Headhunters (2011) Poster


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You rarely get a movie this good
thebackofmyhouse19 January 2012
Wow. It has been a long time since I've seen a movie this good. The movie tells the story of Roger Brown, a headhunter who also has a side job as an art thief. His latest job goes wrong and things get out of control from there on. If I give any more of the plot, I will spoil the movie for you. And trust me, you don't want that. A big part of what I enjoyed about the movie is watching how crazy things go for Roger.

Apart from the very intelligent story, what really makes the film standout is the character development, especially for the main character Roger Brown played excellently by Aksel Hennie. You start of seeing him one way, but by the end of the movie, your perception of him will definitely change. He goes through a lot (and I mean A LOT) in the movie. While watching the movie I kept thinking, "Man, give this guy a break". The intelligent story has a whole lot of heart as well.

The acting was top notch from the 2 main actors, Aksel Hennie and Nikolaj Coaster-Waldau (who you may know as Jaime Lannister from Game of Thrones). Synnøve Macody Lund who play Roger's wife Diana is beautifully good too. I hope she gets more prominent roles after this.

This is one movie you shouldn't miss. There's a Hollywood version in the making but it would be very hard top this original.
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Smart, intelligent, engaging and surprisingly witty Headhunters
OJT27 August 2011
At first I have to say I read the novel of which this movie is based upon, "Headhunters" by Jo Nesbø, two years ago. A thriller I liked quite a lot. Usually a novel is better than the film. Well, here Morten Tyldum (Acclaimed films as "Buddy" and a short in "Most people usually live in China"), succeeded in making a film just as interesting and exciting as the book.

Nesbø's writing is interesting. This is most probably why Jo Nesbø's first movie adaption of his series of novels with Harry Hole will be directed by Martin Scorsese, on Nesbø's demand - his favorite director.

Actually I still kept being surprised as the movie went along. Not only because I can't remember all details in the book, but simply because the movie has a pace and also from time to time action-clipping which makes you feel poor Roger Brown's disasters. The handcraft is beautifully done. As simple as that.

Actually this film was sold to more than 50 distributors in just as many countries before it even premiered in Norway. Probably both to the novel writers Jo Nesbø's for the latter years has become world acclaimed and compared to Stieg Larsson, buy maybe also due to director Morten Tyldums merits so far. Of course also credit to the producers, managing to sell on a promise!?

Mark Wahlberg has said he was stunned by the film, and is now to make an American remake of it, with himself as Roger. Which, of course, is not at all needed. The original is as good as it gets.

Well, back to the story. Roger Brown is a self-obtained headhunter for big companies, which has to steal art on the side to keep his woman happy. Or at least he think he has to do so. He has all the right connections, until he starts stealing from the wrong guy, while headhunting him as a new boss to a successful company. A former mercenary, or different kind of headhunter, he's turning out to be. When he understands that his greed has gotten him into trouble, he really finds out what it is, being headhunted.

Both Aksel Hennie and Nicolai Coaster-Waldau is perfectly casted for this movie. Synnøve Macody Lund does a decent job in her debut-role, as do the rest of the cast. Fun also to see that real working police-chiefs in Oslo are attending the police press conference in the movie. Didn't know that even was possible for them to be allowed to do that. This actually makes both an in-joke as well as making the plot believable and "true" in our country.

It will surprise me if this film doesn't get a remake in Hollywood in less than two years. Not that it'll be as good as this, or even necessary. But that's how the Hollywood-world is, nowadays.

No doubt, the script is good. So is in all aspects the rest of the film as well. The film is smart, intelligent, surprising witty, and will engage you all the way through, both as a good story as well as a love story or a thriller. How much more do you want?
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The cut-throat world of Norwegian recruitment consultancy...
bennington138 April 2012
Touted as the next Stieg Larsson (or if you prefer, Norway's answer to Sweden's other major literary export, Henning Mankell), Jo Nesbo's Headhunters had already been earmarked for a (no doubt inferior) US remake before it was even released overseas.

