I Know Who Killed Me (2007) Poster

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Very strange, but not terrible
Smells_Like_Cheese1 August 2007
My friend and I were looking for a movie to see in the theater yesterday, everything I saw she didn't ad everything she saw I didn't, but one movie we didn't see was I Know Who Killed Me. We never heard of it, we actually for a minute didn't wanna see it because Lindsay Lohan was in it, but eventually we were just like "What the heck?". We needed a couple hours to kill and had free movie tickets that we got as a gift. So after seeing I Know Who Killed Me, I just was thinking of how much of a strange movie this was, but at the same time I didn't think it was all that bad, there were some things left unexplained and the ending was pretty lame, but I think over all, this was a thriller with good potential and just needed a little pick-me-up.

Aubrey is a good girl who has strong potential to be a good writer and piano player, she has a good life, good home, loving parents, good friends, and a loving boyfriend. One night though, she is kidnapped and brutally tortured. Someone finds her on the road, but when Aubrey is picked up and taken to the hospital, she says she's not Aubrey, she's Dakota Moss, a stripper with a dirty life who has no idea what's going on, but she's not Aubrey. Is this a story that she's believing too much? Is this a possible side effect from being traumatized? Is this something from the drugs the killer was making her take? Or is she even right? Is it a possibility that she really isn't Aubrey? Everyone calls her crazy and just tries to make her believe that she is Aubrey, but Dakota searches for the truth and wants answers.

Like I said, I Know Who Killed Me turned out to be a little surprise of a film, I liked it personally, there were things that were confusing, but over all I think the plot kept me guessing and going. Lindsay I would say did a good job, but the strip scenes at times were a little too much, just because we all know her personal life, so I think it would make us a little uncomfortable. There are some flaws to the film, but I wouldn't say to stay away, just keep your mind open and you might find yourself liking it.

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Wow-- this is bad.
CHiCkLeTdC26 July 2007
So I just went to go see an advance screening of this movie and I don't know why the studio would do such a thing-- the audience was constantly laughing and this is no comedy. Usually screenings I've seen have been of fantastic movies (Wedding Crashers, Hairspray) and I'm telling everyone I know to go see it. Also, I've never seen such a general consensus of "WOW, what were they thinking?" at the end of a movie. I cannot WAIT to read the reviews on this! It's going to be slaughtered by the press.

Despite Ms. Lohan's troubles, I do think she is talented and, if only for her sake, I was hoping this would be a good film. I like her, and I love movies and tend to see the good in them, but this does not do enough redeeming. It does have a promising premise, but it is done all wrong. The parts that need build-up have none and time is wasted on other pointless scenes. Very graphic film as well-- definitely not an R that any child should be seeing.

Seriously, this isn't even a case of "so bad it's good". It's just bad.

Save yourself the $10 movie fare on this one-- and go see "1408" for a real psychological thriller. This'll be on DVD before you know it anyway.
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Could have been better...
plaiddustbunny27 July 2007
Really, it could have.

My personal opinion of Lohan aside, this movie - like others (Dead Silence for one) relied heavily on effects that at times, become quite distracting. Some of the shots in the film are beautiful, but the use of blue is really overdone, some of the special effects are lacking, and some of the weapons are just ridiculous (The big blue glass knife? Are you kidding me?). Whether you see symbolism in the use of colour depends on the viewers mindset - But even so, the use of blue is just overwhelming at times. This is probably the point - but it starts to distract from the plot.

The acting is alright. For the most part, Lohan does a good job. The parents aren't very convincing, and at times the dialog becomes stale, and somewhat corny.

However, the movie is easy enough to follow that people who don't like complex horror films can sit back, and enjoy the ride. If you do prefer a bit more mystery, you'll have this figured out about halfway through, and the end will seem to drag. The big plot twist at the end was original enough, however for me it seemed like a cop out. It works fine, it's just not quite as exciting as it could have been. Kind of left me thinking "Oh... that's all?"

There's a small bit of nudity, a sex scene, and lots of dirty dancing. So if your decision rests on one of those things, now you know.

Surprisingly, there are several gory scenes as well. I wouldn't recommend bringing small children to see this, though I doubt that will stop some people from bringing their kids along. It isn't scary, but the gore in some parts might be a bit much for younger audiences, or people who really can't deal with it. It's nothing like SAW or Hostel in the area of gore, but there were a couple scenes that made me flinch.

