A lot of silly fun
27 March 2002
6 mates, all after a buck, end up getting themselves recruited without realising it! They all get their uniforms, and one has a dirty button. No one wants the one with the dirty button, of course, so it gets thrown about until finally Alf is stuck with it. But the button isn't dirty - see at the beginning of the movie we see Aladdin burying his lamp as he is done with it, and then in "present day" (1937) it being dug up and found, and ending up being melted down for metal in a button factory (cue funny inserts of the genie going "hmm, warm in here!") - and the mysterious "dirty" button on Alf's jacket is none other than the melted down lamp, and when he tries to clean it, the genie appears, saying he will grant his every wish. "Strike me pink!" is Alf's exclamation, and the genie does just that. Oh, if only it were in colour! The genie provides a lot of fun for the 6, often getting their instructions hilariously wrong. A groaner, but a must-see.
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