Roger Brown (Aksel Hennie) is a 168cm recruitment consultant with a big house, a beautiful wife and an inferiority complex that drives him to moonlight as an art thief. The prosaically named protagonist is no Thomas Crown - he steals to keep a (wildly overleveraged) roof over his head and only pockets a measly 30% of the revenue from his ill-gotten gains. Even his appearance is counterintuitive - more bug eyed Steve Buscemi than suited and booted Bond. Even so, there's more going on here than meets the eye, but suffice to say that his real troubles start when he decides to go after The Big One - the retirement score that will put an end to his financial troubles and allow him to keep his ridiculously attractive wife in the style to which he's become accustomed.

To say anything more about the plot would be superfluous, but I will take a moment to admire the confidence of the director Morten Tyldum. Headhunters is, in a sense, typically Scandinavian - stark, brooding and with as much silence as dialogue. The style here serves the substance - the camera is often completely immobile, forcing the audience to concentrate on what's going on, a complete contrast to the craftsmanship/gimmickry more typical of glossy mainstream thrillers coming out of the US. Rather than spoonfeeding the audience every single clue, Headhunters isn't afraid to lead the unwitting watcher on a merry dance. Naturally the whole enterprise rests on the small but perfectly formed cast, particularly Hennie, with whom we slowly come to empathise, and the more typically suave Nikolaj Coaster-Waldau as the former exec with a murky past.

If Headhunters has a particular weakness, it's that it spends most of its time descending into increasingly dark (and occasionally graphically violent) territory, while occasionally veering into light hearted caper. This does feel slightly bewildering, but to be honest, it's a relative minor criticism. Headhunters is definitely worth catching (particularly given the woefully slim pickings over the past few months), if not now, then 6 months from now when it premieres on Film Four in the middle of the night. Scandinavians (and cinéastes with a penchant for Northern European film) may be used to this kind of thing, but for the rest of us it's a wonderfully welcome arctic blast through the land's tat filled cinema screens.
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Not perfect, but way ahead of most films of this kind.
upyoureuros9 April 2012
I have seen some plot holes mentioned by other reviewers, but to be honest it won't spoil your viewing of this movie and I could even say that most films ask you for some kind of suspension of disbelief, otherwise you'd never go to the movies.

I really didn't like the protagonist at all at first, but then your sympathy for him grows as he ends up having to do things that he wouldn't dream of in a million years, just to stay alive.

It's all handled very well and moves along at a nice pace. There some particularly black moments when you almost feel guilty about laughing. But this film got a reaction from me, and for me, that's what a well put together film should do.
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More Twists and Turns than a Fjord-side Road
soncoman6 May 2012
Roger Brown has a pretty good life. By day, he's a corporate recruiter (headhunter) who goes home at night to a magnificent house and stunning wife. Unfortunately, Roger's insecurities (he's only 5'6") lead him to seek a lifestyle well beyond his means. How does he make up the difference between his income and expenses? High-priced art theft, of course.

Such is the premise of "Headhunters," a terrific Norwegian film that follows up its run at the 55th San Francisco International Film Festival with a general release. The film garnered quite a lot of buzz at the Festival and, after a recent screening, it's easy to see why. A mixture of crime/heist drama, action/suspense thriller, and love story, it's what the 1999 version of "The Thomas Crown Affair" might have looked like if it had been directed by Sam Peckinpah.

Brown, played by Aksel Hennie, is looking for one big score to settle him for life. Circumstances bring that possibility to him, but things are not what they seem. Things go wrong - very, very wrong - and Roger finds himself in deep, deep sh** (literally as well as figuratively.) To say much more would spoil the intricate plot (I'll leave that to the trailer,) but suffice it to say you should just sit back, buckle up, and enjoy the ride. This film has more twists and turns than a fjord-side road.

