Exciting story - beautifully shot.
3 September 1999
Kenneth Brampton was one of many Australian film-makers who appeared and disappeared quickly on the silent film scene in Australia. Film distribution was controlled largely by the American studios, and Australian films had real trouble getting a look-in. As a result many great talents were wasted. Kenneth Brampton seems to be one of these - because this film is really very good.

It's a bush-ranging yarn, very popular at the time, about Captain Starlight, played well by Brampton himself, and his co-horts the Marsden family. Dick Marsden is especially well played by Roland Conway, who is the quintessential Aussie bloke.

But it is the excellent cinematography, lovingly filming the Australian bush, that really shines here - and Brampton's strong sense of narrative, perhaps from his stage background, keeps the story moving at a great pace. You'll really feel for the characters - and there is some fabulous surreal stuff toward the end. This is a gem of an Australian silent film - I'd like to see it released with a really fine music soundtrack.
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