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Not great, but entertaining – and well worth it to see Braugher and Giamatti in action
FilmOtaku13 March 2005
Bruce Paltrow's film "Duets" basically centers on the relationships of vastly different people who all end up at a karaoke contest in Omaha. Liv (Paltrow) meets her dad Ricky (Lewis) for the first time at her mother's funeral. Ricky is a "karaoke hustler", a guy who walks into various competitions and not only wins the cash prize, but manages to get a sucker to bet on which of them is going to win. Ricky reluctantly lets Liv tag along with him on the circuit, and along with singing herself, she also tries to forge a relationship with her father. Todd (Giamatti) is a salesman who travels most of the year and comes home to a house where his children don't talk to him and his wife would rather spend time online than talk to him after one of his business trips. One day he has a "moment of clarity" and decides to use some of the 800,000 frequent flier miles he has racked up, taking off in his car and driving anywhere but near his home. The first night he gets a room, he walks into a hotel bar and is convinced to get up on stage for their karaoke night, where he finds he loves the freedom it allows and the attention it garners him. Along the way on his trek, he picks up a hitchhiker named Reggie (Braugher) a recent parolee with the voice of an angel, and the two strike up a very close friendship despite (or possibly because of) their many differences. Finally, there is Suzi (Bello), a drifter who travels her way to karaoke contests by eschewing all dignity and selling any part of her she can. At a stopover in Cincinnati, she encounters Billy (Speedman) a former seminary student who is now a gypsy cab driver that just discovered his girlfriend sleeping with his business partner. Bello convinces him to take her to California, but along the way, the lure of the $5,000 purse in Omaha gets the best of her and they make a stop there.

"Duets" features several story lines, but other than karaoke, they all have one thing in common: They are all unhappy with either their past, their present or the prospect of a bleak or uncertain future. The film really isn't all that good, but there are a couple of good things about it. First and foremost, the chemistry between Giamatti and Braugher is fantastic. Completely casting aside the fact that they are two of my favorite actors, their connection was practically tangible. Hey, who knew Giamatti could sing, too? The rest of the stories were pretty clichéd or just not very compelling at all. I wasn't sure where they were trying to go with the Suzi/Billy arc but it ended up going nowhere for me personally. Huey Lewis, nothing more than a marginally average actor does an okay job in this film, but it obviously isn't much of a stretch for him.

If you are not a fan of any of the actors, "Duets" is entertaining enough to sit through and not end up hating yourself afterward. Personally, the film deserves a slight edge because of the Giamatti/Braugher thing, but altogether, it gets a 6/10. In this case I'm rounding up from 5.5 for that edge.

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A little perfection
Quinoa198423 September 2000
This film brings some great things to it, actually 3 things- Paul Giamatti's performance, Huey Lewis's performance and every good singing person who (besides Lewis) surprised me with they're talents. Overall, the karaoke scenes overshadow the dramatic trio of tales (except for the free bird story with Giamatti and Andre Braugher) which is unfair because the talent on stage is somewhat better than the acting (Maria Bello is pretty damn sexy though). Overall, it's fair, more of a chick flick to say. B
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Look for Michael Buble in a cameo...
A_Different_Drummer31 August 2014
... before he became a Vegas act.

To be honest, this movie is one of those rare films which is remembered better as nostalgia (based on seeing when in came out in 2000) than when re-viewing (pardon the pun) some 14 years later.

And if I can explain that oddness to you, I believe I can get to the nub, the heart, of DUETS. So I will try.

The first time I saw it, I loved it. I recommended it. I made a mental note that this was a sleeper, a really nice little indie. I wanted to see it again.

It took 14 years for me to get a chance to revisit the film but, on a second viewing, I was not that impressed at all. Here are my notes:

* Paul Giammatti steals this film but that is hardly news, he pretty much steals every film he has ever been in, this script simply gives him more room to move

* the part that Bruce Paltrow cast his daughter in is simply ... bizarre. There are many many ways to play a young girl who meets her wayward father late in life but somehow I don't think this is one of them. Gwen has never looked better and her looks actually distract from the role, aided and abetted by the director having her slink here and there whenever the chance presents itself. This is wrong on many levels.

* the cameos are all interesting and the stories are all interesting but other than the aforesaid performance by Giamatti, they simply fall apart the longer the viewer has endure them.

