Uncle Tom's Cabin (I) (1903)
The First Version of H.B. Stowe's Classic
7 February 1999
UNCLE TOM'S CABIN was made by the Thomas Alva Edison Company in Orange,New Jersey at the turn of the century (1903). It was a film that was produced, directed, and photographed by Edwin S. Porter. His screenplay was based upon H. B. Stowe's classic novel. Fortunately, this film has been preserved by the Library of Congress on Paper Prints, for best maximum quality. It is really a great 13-minute short version of Stowe's novel, with all the great characters-Aunt Opheilia, Little Eva, St. Clair, even Simon Legree, who might just've been the movie's first real villain! Best for people already familiar with the story, as this is a condensed, "revue"-esque version of the story.
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