In the end, the film really didn't bring anything new to the table. The storyline is simple, and easy to follow, some of the shots are nice, and the acting on a whole is mediocre at worst. So if you have nothing better to do, it's an alright film to waste an hour or so with. But don't go expecting an award winner - you'll be left disappointed.
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"BarbWire was better than this"
chuckreis27 July 2007
That's right, my girlfriend turned to me in the movie and said, "I think BarbWire was better than this." Her opinion and mine seemed to carry through to the whole audience in the advance screening we went to last night. The audience was laughing at the horrible acting, terrible script and crap camera work.

Specifics: Lohan works in a strip club where women are topless, yet she never takes the top off and even in sheer bra has pasties on (or were the pasties on top of the bra?). I could care less about seeing her naked, but if you are playing a stripper you might have to at least imply nudity with well placed hands.

Someone decided to inject humor into the movie into the most awkward places. The biggest problem was trying to figure out why people were laughing more during the "serious parts" than the "funny parts".

Characters come in, spout some wisdom and disappear behind a rock like the Dungeon Master. I have a feeling that they are supposed to be angels, maybe God himself?

The twists in the movie are tough to swallow. I will not even come close to ruining them, they are not even worth ruining. Someone thought they could write a M. Knight script, but failed.

Overall, this movie would be worth a rental from the dollar kiosk at the grocery store, as long as everything else is sold out. I am glad I got in for free. If you do decide to spend money to see this movie, send me the cash instead, I will then hit you in the groin, you will enjoy it more.
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I'm so sorry I went
Mark-12929 July 2007
Look, I have a strong stomach, but I have no use for Torture Porn in my entertainment. A few weeks ago, I saw a preview of this film that gave no indication of it's true nature. This, plus the intriguing poster led me to believe this was going to be a brooding drama in the Hitchcock tradition. Instead, I found myself watching the ugliest, most disgusting film I have ever attended of my own free will. I should have guessed when the cashier gave me a funny look while getting my ticket.

The first thing I realized was the script was by an amateur. The scenes and dialog jumping around with no thought or subtlety. Like other reviewers, I knew who the torturing villain was within the first few minutes. But, I still had to sit through several scenes of dismemberment and pain, which made me sick. Sick that I had spent money to watch this disaster.

I can't imagine why Lindsay Lohan would agree to be in this production. There are other venues to stretch her acting talents. Neal McDonough and Julia Ormond's rent must have been due.

The story, such as it is has at it's core an interesting premise. A top director might have made a respectable film out of it with a total rewrite, without the gore and more atmosphere.

This movie is an absolute, total disaster. No one involved has anything to be proud of.
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Oh God
thou_mayest29 July 2007
I went into this movie with a friend thinking it would be a cheesy, fun horror movie - just a good way to pass the time on a rainy day.

Oh god, was I wrong.

It's as if the director spent the film's entire budget acquiring Lindsay Lohan and disregarded everything else. EVERYTHING within this film is bad - the scary parts aren't scary (or even remotely suspenseful), the dialogue is awful, the acting is questionable at best, and, I am very sorry to say that Lindsay Lohan's stripping/ sex scenes were not sexy at all. On top of everything else, the killer was obvious and the plot didn't even make a whole lot of sense. Even the quality of film used is inferior to the type normally used (yes, you can tell).

Some films are so bad they're good. This film was just SO BAD.

Don't wait for the DVD. Just don't watch it.
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sonshyneshirley20 June 2008
The only good thing about this movie is that LL is a good actress. Unfortunately she had to act out this movie. The cut scenes made no sense, the killer really had no motive, and her visions were worse than Miss Cleo's. The flashbacks to the dances were bad, the initial kidnapping was not played out well at all,considering she was in a very crowded place one minute and all of a sudden gone. The murder of the father was merely implied, and the entire movie lacked all major detail. Also, how does the lady cop get everything right all the time?? Its like a bad episode of CSI. I really enjoyed LL's acting, I am a huge fan of Neal McDonough as well. I just wonder if this movie looked better on paper than it was portrayed on film.
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Hilariously Bad
mephij200327 July 2007
My friend won tickets to a pre release showing of this movie in Boston. I went into the theater with absolutely no idea what it would be about and with no preconceived notions. I left the theater feeling confused and thankful that I hadn't actually paid to see it.

