it has little appeal for the rest of us.It plays like a under-thought TV movie with too blatant product placement and the performers don't strengthen its claim(except for the eponymous hero).The whole kickstarter thing is an interesting concept and the fan-base probably got the movie they deserved.

p.s the the fans should have called themselves Martians not Marshmallows.
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Having never seen the TV show
avdropm-944-92185223 March 2014
The movie "Veronica Mars" is listed as "comedy, crime, drama" in IMDb, and functions well as all three.

Following the practice of both comedy and mystery, the characters are presented as fairly simple, easy to understand "types", giving the audience well-defined expectations to be confirmed or contradicted for humor, plot developments or reveals. The humor is almost entirely in the form of snarky dialogue, quick-paced and sharp, but not over the top. The investigation plot would be sufficient to carry a shorter mystery story on its own, though there was a slightly contrived tone that kept it lighter than the subject matter would have otherwise demanded: they let the story follow comic beats often enough to break up the suspense and tension of a typical mystery.

A certain depth is added to both the characters and events by implicitly referencing the backstory established during three seasons of the TV show, but neither the backstory nor the need to please existing fans gets in the way of telling a complete, independent story (and a simple plot device smoothly covers most of the required "where are they now" exposition). Characters also make some abrupt choices for which one might have expected a few additional scenes of doubt or deliberation in a standard cinematic drama or rom-com. These might have been more natural developments for an audience familiar with the series.
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