Thanks to Alice White
17 November 1999
Broadway Babies was Alice White's first all-talking picture. Seeing this movie convinced me that she is nowhere near as bad an actress as I've heard. It's thanks to her that I enjoyed this movie. The story, typical of it's time, tells the story of 3 "broadway musketeers" trying to break into showbusiness. Alice is more interested in the showbusiness part while her 2 friends, played by Miriam (Marion) Byron and Sally Eilers, would rather nab rich boyfriends. Alice gets her break and a wealthy potential lover (Fred Kohler, in a rare non-heavy role). But Charles Delaney is her real sweetheart. Alice admits her love for him to Fred and he releases her, clearing the way for a happy ending. If you are a fan of early talkie musicals, this one is sure to please you. Alice White is adorable and gets to sing and dance (Jig-Jig-Jigaloo!). A treat!
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