This film takes every thriller movie cliché in the book and slathers it on ad nauseam. I'm not opposed to a good cliché thriller movie, but at some point it becomes comical. The plot was extremely contrived and had enough holes to fill the Royal Albert Hall. Perhaps the scenes explaining the plot ended up on the cutting room floor in favor of some of the more grotesque and gratuitous gore scenes (of which there were plenty). The film's twist, one so ludicrous even the most die-hard Lohan films will giggle, is pulled directly from left field after a seemingly magical epiphany by the film's main character. The filmmakers thrown in a plethora of minor characters with undeveloped and unresolved story lines in an attempt to "throw off" the audience. Nevertheless, not ten minutes into the film, I, along with the others I was with, had successfully predicted the antagonist.

The final thirty minutes of the film was a non-stop laugh riot. The packed theater of varying demographics was rolling in the aisles as cliché after hackneyed cliché flew off the screen in rapid succession to hilarious results. I joked to the person beside me that I hadn't laughed as hard since the first time I saw "Borat".

Stylistically, the movie is a film school student's wet dream rife of "artsy" shots and recurring motifs. Unfortunately, for the audience, this does little to redeem from the film's most blaring flaw: it's entire premise.

It's difficult to fairly critique the film's actors given what they had to work with. I can say that Lohan's performance seemed rather bland and stale throughout, as though in the back of her mind she knew the movie was trite and looked at it more as a paycheck than a serious mark on her resume.

Aside from the occasional, "I almost died laughing when....", I heard scarcely a good comment in the lobby after the film. As a horror-comedy this film might have actually been good, but as a thriller it missed the mark entirely.
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Has improved with age
influxtwo14 November 2021
This movie came at the height of Lindsay's legal troubles so it was disregarded as an awful film at the time of release I remember, but I honestly consider this to be one of Lindsay Lohan's best films when it comes to darker and more serious work as an actress minus her comedy and family-friendly roles. For me this film has improved with age. It was not released at a time that it would have been found relevant.

What was partly misunderstood about this film was it was marketed as a serious horror film that was intended to be frightening but instead it is more of a David Lynch and Twin Peaks kind of thing with an ambiguous ending and a mystery / crime storyline more than a horror one.

This film captivates me each time I give it a watch. I would have liked Lindsay to explore more edgy roles in her past career during this time. The ending is quite eerie because it could almost go either way.

I think this film is not as bad as Lindsay's Legal troubles would tell you it is. For someone like myself not looking to hate it, or hate on the actress/actors, I find it an enjoyable crime mystery. One of Lindsay's better roles for a more mature minded audience.

I know some would find it ridiculous anyone could genuinely enjoy this movie. But it is just such a wacky premise and the themes are deliberate. It's competently acted, and the ending that didn't sit well at first, has improved with age.

I think it's unfortunate that audiences didn't appreciate this film, but seeing as it has improved with age, and has kind of a timeless dreamlike quality to it. I would go as far to say this could be considered a cult classic some day. Maybe in 30 years someone else might appreciate this film only at face value.
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Was this film a joke?
catsura1 December 2009
This film was treacherous. I'm not sure if it was supposed to be taken seriously or not. I'm not sure if there was supposed to be some sort of imagery or artfulness in the film with a lot of blue, because it turned out really obvious and lame. Her car is blue, the rose is blue, the torture tools are blue, BLUE BLUE BLUE. Lohan's acting is not wonderful in this film, not to mention the plot is horrendous. Most people probably take an interest either because of seeing Lohan dance on a pole or to see Lohan with missing limbs. If that's what you're looking for this is the movie. Other than that, the plot is laughable and the film is just a total bust in general. I wouldn't recommend this movie to anyone, it's awful and a waste of time. 0/10.
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i can't understand why people hate this movie
mel2234513 January 2022
To me it is great, and a lot more original than some other movies. The actors deliver a very good performance, especially Aubrey's parents and the FBI. The use of the color blue as an artistic theme was impressive and added a special feel to the movie that is somewhere between.horror and fantastic. The only down to it is that there were some plot holes and I think the ending was a bit abrupt, to me it would have been possible to stretch a little after the final scene.
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It's much better than people are saying
watcher10117 November 2019
This movie has unfairly gotten a lot of hate, and I honestly can't see why. Well, ok, that's not exactly true. A big part of it is that it came out during a time where Lohan's career was at an all time low and the public pretty much hated her. That hatred was projected onto this movie, and so people began to hate it by default. I even know people who claimed they "hated" it when they hadn't even seen it. You can't make that claim without watching it first.