* on second viewing, I realized that what I liked so much about the film originally was the whole Karioke theme, that this theme has astonishingly been underplayed in movies (boy is that rare!) and it shouldn't be, because it has legs. The first scene in the script with Huey Lewis is the strongest with the most impact, and understand THAT IS NOT A GOOD THING because the story and the film go downhill from there.
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Guilty pleasure.
budmassey17 May 2001
I often wonder why I watch so many movies, and why I love them so. It isn't because they often explore new territory or challenge my intellect, but then there's a whole public library and a Barnes and Noble in every strip mall for that. No, I think it must be the escapist delight of allowing myself to be absorbed for a couple of hours in a well-crafted imaginary world where unbelievable things happen to unrealistic people. It's a guilty pleasure, but hey, sometimes I eat my dessert first. I can handle the guilt.

With that said, as guilty pleasures go, this dessert is a banana split for two with extra nuts and cherries. And one spoon. Huey Lewis and the incomparable Gwyneth Paltrow are a father daughter team trying to get acquainted on the karaoke circuit. He's a karaoke hustler (who knew) and she's a third generation Las Vegas showgirl who is at once worldly and naive.

Paul Giamatti is a shocker. He's amazing as the frustrated salesman who's out "for a pack of cigarette." Along the way, he encounters Reggie Kane (Andre Braugher) a convict on the lam whose quiet desperation is a stark contrast to Giamatti's wanton abandon.

Maria Bello is hilarious as the resourceful bohemeian chasing a dream of big money. Angie Dickenson graces the scene with a tasty cameo. And then there's the singing. OK, Todd Rundgren isn't worried about Giamatti's rendition of the classic "Hello it's Me", and Andre used a voiceover, but Gwyneth can really sing, and her duet with Babyface in the closing credits is a chart-topper in anybody's book.

