Reasonable sophomore outing for the great comedy team...
19 July 2000
This is NOT one of the Marx brothers best films, the production values are terribly low, the camera work is amateurish (even for the time), and the sound has been terrible on ever copy I have ever seen. Also, the film is really nothing more than an occasion for the brothers to demonstrate their vaudeville act for the camera and no real effort is made to work these episodes meaningfully into the story (in one instance Harpo just starts playing his instrument for no apparent reason). The jokes are forced and you get the distinct feeling that even the brothers themselves realize that this is NOT a good film.

However, there are moments of pure brilliance and the film is still definitely worth seeing. There are several scenes where it is quite clear that Groucho has gone off the script and is completely throwing the other actors off their game (as is evidence by their barely controlled laughter). There are scenes where clearly Chico and Harpo are given free-reign and became a disruptive and anarchic force that is endlessly entertaining.

Overall, this is certainly not the film to start watching the Marx brothers with, nor is it a particularly good example of their work (start with Day at the Races or Night at the Opera), but for fans the movie is indespensable. But even as a fan of the brothers, I found myself losing interest or getting bored in places.
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