The movie has a pretty interesting premise. It's a murder mystery involving twin stigmata. From what I've heard, however, most people were expecting some kind of twist at the end where it's revealed that the twins are actually the same person. When the movie didn't go that route, people were upset. That seems to be another reason why people primarily hated the movie. Personally, I think it was smart not to do that. Twin stigmata in movies is not something we've seen that often, but movies with a plot twist like that have been something we've seen a thousand times. The fact that so many people thought that's what would happen proves that. So people were upset that they didn't have some grand twist. Instead, the movie gave you exactly what it promised and was exactly what it was made out to be. Simple, but still good.

Overall, I say to give the movie a chance. Ignore the hate you've heard about it and go in expecting it to be what it is, a simple murder mystery involving twin stigmata. Is it a masterpiece? No, of course not, but it's still a pretty good movie that will keep you entertained for an hour 45, and that's perfectly ok.
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there are no words
doo34774 March 2011
I like so many other unsuspecting fools thought even with the bad reviews and cheesy look of the film (not to mention the fact that it's main star was Lindsay lohan) that this movie just might be a good thriller in the vein of Hitchcock Jesus I can't believe how wrong I was, the only person more wrong then me was the guy I watched it with. his thinking was even if it's a bad movie at least I get to see Lindsay pole dancing/naked. Ha!

this movie requires us to make up a new word for terrible just so we can properly describe this film basically it's like they couldn't write a real script so they filled in the blanks with torture porn imagery and Lindsay trying to be sexy. sad

the acting is awful, the story is hokey, the music is cliché, the dialogue terrible....I could go on but really is there any need?
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I Know Who Killed this Movie
Jalea13 July 2009
The writer and director.

I cannot make up my mind which was worse, the writing or the directing. The torture/mutilation scenes were over the top and needlessly macabre, leaving nothing to the imagination. Remember Silence of the Lambs (1991)? That movie had macabre aspects but it was tastefully done (no pun intended). This movie was tactless and tasteless. What in the world did they think they were doing when they made this movie?! They wasted Lindsey Lohan's talents; I think she tried her best to due justice to the role. Even Julia Ormond's presence could not save this horrid movie. The director did not know what to do with the fine actors that he had in the movie. Of the five movies he has down so far, this is the absolute worst movie that Silvertson has ever directed. It totally tanked at the box office, it did not break even with a $12M budget and a $7.2M gross.

If you are looking for something to watch and you are bored to distraction -- watch something else. And whatever you do, do not waste your money renting this movie.

Viewers beware!
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Please read this review, it is the truth.!
lyno12312 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
My friend bought me this film because he knows I have a thing for Lindsay Lohan, so on the day of my birthday we sat down and watched I know who killed me, after reading the bad reviews i wasn't expecting much. This is the worst film i have seen in my life, don't watch this film ever, ever. Im not joking, we sat and laughed through the film and couldn't believe someone had made this film with the intention to make money, i honestly felt sick after watching the film, i am not even going to describe any scenes/plots i didn't like because i would just give you the film. I cannot believe how many good reviews there were on here, it makes me physically ill to think any one liked this joke of a film!!!
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One of the worst movies I've ever seen
SuperBaes15 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This really is a terrible movie. And I like terrible movies. This movie takes HUGE leaps of logic; I understand that there must be some suspension of disbelief, but it was too disjunctured. There are still scenes that I just don't understand, like the listing and showing of some girl named Fiona with the other missing girls, the difficult to discern jumps through the timeline, and all the red herring, including the lawn boy, the "cuts happen" guy, the police psychiatrist, and the "I keep forgetting to plug it in" leg problem. This movie revolved around a chance to showcase Lindsay Lohan as a sex symbol without her nudity (much like The New Guy did with Eliza Dushku, but without the entertaining plot line). It was respectable writing to make Dakota Moss so bold, especially with the language, but it just wasn't enough.

Realistically, with as inundated as the television/movie-viewing public is about forensic evidence, investigation, and biology (the worm-in-biology-class scene? Come on...), a movie has to at least seem intelligent.