Directed by Gwyneth's dad Bruce, in his first feature since graduating from the small screen, the word "Duets" describes this enjoyable film in more ways than one. But in the end, the duet that matters is just you and this wonderful little film.
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The Americans dont get Karaoke do they.
CharltonBoy27 October 2002
While duets is an entertaining film it is filled with both good and bad acting and a story that while good forgets to do the little things that make a film complete. What really lets this down is not the poor acting and singing from Huey lewis but the fact that the director does not understand what Karaoke is. Ive never seen anybody go up to the microphone and not bother to look at words on the screen especially when they are surprised into going on stage and are not prepared for the song the are singing.only once did we see somebody watch the screen as they were singing. Having said all that the film is entertaining and if you dont what a film that will tax your brain then this could be for you. 7 out of 10.
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Wonderfully mediocre!
subego10 March 2009
Yes I know, its a movie about the world of amateur singers and the disparate personalities that flock from around the country to win the big jackpot. If you are reading this then chances are that you have already seen the movie so there is no need to rehash it now. The one thing that I truly enjoyed, however, was the absolutely believable friendship that develops between the characters of Todd Woods and Reggie Kane. Sure, there are other good aspects of this movie, such as surprisingly good acting from Huey Lewis and a very low key, quirky representation of his daughter, played by Gwenneth Paltrow. This movie didn't enchant the critics upon its release...and judging by its box office performance, not much of the country either...but there is something very sublime about, not only the subject matter, but also the method in which this movies elements were pieced together...much like a dramatic jigsaw puzzle. What really made this movie special for me though was the ending. Reggie Kane's final performance and the aftermath...especially with regards to Todd's wife, almost made me weep. I found it very moving and genuine in its execution, and the low-key nature if the acting simply enhanced those qualities. So, to sum up: mediocre movie that has some really great nuances that combine to make a movie that, though slow and draggy at times, makes up for those lapses with the end results. P.S. as usual, Paul Giamatti is perfect! Everything that he gets involved with...with the possible exception of that "re-envisioned" Planet of the Apes...ALWAYS is made better by his presence!
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One Word....Huey Lewis
chelano3 August 2010
The movie was pretty decent. You really have to like singing to enjoy the film more though. The film has nice colorful characters that keep you interested throughout, but that is to make up for the weak story. Basically the film is about people trying to win a karaoke contest. It does touch base on some of the side stories, but not that strong. The main part of the cast all had their own singing styles. Maria Bello was more female alternative. Andre Braugher with Paul Giamatti were a soul/jazz type. Then you got Huey Lewis and Gwyneth Paltrow as an upset fun type. It was nice to see Huey Lewis sing and I was really surprised by Paul Giamatti's voice. But who stole the show was Andre Braugher. He has the most emotional part of the film and it contains a shivering a cappella version of Free Bird. So a decent little film with some fun singing basically sums up this movie.
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This IS a Karaoke Movie.
Brogan4 October 2000
DUETS takes an interesting and unusual cast of character actors, mixes them up and puts them in a film where groups of characters will all meet up by the end. Instead of it being a political rally like in the Robert Altman classic NASHVILLE, the gathering is a karaoke contest in Topeka, Kansas. It seems that director Bruce Paltrow in stepping into the shoes of Robert Altman, but his results aren't as satisfying. There are three different stories in DUETS, which switch back and forth between each other, instead of making them into segments. The first story is about a father-daughter relationship. Ricky Dean (Huey Lewis) is a con artist who cons suckers into making a bet on who can sing better at karaoke, and Ricky usually wins. Ricky finds out that his ex-wife, or ex-lover (the story doesn't really explain) has just passed away and he meets Liv (Gwyneth Paltrow) a young woman who happens to be his daughter. Ricky heads off to Topeka to compete in the karaoke contest, with Liv following him, against his wishes. It turns out that Liv is quite a singer herself, and impresses Ricky. The second story deals with a workaholic man name Todd (Paul Giamatti). Todd goes from city to city and staying in different hotels so often that he forgets what city he is in. When Todd is at home in surban California he decides to go for drive to get some cigarettes, and keeps on drivng, to Santa Fe. There he is persuaded by a pretty young woman to give karaoke a shot. He does and he loves it, he loves it so much that he changes his attitude, from stiff-shirted to free minded. Todd then picks up a hitchhiker, Reggie (Andre Braugher) a criminal on the run who winds up singing karaoke with Todd to hide from the authorities. The third story deals with a young aspiring cab company owner in Cleveland (Scott Speedman) who after catching his wife sleeping with his best friend, decides to drink his worries away. At one of the bars, he meets Suzi (Maria Bello) a young and pretty woman who wants to become a professional singer, and she'll do anything without regret (including sexual acts) to become famous. In fact, Suzi will do sexual acts just to avoid paying for things. By the end of the film all of these people meet in Topeka and the climax isn't that exciting. I found DUETS to be a film that has great acting. All of the cast, including Huey Lewis, Gwyneth Paltrow and Paul Giamaiit to be enjoyable. If I said it once, I'll say it again, Huey Lewis isn't only an underrated singer, but also an underrated actor. You don't believe me, then see Robert Altman's SHORT CUTS and see for yourself. But what ruins DUETS is it's plot and plot structure. It's all too familar. DUETS appears to be a film that Robert Altman would consider to be too "commercial" so Bruce Paltrow takes over to make a too typical film. And even if the plot structure isn't like Altman, the plots of the multiple characters come out like a movie made for t.v. What's pretty amazing is that all of the actors are pretty darn good singers (except for Andre Braugher, which is reported to have a voice over for his singing). Gwyneth Paltrow takes her acting to a new level by becoming a singer, and she is a good singer. I'm thinking that former beau Brad Pitt is intimidated by now that the girl he made famous by dating her didn't only win a Oscar, but is a good singer. And it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out why a distinguished actress like Gwyneth Paltrow decided to star in this film (look at her last name and the director's). Paul Giamatti who is a very enjoyable character actor in HOWARD STERN'S PRIVATE PARTS, THE NEGOTIATOR, and THE TRUMAN SHOW shows off his talent further by being another good singer. And Maria Bello, who was recently in both PAYBACK and COYOTE UGLY shows that she too can carry a tune. But when you put these actors up along with Huey Lewis, it's like having amateur dancers dance aside with Fred Astire or Gene Kelly. In other words Huey Lewis does stand out with his singing, you just want to hear him sing more songs for the rest of the movie. But of couse, Paltrow wants to carry on with the story which makes it muddle. Overall, DUETS does have good acting, and good singing. But it's the plot that makes it an unimpressive film. If Bruce Paltrow changed the plot structure, the character's, and add some unexpected surprises , it would have been more interesting, but it isn't. The best way to describe DUETS is this: DUETS is like karaoke, we all know the words, it's just sung in a different way. *** (out of five)
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"I'm different now... I sing--"
jhclues4 March 2002
Director Bruce Paltrow assembled an impressive ensemble cast to deliver this story about a diverse group of people with many things in common-- more than they would probably ever realize or admit to, in fact. On the surface, the tie that binds is music; specifically that cultural phenomenon known as Karaoke, a world in which for three minutes or so, no matter who or what they are, the individual at stage center is a star. Underneath that particular aspect, however, the common thread runs much deeper. Because these are people who, in their own way, are all seeking to connect with something, even though they don't know what it is or even consciously know they're pursuing it. They're looking for their personal metaphor-- that one special thing, or someone, that will give meaning and purpose to their life. It's a road we all go down at one time or another, in one way or another, and it's that road that is explored by Paltrow in `Duets,' an affecting film that illustrates how universally elusive the answers we're all seeking in life are, and for the most part because we simply don't know the questions in the first place.

