They don't make 'em like they used to - thank heavens.
30 June 2000
Truly awful early talkie, which plays like something out of an amateur dramatics society.

The story revolves around a masked super criminal who terrorises an isolated mansion in the search for some stolen money.

The action and script are virtually incomprehensible, and the multitude of characters seem to make things up as they go along, hamming it up as and when they like.

Film does have a point of interest in its use of miniature sets, allowing the camera to make some impressive sweeps. This technical achievement must have taken up all of the film crew and directors efforts however, allowing the cast to run amok. Has the audacity at the end to ask the audience not to reveal the Bat's identity, so others can enjoy the film as we have. ZZzzzzzzz...

BEST SCENE - the aforementioned camera sweep over the miniature model of the mansion.
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