Fast paced and extremely violent in spots, this film is not for the squeamish. If you can get through a little (well, a lot) of body mutilation, high impact body trauma and the occasional spearing, you'll find yourself enjoying (yes, I said it – enjoying) a cinematic thrill ride that puts its American counterparts (see Ocean's Eleven/Twelve/Thirteen, etc.) to shame.

Catch it before the typical half-assed American remake appears…

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Norwegian crime thriller with twists
Laakbaar15 April 2012
Dark Scandinavian crime movies being all the rage lately, this intelligent, action-packed thriller didn't disappoint. I went into the film without reading the book or indeed knowing a single thing about the film. I enjoyed it.

I was drawn into this northern world with its interesting people and beautiful natural scenery. What also made this movie stand out was the fast-paced plot with many unusual and unexpected twists. It is the kind of film that has you glued to your seat to see what could possibly happen next to the main character. Roger Brown, the headhunter, becomes headhunted. (But what's the story with the English name??)

No movie is perfect. There were a few plot problems and I have to admit I looked at my watch half way through, despite the fast pace.

Perhaps the film could be faulted for showing only two types of Norwegians: rich sophisticates and yokels (all blond of course). Aren't there any ordinary middle-class people in Norway?

Also, some of the scenes may be too difficult for the squeamish to watch. Not exessive, but just a little over the top.

I'd give this film a higher score, but I am not a fan of the genre. Still, I did enjoy it for what it was and would recommend it to anyone. It's a good movie.
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Absolutely Gripping
katsinspace-347-38680019 April 2012
Headhunters, based on Jo Nesbo's novel of the same, lived up to all my expectations - even though I am not very keen on thrillers in general. It all started out fairly interesting, although I quickly started to dislike the main character, Roger Brown. His snobbish, very self-confident attitude just put me off. However, to support his lavish lifestyle, he steals art to afford everything for his beloved wife and it all ends in a captivating battle of survival. Soon, he is chased by his rival, Clas Greve, and it seems to be an absolutely hopeless escape as Greve is always just a few steps behind. First, I attended the movie with close attention. But in the end, I didn't even dare to breath properly. A highly-recommended, although too bloody, high-quality thriller for everybody!
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How's your Reputation?
ferguson-67 May 2012
Greetings again from the darkness. Based on the novel by Jo Nesbo, this one quickly sets up the main character Roger Brown as someone we neither trust nor necessarily even like. He is a smooth talking recruiter who steals valuable artwork to (barely) support his luxurious lifestyle which includes a near-super model girlfriend and modern mansion.

The film is based in Norway and director Morten Tyldum seems to have a very wicked sense of humor as he really puts Roger (Aksel Hennie) through some things not even found in the worst fraternity or military hazing. While it can be classified as a very taut thriller, it is also a demented ride that would make the Coen Brothers proud. As a matter of fact, it would surprise me if this one doesn't get a U.S. remake very soon. The story and characters lend themselves very well to a star vehicle.

However, I don't wish to sell this version short. It is well done and entertaining in a devilish way. When Roger meets Clas Greve (Nikolaj Coaster-Waldau), the real fun begins. Many will recognize Coaster-Waldau from "Game of Thrones" and he proves to be a terrific adversary for Roger. Neither are what they seem, and both seem quite pleasant to everyone else. Roger's girlfriend Diana is played by the beautiful Synnove Macody Lund, and even she brings a nice element of doubt to the story. There is also a nice supporting turn from Julie Olgaard as Lotte.

The tone and twists remind me a bit of Blood Simple, but this one is even a bit more outrageous and things spin out of control for the characters. Much of the film is a spent in chase mode and that leads to some drama, thrills and chuckles. That's a pretty nice compliment for any movie.
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I am 1,68 tall and it's enough
eryui9 March 2016
The main keywords of this movie are: amazing entertainment. You should not take it too seriously (does not want to be) and you might enjoy it as I did.