On a side note, I was desperately hoping that everything would be pulled nicely together by the guy on the bus being the boyfriend/brother of "Fiona", which would be the girl Dakota found in the glass coffin (Dressed to Kill was one of my favorite movies). Unfortunately, believing in "stigmatic twins" is the final leap over "Lohan is crazy", which might have turned into a decent ending.
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"Kill" Me Now!
alexart-16 September 2008
Where do I start with this movie? Everything single aspect of it is pitiful. The plot, the script, the direction, the acting. The movie will make you wonder: where has talent in Hollywood gone? In an absolutely moronic plot, Lindsay Lohan plays a girl who gets kidnapped, found years later, and wakes up missing an appendage (and a brain apparently) and thinks she is somebody else. The cliché plot makes no sense and does nothing for the movie. I can already tell you now: those who expect to see skin from Lohan in the stripping scenes will be disappointed.

Who actually wrote this thing anyway? Who actually ever hired him or her? The WGA made a mistake with this one. The lines were absolutely terrible. No actress could have done well with this script and this not what Lindsay Lohan needs in her time of crisis.

All I know is, I want 1 hour and 47 minutes of my life back and would rather be killed than watch it again!
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The Top Seventeen Ways I Knew Who Blue Me
thesar-222 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
1. Unbelievably, it isn't a Writer's Guild violation to complete a screenplay on used toilet paper.

2. Bloody stripper poles simply cannot be a turn on, but, the show must go on.

3. In this case, yes, you would have to be a rocket scientist to understand this movie.

4. Even the Smurf movies didn't have this much blue in it.

5. Fun medical fact #1: hand sawed off? Finger mysteriously detached? Wrap a towel around the stub and sometimes hold up above heart until the pain disappears and you're okay again. NOTE: sometimes two towels are needed.

6. Fun medical fact #2: Being buried alive isn't all that bad. The average stigmata twin can survive hours with little to no air. Unfortunately, this really only applies to stigmata twins, so yeah, don't try this in your own backyard.

7. When your daughter thinks she's a twin, prove her wrong with a ready-to-play video of just her in your womb before birth.

8. One of the Lohans states "Hospitals are for rich people" when she refuses assistance for her severed finger. Yeah, rich people and idiots that don't know they help anyone regardless of wealth.

9. Wish my phone battery lasted hours after its low-battery alarm alerts me like the more crucial battery did in this movie.

10. It's doubtful the best way to announce a classmate has been recovered dead over the PA and repeatedly is: "Jennifer Toland's body was found."

11. Also, don't ever, EVER, ask a teacher for details on your classmate's "found body." She honestly may not have too much more to say than "Jennifer Toland's body was found" after the 1½ seconds of information she was given.

12. Maybe, in 2007, the world wasn't ready for the real Lindsay Lohan meltdown. No, not even with two Lohans.

13. And speaking of which, this is the third time Lohan played two characters in the same film after The Parent Trap and Freaky Friday. This probably explains a lot of her real life problems.

14. Flashback to The Room and Birdemic with the split-second finding of Jerrod in a busy crowd when one of the Lohans' been wished luck in tracking him down.

15. If only this took place during summer vacation because you'd one helluva story/movie to tell the following year.

16. They accomplished Movie Cliché #158, or "set up a murder-mystery with tons of oh-sooo suspicious characters," so well, you can't take your eyes off that devilish little hairless creature of a pet they have and yet, never see again.

