Review of Destiny

Destiny (1921)
Great effects in this silent flick
1 October 2001
Destiny demonstrates just how great Fritz Lang was with his special effects. This was three years before The Nibelungenlied and five before Metropolis, and there are many eye-popping visuals. He would improve even more by The Nibelungenlied, which may be the pinnacle of silent effects films, even greater than Metropolis. As far as the really early German silent films go, I prefer Destiny to two much more famous films that were made around the same time, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari and Nosferatu. To tell you the truth, I think those two films were just randomly selected to stand as masterpieces, for they don't stand the test of time at all. And neither does Destiny, really. I gave all three a 7/10, but Destiny is the best of the three. Its only problem is its slow plotting. It was often difficult to stay awake. Indeed, a woman sitting in front of me slept through a good third of it!
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