The plot is intriguing, the direction perfect, the acting very good, especially Aksel Hennie, but it is the no stop action, the hard and funny scenes and mainly the twist, no way out, complex situation in which is the protagonist, that entertain in here.

The film was able to keep me glued to the chair, to surprise me, to give me suspense and also make me smile. A whole range of emotions that I believe are essential to enjoy a movie of this kind.

A fun and entertain thriller. Highly suggested.

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A Lost Opportunity, Warped Morality
Razor_20052 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The unsightly abomination, which we are supposed to endure as the protagonist, has an awfully low self-esteem; he is embarrassed of his size; he is inept to comply with his gorgeous wife, Diana; and consequently equivocal to her desire for having children. As the narrative hurtles impressively, he is seen copulating with another woman, merely to quench his conjugally dysfunctional concupiscent desires.

The interview wherein he talks about the importance of reputation is brilliant. But the initially promising set-up soon dissipates. We are supposed to root for this insecure, despicable weed that, despite being adulterous himself, gets in a moral rage when he stumbles upon his wife's infidelity. We are to cheer for this parasite that obdurately refuses to take its dying pal to hospital. Of course, Morten Tyldum expects us to embrace the "shades of grey", yet he gets moralistic with an utterly cheesy, saccharine sweet climax, ridiculously accentuated by Diana's pot-belly.

In a miserable attempt to evince his "breed", this fecal sausage disguised as an actor, not only threatens to sack Clas Greve (played effortlessly by Nikolaj Coaster-Waldau) but also render him unemployable. His persona as an intimidating corporate magnate, who can make or break careers at whim, is a giggle. It gets downright laughable when the director tries to pass this rickety, emasculated eyesore as a John Rambo and a suave, charming James Bond-archetype, who wrestles out of every peril laid out for him.

It doesn't help the fact that Aksel Hennie has neither the charisma nor the talent to play this character. How could someone so ineffectual, with the appeal of human excrement, be entrusted with this role: perhaps as an amulet to ward-off the evil eye? It's as baffling as to see a sophisticated beauty, Diana, feed on this coughed-up phlegm.
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A fine Nordic crime thriller
Tomas_T21 March 2013
Headhunters, a less known Norwegian crime thriller that has a lot going for it. The film is packed with realistic action, entertainment and has a interesting story with non-mainstream characters, so what is there not to like?

Firstly the novel based script is compelling with a story revolving around Roger Brown (Aksel Hennie), a egoistic upper class snob who happens to be one of Norway's most accomplished headhunters. Not exactly easy to relate to main character, but things turn considerably more interesting when Roger's undercover career is revealed. In order to support his lavish life style, Roger resolves to art thievery which by chance puts him in path of his greatest peril, Clas Greve (Nikolaj Coaster-Waldau). Clas being a former mercenary distinguished in the field of intelligence gathering is looking to work for a surveillance company Pathfinder for which Roger is managing recruitment process. Without revealing too much of the story, from here on Roger and Clas are entangled in a high paced deathly duel where they try to outsmart each other with mortal consequences.