17. Mercifully, through the quicksand of a script, there were enough unintentionally hilarious scenes and facial expressions to at least keep the viewer awake.
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A Solid 7
philneil30 January 2016
IMDb Users in their infinite wisdom have given this title a poor rating. Why? Well seeing that it is actually a very decent movie, one would assume it is solely down to the lead, namely Ms. Lohan. Sit down, watch the movie and cast aside anything you may know about LL's personal life. The story is intriguing, the direction is superb; very atmospheric, and the performances within are sound. IKWKM is well worth a watch for these reasons alone. The story-line moves along at a steady pace and can seem rather confusing but perseverance will pay off. Like a lot of films of this genre the ending falls short from being truly satisfying and loses touch with reality. A little exposition would not have gone amiss. That said, there is adequate closure so the viewer should not feel cheated.
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Avoid this movie
jeepsdude27 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILER ALERT! I can't even rate this schlock. Quite possibly the worst film I think I've ever seen. If Lindsay Lohan's antics this week don't spell personal and professional suicide, then this film certainly will. The plot is laughable (the audience actually laughed during the "suspenseful" parts); the dialogue lame; and the acting wooden. Imagine "The Parent Trap" with blood, gore and mutilation! Here's the spoiler: The piano teacher did it, a fact which becomes apparent about 10 minutes after he walks out of camera shot. I cannot actually believe that Lohan read this script and thought this would be a good career move for her. Bonus: we get to see her smoke, drink, curse, pole dance and have simulated sexual intercourse (it's rated R). In short, this film is an insult to the movie-going public, and I hope the studio has to eat all costs associated with it. There is one positive thing I have to say: this would be a great midnight audience participation flick. There's so much potential there!!
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A giallo at heart!
BandSAboutMovies10 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I'm going to start this off with an unpopular take. This is not a bad movie. When I first met my wife, she used to tell me how much she loved it and I thought she was crazy. Surely, everyone online that went out of their way to destroy it had to be right, right?

Wrong. Go with me on this alternative universe logic - if Lindsey Lohan were a disgraced movie star in 1967 instead of 2007, she would have gone to Italy to make movies for directors like Bava, Argento, Martino and Antonio Margheriti. She would have been in the same company as Anita Ekberg, Florinda Bolkan, Elke Somer and even Edwige Fenech.

The film has all the hallmarks of giallo: a serial killer is abducting, torturing and killing young women in the suburb of New Salem. An evening of fun for Aubrey Fleming (Lohan) turns into weeks of torture as she wakes up bound and gagged on an operating table, her hands deep in dry ice.

The FBI Task Force has already given up hope of finding the killer, but a driver discovers Aubrey on a deserted road in the middle of the night. To the shock of her parents, she declares that she's really a stripper named Dakota Moss and has no idea who Aubrey Fleming is. And then she realizes that she's missing her hand and half of her leg.

At this point, you're either going to give up on this movie or dive in. I advise diving right in.

While the police, the doctors and her parents believe that this is all PTSD, Aubrey/Dakota insists that she is not who anyone thinks she is. Things get weirder when FBI agents discover a story on Aubrey's laptop about a girl with an alter ego named Aubrey. And DNA confirms that Dakota really is Aubrey. This inversion of identity is key to the main tenets of classic giallo.

Dakota has a theory of her own: She's Aubrey's twin sister and her injuries are Corsican Brothers-like (or Tomax and Xamot, if you prefer) sympathetic wounds as she experiences the plight of her symbiotic sibling.

Sure, her mother has a pregnancy ultrasound that shows only one fetus. But Dakota confronts her father (or Aubrey's, stay with me) as she believes that her mother lost that child soon after its birth and that she and Aubrey were the twin children of a crack addict named Virginia Sue Moss. Aubrey was taken to live in comfort city mouse style while she stayed with Moss, trailer park mouse style. The complication? Virginia Sue Moss was yet another character from Aubrey's short story.

Richard Roeper claims that this is the worst movie of the 2000s, calling the film "a ridiculous thriller (minus the thrills)" and saying that it's filled with a" nonsensical plot that grows sillier by the second, tawdry special effects, heavy-handed symbolism that's big on electric-blue hues and mechanical performances are all culprits as far as the title's concerned." Has Roeper even seen a giallo? Because reading that sentence makes me want to watch this movie all over again!

Back to the movie: Dakota starts to see visions of the killer slicing up his captive which draws her to the cemetery. As she investigates the grave of another victim, Aubrey's friend Jennifer, she finds a blue ribbon from a piano competition. Aubrey was a noted pianist and there's a note attached from her (and Jennifer's) piano teacher, Douglas Norquist. As her father (or Aubrey's, look, it's not a giallo if you don't get confused) looks on, she declares, "I know who killed me."

That's because the ribbon says, "Blue Ribbons Are For Winners, Never Settle For The Red, Rest In Peace, Douglas." It's a metaphor for the lives of the twins: Aubrey is the blue chipper with a boyfriend that loves her, good grades, plenty of friends and a bright future. Dakota works in the red light district and faces a life of poverty.