Ricky Dean (Huey Lewis) is a singer/hustler on the Karaoke circuit; In Tulsa, on his way to a big competition in Omaha, he gets a call and detours through Las Vegas for the funeral of an old friend. While he's there, he meets up with someone with whom he has a special relationship, Liv (Gwyneth Paltrow), who decides she wants to join him on the road. Meanwhile, a salesman named Todd Woods (Paul Giamatti) suddenly realizes he's so burned out from being on the road that he doesn't even know what city he's in, making a pitch to a hotel conference room full of corporate types in Houston, thinking all the while he's actually in Orlando, Florida. When he finally gets home, his wife, Candy (Kiersten Warren), and his two kids are too self-absorbed to even say hello to him, so he goes out for a pack of cigarettes (even though he doesn't smoke), discovers Karaoke and makes a new friend, Reggie Kane (Andre Braugher). Then there's Billy (Scott Speedman), a young man who drives a cab (of which he is half owner), who due to a particular set of circumstances finds himself involved with one Suzi Loomis (Maria Bello), who is on her way to California, by way of the karaoke competition in Omaha. And, ultimately, Karaoke becomes the vehicle through which this eclectic bunch of individuals begin to discover just what it is they're looking for; and who among them ever would've thought it would be in Omaha, Nebraska?

Working from an intricate and insightful screenplay by John Byrum, Paltrow has crafted an engrossing comedy/drama that is entertaining and poignant. There's a lot going on in this film, but Paltrow sets a pace that keeps it moving right along, and uses transitions that effectively eliminate any confusion that could easily have resulted from having so many storylines unfolding at once. The characters are well drawn, and Paltrow establishes exactly who they are and where they fit in almost as soon as they are introduced, which enables the viewer to concentrate on the story without having to figure out who fits where and why. After all, this is not a mystery; and Paltrow uses the screen time of his characters wisely to develop the drama that is being played out in their respective lives, rather than by throwing in unnecessary twists and turns just to maintain interest. It works, because the story is interesting enough, without the aid of any superficial enhancements, and Paltrow does an excellent job of blending it all together to deliver a satisfying and emotionally involving film.

There are a number of outstanding and noteworthy performances in this film, but the most memorable is turned in by Paul Giamatti, who so successfully conveys the emptiness of this middle-aged man who has always played by the rules, and who now finds himself at a very real crossroads in his life. The fact that Todd has accrued 800,000 frequent flyer miles that he can't use, effectively puts his whole life into perspective; and Giamatti sells it with a portrayal that is affecting and incisive. And, as Reggie, the guy Todd takes up with on the road, Braugher hits just the right note, as well, and their scenes together provide some of the highlights of the film, as when they perform their duet of `Try A Little Tenderness'-- this is Karaoke at it's best.

Gwyneth Paltrow provides a few highlights here, as well; besides creating a very real, believable character in Liv, it's worth watching the film just to see her sing `Bette Davis Eyes.' But there's also an exquisite gentleness in her nature she so ably expresses that makes her decidedly easy to watch, and there's an engaging duet she delivers with Huey Lewis on `Cruisin' that's a real showstopper. It's quite interesting, in fact, to note just how well the actors in this film deliver their songs (and, yes, they all did their own singing). Other musical highlights include Braugher's `Free Bird' and Bello's rendition of `Sweet Dreams.' This entire film, in fact, just may be the best thing that ever happened to Karaoke; it definitely raises the bar and gives it some mainstream credibility.

The supporting cast includes Angie Dickinson (Blair), Lochlyn Munro (Ronny), Amanda Kravat (Redhead), Erika von Tagen (Julie) and Marian Seldes (Harriet). Early in the film, a truck driver asks a hitchhiker-- a guy just out of prison-- `What were you in for?' The guy replies, `An error in judgment.' And, in the final analysis, that's what `Duets' is really all about; the flaws, imperfections and `errors in judgment' that make up the music of life. It's about finding that right note and being able to share it with someone-- being able to perform a duet to the score of life. 9/10.
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endymionng21 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Two of the best actors in the US, and my personal favorites as well. What can go wrong ? Well for one thing have the movie be a vehicle for Gwyneth Paltrow in the movie's most uninteresting storyline. If the script had just dropped that story about the lost "Dad" and fleshed out the other two stories a bit more then this movie would have been awesome. Its not that she is so bad at the singing or Lewis is an awful actor, but their story is just so boring and kliché... Still at least Giamatti and Maria Bello has since had a lot of good roles, now we just need more of Andre Braugher :-) Cant be long before we see a movie like this, just set in the world of competitive computer-gaming. That would be very weird indeed, but lets see if I am right.
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Way too depressing to watch again
HotToastyRag3 October 2020
I may own a DVD copy of the indie flick Duets, but it's not because I like it. My mom likes the movie, and I have a sneaking suspicion it's because of Huey Lewis. While he's very attractive, I just couldn't bring myself to watch this movie more than once. It's too upsetting!