I liked Headhunters, it is a terrific example of skilled Nordic filmcraft at its best which combines good directing, credible acting, dark realism and intelligent story which all together make it overall a very enjoyable package. There were some script quirks and the pace of the film at times was breathtaking, but nothing major to gripe about.
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Thrilling ride
PipAndSqueak8 April 2012
Pretty boy Aksel Hennie (ginger beauty on a par with Julian Rhind-Tutt), proves to be well cast in this frantic thriller. Starting as an arrogant self-important but clearly insecure (at just 5'6")office type, he soon shows his coolness in robbing job candidates of their fine art. The story is inventive and translates well to the screen in this version directed by Morten Tyldum. The action soon turns horrifying and Aksel Hennie has the perfect physiognomy to illustrate the change without recourse to words. You really do travel this terrible journey with him and it is truly terrifying. You begin to empathise with a man you have no reason to like, and that is saying something! Thank goodness there is no smell-o-vision as Roger Brown seeks refuge in a cesspool. There's nowhere for him to go and no way of hiding. You do feel he will never survive - and this takes you right to the penultimate scenes. A marvellous tour de force by all involved. Hurrah! A brilliant film at last!
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Has some good twists, but too often not credible
mardalsfossen0118 April 2021
There has to be a reason why the awaited Hollywood remake and HBO series take so long to be released. One might be because there are a lot of events in the plot which are questionable. It is a good movie to watch twice and to think about, has good production and actors. But if you'd argue with someone about the credibility, probably the guy against it would win. Would be a really good movie though with some fine tuning.
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Does this deserve the High marks it's been getting?
morrisjarr19 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I came to this film looking forward to it immensely and came away from it a tad disappointed, granted there are some genuinely original moments but not enough to warrant the star rating that this has achieved....The plot is majorly contrived and relies on far too many coincidences, and the ending which was telegraphed so early on in the film relies on so many variables coming right at the same time that you really have to suspend belief to a ridiculous degree. I don't know how closely the script is to the book, but I'd heard great things of Jo Nesbo now I'm not so sure. This will no doubt be re-made for people who are too lazy to read subtitles and I can't imagine that the re-imagining will help anything....I enjoy foreign language films as a rule but can't help but wondering if this movie would have so many favourable reviews if it was a standard Hollywood production
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This is how a thriller should be
kjetil19792 April 2012
Im from Norway, and the last years Norwegians movies that are known has been horror movies. So this is a kind of movies we don't get from Norway so very often. That the main actor was good, is no surprise - and he is the actor in many other movies as well. But this is probably the movie i have liked him most. He plays a character that have many flaws, and that does not act like a hero. And the story is a bit twisted - and surprising. I saw it with a friend from Philippines and we both agree that this is one of the best thriller we have seen in 2011. So hurray for this Norwegians movie - and lets hope it will come more in the years that come in this quality.
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A masterpiece thriller Warning: Spoilers
This movie came as a big surprise to me. Aksel Hennie gives a stunning performance as Roger Brown,a company's head-hunter that seeks to recruit the best with his unique strategy of negotiating and "reading" people. Except that job Roger also steals very expensive paintings with his partners aid.Everything goes bad when he steals a painting from a former mercenary that he approached to recruit.

The movie has an incredible rhythm.Also very impressive and unforgettable scenes.The cast and the soundtrack are magnificent.Its a rock-solid story filled with deception and turnovers. The most stylish and modern thriller for 2011. Logically a U.S. version will follow.
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A top-notch action-thriller
FilmPulse5 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Headhunters is the first in what I suspect will be a slew of Jo Nesbø film adaptations in the coming years and Morten Tyldum's cinematic rendering offers suspense, action and most notably intelligence, sometimes rare in the action-thriller genre. The film, based on the Edgar Award nominated Norwegian author's 2008 novel Hodejegerne (Headhunters), follows a highly successful corporate headhunter, who sidelines as an art thief, Roger Brown (Aksel Hennie) as he tries to obtain an extremely rare and valuable Peter Paul Rubens painting, lost since World War II, from former elite solider Clas Greve (Nikolaj Coaster-Waldau).

Roger Brown has a borderline Napoleon complex that he is well aware of judging by the numerous times he mentions his height, 1.68m. The fact that his wife Diana (Synnøve Macody Lund) is much taller than him and supposedly prefers a certain luxurious lifestyle, forces him, in his mind, to steal and sell valuable art pieces in order to buy his wife expensive gifts and a support their lavish lifestyle. The viewer quickly learns that all Diana wants in her life is a child, something Roger is hesitant to consider.

