Andy Hardy was the apple of Leo's eye!
5 April 2003
I read somewhere that the Andy Hardy movies were the apple of Leo B Mayer's eye. He tested out a number of up and coming starlets in them which is clear from checking the credits of the later movies. This is a 'pilot' of sorts to test out the formula but it's clear immediately that Mickey Rooney was born to play the irrepressible Andy - and Lewis Stone, Judge Hardy. These two have a rapport which would hold the series together throughout - and this became the case offscreen as well, with the two forming a friendship which lasted until Lewis Stone's death. The storyline is totally forgettable but that doesn't matter. What does matter is the Hardy Family; the way they go through life trying to do the right thing.

The one dated aspect of the movie, which may grate on female viewers, is the second-class treatment of the woman-as-housewife. It would take the injection of the one and only Judy Garland to liven things up in the later movies. Even Ann Rutherford had trouble standing up for herself!
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