Land sakes, Robert Altman, this is an awful mess, you hear?
2 September 2001
Cookie's Fortune is bad luck for anyone attempting to watch it. This is a cloying and boring seemingly endless movie with overdone Southern accents, hideous overacting, stale jokes, trite twangy slide-guitar music that is more annoying even than a hungry Southern mosquito, and a silly contrived script which at best could have been played out in 30 minutes but goes on and on and on and on for almost two plodding hours. With so much stale air pumped into it to extend its viewing time, it's the kind of movie you want to fast-forward through to the end, but then find the end, if there IS one, is confusing. Glenn Close in particular turns in an annoyingly overwrought performance as a Southern crazie -- she appears to have recreated the worst aspects of her earlier role as Norma Desmond and transposed it to the South. It is good to see Patricia Neal again, but her role as an eccentric old woman is just too cute and unrealistic. If you are a masochist with time on your hands who needs to suffer, rent this bit of tired Southern hogwash.
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