Without any police backup - again, this happens all the time in giallo - they confront Norquist. Daniel is killed before Aubrey leaves the safety of the car and enters the house. She fights Norquist, cutting off his hand, before she's tied up. He asks her why she returned after he buried her alive before she frees herself and kills him. She heads into the woods where she digs up Aubrey, verifying that she was not insane and had been right all along. Then, she lies on the ground with her twin sister.

Some of the few critics who liked this movie compared it to Brian DePalma or David Lynch films. Sure. Or you could go right to the source - Italy.

If you replaced the score of the film (that said, I love that The Sword and The Melvins are heard in this film) with some insane synth or orchestral music (someone get Claudio Simonetti, Piero Umiliani or Morricone on the line), if you made the homes space age lounges filled with improbable furniture and if you had more than one scene of Lohan stripping (any of the sex in this movie is honestly the unsexiest sex ever, they should have really studied Sergio Martino movies), this movie would fit perfectly into my DVD collection between Hatcher for the Honeymoon and Inferno. Who am I kidding? It's on my shelf already!

This is not the first time Lohan played twins on film, thanks to starring in the remakes of Freaky Friday and The Parent Trap. Again, this is perfect giallo casting - not to mention pure exploitation - showing her gone to seed as two twins who couldn't be more different.

However, this was not an easy movie to film for director Chris Sivertson, as Lohan had an appendix operation during shooting. Plus, there were times when she would not show up at all - necessitating a body double be used to film the end of the movie. Even worse, she was followed by paparazzi throughout the shoot and some of them are still in the background of a few shots!

There are giallo techniques used throughout the film, such as a neon sign outside the strip club that foreshadows Dakota's injuries and the fact that Bava-esque blue and red lighting determines which character is on screen between Aubrey and Dakota.

While so many decry this film for not making any sense, if you've made it through any number of classics (sure, the director claims Hitchcock as a primary influence, but you can say that he's the well from which all giallo flows) like The Bird With the Crystal Plumage or Deep Red or Lizard in a Woman's Skin, you're going to be just fine. The world was just ready to devour Lindsey Lohan and this film would be its sacrificial lamb. Oh if only there were an Italian film industry for her to turn to and appear alongside Ivan Rassimov!
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Intriguing, Original Thriller, But With Faults.
drownsoda9027 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
"I Know Who Killed Me" is about a young college student named Aubrey Fleming (Lindsay Lohan), who disappears one night while going out with some friends. She is found on the side of road weeks later, still alive, with her hand and leg viciously amputated by her captor. But when she awakens in the hospital, Aubrey claims to be somebody else... a woman named Dakota Moss, a rough-living stripper who says that she is being mistaken as Aubrey, and that the real Aubrey Fleming is still in mortal danger. Aubrey's worried parents try and uncover the truth, while Dakota tries to convince others that she isn't Aubrey... but is Aubrey really just pretending to be someone else? Is she suffering from a psychological problem triggered by her kidnapping and torture? Or could Dakota really perhaps be a real person? Watch and find out.

After seeing the trailer for this movie, I knew I had to see it. I'm not a fan of Lohan particularly, but this film looked good. Unfortunately, it has its ups and downs, but overall I thought it was a pretty good horror/thriller. The plot is original in its essential form, but does contain some clichés here and there - all things considered though, this is an original premise that deals with certain scenarios not often seen in cinema (if at all). It's a mystery film, and it did do a very solid job at keeping the viewer guessing. The expected twists and turns take place as well, and I thought for the most part the plot twists were fairly well thought-out. You don't really know what to think or expect for the first hour or so, as the story is pieced together linking Aubrey and Dakota, and whether or not they are in fact one person. I did become a little confused at moments, and there were a few plot holes (which I expected considering the complex storyline), but overall I didn't see anything that affected the course of the movie. Things pieced together fairly nicely before anything became too much of a problem, but there were some holes that needed filling.

