Good late 30s timberjack movie with excellent photography
5 December 2002
Early (1937) technicolor Western has Brent as the scion of a wealthy lumber family, brought back from an extended European vacation and forced to work for the family concern in Canada. They're literally at "loggerheads" with another lumber family who wants to ship their lumber through the territory without paying anything to its owners. The biggest obstacle for Brent in solving this problem is enemy boss Beverly Roberts, for whom he works until he begins to sympathize with her cause. Roberts is amusingly masculine in a leather jerkin and pants, but of course puts on the frilly dress when she gets a real shine to Mr. Brent. Allan Hale also does some solid character work as the hardy head guy. There are several notable comic performances in the film as well.

Good action, luscious photography, good performances in a funny story produce an exciting film -- one of the best in WB's inexorable line of lumber sagas.
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