Even karaoke fans won't necessarily like this movie, since it's very dark and most people sing karaoke as a way to escape from their problems. This movie brings everyone's problems to the forefront. Huey Lewis is a hustler, who pretends not to know what karaoke is until strangers in a bar bet him that he can't sing. Then, he sings, wins the bet, picks up a drunken fan for the night, and moves to the next bar. Gwyneth Paltrow is a young woman with low self-esteem who believes getting to know her father will help her in her life journey. Paul Giamatti is a depressed family man who gives up on life and partners with a criminal, Andre Braughner. Scott Speedman and Maria Bello are drifters without prospects. The three "duets" are split into unrelated sections of the film, all headed towards a major karaoke contest.

The best part of the film is the accurate depiction of the karaoke world. It's seedy, dirty, and full of people on drugs and alcohol who believe a little applause will make them feel loved and important. You have my warning: this movie is pretty depressing. Unless you think you can handle it, pick something lighter tonight, like War and Peace.
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This movie is precious. It grows on you and won't go away.
douglaswilson10 January 2007
I admit it -- I'm a total sucker for this movie for all of the right reasons, and some of the wrong ones (like, it's very touching to me that Bruce Paltrow made this movie with his daughter Gwyneth and died a year or so later). Having Huey Lewis in the movie and singing a few of his monster hits is a plus all by itself, and it turns out he can actually act decently. The Paul Giamatti - Andre Braugher duo, both in terms of plot, their excellent acting, and their blow-you-away singing performance, is something I never tire of seeing, and I've watched this movie five times and have it on disk. The plot is superficially pedestrian but actually very engaging and psychologically legitimate despite the displays of craziness by the characters. People do get crazy and do that kind of stuff. As for Gwyneth Paltrow, there seems to be no role she can't get into and occupy with beautiful effect.

This was never intended to be a Great Movie. It was a nice little story, made into a very fine, charming, stick-to-your memory movie with talent oozing out the corners. People who rate it mediocre are just not seeing the pearl for the oyster.
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This is a very sweet and emotional movie
starlit-sky27 September 2000
I like Duets very much because I think the screenplay is fairly original. After all, karaoke is a new phenomenon on it's own. It is about people who are travelling across the country to sing songs in karaoke bars in the hopes of making it to Omaha where the grand prize is. Characters are kind of people who has not found the peace in themselves yet. They are looking for that peace and finding it where they step on the stage and sing their hearts out. I loved it because that is the way I feel about music; it can completely change my mood from sad to glad or vice versa. Music is such a powerful tool that touches us all very deeply. I think that idea was depicted in the movie very effectively. Songs were very good (I simply fell in love with Maria Bello when she sang "Sweet Dreams..." and "I can't make you love me".) They all sing incredibly well; I was surprised by Gwyneth Paltrow's voice....man she really can sing! I listened to the soundtrack cd and I think it is amazing, probably one of the best soundtracks after "The Bodyguard". The only thing that I dislike about the movie was to see Huey Lewis looking quite old. His band used to be one of my most favourite music groups.