Diana has recently opened a new art gallery in Oslo and it is here that Roger meets, not only the perfect target for his current corporate recruitment in Clas Greve, but also the answers to his financial woes when Clas mentions to Diana that he possesses a long-thought to be lost Reubens painting. Roger sets out to break into Clas's apartment with the help of his sleazy criminal partner Ove (Eivind Sander), but Roger finds a lot more than the painting and soon finds out that Clas is a headhunter in his own way.

Ove's job is to disable security systems so Roger can infiltrate the building and obtain the targeted art pieces and Ove is also responsible for selling the stolen property. When Ove tries to retrieve the stolen Reubens from Roger's car things goes awry and Roger is suddenly thrust into a brutal game of cat and mouse. And by brutal, I mean Tyldum doesn't shy away from capturing the violence, neither the present violence nor the effects of said violence. In one scene, Tyldum presents what is probably the most uncomfortable and immensely painful head shaving sequence captured on film. The story also contains what has to be one of the greatest tests of trust and if you were to pass this test you should be forgiven for any and all past transgressions.

Though the film does suffer from plot holes, as do most films in the thriller genre, they don't seem to be as egregious as others of its ilk. Aksel Hennie gives a great performance as the insecure art thief and Nikolaj Coaster-Waldau does equally well as the ruthless hunter. Hollywood may have just found their newest fountain of secondhand ideas in 'Scandi-crime' adaptations, akin to the Japanese horror remakes of the early to mid 2000s, but Headhunters is a must-see, a tremendous and enjoyable addition to the action-thriller genre.

Kevin FilmPulse.net
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Kicks Hollywood's ass
BJBatimdb22 May 2012
Headhunters is FANTASTIC. If you hate subtitled movies, DON'T wait for the US remake - go and see it now, and have your mind changed in two hours flat.

I have never read Jo Nesbo, but if this adaptation reflects the calibre of his novels, then he deserves every plaudit he gets - as do all connected with this very cool movie.

The set up is original, the plot is twistily well executed, the characters are completely believable, the action is unrelenting and shocking, and the black humour is a complete joy.

I squirmed, I laughed, I hid behind my hands, I gripped my armrests then laughed some more.

This film kicks Hollywood's ass, and for fans of early Tarantino and the best of the Coen brothers, it's a must-see.
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Technically marvelous, narratively shallow
rzajac3 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Headhunters is visually and technically wonderful. But the story seemed, to me, to be a protracted adolescent escape fantasy played by grownups, with convolutions and complexity that sat like cold lard on my tongue.

It sort of reminds me of early Tintin comics, which were pretty much that; a rapid-fire litany of narrow escapes. I'm also sort of reminded of The Spanish Prisoner, which I didn't like for roughly the same reasons; complexity with no believable redemptive angle.

Speaking of which, there was a conspicuous absence of a true mythic dimension. I have to tread lightly here, as it's hard to justify this judgment call without spoilers. In a nutshell, we're supposed to believe that all our hero's bloody threads get tidied up neat and clean, and our hero is redeemed by love, and is able to return to pretty much his old life, except with his priorities arranged in a healthier way, and with a new commitment to fulfilling his wife's lifestyle expectations. But the whole exposition seemed very earthbound and tepid. Sorry, it just don't fly.

By way of comparison, I found Kill Bill did a better job of winning me over to the redemption of the blood-spattered hero. What does Kill Bill do better that Headhunters fails to do?
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Outstanding Scandinavian thriller
Leofwine_draca19 September 2012
This is an absolutely gripping little thriller that completely destroys anything similar to come out of Hollywood in the last year or so, and the best part of it is that you start watching it with little idea of what's about to unfold. HEADHUNTERS is a Norwegian film, an adaptation of a bestselling book by Jo Nesbo, and it involved me in the thrilling, complex storyline to a level of immersement that I rarely reach in cinema. It's easily as good as other, recent film highlights such as the South Korean film THE YELLOW SEA.