Another thing that succeeds in this movie is the cinematography, it was really beautifully shot. Color (mainly the color blue) plays a vast amount of significance in the story, and while it is there for a purpose, it almost seems too obvious because the color pops up continuously in practically every scene. Still, beautiful cinematography and some stylish editing get good points in my book, and this movie had both. Even in the sexual stripteases done by the Dakota character (where Lindsay's body is the main focus), the color use and cinematography shine. Good soundtrack as well that plays along with the flow of the film quite well, and really adds to the movie's energy. I was surprised at the amount of violence in this movie, but don't dismiss it if you are thinking it's something along the lines of a blatant torture flick, because this movie has a lot more to it than just that, unlike the recent trend of horror flicks that are nothing but one big gory torture show. "I Know Who Killed Me" manages to pack some suspense and tension that are vital to a good horror and/or thriller, and there were quite a few really scary scenes. Strangely enough, there is some unexpected humor to be found in the movie as well. One scene in particular was really quite funny, and while I'm not sure if it made the film less believable or was in it's favor, I know it made me laugh a few times.

As for the acting, I think a lot of people are slamming this movie unfairly because of it's lead actress, Lindsay Lohan. Whatever the reason that some may despise her, I'll put it like this - if it were another actress playing the lead, people wouldn't be as harsh as they are. Honestly, I think Lindsay gave one of the best performances of her career (so far) in this movie. Her previous films mainly consist of pointless teeny-bopper trash, so I respect her for doing something with a little more depth, and while her acting and delivery is a bit flat on occasion, she carries this movie well. Julia Ormand and Neil McDonaugh play her concerned and confused parents, and both do a good job in their roles too. As for the big secret ending (which I won't reveal here), I thought it was fitting. The showdown between Lindsay and the killer, while a bit contrived, was pretty scary, as was the villain. The explanation behind the Aubrey/Dakota mystery was really strange, and I wasn't expecting it to turn out the way it did, but I think that's a good thing. It may be a bit of a stretch for some because of the obscure subject (and the revelation seemed to kind of come out of nowhere), but I liked it for being different and not what I'd normally expect in a twist ending.

Overall, "I Know Who Killed Me" is a different but original horror/thriller. Cinematography was excellent, the storyline (while a little problematic at times) was original and very intriguing, there are some pretty creepy scenes, and the big plot twist was different from the norm. The acting wasn't that bad either, don't judge the movie by it's lead actress - I'm not a big fan of her either, but I found her to be fairly solid here. Recommended to horror and thriller fans if you're interested in a bit of a strange but nonetheless interesting movie. It's got a few plot holes and problems, but as I see it, the good outweighed the bad, and I was happy with the two hours I spent at the theater. 7/10.
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Sirkian, Lynchian, et cetera...but those directors meant something
dumontaaron55-120 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Zero Stars (out of 4) By Aaron Dumont

Now, I would give you all a real, labored-over (actually, not really) review of this compost-bin-rate-Inland Empire, but I cannot due to a) me not being able to find sinister-sounding enough words that mean "horrible" within by trusty thesaurus, b) me not being able to pay attention to the actual plot due to distractions such as shameless self-promotion and enough tramp-ness to make even the most pitiful of nighttime-dwelling Hilton-wannabes look like Witherspoon's Tracy Flick, and c) because no one, not even my time-wasting self, would even dignify this movie with a full length review. Dedicating more than 10 words to this cinematic equivalent of tear gas is going to a dark place, losing an important part of your sanitary life. Oh, wait...
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I Know Who Killed Me
AbramsRL13 July 2008
This movie helps explains some of Lohan's real life problems. Only people who did not give a rat's ass for Lohan would have let her appear in this atrocious quasi-porno flick. To aggravate matters, it is poorly written and directed by an idiot.

Her handlers must have figured that they could make more money out of destroying her image and turning her in a low life porno Wh--. I do not dislike prono -- without it who would support the Internet? -- but no one who cared about Lohan personally would have allowed her to appear in this trash. It must be terrible for Lohan to realize what hideous people were controlling her career.
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Just Horrible, what a disappointment
REG92714 January 2008
I was really excited to see this movie, thinking it would have gotten a lot more press if Lindsay hadn't had started acting all stupid so I thought i would give her the benefit of the doubt and check this out.


It was totally predictable and poorly acted, even Lindsay sucked, at best. Half of the movie you're not sure if it's a dream or real, and leaves a lot of questions. I hate movies like that. I want to know whats going on, I don't want to sit there going "huh??" every 10 minutes. There were a couple cool gore scenes but nothing to write home about. And the ending, ugh, it was the worst part! I've always thought of Lindsay as a pretty good actress but this just failed in my book. A decent idea, but it just wasn't put together well at all.. I want the two hours of my life back!!!
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