I say this is a very good movie and one of the 5 must see movies of the year so far (after The Gladiator, The Mission Impossible II, High Fidelity and Almost Famous).
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Made me want to chuck the microphone at the TV
yupini23 September 2005
As soon as I finished watching this film, I felt provoked to come onto IMDb and write my very first review because I was so compelled that nobody should ever have to endure such garbage in their short lives. I never ever want to sing Karaoke ever. Why? 1. Gwyneth Paltrow must have taken on the role just because Bruce Paltrow was directing...no other way would an A-lister sacrifice themselves to burn so badly. Or participate in a karaoke film without being able to sing. 2. The plot...couldn't find it! Just telling the story of random people with no significance or emotion. You know it's bad when they need to pull the 'guns and sex' action to get the viewers interested again. Only, you just don't get why they need to show sex or shoot in the first place. It just detracts from the easy style of the film. So wrong. 3. The singing. Enough said. 4. That overworked people with unloving families need to go away and get high...pierce their ears and enter karaoke competitions. Nu-uh. I really could go on forever...the only good thing about the film was that FINALLY after waiting and waiting for some sort of climax, the film ended. Without climax i might add. Watch this at your own risk to see how bad it is. Even popcorn, toffee apples, ice cream, cola and lollies won't distract you from the banality you face in Duets.
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If You Missed It, Go See It
goleafs8424 February 2004
If you missed "Duets" when it hit the theaters 4 years ago, this is a movie worth renting. This ensemble cast was great. They were all paired up and the chemistry was great. They all came from different backgrounds and my perception was, everyone except Paltrow were running away from something; Huey Lewis (his past), Andre Braugher (the law), Maria Bello (herself), Scott Speedman (His wife and business partner) and Paul Giamatti (his humdrum life and self-absorbed family), but karaoke will bring them all together.

Paul Giamatti and Andre Braugher were the best in this movie. Giamatti was funny, had that strange grin that tells you he's up to something or he's quickly scheming something. My favorite scenes with them were the shootout scene in the convenience store, Todd (Giamatti) teaching Reggie (Braugher) how to drive and their version of "Try a Little Tenderness" was fantastic.

Just as good was Huey Lewis and Gwyneth Paltrow's version of Smokey Robinson's "Crusin'".

I liked the movie and bought the DVD.

Trivia; The convenience store where Giamatti and Braugher got into a shootout with the clerk is located in Surrey, B.C. Canada. it's called the Campbell River Store. To get there, if you get off of I-5 North and take the Carson Truck Boarder exit, headed into Canada; It's about 1/2 mile or so north of the boarder.
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Strangely Charming
paulreynolds1111 August 2006
I discovered this movie a couple of years ago and was charmed by its fragile characters and beautiful soundtrack that seems to create character depth that the script doesn't. Huey Lewis (Ricky Dean) was, surprisingly, very strong in his role as a reluctant father to Gwyneth Paltrow's character, Liv. While I found some of the acting to be wooden, and the direction was often predictable, there is something that appealed to me - I feel that the characters spoke through the music rather than the narrative, thus lifting the movie to a higher level. A mention also has to go to Braugher and Giamatti who are a delightful combination right up to the heartbreaking climax.
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A must for Paul Giamatti fans (wherever you are)
teejayniles234521 October 2001
Director and Star have the same last name; hmmm is this a Paltrow family project or what? The recurring thought I had after watching this was: "How old is the little girl Ms. Paltrow is supposed to be playing?" She does well with the on-screen dad and even her on-screen grandma (played by Angie Dickinson) but much about this movie stymies my comprehension of the fantasy of a plot. If you like guys doing duets after sharing road-movie buddying up, then you'll love Paul Giamatti singing with Andre Braugher (however Mr. Braugher lip-synches for both of his on-screen karaoke performances). Mr. Giamatti has to carry the story-line's major dramatic development; the running gag of the Frequent Flyer Miles for redemption seems to be an "inside" joke of the Writer/Director/Dialogue editor. The movie does have a direction (give it some credit) but the title seems to have been junked at some point as only one of the final performances is a duet (and that one seemed almost to have been impromptu). I expected some sort of re-arrangement of the singing partners but it would never have occurred to me that one of the six major characters would never even have a microphone thrust in his direction. Didn't these film makers and writers see the hilarious section in "MY BEST FRIEND's WEDDING" where Cameron Diaz' character does such a bad job at Karaoke that it's memorable??? I wondered several times -- Did Brad Pitt have the non-singer role when he was first slated to join in this family "project"? Where was the Duet between the female leads? Where was the live concert possibility version? In its favor, Mr. Giamatti does convey well the manic aspects of the karaoke adulation but cutting away with music still playing is a sign that the director was non-committal. As far as advice to Director Paltrow might be apropos -- much about this film reminded me of a TV perspective and some glib observances about unhappy Americans: a couple of drifters, a suburban salesman who can't connect with family, a philosophical, non-threatening ex-prisoner, also an underachiever. If you have a sequel in mind, go with lots of undiscovered singers whose connection to a song leads to even more electrifying performances. You did get some great song-singer connections but try to let those come to a fuller "bloom!" Any IMDB readers seeking an unqualified recommendation for this rental must be diehard Paul Giamatti fans to reach fullest satisfaction // I've never heard of equally watchable Maria Bello before this film and her "energy" is another attraction for a "cult-film following." Many of the songs are great covers / re-treads !!! (Notice I said many, not ALL). I give it a 7 / 10 *s for its soundtrack appeal and its under-achieved possibility.
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fun under-rated comedy
DJJOEINC6 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
duets - surprisingly dark comedy about the Karoake circuit-sure there are plot holes and some saccharine moments- but the Paul Giamati/Andre Braugher duo provide plenty of chuckles and even some touching moments- they had good chemistry - Giamati is going thru a major mid-life crisis and randomly picks up parole violator Andre Braugher - I am not doing their story justice- but I try to avoid spoilers.Maria Bello does an excellent job as a singer who bargains her way across the country using her body as collateral.A fun ensemble comedy- inconsistent but worth renting for the Giamatti/Braugher team.The DVD has a dry commentary by the director. B-
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A rare movie that is not only bad but offensively so.
sebchen19 June 2001
First of all, this movie was a drag in terms of plot, pacing, performances, etc. Of course, boring movies with sub par acting are a dime a dozen. Duets however tries its darndest to make the audience sympathetic toward characters that do not deserve it in the least. Examples?... oh let's see... cheating hustler, assaulter/murderer, WHINY corporate salesman with no coping skills or real morals... Mind you, this is not a black comedy and there is nothing sly, wickedly deviant or intelligent about this screenplay. Instead the viewer is continually exposed to the plights of these "good people" who made "errors in judgment" and find their purpose in life through the artistic expression of karaoke!?!?