The movie starts out in the corporate world of headhunting, where, as we quickly learn, it's all about reputation. Things soon shift entirely and the film becomes a chase movie. It's at this point I realised I was watching a modern masterpiece; a film in which I was glued to the screen, unable to take my eyes off what would surely unfold.

The film is extremely densely plotted – there's no lazy writing here, every scene (and every word of dialogue in that scene) is relevant to and adds to the plot in some way. The pace is lightning fast and there are few moments to breathe. There's excitement, danger and extreme violence. Even better, the movie revels in its moments of the bizarre, garnering laughs together with the gasps along the way.

Aksel Hennie, an unknown-to-me actor, blew me away with his performance as this movie's hapless protagonist. He takes you on a journey through one man's despair and far beyond, often utilising those startling blue eyes to great effect. Nikolaj Coaster-Waldau trades on his GAME OF THRONES persona (as a character you love to hate) as the suave businessman who comes into Hennie's life and invariably changes it. Add to this some absolutely fantastic direction from Morten Tyldum and you have what I would call a modern day classic.
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Entertaining but falls short of the Cohen brothers mark it was going for
bob the moo30 April 2012
What with The Killing and The Bridge on TV and Girl with the Dragon Tattoo in cinemas, it seems that Scandinavian products are the hot property at the moment. This was certainly the tone of what I heard about this film, because it seemed hardly a review could be written for it that didn't mention other things simply because they came from roughly the same part of the world. My reason for mentioning this is because I do feel like the film got a little over-hyped as a result and perhaps others will be coming to it expecting more than they will get. For me I didn't even really know what type of film it was, just that it was supposed to be good.

As a result I was fairly open to whatever it did and didn't have any preconceptions about plot etc, just the hope that it would entertain. Mostly it does – the plot is excessive with plenty of twists and turns as things spiral out of control as the main character tries to understand and rectify the situation he has found himself in. It isn't quite as smart as you have heard and at times it seems badly fragmented, with the events all sort of fitting within the overall narrative but not really working in terms of sitting next to one another. The very tidy conclusion may annoy some but for me there was a certain pleasure to it – especially considering that by this point any idea of logic and realism was long gone! The tone of the film is aiming for a bloody dark comedy like the Cohen brothers are famous for and, although it is a decent stab, it does fall short of this mark because of issues in the telling and it perhaps not infusing the excesses with the humour in a way that makes them easier to buy into.

One area where it doesn't miss the mark though is in Hennie; he is really good here and he sells the tone and content. Speaking of the Cohen's, Hennie frequently reminded me of Steve Buscemi in Fargo which is praise from my point of view. Coaster-Waldau is not quite as good but he is a smooth presence and provides a threat by virtue of this manly presence playing opposite Hennie's, erm, "lesser" frame. Support is decent beyond these two but the film is the two of them – albeit mostly Hennie's.

Overall Headhunters is a good film that is a bloody dark comedy with decent twists in the mould of the Cohen brothers. Unfortunately, because this comparison will be in your head during the film, it does tend to mean you notice that it isn't as good as they would have done and that, while entertaining, it is certainly not as good as you have heard or s good as it could have been. It is rare that I watch a foreign film and want a remake – but in this case I would love to see what the Cohen's or Sam Rami would do with this.
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Expected more
greekmuse29 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
It's not a bad movie but from the rave reviews I expected much better. The problem is the plot: it's not credible. All the violence in the movie could have been avoided. If the ex-special ops guy really wanted to be the head of this company, the last thing he would do was revert to killing. Second, I expected more out of the thieving, like a big score at the end. Third, the nano-GPS technology seems cool at first until one realizes that it's quite laughable (the gel sticks to the hair even after a jump in the lake?).

My friend suggested that the Norwegian oil has made the people there lazy as of late (can we get a better plot please?) but I disagree and think it's just a matter of lazy writing.
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An intellectual, overwhelming and incredible crime story from "Norway"
ajit210629 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
A headhunter works in a recruitment firm and also having penchant for precious works of art (Stealing and selling them). Unpredictably he engulfs himself in a twisted journey of the life which takes him to a farther length.

The script is very distant from the Hollywood clichés and has its own essence of storytelling and sense of humor. It will keep you engaged until the mystery is unfolded. Having watched so many thrillers like this, it still gives you a different experience with all the set up and moments of surprise.

Aksel Hennie(Roger) and Nicolai Coaster-Waldau(Clas Greve) are fantastic in their roles. Rest of the cast has done pure justice to their parts. All the characters are believable and developed wonderfully as the movie progresses.

It's an awesome thriller with great weave and turn with every element of a good cinema.

Highly Recommended 8/10
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A cracking crime thriller
DubhDoo5 September 2013
Scandinavia seems to be quite prominent in the crime genre nowadays; there are numerous TV shows, such 'Borgen', 'The Bridge' and 'The Killing' and ever-popular books, the most notable example being Stieg Larsson's 'Millennium' trilogy, which was made into a series of films in his native Sweden, while the trilogy's first instalment was also made in a U.S. production. All of which brings me to 'Headhunters', a cracking thriller adapted from Jo Nesbø's novel of the same name.

Roger Brown (Aksel Hennie) is a corporate recruiter, albeit one with a Napoleon complex. His real source of income comes from his dealings as an art thief, which helps him to afford his wealthy lifestyle and ensure that his statuesque wife doesn't leave him. After discovering that one of his job prospects, Clas Greve (Nikolaj Coaster Waldau) owns one of the most valuable paintings around, Roger plans to steal it, however he is unaware of exactly who he is dealing with.

Aksel Hennie is terrific as Roger Brown; he's an unlikable and selfish chap, who utilises his smarts throughout the movie to ingeniously escape a number of crazy predicaments as the hunter becomes the hunted and Roger is truly put through the wringer. As Clas Greve, Nikolaj Coaster Waldau (ever-brilliant as Jaime Lannister in 'Game of Thrones') is essentially everything that Roger isn't – tall, suave and handsome. The Danish actor uses this to his advantage and proves to be an excellent foil to Hennie.

There are rumours of a American remake starring Mark Wahlberg, presumably as Roger Brown, however, but let's hope it doesn't happen, because it's highly unlikely that it could be a patch on 'Headhunters'. It's a thoroughly entertaining, blackly comic and intelligently-written cat-and-mouse thriller that moves at a great pace, with a couple of breathless setpieces and an excellent cast.
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What? Why? STOP!
turgan-124 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The great German word fremdschämen means "secondary embarrassment", to feel ashamed by even just witnessing other peoples actions and feeling their shame. If there was a national level of this, this is what I felt when I watched this movie. It made me realize I had such a high regard for Norwegian cinema without even watching a single movie before.

Technically the movie is nice. Great sound effects. Very nice visuals and shots. Good acting. All these do not change the one horrible aspect of this movie, the bizarrely flawed script that I just could not manage to cover the loopholes of.

If you can ignore all these flashes and blinks in your neurons than you might enjoy the movie. However it provides so many open points, I have to list them as questions.


-Why would a company with "a billion dollar deal" get only his CEO and a strangely weak woman to handle its murder business? -How can this CEO work as a special ops commando up until a few years ago? -Why would he investigate a silly headhunter for some position? -Why would he sleep with the headhunters wife? -Why and how would he learn that the headhunter is an art thief? -Why would he lure him into his apartment to steal a painting (fake or not)? -Why would he try to poison or kill the headhunter? -Why does the headhunter art thief choose his own garage to transfer the painting to his partner? -...

I cant go on. I watch movies, I read novels, I like both. But I have never seen a script this shallow even in most Hollywood movies. This was really bad at some point we were wishing it stopped soon because this silly action story laced with horrendous love undertones was getting too ridiculous. It scares me that this movie has such high reviews because to me, nothing makes sense in it.
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