Granted, different movies are meant to work on a variety of levels. This one clearly attempts to be touching and in that capacity accomplishes to insult the moviegoer's intelligence and achieve the status of offensively bad. Get out the hefty bags fellas, this one's pure dreck!
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Wonderful! Charming, uplifting, and real. The beautiful music is a bonus...
bopdog21 September 2000
"Duets" is definitely outside of what I had expected it to be... it is outside of the only-on-it-for-the-money, watch-the-weekend-grosses Hollywood sell-out that everyone complains about. It is a wonderful story, full of surprises and charm. The characters are 3-dimensional, to be sure. Their stories are not always pretty, and certainly not predictable. I was always entertained, engrossed, and ultimately very uplifted. Huey lewis could make it as an actor, and Gwyneth Paltrow could make it as a singer, both without any gimmicky "pr" work to present them as a stunt. They, and the entire cast of unknown actors were top-notch here. The music is real, and means something to the movie, and it all meant a lot to me. Go see it-- it has tons of heart, and soul. You'll like it. I gave it an 8 out of 10.
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Disappointingly Hollow
che5924 April 2001
Given Karaoke's worldwide popularity over the last ten years it is more than a little surprising that it has taken Hollywood Executives so long to cash in on the phenomena. It is perhaps doubly disappointing then that after more than five years in pre-production all they have managed to come up with is this relatively mediocre road-trip movie which exalts Karaoke's power to change people's lives for the better. Directed by Gwyneth Paltrow's father Duets tells the story of six desperately unhappy individuals who decide to cast off the shackles of their pre-determined lives and look for something better. The metaphor for all this we are assured is Karaoke: the courage to stand up, sing up and be heard.

Taking a big leaf out of the Robert Altman book of filmmaking Bruce Paltrow has chosen to split Duets into three separate storylines: There's the story of Liz (Gwyneth Paltrow) an unbelievably naive Vegas showgirl who has to learn to build a relationship with her long-lost hustler father Ricky (Huey Lewis) after meeting him for the first time at her mother's funeral. Then there's the tale of Suzi (Maria Bello), a streetwise hussy who will do anything to make it big and Billy (Scott Speedman) a down-on-his-luck taxi driver she convinces to drive her halfway across the country in search of stardom at any cost. And last, but by no means least, there's the hilarious story of Todd (Paul Giamatti) a burned out travelling salesman on the edge of a nervous breakdown and his unlikely friendship with Reggie (Andre Braugher) an escaped convict with the voice of an angel and a chip on his shoulder the size of Texas. Inevitably all involved wind up crossing paths in Omaha, where a big Karaoke Contest is offering a Grand Prize. The question is who will win and unlike many films of this elk one is never really sure.

All six principle actors turn in better than average performances and all except Braugher, who couldn't reach some of the higher notes, sing unaided. The chemistry between Paltrow and 80s pop star Lewis works well with Paltrow more than holding her own on the musical front. Relative newcomers Bello and Speedman also do well, both showing signs that suggest we'll be seeing a lot more of them in the future. But the film's spotlight is taken by the fantastic pairing of Giamatti and Braugher. At first their characters appear to be too at odds to ever really hit it off, but as the movie progresses it soon becomes clear that they share a deep affinity, they both know what it is like to have lived in a cage, Braugher in prison and Giamatti in middle-class suburbia. Places neither of them ever want to return.

Considering this is Bruce Paltrow's first major film Duets has turned out surprisingly well. The direction is relatively unobtrusive and the stories that unfold are often amusing, sometimes compelling and always entertaining. Indeed, the one scene in which Giamatti and Braugher offer their rendition of Ottis Reading's Try a Little Tenderness is truly spell bounding and well worth the price of admission alone.

However, Paltrow's clear favouritism for certain characters over others and the fact that the performances of Giamatti and Braugher are light years ahead of the rest means that the film often seems unbalanced and a little disjointed, kind of like a duet between Jane MacDonald and Madonna. And like so much American cinema today Duets suffers badly from an overly sentimental ending. One leaves Duets feeling more than a little betrayed and thankful that this kind of world exists far outside the realms of possibility, at least in England.
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Way off key
MartianOctocretr524 July 2006
When somebody mixed chocolate and peanut butter, they invented a great candy bar. Trying to mix the karaoke fad with high drama is just difficult to swallow.

This movie tries to inject excitement, dramatic conflict and tension into karaoke, which is nothing more than a fun diversion. Karaoke enthusiasts don't take it or themselves seriously, yet this movie tries to make it something deep and melancholy. It just doesn't work in that context. The film concocts subplots, interweaves them, and somehow stirs them all up together with karaoke as some kind of symbolic catalyst. It introduces characters on their way to a big bucks contest, and casts them into chaotic situations (some even gratuitously violent) along the way.

The resulting movie is akin to the worst karaoke singer of all time, who doesn't know all the words, screeching a Madonna hit at the top of their lungs.

I like Paul Giamatti, but his mid-life crisis character who is borderline wacko is grossly overstated and out of place. The road trip story with him and a convict just gets more and more contrived and senseless as it progresses. The pairing of Huey Lewis and Gwyneth Paltrow as father and daughter provides a wonderful rendition of "Cruisin'," but not much substance for a story. Huey is a "karaoke hustler"(!) If there is such a thing, I haven't seen one in years of karaoke singing. Other characters are dull and forgettable.

Ill conceived and recklessly executed, this story is totally out of tune, and overwhelms the film's positive elements. The karaoke contests were fun, with some amusing moments. The actors all really put their best effort here, but are drowned out by a script that is just one big cacophony of pointless noise.

A girl I met at a karaoke place and I thought this would be fun to see on our first date. I wish I could have taken a picture of the look on her face as we left the theater. It was the most hilarious expression I ever saw; far more entertaining than this movie was.
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The most sweetest movie sadly - underrated
talemunja29 December 2012
The Duets is very charming, relaxing film. You can take your popcorn, sit back and enjoy adventure of middle age man who decided to put some action in his life and for sure many people will laugh hardly recognizing themselves and their funny moments in frustrations :)

I don't want to spoil anything, you just watch this and enjoy in flow of sweet polite characters here and their story.

Well, we all are sick from violence and swearing in movies and they are worst year by year so i hope you see this one and fill brain with joy,honesty and love. You can find that in The Duets. For sure.

If IMDb allows me to share beautiful music video from this movie it will be great:

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I enjoyed the movie, and had a few laughs!
macpherr10 July 2001
I picked this movie to watch because of several factors including: Brad Pitt was supposed to be in it, then Bruce Paltrow apparently got sick during that year, Gwyneth Paltrow broke up with her teen idol boy fiancee, Bruce Paltrow was supposed to have had a hard time finding a distributor.

I enjoyed the movie because it gave the audience a chance to see people singing where we otherwise would never hear their voices. Gwyneth has a sweet voice. Andre Braugher (Homicide, City of Angels) who played a cop for such a long time sings beautifully and feels the music. It seems that going to those karaoke competitions could be a fun thing to do. The other actors who sang I don't know much about them, but I enjoyed hear those old tunes. Just good rental! I enjoyed the movie, and had a few laughs!
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On my top ten list... of the worst movies of the year.
lert0021 October 2000
For the whole first half of the movie, I was just thoroughly confused. At the end, I just got more confused. It was sweet, and had a nice point to make, but it was just like Mr. Paltrow made three different plots and threw them into the same movie hoping they would blend together. They didn't. Personally, I think this movie was a waste of a Saturday night. If you're going to see it, wait until it's out on cable on say, a Tuesday night, when there's nothing better to do.
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